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Performances reportThis page gives a report of the performances matching your search criteria. There were 40 matching performances. Oxford Society Oxford, Oxon. Christ Church Sunday, 4 January 2015 in 3h 31 (31–0–23) 5136 Bristol Surprise Maximus Composed by R O Hall 1 Bernard J Stone 2 Jillian E Galloway 3 Simon A Bond 4 Robin O Hall (C) 5 Jonathan Cresshull 6 Ryan S Noble 7 Courtney J Spoerer 8 R Mark Esbester 9 Colin M Lee 10 Martin J Cansdale 11 Michael O'Hagan 12 Mark A Bell First on twelve: 7. Circled the tower: 4. The band would like to thank Helen Matthews for getting Jill to the tower. Colin Parker however ... Ringing World page reference: 5415.0138Oxford Society Oxford, Oxfordshire Cathedral Church of Christ Sunday, 11 January 2015 in 54m (31–0–23) 1294 Cambridge Surprise Maximus Arranged by SAB 1 Bernard J Stone 2 Michael A Williams 3 Robin O Hall 4 Stuart F Gibson 5 Simon L Edwards 6 Hannah Guggiari 7 Katherine A Stonham 8 Nicholas J Hartley 9 David K Barrington 10 Michael O'Hagan 11 Simon A Bond (C) 12 Mark D Tarrant Oxford Society Oxford, Oxfordshire Christ Church Sunday, 8 February 2015 (31–0–23) 1440 Zanussi Surprise Maximus Composed by K A Stonham 1 Bernard J Stone 2 Michael A Williams 3 Jeremy R Pratt 4 Michele Winter 5 Robin O Hall (C) 6 Katherine A Stonham 7 Christopher I Griggs 8 Ryan E Mills 9 Simon A Bond 10 Michael O'Hagan 11 Jonathan Cresshull 12 Colin M Lee First in the method: some. A get well compliment to Simon Linford from the pointy end. Oxford Society Oxford, Oxfordshire Cathedral Church of Christ Sunday, 22 February 2015 in 60m (31–0–23 in D) 1440 Zanussi Surprise Maximus Composed by trad 1 Bernard J Stone 2 Elizabeth C Frye 3 Jillian E Galloway 4 Patricia M Newton 5 Michael A Williams 6 Mark A Bell (C) 7 Michael O'Hagan 8 Stuart F Gibson 9 Mark D Tarrant 10 Leon G Thompson 11 Jonathan Cresshull 12 Robin O Hall First of Zanussi: 8 & 10. Oxford Society Worcester Cathedral Church of Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary Saturday, 28 February 2015 in 3h 47 (48–0–2) 5050 Stedman Cinques Composed by J R Pratt 1 Jeremy R Pratt (C) 2 Michael O'Hagan 3 Phillip R J Barnes 4 Michael A Williams 5 Christopher J Poole 6 Jonathan Cresshull 7 Henry D Coggill 8 Andrew J Graham 9 James C Marchbank 10 Mark A Bell 11 Colin M Lee 12 Robin O Hall "To celebrate the 10th Dalemain International Marmalade Festival" Ringing World page reference: 5420.0261Oxford Society Oxford, Oxfordshire Cathedral Church of Christ Sunday, 8 March 2015 in 53m (31–0–23 in D) 1299 Stedman Cinques Composed by ROH 1 Katherine A Stonham 2 Michele Winter 3 Michael O'Hagan 4 Clare E F Dyer 5 Michael A Williams 6 Hannah Guggiari 7 Christopher I Griggs 8 Courtney J Spoerer 9 Jonathan Cresshull (C) 10 Bernard J Stone 11 Colin M Lee 12 Mark D Tarrant Rung as a 21st birthday compliment to Courtney Spoerer. Oxford Society Oxford, Oxfordshire Lincoln College Saturday, 21 March 2015 in 2h 40 (7–2–4) 5040 