Search results

Found 15 performances that match your search criteria.

Sunday, 20 August 2023Upper Dean (All Hallows), Bedfordshire5040 Upper Dean Bob Doubles
Monday, 8 May 2023Upper Dean (All Hallows), BedfordshireGeneral Ringing
Friday, 3 June 2022Upper Dean (All Hallows), Bedfordshire1272 Plain Bob Minimus
Sunday, 6 February 2022Upper Dean (All Hallows), BedfordshireRounds, Plain Hunt Doubles and Queens
Saturday, 7 August 2021Upper Dean (All Hallows), Bedfordshire91 Tolling Followed By Call Changes
Saturday, 19 May 2018Upper Dean (All Hallows), BedfordshireRounds and Call Changes
Saturday, 10 March 2007Upper Dean, Bedfordshire1260 Grandsire
Saturday, 10 November 2001Upper Dean (All Hallows), Bedfordshire5040 Doubles (58m)
Saturday, 20 November 1999Upper Dean (All Hallows), Bedfordshire5040 Doubles (7m)
Wednesday, 11 December 1991Upper Dean (All Hallows), Bedfordshire5040 Doubles (36m)
Saturday, 27 May 1989Upper Dean (All Hallows), Bedfordshire5040 Doubles (8m)
Saturday, 27 August 1988Upper Dean (All Hallows), Bedfordshire5040 Doubles (42m/v)
Saturday, 30 August 1986Upper Dean (All Hallows), Bedfordshire1260 Plain Bob Doubles
Saturday, 18 June 1960Upper Dean (All Hallows), Bedfordshire5040 St Alban Doubles
Saturday, 13 October 1956Upper Dean (All Hallows), Bedfordshire5040 Grandsire Doubles


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