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Performances reportThis page gives a report of the performances matching your search criteria. There were 103 matching performances. Beverley and District Ringing Society Hessle, East Riding of Yorkshire All Saints Sunday, 1 January 1984 (13–3–4 in F♯) 1260 Doubles (2m) Reverse Canterbury & Plain Bob 1 Anne Marie Holmes 2 Lucy Moran 3 Gillian F Ingham 4 Judith M Haselhurst (C) 5 Simon Plows 6 Jonathan Plows For the New Year. Beverley and District Ringing Society Sutton, East Riding of Yorkshire St James Friday, 6 January 1984 (13–2–9 in F♯) 1440 Annable's London Surprise Minor 1 Joanne E Milner 2 Mary Gledhill 3 Suellen Taylor 4 Ann Dawson 5 Christopher L D Munday 6 Paul S Andrews (C) Beverley and District Ringing Society Walkington, East Riding of Yorkshire All Hallows Sunday, 8 January 1984 (7–2–2 in B♭) 1260 Plain Bob Minor 1 Kim Last 2 Simon Plows 3 Shirley J Wight 4 Andrew M Lucas 5 Gareth O Hateley 6 David S Johnson (C) For Christingle Service. Beverley and District Ringing Society Willerby, East Riding of Yorkshire 4 St Stephens Close Wednesday, 11 January 1984 1260 Plain Bob Minor 1–2 Paul S Andrews 3–4 Graham K Smith 5–6 Roderick R Horton (C) Beverley and District Ringing Society Market Weighton, East Riding of Yorkshire All Saints Sunday, 15 January 1984 (9–3–6 in A♭) 1320 Kent Treble Bob Minor 1 Muriel Massey 2 Jane W Berridge 3 Joan E Speak 4 John A Speak 5 J Robert Speak 6 Mark J Lane (C) First TB - 1. Beverley and District Ringing Society Willerby, East Riding of Yorkshire 4 St Stephens Close Wednesday, 18 January 1984 1264 Plain Bob Major 1–2 Paul S Andrews 3–4 Graham K Smith 5–6 Roderick R Horton (C) 7–8 Christopher L D Munday Beverley and District Ringing Society Beverley, East Riding of Yorkshire Minster Church of St John and St Martin Tuesday, 31 January 1984 1320 Plain Bob Doubles 1 Susan Cochrane 2 David Wilson 3 Emma Shaw 4 Peter Mavity 5 Michael Robson (C) 6 Alison C Broadley First away from cover - 1 First inside - 3 Birthday compliment to R Appleyard & R Jones. Beverley and District Ringing Society Hessle, East Riding of Yorkshire All Saints Saturday, 4 February 1984 (13–3–4 in F♯) 1320 Plain Bob Minor 1 Sarah E Newbold 2 Patricia M Newbold 3 Gillian F Ingham 4 Judith M Haselhurst 5 Simon Plows 6 A Newbold (C) Beverley and District Ringing Society Beverley, East Riding of Yorkshire Minster Church of St John and St Martin Saturday, 4 February 1984 1320 Plain Bob Doubles 1 Sandra Appleyard 2 Sarah L Appleyard 3 J Richard Appleyard 4 Peter Mavity 5 Michael Robson (C) 6 Charlotte Riggott For the Queen's accession. Beverley and District Ringing Society Cottingham, East Riding of Yorkshire St Mary Sunday, 5 February 1984 (21 in D) 1280 Plain Bob Major 1 Jennifer M Pybus 2 Sarah L Appleyard 3 Jean M Booth 4 Geoffrey W Pybus 5 J Richard Appleyard 6 J Ian Booth 7 F Neville Pailing 8 David R Mitchell (C) First on 8 - 2, 5 For Evensong. Beverley and District Ringing Society Cottingham, East Riding of Yorkshire 28 Dene Road Wednesday, 8 February 1984 1440 Treble Bob Minor (2m) Kent and Oxford 1–2 Paul S Andrews 3–4 Roderick R Horton 5–6 Christopher L D Munday (C) Beverley and District Ringing Society Elloughton, East Riding of Yorkshire St Mary Thursday, 9 February 1984 (6–1–5 in B) 1260 Plain Bob Minor 1 Eddie Daniels 2 Jonathon B Gamble 3 Peter L Spence 4 Linda M Beard 5 John M Goldthorpe 6 Peter Church (C) First PB Minor inside - 2. Beverley and District Ringing Society Beverley, East Riding of Yorkshire Minster Church of St John and St Martin Tuesday, 21 February 1984 1320 Plain Bob Doubles 1 Amanda Davidson 2 J Richard Appleyard 3 Emma Shaw 4 Peter Mavity 5 Michael Robson (C) 6 Richard Jones First away from cover - 1. Beverley and District Ringing Society Elloughton, East Riding of Yorkshire St Mary Sunday, 4 March 1984 (6–1–5 in B) 1260 Plain Bob Doubles 1 Jonathan P Shipp 2 Peter L Spence 3 Timothy Wylie 4 Jonathon B Gamble 5 Peter Church (C) 6 Andrew Murgett First attempt - 1. Beverley and District Ringing Society Cottingham, East Riding of Yorkshire St Mary Sunday, 4 March 1984 (21 in D) 