Performances report

This page gives a report of the performances matching your search criteria.

There were 473 matching performances. The top 200 are listed below.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Westminster, Greater London
St Clement Danes
Friday, 1 January 1988 in 3h 15 (21–1–23 in E)
5200 Stedman Caters
Composed by R Dennis
1 Shelagh R Melville
2 David C Brown (C)
3 Brenda Redfearn
4 Philip M J Gray
5 Ronald K Russ
6 Thomas J Lock
7 Robert A Partridge
8 Stephen G Jakeman
9 David Kemp
10 David Redfearn
First Stedman Caters - 8. With compliments, at the start of the Australian Bicentenary Year, by and overseas band.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Turramurra, New South Wales, Australia
St James'
Friday, 1 January 1988 in 70m (9–3–9 in A♭)
1988 Turramurra Surprise Major
Composed by William [Bill] Perrins
1 Dianne Knight
2 Glenyss McGregor
3 Margaret E Goodyer
4 Robert Walters
5 Fiona Towers
6 Stephen Fox
7 Chris Towers
8 Christopher O'Mahony (C)
Rung to commemorate the first day of of the Bi-centennial Year, and the birth of Andrew Ian Thornton on 27/12/1987, son of Susan, a Turramurra ringer.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
St David's Cathedral
Friday, 1 January 1988 (7–3–26 in A♯)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Mary Symes
2 Jim Weller
3 Margaret Finney (C)
4 Ruth Brammall
5 Jenny Wilson
6 Douglas Nichols
First quarter peal inside - 2.
First quarter peal as conductor - 3.
Rung to start the New Year. [ 10.20 am ].

Australian & New Zealand Association
Bendigo, Victoria, Australia
St Paul's Cathedral
Friday, 1 January 1988 in 48m (14–2–4 in F♯)
1260 Doubles (2m)
(2 Methods:- Plain Bob & Grandsire.).
1 Peter Robertson
2 William Robertson
3 Monica E Martin
4 Jim Jefferies
5 John A Martin (C)
6 Peter Hiscock
7 Graeme Baxter
8 Joe Fulton
Rung at Dawn.
Rung with cover bells - with 7-6-8 covering.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
St Paul's Cathedral - Ringing Chamber.
Saturday, 2 January 1988 in 37m (11 in G)
1250 Spliced Surprise Major (2m)
(2 Methods: Yorkshire & Cambridge.).
1–2 Esther Byers
3–4 Robin G Turner
5–6 John H Fryer
7–8 Bill Perrins (C)
First quarter peal of Spliced Surprise Major in hand for all.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Perth, Western Australia
St George's Cathedral
Sunday, 3 January 1988 in 43m (11–0–18 in G)
1260 Stedman Triples
1 Laura Ivey
2 Mary Lewin
3 Ron Chapman
4 Ray Skinner
5 Bert Woolven
6 Chris J Carter
7 Eric White (C)
8 John Skinner
First quarter of Stedman - 6.
For Epiphany and the wedding of Anne Skinner, daughter of Ray and sister of John.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand
Christchurch Cathedral
Sunday, 3 January 1988 in 48m (8–1–4 in A)
1320 Cambridge Surprise Minor
1 Frances Lojkine
2 Lynne Bennet
3 Robert G T Bennett
4 Robert H Bennett
5 Michael Clayton
6 Ron Stevens (C)
First quarter peal of treble bob - 1.
For Service.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Auckland, New Zealand
St Matthew in the City
Tuesday, 5 January 1988 in 39m (13–2–5 in G)
1260 Grandsire Doubles
1 Liz Neill
2 Robert Campbell
3 Valerie Stone
4 Brenda Claridge
5 Michael Stone (C)
6 Julian Stone
First quarter peal of Grandsire and tenth quarter - 2.
Rung on the front 6, on practice night, for the birthday of Liz Neill on January 6 - no longer a teenager.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
St Philip's Church Hill
Wednesday, 6 January 1988 in 49m (18–2–21 in E)
1260 Stedman Triples
1 Mary Symes
2 Gordon Connon
3 Enid L Roberts
4 Steven Tuften
5 Esther Byers
6 Christopher O'Mahony
7 Robert Walters (C)
8 Bill Perrins
First quarter peal of Stedman - 4.
Rung for the conductor's birthday - 6/1.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
St David's Cathedral
Sunday, 10 January 1988 (7–3–26 in A♯)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 John A Smith
2 Douglas Nichols
3 Audrey Cusick
4 Ruth Brammall
5 Jenny Wilson (C)
6 David Skegg
First quarter peal - 6.
First quarter peal inside - 3.
Rung to welcome the Tall Ships to Hobart for the start of the Hobart-Sydney Bi-centennial Tall Ships Race.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Auckland, New Zealand
St Matthew in the City
Friday, 15 January 1988 in 43m (20–0–12 in E♭)
1260 Plain Bob Triples
1 Valerie Stone
2 Robert Campbell
3 Pam McAdam
4 Brenda Claridge
5 Peter Adams
6 David McAdam
7 Michael Stone (C)
8 Sue Bennett
First quarter peal of Triples - 2.
Rung for the wedding of Ruth Caldwell (former St Matthews ringer) to John Fitzgerald.
Ruth's father David and brothers Alan and John rang a touch of Grandsire as the bride left the church, before springing down to join the bridal party for photographs.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Wangaratta, Victoria, Australia
Holy Trinity Cathedral
Saturday, 16 January 1988 in 47m (16–3–23 in E)
1320 Plain Bob Doubles
(7-6-8 covering).
1 Nicholas Heyes
2 James Heyes
3 Mary Heyes
4 Marian Batty
5 Elizabeth Rossell (C)
6 David Heyes
7 David Still
8 John Harrison
First quarter on the bells in the tower.
First quarter peal - 1, 7 & 8. Special congratulations to the two local ringers.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Wangaratta, Victoria, Australia
Holy Trinity Cathedral
Saturday, 16 January 1988 in 1h 35 (16–3–23 in E)
2528 Plain Bob Major
1 Jennifer A Murphy
2 Marian Batty
3 James Heyes
4 Bill Randall
5 Robin G Turner (C)
6 David Heyes
7 Henry Rossell
8 Robert Walters
[Peal attempt called round at half way; very hot, poor ventilation.].
(RW # 4015. Page 354: 8th April, 1988 - Temperature in ringing chamber when peal was called round was 36 degrees Celsius.).

Australian & New Zealand Association
Adelaide, South Australia
St Peter's Cathedral
Saturday, 16 January 1988 in 53m (41–1–0 in C)
1260 Grandsire Triples
1 Anne Bowden
2 Kaye W Lynas
3 Anne Haskard
4 Sue Tonkin
5 Douglas Bell
6 Simon Brown
7 Ian Harris (C)
8 Peter Bardon
First quarter peal of triples - 1.
First quarter peal in Australia - 6 & 8.
Rung as a compliment to Dorothy and Peter Bardon, returning to the UK after holidaying with their son in Adelaide.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Wangaratta, Victoria, Australia
Holy Trinity Cathedral
Sunday, 17 January 1988 in 37m (8–2–17 in A)
1260 Grandsire Doubles
1 Nicholas Heyes
2 Mary Heyes
3 David Heyes
4 James Heyes
5 Robert Walters (C)
First quarter of Grandsire on the bells (in this tower).
First quarter of Grandsire - 4.
[Rung on the front 5 bells; plus first successful quarter for 5 on the bells].

Australian & New Zealand Association
Turramurra, New South Wales, Australia
St James'
Sunday, 17 January 1988 in 45m (9–3–9 in A♭)
1260 Grandsire Triples
1 Fiona McGregor
2 Esther Byers
3 Bill Perrins
4 Glenyss McGregor
5 Toby Arkless
6 Stephen Fox
7 Christopher O'Mahony (C)
8 Basil E Potts
First quarter peal on the bells - 5.
Rung for Evensong.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
St Andrew's Cathedral
Sunday, 17 January 1988 (13–1–10 in F♯)
1280 Yorkshire Surprise Major
3 Gordon Connon
4–5–6–7–8 UN KNOWN
[This is all the details that where printed in Ringing Towers!!!!??].
Please note...this is all that was published in Ringing Towers.
Feb to July 1988. The editor did not complete the details on a number of quarters and recorded this way, with no ringers' names or excuse. (18 in total. All found, but for this one; found and amended).
Other source docs are being sort to complete. llrb-w. 28/4/2017.(6/8/2020).
From Investigation .... Gordon Connon remembers being in this quarter rung for evening service that day. His diary entry done does not give any more details...his computer data file is not accessible at the moment due to his computer failing...and will at sometime have access...when? 02/07/2017. Lovelace Bullivant.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Prospect, South Australia
St Cuthberts
Sunday, 17 January 1988 in 47m (11–1–2 in G)
1380 Doubles (2m)
(Grandsire and Plain Bob.).
1 Sylvia Bedford
2 Julian Bedford
3 Anne Bowden
4 Douglas Bell
5 Philip Bedford (C)
6 Elizabeth Kowald
First quarter peal - 6.
First quarter peal 'inside' - 3.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Hamilton, Waikato, New Zealand
St Peter's Cathedral
Sunday, 17 January 1988 in 46m (20–2–6 in E)
1260 Plain Bob Triples
1 Tino Fradd
2 Mike Fradd
3 John Neale
4 John McAdam
5 Liz Neill
6 David Kennett (C)
7 Michael Stone
8 Ian Harrison
First quarter on the bells - 1, 2, & 5.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Auckland, New Zealand
St Matthew in the City
Sunday, 17 January 1988 in 40m (20–0–12 in E♭)
1260 Grandsire Triples
1 Valerie Stone
2 Mike Fradd
3 Peter Adams
4 Robert H Bennett
5 Liz Neill (C)
6 Michael Stone
7 Julian Stone
8 Robert Campbell
First quarter peal in New Zealand - 2.
First quarter peal as conductor - 5.
Rung for the visit of Mike and Tino Fradd from Solomon Islands.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Hamilton, Waikato, New Zealand
St Peter's Cathedral
Wednesday, 20 January 1988 in 43m (20–2–6 in E)
1260 Grandsire Triples
1 Pam McAdam
2 John Neale
3 Liz Neill
4 Ian Harrison
5 Valerie Stone
6 David Kennett
7 Michael Stone (C)
8 Julian Stone
Rung for the 14th wedding anniversary of Michael and Tino Fradd.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Wellington, New Zealand
Old St Paul's
Thursday, 21 January 1988 in 2h 37 (3–3–25 in E♭)
5040 Doubles (5m)
240 Plain Bob; 960 St Osmund, Eynesbury; 1440 St Simon's, St Martin's
1 Rei Ngatai
2 Michael Lee
3 Brett Young
4 Christopher Jarman
5 Pleasance Purser (C)
First peal: 1. First as conductor. First peal on the bells. For the 148th anniversary of the settlement of Wellington by Europeans; also Farewell compliment to 1 and 3.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Walkerville, South Australia
St Andrews
Saturday, 23 January 1988 in 50m (12–3–17 in F♯)
1440 Spliced Surprise Minor (2m)
(London & Cambridge.).
1 Bob Allan
2 Simon Brown (C)
3 Douglas Bell
4 Ian Harris
5 Brian R Cox
6 Philip Goodyer
First quarter peal of Spliced - 5.
Rung after a wedding.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
St Philip's Church Hill
Sunday, 24 January 1988 in 48m (18–2–21 in E)
1280 Yorshire Surprise Major
1 Paul Doyle
2 Glenyss McGregor
3 Mary Symes
4 Stephen Fox
5 Ron Chapman
6 Gordon Connon
7 Robert Walters
8 Christopher O'Mahony (C)

Australian & New Zealand Association
Walkerville, South Australia
St Andrews
Tuesday, 26 January 1988 in 46m (12–3–17 in F♯)
1320 London Surprise Minor
1 Anne Bowden
2 Ian Harris
3 Douglas Bell
4 Simon Brown
5 David J Bleby
6 Philip Goodyer (C)
First quarter peal of Treble Bob - 1.
Rung on and for Australia Day.
[One of 4 quarter peals rung in South Australia this day.].

