Search results

Found 91 performances that match your search criteria.

Saturday, 2 September 2023Lichfield (Cathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Chad), Staffordshire5052 Stedman Caters
Monday, 10 April 2023Lichfield (Cathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Chad), Staffordshire5000 Bristol Surprise Royal
Saturday, 7 January 2023Lichfield (Cathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Chad), Staffordshire5039 Stedman Caters
Monday, 18 April 2022Lichfield (Cathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Chad), Staffordshire5040 Yorkshire Surprise Royal
Saturday, 19 February 2022Lichfield (Cathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Chad), Staffordshire5002 Stedman Caters
Saturday, 11 September 2021Lichfield (Cathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Chad), Staffordshire5009 Stedman Caters
Saturday, 15 February 2020Lichfield (Cathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Chad), Staffordshire5007 Stedman Caters
Saturday, 4 January 2020Lichfield (Cathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Chad), Staffordshire5045 Stedman Caters
Saturday, 31 August 2019Lichfield (Cathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Chad), Staffordshire5000 Bristol Surprise Royal
Monday, 22 April 2019Lichfield (Cathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Chad), Staffordshire5040 Cambridge Surprise Royal
Saturday, 16 February 2019Lichfield (Cathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Chad), Staffordshire5003 Grandsire Caters
Saturday, 1 September 2018Lichfield (Cathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Chad), Staffordshire5120 Spliced Treble Dodging Royal (4 Methods)
Monday, 28 May 2018Lichfield (Cathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Chad), Staffordshire5075 Grandsire Caters
Sunday, 29 October 2017Lichfield (Cathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Chad), Staffordshire5055 Stedman Caters
Saturday, 2 September 2017Lichfield (Cathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Chad), Staffordshire5021 Grandsire Caters
Saturday, 3 June 2017Lichfield (Cathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Chad), Staffordshire5004 Stedman Caters
Saturday, 14 January 2017Lichfield (Cathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Chad), Staffordshire5112 Spliced Treble Dodging Royal (8 Methods)
Saturday, 5 November 2016Lichfield (Cathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Chad), Staffordshire5040 Yorkshire Surprise Royal
Sunday, 25 September 2016Lichfield (Cathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Chad), Staffordshire5040 Yorkshire Surprise Royal
Saturday, 3 September 2016Lichfield (Cathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Chad), Staffordshire5076 Stedman Caters
Saturday, 20 February 2016Lichfield (Cathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Chad), Staffordshire5040 Cambridge Surprise Royal
Saturday, 17 October 2015Lichfield (Cathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Chad), Staffordshire5002 Bristol Surprise Royal
Saturday, 16 August 2014Lichfield (Cathedral Church of Blessed Virgin Mary and St Chad), Staffordshire5039 Grandsire Caters
Saturday, 15 February 2014Lichfield (Cathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Chad), Staffordshire5040 Cambridge Surprise Royal
Saturday, 31 August 2013Lichfield (Cathedral church of the Blessed Virgin Mary & St Chad), Staffordshire5000 Spliced Surprise Royal
Saturday, 20 July 2013Lichfield (Cathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Chad), Staffordshire5060 Spliced Royal (2m)
Saturday, 9 February 2013Lichfield (Cathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Chad), Staffordshire5000 London No. 3 Surprise Royal
Saturday, 25 August 2012Lichfield (Cathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Chad), Staffordshire5040 Yorkshire Surprise Royal
Saturday, 22 October 2011Lichfield (Cathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary & St Chad), Staffordshire5040 Yorkshire Surprise Royal
Friday, 29 April 2011Lichfield (Cathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary & St Chad), Staffordshire5040 Cambridge Surprise Royal
Saturday, 21 August 2010Lichfield (Cathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary & St Chad), Staffordshire5007 Stedman Caters
Saturday, 20 February 2010Lichfield (Cathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Chad), Staffordshire5000 Bristol Surprise Royal
Saturday, 24 October 2009Lichfield (Cathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Chad), Staffordshire5000 Spliced Surprise Royal (4m)
Saturday, 29 August 2009Lichfield (Cathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Chad), Staffordshire5067 Stedman Caters
Saturday, 18 April 2009Lichfield (Cathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary & St Chad), Staffordshire5038 Cambridge Surprise Royal
Saturday, 22 November 2008Lichfield (Cathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Chad), Staffordshire5040 Yorkshire Surprise Royal
Saturday, 26 July 2008Lichfield (Cathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Chad), Staffordshire5125 Plain Bob Caters
Saturday, 12 April 2008Lichfield (Cathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary & St Chad), Staffordshire5039 Grandsire Caters
Saturday, 11 August 2007Lichfield (Cathedral Church Of Blessed Virgin Mary and St Chad), Staffordshire5120 Triton Delight Royal
Saturday, 2 June 2007Lichfield (Cathedral Church of Blessed Virgin Mary and St Chad), Staffordshire5040 Cambridge Surprise Royal
Saturday, 30 September 2006Lichfield (Cathedral of BVM and St.Chad), Staffordshire5040 Yorkshire Surprise Royal
Saturday, 5 August 2006Lichfield (Cathedral of The Blessed Virgin Mary & St Chad), Staffordshire5039 Grandsire Caters
Saturday, 20 May 2006Lichfield (Cathedral of Blessed Virgin Mary and St Chad), Staffordshire5120 Bristol Surprise Royal
Saturday, 8 October 2005Lichfield (Cathedral Church of BVM & St Chad), Staffordshire5040 Yorkshire Surprise Royal
