Performances report

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This page gives a report of the performances matching your search criteria.

There were 53 matching performances.

Oxford University Society
Oxford, Oxfordshire
St Mary Magdalen
Tuesday, 12 January 2016 in 42m (7–1–12)
1272 Oxford Treble Bob Major
Composed by S A Bond
1 Jeremy R Pratt
2 Hannah Guggiari
3 Isobel L Fray
4 S L Catrin Morgan
5 Frederick R W M Manners
6 Emma Stanford
7 Wilfred J M Lewis
8 Simon A Bond (C)
Celebrating the admission, earlier today, of Prof. Louise Richardson as the 272nd Vice Chancellor of the University of Oxford.
First Oxford TB Major: 2, 3, 4, 5 & 7.

Oxford University Society
Oxford, Oxfordshire
St Mary Magdalen
Tuesday, 19 January 2016 in 42m (7–1–12 in A)
1265 Stedman Triples
Composed by L J Woodward
1 Emma Stanford
2 Robert J Hornby
3 Isobel L Fray
4 S L Catrin Morgan
5 Harriet J M A Armitage
6 Wilfred J M Lewis
7 Matthew R Johnson (C)
8 Heather C Banyard

Oxford University Society
Oxford, Oxfordshire
St Mary Magdalen (Ringing Chamber)
Friday, 22 January 2016 in 32m (15 C)
1272 Spliced Surprise Minor (8m)
720: Annable's London, Lightfoot, Netherseale, Rossendale, Stamford and Wearmouth 552: Allendale and Westminster
View composition
1–2 Emma Stanford
3–4 Robert J Hornby
5–6 Matthew R Johnson (C)

Oxford University Society
Oxford, Oxfordshire
St Thomas the Martyr
Saturday, 23 January 2016 (11–2–6 in G)
1440 Spliced Surprise Minor (12m)
Berwick, Beverley, Bourne, Cambridge, Durham, Hexham, Hull, Ipswich, Norfolk, Primrose, Surfleet and York
Composed by J S Warboys (SU0220)
1 Wilfred J M Lewis
2 Isobel L Fray
3 Emma Stanford
4 Harriet J M A Armitage
5 Matthew R Johnson (C)
6 Robert J Hornby
Most methods: 4
With the band's best wishes to Catrin Morgan as she leaves Oxford for a new job in Durham.

Oxford University Society
Oxford, Oxfordshire
New College
Sunday, 24 January 2016 in 42m
1260 Mixed Minor
Comprising 540 St. Clement's College Bob and 720 Plain Bob.
1 Emma Stanford
2 Harriet J M A Armitage
3 Robert J Hornby
4 Matthew A Williams
5 Matthew R Johnson
6 Wilfred J M Lewis (C)

Oxford University Society
Oxford, Oxfordshire
St Thomas the Martyr
Saturday, 30 January 2016 in 40m (11–2–6 in G)
1260 Mixed Doubles (1p, 4m)
Stedman, Plain Bob, Grandsire, St Martin's, St Simon's
1 Connie M Tongue
2 Isobel C Patterson
3 Harriet J M A Armitage
4 Robert J Hornby (C)
5 Matthew R Johnson
6 Isobel L Fray
First in St Simon's and St Martin's - 2

Oxford University Society
Oxford, Oxfordshire
St Mary Magdalen
Tuesday, 2 February 2016 in 38m (7–1–12)
1250 Pudsey Surprise Major
1 Harriet J M A Armitage
2 Simon A Bond
3 Emma Stanford
4 Isobel L Fray
5 Constance M Tongue
6 Hannah Guggiari (C)
7 Wilfred J M Lewis
8 Matthew R Johnson
First in method: 7

Oxford University Society
Oxford, Oxfordshire
Carfax Tower
Friday, 5 February 2016 in 47m (15–0–22 in F)
1272 Morning Exercise Delight Minor
View composition
1 Thomas J Pelham
2 Isobel L Fray
3 Hannah Guggiari
4 Connie M Tongue
5 Matthew R Johnson (C)
6 Robert J Hornby
By a resident band on the eve of the society's dinner day.
First in method for all.