Stedman Triples Composed by J W Washbrook 1 Jeremy R Pratt (C) 2 Charlotte Everett 3 Stuart F Gibson 4 Jonathan Cresshull 5 Michael A Williams 6 Simon L Edwards 7 Michael O'Hagan 8 Bernard J Stone To mark the re-opening this day of the New Bodleian Library as the Weston Library. Circled tower: 5. Ringing World page reference: 5425.0380Oxford Society Oxford, Oxfordshire Cathedral Church of Christ Sunday, 12 April 2015 (31–0–23 in D) 1259 Grandsire Caters Composed by M B Davies 1 Michele Winter 2 Charlotte Everett 3 Hannah Guggiari 4 Andrew J Dyer 5 Mark D Tarrant 6 John G Pusey 7 David K Barrington 8 Michael O'Hagan 9 Robin O Hall (C) 10 Christopher I Griggs Farewell compliment to Ralph Williamson, departing Christ Church after 18 years as College Chaplain to become vicar of St Peter's, Eaton Square in London. Oxford Society Oxford, Oxfordshire Cathedral Church of Christ Sunday, 26 April 2015 (31–0–23 in D) 1346 Lincolnshire Surprise Maximus Composed by WH WsH 1 Bernard J Stone 2 Michael O'Hagan 3 Jeremy R Pratt 4 Michele Winter 5 Hannah Guggiari 6 Robin O Hall (C) 7 Courtney J Spoerer 8 Christopher I Griggs 9 Mark D Tarrant 10 Stephen M Jones 11 Jonathan Cresshull 12 Michael A Williams Oxford Society Oxford Magdalen College Friday, 1 May 2015 (17–1–7) 153 Stedman Caters At 6.10am View composition 1 Mark A Bell (C) 2 Michele Winter 3 Michael A Williams 4 Colin M Turner 5 Richard H Youdale 6 Christopher I Griggs 7 Michael O'Hagan 8 Bernard J Stone 9 Jonathan Cresshull 10 Robin O Hall The first touch of May Morning. Now is the month of maying, When merry lads are playing, Fa-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la, Fa-la-la-la-la-la-lah. Oxford Society Hook Norton, Oxfordshire St Peter Saturday, 2 May 2015 in 2h 58 (20–2–13 in E) 5040 Stedman Triples Composed by P A B Saddleton 1 Michael O'Hagan 2 Michael A Williams 3 Martin J Kirk 4 Christopher I Griggs 5 Graham J Clifton 6 Robin O Hall (C) 7 Jonathan Cresshull 8 Mark D Tarrant Celebrating the forthcoming wedding of Mark Tarrant and Constance Young. During the peal, approximately 46,000 babies were born. Ringing World page reference: 5430.0530Oxford Society Oxford, Oxfordshire Carfax Tower Friday, 8 May 2015 in 3m (15–0–22) 60 Whole Pull and Stand Minor 1 Michael A Williams (C) 2 Emma Stanford 3 Lorna Curtis 4 Michele Winter 5 James M Stonham 6 Robin O Hall Marking the 70th anniversary of Victory in Europe Day. Oxford Society Oxford, Oxfordshire Magdalen College Thursday, 14 May 2015 in 30m (17–1–7) 642 Spliced Surprise Major (3m) 3m: 288 Bristol, 224 Yorkshire, 130 Cambridge; 2 com. View composition 1 Simon A Bond (C) 2 Charlotte Everett 3 Stephen J D Dann 4 S L Catrin Morgan 5 Katherine A Stonham 6 Colin M Turner 7 Courtney J Spoerer 8 Leon G Thompson For Ascension Day. Oxford Society Oxford, Oxfordshire Cathedral Church of Christ Sunday, 14 June 2015 (31–0–23 in D) 1215 Stedman Cinques Composed by R O Hall (14/6/2015) 1 Elizabeth C Frye 2 Michael A Williams 3 Simon A Bond 4 Jennifer C