Search results

Found 12 performances that match your search criteria.

Monday, 30 May 2016Atcham (St Eata), Shropshire5040 Surprise Minor (7m)
Sunday, 23 February 2014Atcham (St Eata), Shropshire5040 Doubles
Saturday, 25 February 2012Atcham (St Eata), Shropshire5040 Doubles (5m/8v)
Sunday, 10 May 2009Atcham (St Eata), Shropshire5040 Minor
Sunday, 21 February 1982Atcham (St Eata), Shropshire5040 Kent Treble Bob Minor
Thursday, 19 November 1981Atcham (St Eata), Shropshire5040 Minor (11m)
Monday, 19 October 1981Atcham (St Eata), Shropshire5040 Minor (7m)
Monday, 16 March 1981Atcham (St Eata), Shropshire5040 Oxford Treble Bob Minor
Friday, 23 November 1979Atcham (St Eata), Shropshire5040 Surprise Surprise Minor (7m)
Monday, 9 April 1979Atcham (St Eata), Shropshire5040 Minor (7m)
Monday, 5 March 1979Atcham (St Eata), Shropshire5040 Surprise Minor (7m)
Wednesday, 16 February 1977Atcham (St Eata), Shropshire5040 Minor (7m)


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