Oxford University Society
Oxford, Oxfordshire
St Thomas the Martyr
Saturday, 6 February 2016 in 42m (11–2–6 in G)
1250 Cambridge Surprise Major
1 Lucy M Bricheno
2 Matthew R Johnson
3 Rachel E Prior
4 Peter M Jasper
5 Edmund H Mottershead
6 Isobel L Fray (C)
7 D Robert C Sworder
8 Wilfred J M Lewis
First of surprise major: 3
First on eight as conductor.
On OUSCR dinner day.

Oxford University Society
Oxford, Oxfordshire
St Thomas
Saturday, 6 February 2016 in 2h 45 (11)
5079 Spliced Surprise Royal
4m: 1359 Precambrian; 1240 Bristol, Remus, Sgurr A'Chaorachain. 54 com, atw.
Composed by Chris J Poole arr. Mark B Davies
1 Alex F Byrne (C)
2 Phillip R J Barnes
3 Henry D Coggill
4 Martin J Cansdale
5 W Nigel G Herriott
6 James C Marchbank
7 Simon A Bond
8 Christopher J Poole
9 Paul N Mounsey
10 Mark A Bell
On OUS Dinner Day.
Remus (a bit like Phobos): l &-3-4-2.5.6-34-5-6-67-6-70
Ringing World page reference: 5470.0203

Oxford University Society
Oxford, Oxfordshire
St Mary Magdalen
Saturday, 6 February 2016 in 2h 26 (7–1–12 in A)
5040 Doubles (5m)
Stedman, Grandsire, Plain Bob, St Simon's and St Martin's Doubles
1 Wilfred J M Lewis
2 Isobel C Patterson
3 Matthew R Johnson
4 Harriet J M A Armitage
5 Robert J Hornby (C)
6 Joseph L Hoyle
First of Doubles: 1, 3, 4, 5, 6
First as conductor
By a resident band on society dinner day.
Ringing World page reference: 5471.0226

Oxford University Society
Oxford, Oxfordshire
New College
Sunday, 7 February 2016 in 50m (20cwt)
1296 Grandsire Caters
Composed by S A Bond in the Blenheim
1 Hannah Guggiari
2 Harriet J M A Armitage
3 Robert J Hornby
4 Simon A Bond (C)
5 Andrew R Freer
6 Frederick R W M Manners
7 Matthew R Johnson
8 Wilfred J M Lewis
9 Jonathan Cresshull
10 Katherine A Stonham
50th together: 7 & 8.
Circled the tower: 4.
Dinner: done.

Oxford University Society
Oxford, Oxfordshire
Cathedral Church of Christ
Sunday, 7 February 2016 in 54m (31–0–23)
1344 Bristol Surprise Maximus
1 Elizabeth A Barnes
2 Phillip R J Barnes
3 P Quentin Armitage
4 Martin J Cansdale
5 Simon A Bond (C)
6 Christopher I Griggs
7 Courtney J Spoerer
8 D Robert C Sworder
9 Luke O Camden
10 Paul N Mounsey
11 Mark A Bell
12 James C Marchbank
On Society dinner weekend.

Oxford University Society
Oxford, Oxfordshire
St Mary Magdalen
Tuesday, 9 February 2016 in 42m (7–1–12 in A)
1260 Grandsire Triples
View composition
1 Wilfred J M Lewis
2 Hannah Guggiari
3 Matthew R Johnson
4 Harriet JMA Armitage (C)
5 Robert J Hornby
6 Andrew R Freer
7 Emma Stanford
8 Joseph L Hoyle
First as conductor

Oxford University Society
Oxford, Oxfordshire
St Thomas the Martyr
Saturday, 13 February 2016 in 42m (11–2–6 in G)
1272 Spliced Surprise Minor (5m)
720: Cunecastre, London and Wells 552: Coldstream and Lincoln
1 Wilfred J M Lewis
2 Isobel L Fray
3 Harriet J M A Armitage
4 Hannah Guggiari
5 Robert J Hornby
6 Matthew R Johnson (C)
First in methods: 3

