Saturday, 25 June 2022 | Aldenham (St John the Baptist), Hertfordshire | 5088 Superlative Surprise Major |
Tuesday, 7 May 2019 | Aldenham (St John the Baptist), Hertfordshire | 5024 Ytterbium Surprise Major |
Friday, 23 June 2017 | Aldenham (St John the Baptist), Hertfordshire | 5088 Aldenham Surprise Major |
Friday, 24 June 2011 | Aldenham (St John the Baptist), Hertfordshire | 5120 Cambridge Surprise Major |
Thursday, 30 December 2010 | Aldenham (St John the Baptist), Hertfordshire | 5120 Cambridge Surprise Major |
Friday, 25 June 2010 | Aldenham (St John the Baptist), Hertfordshire | 5024 Rutland Surprise Major |
Wednesday, 30 December 2009 | Aldenham (St John the Baptist), Hertfordshire | 5040 Stedman Triples |
Saturday, 27 June 2009 | Aldenham (St John the Baptist), Hertfordshire | 5040 Stedman Triples |
Tuesday, 21 October 2008 | Aldenham (St John the Baptist), Hertfordshire | 5088 Bristol Surprise Major |
Tuesday, 24 June 2008 | Aldenham (St John the Baptist), Hertfordshire | 5088 Ashmere Surprise Major |
Saturday, 24 November 2007 | Aldenham (St John the Baptist), Hertfordshire | 5120 Zephyranthes Surprise Major |
Friday, 1 June 2007 | Aldenham (St John the Baptist), Hertfordshire | 5088 Uxbridge Surprise Major |
Saturday, 20 January 2007 | Aldenham (St John the Baptist), Hertfordshire | 5040 Stedman Triples |
Saturday, 24 June 2006 | Aldenham (St John the Baptist), Hertfordshire | 5088 Aldenham Surprise Major |
Friday, 21 October 2005 | Aldenham (St John the Baptist), Hertfordshire | 5200 Double Norwich Court Bob Major |
Friday, 10 June 2005 | Aldenham (St John the Baptist), Hertfordshire | 5088 Aldenham Surprise Major |
Friday, 29 October 2004 | Aldenham (St John the Baptist), Hertfordshire | 5040 Stedman Triples |
Friday, 3 October 2003 | Aldenham (St John the Baptist), Hertfordshire | 5152 Glasgow Surprise Major |
Saturday, 14 June 2003 | Aldenham (St John the Baptist), Hertfordshire | 5040 Oxford Bob Triples |
Saturday, 29 June 2002 | Aldenham (St John the Baptist), Hertfordshire | 5056 Cambridge Surprise Major |
Saturday, 23 September 2000 | Aldenham (St John the Baptist), Hertfordshire | 5040 Stedman Triples |
Thursday, 19 November 1998 | Aldenham (St John the Baptist), Hertfordshire | 5040 Plain Bob Major |
Saturday, 15 November 1997 | Aldenham (St John the Baptist), Hertfordshire | 5184 Bristol Surprise Major |
Saturday, 25 November 1995 | Aldenham (St John the Baptist), Hertfordshire | 5152 Purcell Surprise Major |
Saturday, 20 June 1992 | Aldenham (St John the Baptist), Hertfordshire | 5152 Aldenham Surprise Major |
Saturday, 25 January 1992 | Aldenham (St John the Baptist), Hertfordshire | 5040 Stedman Triples |
Saturday, 26 October 1991 | Aldenham (St John the Baptist), Hertfordshire | 5040 Spliced Triples (3m) |
Saturday, 22 June 1991 | Aldenham (St John the Baptist), Hertfordshire | 5088 Bristol Surprise Major |
Saturday, 1 December 1990 | Aldenham (St John the Baptist), Hertfordshire | 5152 Frogmore Surprise Major |
Saturday, 21 April 1990 | Aldenham (St John the Baptist), Hertfordshire | 5152 Hartspring Delight Major |
Saturday, 19 March 1988 | Aldenham (St John the Baptist), Hertfordshire | 5056 Spliced Surprise Major (8m) |
Saturday, 27 June 1981 | Aldenham (St John the Baptist), Hertfordshire | 5088 Houndswood Surprise Major |
Saturday, 24 February 1973 | Aldenham (St John the Baptist), Hertfordshire | 5184 Otterspool Surprise Major |
Monday, 26 December 1955 | Aldenham (St John the Baptist), Hertfordshire | 5184 Cambridge Surprise Major |
Saturday, 16 February 1952 | Aldenham (St John the Baptist), Hertfordshire | 5088 Plain Bob Major |
Saturday, 9 December 1939 | Aldenham (St John the Baptist), Hertfordshire | 5056 Spliced Surprise Major (4m) |
Saturday, 2 March 1935 | Aldenham (St John the Baptist), Hertfordshire | 5024 London Surprise Major |
