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Found 51 performances that match your search criteria.

Saturday, 21 September 2024Wellington (St Margaret of Antioch), Herefordshire5100 Doubles (43v)
Saturday, 18 March 2023Wellington (St Margaret of Antioch), Herefordshire5040 Surprise Minor (7m)
Saturday, 2 April 2022Wellington (St Margaret of Antioch), Herefordshire5040 Surprise Minor (10m)
Saturday, 12 February 2005Wellington (St Margaret of Antioch), Herefordshire5040 Surprise Minor (7m)
Saturday, 10 March 2001Wellington (St Margaret of Antioch), Herefordshire5040 Plain Bob Minor
Saturday, 22 May 1993Wellington (St Margaret of Antioch), Herefordshire5040 Surprise Minor (14m)
Saturday, 24 August 1991Wellington (St Margaret of Antioch), Herefordshire5040 Minor (7m)
Tuesday, 1 January 1991Wellington (St Margaret of Antioch), Herefordshire5040 Minor (2m)
Thursday, 29 December 1988Wellington (St Margaret of Antioch), Herefordshire5040 Minor (7m)
Saturday, 8 October 1988Wellington (St Margaret of Antioch), Herefordshire5040 Doubles (77m/v)
Saturday, 2 April 1988Wellington (St Margaret of Antioch), Herefordshire5040 Minor (5m)
Sunday, 27 March 1988Wellington (St Margaret of Antioch), Herefordshire5040 Spliced Doubles (168m/v)
Sunday, 3 January 1988Wellington (St Margaret of Antioch), Herefordshire5040 Cambridge Surprise Minor
Wednesday, 11 November 1987Wellington (St Margaret of Antioch), Herefordshire5040 Doubles (3m)
Saturday, 11 October 1986Wellington (St Margaret of Antioch), Herefordshire5040 Surprise Minor (10m)
Wednesday, 2 April 1986Wellington (St Margaret of Antioch), Herefordshire5040 Minor (7m)
Sunday, 28 August 1983Wellington (St Margaret of Antioch), Herefordshire5040 Cambridge Surprise Minor
Saturday, 11 November 1978Wellington (St Margaret of Antioch), Herefordshire5040 Doubles (5m/v)
Tuesday, 27 December 1977Wellington (St Margaret of Antioch), Herefordshire5040 Doubles (2m)
Sunday, 27 November 1977Wellington (St Margaret of Antioch), Herefordshire5040 Doubles (4m)
Saturday, 22 October 1977Wellington (St Margaret of Antioch), Herefordshire5040 Surprise Minor (7m)
Saturday, 5 March 1977Wellington (St Margaret of Antioch), Herefordshire5040 Cambridge Surprise Minor
Tuesday, 9 November 1976Wellington (St Margaret of Antioch), Herefordshire5040 Minor (3m)
Saturday, 17 January 1976Wellington (St Margaret of Antioch), Herefordshire5040 Cambridge Surprise Minor
Saturday, 28 September 1974Wellington (St Margaret of Antioch), Herefordshire5040 Minor (2m)
Saturday, 12 May 1973Wellington (St Margaret of Antioch), Herefordshire5040 Minor (4m)
Saturday, 3 March 1973Wellington (St Margaret of Antioch), Herefordshire5040 Cambridge Surprise Minor
Saturday, 8 July 1972Wellington (St Margaret of Antioch), Herefordshire5040 Spliced Surprise Minor (5m)
Thursday, 25 March 1971Wellington (St Margaret of Antioch), Herefordshire5040 Minor (3m)
Monday, 16 February 1970Wellington (St Margaret of Antioch), Herefordshire5040 Minor (7m)
Thursday, 24 April 1969Wellington (St Margaret of Antioch), Herefordshire5040 Cambridge Surprise Minor
Saturday, 17 June 1967Wellington (St Margaret of Antioch), Herefordshire5040 Oxford Treble Bob Minor
Friday, 24 September 1965Wellington (St Margaret of Antioch), Herefordshire5040 Grandsire Doubles
Monday, 17 July 1961Wellington (St Margaret of Antioch), Herefordshire5040 Plain Bob Minor
Saturday, 8 October 1960Wellington (St Margaret of Antioch), Herefordshire5040 Plain Bob Minor
Saturday, 18 August 1956Wellington (St Margaret of Antioch), Herefordshire5040 Minor (7m)
Saturday, 23 July 1955Wellington (St Margaret of Antioch), Herefordshire5040 Grandsire Doubles
Wednesday, 8 April 1953Wellington (St Margaret of Antioch), Herefordshire5040 Minor (14m)
Saturday, 28 April 1951Wellington (St Margaret of Antioch), Herefordshire5040 Plain Bob Minor
Saturday, 23 March 1946Wellington (St Margaret of Antioch), Herefordshire5040 Doubles (6m)
Monday, 7 August 1939Wellington (St Margaret of Antioch), Herefordshire5040 Plain Bob Minor
Monday, 5 December 1938Wellington (St Margaret of Antioch), Herefordshire5040 Grandsire Doubles
Saturday, 23 April 1938Wellington (St Margaret of Antioch), Herefordshire5040 Minor (3m)
Saturday, 20 March 1937Wellington (St Margaret of Antioch), Herefordshire5040 Plain Bob Minor
Saturday, 18 January 1936Wellington (St Margaret of Antioch), Herefordshire5040 Grandsire Doubles
Saturday, 5 January 1935Wellington (St Margaret of Antioch), Herefordshire5040 Grandsire Doubles
Saturday, 22 December 1928Wellington (St Margaret of Antioch), Herefordshire5040 Grandsire Doubles
Saturday, 14 January 1928Wellington (St Margaret of Antioch), Herefordshire5040 Grandsire Doubles
Saturday, 20 September 1924Wellington (St Margaret of Antioch), Herefordshire5040 Grandsire Doubles
Monday, 13 April 1914Wellington (St Margaret of Antioch), Herefordshire5040 Grandsire Doubles
Sunday, 19 October 1913Wellington (St Margaret of Antioch), Herefordshire5040 Grandsire Doubles


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