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Found 37 performances that match your search
Saturday, 14 January 2017 | Clowne (St John the Baptist), Derbyshire | 5040 Spliced Surprise Minor (41m) | Thursday, 8 October 2015 | Clowne (St John Baptist), Derbyshire | 5040 Treble Dodging Minor | Tuesday, 8 October 2013 | Clowne (St John Baptist), Derbyshire | 5040 Spliced Surprise Minor (Perrins' 6) | Wednesday, 3 May 2000 | Clowne (St John the Baptist), Derbyshire | 5040 Minor (7m) | Monday, 26 August 1991 | Clowne (St John the Baptist), Derbyshire | 5040 Surprise Minor (5m) | Saturday, 27 January 1990 | Clowne (St John the Baptist), Derbyshire | 5040 Surprise Minor (7m) | Wednesday, 22 May 1985 | Clowne (St John the Baptist), Derbyshire | 5040 Norfolk Surprise Minor | Sunday, 9 December 1984 | Clowne (St John the Baptist), Derbyshire | 5040 Woodbine Delight Minor | Thursday, 9 August 1984 | Clowne (St John the Baptist), Derbyshire | 5040 Plain Bob Minor | Thursday, 30 June 1983 | Clowne (St John the Baptist), Derbyshire | 5040 Plain Bob Minor | Thursday, 20 January 1983 | Clowne (St John the Baptist), Derbyshire | 5040 Minor (7m) | Thursday, 9 December 1982 | Clowne (St John the Baptist), Derbyshire | 5040 Plain Bob Minor | Thursday, 14 October 1982 | Clowne (St John the Baptist), Derbyshire | 5040 Minor | Thursday, 8 July 1982 | Clowne (St John the Baptist), Derbyshire | 5040 Surprise Minor (8m) | Thursday, 11 March 1982 | Clowne (St John the Baptist), Derbyshire | 5040 Minor (5m) | Saturday, 11 January 1975 | Clowne (St John the Baptist), Derbyshire | 5040 Plain Bob Minor | Saturday, 27 April 1974 | Clowne (St John the Baptist), Derbyshire | 5040 Minor (3m) | Saturday, 20 March 1971 | Clowne (St John the Baptist), Derbyshire | 5040 Minor (5m) | Monday, 24 November 1969 | Clowne (St John the Baptist), Derbyshire | 5040 Norwich Surprise Minor | Saturday, 18 October 1969 | Clowne (St John the Baptist), Derbyshire | 5040 Plain Bob Minor | Monday, 7 August 1961 | Clowne (St John the Baptist), Derbyshire | 5040 Minor (5m) | Wednesday, 12 April 1961 | Clowne (St John the Baptist), Derbyshire | 5040 Plain Bob Minor | Saturday, 14 May 1960 | Clowne (St John the Baptist), Derbyshire | 5040 Minor (4m) | Tuesday, 26 April 1960 | Clowne (St John the Baptist), Derbyshire | 5040 Plain Bob Minor | Saturday, 23 January 1960 | Clowne (St John the Baptist), Derbyshire | 5040 Minor (3m) | Tuesday, 11 August 1959 | Clowne (St John the Baptist), Derbyshire | 5040 Plain Bob Minor | Tuesday, 7 July 1959 | Clowne (St John the Baptist), Derbyshire | 5040 Minor (2m) | Friday, 24 April 1959 | Clowne (St John the Baptist), Derbyshire | 5040 Plain Bob Minor | Saturday, 16 March 1957 | Clowne (St John the Baptist), Derbyshire | 5040 Plain Bob Minor | Saturday, 29 September 1956 | Clowne (St John the Baptist), Derbyshire | 5040 Plain Bob Minor | Saturday, 11 August 1956 | Clowne (St John the Baptist), Derbyshire | 5040 Plain Bob Minor | Saturday, 29 October 1955 | Clowne (St John the Baptist), Derbyshire | 5040 Plain Bob Minor | Saturday, 2 October 1954 | Clowne (St John the Baptist), Derbyshire | 5040 Minor (5m) | Saturday, 30 January 1954 | Clowne (St John the Baptist), Derbyshire | 5040 Minor (3m) | Wednesday, 22 November 1950 | Clowne (St John the Baptist), Derbyshire | 5040 Kent Treble Bob Minor | Saturday, 29 October 1949 | Clowne (St John the Baptist), Derbyshire | 5040 Plain Bob Minor | Saturday, 12 February 1949 | Clowne (St John the Baptist), Derbyshire | 5040 Minor (3m) |
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