Australian & New Zealand Association
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
St Philip's Church Hill
Tuesday, 26 January 1988 in 45m (18–2–21 in E)
1264 Plain Bob Major
1 Christopher O'Mahony
2 Glenyss McGregor
3 Mary Symes
4 Stephen Fox
5 Gordon Connon
6 Paul Doyle
7 Ron Chapman
8 Robert Walters (C)
Rung on Australia Day as the re-enactment fleet arrived in Port Jackson to anchor at Farm Cove.
[Rung after a lost peal attempt.].

Australian & New Zealand Association
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
St Mary's Basilica
Tuesday, 26 January 1988 in 83m (34–1–3 in C♯)
1988 Spliced Plain Royal (2m)
(2 Methods: Plain Bob & Bastow Little Court. 8 COM.).
1 Bert Lawrence
2 Judy Nolan
3 Hilary Fawcett
4 Pam Brock
5 Geoff Nolan
6 Wendy Tyrrell
7 John H Fryer (C)
8 Enid L Roberts
9 Esther Byers
10 Bill Perrins
Rung for Australia Day Bicentennial Celebrations.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Christ Church St Laurence
Tuesday, 26 January 1988 in 48m (10–3–8 in G)
1260 Plain Bob Royal
1 Fiona McGregor
2 Margaret G Goodyer
3 Jim Carter
4 Ralph L Clark
5 Helen Alcock
6 David Bath
7 Basil Potts (C)
8 Richard Dean
9 Alan Champion
10 James Woolford
Rung for Australia Day.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Prospect, South Australia
St Cuthberts
Tuesday, 26 January 1988 in 42m (11–1–2 in G)
1260 Grandsire Triples
1 Simon Brown
2 Anne Haskard
3 Bob Allan
4 Philip Goodyer
5 Sue Tonkin
6 David J Bleby
7 Ian Harris (C)
8 Jack Rundle
Rung on and for Australia Day.
[One of 4 quarter peals rung in South Australia this day.].

Australian & New Zealand Association
Perth, Western Australia
St George's Cathedral
Tuesday, 26 January 1988 in 43m (11–0–18 in G)
1260 Grandsire Doubles
1 Joan Swanson
2 Ray Skinner
3 Allan Samford
4 John Skinner
5 Eric White (C)
6 Eric Tickner
First quarter peal - 1 & 6.
First quarter peal in Southern Hemisphere - 3.
Rung for the Bicentennial - last quarter rung in Australia on that day.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
St David's Cathedral
Tuesday, 26 January 1988 (7–3–26 in A♯)
1788 Plain Bob Minor
1 David Skegg
2 James Weller
3 Ruth Brammall
4 Jenny Wilson
5 Margaret Finney
6 Douglas Nichols (C)
First quarter peal of minor - 1 & 2.
Rung for the Bicentenary of European Settlement in Australia.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
Holy Trinity
Tuesday, 26 January 1988 (9–0–10 in G)
1988 Plain Bob Triples
Composed by , arranged by Douglas Nichols
1 Ruth Brammall
2 Jenny Wilson
3 Fiona Prince
4 Margaret Finney
5 Lewis Prince
6 John A Smith
7 Douglas Nichols (C)
8 David Skegg
First quarter on the "restored bells".
First quarter peal on eight bells - 8.
Rung for the Bicentenary of European settlement in Australia.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Geelong, Victoria, Australia
St Pauls
Tuesday, 26 January 1988 in 41m (13–0–6 in F)
1260 Plain Bob Minor
1 Nicholas Heyes
2 Amanda Heyes
3 David Heyes
4 Helen Pettet
5 James Heyes (C)
6 Brian Pettet
First quarter peal as conductor - 5.
Rung for Australia Day.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Auckland, New Zealand
St Matthew in the City
Tuesday, 26 January 1988 in 44m (20–0–12 in E♭)
1296 Spliced Plain Major (2m)
(2 Methods: Plain & Little Bob.).
1 Robert Campbell
2 Valerie Stone
3 Liz Neill
4 Brenda Claridge
5 Sue Bennett
6 Peter Adams
7 Robert H Bennett (C)
8 Michael Stone
First quarter of spliced 1,2,3,4,5 & 6.
First of spliced as conductor - 7.
First of spliced by the St Matthews Society.
Rung on Australia Day, as part of the Bicentennial Celebrations across the Tasman.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Adelaide, South Australia
Town Hall
Tuesday, 26 January 1988 in 47m (13–2–13 in F)
1280 Yorkshire Surprise Major
1 Simon Brown
2 Sylvia Bedford
3 Douglas Bell
4 Philip Goodyer
5 Ian Harris
6 Julian Bedford
7 David J Bleby
8 Philip Bedford (C)
Rung on and for Australia Day.
[One of 4 quarter peals rung in South Australia this day.].

Australian & New Zealand Association
Adelaide, South Australia
St Peter's Cathedral
Tuesday, 26 January 1988 in 55m (41–1–0 in C)
1250 Cambridge Surprise Major
1 Kaye W Lynas
2 Sue Tonkin
3 Anne Haskard
4 Simon Brown (C)
5 Douglas Bell
6 Philip Goodyer
7 David J Bleby
8 Ian Harris
First quarter peal of surprise 'inside' - 2.
Rung on and for Australia Day.
[One of 4 quarter peals rung in South Australia this day.].

Australian & New Zealand Association
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
12/9 Waltham St., Coogee Beach.
Thursday, 28 January 1988 in 35m (Size 12)
1280 Cambridge Surprise Major
1–2 Esther Byers
3–4 John H Fryer
5–6 Bill Perrins (C)
7–8 Graham Harman

Australian & New Zealand Association
Turramurra, New South Wales, Australia
St James'
Friday, 29 January 1988 (9–3–9 in A♭)
1260 Plain Bob Minor
1 Christa Schmidt
2 Glenyss McGregor
3 Fiona McGregor
4 G Kenneth P Stacey
5 Stephen Fox
6 Christopher O'Mahony (C)
First quarter peal - 1.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Walkerville, South Australia
St Andrews
Saturday, 30 January 1988 (12–3–17 in F♯)
1260 Plain Bob Minor
1 Ian Harris
2 Anne Bowden
3 Douglas Bell
4 Sue Tonkin
5 Philip Goodyer (C)
6 Simon Brown

Australian & New Zealand Association
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
St Philip's Church Hill
Sunday, 31 January 1988 in 45m (18–2–21 in E)
1260 Plain Bob Triples
1 Bert Lawrence
2 Tony Stevens
3 Jim Carter
4 Mary Symes
5 Ron Chapman
6 David Bath
7 Robert Walters (C)
8 Alan Champion
First quarter peal of Plain Bob Triples - 2, 3, 4, 5, & 6.
A wedding compliment for James and Jan Stevens.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Christ Church St Laurence
Sunday, 31 January 1988 in 44m (10–3–8 in G)
1260 Plain Bob Triples
1 Tino Fradd
2 Jim Carter
3 Tony Stevens
4 Mike Fradd
5 Alan Champion
6 David Bath
7 Basil Potts (C)
8 Ron Chapman

Australian & New Zealand Association
Adelaide, South Australia
St Peter's Cathedral
Sunday, 31 January 1988 (41–1–0 in C)
1296 Stedman Triples
1 Ian Harris
2 Kaye W Lynas
3 Douglas Bell
4 Philip Goodyer
5 Anne Haskard
6 David J Bleby
7 Simon Brown (C)
8 Bob Allan
A compliment to Canon W. Chittleborough, and to Brian Cox on his 30 years of ringing.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
St Paul's Cathedral
Wednesday, 3 February 1988 (10–0–24 in G♯)
1250 Cambridge Surprise Major
1 Tim Eldridge
2 Marian Batty
3 Jennifer A Murphy
4 John Partington
5 Robin G Turner (C)
6 Bill Randall
7 Jack J F Roper
8 Henry Rossell
Visitor from the UK - 4.
Rung to mark the Bicentenary of the first Christian Service in Australia.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Turramurra, New South Wales, Australia
St James'
Friday, 5 February 1988 (9–3–9 in A♭)
1260 Plain Bob Minor
1 Christa Schmidt
2 Margaret E Goodyer
3 Fiona McGregor
4 Christopher O'Mahony
5 G Kenneth P Stacey
6 Glenyss McGregor (C)

Australian & New Zealand Association
Auckland, New Zealand
St Matthew in the City
Saturday, 6 February 1988 in 47m (20–0–12 in E♭)
1344 Plain Bob Major
1 David Caldwell
2 Julian Stone
3 Robert Campbell
4 Valerie Stone (C)
5 Brenda Claridge
6 Liz Neill
7 Sue Bennett
8 Michael Stone
First quarter peal of major 'inside' - 3.
First quarter peal of major as conductor - 4.
Rung after a wedding.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Auckland, New Zealand
St Matthew in the City
Saturday, 6 February 1988 in 43m (13–2–5 in G)
1320 Cambridge Surprise Minor
1 Liz Neill
2 Michael Stone
3 David Caldwell
4 Sue Bennett
5 Julian Stone
6 Robert H Bennett (C)
Rung after another wedding.
[Rung on front 6 bells.].

