Performances report

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This page gives a report of the performances matching your search criteria.

There were 155 matching performances.

North American Guild
Washington, District of Columbia
Cathedral Church of St Peter and St Paul
Monday, 1 January 2018 in 3h 18 (15 cwt)
5088 Yorkshire Surprise Major
Composed by Nathan J Pitstow
1 Quilla Roth
2 Frederick DuPuy (C)
3 Robert G Gibson
4 Lian von Wantoch
5 Beth Sinclair
6 Thomas H Schutt
7 Cecily W Rock
8 Alexander T Taft III
For New Year's Day.
Ringing World page reference: 5570.0083

North American Guild
Frederick, Maryland
Calvary United Methodist Church
Saturday, 6 January 2018 in 2h 58 (9–2–18 in A♭)
5056 Cambridge Surprise Major
Composed by Charles Middleton
1 Cecily W Rock
2 Quilla Roth
3 Meredith A Morris
4 J Laedlein
5 Lian von Wantoch
6 Frederick DuPuy (C)
7 John I Mabe
8 Alexander T Taft III
First Surprise and first Major – 4. Circled the tower – 1.
Ringing World page reference: 5570.0083

North American Guild
Winter Haven, Florida, USA
210 Cypress Gardens Blvd.
Sunday, 7 January 2018 in 38m (15C)
1260 Plain Bob Minor
1–2 Suzy Murphy
3–4 Jason Frier
5–6 Kemp Brinson (C)
Rung in memory of our friend, Rachel Falk

North American Guild
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
St Mark
Friday, 12 January 2018 in 46m (17–3–18 in F)
1260 Grandsire Triples
1 Eileen J Butler
2 Madeline Reeder
3 Kemp Brinson
4 Bruce N Butler (C)
5 Brian Zook
6 Christian Haller
7 Andrew D Evans
8 Charles C Rumford
In memory of James T Hill (grandfather of #8)

North American Guild
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
St Martin in the Fields
Saturday, 13 January 2018 (4–2–8 in D)
1280 Plain Bob Major
1 Susan M O'Neill
2 Eileen Joy Butler
3 Beverly Faber
4 Madeline Reeder
5 Bruce N Butler
6 Quilla Roth
7 Brian Zook
8 Andrew D Evans (C)

North American Guild
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
St Martin in the Fields
Saturday, 13 January 2018 in 36m (4–2–8 in D)
1260 Double Oxford Bob Minor
1 Beverly Faber
2 Madeline Reeder
3 Kemp Brinson
4 Tina Hitchings
5 John Hitchings
6 Andrew D Evans (C)
150th Quarter Peal #1
First in Method #3

North American Guild
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
St Martin in the Fields
Saturday, 13 January 2018 in 46m (4–2–8 in D)
1296 Grandsire Triples
1 Sue DeVuyst
2 Elisabeth Trumpler
3 Tina Hitchings
4 Christian Haller
5 Brian Zook
6 Russell Torrey
7 John Hitchings (C)
8 Carleton MacDonald
In memory of Florence Becker, friend of the 8

North American Guild
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
St Martin in the Fields
Saturday, 13 January 2018 in 49m (4–2–8 in D)
1280 Spliced Surprise Major
C, Y, N, R
1 Christian Haller
2 T David Westmoreland
3 Kemp Brinson
4 Susan M O'Neill
5 Quilla Roth
6 Tina Hitchings
7 John Hitchings
8 Alexander T Taft III (C)
First spliced surprise #3

North American Guild
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
St Mark
Saturday, 13 January 2018 in 44m (10)
1259 Plain Bob Minor
1 Tina Hitchings
2 John Hitchings
3 Christian Haller
4 T David Westmoreland
5 Russell Torrey
6 Kemp Brinson (C)
Dedicated to Sara Catherine Barnes, wife of the conductor, in honor of our wedding, December 27, 2017, rung on her birthday.
For NAG Quarter Peal Weekend

North American Guild
Raleigh, USA
Christ Church
Sunday, 14 January 2018 in 42m (4¼)
1260 Stedman Doubles
1 John Mabe
2 Margo Acomb
3 John Owen
4 John Gray
5 Edward J Futcher (C)
6 Harry McKinney

North American Guild
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
St Martin in the Fields
Sunday, 14 January 2018 (4–2–8 in D)
1260 Plain Bob Minor
1 Sue DeVuyst
2 Madeline Reeder
3 Lian von Wantoch
4 T David Westmoreland
5 Charles C Rumford
6 Meredith A Morris (C)
First minor #5

North American Guild
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
St Martin in the Fields
Sunday, 14 January 2018 in 42m (4–2–8 in D)
1260 Doubles
8 methods: 60 Stedman, 120 each of Reverse Canterbury, Winchenden Place, St Nicholas, St Simon's, St Martin's, 360 Plain Bob, 240 Grandsire
1 Eileen Joy Butler
2 Kemp Brinson
3 Paul Timmel
4 Brian Zook
5 Bruce N Butler (C)
6 James L Snyder
350th QP as conductor on these bells
Most methods #3
In anticipation of my 81st birthday on February 19 #6
Wedding compliments to Jenny and Will Dalrymple, the bride being a niece of #3

North American Guild
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
St Martin in the Fields
Sunday, 14 January 2018 in 42m (4–2–8 in D)
1260 Plain Bob Triples
1 Andrew D Evans
2 Christian Haller
3 Eileen Joy Butler
4 Madeline Reeder
5 Paul Timmel
6 Brian Zook
7 Bruce N Butler (C)
8 T David Westmoreland
To the memory of Frederick Douglass in the 200th year of his birthday

North American Guild
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
St Mark
Sunday, 14 January 2018 (17–3–18 in F)
1280 Plain Bob Major
1 Eileen Joy Butler
2 Madeline Reeder
3 Meredith A Morris
4 Kemp Brinson
5 Bruce N Butler
6 T David Westmoreland
7 Paul Timmel
8 Andrew D Evans (C)
For Sunday Service

North American Guild
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
St Martin in the Fields
Monday, 15 January 2018 in 39m (4–2–8 in D)
1296 Cambridge Surprise Minor
1 Eileen Joy Butler
2 Andrew D Evans
3 Lian von Wantoch
4 Bruce N Butler
5 Paul Timmel
6 Kemp Brinson (C)
First surprise as conductor
Rung in memory of Martin Luther King in the 50th year since his assassination

North American Guild
Northampton, Massachusetts
Smith College
Saturday, 20 January 2018 in 45m (8–2–11)
1260 Plain Bob Minor
1 Phoebe House
2 John Bihn
3 Alison Stevens
4 Matthew C Austin
5 Austin Paul
6 Leland Paul Kusmer (C)
First of minor: 4.

North American Guild
Cambridge, MA, USA
Monday, 5 February 2018 in 2h 30 (17)
5056 Kent Treble Bob Major
Composed by Marcus C W Sherwood and Donald F Morrison (arr)
1–2 John Bihn
3–4 Austin Paul
5–6 Philip J Earis
7–8 Edward J Futcher (C)
A birthday compliment to Geoff Davies
Ringing World page reference: 5574.0181

North American Guild
Cambridge, MA, USA
Wednesday, 7 February 2018 in 2h 20 (10)
5088 Bristol Surprise Major
Composed by Donald F Morrison
1–2 Austin Paul
3–4 Philip J Earis
5–6 Elaine M Hansen
7–8 Edward J Futcher (C)
Ringing World page reference: 5574.0181

North American Guild
Northampton, Massachusetts
Mendenhall Center, Smith College
Saturday, 10 February 2018 in 3h 6 (8–2–11 in A)
5056 Cambridge Surprise Major
Composed by C Middleton
1 Michael Tartell
2 Leland Paul Kusmer
3 Edward J Futcher (C)
4 T David Westmoreland
5 John Bihn
6 Alison Stevens
7 Kira Chase
8 Austin Paul
First peal 1
First away from cover 6
First Surprise inside 5
Ringing World page reference: 5581.0352

North American Guild
Washington, District of Columbia
Old Post Office Tower
Sunday, 11 February 2018 in 42m (8–2–10 in A)
1260 Plain Bob Minor
1 Paul Timmel
2 J Laedlein
3 Beth Sinclair
4 Callan Ordoyne
5 Bill Kollar
6 Alexander T Taft III (C)
A demonstration quarter rung during the Washington, DC meeting of the YPO.

