Search results

Found 43 performances that match your search criteria.

Saturday, 16 December 2023Beccles (The Bell Tower), Suffolk5040 Cambridge Surprise Royal
Sunday, 11 February 2018Beccles (The Bell Tower), Suffolk5021 Grandsire Caters
Saturday, 30 October 2010Beccles (the Bell Tower), Suffolk5040 Cambridge Surprise Royal
Saturday, 14 March 2009Beccles (The Bell Tower), Suffolk5040 Isleworth Surprise Royal
Saturday, 1 December 2007Beccles (The Bell Tower), Suffolk5040 London No. 3 Surprise Royal
Saturday, 18 March 2006Beccles (The Bell Tower), Suffolk5002 Bristol Surprise Royal
Saturday, 12 March 2005Beccles (The Bell Tower), Suffolk5000 London No. 3 Surprise Royal
Saturday, 11 December 2004Beccles (The Bell Tower), Suffolk5091 Stedman Caters
Saturday, 27 March 2004Beccles (The Bell Tower), Suffolk5039 Grandsire Caters
Saturday, 24 February 2001Beccles (The Bell Tower), Suffolk5022 Grandsire Caters
Saturday, 7 October 2000Beccles (The Bell Tower), Suffolk5007 Stedman Caters
Saturday, 25 April 1998Beccles (The Bell Tower), Suffolk5111 Grandsire Caters
Saturday, 27 December 1997Beccles (The Bell Tower), Suffolk5079 Stedman Caters
Tuesday, 30 August 1994Beccles (The Bell Tower), Suffolk5000 Plain Bob Royal
Saturday, 19 October 1991Beccles (The Bell Tower), Suffolk5040 New Cambridge Surprise Royal
Saturday, 17 March 1990Beccles (The Bell Tower), Suffolk5040 Kirton Surprise Royal
Saturday, 5 July 1986Beccles (The Bell Tower), Suffolk5040 Cambridge Surprise Royal
Saturday, 1 March 1986Beccles (The Bell Tower), Suffolk5000 Cambridge Surprise Royal
Saturday, 23 November 1985Beccles (The Bell Tower), Suffolk5040 London Surprise Royal
Saturday, 14 September 1985Beccles (The Bell Tower), Suffolk5039 Grandsire Caters
Saturday, 3 September 1983Beccles (The Bell Tower), Suffolk5080 Lincolnshire Surprise Royal
Monday, 4 April 1983Beccles (The Bell Tower), Suffolk5000 Plain Bob Royal
Saturday, 20 November 1982Beccles (The Bell Tower), Suffolk5021 Grandsire Caters
Saturday, 19 January 1980Beccles (The Bell Tower), Suffolk5005 Stedman Caters
Saturday, 8 October 1977Beccles (The Bell Tower), Suffolk5040 Plain Bob Royal
Saturday, 26 February 1977Beccles (The Bell Tower), Suffolk5040 Cambridge Surprise Royal
Saturday, 22 July 1972Beccles (The Bell Tower), Suffolk5040 Plain Bob Royal
Saturday, 22 May 1971Beccles (The Bell Tower), Suffolk5000 Plain Bob Royal
Saturday, 31 May 1969Beccles (The Bell Tower), Suffolk5160 Oxford Treble Bob Royal
Saturday, 4 November 1967Beccles (The Bell Tower), Suffolk5040 Plain Bob Royal
Saturday, 14 October 1961Beccles (St Michael), Suffolk5040 Plain Bob Royal
Saturday, 30 July 1960Beccles (The Bell Tower), Suffolk5040 Plain Bob Royal
Saturday, 8 June 1957Beccles (The Bell Tower), Suffolk5040 Plain Bob Royal
Saturday, 2 August 1952Beccles (The Bell Tower), Suffolk5040 Cambridge Surprise Royal
Wednesday, 2 January 1952Beccles (The Bell Tower), Suffolk5057 Grandsire Caters
Saturday, 17 July 1937Beccles (The Bell Tower), Suffolk5040 Kent Treble Bob Royal
Wednesday, 30 August 1922Beccles (The Bell Tower), Suffolk5030 Stedman Caters
Monday, 1 August 1910Beccles (The Bell Tower), Suffolk5043 Stedman Caters
Wednesday, 24 May 1837Beccles (The Bell Tower), Suffolk5220 Plain Bob Royal
Monday, 15 February 1779Beccles (The Bell Tower), Suffolk5040 Plain Bob Royal
Monday, 23 February 1735/36Beccles (The Bell Tower), Suffolk10080 Plain Bob Major
Monday, 27 October 1735Beccles (The Bell Tower), Suffolk5040 Plain Bob Major
Monday, 7 April 1735Beccles (The Bell Tower), Suffolk5040 Grandsire Triples


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