1296 Little Bob Major 1 J Raymond Dennison 2 Jennifer M Pybus 3 Jean M Booth 4 J Ian Booth 5 Geoffrey W Pybus 6 David R Mitchell 7 Roderick R Horton 8 F Neville Pailing (C) First quarter - 1 For Evensong. Beverley and District Ringing Society Beverley, East Riding of Yorkshire Minster Church of St John and St Martin Tuesday, 6 March 1984 (41–1–20 in C) 1320 Plain Bob Doubles 1 Mark R Lynch 2 Penny D Lynch 3 Susan Cochrane 4 Sarah L Appleyard 5 Sandra Appleyard 6 J Richard Appleyard 7 Michael Robson (C) 8 Peter Mavity First on 8 - 1 25th together - 7, 8 With 1 & 2 leading and 8 as cover. Beverley and District Ringing Society Nunburnholme, East Riding of Yorkshire St James Thursday, 8 March 1984 (12–1–5 in G) 1260 Plain Bob Doubles 1 Jane W Berridge 2 Muriel Massey 3 Wendy E Colby 4 John A Speak 5 Mark J Lane (C) 6 Eric Nutter First quarter - 6 First inside - 2. Beverley and District Ringing Society Walkington, East Riding of Yorkshire All Hallows Saturday, 10 March 1984 (7–2–2 in B♭) 1260 Plain Bob Minor 1 Gareth O Hateley 2 Hugh N Lawrence 3 Andrew Lucas 4 Michael Robson 5 Roderick R Horton (C) 6 John M Goldthorpe To mark the 25th Anniversary of the dedication of the bells. Beverley and District Ringing Society Cottingham, East Riding of Yorkshire St Mary Sunday, 18 March 1984 (21 in D) 1280 Lincolnshire Surprise Major 1 Ann Dawson 2 Jennifer M Pybus 3 Paul S Andrews 4 Geoffrey W Pybus 5 F Neville Pailing 6 J Ian Booth 7 Andrew J Bicknell 8 David R Mitchell (C) First in method & first Surprise as Conductor For Confirmation by the Archbishop of York. Beverley and District Ringing Society Nunburnholme, East Riding of Yorkshire St James Thursday, 22 March 1984 (12–1–5 in G) 1296 Cambridge Surprise Minor 1 Muriel Massey 2 Wendy E Colby 3 Jane W Berridge 4 Mark J Lane 5 J Robert Speak 6 David R Smith (C) First Surprise - 1. Beverley and District Ringing Society Hessle, East Riding of Yorkshire All Saints Sunday, 25 March 1984 (13–3–4 in F♯) 1260 Plain Bob Doubles 1 Tracy Tadman 2 Lucy Moran 3 Anne Marie Holmes 4 Gillian F Ingham 5 Judith M Haselhurst (C) 6 John M Goldthorpe First quarter - 1. Beverley and District Ringing Society Hessle, East Riding of Yorkshire All Saints Saturday, 31 March 1984 (13–3–4 in F♯) 1260 Plain Bob Minor 1 Robert H Jordan 2 Lucy Moran 3 Anne Marie Holmes 4 Gillian F Ingham 5 Judith M Haselhurst 6 Roderick R Horton (C) First Minor - 2, 3. Beverley and District Ringing Society Elloughton, East Riding of Yorkshire St Mary Saturday, 31 March 1984 in 2h 34 (6–1–5 in B) 5040 Plain Bob Minor 1 Jane W Berridge 2 Roderick R Horton 3 Neil Turner 4 Jonathon B Gamble 5 Mark J Lane 6 Christopher H Jenkins (C) First attempt - 4. Beverley and District Ringing Society Cottingham, East Riding of Yorkshire St Mary Sunday, 1 April 1984 (21 in D) 1260 Grandsire Triples 1 Jennifer M Pybus 2 Christine Dennison 3 Jean M Booth 4 J Ian Booth 5 David R Mitchell 6 Geoffrey W Pybus 7 F Neville Pailing (C) 8 Ian Wriglesworth Silver Wedding compliment to Mr & Mrs Dennison, parents of the ringer of 2. Beverley and District Ringing Society Nunburnholme, East Riding of Yorkshire St James Thursday, 5 April 1984 (12–1–5 in G) 1260 Plain Bob Minor 1 J Robert Speak 2 Muriel Massey 3 Jane W Berridge 4 Wendy E Colby 5 Mark J Lane (C) 6 John A Speak First of minor inside - 2. Beverley and District Ringing Society Market Weighton, East Riding of Yorkshire All Saints Sunday, 15 April 1984 (9–3–6 in A♭) 1280 Kent Treble Bob Major 1 J Robert Speak 2 Jane W Berridge 3 Joan E Speak 4 Christopher T Berridge 5 Neil Turner 6 John A Speak 7 Mark J Lane 8 Christopher H Jenkins (C) Pre-wedding compliment to John A Speak For Palm Sunday Evensong. Beverley and District Ringing Society Willerby, East Riding of Yorkshire 4 St Stephens Close Friday, 20 April 1984 1260 Plain Bob Minor 1–2 Paul S Andrews 3–4 Graham K Smith 5–6 Roderick R Horton (C) Beverley and District Ringing Society Hessle, East Riding of Yorkshire All Saints Friday, 20 April 1984 (13–3–4 in F♯) 1320 Reverse Canterbury Pleasure Place Doubles 1 Lucy Moran 2 Gillian F Ingham 3 Anne Marie Holmes 4 John M Goldthorpe 5 Judith M