North American Guild
Marblehead, MA, USA
25 Kenneth Road
Sunday, 11 February 2018 in 2h 55 (14)
5056 Kent Treble Bob Major
Composed by DF Morrison
1–2 Kira Chase
3–4 Cally D Perry
5–6 Alice D Behnegar
7–8 Edward J Futcher (C)
Ringing World page reference: 5581.0353

North American Guild
Boston, Massachusetts
The Advent
Sunday, 11 February 2018 in 45m (19–1–7 in E)
1260 Grandsire Triples
1 Mira Whiting
2 Danielle M Morse
3 John Bihn
4 Leland Paul Kusmer
5 Austin Paul
6 Kira Chase
7 Edward J Futcher (C)
8 Elaine M Hansen
In thanksgiving for the life and work of Rev Robert C Day, headmaster of the Advent School for 30 years. Ringer of the 1 is an alum of the Advent School.
Also rung in thanksgiving for the life of Drew Micah Smerling Marcus Jan 4 - Feb 10, 2018.

North American Guild
Washington, District of Columbia
Cathedral Church of St Peter and St Paul
Sunday, 18 February 2018 in 3h 31 (32–0–4 in D)
5040 Plain Bob Royal
Composed by Nicholas J Parkes
1 John Hitchings
2 Beth Sinclair
3 Meredith A Morris
4 Tina Hitchings
5 Jeremy C Bates
6 Stuart J Barton
7 Frederick DuPuy (C)
8 Cecily W Rock
9 Alexander T Taft III
10 Robert G Gibson
For Sunday service.
100th for the Guild — 3.
Ringing World page reference: 5577.0255

North American Guild
Washington, District of Columbia
Old Post Office Tower
Monday, 19 February 2018 in 50m (13–2–6 in F♯)
1260 Plain Bob Triples
1 Meredith A Morris
2 J Laedlein
3 John Hitchings
4 Tina Hitchings
5 Beth Sinclair
6 Brian E Wilhour
7 Gregory J Watson (C)
8 Stuart J Barton
For Presidents’ Day.

North American Guild
Frederick, Maryland
Calvary United Methodist Church
Saturday, 3 March 2018 in 2h 53 (9–2–18 in A♭)
5088 Spliced Surprise Major (4m)
1376 Rutland, 1312 Yorkshire, 1216 Lincolnshire, 1184 Cambridge; 102 changes of method; all the work
Composed by Bernard H Taylor
1 Quilla Roth
2 Susan M O'Neill
3 Beth Sinclair
4 Lian von Wantoch
5 Gregory J Watson
6 Robert G Gibson
7 Frederick DuPuy (C)
8 Cecily W Rock
First spliced – 4. First spliced as conductor.
Ringing World page reference: 5580.0329

North American Guild
Northampton, Massachusetts
199 Main Street
Wednesday, 7 March 2018 in 43m (16)
1260 Plain Bob Minor
1–2 Leah Sutter Chapman
3–4 Alison Stevens
5–6 Leland Paul Kusmer (C)
A cozy snow-day quarter.

North American Guild
The Smoke Ring
Saturday, 10 March 2018 in 35m (15lb)
1260 Plain Bob Minor
1 Margaret Miller
2 Linda D Rankin
3 David A S Hawkins
4 David Wilcox
5 Michael Hinton
6 Paul R Graupner (C)

North American Guild
Toronto, Ontario
Cathedral Church of St James
Sunday, 11 March 2018 in 3h 13 (12)
5040 Plain Bob Caters
Composed by Donald F Morrison (2287)
1 David A S Hawkins
2 Beth Sinclair
3 Quilla Roth
4 Michael Hinton
5 Christian Haller
6 Linda D Rankin
7 Paul R Graupner (C)
8 Margaret Miller
9 David Wilcox
10 Robert Bannister
In recognition of the life and work of Martin Luther King Jr who died 50 years ago on April 4 1968
10: 50th Peal
Ringing World page reference: 5579.0305

North American Guild
Cambridge, MA, USA
Monday, 12 March 2018 (8)
1260 Plain Bob Minor
1–2 Julia G Hurwitz
3–4 Elaine M Hansen
5–6 Edward J Futcher (C)
First quarter peal 1-2
First quarter on the bells
In memory of Marco Kichler (December 8, 1959 - March 12, 2014), uncle of 1-2.

North American Guild
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
St Martin in the Fields
Saturday, 17 March 2018 in 40m (4–2–8 in D)
1260 Plain Bob Minor
1 Sue DeVuyst
2 Eileen Joy Butler
3 Beverly Faber
4 Christian Haller
5 Paul Timmel
6 Bruce N Butler (C)
In celebration of the Annual Spring Dinner
In thanksgiving for the lives of Louise Slaughter, US Congresswoman and Stephen Hawking, world renowned physicist

North American Guild
Marblehead, MA, USA
25 Kenneth Road
Sunday, 18 March 2018 (8)
1250 Yorkshire Surprise Major
1–2 Cally D Perry
3–4 Austin J Paul
5–6 Elaine M Hansen
7–8 Edward J Futcher (C)

North American Guild
Marblehead, MA, USA
25 Kenneth Road
Sunday, 18 March 2018 in 2h 40 (14)
5088 Plain Bob Major
Composed by Roger D Bailey
1–2 Alison Stevens
3–4 Alice D Behnegar
5–6 Edward J Futcher
7–8 Elaine M Hansen (C)
First in hand: 1-2
Ringing World page reference: 5581.0353

North American Guild
Seattle, WA, USA
University of Washington
Saturday, 24 March 2018 in 42m (6–0–6)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Melissa Cheng
2 Rebecca A Woodgate
3 Carol L Wiesenbach
4 David B Wilson
5 Lizzie Wratten (C)
6 Dylan Majewski
To celebrate a baby boy, Ben, for our ringing friend, Edmund Harris

North American Guild
Raleigh, NC, USA
1230 Twin Branches Way
Saturday, 24 March 2018 in 2h 30 (8)
5056 Plain Bob Major
Composed by J R Pritchard
1–2 Quilla Roth
3–4 Alice D Behnegar
5–6 Edward J Futcher (C)
7–8 John Owen
First peal on the bells
Ringing World page reference: 5581.0353

North American Guild
Raleigh, USA
Christ Church
Sunday, 25 March 2018
1260 Plain Bob Triples
1 Elizabeth Hartzell
2 Quilla Roth
3 John Mabe
4 Margo Acomb
5 Alice Behnegar
6 Brodie Burwell
7 Edward J Futcher (C)
8 James Fletcher
For Palm Sunday

