Search results

Found 17 performances that match your search criteria.

Wednesday, 27 July 2016Clanfield (St Stephen), Oxfordshire5120 Spliced Surprise Major
Wednesday, 21 October 2015Clanfield (St Stephen), Oxfordshire5152 Spliced Surprise Major
Saturday, 1 March 2014Clanfield (St Stephen), Oxfordshire5024 London Surprise Major
Monday, 1 September 2008Clanfield (St Stephen), Oxfordshire5088 Old Surprise Major
Tuesday, 5 February 2008Clanfield (St Stephen), Oxfordshire5056 Bristol Surprise Major
Saturday, 1 December 2007Clanfield (St Stephen), Oxfordshire5152 Lincolnshire Surprise Major
Saturday, 4 March 2006Clanfield (St Stephen), Oxfordshire5058 Yorkshire Surprise Major
Saturday, 13 August 2005Clanfield (St Stephen), Oxfordshire5040 Stedman Triples
Friday, 1 September 1995Clanfield (St Stephen), Oxfordshire5088 Lessness Surprise Major
Saturday, 19 February 1983Clanfield (St Stephen), Oxfordshire5040 Grandsire Triples
Thursday, 9 September 1976Clanfield (St Stephen), Oxfordshire5088 Spliced Surprise Major (8m)
Saturday, 1 March 1975Clanfield (St Stephen), Oxfordshire5088 Adelaide Surprise Major
Friday, 27 September 1974Clanfield (St Stephen), Oxfordshire5088 Spliced Surprise Major
Saturday, 27 July 1974Clanfield (St Stephen), Oxfordshire5088 Northampton Surprise Major
Sunday, 20 May 1973Clanfield (St Stephen), Oxfordshire5056 Spliced Surprise Major (54m)
Saturday, 10 March 1973Clanfield (St Stephen), Oxfordshire5152 Superlative Surprise Major
Saturday, 28 February 1959Clanfield (St Stephen), Oxfordshire5088 Bristol Surprise Major


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