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Found 73 performances that match your search criteria.

Thursday, 21 February 2019Redhill (St John the Evangelist), Surrey5024 Tovil Surprise Major
Saturday, 7 July 2018Redhill (St John the Evangelist), Surrey5056 Yorkshire Surprise Major
Monday, 7 August 2017Redhill (St John the Evangelist), Surrey5152 Spliced Surprise Major (23m)
Saturday, 17 January 2015Redhill (St John the Evangelist), Surrey5024 Spliced Surprise Major
Saturday, 15 February 2014Redhill (St John the Evangelist), Surrey5088 Bristol Surprise Major
Saturday, 12 January 2013Redhill (St John Ev), Surrey5024 Exhibition Surprise Major
Saturday, 25 February 2012Redhill (St John the Evangelist), Surrey5056 Cambridge Surprise Major
Saturday, 19 February 2011Redhill (St John Evangelist), Surrey5024 Pudsey Surprise Major
Saturday, 10 January 2009Redhill (St John Evangelist), Surrey5088 Yorkshire Surprise Major
Saturday, 8 October 2005Redhill (St John the Evangelist), Surrey5040 Doubles (3m)
Saturday, 21 February 2004Redhill (St John Evangelist), Surrey5056 Bristol Surprise Major
Saturday, 13 December 2003Redhill (St John), Surrey5152 Spliced Surprise Major (5 methods)
Saturday, 16 November 2002Redhill (St John the Evangelist), Surrey5184 Shangton Surprise Major
Sunday, 28 July 2002Redhill (St John the Evangelist), Surrey5184 Quedgeley Surprise Major
Sunday, 18 February 2001Redhill (St John the Evangelist), Surrey5024 Cambridge Surprise Major
Saturday, 18 November 2000Redhill (St John the Evangelist), Surrey5056 Cambridge Surprise Major
Saturday, 10 June 2000Redhill (St John the Evangelist), Surrey5088 Yorkshire Surprise Major
Saturday, 19 February 2000Redhill (St John the Evangelist), Surrey5088 Yorkshire Surprise Major
Thursday, 15 October 1998Redhill (St John The Evangelist), Surrey5040 Grandsire Triples
Saturday, 18 May 1996Redhill (St John the Evangelist), Surrey5024 Rutland Surprise Major
Saturday, 4 November 1995Redhill (St John the Evangelist), Surrey5040 Grandsire Triples
Saturday, 6 November 1993Redhill (St John the Evangelist), Surrey5040 Grandsire Triples
Saturday, 19 October 1991Redhill (St John the Evangelist), Surrey5040 10m/32v Doubles
Saturday, 18 July 1987Redhill (St John the Evangelist), Surrey5120 Armitage-Is-The-Name Bob Major
Saturday, 28 February 1987Redhill (St John the Evangelist), Surrey5120 8m Spliced Surprise Major
Saturday, 23 March 1985Redhill (St John the Evangelist), Surrey5056 8m Spliced Surprise Major
Wednesday, 28 December 1983Redhill (St John the Evangelist), Surrey5056 Cambridge Surprise Major
Saturday, 14 May 1983Redhill (St John the Evangelist), Surrey5056 Cambridge Surprise Major
Saturday, 2 June 1979Redhill (St John the Evangelist), Surrey5056 Plain Bob Major
Saturday, 18 November 1978Redhill (St John the Evangelist), Surrey5040 Stedman Triples
Saturday, 26 November 1977Redhill (St John the Evangelist), Surrey5152 Yorkshire Surprise Major
Saturday, 8 February 1975Redhill (St John the Evangelist), Surrey5056 Plain Bob Major
Saturday, 4 April 1964Redhill (St John the Evangelist), Surrey5024 Double Norwich Court Bob Major
Saturday, 30 June 1962Redhill (St John the Evangelist), Surrey5056 Cambridge Surprise Major
Saturday, 3 February 1962Redhill (St John the Evangelist), Surrey5056 Turramurra Surprise Major
Saturday, 21 October 1961Redhill (St John the Evangelist), Surrey5088 Yorkshire Surprise Major