North American Guild
Washington, District of Columbia
Cathedral Church of St Peter and St Paul
Sunday, 1 April 2018 in 3h 16 (32–0–4 in D)
5040 Plain Bob Triples
Composed by Charles Ravenscroft
1 Robert G Gibson
2 Meredith A Morris
3 Beth Sinclair
4 Quilla Roth
5 Frederick DuPuy (C)
6 Cecily W Rock
7 Alexander T Taft III
8 Eric R Trumpler
For Easter Sunday, and to mark the 50th anniversary of the last Sunday sermon by Martin Luther King Jr, delivered at this Cathedral 31st March 1968.
Ringing World page reference: 5583.0404

North American Guild
Seattle, WA, USA
University of Washington
Sunday, 1 April 2018 in 42m (6–0–6)
1260 Grandsire Doubles
Rung on the simulator
1 Dylan Majewski
2 Rebecca A Woodgate
3 Melissa Cheng
4 David B Wilson
5 Lizzie Wratten (C)
6 Tj Marchello
To celebrate the dedication of a carillon for the University of Washington (April 5th 2018), donated by our tower's donor, Gordon Stuart Peek.
First in method: 3

North American Guild
Boston, Massachusetts
Christ Church, Old North
Sunday, 1 April 2018 (13–3–5 in F)
5088 Yorkshire Surprise Major
Composed by Donald F Morrison
1 Cally D Perry
2 T David Westmoreland
3 Alison Stevens
4 Leland Paul Kusmer
5 Edward J Futcher (C)
6 John Bihn
7 Elaine M Hansen
8 Austin J Paul
Rung for Easter.
First peal in the method 3,4,6
Ringing World page reference: 5586.0476

North American Guild
Marietta, Georgia, USA
St James
Monday, 16 April 2018 in 47m (5–1–5 in C)
1260 Plain Bob Triples
1 Lyn Barnett
2 Alice Heilker
3 Mary Platt
4 Charley Heilker
5 Derek J Wilsden
6 Jay Williams
7 Catherine P Brown (C)
8 Diana Witt
Rung in thanksgiving for the life of Michael Campion (April 4, 1925 - April 7, 2018)

North American Guild
Washington, District of Columbia
Old Post Office Tower
Thursday, 19 April 2018 in 53m (13–2–6 in F♯)
1260 Stedman Triples
Composed by Traditional
1 Susan M O'Neill
2 Barbara Grofic
3 Callan Ordoyne
4 J Laedlein
5 Lian von Wantoch
6 Quilla Roth (C)
7 Cecily W Rock
8 Brian Wilhour
For the anniversaries (235th and 35th) of the announcement of peace following the War of American Independence (19 April 1783) and of the dedication of these bells (19 April 1983). First Stedman – 2.

North American Guild
Texarkana (First Presbyterian Church), Arkansas
Friday, 20 April 2018 in 36m
1260 Doubles
60 Stedman, 240 each of April Day, St Martin's, St Simon's, Plain Bob and Grandsire
1 Dick Dearnley
2 Eileen Joy Butler
3 Alan Regin
4 Allen Nunley
5 Bruce N Butler (C)
6 Annelies Jonker
1st Quarter - #6

North American Guild
Raleigh, USA
Christ Church
Saturday, 21 April 2018
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 John Mabe (C)
2 Miriam Dixon
3 Lindsey Hutt-Fletcher
4 Brodie Burwell
5 Edward J Futcher
6 James Fletcher

North American Guild
Texarkana, Arkansas
First Presbyterian Church
Sunday, 22 April 2018 in 37m (3–2–26 in D)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Bruce N Butler
2 Alan Regin
3 David Wooler
4 Scott Stricker
5 Meredith A Morris (C)
6 Field Baker
1st Quarter #6
In memory of Barbara Bush, First Lady of the United States, Smith College,47. The conductor is Smith College,87

North American Guild
Cathedral Church of St James
Monday, 23 April 2018 (8 cwt)
1260 Plain Bob Minor
1 Chris Sawyer
2 Callum Smith
3 Michael Hinton
4 Pauline Smith
5 Robin E C Clarke
6 David Wilcox (C)
7 Dan Tregunno
Rung to congratulate the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge on the birth of their son Louis

North American Guild
Cambridge, MA, USA
Thursday, 26 April 2018 in 2h 30 (8)
5152 Lessness Surprise Major
Composed by Traditional
1–2 Austin J Paul
3–4 Cally D Perry
5–6 Philip J Earis
7–8 Edward J Futcher (C)
First blows in method 1-2
Ringing World page reference: 5586.0477

North American Guild
Nantucket, MA, USA
Greater Light, 7 Howard Street
Saturday, 28 April 2018 in 2h 10 (8)
5040 Plain Bob Minor
1–2 Leland Paul Kusmer
3–4 Michael R Harrison
5–6 Edward J Futcher (C)
Believed to be the first peal on Nantucket.
Ringing World page reference: 5586.0477

North American Guild
New York, New York
Trinity Church
Sunday, 29 April 2018 (7–3–16 in A)
1260 Stedman Triples
1 Stuart J Barton
2 John Hitchings
3 Jeremy C Bates
4 Elliot J Hughes
5 Charlotte D J Pacey
6 Myles Louis Dakan
7 Tina Hitchings (C)
8 David Henry
To celebrate the birth of HRH Prince Louis of Cambridge

North American Guild
Nantucket, MA, USA
Gosnold Center, 89 Bartlett Road
Sunday, 29 April 2018 in 2h 10 (8)
5040 Minor (2m)
2880 Kent TB, 2160 Plain
1–2 Edward J Futcher (C)
3–4 Leland Paul Kusmer
5–6 Michael R Harrison
Ringing World page reference: 5586.0477

North American Guild
Marietta, Georgia
St James
Monday, 30 April 2018 in 47m (5–1–5 in C)
1260 Plain Bob Triples
1 Lyn Barnett
2 Derek J Wilsden
3 Mary Platt
4 Andrew Hobbis
5 Jay Williams
6 Charley Heilker
7 Catherine P Brown (C)
8 Diana Witt
Birthday compliments to Ibby Marshall.

North American Guild
Northampton, Massachusetts
199 Main Street
Tuesday, 1 May 2018 in 40m (14)
1260 Plain Bob Minor
1–2 Leah Sutter Chapman
3–4 Leland Paul Kusmer
5–6 Alison N Stevens (C)
First conducted.
First on the bells.

North American Guild
Frederick, Maryland
Calvary United Methodist Church
Saturday, 5 May 2018 in 2h 50 (9–2–18 in A♭)
5088 Cornwall Surprise Major
Composed by Donald F Morrison (8028)
1 Susan M O'Neill
2 Beth Sinclair
3 Robert Bannister
4 Quilla Roth
5 Lian von Wantoch
6 Alexander T Taft III
7 Cecily W Rock (C)
8 Robert G Gibson
Ringing World page reference: 5591.0599

North American Guild
Washington, District of Columbia
Cathedral Church of St Peter and St Paul
Sunday, 6 May 2018 in 55m (32–0–4 in D)
1260 Stedman Triples
Composed by Traditional
1 Ann G Martin
2 Mary Clark
3 Callan Ordoyne
4 Lian von Wantoch
5 Quilla Roth
6 Robert Bannister
7 Alexander T Taft III (C)
8 Philip Merrill
For Sunday service and in memory of Helen Callanan.