E Lane 5 Keith D Anderson 6 Robin O Hall (C) 7 John G Pusey 8 Jonathan Cresshull 9 Mark D Tarrant 10 Michael O'Hagan 11 Bernard J Stone 12 David K Barrington Marking the 800th anniversary of the signing of Magna Carta in, err, 1215. King John was born at Beaumont Palace in Oxford in 1167. Oxford Society Oxford, Oxfordshire Carfax Tower Sunday, 14 June 2015 in 44m (15–0–22) 1215 Minor (2 Methods) Double Oxford Bob, Beaumont Palace Alliance Composed by S A Bond 1 Bernard J Stone 2 Dorothy G Hall 3 Simon A Bond (C) 4 Michael O'Hagan 5 Jonathan Cresshull 6 Michael A Williams Marking 800 years since the sealing of Magna Carta by King John on 15th June 1215. King John was born at Beaumont Palace in Oxford in 1167. The following method is rung for the first time and provisionally named: Beaumont Palace Alliance Minor -14-36-34.56 le12 Oxford Society Oxford, Oxfordshire Cathedral Church of Christ Thursday, 18 June 2015 (31–0–23) 200 Spliced Maximus 3m: 144 Bristol Surprise, 48 Horsleydown Surprise, 8 Little Bob; 2 com. Composed by TOM 1 Bernard J Stone 2 Hazel M Rothera 3 Michele Winter 4 Charlotte Everett 5 Elizabeth C Frye 6 S L Catrin Morgan 7 Simon L Edwards 8 Simon A Bond (C) 9 Jonathan Cresshull 10 Michael A Williams 11 Michael O'Hagan 12 Robin O Hall Marking 200 years since the Battle of Waterloo. Jeremy R Pratt would like to be associated with this performance. Oxford Society Oxford, Oxfordshire St Mary Magdalen Tuesday, 30 June 2015 in 43m (7–1–12 in A) 1297 Stedman Caters Composed by R O Hall (26/6/2015) 1 Simon A Bond 2 Michael A Williams 3 Michele Winter 4 Charlotte Everett 5 Hannah Guggiari 6 Robin O Hall (C) 7 Jonathan Cresshull 8 Stuart F Gibson 9 Mark D Tarrant 10 Christopher I Griggs Rung before and during (by request) Fr Jonathan Jong's first Mass as Celebrant following his ordination at St Nicholas, Marston on June 28th. Oxford Society Oxford, Oxfordshire St Mary Magdalen Tuesday, 14 July 2015 in 41m (7–1–12) 1280 Bristol Surprise Major Composed by A J Cox (reversed) 1 Wilfred J M Lewis 2 S L Catrin Morgan 3 Jonathan Cresshull 4 Emma Stanford 5 Simon A Bond (C) 6 Stephen J D Dann 7 Nicholas J Hartley 8 Christopher I Griggs First in method: 4. 50th of Major as conductor. Oxford Society Oxford, Oxfordshire Cathedral Church of Christ Sunday, 19 July 2015 in 3h 27 (31–0–23 in D) 5000 Stedman Cinques Arranged by R O Hall ((after Eccleston)) 1 Mark A Bell 2 Jonathan Cresshull 3 Colin M Lee 4 Jeremy R Pratt 5 Christopher I Griggs 6 Stuart F Gibson 7 Bernard J Stone 8 Mark D Tarrant 9 Simon A Bond 10 Robin O Hall (C) 11 Michael A Williams 12 Michael O'Hagan Most metal: 12. With the best wishes of the Society to Michael O’Hagan on his departure from Oxford and with heartfelt thanks for nine years of committed service to our ringing. Oxford's loss. Bristol's gain. Ringing World page reference: 5441.0794Oxford Society Oxford, Oxfordshire St Mary Magdalen Tuesday, 28 July 2015 in 42m (7–1–12) 1260 Stedman Triples 1 Simon A Bond 2 Michele Winter 3 Andrew