Search results

Found 17 performances that match your search criteria.

Friday, 5 July 2024Shapwick (St Bartholomew), Dorset1260 Doubles (4m,7v)
Monday, 4 September 2023Shapwick (St Bartholomew), Dorset1260 Reverse Canterbury Pleasure Place Doubles
Saturday, 6 May 2023Shapwick (St Bartholomew), DorsetGeneral Ringing
Saturday, 20 November 2021Shapwick (St Bartholomew), Dorset1260 Chase Bob Doubles
Friday, 31 May 2019Shapwick (St Bartholomew), Dorset1260 Doubles (4 Variations)
Friday, 23 November 2018Shapwick (St Bartholomew), Dorset1260 Doubles (2m)
Sunday, 20 May 2018Shapwick (St Bartholomew), Dorset5040 Doubles (11m)
Sunday, 14 August 2016Shapwick (St Bartholomew), Dorset1260 Doubles (3m, 2v)
Tuesday, 17 May 2016Shapwick (St Bartholomew), Dorset1260 Reverse St Bartholomew Doubles
Tuesday, 10 May 2016Shapwick (St Bartholemew), Dorset1260 Doubles (5 Methods)
Friday, 15 January 2016Shapwick (St Bartholomew), Dorset1260 Doubles (1 Principle/ 3 Methods)
Thursday, 10 September 2015Shapwick (St Bartholomew), Dorset5040 Stedman Doubles
Tuesday, 10 February 2015Shapwick (St Bartholomew), Dorset1260 Grandsire Doubles
Saturday, 22 November 2014Shapwick (St Bartholomew), Dorset1260 Doubles (5m)
Wednesday, 20 August 2014Shapwick (St Bartholomew), Dorset1260 All Saints Doubles
Tuesday, 22 April 2014Shapwick (St Bartholomew), Dorset5040 Doubles (11 Methods)
Friday, 28 February 2014Shapwick (St Bartholomew), Dorset1260 Grandsire Doubles


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