Saturday, 14 January 1933 | Aldenham (St John the Baptist), Hertfordshire | 5024 Spliced Surprise Major (4m) |
Wednesday, 17 December 1913 | Aldenham (St John the Baptist), Hertfordshire | 5056 Plain Bob Major |
Friday, 6 December 1912 | Aldenham (St John the Baptist), Hertfordshire | 5040 Stedman Triples |
Friday, 11 October 1912 | Aldenham (St John the Baptist), Hertfordshire | 5056 Superlative Surprise Major |
Wednesday, 17 July 1912 | Aldenham (St John the Baptist), Hertfordshire | 5088 Kent Treble Bob Major |
Wednesday, 26 June 1912 | Aldenham (St John the Baptist), Hertfordshire | 5040 Stedman Triples |
Wednesday, 5 June 1912 | Aldenham (St John the Baptist), Hertfordshire | 5056 Bristol Surprise Major |
Friday, 15 December 1911 | Aldenham (St John the Baptist), Hertfordshire | 5024 Kent Treble Bob Major |
Wednesday, 11 October 1911 | Aldenham (St John the Baptist), Hertfordshire | 5056 Superlative Surprise Major |
Tuesday, 12 October 1909 | Aldenham (St John the Baptist), Hertfordshire | 5040 Stedman Triples |
Wednesday, 21 July 1909 | Aldenham (St John the Baptist), Hertfordshire | 5040 Grandsire Triples |
Monday, 24 May 1909 | Aldenham (St John the Baptist), Hertfordshire | 5024 Kent Treble Bob Major |
Tuesday, 27 April 1909 | Aldenham (St John the Baptist), Hertfordshire | 5040 Stedman Triples |
Monday, 22 February 1909 | Aldenham (St John the Baptist), Hertfordshire | 5040 Stedman Triples |
Thursday, 10 December 1908 | Aldenham (St John the Baptist), Hertfordshire | 5040 Stedman Triples |
Saturday, 25 January 1908 | Aldenham (St John the Baptist), Hertfordshire | 5088 Superlative Surprise Major |
Wednesday, 5 June 1907 | Aldenham (St John the Baptist), Hertfordshire | 5040 Stedman Triples |
Monday, 20 February 1905 | Aldenham (St John the Baptist), Hertfordshire | 5040 Stedman Triples |
Wednesday, 1 July 1903 | Aldenham (St John the Baptist), Hertfordshire | 5040 Stedman Triples |
Monday, 13 April 1903 | Aldenham (St John the Baptist), Hertfordshire | 5184 Superlative Surprise Major |
Saturday, 24 January 1903 | Aldenham (St John the Baptist), Hertfordshire | 5040 Stedman Triples |
Saturday, 2 August 1902 | Aldenham (St John the Baptist), Hertfordshire | 5040 Stedman Triples |
Wednesday, 29 January 1902 | Aldenham (St John the Baptist), Hertfordshire | 5040 Stedman Triples |
Saturday, 22 June 1901 | Aldenham (St John the Baptist), Hertfordshire | 5056 Superlative Surprise Major |
Wednesday, 29 May 1901 | Aldenham (St John the Baptist), Hertfordshire | 5008 Double Norwich Court Bob Major |
Monday, 27 August 1900 | Aldenham (St John the Baptist), Hertfordshire | 5184 Double Norwich Court Bob Major |
Saturday, 12 May 1900 | Aldenham (St John the Baptist), Hertfordshire | 5088 Superlative Surprise Major |
Tuesday, 6 March 1900 | Aldenham (St John the Baptist), Hertfordshire | 5040 Stedman Triples |
Wednesday, 21 February 1900 | Aldenham (St John the Baptist), Hertfordshire | 5056 Double Norwich Court Bob Major |
Monday, 4 December 1899 | Aldenham (St John the Baptist), Hertfordshire | 5040 Grandsire Triples |
Wednesday, 5 July 1899 | Aldenham (St John the Baptist), Hertfordshire | 5040 Stedman Triples |
Saturday, 25 March 1899 | Aldenham (St John the Baptist), Hertfordshire | 5088 Double Norwich Court Bob Major |
Wednesday, 25 January 1899 | Aldenham (St John the Baptist), Hertfordshire | 5024 Kent Treble Bob Major |
Wednesday, 31 August 1898 | Aldenham (St John the Baptist), Hertfordshire | 5040 Grandsire Triples |
Thursday, 18 August 1898 | Aldenham (St John the Baptist), Hertfordshire | 5040 Stedman Triples |
Wednesday, 28 October 1896 | Aldenham (St John the Baptist), Hertfordshire | 5040 Grandsire Triples |
Saturday, 14 June 1890 | Aldenham (St John the Baptist), Hertfordshire | 5040 Double Norwich Court Bob Major |
Monday, 26 May 1890 | Aldenham (St John the Baptist), Hertfordshire | 5040 Plain Bob Triples |