Search results

Found 13 performances that match your search criteria.

Saturday, 29 January 2000Ashcott (All Saints), Somerset5040 Grandsire Doubles
Monday, 6 May 1996Ashcott (All Saints), Somerset5040 Stedman Doubles
Wednesday, 7 July 1993Ashcott (All Saints), Somerset5040 Cambridge Surprise Minor
Saturday, 6 June 1992Ashcott (All Saints), Somerset5040 Doubles (60m)
Saturday, 24 September 1988Ashcott (All Saints), Somerset5040 Doubles (24m)
Monday, 29 June 1987Ashcott (All Saints), Somerset5040 Cambridge Surprise Minor
Tuesday, 21 April 1987Ashcott (All Saints), Somerset5040 Minor (7m)
Tuesday, 11 March 1986Ashcott (All Saints), Somerset5040 Minor (7m)
Wednesday, 14 August 1985Ashcott (All Saints), Somerset5040 Cambridge Surprise Minor
Tuesday, 5 June 1984Ashcott (All Saints), Somerset5040 Surprise Minor (4m)
Saturday, 24 March 1984Ashcott (All Saints), Somerset5040 Doubles (42m)
Sunday, 1 November 1981Ashcott (All Saints), Somerset5040 All Saints Place Doubles
Saturday, 24 July 1976Ashcott (All Saints), Somerset5040 Cambridge Surprise Minor


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