Saturday, 20 November 2004Lichfield (Cathedral), Staffordshire5040 Yorkshire Surprise Royal
Saturday, 13 March 2004Lichfield (Cathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Chad), Staffordshire5009 Stedman Caters
Saturday, 15 November 2003Lichfield (Cathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Chad), Staffordshire5021 Grandsire Caters
Saturday, 9 August 2003Lichfield (Cathedral), Staffordshire5040 Yorkshire Surprise Royal
Saturday, 15 February 2003Lichfield (Blessed Virgin Mary and St Chad), Staffordshire5007 Stedman Caters
Saturday, 23 November 2002Lichfield (Cathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Chad), Staffordshire5040 Yorkshire Surprise Royal
Monday, 5 August 2002Lichfield (Cathedral of St Mary & St Chad), Staffordshire5039 Grandsire Caters
Tuesday, 4 June 2002Lichfield (Cathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Chad), Staffordshire5050 Stedman Caters
Saturday, 27 April 2002Lichfield (Cathedral of SS Mary & Chad), Staffordshire5088 Stedman Caters
Tuesday, 9 April 2002Lichfield (Cathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Chad), Staffordshire5147 Grandsire Caters
Saturday, 16 October 1999Lichfield (Blessed Virgin Mary and St Chad), Staffordshire5000 London No. 3 Surprise Royal
Saturday, 30 January 1999Lichfield (Cathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Chad), Staffordshire5007 Stedman Caters
Saturday, 1 August 1998Lichfield (Cathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Chad), Staffordshire5040 Bristol Surprise Royal
Saturday, 20 December 1997Lichfield (Blessed Virgin Mary and St Chad), Staffordshire5040 Yorkshire Surprise Royal
Saturday, 25 October 1997Lichfield (Cathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Chad), Staffordshire5021 Grandsire Caters
Saturday, 12 March 1994Lichfield (Cathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Chad), Staffordshire5051 Stedman Caters
Saturday, 21 August 1993Lichfield (Cathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Chad), Staffordshire5040 Plain Bob Royal
Saturday, 14 October 1989Lichfield (Cathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Chad), Staffordshire5040 Yorkshire Surprise Royal
Wednesday, 23 August 1989Lichfield (Cathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Chad), Staffordshire5039 Grandsire Caters
Saturday, 1 April 1989Lichfield (Cathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Chad), Staffordshire5040 Bristol Surprise Royal
Saturday, 19 December 1987Lichfield (Cathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Chad), Staffordshire5003 Grandsire Caters
Saturday, 24 October 1987Lichfield (Cathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Chad), Staffordshire5040 Stedman Caters
Saturday, 23 May 1987Lichfield (Cathedral Church of Blessed Virgin Mary and St Chad), Staffordshire5055 Stedman Caters
Saturday, 25 October 1986Lichfield (Blessed Virgin Mary and St Chad), Staffordshire5040 Bristol Surprise Royal
Saturday, 16 August 1986Lichfield (Cathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Chad), Staffordshire5039 Grandsire Caters
Saturday, 21 June 1986Lichfield (Cathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Chad), Staffordshire5000 Little Bob Royal
Saturday, 13 April 1985Lichfield (Cathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Chad), Staffordshire5040 Cambridge Surprise Royal
Saturday, 2 March 1985Lichfield (Cathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Chad), Staffordshire5007 Stedman Caters
Saturday, 3 November 1984Lichfield (Cathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Chad), Staffordshire5021 Grandsire Caters
Saturday, 13 October 1984Lichfield (Cathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Chad), Staffordshire5040 London No. 3 Surprise Royal
Saturday, 11 February 1984Lichfield (Cathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Chad), Staffordshire5039 Grandsire Caters
Saturday, 27 August 1983Lichfield (Cathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Chad), Staffordshire5040 Cambridge Surprise Royal
Saturday, 28 May 1983Lichfield (Cathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Chad), Staffordshire5039 Grandsire Caters
Thursday, 24 June 1982Lichfield (Cathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Chad), Staffordshire5077 Stedman Caters
Monday, 28 December 1981Lichfield (Cathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Chad), Staffordshire5075 Grandsire Caters
Saturday, 14 November 1981Lichfield (Cathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Chad), Staffordshire5005 Stedman Caters
Saturday, 4 August 1979Lichfield (Cathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Chad), Staffordshire5040 Cambridge Surprise Royal
Saturday, 11 November 1978Lichfield (Cathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Chad), Staffordshire5040 Cambridge Surprise Royal
Saturday, 25 February 1978Lichfield (Cathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Chad), Staffordshire5055 Stedman Caters
Saturday, 23 July 1977Lichfield (Cathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Chad), Staffordshire5040 Cambridge Surprise Royal
Saturday, 27 November 1976Lichfield (Cathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Chad), Staffordshire5040 Cambridge Surprise Royal
Saturday, 29 June 1974Lichfield (Cathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Chad), Staffordshire5058 Stedman Caters
Saturday, 25 October 1969Lichfield (Cathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Chad), Staffordshire5039 Grandsire Caters
Saturday, 13 January 1968Lichfield (Cathedral), Staffordshire5040 Plain Bob Royal
Saturday, 9 September 1967Lichfield (Cathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Chad), Staffordshire5040 Yorkshire Surprise Royal
Saturday, 9 January 1965Lichfield (Cathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Chad), Staffordshire5040 Yorkshire Surprise Royal
Saturday, 10 July 1948Lichfield (Cathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Chad), Staffordshire5041 Stedman Caters


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