Search results

Found 17 performances that match your search criteria.

Saturday, 9 July 2016Stone (All Saints), Gloucestershire5040 Cambridge Surprise Minor
Saturday, 24 October 2015Stone (All Saints), Gloucestershire5040 Surprise Minor (7m)
Saturday, 16 February 2013Stone (All Saints), Gloucestershire5040 Plain Bob Minor
Friday, 22 June 2012Stone (All Saints'), Gloucestershire5040 Plain Bob Minor
Tuesday, 30 December 2003Stone (All Saints), Gloucestershire5040 Minor (7m)
Monday, 30 December 2002Stone (All Saints), Gloucestershire5040 Plain Minor (7m)
Saturday, 13 July 2002Stone (All Saints), Gloucestershire5040 Cambridge Surprise Minor
Friday, 30 December 1994Stone (All Saints), Gloucestershire5040 Minor (11m)
Monday, 13 September 1993Stone (All Saints), Gloucestershire5040 Surprise Minor (7m)
Monday, 28 December 1992Stone (All Saints), Gloucestershire5040 Minor (7m)
Saturday, 8 December 1990Stone (All Saints), Gloucestershire5040 Minor (7m)
Saturday, 8 February 1986Stone (All Saints), Gloucestershire5040 Minor (7m)
Saturday, 19 February 1977Stone (All Saints), Gloucestershire5040 Minor (6m)
Saturday, 24 July 1976Stone (All Saints), Gloucestershire5040 Bsigstoke College Bob Minor
Sunday, 19 March 1972Stone (All Saints), Gloucestershire5040 Plain Bob Minor
Saturday, 14 November 1970Stone (All Saints), Gloucestershire5040 Grandsire Doubles
Saturday, 26 September 1970Stone (All Saints), Gloucestershire5040 Plain Bob Minor


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