Oxford University Society
Oxford, Oxfordshire
St Thomas the Martyr
Monday, 15 February 2016 in 2h 51 (11–2–6 in G)
5056 Bristol Surprise Major
Composed by M B Davies (5056 no. 1)
1 Frederick R W M Manners
2 Isobel L Fray
3 Jeremy R Pratt
4 Robert J Hornby
5 Connie M Tongue
6 Christopher I Griggs
7 Matthew R Johnson (C)
8 Simon A Bond
First on 8: 4 and as conductor
First in method: 2, 5 and 7
Ringing World page reference: 5472.0252

Oxford University Society
Lundy Island, Devon
St Helen
Monday, 15 February 2016 in 47m (13–1–18)
1344 Yorkshire Surprise Major
Composed by HWWH x 2
1 Alexander J Dicks
2 Lucy M Bricheno
3 Jennifer C E Lane
4 Ben Hockenhull
5 James C Marchbank (C)
6 Rupert H J Littlewood
7 Luke O Camden
8 Nicholas J Balderson
A badgers and WAGs production.
First in wellies: 2.
Laura Balderson would not like to be associated with this quarter peal.

Oxford University Society
Oxford, Oxfordshire
St Mary Magdalen
Tuesday, 23 February 2016 in 42m (7–1–12 in A)
1260 Plain Bob Triples
View composition
1 Isobel Murphy
2 Isobel C Patterson
3 Emma Stanford
4 Matthew R Johnson
5 Isobel L Fray
6 Wilfred J M Lewis
7 Robert J Hornby (C)
8 Harriet J M A Armitage
First with the society: 1
First on eight: 2
Largest company of Isobels for all

Oxford University Society
Oxford, Oxfordshire
St Thomas the Martyr
Saturday, 27 February 2016 in 38m (11–2–6 in G)
1272 Spliced Surprise Minor (6m)
Bourne, Cambridge, Hull, Ipswich, Norfolk and Primrose
View composition
1 Isobel C Patterson
2 Isobel L Fray
3 Wilfred J M Lewis
4 Harriet J M A Armitage
5 Emma Stanford
6 Matthew R Johnson (C)
First of minor: 1

Oxford University Society
Oxford, Oxfordshire
St Thomas the Martyr
Sunday, 28 February 2016 in 38m (11–2–6 in G)
1272 Spliced Surprise Minor (16m)
552: Coldstream, Cunecastre, Kelso, Lincoln, London and Wells 720: Berwick, Beverley, Bourne, Cambridge, Durham, Hexham, Hull, Primrose, Surfleet and York
Composed by J Morgan
Composed by J S Warboys
1 Wilfred J M Lewis
2 Harriet J M A Armitage
3 Isobel L Fray
4 Emma Stanford
5 Robert J Hornby
6 Matthew R Johnson (C)
Most methods: 2, 3, 4, 5 and as conductor
The annual commemoration of benefactors of this tower.
Also a birthday compliment to Wilf.

Oxford University Society
Oxford, Oxfordshire
St Mary Magdalen
Tuesday, 1 March 2016 in 43m (7–1–12 in A)
1312 Lessness Surprise Major
View composition
1 Frederick R W M Manners
2 Robert J Hornby
3 Emma Stanford
4 Hannah Guggiari
5 Simon A Bond
6 Isobel L Fray
7 Matthew R Johnson (C)
8 Ryan Mills
First blows: 2, 3, 4, 6 and 7
First in method: 8

Oxford University Society
Oxford, Oxfordshire
St Mary Magdalen (Ringing Chamber)
Friday, 4 March 2016 in 38m (15 C)
1440 Spliced Surprise Minor (11m)
Allendale, Annable's London, Bacup, Bamborough, Lightfoot, Netherseale, Rossendale, Stamford, Warkworth, Wearmouth and Westminster
Composed by J S Warboys (SU0217)
1–2 Emma Stanford
3–4 Robert J Hornby
5–6 Matthew R Johnson (C)