Haselhurst (C) 6 Roderick R Horton First in the method - 3 Half-muffled for Good Friday. Beverley and District Ringing Society Hessle, East Riding of Yorkshire All Saints Sunday, 22 April 1984 (13–3–4 in F♯) 1260 Plain Bob Minor 1 Roderick R Horton 2 John M Goldthorpe 3 Gillian F Ingham 4 Judith M Haselhurst 5 Susan Barrett 6 Robert H Jordan (C) For Easter Sunday Evensong. Beverley and District Ringing Society Hessle, East Riding of Yorkshire All Saints Thursday, 26 April 1984 in 2h 51 (13–3–4 in F♯) 5040 Mixed Minor (5m) One extent each of Oxford TB, Kent TB & St Clement's, two of Cambridge S and one each of Oxford TB and Plain Bob. 1 Michael Robson 2 Judith M Haselhurst 3 Simon Plows 4 John M Goldthorpe 5 Robert H Jordan 6 Roderick R Horton (C) Rung for Easter. Beverley and District Ringing Society Cottingham, East Riding of Yorkshire St Mary Sunday, 29 April 1984 (21 in D) 1260 Stedman Triples 1 Jennifer M Pybus 2 Jean M Booth 3 David R Mitchell 4 Roderick R Horton 5 Geoffrey W Pybus 6 J Ian Booth 7 F Neville Pailing (C) 8 Martin T Collins First Stedman - 3 Birthday compliments to Neville Pailing & Paul Andrews. Beverley and District Ringing Society Beverley, East Riding of Yorkshire Minster Church of St John and St Martin Monday, 7 May 1984 1440 Plain Bob Minor 1 Susan Cochrane 2 Sarah L Appleyard 3 Emma Shaw 4 Peter Mavity 5 J Richard Appleyard 6 Michael Robson (C) First Minor - 1 First Minor inside 3 Birthday compliment to Charlotte Rigott. Beverley and District Ringing Society Nunburnholme, East Riding of Yorkshire St James Thursday, 10 May 1984 (12–1–5 in G) 1320 Surprise Minor (2m) 600 Beverley, 720 Surfleet 1 John A Speak 2 Christopher T Berridge 3 Jane W Berridge 4 Neil Turner 5 Christopher H Jenkins 6 Mark J Lane (C) Rung as 83rd birthday compliment to Jack Taylor of Goole & as a 27th wedding anniversary compliment to Valerie & Mark Lane. Beverley and District Ringing Society Beverley, East Riding of Yorkshire St Mary Saturday, 26 May 1984 in 3h 36 (34–3–12 in D♭) 5000 Bristol Surprise Royal 1 Stephanie J Pattendon 2 Rowena M Unsworth 3 Cyril A Wratten 4 David D Smith 5 Christopher J Groome 6 Christopher H Rogers 7 Murray A Coleman 8 Derek E Sibson (C) 9 David E House 10 Ian G Campbell First of Bristol S Royal - 5. Beverley and District Ringing Society Market Weighton, East Riding of Yorkshire All Saints Sunday, 27 May 1984 in 2h 45 (9–3–6 in A♭) 5152 Vallium Surprise Major Composed by Anthony J Cox 1 Jack L Millhouse 2 David E House 3 John Armstrong 4 David W Beard 5 Christopher H Rogers 6 Derek E Sibson (C) 7 David D Smith 8 John M Jelley First of Vallium S Major by all the band. Beverley and District Ringing Society York, North Yorkshire St Martin le Grand, Coney Street Monday, 28 May 1984 in 2h 53 (10–1–23 in G♯) 5056 Kalium Surprise Major Composed by Anthony J Cox 1 George E Feirn 2 Leslie M Boyle 3 Cyril A Wratten 4 Thomas J Lock 5 John Armstong 6 Derek E Sibson (C) 7 David D Smith 8 John M Jelley First of Kalium S Major by all the band. Beverley and District Ringing Society Nunburnholme, East Riding of Yorkshire St James Monday, 28 May 1984 (12–1–5 in G) 1320 Kent Treble Bob Minor 1 J Robert Speak 2 Christopher T Berridge 3 Joan E Speak 4 Jane W Berridge 5 John A Speak 6 Mark J Lane (C) To welcome Joanne Louise, daughter to Graham & Lynne Hall, a grand-daughter for 1 & 3 and a neice for 5.. Beverley and District Ringing Society Beverley, East Riding of Yorkshire St Mary Tuesday, 29 May 1984 1260 Plain Bob Minor 1 Giles Hather 2 Joanne Binns 3 Julian Collis 4 Michael C law 5 Ian N Brook 6 John M Brook (C) First quarter - 1, 3 First inside - 2, 4. Beverley and District Ringing Society Howden, East Riding of Yorkshire St Peter Wednesday, 30 May 1984 (22–1–3 in E♭) 1280 Yorkshire Surprise Major 1 Christine Baldock 2 Jennifer A Smith 3 John M Goldthorpe 4 Christine B Potter 5 David E Potter 6 Christopher H Jenkins 7 D D Smith (C) 8 Alan R Baldock Beverley and District Ringing Society Walkington, East Riding of Yorkshire All Hallows Sunday, 3 June 1984 (7–2–2 in B♭) 1320 Plain Bob Doubles 1 Shirley J Wight 2 David Left 3 Andrew Lucas 4 John A Waterworth 