Search results

Found 28 performances that match your search criteria.

Friday, 16 February 2018Eastham (St Mary the Blessed Virgin), Merseyside5040 Surprise Minor (7m)
Saturday, 18 March 2006Eastham (St Mary the Blessed Virgin), Cheshire5040 Ipswich Surprise Minor
Sunday, 25 July 2004Eastham (St Mary's), Mersy5040 Plain Bob Minor
Saturday, 21 July 2001Eastham (St Mary the Blessed Virgin), Merseyside5040 Plain Bob Minor
Saturday, 16 May 1998Eastham (St Mary the Blessed Virgin), Merseyside5040 London Surprise Minor
Saturday, 12 October 1974Eastham (St Mary the Blessed Virgin), Cheshire5040 Minor (8m)
Saturday, 30 November 1963Eastham (St Mary the Blessed Virgin), Merseyside5040 Minor (3m)
Saturday, 29 December 1962Eastham (St Mary the Blessed Virgin), Cheshire5040 Doubles (3m)
Saturday, 21 October 1961Eastham (St Mary the Blessed Virgin), Cheshire5040 Plain Bob Minor
Saturday, 25 July 1959Eastham (St Mary the Blessed Virgin), Cheshire5040 Minor (3m)
Saturday, 26 July 1958Eastham (St Mary the Blessed Virgin), Cheshire5040 Minor (2m)
Saturday, 3 May 1952Eastham (St Mary the Blessed Virgin), Cheshire5040 Plain Bob Minor
Monday, 14 May 1951Eastham (St Mary the Blessed Virgin), Cheshire5040 Minor (7m)
Saturday, 24 February 1951Eastham (St Mary the Blessed Virgin), Cheshire5040 Doubles (2m)
Saturday, 20 May 1950Eastham (St Mary the Blessed Virgin), Cheshire5040 Grandsire Doubles
Saturday, 3 December 1949Eastham (St Mary the Blessed Virgin), Cheshire5040 Doubles (4m)
Thursday, 18 August 1949Eastham (St Mary the Blessed Virgin), Cheshire5040 Minor (3m)
Saturday, 4 June 1949Eastham (St Mary the Blessed Virgin), Cheshire5040 Minor (7m)
Friday, 22 April 1949Eastham (St Mary the Blessed Virgin), Cheshire5040 Doubles (3m)
Saturday, 29 January 1949Eastham (St Mary the Blessed Virgin), Cheshire5040 Minor (2m)
Saturday, 4 December 1948Eastham (St Mary the Blessed Virgin), Cheshire5040 Plain Bob Minor
Saturday, 15 June 1935Eastham (St Mary the Blessed Virgin), Cheshire5040 Surprise Minor (7m)
Saturday, 23 June 1928Eastham (St Mary the Blessed Virgin), Cheshire5040 Minor (5m)
Saturday, 28 October 1922Eastham (St Mary the Blessed Virgin), Cheshire5040 Minor (4m)
Saturday, 21 August 1920Eastham (St Mary the Blessed Virgin), Cheshire5040 Minor (2m)
Saturday, 23 February 1901Eastham (St Mary the Blessed Virgin), Cheshire5040 Plain Bob Minor
Saturday, 17 October 1896Eastham (St Mary the Blessed Virgin), Cheshire5040 Minor (7m)
Saturday, 24 November 1894Eastham (St Mary the Blessed Virgin), Cheshire5040 Minor (4m)


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