Search results

Found 43 performances that match your search criteria.

Friday, 17 February 2023Churchill (St John the Baptist), Somerset1260 Doubles (4m)
Tuesday, 24 January 2023Churchill (St John the Baptist), Somerset1299 Grandsire Doubles
Friday, 1 July 2022Churchill (St John the Baptist), Somerset5040 Spliced Surprise Minor (7m)
Saturday, 26 October 2019Churchill (St John the Baptist), Somerset1260 Barsham Treble Place Doubles
Saturday, 1 September 2018Churchill (St John the Baptist), Somerset1260 Stonea Bob Minor
Monday, 26 February 2018Churchill (St John the Baptist), Somerset1260 Yealand Redmayne Bob Minor
Thursday, 21 September 2017Churchill (St John the Baptist), Somerset1260 Doubles
Thursday, 14 September 2017Churchill (St John the Baptist), Somerset1260 Doubles (1p/3m)
Thursday, 9 March 2017Churchill (St John the Baptist), Somerset1260 Plain Bob Minor
Monday, 20 February 2017Churchill (St John the Baptist), Somerset1260 Doubles (6m)
Thursday, 8 December 2016Churchill (St John the Baptist), Somerset1320 Doubles (2m)
Monday, 27 July 2015Churchill (St John the Baptist), Somerset5040 Surprise Minor (7 Methods)
Friday, 12 September 2014Churchill (St John The Baptist), Somerset1272 Cambridge Surprise Minor
Saturday, 3 May 2014Churchill (St John the Baptist), Somerset1296 Cambridge Surprise Minor
Saturday, 7 December 2013Churchill, Somerset1260 Doubles
Wednesday, 30 January 2013Churchill (St John Bapt), Somerset1260 Pinehurst Bob Minor
Thursday, 3 January 2013Churchill (St John the Baptist), Somerset1260 Doubles (1p/3m)
Thursday, 15 November 2012Churchill (St John the Baptist), Somerset1272 Cambridge Surprise Minor
Thursday, 12 April 2012Churchill (St John the Baptist), Somerset1272 Cambridge Surprise Minor
Saturday, 11 February 2012Churchill (St John The Baptist), Somerset1272 Kent Treble Bob Minor
Wednesday, 16 November 2011Churchill (St John the Baptist), N Somerset1260 Doubles (6m/V)
Wednesday, 14 February 2007Churchill (St John the Baptist), Somerset1260 St Martin's Bob Doubles
Thursday, 5 January 2006Churchill (St John the Baptist), Somerset1260 Oxford Bob Minor
Saturday, 11 January 2003Churchill (St John the Baptist), Somerset1272 Wells Surprise Minor
Thursday, 9 July 1998Churchill (St John the Baptist), Somerset1320 Oxford Treble Bob Minor
Saturday, 23 December 1995Churchill (St John the Baptist), Somerset1320 Doubles (9m)
Saturday, 19 March 1994Churchill (St John the Baptist), Somerset1272 London Surprise Minor
Monday, 14 June 1993Churchill (St John the Baptist), Somerset1260 St Osmund Bob Doubles
Tuesday, 8 September 1992Churchill (St John the Baptist), Somerset1260 Southrepps Doubles
Thursday, 31 October 1991Churchill (St John the Baptist), Somerset1260 Stedman Doubles
Saturday, 20 July 1991Churchill (St John the Baptist), Somerset1260 Doubles (5m)
Wednesday, 3 August 1988Churchill (St John the Baptist), Somerset1260 St Clement's College Bob Minor
Monday, 2 November 1987Churchill (St John the Baptist), Somerset1296 Surfleet Surprise Minor
Saturday, 19 September 1987Churchill (St John the Baptist), Somerset5040 Doubles (14m)
Saturday, 13 December 1986Churchill (St John the Baptist), Somerset5040 Grandsire Doubles
Saturday, 23 November 1985Churchill (St John the Baptist), Somerset5040 Doubles (11m)
Monday, 12 November 1984Churchill (St John the Baptist), Somerset1260 Plain Bob Doubles
Tuesday, 5 October 1982Churchill (St John the Baptist), Somerset1260 St Clements College Bob Minor
Friday, 16 August 1974Churchill (St John the Baptist), Somerset1260 Stedman Doubles
Saturday, 28 January 1967Churchill (St John the Baptist), Somerset1260 Doubles (4m)
Monday, 23 November 1964Churchill (St John the Baptist), Somerset1440 College Exercise Treble Bob Minor
Friday, 3 May 1963Churchill (St John the Baptist), Somerset1440 London Surprise Minor
Saturday, 17 November 1934Churchill (St John the Baptist), Somerset5040 Minor (7m)


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