5 Graham E Drew (C) 6 Paul Birch Birthday Compliment to David Left. Beverley and District Ringing Society Beverley, East Riding of Yorkshire St Mary Wednesday, 6 June 1984 1260 Plain Bob Doubles 1 Alastair Collis 2 Joanne Binns 3 John M Brook (C) 4 Michael C law 5 Ian N Brook 6 Nicholas D Soanes First quarter - 1, 6 Wedding Anniversary compliment to Vera & John Brook. Beverley and District Ringing Society Beverley, East Riding of Yorkshire Minster Church of St John and St Martin Saturday, 23 June 1984 1320 Plain Bob Doubles 1 Alison C Broadley 2 Peter Mavity 3 Emma Shaw 4 J Richard Appleyard 5 Michael Robson (C) 6 Mark R Lynch First away from cover - 1. Beverley and District Ringing Society Beverley, East Riding of Yorkshire Minster Church of St John and St Martin Tuesday, 26 June 1984 1320 Plain Bob Doubles 1 Sandra Appleyard 2 Andrew J Bicknell 3 Emma Shaw 4 Peter Mavity 5 Michael Robson (C) 6 J Richard Appleyard Beverley and District Ringing Society Beverley, East Riding of Yorkshire Minster Church of St John and St Martin Tuesday, 26 June 1984 1320 Plain Bob Doubles 1 Mark R Lynch 2 Andrew Lucas 3 Peter Mavity 4 J Richard Appleyard 5 Michael Robson (C) Beverley and District Ringing Society Hutton Cranswick, East Riding of Yorkshire St Peter Friday, 29 June 1984 (19–2–6 in E) 1296 Surprise Minor (2m) Cambridge & Norwich 1 Elizabeth A Johnson 2 Margaret R Wragg 3 John M Goldthorpe 4 Anthony G Wragg 5 David R Mitchell 6 David S Johnson (C) First Surprise Minor - 5. Beverley and District Ringing Society Elloughton, East Riding of Yorkshire St Mary Saturday, 30 June 1984 (6–1–5 in B) 1260 Plain Bob Minor 1 Andrew Murget 2 Simon Plows 3 Michael R McLean 4 Jonathon B Gamble 5 David R Mitchell 6 Peter Church (C) First Minor - 1. Beverley and District Ringing Society Market Weighton, East Riding of Yorkshire All Saints Saturday, 21 July 1984 in 2h 42 (9–3–6 in A♭) 5088 Yorkshire Surprise Major Composed by N J Pitstow 1 Jane Berridge 2 Mark J Lane 3 Christopher T Berridge 4 Wendy Colby 5 Michael J de C Henshaw 6 David R Mitchell 7 Paul S Andrews 8 Christopher Jenkins (C) First Surprise Major - 6; first Surprise Major inside - 3 Rung as an 80th birthday compliment to the Church Organist, Mr. William Layton and as a wedding compliment to J Anne Applegate and Nick Smith Beverley and District Ringing Society Beverley, East Riding of Yorkshire Minster Church of St John and St Martin Tuesday, 24 July 1984 1320 Plain Bob Doubles 1 Alison C Broadley 2 Andrew Lucas 3 Susan Cochrane 4 Peter Mavity 5 Michael Robson (C) 6 Mark R Lynch First inside - 3. Beverley and District Ringing Society Sutton, East Riding of Yorkshire St James Wednesday, 1 August 1984 (13–2–9 in F♯) 1276 Annable's London Surprise Minor 1 Ann Dawson 2 Mary Gledhill 3 Suellen Taylor 4 Sarah J Taylor 5 Paul S Andrews 6 Andrew J Bicknell (C) Beverley and District Ringing Society Walkington, East Riding of Yorkshire All Hallows Friday, 3 August 1984 (7–2–2 in B♭) 1320 Plain Bob Doubles 1 Iain Last 2 Shirley J Wight 3 Kim Last 4 David Left 5 Michael Robson (C) 6 Paul Birch First attempt - 1. Beverley and District Ringing Society Hull, East Riding of Yorkshire The Most Holy and Undivided Trinity Friday, 3 August 1984 in 45m 1250 Yorkshire Surprise Major 1 Roderick R Horton (C) 2 Sarah J Taylor 3 Suellen Taylor 4 Joanne E Milner 5 David R Mitchell 6 F Neville Pailing 7 Christopher L D Munday 8 Paul S Andrews First blows in the method - 2. Rung on a light octave. Beverley and District Ringing Society Beverley, East Riding of Yorkshire Minster Church of St John and St Martin Tuesday, 7 August 1984 1320 Plain Bob Doubles 1 Amanda Davidson 2 J Richard Appleyard 3 Susan Cochrane 4 Peter Mavity 5 Michael Robson (C) 6 Alison C Broadley Birthday compliment to Emma Shaw. Beverley and District Ringing Society Walkington, East Riding of Yorkshire All Hallows Friday, 10 August 1984 (7–2–2 in B♭) 1260 Plain Bob Minor 1 Shirley J Wight 2 David Left 3 Kim Last 4 Andrew Lucas 5 John A Waterworth 6 David S Johnson (C) First Minor inside - 3 To congratulate Susan Hearnshaw on winning the Bronze Medal in the Long Jump at the Los