Search results

Found 7 performances that match your search criteria.

Monday, 15 November 1948Hessle (All Saints), East Riding of Yorkshire1260 Grandsire Doubles
Monday, 15 November 1948Kirk Ella (St Andrew), East Riding of Yorkshire1260 Grandsire Doubles
Sunday, 15 August 1948Scarborough (St Mary), North Yorkshire1260 Stedman Triples
Sunday, 25 July 1948Pocklington (All Saints), East Riding of Yorkshire1260 Grandsire Doubles
Monday, 26 April 1948Market Weighton (All Saints), East Riding of Yorkshire1260 Grandsire Doubles
Sunday, 18 April 1948Hull (The Most Holy and Undivided Trinity), East Riding of Yorkshire1260 Grandsire Doubles
Saturday, 17 April 1948Hessle (All Saints), East Riding of Yorkshire1260 Grandsire Doubles


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