Australian & New Zealand Association
Perth, Western Australia
St George's Cathedral
Sunday, 7 February 1988 in 43m (11–0–18 in G)
1272 Kent Treble Bob Minor
1 Ruth Ames
2 Laura Ivey
3 Chris J Carter
4 Ian MacLeod
5 Ray Skinner
6 Eric White (C)
First quarter peal of Kent T.B. - 2 & 3.
Rung for Sunday Service.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Perth, Western Australia
St George's Cathedral
Sunday, 7 February 1988 in 42m (11–0–18 in G)
1260 Stedman Doubles
1 Laura Ivey
2 Mary Lewin
3 Ian MacLeod
4 Brian J Lawes
5 Eric White (C)
6 Eric Tickner
Rung for the Festival of Perth Service.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
St Paul's Cathedral
Sunday, 7 February 1988 (10–0–24 in G♯)
1260 Grandsire Triples
1 Virginia Moffett
2 Marian Batty
3 Jennifer A Murphy
4 Bill Randall
5 Robin G Turner
6 Henry Rossell (C)
7 Jack J F Roper
8 A Krohn
A birthday compliment to Phyllis Randall.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Hobart, Tasmania
Cathedral Church of St David
Sunday, 7 February 1988 in 3h 2 (14–3–19)
5088 Kent Treble Bob Major
Composed by A Knights
1 Lewis G R Prince
2 John P Partington
3 Margaret A Finney
4 Fiona F Prince
5 William T Perrins
6 Philip M Gray
7 David J Bleby
8 Douglas W Nichols (C)
First peal: 4. First on 8: 1. First Kent: 3, 7 and 8.
To celebrate the restoration of the Bells of Holy Trinity Church, Hobart, and to mark the occasion of the 150th Royal Hobart Regatta. Also wedding compliment to Robert Nichols, brother of the conductor.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Wellington, New Zealand
Cathedral Church of St Paul
Saturday, 13 February 1988 in 3h 26 (27–1–24 in D)
5280 Plain Bob Maximus
1 P Gerald McIlhone (C)
2 Michael D Lee
3 Pleasance W Purser
4 Robert G T Bennett
5 Christopher B Jarman
6 Robert H Bennett
7 Northleigh F E Reeve
8 Peter N Whiting
9 Brett B Young
10 Keith M Small
11 Julian M Stone
12 Michael J Stone
First peal of Maximus 2,5,8,9
Ringing World page reference: 4015.0350

Australian & New Zealand Association
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
St Mary's Basilica
Saturday, 13 February 1988 in 55m (34–1–3 in C♯)
1260 Stedman Triples
1 John J Cummins
2 Louise Hart
3 Enid L Roberts
4 John Partington
5 Philip M J Gray
6 Esther Byers
7 Bill Perrins (C)
8 John H Fryer
[Rung on the Back 8 bells.].
100th quarter peal - 4.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Adelaide, South Australia
St Peter's Cathedral
Saturday, 13 February 1988 (41–1–0 in C)
1260 Stedman Doubles
1 Anne Bowden
2 Simon Brown (C)
3 Douglas Bell
4 Philip Goodyer
5 David J Bleby
6 Ian Harris
[Rung on the back 6 bells.].
First quarter peal of Stedman - 1.
Rung after another wedding.
(2 of 2 on day)

Australian & New Zealand Association
Adelaide, South Australia
St Peter's Cathedral
Saturday, 13 February 1988 (20–2–23 in E)
1260 Doubles (3m)
(3 Methods; Plain Bob, Reverse Canterbury Pleasure Bob, Grandsire.).
1 Peter Ramsey
2 Douglas Bell
3 Simon Brown
4 Philip Goodyer (C)
5 Ian Harris
6 Bob Allan
First quarter peal - 1.
Rung after a wedding.
(1 of 2 on day).

Australian & New Zealand Association
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
St Mary's Basilica
Sunday, 14 February 1988 in 53m (34–1–3 in C♯)
1263 Stedman Caters
1 John Partington
2 Louise Hart
3 Mary Symes
4 Wendy Tyrrell
5 Gordon Connon
6 Ron Chapman
7 Bill Perrins (C)
8 John H Fryer
9 Esther Byers
10 Robert Walters
First quarter of Stedman Caters - 5 & 6.
First quarter of Caters - 3.
[Rung on the back 10 bells.].
Rung for the Bi-centennial Ecumenical Service in the Domain.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
St Paul's Cathedral
Sunday, 14 February 1988 (10–0–24 in G♯)
1264 Plain Bob Major
1 Tino Fradd
2 Robin G Turner (C)
3 Jennifer A Murphy
4 Mike Fradd
5 Bill Randall
6 Elizabeth Rossell
7 Jack J F Roper
8 Henry Rossell
Visitors from the Solomon Islands - 1 & 4.
Rung for an Ordination Service.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Adelaide, South Australia
Town Hall
Sunday, 14 February 1988 (13–2–13 in F)
1320 Cambridge Surprise Minor
1 Sue Tonkin
2 Bob Allan
3 Douglas Bell
4 David J Bleby
5 Simon Brown
6 Philip Goodyer (C)
First quarter of surprise 'inside' - 2.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
St Andrew's Cathedral, Ringing Chamber
Thursday, 18 February 1988 in 35m (12 in G♯)
1250 Lincolnshire Surprise Major
1–2 Esther Byers
3–4 John H Fryer
5–6 Bill Perrins (C)
7–8 Graham Harman
First quarter peal in method - 7-8.
First quarter peal of Lincolnshire Surprise Major in hand for all, at the Ringing Chamber of St Andrew Cathedral.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Auckland, New Zealand
St Matthew in the City
Friday, 19 February 1988 in 39m (13–2–5 in G)
1260 Doubles (2m)
(2 Methods: 600 Grandsire & 660 Plain Bob.).
1 Liz MacFarlan
2 Julian Stone
3 Robert Campbell
4 Robert H Bennett
5 Michael Stone (C)
6 Liz Neill
[Rung on the front 6 bells].
First quarter in the Southern Hemisphere - 1.
First quarter in more than one method - 3.
Rung by two (2) Liz's, two (2) Robert's and two (2) Stone's for a wedding, and to welcome Liz MacFarlan. [she is an New Zealand but has been living in the UK, and learnt to ring at Fen Ditton, Cambridgeshire.].

Australian & New Zealand Association
York, Western Australia
Holy Trinity
Saturday, 20 February 1988 in 39m (4–2–16 in D)
1272 Cambridge Surprise Minor
1 David Knewstub
2 Jennifer A Murphy
3 Brian J Lawes
4 Eric White
5 Robin G Turner (C)
6 Robert Walters
Rung for the Archbishop of Canterbury's visit to Western Australia.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Prospect, South Australia
St Cuthberts
Saturday, 20 February 1988 (11–1–2 in G)
1272 London Surprise Minor
1 Anne Bowden
2 Philip Goodyer
3 Anne Haskard
4 Douglas Bell
5 Simon Brown
6 Ian Harris (C)
First quarter of London - 3.
Rung after a wedding.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Walkerville, South Australia
St Andrews
Sunday, 21 February 1988 (12–3–17 in F♯)
1440 Spliced Surprise Minor (3m)
(3 Methods: Beverley, Surfleet & Wells.).
1 Mike Fradd
2 Simon Brown
3 Douglas Bell
4 Ian Harris
5 David J Bleby
6 Philip Goodyer (C)

Australian & New Zealand Association
Prospect, South Australia
St Cuthberts
Sunday, 21 February 1988 (11–1–2 in G)
1260 Doubles (3m)
(3 Methods: Reverse Canterbury Pleasure Bob, Plain Bob & Grandsire.).
1 Elizabeth Kowald
2 Anne Bowden
3 Sylvia Bedford
4 Douglas Bell
5 Philip Bedford (C)
6 Jack Rundle
For Sunday Service.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
St Paul's Cathedral
Sunday, 21 February 1988 in 37m (10–0–24 in G♯)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Father Paul J Harvie
2 Marian Batty
3 Elizabeth Rossell
4 Henry Rossell (C)
5 Jack J F Roper
6 Virginia Moffett
First quarter peal - 1.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Adelaide, South Australia
St Peter's Cathedral
Sunday, 21 February 1988 (41–1–0 in C)
1260 Grandsire Triples
1 Simon Brown
2 Philippa Lamphee
3 Kaye W Lynas
4 Anne Haskard
5 Philip Goodyer
6 Bob Allan
7 Ian Harris (C)
8 Mike Fradd
Rung to welcome the new Rector, the Reverend David Richardson.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Hamilton, Waikato, New Zealand
St Peter's Cathedral
Wednesday, 24 February 1988 in 42m (20–2–6 in E)
1280 Plain Bob Major
1 Valerie Stone
2 David Kennett
3 John Neale
4 Liz Neill
5 Gordon Connon
6 David McAdam
7 Julian Stone
8 Michael Stone (C)
Rung for the visit of Gordon Connon, Sydney.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Wellington, New Zealand
Old St Paul's
Thursday, 25 February 1988 in 37m (3–3–25 in E♭)
1260 Grandsire Doubles
1 Christopher Jarman
2 Alan Caldwell
3 Brett Young
4 Peter Whiting
5 Pleasance Purser (C)
Rung to farewell Dr & Mrs Skinner, who living next door to Old St Pauls, have willy-nilly heard all practices, wedding ringing and attempted peals over the last eight years.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
St Philip's Church Hill
Saturday, 27 February 1988 in 47m (18–2–21 in E)
1250 Cambridge Surprise Major
1 Alan Champion
2 Wendy Tyrrell
3 Jeff White
4 Tony Stevens
5 Esther Byers
6 Gordon Connon
7 Ron Chapman
8 Robert Walters (C)
First quarter peal of Treble Bob - 1.
First quarter peal of Surprise Major - 3.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Adelaide, South Australia
St Andrew, Walkerville
Saturday, 5 March 1988 in 2h 52 (12–1–26 in F♯)
5040 Minor (2m)
4 extents Plain Bob; 3 extents Cambridge Surprise.
1 Simon D Brown
2 Anne Bowden
3 Anne R Haskard
4 Philip R Goodyer
5 David J Bleby
6 Ian D Harris (C)
First peal: 2

Australian & New Zealand Association
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
St Philip's Church Hill
Sunday, 6 March 1988 in 46m (18–2–21 in E)
1260 Grandsire Triples
1 Steven Tuften
2 Jim Carter
3 Mary Symes
4 Alan Champion
5 Gordon Connon
6 Ron Chapman
7 Robert Walters (C)
8 Ewan Cheyne-Macpherson
First of Grandsire 'inside' - 4.
First quarter of triples - 8.
For the joy of the Blessing and Hallowing of the bells of St Saviours, Goulburn, by the Archbishop of Canterbury on Saturday 5th March, attended by 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 & 7.
[History Note: Two Steam Train Specials were used on the day to transport the Sydney ringers, family members and their congregations to the event, with train transport and meal, arranged and provided by the St James' Society of St James' Church Queen Square, Sydney.].