Angeles Olympic Games. Beverley and District Ringing Society Beverley, East Riding of Yorkshire Minster Church of St John and St Martin Tuesday, 14 August 1984 1320 Plain Bob Doubles 1 Alison C Broadley 2 Nicholas D Soanes 3 Sarah L Appleyard 4 Susan Cochrane 5 Sandra Appleyard 6 J Richard Appleyard 7 Michael Robson (C) 8 Peter Mavity First on 8 - 1 1 & 2 leading with 8 covering. Beverley and District Ringing Society Walkington, East Riding of Yorkshire All Hallows Saturday, 18 August 1984 (7–2–2 in B♭) 1440 Plain Bob Minor 1 David Left 2 Simon Plows 3 Shirley J Wight 4 Peter Mavity 5 Graham E Drew 6 Michael Robson (C) Wedding compliment to Susan Hearnshaw and Martin Telfer. Beverley and District Ringing Society Inveraray, Argyll and Bute All Saints Saturday, 25 August 1984 in 3h 44 (41–2–8 in C) 5040 Yorkshire Surprise Royal Composed by John H Fielden 1 Wendy E Colby 2 Judith H Blackburn 3 Nina E Atkinson 4 Norman Chaddock 5 Howard J Wastling 6 Paul S Andrews 7 Simon E Wood 8 David R Smith (C) 9 Alan M Trebble 10 John R Southey A farewell compliment to Wendy Colby leaving to take up nursing in Peterborough; also a welcome to Jayne Louise Andrews a niece for Paul Andrews. Beverley and District Ringing Society Cottingham, East Riding of Yorkshire St Mary Sunday, 9 September 1984 (21 in D) 1260 Grandsire Triples 1 Sarah L Appleyard 2 Jennifer M Pybus 3 Jean M Booth 4 J Ian Booth 5 Geoffrey W Pybus 6 David R Mitchell 7 F Neville Pailing (C) 8 J Richard Appleyard 100th quarter - 4 Wedding Anniversary compliment to Geoff and Jenny Pybus. For the Patronal Festival. Beverley and District Ringing Society Walkington, East Riding of Yorkshire All Hallows Saturday, 15 September 1984 (7–2–2 in B♭) 1440 Plain Bob Minor 1 David Left 2 Andrew Lucas 3 Shirley J Wight 4 John A Waterworth 5 Gareth O Hateley 6 Michael Robson (C) To mark the engagement of Gareth Hately to Barbara Stewart. Beverley and District Ringing Society Beverley, East Riding of Yorkshire Minster Church of St John and St Martin Saturday, 15 September 1984 1320 Plain Bob Doubles 1 J Richard Appleyard 2 David R Mitchell 3 Susan Cochrane 4 Peter Mavity 5 Michael Robson (C) 6 Alison C Broadley 75th quarter - 5 A Compliment to the Prince & Princess of Wales on the birth of their second son. Beverley and District Ringing Society Beverley, East Riding of Yorkshire Minster Church of St John and St Martin Tuesday, 18 September 1984 1320 Plain Bob Doubles 1 Alison C Broadley 2 Emma Shaw 3 Susan Cochrane 4 Peter Mavity 5 Michael Robson (C) 6 Richard Jones Beverley and District Ringing Society Nunburnholme, East Riding of Yorkshire St James Saturday, 22 September 1984 in 2h 38 (12–1–5 in G) 5040 Surprise Minor (10m) 1. Beverley, Berwick, Surfleet, Hexham, York, Durham; 2. London, Wells, Cunecastre; 3. Cambridge; 4. York; 5. Cambridge; 6. Durham; 7 Cambridge 1 Neil Turner 2 Helen Beard 3 Peter Church (C) 4 Michael J de C Henshaw 5 Paul S Andrews 6 Christopher Jenkins Beverley and District Ringing Society Hessle, East Riding of Yorkshire 8 Gladstone Street Thursday, 4 October 1984 1260 Plain Bob Royal 1–2 Paul S Andrews 3–4 Graham K Smith 5–6 Christopher L D Munday 7–8 Roderick R Horton (C) 9–10 A John Atkinson First on 10 handbells - 1-2. 200th quarter as conductor. Beverley and District Ringing Society Market Weighton, East Riding of Yorkshire All Saints Saturday, 6 October 1984 in 2h 45 (9–3–6 in A♭) 5184 Plain Bob Major Composed by A C D Mayes 1 Graham M Lane 2 Neil Turner 3 Christopher T Berridge 4 Jane W Berridge 5 Karen A Lane 6 A John Atkinson 7 Christopher H Jenkins (C) 8 Mark J Lane Beverley and District Ringing Society Kirk Ella, East Riding of Yorkshire St Andrew Sunday, 7 October 1984 in 53m (19–0–12 in E) 1372 Yorkshire Surprise Major 1 A Benjamin Cooper 2 Elizabeth Johnson 3 Michael J de C Henshaw 4 Peter Church 5 Andrew J M Kaye 6 John M Goldthorpe 7 David S Johnson 8 Christopher L D Munday (C) First surprise major - 5 For B&D Quarter Peal Week Beverley and District Ringing Society Cottingham, East Riding of Yorkshire St Mary Sunday, 7 October 1984 (21 in D) 1260 Plain Bob Minor 1 J Raymond Dennison 2 Jennifer