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Found 43 performances that match your search criteria.

Saturday, 19 November 2005Deptford (St John), Greater London5184 Ealing Surprise Major
Saturday, 6 March 2004Deptford (St John), London5088 Bristol Surprise Major
Saturday, 23 February 2002Deptford (St John), Greater London5056 London Surprise Major
Saturday, 17 November 2001Deptford (St John), Greater London5152 Glasgow Surprise Major
Saturday, 16 May 1998Deptford (St John), Greater London5184 Cornwall Surprise Major
Sunday, 22 September 1996Deptford (St John), Greater London5040 Grandsire Triples
Saturday, 31 December 1994Deptford (St John), Greater London5152 Zirconium Surprise Major
Sunday, 27 December 1987Deptford (St John), Greater London5056 Lincolnshire Surprise Major
Saturday, 17 November 1984Deptford (St John), Greater London5056 London Surprise Major
Saturday, 10 March 1984Deptford (St John), Greater London5024 Cambridge Surprise Major
Saturday, 20 November 1982Deptford (St John), Greater London5152 Yorkshire Surprise Major
Tuesday, 22 June 1982Deptford (St John), Greater London5024 Rutland Surprise Major
Wednesday, 28 April 1982Deptford (St John), Greater London5024 Spliced Surprise Major (8m)
Wednesday, 19 August 1981Deptford (St John), Greater London5120 Spliced Surprise Major
Saturday, 9 May 1981Deptford (St John), Greater London5024 Bristol Surprise Major
Wednesday, 30 April 1980Deptford (St John), Greater London5056 Rutland Surprise Major
Wednesday, 3 May 1978Deptford (St John), Greater London5184 Bristol Surprise Major
Wednesday, 29 June 1977Deptford (St John), Greater London5040 Grandsire Triples
Wednesday, 16 March 1977Deptford (St John), Greater London5152 Spliced Surprise Major (23m)
Wednesday, 15 December 1976Deptford (St John), Greater London5152 Spliced Surprise Major (18m)
Wednesday, 27 October 1976Deptford (St John), Greater London5120 London Surprise Major
Sunday, 17 October 1976Deptford (St John), Greater London5040 Stedman Triples
Saturday, 31 October 1970Deptford (St John), Greater London5000 Spliced Major (2m)
Saturday, 31 January 1970Deptford (St John), Greater London5024 Rutland Surprise Major
Saturday, 8 November 1969Deptford (St John), Greater London5184 Spliced Surprise Major
Saturday, 30 November 1968Deptford (St John), Greater London5088 St Clement's College Bob Major
Saturday, 26 October 1968Deptford (St John), Greater London5000 Spliced Plain and Little Bob Major
Saturday, 25 November 1967Deptford (St John), Greater London5280 Spliced Surprise Major
Monday, 8 April 1912Deptford (St John), Greater London5040 Grandsire Triples
Monday, 7 June 1897Deptford (St John), Kent5040 Stedman Triples
Saturday, 30 May 1896Deptford (St John), Kent5040 Grandsire Triples
Saturday, 19 August 1893Deptford (St John), Kent5040 Double Norwich Court Bob Major
Saturday, 4 April 1891Deptford (St John), Kent5088 Kent Treble Bob Major
Friday, 12 September 1890Deptford (St John), Kent5040 Plain Bob Major
Saturday, 19 April 1890Deptford (St John), Kent5040 Grandsire Triples
Friday, 27 July 1888Deptford (St John), Kent5040 Grandsire Triples
Saturday, 15 January 1887Deptford (St John), Kent5040 Grandsire Triples
Saturday, 13 November 1886Deptford (St John), Kent5040 Grandsire Triples
Monday, 6 April 1885Deptford (St John), Kent5040 Grandsire Triples
Saturday, 19 January 1884Deptford (St John), Kent5040 Grandsire Triples
Monday, 14 May 1883Deptford (St John), Kent5040 Grandsire Triples
Tuesday, 11 April 1882Deptford (St John), Kent5040 Grandsire Triples
Friday, 11 June 1875Deptford (St John), Kent5040 Stedman Triples


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