Search results

Found 54 performances that match your search criteria.

Monday, 17 August 2015Prestwich (St Mary the Virgin), Greater Manchester5184 Spliced Surprise Major (8m)
Saturday, 4 April 2009Prestwich (St Mary), Lancashire5088 Lincolnshire Surprise Major
Sunday, 25 January 2009Prestwich (St Mary the Virgin), Greater Manchester5117 Glasgow Surprise Major
Thursday, 27 March 2008Prestwich (St Mary the Virgin), Greater Manchester5088 Manchester Surprise Major
Saturday, 8 September 2007Prestwich (St Mary), Greater Manchester5088 Yorkshire Surprise Major
Saturday, 16 December 2006Prestwich (St Mary the Virgin), Greater Manchester5088 Ireland Surprise Major
Saturday, 16 July 2005Prestwich (S Mary), Lancashire5152 Spliced Surprise Major
Saturday, 16 April 2005Prestwich (St Mary the Virgin), Greater Manchester5058 Yorkshire Surprise Major
Sunday, 6 March 2005Prestwich (St Mary the Virgin), Greater Manchester5152 Spliced Surprise Major (23m)
Sunday, 9 January 2005Prestwich (St Mary the Virgin), Greater Manchester5056 Bristol Surprise Major
Saturday, 20 November 2004Prestwich (St Mary the Virgin), Greater Manchester5088 Crewkerne Surprise Major
Wednesday, 29 September 2004Prestwich (St Mary the Virgin), Greater Manchester5152 Lincolnshire Surprise Major
Saturday, 24 July 2004Prestwich (St Mary), Lancashire5088 Platinum Surprise Major
Saturday, 15 May 2004Prestwich (St Mary the Virgin), Greater Manchester5088 Yorkshire Surprise Major
Saturday, 3 April 2004Prestwich (St Mary the Virgin), Greater Manchester5040 Plain Bob Triples
Saturday, 17 January 2004Prestwich (St Mary), Greater Manchester5056 Micklegate Bar Surprise Major
Saturday, 13 December 2003Prestwich (St Mary), Greater Manchester5088 Yorkshire Surprise Major
Saturday, 28 March 1992Prestwich (St Mary the Virgin), Greater Manchester5040 Plain Bob Major
Saturday, 29 December 1979Prestwich (St Mary the Virgin), Greater Manchester5056 Plain Bob Major
Saturday, 25 June 1977Prestwich (St Mary the Virgin), Greater Manchester5024 Plain Bob Major
Saturday, 24 November 1973Prestwich (St Mary the Virgin), Greater Manchester5248 London Surprise Major
Saturday, 6 February 1965Prestwich (St Mary the Virgin), Greater Manchester5024 Bristol Surprise Major
Saturday, 4 May 1963Prestwich (St Mary the Virgin), Greater Manchester5040 Grandsire Triples
Saturday, 26 November 1955Prestwich (St Mary the Virgin), Greater Manchester5040 Minor
Saturday, 2 October 1954Prestwich (St Mary the Virgin), Greater Manchester5040 Plain Bob Major
Saturday, 11 April 1953Prestwich (St Mary the Virgin), Greater Manchester5088 Oxford Treble Bob Major
Saturday, 24 January 1953Prestwich (St Mary the Virgin), Greater Manchester5040 Plain Bob Minor
Saturday, 9 August 1952Prestwich (St Mary the Virgin), Greater Manchester5040 Plain Bob Triples
Saturday, 31 May 1952Prestwich (St Mary the Virgin), Greater Manchester5056 Plain Bob Major
Saturday, 29 December 1951Prestwich (St Mary the Virgin), Greater Manchester5024 Plain Bob Major
Saturday, 25 August 1951Prestwich (St Mary the Virgin), Greater Manchester5040 Grandsire Triples
Saturday, 5 May 1951Prestwich (St Mary the Virgin), Greater Manchester5040 Plain Bob Triples
Tuesday, 31 August 1948Prestwich (St Mary the Virgin), Lancashire5024 Cambridge Surprise Major
Saturday, 27 December 1947Prestwich (St Mary the Virgin), Greater Manchester5056 Plain Bob Major
Saturday, 4 February 1939Prestwich (St Mary the Virgin), Greater Manchester5056 Plain Bob Major
Saturday, 12 June 1937Prestwich (St Mary the Virgin), Greater Manchester5024 Double Norwich Court Bob Major
Saturday, 16 January 1937Prestwich (St Mary the Virgin), Greater Manchester5152 London Surprise Major
Saturday, 6 January 1934Prestwich (St Mary the Virgin), Greater Manchester5056 Double Norwich Court Bob Major
Thursday, 6 July 1933Prestwich (St Mary the Virgin), Greater Manchester5056 Plain Bob Major
Monday, 24 April 1933Prestwich (St Mary the Virgin), Greater Manchester5024 Kent Treble Bob Major
Saturday, 20 August 1932Prestwich (St Mary the Virgin), Greater Manchester5056 Rochester Surprise Major
Saturday, 29 August 1931Prestwich (St Mary the Virgin), Greater Manchester5056 Cambridge Surprise Major
Monday, 1 December 1930Prestwich (St Mary the Virgin), Greater Manchester5040 Grandsire Triples
Saturday, 9 August 1930Prestwich (St Mary the Virgin), Greater Manchester5040 Stedman Triples
Saturday, 12 July 1930Prestwich (St Mary the Virgin), Greater Manchester5040 Minor
Saturday, 17 May 1930Prestwich (St Mary the Virgin), Greater Manchester5088 London Surprise Major
Saturday, 26 December 1925Prestwich (St Mary the Virgin), Greater Manchester5024 Superlative Surprise Major
Saturday, 27 December 1924Prestwich (St Mary the Virgin), Greater Manchester5120 Cambridge Surprise Major
Monday, 28 March 1921Prestwich (St Mary the Virgin), Greater Manchester5184 Double Norwich Court Bob Major
Saturday, 16 October 1920Prestwich (St Mary the Virgin), Greater Manchester5184 Kent Treble Bob Major
Tuesday, 17 February 1920Prestwich (St Mary the Virgin), Greater Manchester5040 Stedman Triples
Saturday, 30 November 1912Prestwich (St Mary), Greater Manchester5056 Plain Bob Major
Saturday, 6 August 1910Prestwich (St Mary), Greater Manchester5040 Plain Bob Minor
Sunday, 17 April 1808Prestwich (St Mary), Greater Manchester5040 Minor


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