Australian & New Zealand Association
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
St Mary's Basilica - Ringing Chamber
Sunday, 6 March 1988 in 45m (12 in G♯)
1440 Spliced Surprise Major (4m)
(4 methods: 480 Rutland, 320 Lincolnshire, 256 Cambridge and 384 Yorkshire.).
1–2 Esther Byers (C)
3–4 John H Fryer
5–6 Bill Perrins
7–8 Graham Harman
First quarter peal of 4 Spliced Surprise Major 'in hand' for all.
Rung as a birthday compliment to Jack (John J) Cummins.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
St Andrew's Cathedral
Sunday, 6 March 1988 in 49m (29–0–4 in C♯)
1260 Grandsire Triples
1 Joyce Windeyer
2 Jennifer A Murphy
3 Louise Hart
4 Graham Harman
5 Esther Byers
6 Robin G Turner
7 Bill Perrins (C)
8 Ronald Shepherd
Rung for Matins, and in association with the dedication of St Saviours, Goulburn.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Perth, Western Australia
St George's Cathedral
Sunday, 6 March 1988 in 43m (11–0–18 in G)
1260 Grandsire Triples
1 Mary Lewin
2 Laura Ivey
3 Ian MacLeod
4 Bert Woolven
5 Chris J Carter
6 Brian J Lawes (C)
7 Eric White
8 David Knewstub

Australian & New Zealand Association
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
St Paul's Cathedral
Sunday, 6 March 1988 in 41m (10–0–24 in G♯)
1260 Plain Bob Minor
1 Robin Salisbury
2 Henry Rossell
3 Bill Randall
4 Elizabeth Rossell
5 Jack J F Roper
6 Tim Eldridge (C)
First quarter peal as conductor - 6.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Auckland, New Zealand
St Matthew in the City
Sunday, 6 March 1988 in 41m (20–0–12 in E♭)
1280 St Clements College Bob Major
1 Robert Campbell
2 Brenda Claridge
3 Robert Bennett
4 Valerie Stone
5 Liz Neill
6 Peter Adams
7 Julian Stone
8 Michael Stone (C)
First quarter peal in method - 2, 5 & 6.
Rung after Morning Service.
A wedding compliment to John Caldwell (Master of the Society 1977/8) and Dawn Howey, married at Pleasant Point, Timaru, on March 5.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
St Paul's Cathedral
Friday, 11 March 1988 in 44m (10–0–24 in G♯)
1250 Cambridge Surprise Major
1 Amanda Heyes
2 Marian Batty
3 Robin G Turner
4 Jennifer A Murphy
5 James Heyes
6 Elizabeth Rossell
7 Tim Eldridge
8 Henry Rossell (C)
First quarter of Surprise Major - 5 & 7.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
St Mary's Basilica
Sunday, 13 March 1988 in 53m (14–3–8 in F♯)
1282 Yorkshire Surprise Royal
1 Esther Byers
2 Mary Symes
3 John H Fryer
4 Graham Harman
5 Louise Hart
6 Wendy Tyrrell
7 Gordon Connon
8 Andrew Davies
9 Robert Walters
10 Bill Perrins (C)
First quarter peal of Royal - 2 & 7.
First quarter peal of Surprise Royal - 6.
First quarter in Method - 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 & 9.
First quarter peal on the light 10.
For Bert Lawrence's 80th Birthday - compliment.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Papanui, Canterbury, New Zealand
St Pauls
Sunday, 13 March 1988 in 55m (6–0–26 in A♯)
1440 Plain Bob Major
1 Michael Clayton
2 Robert G T Bennett
3 Margaret Morrell
4 Colin H Ward
5 Northleigh F Reeve
6 Chris M Parkin
7 Lindsay Trott
8 Ray H Idle (C)
Rung for the birth of Heather, second daughter of Reverend D and Mrs Margaret Morrell (ringer of 3.).

Australian & New Zealand Association
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
St Paul's Cathedral
Monday, 14 March 1988 in 49m (29–1–12 in C♯)
1259 Grandsire Caters
1 Virginia Moffett
2 Helen Pettet
3 James Heyes
4 Elizabeth Rossell
5 Amanda Heyes
6 Tim Eldridge
7 Henry Rossell (C)
8 David Heyes
9 Jack J F Roper
10 Robin Salisbury
First quarter peal of Caters - 1, 3, 6 & 10.
For Moomba (Festival.).

Australian & New Zealand Association
Hamilton, Waikato, New Zealand
St Peter's Cathedral
Wednesday, 16 March 1988 in 46m (20–2–6 in E)
1280 Plain Bob Major
1 Ian Harrison
2 Julian Stone
3 John Neale
4 Stan Mason
5 Valerie Stone
6 Liz Neill
7 Michael Stone
8 David Knewstub (C)
Rung for the visit of Stan Mason; his first time in the tower since the inaugural Peal of Sunday 22nd October, 1950 (whom was the conductor.).

Australian & New Zealand Association
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
St Philip's Church Hill
Saturday, 19 March 1988 in 49m (18–2–21 in E)
1264 Plain Bob Major
1 Gordon Connon
2 Tony Stevens
3 Steven Tuften
4 Wendy Tyrrell
5 Mary Symes
6 Alan Champion
7 Ron Chapman
8 Robert Walters (C)

Australian & New Zealand Association
Auckland, New Zealand
St Matthew in the City
Saturday, 19 March 1988 in 43m (20–0–12 in E♭)
1260 Grandsire Triples
1 Brenda Claridge
2 Stan Mason
3 Ruth Renner
4 Valerie Stone (C)
5 Sue Bennett
6 Liz Neill
7 Michael Stone
8 Julian Stone
First quarter peal of Triples 'inside' - 3.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Parramatta, New South Wales, Australia
All Saints
Sunday, 20 March 1988 in 43m (10–0–4 in G)
1260 Plain Bob Minor
1 Ian Mac Kenzie
2 Esther Byers
3 Yvonne Ferris
4 Peter Parker
5 Bill Perrins
6 Richard Dean (C)
For Evensong.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
St Paul's Cathedral
Sunday, 20 March 1988 in 41m (10–0–24 in G♯)
1260 Plain Bob Minor
1 Andrew Ryan
2 Robin G Turner
3 Jennifer A Murphy
4 Elizabeth Rossell
5 C Hervey Bagot
6 Henry Rossell (C)
First quarter peal - 1.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Adelaide, South Australia
St Peter's Cathedral
Sunday, 20 March 1988 in 56m (41–1–0 in C)
1280 Spliced Surprise Major (2m)
(2 Methods - Cambridge & Yorkshire.).
1 Kaye W Lynas
2 Sylvia Bedford
3 Anne Haskard
4 Simon Brown (C)
5 David J Bleby
6 Philip Bedford
7 Philip Goodyer
8 Ian Harris
First quarter peal of Spliced Major - 3 & 5.
Rung by a wholly resident band.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
St David's Cathedral
Monday, 21 March 1988 (7–3–26 in A♯)
1260 Plain Bob Minor
1 Audrey Cusick
2 Ruth Brammall
3 Margaret Finney
4 Jenny Wilson
5 John A Smith
6 Douglas Nichols (C)
Rung half-muffled in memory of the Most Reverend Sir Guilford Young D.D., Archbishop of Tasmania, who died on 16th March.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Turramurra, New South Wales, Australia
St James'
Saturday, 26 March 1988 in 44m (9–3–9 in A♭)
1260 Grandsire Triples
1 Celia McGregor
2 Christopher O'Mahony
3 Bill Perrins
4 Esther Byers
5 Glenyss McGregor (C)
6 Stephen Fox
7 Chris Towers
8 Margaret E Goodyer
First quarter peal in method as Conductor - 5.
An engagement compliment to Glenyss McGregor and Christopher O'Mahony.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
St Philip's Church Hill
Saturday, 26 March 1988 in 47m (18–2–21 in E)
1250 Cambridge Surprise Major
1 Alan Champion
2 Tony Stevens
3 Jeff White
4 Mary Symes
5 Basil E Potts
6 Gordon Connon
7 Ron Chapman
8 Robert Walters (C)

Australian & New Zealand Association
Auckland, New Zealand
St Matthew in the City
Saturday, 26 March 1988 in 39m (13–2–5 in G)
1260 Doubles (7m)
(7 Methods: 240 each - Grandsire, Reverse Canterbury Pleasure Place, Winchendon Place Place, St Nicholas Bob; 120 each - St Simons, St Martins, and 60 Plain Bob.).
1 Bryan Robotham
2 Liz Neill
3 Valerie Stone (C)
4 Julian Stone
5 Michael Stone
6 Robert H Bennett
Most method as as Conductor - 3.
A 50th Birthday compliment - 1.
Rung on the front six, after a wedding.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
9 Waltham St., Coogee Beach.
Sunday, 27 March 1988 in 38m (12 in G♯)
1250 Rutland Surprise Major
1–2 Esther Byers
3–4 John H Fryer
5–6 Bill Perrins (C)
7–8 Graham Harman
First quarter peal of Rutland Surprise Major 'in hand' for all.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Parramatta, New South Wales, Australia
All Saints
Sunday, 27 March 1988 in 42m (10–0–4 in G)
1260 Plain Bob Minor
1 Heather Robbins
2 Tamsin Roberts
3 Yvonne Ferris
4 Ian Mac Kenzie
5 Richard Dean
6 Peter Parker (C)
[Rung on back 6].

Australian & New Zealand Association
Auckland, New Zealand
St Matthew in the City
Sunday, 27 March 1988 in 40m (20–0–12 in E♭)
1260 Grandsire Triples
1 Bryan Robotham
2 Jill Renner
3 Robert H Bennett
4 Robert Campbell
5 Liz Neill
6 Peter Adams
7 Michael Stone (C)
8 Valerie Stone
Rung for the joint Anglican/Catholic Service on Palm Sunday, and for the launching of Michael Fay's America Cup's Challenge Yacht.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Auckland, New Zealand
St Matthew in the City
Friday, 1 April 1988 in 50m (20–0–12 in E♭)
1260 Plain Bob Triples
1 Jill Renner
2 Julian Stone
3 Liz Neill
4 Peter Adams
5 Valerie Stone
6 David Caldwell
7 Michael Stone (C)
8 Robert Campbell
Rung half muffled for Good Friday.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Randwick, New South Wales, Australia
St Jude's
Saturday, 2 April 1988 in 48m (15¾ in F♯)
1320 Surprise Minor (2m)
(2 Methods: Cambridge Surprise and London Surprise.).
1 Hannah Musgrove
2 Tony Stevens
3 Mary Symes
4 Gordon Connon
5 Ron Chapman
6 Chris Towers (C)
7 Fiona Towers
Weight of Tenor: 15¾ cwt, Steel (approx).
[Rung with cover bell.].

Australian & New Zealand Association
Turramurra, New South Wales, Australia
St James'
Sunday, 3 April 1988 (9–3–9 in A♭)
1296 Cambridge Surprise Minor
1 Roger Button
2 Margaret E Goodyer
3 David Bath
4 Gordon Connon
5 Ron Chapman
6 Christopher O'Mahony (C)
First quarter peal in the Southern Hemisphere - 1.
Rung for Easter.