North American Guild
Toronto, Ontario
Cathedral Church of St James
Sunday, 6 May 2018 in 44m (8 cwt)
1260 Plain Bob Minor
1 Jillian Ruch
2 Michael Hinton
3 Chris Ruch
4 Madeleine Cheesman
5 Robin E C Clarke
6 David Wilcox (C)
Rung for the service of Ordination of Deacons

North American Guild
Boston, Massachusetts
The Advent
Sunday, 6 May 2018 in 3h 12 (19–1–7 in E)
5152 Yorkshire Surprise Major
Composed by David G Hull
1 Austin J Paul (C)
2 Cally D Perry
3 Phoebe House
4 Alison N Stevens
5 John Bihn
6 Elaine M Hansen
7 Maurice W Southworth
8 Edward J Futcher
First peal: 3, and as conductor
With congratulations to Kirby and Chris Russell on their wedding on 29 April 2018.
Ringing World page reference: 5588.0521

North American Guild
Boston, Massachusetts
Christ Church, Old North
Sunday, 6 May 2018 in 15m (13–3–5 in F)
200 Called Changes
200 Distinct Changes
1 Danielle M Morse (C)
2 Katarina Whimsy!
3 Margaret Pan
4 Phoebe House
5 Austin Paul
6 John Bihn
7 Elaine M Hansen
8 Laura Dickerson
To commemorate 200 years since the death of Paul Revere, May 10, 1818. Former ringer at this church.

North American Guild
Northampton, Massachusetts
Smith College
Friday, 11 May 2018 in 43m (8–2–11 in A)
1260 Doubles
180 Grandsire; 120 St Simon's; 240 St Martin's; 720 Plain Bob.
1 Hannah Durrant
2 Peggy Shannon
3 Nina Dabek
4 Leland Paul Kusmer
5 Alison N Stevens (C)
6 Sarah Moriarty
Celebrating local ringer Bela Nelson's graduation from the University of Massachusetts today.
Rung by a local band on the 50th anniversary of the bells.
First quarter: 1. First conducted in tower.

North American Guild
Northampton, Massachusetts
Smith College
Saturday, 12 May 2018 in 3h 2 (8–2–11)
5088 Bristol Surprise Major
Composed by Mark B Davies (Op. 1 – The Cheltenham Variation)
1 Phoebe House
2 Elaine M Hansen
3 Myles Louis Dakan
4 Austin J Paul
5 Alison N Stevens
6 Michael R Harrison
7 Edward J Futcher
8 Leland Paul Kusmer (C)
Celebrating 50 years since the Smith College bells were first rung.
First blows in method: 5. First in method: 3. First Surprise conducted.
Ringing World page reference: 5588.0521

North American Guild
Toronto, Ontario
Cathedral Church of St James
Sunday, 13 May 2018 in 46m (8 cwt)
1260 Plain Bob Minor
1 Callum Smith
2 Linda D Rankin
3 Olivia Gamache
4 Madeleine Cheesman
5 Pauline Smith
6 David Wilcox (C)
7 Robin E C Clarke
Rung to congratulate HRH Prince Henry of Wales and Ms. Meghan Markle on their forthcoming marriage.
Also for Mother's Day

North American Guild
Raleigh, USA
Christ Church
Wednesday, 16 May 2018
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Elizabeth Hartzell
2 Miriam Dixon
3 Harry McKinney
4 Brodie Burwell
5 John Mabe (C)
Rung on the course of the March for Students and Rally for Respect by thousands of public school teachers.

North American Guild
Washington, District of Columbia
Cathedral Church of St Peter and St Paul
Saturday, 19 May 2018 in 50m (9–2–7 in A)
1260 Grandsire Doubles
1 Susan M O'Neill (C)
2 Erin Nixon
3 Paula Fleming
4 Mary Clark
5 Quilla Roth
6 Katharine Emmons
For the wedding of Julia Schoenfeld and Blair Sokol. First Grandsire—2.

North American Guild
Washington, District of Columbia
Cathedral Church of St Peter and St Paul
Saturday, 19 May 2018 in 47m (9–2–7 in A)
1272 Kent Treble Bob Minor
1 Katharine Emmons
2 Erin Nixon
3 Mary Clark
4 Callan Ordoyne
5 Frederick DuPuy (C)
6 Quilla Roth
For the wedding of E Brennan Dorn and Giles Jacknain. First Kent—2.

North American Guild
Marblehead, Massachusetts
25 Kenneth Road
Sunday, 20 May 2018 in 2h 6 (8)
5040 Plain Bob Minor
1–2 Cally D Perry
3–4 Phoebe House
5–6 Edward J Futcher (C)
First handbell peal 3-4
Ringing World page reference: 5588.0522

North American Guild
Marblehead, MA, USA
25 Kenneth Road
Sunday, 20 May 2018 in 2h 30 (10A)
5088 Kent Treble Bob Major
1–2 John E Schreiner
3–4 Austin J Paul
5–6 Elaine M Hansen
7–8 Leland Paul Kusmer (C)
Ringing World page reference: 5589.0550

North American Guild
Boston, Massachusetts
Christ Church, Old North
Sunday, 20 May 2018 (8–1–24 in A)
1296 Cambridge Surprise Minor
1 Cally D Perry
2 Michael Tartell
3 Phoebe House
4 Austin J Paul
5 John E Schreiner
6 Elaine M Hansen (C)
1st surprise: 2. 1st in method, 3, 4.
To celebrate the marriage of Prince Harry and Ms. Meghan Markle.

North American Guild
Cambridge, MA, USA
Thursday, 24 May 2018 (13)
1282 Cambridge Surprise Royal
1–2 Cally D Perry
3–4 Edward J Futcher (C)
5–6 Paul Jopp
7–8 Elaine M Hansen
9–10 Austin J Paul
First of Royal 9-10

North American Guild
Washington, District of Columbia
Cathedral Church of St Peter and St Paul
Sunday, 27 May 2018 in 45m (9–2–7 in A)
1320 Cambridge Minor
1 Quilla Roth
2 Beth Sinclair
3 Lian von Wantoch
4 Robert Bannister
5 Cecily W Rock
6 Meredith A Morris (C)
In celebration of the lives of Richard P Joyce, father of Rebecca Joyce, and Lillian Rorie, ringer in Texarkana and Little Rock, who with her husband Jean donated the tenor bell in Texarkana.

North American Guild
Washington, District of Columbia
Old Post Office Tower
Monday, 28 May 2018 in 52m (8–2–10 in A)
1260 Mixed Doubles
720 Stedman, 540 Plain Bob
1 Quilla Roth (C)
2 Jen Laedlein
3 Lian von Wantoch
4 Brian Wilhour
5 Robert Bannister
For Memorial Day.

North American Guild
Orleans, Massachusetts
Church of the Transfiguration
Saturday, 2 June 2018 (14D)
1344 Plain Bob Major
Composed by TJ Barnes
1–2 Alison N Stevens
3–4 Leland Paul Kusmer
5–6 Cally D Perry
7–8 Austin J Paul (C)
At the Orleans 10-Bell Weekend dinner.