R Freer 4 S L Catrin Morgan 5 Catherine M A Lane 6 Adam D Rebick 7 Stuart F Gibson (C) 8 Wilfred J M Lewis 6: First of Stedman 4: First of Stedman Triples Oxford Society Oxford Christ Church Thursday, 30 July 2015 in 55m (31–1–23) 1313 Stedman Cinques Composed by D E House 1 Elizabeth C Frye 2 Simon A Bond 3 Jeremy R Pratt 4 Anne S Pratt 5 Hannah Guggiari 6 S L Catrin Morgan 7 Simon L Edwards 8 Mark A Bell (C) 9 Henry V Bettinson 10 Stuart F Gibson 11 Jonathan Cresshull 12 Stephen M Jones Oxford Society Oxford, Oxfordshire St Mary Magdalen Tuesday, 4 August 2015 in 42m (7–1–12 in A) 1299 Stedman Caters Composed by DEH 1 Jonathan Cresshull (C) 2 Charlotte Everett 3 Michele Winter 4 Michael A Williams 5 Simon L Edwards 6 Christopher I Griggs 7 Michael O'Hagan 8 Stuart F Gibson 9 Mark D Tarrant 10 Bernard J Stone Simon Bond would like to be associated with a longer performance of a different method. Oxford Society Oxford, Oxfordshire St Mary Magdalen Tuesday, 11 August 2015 in 2h 46 (7–1–12) 5088 Yorkshire Surprise Major Composed by N J Pitstow 1 Jennifer A Dyer 2 Andrew J Dyer 3 Catherine M A Lane 4 J Alan Ainsworth 5 Josie S Irving 6 Christine C Darby 7 Stuart F Gibson 8 Michele Winter (C) 2. First in method Rung as a wedding compliment to Simon A Bond and Helen V Matthews married at Keble College on Saturday 8th August. The 300th peal rung in the tower by members of the Oxford Society. Ringing World page reference: 5445.0890Oxford Society Oxford, Oxfordshire St Mary Magdalen Tuesday, 18 August 2015 in 2h 48 (7–1–12 in A) 5040 Cambridge Surprise Royal Composed by Donald F Morrison(No 6288) 1 Andrew R Freer 2 Susan E Marshall 3 Michele Winter 4 Catherine M A Lane 5 Josie S Irving 6 John G Pusey 7 J Alan Ainsworth (C) 8 Graham Nabb 9 Stuart F Gibson 10 Claire F Roulstone 1st peal of Royal, 1. Ringing World page reference: 5445.0890Oxford Society Oxford, Oxfordshire 5 School Place Monday, 31 August 2015 (14C#) 60 Plain Bob Minor 1–2 Ryan Mills 3–4 Robin O Hall 5–6 Michael A Williams After a failed quarter peal attempt to mark Michael's 25th ringing anniversary and to welcome Ryan back to Oxford. Oxford Society Oxford, Oxfordshire Merton College Sunday, 13 September 2015 in 3h 25 (25–1–10) 5040 Stedman Triples Composed by P A B Saddleton 1 Simon A Bond 2 Elizabeth C Frye 3 Leon G Thompson 4 Ryan E Mills 5 Christopher J Pickford 6 Robin O Hall (C) 7 Jonathan Cresshull 8 Paul E Bibilo To mark the 751st anniversary of the College's foundation by Walter de Merton in 1264. With thanks to Chris Griggs and Katherine Stonham for stewarding and educating the swarms (?) of visitors to the College Chapel during the peal. First touch on the bells: 2. Last touch on the bells: 8. Ringing World page reference: 5450.1010Oxford Society Oxford, Oxfordshire Lincoln College Sunday, 20 September 2015 in 2h 47 (7–2–4) 5088 Yorkshire Surprise Major Composed by N. J. Pitsow 1 Jenny A Dyer 2 Charlotte Everett 3 Catherine M A Lane 4 Josie S Irving 5 Elizabeth C Frye 6 Dorothy G Hall 7 Mary C Friskney 8 Michele Winter (C) 7. 