Australian & New Zealand Association
York, Western Australia
Holy Trinity
Thursday, 7 April 1988 in 2h 30 (4–2–16 in D)
5056 Cambridge Surprise Major
Johnson's variation of Middleton's
Composed by Johnson
1 Keith G Game
2 Ronald K Russ
3 John R Cooper
4 Andrew Stubbs
5 Colin Turner
6 Christopher Groom
7 Neil Curnow (C)
8 Timothy Pett
First of Cambridge on the bells.
Rung by Bicentennial Touring Party to commemorate Australian Bicentanary
Source: Tower records

Australian & New Zealand Association
Adelaide, South Australia
St Peter's Cathedral
Thursday, 7 April 1988 in 58m (41–1–0 in C)
1280 Superlative Surprise Major
1 Anne Haskard
2 Roseary Pickford
3 Brian R Cox
4 Philip Goodyer
5 David J Bleby
6 Simon Brown
7 Ian Harris (C)
8 Chris Pickford
First quarter peal in tower - 2 & 8.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Perth, Western Austalia
St George's Cathedral
Friday, 8 April 1988 in 43m (11–0–18 in G)
1264 Plain Bob Major
1 Laura Ivey
2 Jean Gay
3 Maisie Cooper
4 Stella Bianco
5 Shelagh Melville
6 Howard Collings
7 Frank Hicks
8 John R Cooper (C)
[First quarter peal rung of Bicentenary Tour Groups!].

Australian & New Zealand Association
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
St Andrew's Cathedral
Saturday, 9 April 1988 in 50m (13–1–10 in F♯)
1260 Stedman Triples
1 Robert Walters
2 Gordon Connon
3 Wendy Tyrrell
4 Mary Symes
5 David Bath
6 Chris Towers
7 Fiona Towers (C)
8 Louise Hart
[Rung on the light 8.].

Australian & New Zealand Association
Perth, Western Australia
St George's Cathedral
Saturday, 9 April 1988 in 43m (11–0–18 in G)
1260 Plain Bob Minor
1 Jose Sadler
2 Laura Ivey
3 Jean Gay
4 Val Grossmith
5 Maisie Cooper
6 Shelagh Melville (C)
7 Judy Anderson
[Rung with cover bell.].

Australian & New Zealand Association
Perth, Western Australia
St George's Cathedral
Saturday, 9 April 1988 in 43m (11–0–18 in G)
1260 Grandsire Triples
1 Lisa Clews
2 Laura Ivey
3 Colin Turner
4 Shelagh Melville (C)
5 Christopher Groom
6 Robert J Cooles
7 Eric White
8 Alan J Blair
First quarter peal of triples - 1.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Auckland, New Zealand
St Matthew in the City
Saturday, 9 April 1988 in 42m (20–0–12 in E♭)
1260 Single Oxford Bob Triples
1 Bryan Robotham
2 Robert Campbell
3 Brenda Claridge
4 Michael Stone
5 Valerie Stone
6 Julian Stone
7 Robert H Bennett (C)
8 Liz Neill
First quarter peal and blows in method at first attempt - 2.
First quarter peal in method as conductor - 7.
Rung to welcome Jonathon David (born 5th April), son of Geoff and Charlene Waller. Also for the engagement of Carolyn Claridge and Geoffrey Perry.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Auckland, New Zealand
St Matthew in the City
Saturday, 9 April 1988 in 49m (13–2–5 in G)
1440 Doubles and Minor (2m)
(2 Methods: Plain Bob Doubles and Plain Bob Minor:- 120 Doubles, 540 Minor, 120 Doubles, 540 Minor, 120 Doubles).
1 Liz Neill
2 Liz MacFarlan
3 Robert Campbell
4 Valerie Stone
5 Robert H Bennett
6 Michael Stone (C)
First quarter peal of Doubles and Minor for all.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
St Philip's Church Hill
Sunday, 10 April 1988 in 48m (18–2–21 in E)
1250 Yorkshire Surprise Major
1 Alan Champion
2 Tony Stevens
3 Steven Tuften
4 Mary Symes
5 Ron Chapman
6 Gordon Connon
7 Andrew Davies
8 Robert Walters (C)
This quarter was rung after a lost Peal attempt for 132nd Patronal Festival of the present St Philips Church.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Perth, Western Australia
St George's Cathedral
Sunday, 10 April 1988 in 43m (11–0–18 in G)
1260 Plain Bob Triples
1 Lisa Clews
2 Laura Ivey
3 Frank Hicks
4 Ray Skinner
5 David Knewstub
6 Eric White
7 Bert Woolven (C)
8 John Skinner
For Sung Eucharist.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Adelaide, South Australia
Town Hall
Sunday, 10 April 1988 (13–2–13 in F)
1260 Grandsire Triples
1 Keith G Game (C)
2 Anne Haskard
3 Colin Turner
4 Bob Allan
5 Andrew Stubbs
6 Andrew G Smith
7 David J Bleby
8 Christopher Groom

Australian & New Zealand Association
Adelaide, South Australia
Town Hall
Sunday, 10 April 1988 in 3h (13–2–13 in F)
5056 Cambridge Surprise Major
Composed by Charles Middleton
1 Bernard C Sadler
2 Ronald K Russ
3 Shelagh R Melville
4 David J Gay
5 Philip R Goodyer
6 Ian D Harris
7 John R Cooper
8 Michael E Brown (C)

Australian & New Zealand Association
Adelaide, South Australia
St Peter's Cathedral
Sunday, 10 April 1988 in 56m (41–1–0 in C)
1280 Bristol Surprise Major
1 Val Grossmith
2 Michael Brown
3 Shelagh Melville
4 D J Gay
5 Neil Curnow
6 Ronald K Russ
7 Ian Harris (C)
8 Philip Goodyer
First quarter peal on the bell for - 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5.
Rung for Evensong.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Walkerville, South Australia
St Andrews
Monday, 11 April 1988 (12–3–17 in F♯)
1400 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Simon Brown
2 Peggy Stanier
3 Freda Cannon
4 T Anderson
5 Neil Curnow (C)

Australian & New Zealand Association
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Christ Church St Laurence
Tuesday, 12 April 1988 in 45m (10–3–8 in G)
1260 Plain Bob Royal
1 Robert Walters
2 Mary Symes
3 Wendy Tyrrell
4 Elizabeth Hill
5 Jim Carter
6 Alan Champion
7 Basil E Potts
8 Gordon Connon
9 Ron Chapman
10 Jim Woolford (C)
First quarter peal on 10 - 4.
First quarter peal of Bob Royal - 2 & 8.
250th quarter peal - 1.
Rung on Basil Potts' birthday.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Auckland, New Zealand
St Matthew in the City
Tuesday, 12 April 1988 in 43m (20–0–12 in E♭)
1264 Plain Bob Major
1 Jill Renner
2 Ruth Renner
3 Michael Stone
4 David Caldwell
5 Valerie Stone
6 Robert H Bennett (C)
7 Liz Neill
8 Julian Stone
First quarter peal of Major - 1 & 2.
Circled the tower to quarter peals 3 times - 3.
A 28th birthday compliment to Robert; and a farewell to Liz Neill, off to Australia.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Adelaide, South Australia
St Cuthbert, Prospect
Tuesday, 12 April 1988 in 2h 57 (11–1–2 in G)
5152 Yorkshire Surprise Major
Composed by Christopher P Starbuck
1 Val Grossmith
2 Shelagh R Melville
3 Maisie Cooper
4 David J Gay
5 Neil G Curnow
6 Ronald K Russ
7 John R Cooper
8 Timothy G Pett (C)

Australian & New Zealand Association
Adelaide, South Australia
St Andrew, Walkerville
Tuesday, 12 April 1988 in 2h 48 (12–1–26 in F♯)
5040 Surprise Minor (7m)
One extent each Ipswich, London, York, Norwich, Beverley, Surfleet, Cambridge.
1 Bernard C Sadler
2 Keith G Game
3 Andrew N Stubbs
4 Christopher J Groome
5 Michael E Brown
6 Colin M Turner (C)

Australian & New Zealand Association
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
St Philip's Church Hill
Wednesday, 13 April 1988 in 36m (9–2–5 in G♯)
1260 Plain Bob Minor
1 Gordon Connon
2 Alan Champion
3 Wendy Tyrrell
4 Mary Symes
5 Ron Chapman
6 Robert Walters (C)
[Rung on front 6.].

Australian & New Zealand Association
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
St Philip's Church Hill
Thursday, 14 April 1988 in 44m (9–2–5 in G♯)
1296 Cambridge Surprise Minor
1 Ron Chapman
2 Wendy Tyrrell
3 Jim Carter
4 Mary Symes
5 Gordon Connon
6 Robert Walters (C)
First quarter peal of Surprise - 3.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
St Mary's Basilica - Ringing Chamber
Thursday, 14 April 1988 (12 in G♯)
1260 Plain Bob Minor
1–2 John J Cummins
3–4 Mary Symes
5–6 Graham Harman (C)
First quarter peal 'on handbells' - 3-4.

Australian & New Zealand Association
York, Western Australia
Holy Trinity
Friday, 15 April 1988 (4–2–16 in D)
1260 Plain Bob Major
1 Frank Hicks
2 Ray Skinner
3 Andrew Reynolds
4 A Russell-Laing
5 Gregory Woods
6 Bert Woolven
7 David Thorne
8 Stephen Russ (C)
Rung with-out shotgun accompaniment.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Walkerville, South Australia
St Andrews
Saturday, 16 April 1988 in 45m (12–3–17 in F♯)
1260 Doubles (3m)
(3 Methods: St Simon's Bob, Plain Bob & Grandsire.).
1 Joan Thorne
2 David Thorne
3 Frank Hicks
4 Gregory Woods
5 Stephen Russ (C)
6 A Russell-Laing
Rung by all the members of Bicentennial Tour B!.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
Holy Trinity
Saturday, 16 April 1988 (9–0–10 in G)
1260 Grandsire Triples
1 David Skegg
2 Jean Gay
3 Val Grossmith
4 Stella Bianco
5 Freda Cannon
6 Douglas Nichols
7 D Gay (C)
8 Alan J Blair