M Pybus 3 Jean M Booth 4 Geoffrey W Pybus 5 F Neville Pailing (C) 6 David R Mitchell 7 J Ian Booth Beverley and District Ringing Society Holme on Spalding Moor, East Riding of Yorkshire All Saints Monday, 8 October 1984 in 40m (6–3–10 in A) 1272 Kent Treble Bob Minor 1 Raymond Carey 2 Gaynor Taylor 3 Mark J Lane 4 Andrew J M Kaye 5 Paul S Andrews 6 Michael J de C Henshaw (C) First TB - 2 For B&D Quarter Peal Week Beverley and District Ringing Society Goole, East Riding of Yorkshire St John the Evangelist Tuesday, 9 October 1984 (15–2–8 in F) 1280 Plain Bob Major 1 Ann Dawson 2 Paul S Andrews 3 Neil Turner 4 Jennifer M Pybus 5 Anthony G Wragg 6 Jack J Taylor 7 David R Mitchell 8 Christopher H Jenkins (C) Beverley and District Ringing Society Sutton, East Riding of Yorkshire St James Wednesday, 10 October 1984 in 50m (13–2–9 in F♯) 1440 Cambridge Surprise Minor 1 Ann Dawson 2 Sue-Ellen Taylor 3 Adrian Allen 4 John M Goldthorpe 5 Michael J de C Henshaw 6 David R Mitchell (C) First Surprise - 3 First Surprise as conductor For B&D Quarter Peal Week Beverley and District Ringing Society Pocklington, East Riding of Yorkshire All Saints Thursday, 11 October 1984 in 47m (17–0–1 in E) 1280 Spliced Surprise Major (4m) Cambridge, Yorkshire, Lincolnshire, Rutland 1 Elizabeth Johnson 2 John M Goldthorpe 3 Christopher H Jenkins 4 Michael J de C Henshaw 5 Neil Turner 6 David S Johnson 7 Paul S Andrews 8 Christopher L D Munday (C) First spliced - 5 For B&D Quarter Peal Week Beverley and District Ringing Society Nunburnholme, East Riding of Yorkshire St James Thursday, 11 October 1984 (12–1–5 in G) 1320 Plain Bob Doubles 1 Muriel Massey 2 Jane W Berridge 3 Mark J Lane (C) 4 Robert G Blackburn 5 Christopher T Berridge Beverley and District Ringing Society Market Weighton, East Riding of Yorkshire All Saints Thursday, 11 October 1984 (9–3–6 in A♭) 1320 Plain Bob Doubles 1 Doreen Nutter 2 Mark J Lane (C) 3 Joan E Speak 4 John A Speak 5 J Robert Speak 6 Eric Nutter First quarter - 1 For Harvest Festival. Beverley and District Ringing Society Market Weighton, East Riding of Yorkshire All Saints Friday, 12 October 1984 in 43m (9–3–6 in A♭) 1376 Yorkshire Surprise Major 1 Mark J Lane 2 Jane Berridge 3 Andrew J M Kaye 4 David R Mitchell 5 Michael J de C Henshaw 6 John M Goldthorpe 7 Roderick R Horton (C) 8 David S Johnson For B&D Quarter Peal Week Beverley and District Ringing Society Elloughton, East Riding of Yorkshire St Mary Friday, 12 October 1984 (6–1–5 in B) 1320 Plain Bob Doubles 1 Doreen Nutter 2 Eric W Acey 3 Neil Turner 4 Jack J Taylor 5 Christopher H Jenkins (C) 6 Eric Nutter Beverley and District Ringing Society Walkington, East Riding of Yorkshire All Hallows Saturday, 13 October 1984 (7–2–2 in B♭) 1260 Plain Bob Minor 1 Suellen Taylor 2 Ann Dawson 3 J Richard Appleyard 4 Christine M Church 5 Mark J Lane (C) 6 Peter Church Beverley and District Ringing Society Patrington, East Riding of Yorkshire St Patrick Saturday, 13 October 1984 in 50m (10–0–24 in F♯) 1260 Grandsire Triples 1 Ann Dawson 2 John M Goldthorpe 3 Andrew J M Kaye 4 David R Mitchell 5 Michael J de C Henshaw 6 Paul S Andrews 7 Roderick R Horton (C) 8 J Robert Speak First in method - 2,3,6 For B&D Quarter Peal Week Beverley and District Ringing Society Kirk Ella, East Riding of Yorkshire St Andrew Saturday, 13 October 1984 (19–0–12 in E) 1260 Plain Bob Doubles 1 Elizabeth A Johnson 2 Nicolas Large 3 Richard D Goldthorpe 4 Keith Goldthorpe 5 David S Johnson (C) 6 A Benjamin Cooper First quarter - 2, 3. Beverley and District Ringing Society Eastrington, East Riding of Yorkshire St Michael Saturday, 13 October 1984 (10–0–15 in G) 1440 Kent Treble Bob Minor 1 Robert G Blackburn 2 Jane W Berridge 3 D Smith 4 Neil Turner 5 Christopher H Jenkins 6 Jack J Taylor (C) Beverley and District Ringing Society Kirk Ella, East Riding of Yorkshire St Andrew Sunday, 14 October 1984 in 47m (19–0–12 in E) 1280 Cambridge Surprise Major 1 A Benjamin Cooper 2 Elizabeth Johnson 3 Roderick R Horton 4 John M Goldthorpe 5 Andrew J M Kaye 6 Christopher L D Munday (C) 7 Michael J de C Henshaw 8 David S Johnson First in method - 5 For