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Saturday, 16 December 2023 | Beccles (The Bell Tower), Suffolk | 5040 Cambridge Surprise Royal | Sunday, 11 February 2018 | Beccles (The Bell Tower), Suffolk | 5021 Grandsire Caters | Saturday, 30 October 2010 | Beccles (the Bell Tower), Suffolk | 5040 Cambridge Surprise Royal | Saturday, 14 March 2009 | Beccles (The Bell Tower), Suffolk | 5040 Isleworth Surprise Royal | Saturday, 1 December 2007 | Beccles (The Bell Tower), Suffolk | 5040 London No. 3 Surprise Royal | Saturday, 18 March 2006 | Beccles (The Bell Tower), Suffolk | 5002 Bristol Surprise Royal | Saturday, 12 March 2005 | Beccles (The Bell Tower), Suffolk | 5000 London No. 3 Surprise Royal | Saturday, 11 December 2004 | Beccles (The Bell Tower), Suffolk | 5091 Stedman Caters | Saturday, 27 March 2004 | Beccles (The Bell Tower), Suffolk | 5039 Grandsire Caters | Saturday, 24 February 2001 | Beccles (The Bell Tower), Suffolk | 5022 Grandsire Caters | Saturday, 7 October 2000 | Beccles (The Bell Tower), Suffolk | 5007 Stedman Caters | Saturday, 25 April 1998 | Beccles (The Bell Tower), Suffolk | 5111 Grandsire Caters | Saturday, 27 December 1997 | Beccles (The Bell Tower), Suffolk | 5079 Stedman Caters | Tuesday, 30 August 1994 | Beccles (The Bell Tower), Suffolk | 5000 Plain Bob Royal | Saturday, 19 October 1991 | Beccles (The Bell Tower), Suffolk | 5040 New Cambridge Surprise Royal | Saturday, 17 March 1990 | Beccles (The Bell Tower), Suffolk | 5040 Kirton Surprise Royal | Saturday, 5 July 1986 | Beccles (The Bell Tower), Suffolk | 5040 Cambridge Surprise Royal | Saturday, 1 March 1986 | Beccles (The Bell Tower), Suffolk | 5000 Cambridge Surprise Royal | Saturday, 23 November 1985 | Beccles (The Bell Tower), Suffolk | 5040 London Surprise Royal | Saturday, 14 September 1985 | Beccles (The Bell Tower), Suffolk | 5039 Grandsire Caters | Saturday, 3 September 1983 | Beccles (The Bell Tower), Suffolk | 5080 Lincolnshire Surprise Royal | Monday, 4 April 1983 | Beccles (The Bell Tower), Suffolk | 5000 Plain Bob Royal | Saturday, 20 November 1982 | Beccles (The Bell Tower), Suffolk | 5021 Grandsire Caters | Saturday, 19 January 1980 | Beccles (The Bell Tower), Suffolk | 5005 Stedman Caters | Saturday, 8 October 1977 | Beccles (The Bell Tower), Suffolk | 5040 Plain Bob Royal | Saturday, 26 February 1977 | Beccles (The Bell Tower), Suffolk | 5040 Cambridge Surprise Royal | Saturday, 22 July 1972 | Beccles (The Bell Tower), Suffolk | 5040 Plain Bob Royal | Saturday, 22 May 1971 | Beccles (The Bell Tower), Suffolk | 5000 Plain Bob Royal | Saturday, 31 May 1969 | Beccles (The Bell Tower), Suffolk | 5160 Oxford Treble Bob Royal | Saturday, 4 November 1967 | Beccles (The Bell Tower), Suffolk | 5040 Plain Bob Royal | Saturday, 14 October 1961 | Beccles (St Michael), Suffolk | 5040 Plain Bob Royal | Saturday, 30 July 1960 | Beccles (The Bell Tower), Suffolk | 5040 Plain Bob Royal | Saturday, 8 June 1957 | Beccles (The Bell Tower), Suffolk | 5040 Plain Bob Royal | Saturday, 2 August 1952 | Beccles (The Bell Tower), Suffolk | 5040 Cambridge Surprise Royal | Wednesday, 2 January 1952 | Beccles (The Bell Tower), Suffolk | 5057 Grandsire Caters | Saturday, 17 July 1937 | Beccles (The Bell Tower), Suffolk | 5040 Kent Treble Bob Royal | Wednesday, 30 August 1922 | Beccles (The Bell Tower), Suffolk | 5030 Stedman Caters | Monday, 1 August 1910 | Beccles (The Bell Tower), Suffolk | 5043 Stedman Caters | Wednesday, 24 May 1837 | Beccles (The Bell Tower), Suffolk | 5220 Plain Bob Royal | Monday, 15 February 1779 | Beccles (The Bell Tower), Suffolk | 5040 Plain Bob Royal | Monday, 23 February 1735/36 | Beccles (The Bell Tower), Suffolk | 10080 Plain Bob Major | Monday, 27 October 1735 | Beccles (The Bell Tower), Suffolk | 5040 Plain Bob Major | Monday, 7 April 1735 | Beccles (The Bell Tower), Suffolk | 5040 Grandsire Triples |
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