Search results

Found 22 performances that match your search criteria.

Saturday, 29 June 2013Belton in Axholme (All Saints), North Lincs5040 Minor (4 Methods)
Saturday, 27 March 2010Belton in Isle of Axholme (All Saints), Lincolnshire5040 Minor (3m)
Saturday, 6 May 2006Belton in Isle of Axholme (All Saints), Lincolnshire5040 Plain Bob Minor
Saturday, 31 January 2004Belton in Isle of Axholme (All Saints), Lincolnshire5040 Surprise Minor (18m)
Saturday, 27 October 1979Belton in Isle of Axholme (All Saints), Lincolnshire5040 Minor (7m)
Monday, 17 August 1970Belton in Isle of Axholme (All Saints), Lincolnshire5040 Splice Minor (19m)
Saturday, 12 April 1969Belton in Isle of Axholme (All Saints), Lincolnshire5040 Minor (6m)
Monday, 10 October 1966Belton in Isle of Axholme (All Saints), Lincolnshire5040 Minor (7m)
Monday, 3 August 1964Belton in Isle of Axholme (All Saints), Lincolnshire5040 Minor (10m)
Monday, 18 May 1964Belton in Isle of Axholme (All Saints), Lincolnshire5040 Minor (7m)
Thursday, 30 April 1964Belton in Isle of Axholme (All Saints), Lincolnshire5040 Minor (7m)
Saturday, 28 December 1963Belton in Isle of Axholme (All Saints), Lincolnshire5040 Minor (7m)
Saturday, 23 November 1963Belton in Isle of Axholme (All Saints), Lincolnshire5040 Plain Bob Minor
Saturday, 27 July 1963Belton in Isle of Axholme (All Saints), Lincolnshire5040 Plain Bob Minor
Saturday, 18 August 1962Belton in Isle of Axholme (All Saints), Lincolnshire5040 Minor (7m)
Wednesday, 8 August 1962Belton in Isle of Axholme (All Saints), Lincolnshire5040 Minor (7m)
Saturday, 26 May 1962Belton in Isle of Axholme (All Saints), Lincolnshire5040 Plain Bob Minor
Saturday, 30 September 1961Belton in Isle of Axholme (All Saints), Lincolnshire5040 Plain Bob Minor
Saturday, 6 May 1961Belton in Isle of Axholme (All Saints), Lincolnshire5040 Cambridge Surprise Minor
Wednesday, 29 June 1960Belton in Isle of Axholme (All Saints), Lincolnshire5040 Minor (7m)
Saturday, 28 May 1960Belton in Isle of Axholme (All Saints), Lincolnshire5040 Minor (4m)
Saturday, 30 January 1960Belton in Isle of Axholme (All Saints), Lincolnshire5040 Minor (7m)


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