Monday, 10 September 1956Redhill (St John the Evangelist), Surrey5056 Plain Bob Major
Saturday, 13 February 1954Redhill (St John the Evangelist), Surrey5056 Plain Bob Major
Saturday, 4 October 1952Redhill (St John the Evangelist), Surrey5040 Grandsire Triples
Saturday, 23 April 1949Redhill (St John the Evangelist), Surrey5056 Cambridge Surprise Major
Saturday, 24 August 1946Redhill (St John the Evangelist), Surrey5120 Kent Treble Bob Major
Saturday, 5 November 1938Redhill (St John the Evangelist), Surrey5120 Kent Treble Bob Major
Saturday, 26 February 1938Redhill (St John the Evangelist), Surrey5056 Plain Bob Major
Saturday, 20 November 1937Redhill (St John the Evangelist), Surrey5056 Cambridge Surprise Major
Saturday, 22 May 1937Redhill (St John the Evangelist), Surrey5056 Superlative Surprise Major
Saturday, 10 October 1936Redhill (St John the Evangelist), Surrey5056 Plain Bob Major
Monday, 18 May 1936Redhill (St John the Evangelist), Surrey5088 Cambridge Surprise Major
Wednesday, 6 November 1935Redhill (St John the Evangelist), Surrey5088 Double Norwich Court Bob Major
Saturday, 13 July 1935Redhill (St John the Evangelist), Surrey5040 Stedman Triples
Saturday, 23 February 1935Redhill (St John the Evangelist), Surrey5040 Grandsire Triples
Saturday, 23 December 1933Redhill (St John the Evangelist), Surrey5088 Kent Treble Bob Major
Wednesday, 10 May 1933Redhill (St John the Evangelist), Surrey5056 Cambridge Surprise Major
Wednesday, 15 June 1932Redhill (St John the Evangelist), Surrey5040 Grandsire Triples
Saturday, 30 August 1930Redhill (St John the Evangelist), Surrey5040 Grandsire Triples
Wednesday, 24 August 1927Redhill (St John the Evangelist), Surrey5024 Kent Treble Bob Major
Saturday, 18 July 1925Redhill (St John the Evangelist), Surrey5056 London Surprise Major
Saturday, 4 October 1924Redhill (St John the Evangelist), Surrey5056 Kent Treble Bob Major
Saturday, 10 May 1924Redhill (St John the Evangelist), Surrey5056 Plain Bob Major
Saturday, 6 January 1923Redhill (St John the Evangelist), Surrey5056 Oxford Treble Bob Major
Saturday, 1 January 1921Redhill (St John the Evangelist), Surrey5024 Kent Treble Bob Major
Saturday, 23 October 1920Redhill (St John the Evangelist), Surrey5040 Grandsire Triples
Saturday, 28 March 1914Redhill (St John the Evangelist), Surrey5088 Kent Treble Bob Major
Saturday, 27 September 1913Redhill (St John the Evangelist), Surrey5040 Grandsire Triples
Wednesday, 9 January 1907Redhill (St John the Evangelist), Surrey5040 Grandsire Triples
Saturday, 2 June 1906Redhill (St John the Evangelist), Surrey5040 Grandsire Triples
Saturday, 21 October 1905Redhill (St John the Evangelist), Surrey5040 Grandsire Triples
Saturday, 18 February 1905Redhill (St John the Evangelist), Surrey5040 Grandsire Triples
Saturday, 9 January 1904Redhill (St John the Evangelist), Surrey5040 Grandsire Triples
Saturday, 24 May 1902Redhill (St John the Evangelist), Surrey5040 Stedman Triples
Thursday, 18 April 1901Redhill (St John the Evangelist), Surrey5040 Grandsire Triples
Wednesday, 24 May 1899Redhill (St John the Evangelist), Surrey5040 Grandsire Triples
Monday, 9 January 1899Redhill (St John the Evangelist), Surrey5040 Grandsire Triples
Saturday, 15 October 1898Redhill (St John the Evangelist), Surrey5040 Grandsire Triples


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