Search results

Found 36 performances that match your search criteria.

Monday, 15 July 2024Saxmundham (St John the Baptist), Suffolk1260 Plain Bob Minor
Wednesday, 3 May 2023Saxmundham (St John the Baptist), Suffolk1260 Grandsire Doubles
Saturday, 9 July 2022Saxmundham (St John the Baptist), Suffolk1269 Grandsire Doubles
Thursday, 2 June 2022Saxmundham (St John the Baptist), SuffolkRounds To Grandsire Doubles
Sunday, 11 November 2018Saxmundham (St John the Baptist), Suffolk1260 Doubles
Saturday, 22 October 2011Saxmundham (St John the Baptist), Suffolk1260 Plain Bob Doubles
Tuesday, 12 April 2011Saxmundham (St John the Baptist), Suffolk5040 Spliced Surprise Minor (14m)
Saturday, 20 November 2010Saxmundham (St John-the-Baptist), Suffolk5040 Plain Minor (3 methods)
Thursday, 10 June 2010Saxmundham (St John the Baptist), Suffolk5040 Minor (4 methods)
Monday, 25 May 2009Saxmundham (St John the Baptist), Suffolk1296 Ipswich Surprise Minor
Tuesday, 10 March 2009Saxmundham (St John the Baptist), Suffolk1260 St Clements College Bob Minor
Saturday, 22 July 2006Saxmundham (St John the Baptist), Suffolk1279 Grandsire Doubles
Monday, 9 February 1998Saxmundham (St John the Baptist), Suffolk1272 London Surprise Minor
Saturday, 4 May 1985Saxmundham (St John the Baptist), Suffolk1296 Cambridge Surprise Minor
Saturday, 29 October 1983Saxmundham (St John the Baptist), Suffolk5040 Plain Bob Doubles
Saturday, 3 May 1980Saxmundham (St John the Baptist), Suffolk1320 Surprise Minor (3m)
Sunday, 29 July 1979Saxmundham (St John the Baptist), Suffolk1320 St John Baptist Doubles
Wednesday, 17 April 1974Saxmundham (St John the Baptist), Suffolk5040 St Martin's Bob Doubles
Saturday, 10 November 1973Saxmundham (St John the Baptist), Suffolk5040 Doubles (4m)
Saturday, 4 September 1971Saxmundham (St John the Baptist), Suffolk5040 7 Methods Minor
Saturday, 29 November 1969Saxmundham (St John the Baptist), Suffolk5040 Plain Bob Doubles
Saturday, 8 November 1969Saxmundham (St John the Baptist), Suffolk5040 Plain Bob Doubles
Saturday, 12 October 1968Saxmundham (St John the Baptist), Suffolk5040 Grandsire Doubles
Saturday, 18 May 1968Saxmundham (St John the Baptist), Suffolk5040 6 Methods Minor
Monday, 7 August 1967Saxmundham (St John the Baptist), Suffolk5040 Plain Bob Doubles
Monday, 27 March 1967Saxmundham (St John the Baptist), Suffolk5040 8 Methods/variations Doubles
Saturday, 31 December 1966Saxmundham (St John the Baptist), Suffolk5040 Plain Bob Doubles
Friday, 11 November 1966Saxmundham (St John the Baptist), Suffolk5040 Plain Bob Doubles
Monday, 26 September 1966Saxmundham (St John the Baptist), Suffolk5040 Doubles (4m)
Thursday, 26 April 1962Saxmundham (St John the Baptist), Suffolk5040 Plain Bob Minor
Monday, 3 October 1960Saxmundham (St John the Baptist), Suffolk5040 7 Surprise Minor
Thursday, 12 September 1957Saxmundham (St John the Baptist), Suffolk5040 Minor (3m)
Thursday, 6 June 1957Saxmundham (St John the Baptist), Suffolk5040 7 Methods Minor
Saturday, 14 July 1956Saxmundham (St John the Baptist), Suffolk5040 Minor (5m)
Saturday, 2 October 1954Saxmundham (St John the Baptist), Suffolk5040 Minor (7m)
Saturday, 19 May 1951Saxmundham (St John the Baptist), Suffolk5040 (7m) Minor


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