100th peal Rung to commenorate the 20th Anniversary of the first Oxford Society ladies peal rung on 23rd September 1995. Ringing World page reference: 5451.1034Oxford Society Oxford, Oxfordshire St Mary Magdalen Tuesday, 22 September 2015 in 2h 43 (7–1–12) 5088 Superlative Surprise Major Composed by S A Bond 1 Jonathan Cresshull 2 Simon L Edwards 3 S L Catrin Morgan 4 Isobel L Fray 5 Emma Stanford 6 Simon A Bond (C) 7 Christopher I Griggs 8 Ryan Mills First peal: 5. First on eight: 4. By a Lincoln College practice night band. Ringing World page reference: 5450.1010Oxford Society Oxford, Oxfordshire Magdalen College Sunday, 27 September 2015 in 3h 28 (17–1–7) 5080 Yorkshire Surprise Royal Composed by R O Hall 1 Christopher I Griggs 2 Timothy G Pett 3 Nicholas J Balderson 4 Simon L Edwards 5 Leon G Thompson 6 John G Pusey 7 Simon A Bond (C) 8 Stephen M Jones 9 Robin O Hall 10 Jonathan Cresshull Oxford Society Oxford, Oxfordshire Cathedral Church of Christ Sunday, 4 October 2015 in 54m (31–0–23) 1296 Grandsire Caters Composed by S A Bond (1296 #1) 1 Stuart F Gibson 2 Simon L Edwards 3 Simon A Bond (C) 4 Isobel L Fray 5 Emma Stanford 6 Stuart T Nelson 7 John G Pusey 8 Ryan Mills 9 Christopher I Griggs 10 Leon G Thompson First on 10: 4. RIP A. Kitten. Oxford Society Oxford, Oxfordshire 5 Isis Close Sunday, 11 October 2015 in 44m (11 in G♯) 1280 Bristol Surprise Royal Composed by sHHsHH 1–2 Simon A Bond 3–4 Elizabeth C Frye (C) 5–6 Stephen M Jones 7–8 Mark A Bell 9–10 Robin O Hall Didn't run a half marathon this morning: 1-2. Not their birthday: 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8. Oxford Society Oxford, Oxfordshire Cathedral Church of Christ Sunday, 18 October 2015 in 56m (31–0–23 in D) 1344 Bristol Surprise Maximus 1 Bernard J Stone 2 Michele Winter 3 Michael A Williams 4 Robin O Hall 5 Hannah Guggiari 6 Katherine A Stonham 7 Courtney J Spoerer 8 Stuart F Gibson 9 Christopher I Griggs 10 Ryan Mills 11 Jonathan Cresshull (C) 12 Simon A Bond First in method: 5 Oxford Society Oxford 66 Leander Way Sunday, 1 November 2015 in 42m (11 in G♯) 1280 Bristol Surprise Royal Composed by R Roan 1–2 Simon A Bond 3–4 Elizabeth C Frye 5–6 Stephen M Jones 7–8 Mark A Bell (C) 9–10 Robin O Hall First at the address. Oxford Society Oxford, Oxfordshire Merton College Sunday, 8 November 2015 in 54m (25–1–10) 1287 Grandsire Triples Composed by B D Constant 1 Bernard J Stone 2 Robin O Hall (C) 3 Matthew R Johnson 4 Christopher I Griggs 5 Henry V Bettinson 6 Stuart F Gibson 7 Mark A Bell 8 Mark D Tarrant Rung half-muffled immediately following the College's Act of Remembrance. Oxford Society Oxford, Oxfordshire Lincoln College Friday, 20 November 2015 in 42m (7–2–4 in A♭) 1280 Spliced Surprise Major (8 Methods) 192 Bristol, Rutland, Superlative, Yorkshire, 128 Cambridge, Lincolnshire, London, Pudsey; 37 com. Composed by J Morgan 1 Harriet JMA Armitage 2 Simon A Bond 3 Katherine A Stonham 4 Isobel L Fray 5 Michael