B&D Quarter Peal Week Beverley and District Ringing Society Beverley, East Riding of Yorkshire Minster Church of St John and St Martin Tuesday, 16 October 1984 1320 Plain Bob Doubles 1 Sandra Appleyard 2 Sarah L Appleyard 3 Susan Cochrane 4 J Richard Appleyard 5 Michael Robson (C) 6 Peter Mavity Beverley and District Ringing Society York, North Yorkshire Cathedral and Metropolitical Church of St Peter Saturday, 20 October 1984 in 56m (59–1–23 in B♭) 1259 Grandsire Caters 1 Ann Dawson 2 Nina Atkinson 3 Michael J de C Henshaw 4 Christopher H Jenkins 5 F Neville Pailing 6 Paul S Andrews 7 Peter Church 8 A John Atkinson 9 Roderick R Horton (C) 10 David E Potter Beverley and District Ringing Society Walkington, East Riding of Yorkshire All Hallows Sunday, 21 October 1984 (7–2–2 in B♭) 1320 Plain Bob Doubles 1 David Left 2 Kim Last 3 Andrew Lucas 4 John A Waterworth 5 Michael Robson (C) 6 Shirley J Wight For Evensong and a birthday greeting to Mrs Edith Lambert of Walkington, 100 years old today; also to Paul Birch aged 16. Beverley and District Ringing Society Kirk Ella, East Riding of Yorkshire St Andrew Sunday, 21 October 1984 in 47m (19–0–12 in E) 1282 Lincolnshire Surprise Major 1 Keith Goldthorpe 2 Elizabeth Johnson 3 John M Goldthorpe 4 David S Johnson 5 Andrew J M Kaye 6 Michael J de C Henshaw 7 Roderick R Horton 8 Christopher L D Munday (C) First of Lincolnshire - 3,5,6 Beverley and District Ringing Society Kirk Ella, East Riding of Yorkshire St Andrew Saturday, 27 October 1984 in 47m (19–0–12 in E) 1250 Pudsey Surprise Major 1 Keith Goldthorpe 2 John M Goldthorpe 3 Graham K Smith 4 Andrew J M Kaye 5 Michael J de C Henshaw 6 Christopher L D Munday 7 Roderick R Horton (C) 8 David S Johnson First in method - 2,4,5 425th quarter - 7 Beverley and District Ringing Society Walkington, East Riding of Yorkshire All Hallows Sunday, 4 November 1984 (7–2–2 in B♭) 1260 Plain Bob Minor 1 Kim Last 2 Andrew Lucas 3 Shirley J Wight 4 John A Waterworth 5 Norman W Castle 6 Graham E Drew (C) Rung prior to the special service for the retirement of Alan Miller, Lay Reader for more than 20 years. Beverley and District Ringing Society Hutton Cranswick, East Riding of Yorkshire St Peter Friday, 9 November 1984 in 55m (19–2–6 in E) 1296 Minor (2m) 720 Norwich S., 576 Oxford TB 1 Elizabeth Johnson 2 Margaret Wragg 3 Christopher L D Munday 4 Anthony Wragg 5 Michael J de C Henshaw 6 David S Johnson (C) Beverley and District Ringing Society Elloughton, East Riding of Yorkshire St Mary Thursday, 15 November 1984 in 2h 29 (6–1–5 in B) 5040 Netherseale Surprise Minor 1 Michael J de C Henshaw 2 Simon Plows 3 Christopher Jenkins 4 Andrew J M Kaye 5 David E Potter 6 Peter Church (C) First peal - 4 Beverley and District Ringing Society Kingston upon Hull 173 Westbourne Avenue Sunday, 18 November 1984 1260 Plain Bob Minor 1–2 Christine M Church 3–4 David R Mitchell 5–6 Peter Church (C) First on handbells - 3-4. Beverley and District Ringing Society Beverley, East Riding of Yorkshire Minster Church of St John and St Martin Saturday, 24 November 1984 1440 Plain Bob Minor 1 Alison C Broadley 2 Sarah L Appleyard 3 Susan Cochrane 4 Peter Mavity 5 J Richard Appleyard 6 Michael Robson (C) First of Minor 1 First of Minor inside - 3 50th as Conductor Birthday compliment to Amanda Davidson and Penny Lynch. Beverley and District Ringing Society Kirk Ella, East Riding of Yorkshire St Andrew Sunday, 25 November 1984 in 52m (19–0–12 in E) 1344 Double Norwich Court Bob Major Composed by Roderick R Horton 1 Keith Goldthorpe 2 Elizabeth Johnson 3 Graham K Smith 4 A Benjamin Cooper 5 John M Goldthorpe 6 Michael J de C Henshaw 7 David S Johnson 8 Roderick R Horton (C) First in method - 2,3,5,8 Compliment to A Benjamin Cooper on 65 years as a chorister Beverley and District Ringing Society Kirk Ella, East Riding of Yorkshire 2, St Julians Wells Thursday, 29 November 1984 1260 Plain Bob Minor 1–2 A John Atkinson 3–4 Graham K Smith 5–6 Roderick R Horton (C) Beverley and District Ringing Society Elloughton, East Riding of Yorkshire St Mary Thursday, 29 November 1984 (6–1–5 in B) 1260 Plain Bob Doubles 1 Margaret R