Search results

Found 19 performances that match your search criteria.

Thursday, 18 April 2019Skilgate (St John the Baptist), SomersetTolling
Tuesday, 26 March 2019Skilgate (St John the Baptist), Somerset1269 Doubles (4m)
Sunday, 11 November 2018Skilgate (St John the Baptist), SomersetRounds, Call Changes, Plain Hunt
Thursday, 25 January 2018Skilgate (St John the Baptist), Somerset1260 Plain Bob Doubles
Thursday, 7 December 2017Skilgate (St John the Baptist), Somerset1260 Reverse Canterbury Pleasure Place Doubles
Saturday, 11 November 2017Skilgate (St John the Baptist), Somerset1260 Doubles
Tuesday, 8 August 2017Skilgate (St John the Baptist), Somerset1260 Doubles (5m)
Monday, 25 July 2016Skilgate (St John the Baptist), Somerset1260 Doubles
Monday, 27 June 2016Skilgate (St John the Baptist), Somerset1260 Reverse Canterbury Pleasure Place Doubles
Saturday, 3 July 2004Skilgate (St John the Baptist), Somerset1260 Grandsire Doubles
Saturday, 24 August 2002Skilgate (St John the Baptist), Somerset1320 Doubles (2m)
Saturday, 29 July 2000Skilgate (St John the Baptist), Somerset1260 Reverse Canterbury Pleasure Place Doubles
Saturday, 20 August 1994Skilgate (St John the Baptist), Somerset1260 Reverse Canterbury Pleasure Place Doubles
Sunday, 24 October 1993Skilgate (St John the Baptist), Somerset5040 Doubles (19m)
Saturday, 4 June 1988Skilgate (St John the Baptist), Somerset1260 Doubles (4m/v)
Tuesday, 18 May 1982Skilgate (St John the Baptist), Somerset1260 Doubles (10m)
Saturday, 17 October 1981Skilgate (St John the Baptist), Somerset1260 Doubles (3m/1v)
Saturday, 31 July 1971Skilgate (St John the Baptist), Somerset1320 St Martin's Bob Doubles
Monday, 25 May 1970Skilgate (St John the Baptist), Somerset1260 Doubles (2m)


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