Australian & New Zealand Association
Adelaide, South Australia +++
Town Hall
Saturday, 16 April 1988 (13–2–13 in F)
1280 Lincolnshire Surprise Major
1 Joan Thorne
2 Stephen Russ
3 Frank Hicks
4 A Russell-Laing
5 David Thorne
6 David J Bleby
7 Ian Harris
8 Philip Goodyer (C)
First quarter peal in method - 6.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Adelaide, South Australia
St Peter's Cathedral
Saturday, 16 April 1988 in 56m (41–1–0 in C)
1280 Cambridge Surprise Major
1 Bob Allan
2 Gregory Woods
3 Anne Haskard
4 A Peter Whitehead
5 A Russell-Laing
6 David Thorne
7 Ian Harris (C)
8 Stephen Russ
First quarter peal in tower - 2, 5, 6 & 8.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Adelaide, South Australia
St Peter's Cathedral
Saturday, 16 April 1988 in 56m (41–1–0 in C)
1280 Yorkshire Surprise Major
1 Joan Thorne
2 Kaye W Lynas
3 Frank Hicks
4 Stephen Russ (C)
5 Philip Goodyer
6 Ian Harris
7 David J Bleby
8 David Thorne
First quarter peal in method - 2.
First quarter peal in the tower - 1 & 3.
First quarter peal of Yorkshire S Major on the bells.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Parramatta, New South Wales, Australia
All Saints
Sunday, 17 April 1988 in 42m (10–0–4 in G)
1260 Plain Bob Minor
1 Jenny Nelson
2 Yvonne Ferris
3 Esther Byers
4 Ian Mac Kenzie
5 Richard Dean
6 Bill Perrins (C)
For Evensong.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
St Paul's Cathedral
Sunday, 17 April 1988 in 56m (29–1–12 in C♯)
1320 Plain Bob Maximus
1 Amanda Heyes
2 James Heyes
3 Deborah Rossell
4 Marian Batty
5 Neil Curnow
6 Valerie Stone
7 Ronald K Russ
8 Tim Eldridge
9 Andrew Stubbs
10 Christopher Groom (C)
11 Michael Brown
12 Colin Turner
First quarter peal on twelve bells - 1, 2, 3, 6 & 8.
Rung for Evening Service.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
St James' Old Cathedral
Sunday, 17 April 1988 (13–0–7 in E)
1280 Plain Bob Major
1 Nicholas Heyes
2 John R Cooper
3 Maisie Cooper
4 Howard Collings
5 T Anderson
6 Michael Brown (C)
7 Alan J Blair
8 Colin Turner
First quarter peal on 8 bells - 1.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia +++
27 Broadway, Camberwell
Sunday, 17 April 1988 in 32m (12 in G♯)
1260 Plain Bob Minor
1–2 Julian Stone
3–4 Robin G Turner (C)
5–6 Michael Stone

Australian & New Zealand Association
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
St Mary's Basilica - Cathedral Archives. (Crypt).
Thursday, 21 April 1988 in 35m
1260 Plain Bob Minor
1–2 John J Cummins
3–4 Mary Symes
5–6 Graham Harman (C)

Australian & New Zealand Association
Burwood, New South Wales, Australia
St Pauls
Saturday, 23 April 1988 (11–0–8 in G)
1250 Cambridge Surprise Major
1 Robin G Turner
2 Helen Pettet
3 Jennifer A Murphy
4 Graham Harman (C)
5 Pam Brock
6 Wendy Tyrrell
7 Elizabeth Rossell
8 Robert Bennett
First quarter peal in Australia - 8.
ANZAB Festival Quarter.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
St Philip's Church Hill
Sunday, 24 April 1988 in 44m (18–2–21 in E)
1250 Cambridge Surprise Major
1 Jim Carter
2 Elizabeth Rossell
3 Jeff White
4 Robert Bennett
5 Douglas Nichols
6 Henry Rossell
7 Colin Turner
8 Robert Walters (C)
Rung for Evensong.
ANZAB Festival Quarter.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
St Pauls Burwood - Church Hall
Sunday, 24 April 1988 in 30m
1260 Plain Minor
(5 Methods.).
1–2 Jennifer A Murphy
3–4 Robin G Turner (C)
5–6 Graham Harman
ANZAB Festival Quarter.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Perth, Western Australia
St George's Cathedral
Sunday, 24 April 1988 in 42m (5–2–25 in B)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Catherine White
2 Laura Ivey
3 Ian MacLeod
4 Bert Woolven
5 Eric White (C)
6 Eric Tickner
First quarter peal (age 14, after only 5 months ringing) - 1.
Rung for the Patronal Festival.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Turramurra, New South Wales, Australia
St James'
Monday, 25 April 1988 in 44m (9–3–9 in A♭)
1260 Stedman Triples
1 Michael Stone
2 Douglas Nichols
3 Pam Brock
4 Julian Stone
5 Valerie Stone
6 Thomas W Goodyer (C)
7 Christopher O'Mahony
8 Liz Neill
Rung half-muffled for ANZAC Day.
ANZAB Festival Quarter.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Turramurra, New South Wales, Australia
St James'
Monday, 25 April 1988 in 44m (9–3–9 in A♭)
1260 Grandsire Triples
1 Christopher O'Mahony
2 Valerie Stone
3 Julian Stone
4 Pam Brock
5 Liz Neill
6 Michael Stone (C)
7 Thomas W Goodyer
8 Douglas Nichols
Rung half-muffled for ANZAC Day.
ANZAB Festival Quarter.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
St Andrew's Cathedral
Monday, 25 April 1988 (13–1–10 in F♯)
1280 Plain Bob Major
1 Mary Symes
2 Ronald K Russ
3 Deborah Rossell
4 Sue Tonkin
5 Louise Hart
6 Elizabeth Rossell
7 Gordon Connon
8 Stephen Russ (C)
Rung half-muffled for ANZAC Day Service.
[Rung on middle 8.].
ANZAB Festival Quarter.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand
Christchurch Cathedral
Monday, 25 April 1988 in 53m (10–1–0 in G)
1287 Grandsire Triples
1 Adrian Chandler
2 Jane Chandler
3 Chris Oldham
4 Lynne Bennet
5 Northleigh F Reeve
6 Robert G T Bennett
7 Ron Stevens (C)
8 Michael Clayton
Rung Half-Muffled for ANZAC Day Service.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Burwood, New South Wales, Australia
St Paul's
Monday, 25 April 1988 in 44m (11–0–8 in G)
1260 Grandsire Triples
1 Ruth Rossell
2 Joan Thorne
3 Monica E Martin
4 Wendy Tyrrell
5 John A Martin
6 Henry Rossell (C)
7 Stephen Russ
8 Jennie Nagle
First quarter peal - 8.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Parramatta, New South Wales, Australia
All Saints
Wednesday, 27 April 1988 in 44m (10–0–4 in G)
1280 Cambridge Surprise Major
1 Jose Sadler
2 Val Grossmith
3 Kathleen Brown
4 Shelagh Melville
5 Valerie Stone
6 Liz Neill
7 Bernard C Sadler
8 Michael Stone (C)
First quarter peal of treble bob - 1.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Papanui, Canterbury, New Zealand
St Pauls
Thursday, 28 April 1988 (6–0–26 in A♯)
1280 Plain Bob Major
1 Stephen Russ (C)
2 Chris Oldham
3 A Russell-Laing
4 Gregory Woods
5 Joan Thorne
6 David Thorne
7 Michael Clayton
8 Frank Hicks

Australian & New Zealand Association
Darling Point, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
St Mark's
Thursday, 28 April 1988 (8–1–26 in A)
1280 Yorkshire Surprise Major
1 Stella Bianco
2 Tim Pett
3 Freda Cannon
4 Pam Warren
5 Ronald K Russ
6 Robert Bennett
7 John R Cooper
8 Christopher Groom (C)
First quarter peal rung on the re-hung bells (re-tuned at WCBF), with new steel frame (made locally) and fittings.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand
Christchurch Cathedral
Thursday, 28 April 1988 (24–3–16 in D)
1254 Grandsire Cinques
1 Joan Thorne
2 A Peter Whitehead
3 Peter J Perry
4 Stephen Russ
5 Gregory Woods
6 A Russell-Laing
7 Robert G T Bennett (C)
8 David Thorne
9 Northleigh F Reeve
10 Colin H Ward
11 Ron Stevens
12 Frank Hicks
First quarter peal as conductor of Cinques - 7.
First quarter peal on 12 - 1, 5 & 6.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Wellington, New Zealand
Old St Paul's
Saturday, 30 April 1988 in 37m (3–3–25 in E♭)
1260 Doubles (7m)
(7 Methods: 120 Reverse Canterbury Pleasure Bob, 120 St Nicholas Bob, Winchendon Place Bob, 120 St Simon's Bob, 120 St Martin's Bob, 360 Grandsire, 300 Plain Bob.).
1 A Rusell-Laing
2 Pleasance Purser
3 Frank Hicks (C)
4 Gregory Woods
5 Stephen Russ

Australian & New Zealand Association
Brisbane, Queensland
St Johns Cathedral
Saturday, 30 April 1988 in 2h 58 (16 cwt)
5056 Plain Bob Major
1 Louise Hart
2 Christopher O'Mahoney
3 Robert Walters
4 Simon Pearce
5 Gordon Connon
6 David Bleby
7 John Fryer
8 Michael Stone (C)
First peal on bells
First peal for 4
Ringing World page reference: 4028.0655

Australian & New Zealand Association
Hamilton, Waikato, New Zealand
St Peter's Cathedral
Sunday, 1 May 1988 in 57m (20–2–6 in E)
1632 Plain Bob Major
1 Pam McAdam
2 John Neale
3 Joan Thorne
4 David McAdam
5 David Thorne
6 Valerie Stone
7 David Kennett
8 Julian Stone (C)
Rung for the visit of Joan and David Thorne.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Auckland, New Zealand
St Matthew in the City
Sunday, 1 May 1988 in 46m (20–0–12 in E♭)
1260 Grandsire Triples
1 David Caldwell
2 Joan Thorne
3 David Thorne
4 Gregory Woods
5 A Russell-Laing
6 Julian Stone
7 Stephen Russ (C)
8 Frank Hicks
Last quarter peal in Southern Hemisphere for Tour Group B.
Rung after Morning Service.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Christ Church St Laurence
Tuesday, 3 May 1988 in 49m (10–3–8 in G)
1296 Little Bob Royal
1 Jennie Nagle
2 Robert Walters
3 Elizabeth Hill
4 Gordon Connon
5 Robert Bennett
6 Liz Neill
7 Mary Symes
8 Alan Champion
9 Basil E Potts
10 Jim Woolford (C)
First quarter peal of Royal - 6.
First quarter peal of Little Bob - 2, 3, 4, 7, 8 & 9.
First quarter peal on ten bells, and not covering - 1.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Wellington, New Zealand
Old St Paul's
Thursday, 5 May 1988 in 38m (3–3–25 in E♭)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Graham Rogerson
2 Alan Rogerson
3 Peter Whiting
4 Terry Barrett
5 Christopher Jarman (C)
First quarter peal - 1.
First quarter peal 'inside' - 2 & 4.
Rung to mark the first anniversary of the arrival of Graham and Alan Rogerson from England.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
St Philip's Church Hill
Thursday, 5 May 1988 in 50m (18–2–21 in E)
1250 Cambridge Surprise Major
1 Esther Byers
2 Elizabeth Hill
3 Liz Neill
4 Mary Symes
5 Robert Bennett
6 Stan Mason
7 Chris Towers
8 Robert Walters (C)
First quarter peal in method - 2.
Rung in memory of Ben Lexen, designer of "Australia II" for the America's Cup.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Parramatta, New South Wales, Australia
All Saints
Friday, 6 May 1988 (10–0–4 in G)
1260 Plain Bob Minor
1 Ian Mac Kenzie
2 Yvonne Ferris
3 Brian Cutts
4 Peter Parker
5 Helen Alcock
6 Richard Dean (C)