North American Guild
Orleans, Massachusetts, USA
The Transfiguration
Sunday, 3 June 2018 in 3h 20 (21–2–23 in E♭)
5040 Yorkshire Surprise Royal
Composed by Benjamin D Constant
1 Quilla Roth
2 Edward J Futcher (C)
3 Beth Sinclair
4 Elaine M Hansen
5 Austin J Paul
6 Leland Paul Kusmer
7 Kira Chase
8 Michael R Harrison
9 Maurice W Southworth
10 Alexander T Taft III
Rung in memory of Sr. Joy.
First of Royal 5,6,7.
Ringing World page reference: 5592.0624

North American Guild
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
St Martin in the Fields
Saturday, 9 June 2018 in 40m (4–2–8 in D)
1263 Stedman Triples
1 Stuart Barton
2 Christian J Haller
3 Meredith Morris
4 Alex T Taft III
5 John F Mulvey
6 Elliot Hughes
7 Tim Barnes (C)
8 Sue DeVuyst
For the Bells' Birthday BBQ Bash

North American Guild
Northampton, Massachusetts
199 Main Street
Saturday, 9 June 2018 in 2h 20 (14D)
5040 Plain Bob Minor
1–2 Leah Sutter Chapman
3–4 Alison N Stevens
5–6 Leland Paul Kusmer (C)
First peal: 1-2. First in hand away from trebles: 3-4.
First on the bells!
Ringing World page reference: 5591.0600

North American Guild
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
St Mark
Sunday, 10 June 2018 in 43m (17–3–18 in F)
1260 Plain Bob Minor
1 Charles C Rumford
2 Eileen Joy Butler
3 John F Mulvey
4 Brian Zook
5 Bruce N Butler (C)
6 Christian J Haller
With thanks to Erika Takacs, Associate Rector, for her work and support at St Mark's and best wishes as she begins her new position in Chicago.

North American Guild
Birmingham, Alabama
RC Cathedral Church of St Paul
Sunday, 10 June 2018 (13–1–11 in F♯)
1260 Mixed Doubles
St Simon's, St Martin's, Plain Bob
1 Susan Lagrone
2 Thomas Lagrone (C)
3 Peter Lagrone
4 Amy K Bischoff
5 Ted Clark
6 Joe Roberts
Rung in memory of the Wedding Anniversary (June 10, 1985) of Susan Lagrone (1) and Craig B. Lagrone (deceased.)

North American Guild
Washington, District of Columbia
Old Post Office Tower
Thursday, 14 June 2018 in 46m (8–2–10 in A)
1296 Beverley Surprise Minor
1 F Neville Withington
2 Robert Bannister
3 Barbara Grofic
4 Brian E Wilhour
5 Lian von Wantoch (C)
6 Quilla Roth
In celebration of the Washington Capitals winning the Stanley Cup. First in method–2,4,5. First Surprise–3.

North American Guild
Marietta, Georgia
St James
Saturday, 23 June 2018 in 44m (5–1–5 in C)
1260 Plain Bob Minor
720 (whw)x6 with (sh) halfway and end, 540 (whw(sh)(sh))x3
1 Alice Heilker
2 Derek J Wilsden
3 Jay Williams
4 Mary Platt
5 Charley Heilker
6 Catherine P Brown (C)
Rung in honor of the seventeenth wedding anniversary of Lucia and Dan Bird

North American Guild
Cambridge, MA, USA
Saturday, 23 June 2018 in 2h 25 (8 in C)
5088 Kent Treble Bob Major
Composed by John Reeves
1–2 Kira R Chase
3–4 Edward J Futcher
5–6 John Bihn
7–8 Austin J Paul (C)
First away from trebles: 5-6
First as conductor in hand
Ringing World page reference: 5600.0816

North American Guild
Alexandria, Virginia
Virginia Theological Seminary, Immanuel Chapel
Saturday, 23 June 2018 in 2h 56 (10–3–14 in G)
5088 Seminary Surprise Major
Composed by Donald F Morrison (no. 7337)
1 Quilla Roth
2 Susan M O'Neill
3 Meredith A Morris
4 Frederick DuPuy
5 Lian von Wantoch
6 Cecily W Rock
7 Alexander T Taft III
8 Robert G Gibson (C)
First peal in the method.
x36x456x5x36x4x3x2x3, l.e. 18 [g]
Ringing World page reference: 5595.0694

North American Guild
Marblehead, MA, USA
25 Kenneth Road
Sunday, 24 June 2018 (13)
5040 Plain Bob Royal
Composed by Donald F Morrison (Op. 1032)
1–2 Bryn Marie Reinstadler
3–4 Austin J Paul (C)
5–6 Edward J Futcher
7–8 Kira R Chase
9–10 Phoebe House
First peal: 1-2
First of royal: 9-10
First on 10 as conductor
First of royal in hand: 3-4, 7-8
Ringing World page reference: 5599.0792

North American Guild
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
Christ Church Cathedral
Tuesday, 26 June 2018 in 53m (29–1–19 in D♭)
1260 Grandsire Triples
1 Fiona MacLeod
2 Madeline Holden
3 Andrea Falk
4 Faith Magwood
5 David W Oliver
6 Peter Bailey
7 Alan Batten (C)
8 Ted McLeod
Rung in honor of Mary and David Barlow's 60th wedding
anniversary and Alan Batten's 60 anniversary of receiving his

North American Guild
Washington, District of Columbia
Old Post Office Tower
Wednesday, 4 July 2018 in 46m (8–2–10 in A)
1296 Cambridge Surprise Minor
1 Katharine Emmons
2 Beth Sinclair
3 Paul Timmel
4 Meredith A Morris
5 Robert Bannister
6 Abby Timmel (C)
For Independence Day. First quarter peal on 6 as conductor.

North American Guild
Washington, District of Columbia
Cathedral Church of St Peter and St Paul
Wednesday, 4 July 2018 in 3h 28 (32–0–4 in D)
5111 Grandsire Caters
Composed by Frederick H Dexter (Op. 2)
1 Quilla Roth
2 Beth Sinclair
3 Mary Osterhaus Clark
4 Cecily W Rock
5 Lian von Wantoch
6 Frederick DuPuy (C)
7 John I Mabe
8 Robert G Gibson
9 Alexander T Taft III
10 Stuart J Barton
For Independence Day, with significant birthday compliments to the treble, and with the band's thanks to the 3 for stepping in to ring at the very last moment — her first peal in more than five years.
First peal on ten bells – 5. First peal of Grandsire as conductor.
Ringing World page reference: 5596.0721

North American Guild
Marietta, Georgia
St James
Sunday, 8 July 2018 in 42m (5–1–5 in C)
1320 Cambridge Surprise Minor
1 Jay Williams
2 Derek J Wilsden
3 Alice Gough Heilker
4 Andrew Hobbis
5 Charley Heilker
6 Catherine P Brown (C)
Rung in thanksgiving for the lives of Allan and Gwen Hobbis, parents of the 4. First quarter in method (3).

North American Guild
Cambridge, MA, USA
Thursday, 12 July 2018 in 2h 25 (15 in C)
5056 Plain Bob Major
Composed by Andrew S Hudson
1–2 Bryn Marie Reinstadler
3–4 Cally D Perry
5–6 Philip J Earis
7–8 Austin J Paul (C)
First of major: 1-2
First peal on the bells
Ringing World page reference: 5600.0816

North American Guild
Boston, Massachusetts
The Advent
Saturday, 28 July 2018 in 3h 6 (19–1–7 in E)
5120 Spliced Surprise Major (8m)
896 Rutland; 704 each Lincolnshire, Yorkshire; 640 Cambridge; 576 each London, Pudsey, Superlative; 448 Bristol; 87 com; atw
Composed by Philip GK Davies
1 Edward J Futcher
2 Emily R Russell
3 Tina Hitchings
4 John Hitchings
5 Austin J Paul
6 Kira R Chase
7 Timothy J Barnes (C)
8 Maurice W Southworth
1st spliced: 5;
1st 8-spliced: 6;
23rd birthday compliment to Kira;
Non-PPE compliant - Core 7-spliced next.
Ringing World page reference: 5605.0936

