Search results

Found 31 performances that match your search criteria.

Saturday, 7 September 2024Beaminster (St Mary of the Annunciation), Dorset5040 Spliced Surprise Royal (3m)
Saturday, 14 April 2018Beaminster (St Mary of the Annunciation), Dorset5000 Bristol Surprise Royal
Thursday, 9 July 2015Beaminster (St Mary of the Annunciation), Dorset5000 Bristol Surprise Royal
Monday, 20 October 2014Beaminster (St Mary of the Annunciation), Dorset5040 Yorkshire Surprise Royal
Saturday, 30 August 2014Beaminster (St Mary of the Annunciation), Dorset5007 Stedman Caters
Saturday, 24 August 2013Beaminster (St Mary), Dorset5040 Spliced Surprise Royal
Friday, 30 December 2011Beaminster (St Mary of The Annunciation), Dorset5040 Grandsire Triples
Saturday, 31 October 2009Beaminster (St Mary of the Annunciation), Dorset5000 London No. 3 Surprise Royal
Saturday, 8 March 2008Beaminster (St Mary of the Annunciation), Dorset5040 Xenolite Surprise Royal
Saturday, 26 January 2008Beaminster (St Mary of the Annunciation), Dorset5021 Grandsire Caters
Tuesday, 31 July 2007Beaminster (St Mary of the Annunciation), Dorset5040 London Surprise Royal
Monday, 7 May 2007Beaminster (St Mary of the Annunciation), Dorset5003 Grandsire Caters
Saturday, 11 March 2006Beaminster (St Mary of the Annunciation), Dorset5040 Black Sheep Surprise Royal
Saturday, 18 October 2003Beaminster (St Mary of the Annunciation), Dorset5040 Cambridge Surprise Royal
Saturday, 8 March 2003Beaminster (St Mary of the Annunciation), Dorset5040 Yorkshire Surprise Royal
Saturday, 12 October 2002Beaminster (St Mary of the Annunciation), Dorset5040 Cambridge Surprise Royal
Saturday, 29 September 2001Beaminster (St Mary of the Annunciation), Dorset5080 London No. 3 Surprise Royal
Saturday, 2 August 1997Beaminster (St Mary of the Annunciation), Dorset5002 London No. 3 Surprise Royal
Monday, 22 July 1996Beaminster (St Mary of the Annunciation), Dorset5002 Rutland Surprise Royal
Saturday, 26 November 1994Beaminster (St Mary of the Annunciation), Dorset5007 Stedman Caters
Saturday, 10 July 1993Beaminster (St Mary of the Annunciation), Dorset5040 Lincolnshire Surprise Royal
Saturday, 27 July 1991Beaminster (St Mary of the Annunciation), Dorset5040 Glenfield Surprise Royal
Saturday, 18 May 1991Beaminster (St Mary of the Annunciation), Dorset5055 Stedman Caters
Saturday, 20 April 1985Beaminster (St Mary of the Annunciation), Dorset5040 Cambridge Surprise Royal
Saturday, 15 December 1984Beaminster (St Mary of the Annunciation), Dorset5003 Stedman Caters
Monday, 23 April 1984Beaminster (St Mary of the Annunciation), Dorset5040 Bristol Surprise Royal
Saturday, 10 September 1983Beaminster (St Mary of the Annunciation), Dorset5040 Yorkshire Surprise Royal
Saturday, 7 September 1974Beaminster (St Mary of the Annunciation), Dorset5039 Grandsire Caters
Friday, 4 September 1964Beaminster (St Mary of the Annunciation), Dorset5024 Yorkshire Surprise Major
Saturday, 14 September 1912Beaminster (St Mary of the Annunciation), Dorset5056 Bristol Surprise Major
Tuesday, 21 September 1909Beaminster (St Mary of the Annunciation), Dorset5040 Stedman Triples


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