Search results

Found 7 performances that match your search criteria.

Sunday, 5 February 2017Stoke by Clare (St John the Baptist), Suffolk5040 Minor (4m)
Sunday, 4 December 2011Stoke by Clare (St John the Baptist), Suffolk5040 Minor (4m)
Sunday, 16 February 2003Stoke by Clare (St John the Baptist), Suffolk5040 Plain Bob Minor
Friday, 23 April 1993Stoke by Clare (St John the Baptist), Suffolk5040 Surprise Minor (7m)
Saturday, 5 May 1973Stoke by Clare (St John the Baptist), Suffolk5040 Minor (12m)
Sunday, 25 April 1971Stoke by Clare (St John the Baptist), Suffolk5040 Minor
Monday, 16 February 1903Stoke by Clare (St John the Baptist), Suffolk5040 Plain Bob Minor


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