Australian & New Zealand Association
Dunedin, New Zealand
First Church of Otago
Friday, 6 May 1988 (6–3–26 in B)
1260 Grandsire Triples
1 Ronald K Russ
2 Maisie Cooper
3 Mary Barrass
4 Stella Bianco
5 Freda Cannon
6 Alan J Blair
7 John R Cooper (C)
8 Colin Turner

Australian & New Zealand Association
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia +++
4/13 Alfred Street, Westmead
Saturday, 7 May 1988 in 35m (12 in F♯)
1250 Cambridge Surprise Major
1–2 Esther Byers
3–4 Bill Perrins
5–6 Julian Morgan
7–8 Graham Harman (C)

Australian & New Zealand Association
Turramurra, New South Wales, Australia
St James'
Sunday, 8 May 1988 (9–3–9 in A♭)
1296 Cambridge Surprise Minor
1 Margaret Goodyer
2 Liz Neill
3 Glenyss McGregor
4 Stephen Fox
5 Gordon Connon
6 Christopher O'Mahony (C)
Rung for Evensong.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Auckland, New Zealand
St Matthew in the City
Tuesday, 10 May 1988 (20–0–12 in E♭)
1280 Spliced Surprise Major (8m)
(Standard eight[8] Surprise: London, Bristol, Rutland, Pudsey, Lincolnshire, Superlative Yorkshire & Cambridge.).
1 Howard Collings
2 Keith G Game
3 Andrew Stubbs
4 Neil Curnow
5 Ronald K Russ
6 John R Cooper
7 Colin Turner
8 Michael Brown (C)
Last quarter peal in the Southern Hemisphere for Tour Group B, departing for the UK the next day.
First quarter peal of Spliced Surprise on the bells.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
St Mary's Basilica - Cathedral Archives. (Crypt).
Thursday, 12 May 1988 in 35m
1260 Plain Bob Minor
1–2 John J Cummins
3–4 Mary Symes
5–6 Graham Harman (C)

Australian & New Zealand Association
Turramurra, New South Wales, Australia
St James'
Sunday, 15 May 1988 (9–3–9 in A♭)
1296 Cambridge Surprise Minor
1 Margaret E Goodyer
2 Sue Bennett
3 Glenyss McGregor
4 Stephen Fox
5 Walter G Knight
6 Christopher O'Mahony (C)
Rung to celebrate the christening of Andrew Ian Thornton son of Sue Thornton, a ringer. Ringer of the treble is a Godparent.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
St Philip's Church Hill
Sunday, 15 May 1988 in 47m (18–2–21 in E)
1250 Spliced Surprise Major (2m)
(2 Methods: 898 Cambridge & 352 Yorkshire Surprise. 27 COM.).
1 Basil E Potts
2 Enid L Roberts
3 Mary Symes
4 Tony Stevens
5 Gordon Connon
6 Esther Byers
7 Brian Diserens
8 Robert Walters (C)
First quarter peal of Spliced - 3 & 4.
First quarter peal as conductor of Spliced - 8.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
St Andrew's Cathedral
Sunday, 15 May 1988 in 53m (29–0–4 in C♯)
1360 Kent Treble Bob Royal
1 Tony Stevens
2 Robert Walters
3 Mary Symes
4 Fiona Towers
5 Esther Byers
6 Gordon Connon
7 John H Fryer (C)
8 Julian Stone
9 Chris Towers
10 Brian Diserens
First touch of Kent - 3.
First quarter peal of Kent T B Royal - 6.
For Evensong.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Prospect, South Australia
St Cuthberts
Sunday, 15 May 1988 in 52m (11–1–2 in G)
1320 Doubles (3m)
(3 Methods; Reverse Canterbury Pleasure Bob, Plain Bob & Grandsire.).
1 David Netherway
2 Kesta Bedford
3 Sylvia Bedford
4 Douglas Bell
5 Philip Bedford (C)
6 Julian Bedford
First quarter peal - 1.
Rung for Family Service.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
St Paul's Cathedral
Sunday, 15 May 1988 (29–1–12 in C♯)
1259 Grandsire Caters
1 Virginia Moffett
2 Deborah Rossell
3 Jennifer A Murphy
4 Amanda Heyes
5 Marian Batty
6 Liz Neill
7 Robin G Turner
8 Bill Randall
9 Henry Rossell (C)
10 Robin Salisbury

Australian & New Zealand Association
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
27 Broadway, Camberwell
Sunday, 15 May 1988 in 32m
1260 Plain Bob Minor
1–2 Liz Neill
3–4 Robin G Turner (C)
5–6 Jennifer A Murphy
First quarter peal 'in hand' - 1-2.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand
Christchurch Cathedral
Thursday, 19 May 1988 in 58m (24–3–16 in D)
1276 Grandsire Cinques
1 Robert G T Bennett
2 Frances Lojkine
3 Jane Chandler
4 Chris Oldham
5 A Peter Whitehead
6 Lynne Bennet
7 Ray H Idle
8 Peter J Perry
9 Colin H Ward
10 Michael Clayton
11 Ron Stevens (C)
12 John H G Gardiner
First quarter peal on 12 - 2.
Rung for the graduation of Christopher Oldham - 4.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
St Philip's Church Hill
Friday, 20 May 1988 in 44m (9–2–5 in G♯)
1260 Grandsire Doubles
1 Alan Champion
2 Robert Walters
3 Mary Symes (C)
4 Richard Dean
5 Chris Towers
6 Andrew Woodward
First quarter peal as conductor - 3.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Perth, Western Australia
St George's Cathedral
Sunday, 22 May 1988 in 45m (11–0–18 in G)
1264 Plain Bob Major
1 Lisa Clews
2 Mary Lewin
3 Laura Ivey
4 John Skinner
5 David Knewstub
6 Eric White
7 Ian MacLeod
8 Bert Woolven (C)
Rung for Sung Eucharist and to say 'Bon Voyage' to Ray Skinner, going on holiday to England.
First quarter peal of Major - 1.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand
Christchurch Cathedral
Sunday, 22 May 1988 in 45m (8–1–4 in A)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Francis Liebert
2 Robert G T Bennett
3 Frances Lojkine
4 Ron Stevens
5 Chris Oldham (C)
6 Ashley Smith
First quarter peal - 1 & 6.
First quarter peal as conductor - 5.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
4/13 Alfred Street, Westmead
Saturday, 28 May 1988 in 34m (12 in F♯)
1320 Cambridge Surprise Minor
1–2 Esther Byers
3–4 Julian Morgan
5–6 Bill Perrins (C)
First quarter peal in method on hand bells - 3-4.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
St Paul's Cathedral
Sunday, 29 May 1988 (10–0–24 in G♯)
1260 Plain Bob Minor
1 Michael McBain
2 Andrew Ryan
3 Jennifer A Murphy
4 Elizabeth Rossell
5 Robin G Turner (C)
6 Henry Rossell
First quarter peal away from tenor - 1.
First quarter peal 'inside' - 2.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Auckland, New Zealand
St Matthew in the City
Sunday, 29 May 1988 in 43m (20–0–12 in E♭)
1260 Grandsire Triples
1 Bryan Robotham
2 Jill Renner
3 Robert H Bennett
4 Valerie Stone
5 David Caldwell
6 Jeff White
7 Michael Stone (C)
8 Geoff Waller
Rung after Morning Service.
A wedding compliment to Quentin Currall (local ringer) and Dr Ruth Alberts of Cape Town, married at Dargaville on 7th May.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Adelaide, South Australia
St Peter's Cathedral
Sunday, 29 May 1988 in 56m (41–1–0 in C)
1280 Rutland Surprise Major
1 Anne Haskard
2 Sylvia Bedford
3 Sue Tonkin
4 Liz Neill
5 Philip Bedford
6 Ian Harris (C)
7 Philip Goodyer
8 Simon Brown
First quarter peal in method - 2.
First blows in method - 3 & 4.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand
Christchurch Cathedral
Wednesday, 1 June 1988 in 47m (10–1–0 in G)
1260 Grandsire Triples
1 Chris Oldham
2 Jane Chandler
3 Lynne Bennet
4 Peter J Perry
5 Northleigh F Reeve
6 Colin H Ward
7 Robert G T Bennett (C)
8 Jane Bayley
Rung for the funeral service of Alwyn Keith Warren, former Bishop of Canterbury, and past President of the Society.
[NO Conductor given in Ringing Towers. Correction in RW # 4029 Pg.683 & (Dup) RW # 4057 Pg.87.].

Australian & New Zealand Association
Auckland, New Zealand
St Matthew in the City
Saturday, 4 June 1988 in 46m (20–0–12 in E♭)
1288 Middlesex Triples
1 Katy Barnard
2 Sue Bennett
3 Julian Stone
4 David Kennett
5 Robert Campbell
6 Michael Stone (C)
7 Valerie Stone
8 David Caldwell
First blows in method - 2 & 4.
First quarter peal on 8 - 1.
First quarter peal in method - 3, 5, 6 & 7.
Circled the tower twice - 7; 4 times - 3.
First quarter peal on the bells - 4. (David Kennett of Hamilton.).
Rung for the Queens Birthday weekend in NZ.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
St Philip's Church Hill
Sunday, 5 June 1988 in 43m (9–2–5 in G♯)
1260 Plain Bob Minor
1 Gordon Connon
2 Basil E Potts
3 Wendy Tyrrell
4 Jim Carter
5 Ron Chapman
6 Robert Walters (C)

Australian & New Zealand Association
Parramatta, New South Wales, Australia
All Saints
Sunday, 5 June 1988 in 42m (10–0–4 in G)
1260 Stedman Doubles
1 Yvonne Ferris
2 Bill Perrins (C)
3 Esther Byers
4 Peter Parker
5 Richard Dean
6 Ian Mac Kenzie
Rung for Evensong.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
St Paul's Cathedral
Sunday, 5 June 1988 (10–0–24 in G♯)
1260 Plain Bob Minor
1 Henry Rossell
2 Andrew Ryan
3 Jill Masterman
4 Jennifer A Murphy
5 Robin G Turner (C)
6 Elizabeth Rossell
First quarter peal in Australia - 3.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Adelaide, South Australia
St Peter's Cathedral
Sunday, 5 June 1988 in 52m (41–1–0 in C)
1260 Grandsire Triples
1 Philippa Lamphee
2 Kaye W Lynas
3 Anne Oke
4 Sue Tonkin
5 Ian Harris (C)
6 Anne Haskard
7 Simon Brown
8 Bob Allan
First quarter peal of triples 'inside' - 3.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand
Christchurch Cathedral
Saturday, 11 June 1988 in 47m (10–1–0 in G)
1260 Grandsire Triples
1 Michael Clayton
2 Frances Lojkine
3 Colin H Ward
4 Northleigh F Reeve
5 Lynne Bennet
6 Ron Stevens
7 Robert G T Bennett (C)
8 Jane Bayley
In Memoriam; The Right Reverend Brian Ashby, formerly Roman Catholic Bishop of Canterbury.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
St Philip's Church Hill
Sunday, 12 June 1988 in 44m (9–2–5 in G♯)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Joyce Windeyer
2 Ron Chapman
3 Alan Champion
4 Tony Stevens
5 Robert Walters (C)
6 John F Killick
100th quarter peal as conductor - 5. (Rung with thanks to Gordon Connon.).
Rung for the Royal Victorian Service (Matins).