Oxford University Society
Oxford, Oxfordshire
St James, Cowley
Saturday, 5 March 2016 in 37m (5–3–3 in C)
1269 Grandsire Doubles
View composition
1 Harriet J M A Armitage
2 Wilfred J M Lewis
3 Matthew R Johnson (C)
4 Isobel C Patterson
5 Robert J Hornby
6 James Scott-Brown

Oxford University Society
Oxford, Oxfordshire
St Mary Magdalen (Ringing Chamber)
Friday, 11 March 2016 in 29m (15 C)
1260 Plain Bob Minor
1–2 Harriet J M A Armitage
3–4 Isobel L Fray
5–6 Matthew R Johnson (C)

Oxford University Society
Oxford, Oxfordshire
St Thomas the Martyr
Monday, 14 March 2016 in 2h 56 (11–2–6)
5129 Grandsire Caters
Composed by S A Bond
1 Christine C Darby
2 Harriet J M A Armitage
3 John G Pusey
4 Nigel R D Orchard
5 Isobel L Fray
6 Simon A Bond (C)
7 Robert J Hornby
8 Andrew R Freer
9 Matthew R Johnson
10 Christopher I Griggs
First on 10: 5, 7 & 9.
First on 10 tower bells and of Caters: 2.
First Grandsire Caters: 8.
50th peal: 10.
In anticipation of the conductor's 29th birthday.
Ringing World page reference: 5476.0348

Oxford University Society
Fulham, Greater London
All Saints
Sunday, 27 March 2016 in 47m (18–2–22)
1260 Single Oxford Bob Triples
Composed by S A Bond
1 Edmund H Mottershead
2 Harriet J M A Armitage
3 Matthew R Johnson
4 Isobel L Fray
5 Wilfred J M Lewis
6 Robert J Hornby
7 Simon A Bond (C)
8 Simon D Roberts
During the 2016 Boat Races. Rung simultaneously with a CUG quarter at the other end of the bridge.
First in method: 3, 4, 5, 6.

Oxford University Society
Ashtead, Surrey
St Giles
Saturday, 2 April 2016 in 45m (12–3–26 in F)
1280 Superlative Surprise Major
Composed by S A Bond
1 Rachel E Prior
2 Peter M Jasper
3 Emma Stanford
4 Isobel L Fray
5 Robert J Hornby
6 Wilfred J M Lewis
7 Matthew R Johnson (C)
8 Luke O Camden
100th quarter: 3 and as conductor
A compliment to Edmund Mottershead and Pippa Lang on the day of their wedding.

Oxford University Society
Oxford, Oxfordshire
Christ Church (Ringing Chamber)
Sunday, 17 April 2016 in 35m (12 F)
1440 Wells Surprise Minor
1–2 Emma Stanford
3–4 Robert J Hornby
5–6 Matthew R Johnson (C)

Oxford University Society
Oxford, Oxfordshire
St Mary Magdalen (Ringing Chamber)
Friday, 29 April 2016 in 33m (15 C)
1272 Oxford Treble Bob Minor
1–2 Robert J Hornby
3–4 Isobel L Fray
5–6 Matthew R Johnson (C)

Oxford University Society
Oxford, Oxfordshire
St Thomas the Martyr
Saturday, 30 April 2016 in 40m (11–2–6)
1296 Cambridge Surprise Minor
1 Isobel C Patterson
2 Matthew R Johnson
3 Hannah Guggiari
4 Robert J Hornby
5 Frederick R W M Manners
6 Wilfred J M Lewis (C)
First surprise as conductor.

