Search results

Found 21 performances that match your search criteria.

Saturday, 2 June 2012Combe (St Laurence the Martyr), Oxfordshire5040 Doubles (3m/4v)
Thursday, 30 May 2002Combe (St Lawrence), Oxfordshire5040 Surprise Minor
Saturday, 10 December 1994Combe (St Laurence), Oxfordshire5040 Surprise Minor (15m)
Saturday, 10 August 1991Combe (St Laurence), Oxfordshire5040 Plain Bob Minor
Saturday, 6 December 1986Combe (St Laurence), Oxfordshire5040 Cambridge Surprise Minor
Tuesday, 24 June 1986Combe (St Laurence), Oxfordshire5040 Surprise Minor (7m)
Saturday, 4 June 1983Combe (St Laurence), Oxfordshire5040 Stedman Doubles
Thursday, 5 November 1981Combe (St Laurence), Oxfordshire5040 Minor
Saturday, 3 October 1981Combe (St Laurence), Oxfordshire5040 Minor (7m)
Monday, 11 May 1981Combe (St Laurence), Oxfordshire5040 Surprise Minor (23m)
Thursday, 12 March 1981Combe (St Laurence), Oxfordshire5040 Minor (7m)
Thursday, 26 February 1981Combe (St Laurence), Oxfordshire5040 Surprise Minor (7m)
Saturday, 17 January 1981Combe (St Laurence), Oxfordshire5040 Surprise Minor (19m)
Friday, 5 December 1980Combe (St Laurence), Oxfordshire5040 Surprise Minor (12m)
Thursday, 20 November 1980Combe (St Laurence), Oxfordshire5040 Plain Bob Minor
Saturday, 11 October 1980Combe (St Laurence), Oxfordshire5040 Cambridge Surprise Minor
Saturday, 24 May 1980Combe (St Laurence), Oxfordshire5040 Surprise Minor (9m)
Saturday, 13 October 1979Combe (St Laurence), Oxfordshire5040 Spliced Surprise Minor (34m)
Friday, 21 April 1978Combe (St Laurence), Oxfordshire5040 Surprise Minor (21m)
Thursday, 24 February 1977Combe (St Laurence), Oxfordshire5040 Minor (3m)
Monday, 5 June 1967Combe (St Laurence), Oxfordshire5040 Minor (5m)


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