Search results

Found 9 performances that match your search criteria.

Sunday, 3 December 2023Everdon (St Mary the Blessed Virgin), Northamptonshire5040 Doubles (11m)
Sunday, 11 June 2017Everdon (St Mary the Blessed Virgin), Northamptonshire5040 Doubles (21m)
Sunday, 21 September 2008Everdon (St Mary the Blessed Virgin), Northamptonshire5040 Doubles
Sunday, 28 March 2004Everdon (St Mary the Blessed Virgin), Northamptonshire5040 Doubles (11m)
Saturday, 21 December 2002Everdon (St Mary the Blessed Virgin), Northamptonshire5040 Doubles (76m)
Saturday, 26 March 1988Everdon (St Mary the Blessed Virgin), Northamptonshire5040 Stedman Doubles
Saturday, 10 October 1987Everdon (St Mary the Blessed Virgin), Northamptonshire5040 Stedman Doubles
Tuesday, 24 December 1985Everdon (St Mary the Blessed Virgin), Northamptonshire5040 Stedman Doubles
Saturday, 11 June 1977Everdon (St Mary the Blessed Virgin), Northamptonshire5040 Doubles (7m/v)


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