Wragg 2 Paul D Beard 3 Peter Church (C) 4 Jonathon B Gamble 5 Christine M Church 6 Anthony G Wragg First quarter - 2 300th quarter - 3. Beverley and District Ringing Society Kirk Ella, East Riding of Yorkshire St Andrew Saturday, 1 December 1984 in 3h (19–0–12 in E) 5024 Wendy Surprise Major Composed by Roderick R Horton 1 David R Mitchell 2 Mark J Lane 3 Christopher H Jenkins 4 F Neville Pailing 5 Michael J de C Henshaw 6 Paul S Andrews 7 Roderick R Horton (C) 8 Alan M Trebble First of Wendy Surprise Major for all. For St Andrew's Day. Also a birthday compliment to Kathryn Pailing and belated birthday compliment to Wendy Colby. Beverley and District Ringing Society Beverley, East Riding of Yorkshire St Mary Saturday, 1 December 1984 in 53m (34–3–12 in D♭) 1260 Plain Bob Royal 1 Ann Dawson 2 John M Brook 3 Lorraine Trebble 4 John M Goldthorpe 5 David R Mitchell 6 Michael J de C Henshaw 7 Alan M Trebble 8 Andrew J Bicknell 9 Paul S Andrews (C) 10 Roderick R Horton First of Royal - 4,5 First Royal as conductor Beverley and District Ringing Society Beverley, East Riding of Yorkshire Minster Church of St John and St Martin Tuesday, 4 December 1984 1320 Plain Bob Doubles 1 Alison C Broadley 2 Susan Cochrane 3 Emma Shaw 4 Michael Robson 5 Peter Mavity (C) 6 Richard Jones First as conductor Birthday compliments to Simon Appleyard, Susan Cochrane and Alison Broadley. Beverley and District Ringing Society Elloughton, East Riding of Yorkshire St Mary Thursday, 6 December 1984 (6–1–5 in B) 1260 Single Oxford Bob Minor 1 Mark J Lane 2 Neil Turner 3 Christopher H Jenkins 4 Jonathan B Gamble 5 Peter Church (C) 6 Michael J de C Henshaw First in method - 2,3,4 Beverley and District Ringing Society Holme on Spalding Moor, East Riding of Yorkshire All Saints Saturday, 8 December 1984 in 42m (6–3–10 in A) 1260 Plain Bob Minor 1 Sylvia J Charter 2 Jonathan B Gamble 3 Angela R Nix 4 Robert G Blackburn 5 Richard Bufton 6 Michael J de C Henshaw (C) First Quarter Peal - 1 Birthday compliment to Sarah Smith by Hull University students and friends Beverley and District Ringing Society Elloughton, East Riding of Yorkshire St Mary Thursday, 13 December 1984 in 2h 28 (6–1–5 in B) 5040 Plain Minor (2m) 2160 Single Oxford Bob; 2880 Plain Bob 1 Simon Plows 2 Mark J Lane 3 Michael J de C Henshaw 4 Jonathan B Gamble 5 Roger S Riley 6 Peter Church (C) Beverley and District Ringing Society Walkington, East Riding of Yorkshire All Hallows Saturday, 15 December 1984 in 2h 42 (7–2–2 in B♭) 5040 Surprise Minor (4m) 1 extent of Norwich, 2 each of Surfleet, Beverley, Cambridge 1 Peter Church (C) 2 Michael J de C Henshaw 3 Mark J Lane 4 Neil Turner 5 David R Mitchell 6 Christopher Jenkins Most methods - 5 Beverley and District Ringing Society Kirk Ella, East Yorkshire 60 Riplingham Road Sunday, 23 December 1984 1260 Plain Bob Minor 1–2 Paul S Andrews 3–4 Roderick R Horton 5–6 Christopher L D Munday (C) Beverley and District Ringing Society Hessle, East Riding of Yorkshire All Saints Monday, 24 December 1984 (13–3–4 in F♯) 1260 Plain Bob Doubles 1 Gillian F Ingham 2 Lucy Moran 3 Judith M Haselhurst (C) 4 Simon Plows 5 John M Goldthorpe 6 Jonathan Plows For the Blessing of the Crib Service. Beverley and District Ringing Society Hessle, East Riding of Yorkshire All Saints Thursday, 27 December 1984 (13–3–4 in F♯) 1320 Plain Bob Doubles 1 Tracy Tadman 2 Lucy Moran 3 Judith M Haselhurst (C) 4 Jonathan Plows 5 Simon Plows 6 Stephen Maltby Rung for Christmas. Beverley and District Ringing Society Walkington, East Riding of Yorkshire All Hallows Saturday, 29 December 1984 (7–2–2 in B♭) 1320 Plain Bob Doubles 1 Gareth O Hateley 2 David Left 3 Shirley J Wight 4 Andrew Lucas 5 Michael Robson (C) 6 Paul Birch Farewell compliment to David Left. Beverley and District Ringing Society Walkington, East Riding of Yorkshire All Hallows Saturday, 29 December 1984 (7–2–2 in B♭) 1260 Plain Bob Doubles 1 Shirley J Wight 2 David Left 3 Andrew Lucas 4 Kim Last 5 Peter Church (C) 6 John A Waterworth 150th on Tower Bells - 5 A retirement compliment to the Rev V A B Harkness. | |
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