Australian & New Zealand Association
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
St Andrew's Cathedral
Sunday, 12 June 1988 in 43m (9–3–0 in G♯)
1260 Plain Bob Minor
1 Joyce Windeyer
2 Hannah Musgrove
3 Hilary Fawcett
4 Julian Morgan
5 Fiona Towers
6 Chris Towers (C)
Rung for Evening Prayer.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Prospect, South Australia
St Cuthberts
Monday, 13 June 1988 in 56m (11–1–2 in G)
1696 Spliced Surprise Major (3m)
(3 Methods: Rutland, Cambridge & Yorkshire.).
1 Anne Haskard
2 Ian Harris (C)
3 Sue Tonkin
4 Sylvia Bedford
5 Philip Bedford
6 Liz Neill
7 Julian Bedford
8 Simon Brown
First quarter peal of Spliced Surprise Major - 6 & 7.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Christ Church St Laurence
Tuesday, 14 June 1988 in 42m (10–3–8 in G)
1280 Cambridge Surprise Major
1 Jim Carter
2 Gordon Connon
3 Elizabeth Hill
4 Tony Stevens
5 Basil E Potts
6 Robert Walters
7 Alan Champion
8 Jim Woolford (C)
First quarter peal of Surprise Major - 7.
Rung for the Mother's Birthday of ringer of 3rd.
[2 of 2 quarter on the day].
Believed to be the first time that two(2) quarters have been rung at CCSL on the same evening.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Christ Church St Laurence
Tuesday, 14 June 1988 in 48m (10–3–8 in G)
1259 Grandsire Caters
1 Julian Morgan (C)
2 Brian Diserens
3 Esther Byers
4 Gordon Connon
5 Elizabeth Hill
6 Robert Walters
7 Basil E Potts
8 Jim Carter
9 Alan Champion
10 Malcolm Boadle
First quarter peal of caters - 5 & 9.
Rung for Father Austin Day's OAM - Queens' Birthday Honours. (Order of Merit of Australia.).
[1 of 2 quarter on the day].

Australian & New Zealand Association
Hamilton, Waikato, New Zealand
St Peter's Cathedral
Wednesday, 15 June 1988 in 43m (11–1–2 in G♯)
1296 Cambridge Surprise Minor
1 Ian Harrison
2 Valerie Stone
3 David McAdam
4 John Neale
5 Robert H Bennett
6 David Kennett (C)
Rung on practice night.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Geelong, Victoria, Australia
St Pauls
Saturday, 18 June 1988 in 43m (13–0–6 in F)
1264 Plain Bob Major
1 Nicholas Heyes
2 Theresa Higgins
3 Sharon Nicholls
4 Amanda Heyes
5 Robin G Turner (C)
6 David Heyes
7 Jack J F Roper
8 Tim Eldridge

Australian & New Zealand Association
Adelaide, South Australia
Cathedral Church of St Peter
Saturday, 18 June 1988 in 3h 33 (41–1–0 in C)
5088 Spliced Surprise Major (3m)
3 methods: 1824 Rutland; 1632 Cambridge, Yorkshire; 98 com; atw.
Composed by P G K Davies
1 Anne R Haskard
2 Ian D Harris (C)
3 Brian R Cox
4 Philip R Goodyer
5 Simon D Brown
6 Julian D Bedford
7 David J Bleby
8 Brian P Diserens

Australian & New Zealand Association
West Maitland, New South Wales, Australia
St Pauls
Sunday, 19 June 1988 in 45m
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Yvonne Ferris
2 Gordon Connon
3 Bruce Waddell
4 Jim Waddell
5 Robert Walters (C)
6 Diane Evans
First quarter peal - 6.
First quarter peal 'inside' - 3.
Rung for the Centenary of the campanile of St Paul and the continuing dedication (rededication service) - Bicentenary Service.
[Weight of Tenor - 14 cwt Steel in A.].

Australian & New Zealand Association
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
St Andrew's Cathedral
Sunday, 19 June 1988 in 50m (29–0–4 in C♯)
1260 Erin Triples
1 Julian Morgan
2 Chris Towers
3 Wendy Tyrrell
4 Alan Champion
5 Charles Seddon
6 Esther Byers
7 Bill Perrins (C)
8 Fiona Towers
[Rung on the back 8.].
First of Erin for all except 6 & 7.
Rung for the Foundation Day Service for SCEGGS (Church of England Girls Grammar School), Redlands, school.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Parramatta, New South Wales, Australia
All Saints
Sunday, 19 June 1988 in 44m (10–0–4 in G)
1260 Grandsire Triples
1 Ian Mac Kenzie
2 Esther Byers
3 Bill Perrins
4 Brian Diserens
5 Richard Dean
6 Peter Parker
7 Julian Morgan (C)
8 Paul Dean
Rung for Evensong.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Adelaide, South Australia
St Peter's Cathedral
Sunday, 19 June 1988 in 56m (41–1–0 in C)
1280 Cambridge Surprise Major
1 Sylvia Bedford
2 Kaye W Lynas
3 Kesta Bedford
4 Philippa Lamphee
5 Philip Bedford
6 Ian Harris
7 Philip Goodyer (C)
8 Julian Bedford
First quarter peal of Surprise Major - 3 & 4.
Julian worn mittens, as he had sore hands from his peal the day before!

Australian & New Zealand Association
Geelong, Victoria, Australia
St Pauls
Wednesday, 22 June 1988 in 43m (13–0–6 in F)
1260 Plain Bob Minor
1 Helen Pettet
2 Mary Heyes
3 Nicholas Heyes
4 Liz Neill
5 James Heyes (C)
6 Brian Pettet
First quarter peal 'inside' - 3.
Rung as a birthday compliment to Anne Doggett.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Darling Point, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
St Mark's
Wednesday, 22 June 1988 in 42m (8–1–26 in A)
1250 Yorkshire Surprise Major
1 Jim Carter
2 Elizabeth Hill
3 Alan Champion
4 Gordon Connon
5 Esther Byers
6 Julian Morgan
7 Brian Diserens
8 Robert Walters (C)

Australian & New Zealand Association
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
3/6 Queens Avenue, McMahons Point.
Sunday, 26 June 1988 in 40m (Size 12)
1250 Rutland Surprise Major
1–2 Esther Byers
3–4 Julian Morgan
5–6 John H Fryer
7–8 Bill Perrins (C)
First quarter peal in method on handbells - 3-4.
[2 of 2 qrs on day.].

Australian & New Zealand Association
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
3/6 Queens Avenue, McMahons Point.
Sunday, 26 June 1988 in 40m (Size 12)
1260 Stedman Triples
1–2 Esther Byers
3–4 John H Fryer
5–6 Julian Morgan
7–8 Bill Perrins (C)
First quarter peal in method on handbells - 5-6.
[1 of 2 qrs on day.].

Australian & New Zealand Association
Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
St David's Cathedral
Sunday, 26 June 1988 (7–3–26 in A♯)
1260 Plain Bob Minor
1 David Skegg
2 Ruth Brammall
3 Margaret Finney
4 Lewis Prince
5 Fiona Prince
6 Douglas Nichols (C)
Rung for the Bicentennial Service of the Order of St John in Australia.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
St Andrew's Cathedral
Wednesday, 29 June 1988 in 48m (13–1–10 in F♯)
1296 Cambridge Surprise Minor
1 Robert Walters
2 Elizabeth Hill
3 Fiona Towers
4 Alan Champion
5 Andrew Davies
6 Chris Towers (C)
7 Esther Byers
[Rung with cover bell.].
Rung for the farewell service of Canon Jim Glennon.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia +++
3/6 Queens Avenue, McMahons Point.
Wednesday, 29 June 1988 in 40m (15 in C♯)
1282 Yorkshire Surprise Royal
1–2 Esther Byers
3–4 Julian Morgan
5–6 Bill Perrins
7–8 John H Fryer
9–10 Graham Harman
N.B. "Uncalled".

Australian & New Zealand Association
Turramurra, New South Wales, Australia
St James'
Friday, 1 July 1988 (9–3–9 in A♭)
1260 Plain Bob Minor
1 Beverly Watts
2 Elaine Lee
3 Fiona McGregor
4 Glenyss McGregor
5 G Kenneth P Stacey
6 Christopher O'Mahony (C)
Rung for Practice.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
St Philip's Church Hill
Saturday, 2 July 1988 in 46m (9–2–5 in G♯)
1296 Cambridge Surprise Minor
1 Joyce Windeyer
2 Elizabeth Hill
3 Wendy Tyrrell
4 Alan Champion
5 Michael Broe
6 Robert Walters (C)

Australian & New Zealand Association
Prospect, South Australia
St Cuthberts
Sunday, 3 July 1988 in 36m (11–1–2 in G)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Bob Allan
2 Philippa Lamphee
3 Sue Tonkin
4 Anne Haskard
5 Rodney Stevenson (C)
6 Jack Rundle
Rung for the birthday of 6 and for morning service.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Perth, Western Australia
St George's Cathedral
Sunday, 3 July 1988 in 42m (11–0–18 in G)
1260 Plain Bob Minor
1 Colin Wilkinson
2 John Skinner
3 Laura Ivey
4 Chris J Carter
5 Philip M J Gray
6 Eric White (C)
First quarter peal in Australia - 1.
Rung for Sung Eucharist.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Adelaide, South Australia
St Peter's Cathedral
Sunday, 3 July 1988 in 55m (41–1–0 in C)
1280 Plain Bob Major
1 Fred Southgate
2 Anne Oke
3 Philippa Lamphee
4 Sue Tonkin
5 Bob Allan
6 Brian R Cox
7 Simon Brown
8 Ian Harris (C)
First quarter peal of major 'inside' - 2 & 5.
Rung for the Patronal Festival, and to celebrate the Southgates' Golden Wedding Anniversary.

Australian & New Zealand Association
Honiara, Soloman Islands +++
King George VI School
Thursday, 7 July 1988
1272 Plain Bob Minimus
1–2 Primrose Gates
3–4 Mike Fradd (C)
Rung for the 10th anniversary of independence of the Solomon Islands.
First quarter peal - 1-2.
(2 of 2 on day).
[Ringing World # 4034: Page791: Date 19th August, 1988.].

Australian & New Zealand Association
Honiara, Soloman Islands +++
King George VI School
Thursday, 7 July 1988
1272 Plain Bob Minimus
1–2 Mike Fradd (C)
3–4 Solhatuni Lowe
Rung for the 10th anniversary of independence of the Solomon Islands.
First quarter peal - 3-4.
(1 of 2 on day).
[Ringing World # 4034: Page791: Date 19th August, 1988.].