Search results

Found 36 performances that match your search criteria.

Monday, 21 January 2019Lyng (St Bartholomew), Somerset1260 Spliced Doubles (6m)
Saturday, 21 July 2018Lyng (St Bartholomew), Somerset1260 Plain Bob Minor
Thursday, 28 September 2017Lyng (St Bartholomew), Somerset1260 Buxton Bob Minor
Monday, 27 March 2017Lyng (St Bartholomew), Somerset1260 Mixed Doubles (6m) Westminster, Reverse Canterbury , St Nicholas , Winchend…
Saturday, 14 February 2015Lyng (St Bartholomew), Somerset1260 Backbarrow Bob Minor
Monday, 12 October 2009Lyng (St Bartholomew), Somerset5040 Spliced Surprise Minor (16 Methods)
Monday, 7 May 2007Lyng (St Bartholomew), Somerset1260 Minor
Saturday, 12 July 2003Lyng (St Bartholomew), Somerset1260 Crewe Electric Bob Minor
Friday, 11 April 2003Lyng (St Bartholomew), Somerset1260 Doubles (5m/v)
Wednesday, 1 May 2002Lyng (St Bartholomew), Somerset1260 Plain Bob Minor
Thursday, 10 August 2000Lyng (St Bartholomew), Somerset1320 London Surprise Minor
Thursday, 30 September 1999Lyng (St Bartholomew), Somerset1260 Reverse St Bartholomew Doubles
Tuesday, 20 December 1994Lyng (St Bartholomew), Somerset1260 Doubles (2m)
Sunday, 20 November 1994East Lyng (St Bartholomew), Somerset1260 Doubles (2m)
Wednesday, 16 March 1994Lyng (St Bartholomew), Somerset1260 Doubles (3m)
Saturday, 25 January 1992Lyng (St Bartholomew), Somerset1272 London Surprise Minor
Thursday, 24 August 1989Lyng (St Bartholomew), Somerset1296 Cambridge Surprise Minor
Thursday, 4 August 1988Lyng (St Bartholomew), Somerset1272 York Surprise Minor
Saturday, 21 September 1985Lyng (St Bartholomew), Somerset1260 Doubles (2 Methods)
Tuesday, 18 June 1985Lyng (St Bartholomew), Somerset5040 Surprise Minor (7m)
Saturday, 25 May 1985Lyng (St Bartholomew), Somerset1320 Spliced Surprise Minor (5m)
Saturday, 4 December 1982Lyng (St Bartholomew), Somerset1260 Doubles (11m/v)
Thursday, 19 February 1981Lyng (St Bartholomew), Somerset1260 Old Bob Doubles
Thursday, 15 May 1980Lyng (St Bartholomew), Somerset1260 Plain Bob Minor
Saturday, 3 June 1978Lyng (St Bartholomew), Somerset1260 1 Principle and 1 Method Doubles
Monday, 29 May 1978Lyng (St Bartholomew), Somerset1440 Cambridge Surprise Minor
Saturday, 22 October 1977Lyng (St Bartholomew), Somerset1260 New Lyng Bob Doubles
Saturday, 5 February 1977Lyng (St Bartholomew), Somerset1260 Plain Bob Minor
Friday, 16 May 1975Lyng (St Bartholomew), Somerset1296 Cambridge Surprise Minor
Thursday, 24 January 1974Lyng (St Bartholomew), Somerset1260 Plain Bob Minor
Friday, 13 February 1970Lyng (St Bartholomew), Somerset1260 Grandsire Doubles
Friday, 14 November 1969Lyng (St Bartholomew), Somerset1299 Doubles (2m)
Saturday, 25 October 1969Lyng (St Bartholomew), Somerset5040 Plain Bob Minor
Wednesday, 15 October 1969Lyng (St Bartholomew), Somerset1260 Plain Bob Doubles
Thursday, 30 March 1967Lyng (St Bartholomew), Somerset1260 Doubles (5m)
Saturday, 6 August 1966Lyng (St Bartholomew), Somerset5040 Doubles (15m/v)


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