Search results

Found 51 performances that match your search criteria.

Sunday, 9 June 2024Clowne (St John the Baptist), Derbyshire1260 Doubles (3m)
Wednesday, 17 August 2022Clowne (St John the Baptist), Derbyshire1320 Ipswich Surprise Minor
Tuesday, 4 January 2022Clowne (St John the Baptist), Derbyshire1320 Marmalade Delight Minor
Sunday, 28 July 2019Clowne (St John the Baptist), Derbyshire1260 Grandsire Doubles
Saturday, 20 October 2018Clowne (St John the Baptist), Derbyshire1260 Grandsire Doubles
Wednesday, 2 August 2017Clowne (St John the Baptist), Derbyshire720 Arthur Whiting Delight Minor
Saturday, 14 January 2017Clowne (St John the Baptist), Derbyshire5040 Spliced Surprise Minor (41m)
Thursday, 8 October 2015Clowne (St John Baptist), Derbyshire5040 Treble Dodging Minor
Tuesday, 11 November 2014Clowne, Derbyshire1260 10 Methods/variations Doubles
Tuesday, 8 October 2013Clowne (St John Baptist), Derbyshire5040 Spliced Surprise Minor (Perrins' 6)
Saturday, 15 October 2011Clowne (St John the Baptist), Derbyshire1260 Plain Bob Minor
Tuesday, 19 October 2004Clowne (St John the Baptist), Derbyshire1272 Rodney's Victory Treble Bob Minor
Saturday, 6 March 2004Clowne (St John the Baptist), Derbyshire1260 Plain Bob Doubles
Wednesday, 25 October 2000Clowne (St John the Baptist), Derbyshire1260 Plain Bob Minor
Wednesday, 3 May 2000Clowne (St John the Baptist), Derbyshire5040 Minor (7m)
Saturday, 29 November 1997Clowne (St John the Baptist), Derbyshire1260 Plain Bob Minor
Monday, 26 August 1991Clowne (St John the Baptist), Derbyshire5040 Surprise Minor (5m)
Saturday, 27 January 1990Clowne (St John the Baptist), Derbyshire5040 Surprise Minor (7m)
Wednesday, 22 May 1985Clowne (St John the Baptist), Derbyshire5040 Norfolk Surprise Minor
Sunday, 9 December 1984Clowne (St John the Baptist), Derbyshire5040 Woodbine Delight Minor
Thursday, 9 August 1984Clowne (St John the Baptist), Derbyshire5040 Plain Bob Minor
Thursday, 30 June 1983Clowne (St John the Baptist), Derbyshire5040 Plain Bob Minor
Thursday, 20 January 1983Clowne (St John the Baptist), Derbyshire5040 Minor (7m)
Thursday, 9 December 1982Clowne (St John the Baptist), Derbyshire5040 Plain Bob Minor
Thursday, 14 October 1982Clowne (St John the Baptist), Derbyshire5040 Minor
Thursday, 8 July 1982Clowne (St John the Baptist), Derbyshire5040 Surprise Minor (8m)
Saturday, 8 May 1982Clowne (St John the Baptist), Derbyshire1260 Plain Bob Minor
Thursday, 11 March 1982Clowne (St John the Baptist), Derbyshire5040 Minor (5m)
Sunday, 3 June 1979Clowne (St John the Baptist), Derbyshire1320 London Surprise Minor
Saturday, 11 January 1975Clowne (St John the Baptist), Derbyshire5040 Plain Bob Minor
Saturday, 27 April 1974Clowne (St John the Baptist), Derbyshire5040 Minor (3m)
Saturday, 20 March 1971Clowne (St John the Baptist), Derbyshire5040 Minor (5m)
Monday, 24 November 1969Clowne (St John the Baptist), Derbyshire5040 Norwich Surprise Minor
Saturday, 18 October 1969Clowne (St John the Baptist), Derbyshire5040 Plain Bob Minor
Monday, 7 August 1961Clowne (St John the Baptist), Derbyshire5040 Minor (5m)
Wednesday, 12 April 1961Clowne (St John the Baptist), Derbyshire5040 Plain Bob Minor
Saturday, 14 May 1960Clowne (St John the Baptist), Derbyshire5040 Minor (4m)
Tuesday, 26 April 1960Clowne (St John the Baptist), Derbyshire5040 Plain Bob Minor
Saturday, 23 January 1960Clowne (St John the Baptist), Derbyshire5040 Minor (3m)
Tuesday, 11 August 1959Clowne (St John the Baptist), Derbyshire5040 Plain Bob Minor
Tuesday, 7 July 1959Clowne (St John the Baptist), Derbyshire5040 Minor (2m)
Friday, 24 April 1959Clowne (St John the Baptist), Derbyshire5040 Plain Bob Minor
Saturday, 16 March 1957Clowne (St John the Baptist), Derbyshire5040 Plain Bob Minor
Saturday, 29 September 1956Clowne (St John the Baptist), Derbyshire5040 Plain Bob Minor
Saturday, 11 August 1956Clowne (St John the Baptist), Derbyshire5040 Plain Bob Minor
Saturday, 29 October 1955Clowne (St John the Baptist), Derbyshire5040 Plain Bob Minor
Saturday, 2 October 1954Clowne (St John the Baptist), Derbyshire5040 Minor (5m)
Saturday, 30 January 1954Clowne (St John the Baptist), Derbyshire5040 Minor (3m)
Wednesday, 22 November 1950Clowne (St John the Baptist), Derbyshire5040 Kent Treble Bob Minor
Saturday, 29 October 1949Clowne (St John the Baptist), Derbyshire5040 Plain Bob Minor
Saturday, 12 February 1949Clowne (St John the Baptist), Derbyshire5040 Minor (3m)


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