Oxford University Society
Oxford, Oxfordshire
St Thomas the Martyr
Monday, 2 May 2016 in 38m (11–2–6)
1260 Variable Hunt Grandsire Doubles
Change of principal hunt each extent.
View composition
1 Simon A Bond (C)
2 Robert J Hornby
3 Isobel L Fray
4 Harriet J M A Armitage
5 Matthew R Johnson

Oxford University Society
Oxford, Oxfordshire
St Mary Magdalen
Tuesday, 3 May 2016 in 39m (7–1–12 in A)
1272 Spliced Surprise Minor (16m)
552: Coldstream, Cunecastre, Kelso, Lincoln, London and Wells 720: Berwick, Beverley, Bourne, Cambridge, Durham, Hexham, Hull, Primrose, Surfleet and York
Composed by J S Warboys
Composed by J Morgan
1 Wilfred J M Lewis
2 Isobel L Fray
3 Harriet J M A Armitage
4 Robert J Hornby
5 Hannah Guggiari
6 Matthew R Johnson (C)

Oxford University Society
Oxford, Oxfordshire
St Mary Magdalen (Ringing Chamber)
Friday, 6 May 2016 in 56m (15 C)
2160 Spliced Surprise Minor (17m)
Alnwick, Canterbury, Carlisle, Chester, Coldstream, Cunecastre, Kelso, Lincoln, London, Morpeth, Munden, Newcastle, Northumberland, Sandiacre, Wells, Whitley and Wooler
Composed by J S Warboys (SU0309)
1–2 Emma Stanford
3–4 Robert J Hornby
5–6 Matthew R Johnson (C)
Most spliced for all.

Oxford University Society
Oxford, Oxfordshire
St Thomas the Martyr
Saturday, 7 May 2016 (11–2–6)
1296 Cambridge Surprise Minor
1 Robert J Hornby
2 Isobel C Patterson
3 Wilfred J M Lewis (C)
4 Matthew J Torr
5 Frederick R W M Manners
6 Matthew R Johnson
2: First of surprise inside.

Oxford University Society
Oxford, Oxfordshire
St Thomas the Martyr
Monday, 9 May 2016 in 42m (11–2–6 in G)
1296 Spliced Surprise Minor (7m)
576: Carlisle, Northumberland and Sandiacre. 720: Alnwick, Chester, Munden, Newcastle and Sandiacre
View composition
1 Christopher I Griggs
2 Hannah Guggiari
3 Harriet J M A Armitage
4 Isobel L Fray
5 Matthew R Johnson (C)
6 Robert J Hornby
First of Carlisle over: 3 and 4

Oxford University Society
Oxford, Oxfordshire
St Mary Magdalen
Tuesday, 10 May 2016 in 43m (7–1–12 in A)
1280 Bristol Surprise Major
Composed by A J Cox (Reversed)
1 Robert J Hornby
2 Harriet J M A Armitage
3 Simon A Bond
4 Frederick R W M Manners
5 Matthew R Johnson (C)
6 Isobel L Fray
7 Wilfred J M Lewis
8 Emma Stanford

Oxford University Society
Oxford, Oxfordshire
St Mary Magdalen
Tuesday, 17 May 2016 in 46m (7–1–12 in A)
1344 Spliced Surprise Major (3m)
544 Yorkshire, 416 Lincolnshire and 384 Cambridge; 20 com
Composed by M R Johnson
1 Emma Stanford
2 Isobel L Fray
3 Helen V Bond
4 Hannah Guggiari
5 Simon A Bond
6 Wilfred J M Lewis
7 Matthew R Johnson (C)
8 Robert J Hornby
First spliced major and most spliced: 3

Oxford University Society
Oxford, Oxfordshire
St Mary Magdalen
Tuesday, 24 May 2016 (7–1–12)
1280 Cambridge Surprise Major
1 Isobel Murphy
2 Matthew R Johnson
3 Robert J Hornby
4 Harriet J M A Armitage
5 Hannah Guggiari
6 Emma Stanford
7 Frederick R W M Manners
8 Wilfred J M Lewis (C)

Oxford University Society
Oxford, Oxfordshire
St Thomas the Martyr
Monday, 6 June 2016 in 43m (11–2–6)
1282 Cambridge Surprise Major
Composed by S A Bond
1 Hannah Guggiari
2 Emma Stanford
3 Wilfred J M Lewis
4 Harriet J M A Armitage
5 Dr Rosalind F Roberts
6 Simon A Bond (C)
7 Matthew R Johnson
8 Robert J Hornby
A graduation compliment to Rozzy.

