Search results

Found 11 performances that match your search criteria.

Sunday, 26 March 2023Stoke Albany (St Botolph), Northamptonshire5040 Surprise Minor (7m)
Sunday, 28 May 2017Stoke Albany (St Botolph), Northamptonshire5040 Yarwell Delight Minor
Monday, 29 December 2003Stoke Albany (St Botolph), Northamptonshire5040 Albany Surprise Minor
Sunday, 17 June 2001Stoke Albany (St Botolph), Northamptonshire5040 Stoke Albany Treble Place Minor
Wednesday, 11 January 1995Stoke Albany (St Botolph), Northamptonshire5040 Surprise Minor (24m)
Saturday, 24 May 1986Stoke Albany (St Botolph), Northamptonshire5040 Minor (8m)
Thursday, 19 June 1969Stoke Albany (St Botolph), Northamptonshire5040 Minor (7m)
Saturday, 18 October 1930Stoke Albany (St Botolph), Northamptonshire5040 Plain Bob Minor
Saturday, 17 March 1928Stoke Albany (St Botolph), Northamptonshire5040 Plain Bob Minor
Saturday, 21 June 1913Stoke Albany (St Botolph), Northamptonshire5040 Minor (5m)
Saturday, 18 June 1892Stoke Albany (St Botolph), Northamptonshire5040 Minor (3m)


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