A Williams 6 Stuart F Gibson 7 Christopher I Griggs (C) 8 Mark D Tarrant Oxford Society Oxford, Oxfordshire Cathedral Church of Christ Sunday, 22 November 2015 (31–0–23) 1299 Stedman Cinques Composed by S A Bond 1 Michael A Williams 2 Katherine A Stonham 3 Michele Winter 4 Charlotte Everett 5 Simon L Edwards 6 Simon A Bond (C) 7 Matthew R Johnson 8 Stuart F Gibson 9 David K Barrington 10 Jonathan Cresshull 11 Bernard J Stone 12 Stephen M Jones First Stedman Cinques: 7 and as conductor. Oxford Society Chearsley, Buckinghamshire St Nicholas Sunday, 6 December 2015 in 2h 36 (9–0–1) 5040 Spliced Surprise Minor (41 Methods) 41 methods: Allendale, Alnwick, Annable's London, Bacup, Bamborough, Berwick, Beverley, Bourne, Cambridge, Canterbury, Carlisle, Chester, Coldstream, Cunecastre, Durham, Hexham, Hull, Ipswich, Kelso, Lightfoot, Lincoln, London, Morpeth, Munden, Netherseale, Newcastle, Norfolk, Northumberland, Norwich, Primrose, Rossendale, Sandiacre, Stamford, Surfleet, Warkworth, Wearmouth, Wells, Westminster, Whitley, Wooler, York
Composed by J S Warboys (SU0309 and SU0403) 1 Bernard J Stone 2 Jeremy R Pratt 3 Robin O Hall (C) 4 Simon A Bond 5 Jonathan Cresshull 6 John N Hughes-D'Aeth For the feast of St Nicholas. First of Spliced on the bells. Most methods: 2, 5. Ringing World page reference: 5464.0058Oxford Society Oxford 52 Hutchcomb Road Monday, 14 December 2015 in 60m (11 in G♯) 1800 Bristol Surprise Royal Composed by D G Hull 1–2 Simon A Bond 3–4 Elizabeth C Frye 5–6 Stephen M Jones 7–8 Mark A Bell (C) 9–10 Robin O Hall Sharpening the pencil. First at the address. Oxford Society Oxford, Oxfordshire Christ Church Sunday, 20 December 2015 in 53m (31–0–23) 1265 Stedman Cinques Composed by M Regan 1 Michael A Williams 2 Hannah E Burton 3 Simon A Bond 4 Charlotte Everett 5 Ryan E Mills 6 Katherine A Stonham 7 John G Pusey 8 Nicholas J Hartley 9 Christopher I Griggs 10 Jonathan Cresshull 11 Robin O Hall (C) 12 Bernard J Stone In the style of Radio 3 we explore the unfamiliar work of obscure composers. Oxford Society Oxford, Oxfordshire St Mary the Virgin Saturday, 26 December 2015 in 3h 19 (26–2–9 in D) 5040 Spliced Surprise Minor (41m) 41 methods: Allendale, Alnwick, Annable's London, Bacup, Bamborough, Berwick, Beverley, Bourne, Cambridge, Canterbury, Carlisle, Chester, Coldstream, Cunecastre, Durham, Hexham, Hull, Ipswich, Kelso, Lightfoot, Lincoln, London, Morpeth, Munden, Netherseale, Newcastle, Norfolk, Northumberland, Norwich, Primrose, Rossendale, Sandiacre, Stamford, Surfleet, Warkworth, Wearmouth, Wells, Westminster, Whitley, Wooler, York Composed by J S Warboys (SU0309 and SU0403) 1 Michele Winter 2 Jeremy R Pratt 3 Robin O Hall (C) 4 Simon A Bond 5 John N Hughes-D'Aeth 6 Colin M Lee "The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light: they that dwell in the land of the shadow of death, upon them hath the light shined." -- Isaiah 9:2 Ringing World page reference: 5466.0106 | |
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