Search results

Found 13 performances that match your search criteria.

Friday, 3 June 2022Corby (St John the Baptist), Northamptonshire5040 Surprise Minor (7m)
Monday, 6 May 2002Corby (St John Baptist), Northamptonshire5040 Corby Delight Minor
Friday, 10 November 2000Corby (St John the Baptist), Northamptonshire5040 Zeals Delight Minor
Sunday, 18 December 1994Corby (St John the Baptist), Northamptonshire5040 Durham Surprise Minor
Thursday, 22 September 1983Corby (St John the Baptist), Northamptonshire5040 Plain Bob Minor
Friday, 29 May 1970Corby (St John the Baptist), Northamptonshire5040 Minor (7m)
Thursday, 10 July 1969Corby (St John the Baptist), Northamptonshire5040 Minor (12m)
Saturday, 26 October 1968Corby (St John the Baptist), Northamptonshire5040 Cambridge Surprise Minor
Friday, 3 May 1968Corby (St John the Baptist), Northamptonshire5040 Doubles (3m)
Friday, 9 January 1959Corby (St John the Baptist), Northamptonshire5040 Minor (3m)
Saturday, 23 June 1951Corby (St John the Baptist), Northamptonshire5040 Plain Bob Minor
Thursday, 4 May 1933Corby (St John the Baptist), Northamptonshire5040 Surprise Minor (7m)
Saturday, 7 November 1931Corby (St John the Baptist), Northamptonshire5040 Doubles (2m)


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