Search results

Found 7 performances that match your search criteria.

Thursday, 1 February 2024Arley (St Wilfrid), Warwickshire5040 Surprise Minor (9m)
Saturday, 10 June 2006Arley (St Wilfrid), Warwicks5040 Surprise Minor (18m)
Saturday, 7 June 1986Arley (St Wilfrid), Warwickshire5040 Plain Bob Minor
Monday, 3 August 1964Arley (St Wilfrid), Warwickshire5040 Minor (7m)
Friday, 31 January 1964Arley (St Wilfrid), Warwickshire5040 Norwich Surprise Minor
Saturday, 2 November 1963Arley (St Wilfrid), Warwickshire5040 Minor (8m)
Thursday, 21 June 1962Arley (St Wilfrid), Warwickshire5040 Doubles (7m/v)


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