North American Guild
Alexandria, Virginia
Virginia Theological Seminary, Immanuel Chapel
Saturday, 28 July 2018 in 2h 52 (10–3–14 in G)
5056 Cambridge Surprise Major
Composed by Charles Middleton (arr. Henry Johnson)
1 Quilla Roth
2 Beth Sinclair
3 Robert G Gibson
4 Elizabeth T Gibson
5 Mark R Gosden
6 Stuart J Barton
7 Jeremy C Bates
8 Alexander T Taft III (C)
First attempt: 4
Birthday compliment to 3
Ringing World page reference: 5599.0791

North American Guild
Orleans, Massachusetts, USA
The Transfiguration
Thursday, 2 August 2018 (7–1–16)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Vicky Kanaga
2 Quilla Roth
3 Br Matthew Gillis
4 Julia R Cater
5 Br Anthony Kanaga (C)
6 Dane Olsen

North American Guild
Orleans, Massachusetts, USA
The Transfiguration
Thursday, 2 August 2018 (7–1–16)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Ruth Vought
2 Julia R Cater
3 Edward J Futcher
4 Br Anthony Kanaga
5 Br Matthew Gillis (C)
6 Bethany I C Cater

North American Guild
Orleans, Massachusetts, USA
The Transfiguration
Thursday, 2 August 2018 (21–2–23 in E♭)
1260 Grandsire Triples
1 Lexa Hale
2 Quilla Roth
3 Olivia Tingley
4 Sr Seana Shannon
5 Edward J Futcher (C)
6 Julia R Cater
7 Br Matthew Gillis
8 Br Joel Sweet

North American Guild
Orleans, Massachusetts, USA
The Transfiguration
Thursday, 2 August 2018 (7–1–16)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Ruth Vought
2 Alana McKendree
3 Edward J Futcher
4 Alan McDonald
5 Br Matthew Gillis (C)
6 Quilla Roth

North American Guild
Orleans, Massachusetts, USA
The Transfiguration
Friday, 3 August 2018 (21–2–23 in E♭)
1296 Plain Bob Caters
1 Lydia Andre
2 Alana McKendree
3 Sarah Hale
4 Olivia Tingley
5 Quilla Roth
6 Sr Seana Shannon
7 Edward J Futcher (C)
8 Br Anthony Kanaga
9 Julia R Cater
10 Br Matthew Gillis

North American Guild
Orleans, Massachusetts, USA
The Transfiguration
Friday, 3 August 2018 (21–2–23 in E♭)
1296 Plain Bob Caters
1 Lydia Andre
2 Quilla Roth
3 Sarah Hale
4 Olivia Tingley
5 Edward J Futcher (C)
6 Sr Seana Shannon
7 Br Matthew Gillis
8 Br Anthony Kanaga
9 Julia R Cater
10 Dane Olsen

North American Guild
Toronto, Ontario
Cathedral Church of St James
Sunday, 12 August 2018 in 51m (21–2–10 in D)
1344 Plain Bob Major
1 Callum Smith
2 Madeleine Cheesman
3 Pauline Smith
4 Linda D Rankin
5 David A S Hawkins
6 Colin Friend * (C)
7 Louise Booth *
8 David Wilcox
With the band's best wishes for a good recovery for Nikki Clarke.
* - first quarter peal in Canada. Colin and Louise regularly ring at St. James, Bermondsey, which was the original tower for these bells, and were happy to ring them in their current tower. Louise is the Tower Captain at Bermondsey.

North American Guild
Birmingham, Alabama
RC Cathedral Church of St Paul
Saturday, 18 August 2018 (13–1–11 in F♯)
1260 Mixed Doubles
St Simon's, St Osmund, St. Martin's
1 Anna Gibbons
2 Thomas Lagrone (C)
3 Susan Lagrone
4 Ted Clark
5 Peter Lagrone
6 Mary T Lagrone
Rung in memory of Craig B. Lagrone, spouse of (3), father of (1), (2), (5) and 6) for his birthday, August 23.

North American Guild
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
St Martin in the Fields
Sunday, 19 August 2018 in 38m (4–2–8 in D)
1260 Doubles
360 St Martin's, 480 Plain Bob, 420 Grandsire
1 Charles Rumford
2 Chantal Meloscia
3 Alex Meloscia
4 Eileen Joy Butler
5 Bruce N Butler (C)
6 Alan Morrison
Rung in celebration of Debbie Morrison's birthday. And to celebrate the birth of Charlotte Rosina Krasney, daughter of Chantal and Ben Krasney.

North American Guild
Cambridge, MA, USA
Monday, 20 August 2018 in 2h 21 (8 in C)
5056 Treble Bob Major
4160 Kent TB, 896 Oxford TB. Ilkeston variation
Composed by MCW Sherwood
1–2 Bryn Marie Reinstadler
3–4 Edward J Futcher (C)
5–6 Austin J Paul
7–8 Adin Kreiger-Benson
First on 8 bells 7-8. First treble bob 1-2, 7-8.
Ringing World page reference: 5603.0886

North American Guild
Raleigh, USA
Christ Church
Sunday, 26 August 2018 in 39m
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Elizabeth Hartzell
2 Margo Acomb
3 Lindsey Hutt-Fletcher
4 Harry McKinney
5 John Mabe (C)
6 James Fletcher
Celebrating the return of the restored weathercock to its roost atop the tower steeple.

North American Guild
Alexandria, Virginia
Virginia Theological Seminary, Immanuel Chapel
Sunday, 26 August 2018 in 2h 48 (10–3–14 in G)
5040 Grandsire Triples
Composed by J J Parker (12-part)
1 Beth Sinclair
2 Quilla Roth
3 Alexander T Taft III
4 Tina Hitchings
5 Lian von Wantoch
6 Frederick DuPuy
7 Robert G Gibson (C)
8 Stuart J Barton
On the 300th anniversary of the first peal of Grandsire Triples, rung at St Peter Mancroft, Norwich
Ringing World page reference: 5604.0912

North American Guild
Washington, District of Columbia
Old Post Office Tower
Thursday, 6 September 2018 in 54m (13–2–6 in F♯)
1344 Plain Bob Major
View composition
1 Quilla Roth
2 Julie Bell
3 Barbara Grofic
4 J Laedlein
5 Lian von Wantoch
6 Callan Ordoyne
7 Stephen B Bell (C)
8 Paul Timmel
In memory of John Sidney McCain III and with wishes for a speedy recovery to Brian Wilhour.

North American Guild
Cambridge, MA, USA
Friday, 7 September 2018 (14)
1296 Cambridge Surprise Minor
1–2 Susan Assmann
3–4 Edward J Futcher (C)
5–6 Jeff Del Papa

North American Guild
Cambridge, MA, USA
Friday, 7 September 2018 in 3h
5040 Plain Bob Royal
Composed by Donald F Morrison (Op. 1032)
1–2 Bryn Marie Reinstadler
3–4 Austin J Paul (C)
5–6 Leland Paul Kusmer
7–8 Lian von Wantoch
9–10 Alice D Behnegar
First of royal: 7-8
First of royal in hand: 5-6
Ringing World page reference: 5605.0937

North American Guild
Boston, MA, USA
30 Brimmer St.
Friday, 7 September 2018 (8)
1344 Treble Bob Major
Ilkeston Variation.
Composed by Roger Bailey
1–2 Edward J Futcher (C)
3–4 Myles Louis Dakan
5–6 Elaine M Hansen
7–8 Michael R Harrison

North American Guild
Boston, MA, USA
30 Brimmer St.
Friday, 7 September 2018 in 2h 45 (8)
5056 Plain Bob Major
Composed by J Pritchard
1–2 Lian von Wantoch
3–4 Bryn Marie Reinstadler
5–6 Edward J Futcher (C)
7–8 Michael R Harrison
Ringing World page reference: 5605.0937

North American Guild
Cambridge, MA (MIT), USA
Saturday, 8 September 2018 in 35m
1344 Plain Bob Major
1–2 Edward J Futcher
3–4 John Bihn
5–6 Jeff Del Papa
7–8 Bryn Marie Reinstadler (C)
1st as conductor.

