Search results

Found 22 performances that match your search criteria.

Sunday, 16 April 2017Thornbury (St Mary the Virgin), Gloucestershire5088 Bristol Surprise Major
Tuesday, 24 May 2016Thornbury (St Mary the Virgin), Gloucestershire5056 Cambridge Surprise Major
Thursday, 11 July 2013Thornbury (St Mary the Virgin), Gloucestershire5024 Bristol Surprise Major
Friday, 19 February 2010Thornbury (St Mary), South Glos5024 Plain Bob Major
Saturday, 15 September 2007Thornbury (St Mary the Virgin), Gloucestershire5040 Stedman Triples
Saturday, 30 June 2007Thornbury (St Mary the Virgin), Gloucestershire5088 Kanga Surprise Major
Saturday, 25 June 2005Thornbury (St Mary the Virgin), Gloucestershire5056 Yorkshire Surprise Major
Monday, 7 August 2000Thornbury (St Mary the Virgin), Gloucestershire5024 Yorkshire Surprise Major
Sunday, 18 July 1999Thornbury (St Mary The Virgin), Gloucestershire5024 Rutland Surprise Major
Sunday, 18 October 1992Thornbury (St Mary the Virgin), Gloucestershire5040 Stedman Triples
Sunday, 10 May 1987Thornbury (St Mary the Virgin), Gloucestershire5152 Yorkshire Surprise Major
Friday, 24 April 1987Thornbury (St Mary the Virgin), Gloucestershire5040 Grandsire Triples
Sunday, 8 February 1987Thornbury (St Mary the Virgin), Gloucestershire5120 Cambridge Surprise Major
Saturday, 12 April 1986Thornbury (St Mary the Virgin), Gloucestershire5088 Plain Bob Major
Friday, 18 June 1982Thornbury (St Mary the Virgin), Gloucestershire5072 Plain Bob Major
Saturday, 8 May 1982Thornbury (St Mary the Virgin), Gloucestershire5024 Cambridge Surprise Major
Friday, 16 June 1978Thornbury (St Mary the Virgin), Gloucestershire5024 Vyvyan Surprise Major
Friday, 9 May 1969Thornbury (St Mary the Virgin), Gloucestershire5040 Stedman Triples
Saturday, 16 February 1957Thornbury (St Mary the Virgin), Gloucestershire5056 Plain Bob Major
Saturday, 26 October 1912Thornbury (St Mary the Virgin), Gloucestershire5056 Kent Treble Bob Major
Saturday, 25 November 1911Thornbury (St Mary the Virgin), Gloucestershire5024 Plain Bob Major
Monday, 29 December 1856Thornbury (St Mary the Virgin), Gloucestershire5040 Grandsire Triples


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