Oxford University Society
Oxford, Oxfordshire
St Mary Magdalen
Tuesday, 7 June 2016 in 37m (7–1–12 in A)
1260 Doubles (7m)
Two extents each: Huntspill Bob, St Simon's Bob and St Nicholas' Bob. Extents: New Bob, St Martin's Bob and Winchendon Place. Extent and a half: Plain Bob.
1 Robert J Hornby (C)
2 Frederick R W M Manners
3 Emma Stanford
4 Hannah Guggiari
5 Wilfred J M Lewis
6 James Scott-Brown
First in Huntspill Bob and New Bob for all

Oxford University Society
Oxford, Oxfordshire
St Mary Magdalen (Ringing Chamber)
Thursday, 16 June 2016 in 36m (15 C)
1272 Norwich Surprise Minor
View composition
1–2 Isobel L Fray
3–4 Emma Stanford
5–6 Matthew R Johnson (C)
First of Surprise in hand: 1-2

Oxford University Society
Oxford, Oxfordshire
Christ Church (Ringing Chamber)
Saturday, 18 June 2016 in 44m (12 F)
1264 Plain Bob Major
Composed by G A C John
1–2 Robert J Hornby
3–4 Isobel L Fray
5–6 Emma Stanford
7–8 Matthew R Johnson (C)
First of major on an inside pair: 3-4
A farewell compliment to the OUS.

Oxford University Society
Bletchingdon, Oxfordshire
St Giles
Sunday, 10 July 2016 in 2h 33 (8–0–1)
5040 Spliced Surprise Minor (41m)
Allendale, Alnwick, Annable's London, Bacup, Bamborough, Berwick, Beverley, Bourne, Cambridge, Canterbury, Carlisle, Chester, Coldstream, Cunecastre, Durham, Hexham, Hull, Ipswich, Kelso, Lightfoot, Lincoln, London, Morpeth, Munden, Netherseale, Newcastle, Norfolk, Northumberland, Norwich, Primrose, Rossendale, Sandiacre, Stamford, Surfleet, Warkworth, Wearmouth, Wells, Westminster, Whitley, Wooler and York
Composed by J S Warboys (SU0309 & SU0403)
1 Wilfred J M Lewis
2 Harriet J M A Armitage
3 Isobel L Fray
4 Hannah Guggiari
5 Matthew R Johnson (C)
6 Robert J Hornby
First spliced: 3
Most spliced: 2
Rung by a band of resident students.
Ringing World page reference: 5492.0779

Oxford University Society
London, City of London
St Magnus the Martyr, London Bridge
Saturday, 15 October 2016 in 3h 21 (26–3–9)
5016 Spliced Maximus (6 Methods)
1056 each Ariel Surprise, Phobos Surprise and Zanussi Surprise; 880 Maypole Alliance; 792 Deimos Alliance; 176 Slinky Differential Little Treble Place; 109 changes of method; all the work.
Composed by D J Pipe
1 Jeremy R Pratt
2 Christopher J Poole
3 Simon A Bond
4 Michael O'Hagan
5 W Nigel G Herriott
6 Henry D Coggill
7 Andrew J Graham (C)
8 Douglas J Beaumont
9 Richard A Pearce
10 Martin J Cansdale
11 Ian Roulstone
12 Mark A Bell
Rung with the Society's best wishes to John Camp.
Ringing World page reference: 5508.1169

Oxford University Society
Oxford, Oxfordshire
St Thomas the Martyr
Monday, 17 October 2016 in 42m (11–2–6)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Adam Hodgkinson
2 Craig Robertson
3 Hannah Guggiari
4 Rachel Croft
5 Wilfred J M Lewis (C)
6 James Scott-Brown

Oxford University Society
Oxford, Oxfordshire
St Mary Magdalen
Tuesday, 18 October 2016 in 37m (7–1–12)
1320 Bourne Surprise Minor
Composed by Glenn A. A. Taylor
1 Jonathan D Wright
2 Wilfred J M Lewis
3 Craig M Robertson
4 Rosanna Cretney
5 Cameron A Waters
6 Leon G Thompson (C)
Rung in memory of John Camp,
Vice-President, past-President and past-Master of the Society.