North American Guild
Cambridge, MA, USA
Saturday, 8 September 2018
1312 Kent Treble Bob Major
1–2 Lian von Wantoch
3–4 Quilla Roth
5–6 Elaine M Hansen (C)
7–8 Michael R Harrison

North American Guild
Cambridge, MA, USA
Saturday, 8 September 2018
1250 Yorkshire Surprise Major
1–2 John Bihn
3–4 Edward J Futcher
5–6 Austin J Paul
7–8 Timothy J Barnes (C)
Dedicated to the grandparents of the 1-2, Bill and Diane Wagner, on their 56th wedding anniversary.

North American Guild
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Saturday, 8 September 2018 in 40m (14D)
1264 Plain Bob Major
Composed by Mark B Davies
1–2 T David Westmoreland
3–4 Lian von Wantoch
5–6 Leland Paul Kusmer (C)
7–8 Michael R Harrison

North American Guild
Cambridge, MA, USA
Sunday, 9 September 2018 in 2h 25 (8)
5088 Kent Treble Bob Major
Composed by William Hudson
1–2 Myles Louis Dakan
3–4 Elaine M Hansen
5–6 Leland Paul Kusmer
7–8 Edward J Futcher (C)
The band wish to associate the peal with Cally Perry, whose father passed away earlier that day.
Ringing World page reference: 5605.0937

North American Guild
Boston, Massachusetts
The Advent
Sunday, 9 September 2018 in 3h 9 (19–1–7 in E)
5056 Bristol Surprise Major
Composed by Mark B Davies (no. 1)
1 John Bihn
2 Michael R Harrison
3 Lian von Wantoch
4 T David Westmoreland
5 Quilla Roth
6 Maurice W Southworth
7 Austin J Paul (C)
8 Timothy J Barnes
In memory of Robert C Harrison (1942-2018), father of the 2.
First of Bristol: 3, and as conductor
Ringing World page reference: 5605.0937

North American Guild
Washington, District of Columbia
Old Post Office Tower
Saturday, 22 September 2018 in 45m (8–2–10 in A)
1260 Grandsire Doubles
1 Quilla Roth
2 Ann G Martin (C)
3 J Laedlein
4 Lian von Wantoch
5 Philip Merrill
6 John Matthewson
Celebrating the wedding of Amanda Shapiro and Colin Whitaker

North American Guild
Seattle, WA, USA
University of Washington
Saturday, 22 September 2018 in 41m (6–0–6)
1260 Grandsire Triples
1 Melissa Cheng
2 Martin J Turner (C)
3 Eve M T Munns
4 Madeline Holden
5 Alison Stevens
6 Lizzie Wratten
7 Alexander E Holroyd
8 Dylan Majewski
Birthday compliment to our donor, Gordon Stuart Peek, for his 93rd Birthday on 31st August 2018

North American Guild
Seattle, WA, USA
University of Washington
Saturday, 22 September 2018 in 40m (6–0–6)
1250 Cambridge Minor
(rung on the simulator)
1 Madeline Holden
2 Melissa Cheng
3 Alexander E Holroyd
4 Alison Stevens
5 Rebecca A Woodgate
6 Martin J Turner (C)
First of surprise: 2
First treble bobbing: 1
To welcome Kyle Russell Philip Bradley (born 27th April 2018) and as a third birthday compliment to his brother, Elliott Paul Philip Bradley (17th August), both nephews of 1.

North American Guild
Seattle, WA, USA
University of Washington
Saturday, 22 September 2018 in 39m (6–0–6)
1269 Grandsire Doubles
(rung on the simulator)
1 Melissa Cheng
2 Eve M T Munns
3 Tj Marchello
4 Rebecca A Woodgate
5 Alexander E Holroyd (C)
6 Madeline Holden
First inside: 3
With congratulations to Eve and Peter Munns, on their 51st Wedding Anniversary (16th September 2018)

North American Guild
Eastham, Massachusetts
The Noisy Oyster
Saturday, 22 September 2018
1260 Plain Bob Minor
1–2 Sarah Moriarty
3–4 Kira R Chase
5–6 Edward J Futcher (C)
1-2: First in hand!
First on the bells!

North American Guild
Alexandria, Virginia
Virginia Theological Seminary, Immanuel Chapel
Saturday, 22 September 2018 in 2h 43 (10–3–14 in G)
5056 Bristol Surprise Major
Composed by Alan G Reading (Op. 10)
1 Robert G Gibson
2 David C Brown (C)
3 Cecily W Rock
4 Katharine J Firman
5 Beth Sinclair
6 Graham G Firman
7 Graham M Bradshaw
8 Alexander T Taft III
Ringing World page reference: 5607.0984

North American Guild
Seattle, WA, USA
University of Washington
Sunday, 23 September 2018 in 40m (6–0–6)
1260 Grandsire Triples
1 Dylan Majewski
2 Alexander E Holroyd
3 Eve M T Munns
4 Lizzie Wratten
5 Madeline Holden
6 Martin J Turner (C)
7 Rebecca A Woodgate
8 Alison Stevens
First away from cover on triples: 1
Welcoming all new freshmen to the University of Washington on Convocation 2018.

North American Guild
Seattle, WA, USA
University of Washington
Sunday, 23 September 2018 in 41m (6–0–6)
1272 Spliced Surprise Minor (3m)
Cambridge, Beverley, Surfleet
1 Eve M T Munns
2 Alison Stevens
3 Lizzie Wratten
4 Rebecca A Woodgate
5 Alexander E Holroyd (C)
6 Martin J Turner
First of spliced: 2
With congratulations to our ringer Sarah Manchanda and her husband Nikhil, for the birth of their twins, Isha Victoria and Avni Birutaon this day, and
with get well soon wishes to Jeremy Cheesman, who but for a small child on a bike would have been with us this weekend.

North American Guild
Washington, District of Columbia
Cathedral Church of St Peter and St Paul
Saturday, 29 September 2018 in 48m (9–2–7 in A)
1320 Kent Treble Bob Minor
1 Philip Merrill
2 Quilla Roth
3 Robert Bannister
4 Lian von Wantoch
5 Paul Timmel
6 Gregory J Watson (C)
For the wedding of Barbara Steacy and Alex Hoskins.

North American Guild
Orleans, Massachusetts, USA
Church of the Transfiguration
Sunday, 30 September 2018 in 49m (10–3–6 in G)
1260 Plain Bob Triples
Composed by D. F. Morrison
1 Br John Henderson
2 Sr Seana Shannon
3 Br Anthony Kanaga
4 Alan McDonald
5 Sarah Hale
6 Olivia Tingley
7 Br Matthew Gillis (C)
8 Sr Joan Jackson
Celebrating the 9th Anniversary of the Installation of our Bells!

North American Guild
Hendersonville, North Carolina
St James
Sunday, 30 September 2018 (9–0–24 in A)
1250 Yorkshire Surprise Major
1 Laura Dickerson
2 Eileen Joy Butler
3 Linda D Rankin
4 Don Morrison (C)
5 Tina Hitchings
6 Bruce N Butler
7 Meredith A Morris
8 John Hitchings
In memory of the father of Cally Perry, John Randall Perry 31 October 1925 - 9 September 2018 at the NAGCR AGM celebrating the Fortieth Anniversary of the dedication of the bells.