Oxford University Society
Oxford, Oxfordshire
St Thomas the Martyr
Saturday, 22 October 2016 in 2h 40 (11–2–6)
5072 Spliced Major (2m)
2m: 16 Double Coslany Court Bob, 5056 Bristol Surprise; 1 com.
Composed by A G Reading
1 Andrew R Freer
2 Elizabeth A Barnes
3 Jeremy R Pratt
4 John G Pusey
5 P Quentin Armitage
6 Nigel R D Orchard
7 Christopher I Griggs
8 Simon A Bond (C)
In memory of John E Camp, 1944-2016, OUSCR Master 1963, Vice-President 1971-1999 & 2009-2016, President 1999-2009.
Ringing World page reference: 5508.1171

Oxford University Society
Oxford, Oxfordshire
St Mary the Virgin
Sunday, 13 November 2016 in 50m (26–2–9 in D)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Emma J Rouse
2 Craig M Robertson
3 Laurence Odell
4 David S Phillips
5 Leon G Thompson (C)
6 Wilfred J M Lewis
Half-muffled for Remembrance.

Oxford University Society
Oxford, Oxfordshire
New College
Sunday, 13 November 2016 in 49m (20cwt)
1259 Grandsire Caters
Composed by S A Bond after RWD
1 Leon G Thompson
2 Simon A Bond (C)
3 Connie M Tongue
4 Andrew R Freer
5 Craig M Robertson
6 Cameron A Waters
7 Wilfred J M Lewis
8 Emma Stanford
9 Ryan Mills
10 Rosanna Cretney
Half-muffled for Remembrance.

Oxford University Society
Oxford, Oxfordshire
St Mary Magdalen
Tuesday, 22 November 2016 in 40m (7–1–12)
1273 Grandsire Triples
Composed by S A Bond
1 Hannah Guggiari
2 Wilfred J M Lewis
3 Isobel C Patterson
4 Simon A Bond (C)
5 Rosanna Cretney
6 Leon G Thompson
7 Emma Stanford
8 Jennifer C Willis
First Grandsire Triples: 3.
Was resplendent: 7.

Oxford University Society
Oxford, Oxfordshire
St Ebbe
Friday, 25 November 2016 in 22m (4–3–19 in B♭)
630 Grandsire Triples
1 John G Pusey
2 Wilfred J M Lewis
3 Hannah Guggiari
4 Leon G Thompson (C)
5 Craig M Robertson
6 Emma Stanford
7 Jonathan D Wright
8 James Scott-Brown
Before a carol service as part of Oxford Christmas Light Festival.

Oxford University Society
Oxford, Oxfordshire
St Thomas the Martyr
Saturday, 3 December 2016 in 1h 42 (11–2–6 in G)
2830 Stedman Caters
Composed by J R Pratt (arr J R Pratt)
1 Jeremy R Pratt (C)
2 Michael O'Hagan
3 P Quentin Armitage
4 Lynn Scales
5 Jack P Gunning
6 Andrew Deamer
7 Richard Pearce
8 Douglas Beaumont
9 Jeremy D Alford
10 Elizabeth A Barnes
A tribute to John Camp in thanksgiving for his huge contribution to the OUS. A peal attempt called round to slake the growing thirst of the band, and arising from the incompetence of the conductor.

Oxford University Society
Oxford, Oxfordshire
St Mary Magdalen
Saturday, 3 December 2016 in 39m (7–1–12)
1280 Yorkshire Surprise Major
Composed by MBD
1 Marika Haseldine
2 Helen Bond
3 Rebecca Glen
4 Wilf Lewis
5 David Phillips
6 David Barrington
7 David Wallis
8 Mark Davies (C)
Rung on the day of John Camp's Oxford leaving do, to celebrate the life of a great man. Farewell old friend!