North American Guild
Northampton, Massachusetts, USA
Sunday, 7 October 2018 in 50m (14D)
1264 Plain Bob Major
Composed by Mark B Davies
1–2 Leah Sutter Chapman
3–4 Alison N Stevens
5–6 Leland Paul Kusmer (C)
7–8 Nick Reilingh
Rung for the 50th Anniversary Celebration of the Smith College bells.
First quarter: 7-8.
First major: 1-2.
The band would like to associate Matilda with this performance.

North American Guild
Marietta, Georgia
St James
Monday, 8 October 2018 in 47m (5–1–5 in C)
1260 Plain Bob Triples
1 Diana Witt
2 Derek J Wilsden
3 Catherine P Brown
4 Lyn Barnett
5 Charley Heilker
6 Jay Williams
7 Stephen R Aldridge (C)
8 Bill Eubanks
First QP: 8
Recognising the 50th anniversary of the installation of the change ringing bells at Smith College, Northampton, MA.

North American Guild
Frederick, Maryland
Calvary United Methodist Church
Saturday, 13 October 2018 in 2h 49 (9–2–18 in A♭)
5056 Cooktown Orchid Delight Major
Composed by Donald F Morrison (Op. 1746)
1 Callan Ordoyne
2 Beth Sinclair
3 Quilla Roth
4 Robert G Gibson
5 Frederick DuPuy
6 Robert Bannister
7 Cecily W Rock (C)
8 Alexander T Taft III
First in method for the Guild and for all the band. Birthday compliments to Philip Nega, son of the 7.
Ringing World page reference: 5612.1109

North American Guild
Toronto, Ontario
Cathedral Church of St James
Sunday, 14 October 2018 in 50m (8)
1344 Plain Bob Major
1 Robin E C Clarke
2 Michael Hinton
3 Pauline Smith
4 Callum Smith
5 David Wilcox (C)
6 Madeleine Cheesman
7 Linda D Rankin
8 Chris Ruch
Offering the band's congratulations to the Right Rev. Andrew Asbil, appointed Coadjutor Bishop of Toronto, who was delighted to be so honoured.
Robin Clarke and David Wilcox have now both circled the tower to quarter peals.

North American Guild
Boston, Massachusetts
The Advent
Sunday, 14 October 2018 in 66m (19–1–7 in E)
1718 Grandsire Triples
Composed by John Garthon
Arranged by Austin J Paul
1 Cally D Perry
2 Danielle M Morse
3 Ricky Morse
4 Michael Tartell
5 John Bihn
6 Austin J Paul (C)
7 Leland Paul Kusmer
8 Elaine M Hansen
Commemorating 300 years since the first peal of Grandsire Triples, rung 26 August 1718 at St Peter Mancroft, Norwich.
Rung using an arrangement of that original peal composition.

North American Guild
Kent, Connecticut
St Joseph's Chapel
Saturday, 27 October 2018 in 46m (11–2–16)
1260 Plain Bob Triples
Composed by Traditional
1 Beth Sinclair
2 Dale Winter
3 Austin J Paul
4 Leland Paul Kusmer
5 Matthew C Austin (Faculty)
6 Stuart J Barton
7 Alexander T Taft III '99 (C)
8 Thomas W Holcombe (Faculty Emeritus)
In memory of Jonathan Andrew Voorhees (August 12, 1966 - July 28, 2018).
First of Triples: 5

North American Guild
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
St Martin in the Fields
Sunday, 28 October 2018 in 38m (4–2–8 in D)
1260 Doubles
360 St Martin's, 480 Plain Bob, 420 Grandsire
1 Allison Schinagle
2 Chantal Meloscia
3 Alex Meloscia
4 Eileen Joy Butler
5 Bruce N Butler (C)
6 Alan Morrison
First Quarter - treble
Dedicated to the victims of the synagogue tragedy in Pittsburgh and condolences to their families

North American Guild
Boston, Massachusetts
The Advent
Sunday, 28 October 2018 in 2h 57 (19–1–7 in E)
5088 Yorkshire Surprise Major
Composed by Donald F Morrison (157)
1 Jeremy C Bates
2 Tina Hitchings
3 John Hitchings
4 Beth Sinclair
5 Stuart J Barton
6 Austin J Paul
7 Maurice W Southworth (C)
8 Alexander T Taft III
Rung in memory of the 11 killed during services at the Tree of Life Synagogue on October 27, 2018 in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania
Part of the US QBC project
Ringing World page reference: 5612.1109

North American Guild
Stepney, Greater London
St George in the East
Sunday, 4 November 2018 in 2h 33 (6–0–9 in C)
5024 London Surprise Major
Composed by Henry Dains
1 Quilla Roth
2 Alexander T Taft III
3 Rebecca Gingell
4 Joanna K Dorling
5 Cecily W Rock
6 Timothy J Barnes
7 J Chapman Knott (C)
8 Alan Regin
First towerbell peal for the North American Guild in London since 1987.
The band would also like to associate Stephen Bailey with this peal.
Ringing World page reference: 5613.1132

North American Guild
Marblehead, MA, USA
25 Kenneth Road
Sunday, 4 November 2018 in 1h 55 (14)
5040 Minor (4 Methods)
2 extents Cambridge S, Kent TB, Oxford TB and one of Plain Bob
1–2 Leland Paul Kusmer
3–4 Cally D Perry
5–6 Edward J Futcher (C)
Ringing World page reference: 5620.0034

North American Guild
Marblehead, MA, USA
25 Kenneth Road
Sunday, 4 November 2018 in 1h 54 (8)
5040 Plain Bob Minor
1–2 Leah Sutter Chapman
3–4 Adin Kreiger-Benson
5–6 Austin J Paul (C)
Ringing World page reference: 5620.0034

North American Guild
Marblehead, MA, USA
25 Kenneth Road
Sunday, 4 November 2018 in 2h 20 (14)
5040 Plain Bob Minor
1–2 David B Wilson
3–4 John E Schreiner
5–6 Elaine M Hansen (C)
First peal: 1-2
In thanksgiving for the life of J. Harold Lesh, father-in-law of 3-4
Ringing World page reference: 5620.0034

North American Guild
Boston, Massachusetts
Christ Church, Old North
Sunday, 4 November 2018 (13–3–5 in F)
1272 Joanna Lynn Delight Minor
1 John Bihn
2 Cally D Perry
3 Laura Dickerson
4 Danielle M Morse
5 Austin J Paul
6 Elaine M Hansen (C)
In gratitude for the life of Joanna Lynn Brosius Chaplin, 23 May 1986 - 22 April 2017.
First in method for all.

North American Guild
Washington, District of Columbia
Cathedral Church of St Peter and St Paul
Saturday, 10 November 2018 in 45m (9–2–7 in A)
1260 Grandsire Doubles
1 Philip Merrill
2 Quilla Roth
3 Katharine S Emmons
4 Beth Sinclair
5 Robert Bannister (C)
6 Erin Nixon
For the wedding of Taylor Walker and Jake Colby.
First as conductor.

North American Guild
Toronto, Ontario
Cathedral Church of St James
Sunday, 11 November 2018 in 55m (21–2–10 in D)
1296 Plain Bob Caters
1 Jillian Ruch
2 Pauline Smith
3 Linda D Rankin
4 Madeleine Cheesman
5 Christopher Ruch
6 Callum Smith
7 Stuart Cox
8 Robin E C Clarke
9 David Wilcox (C)
10 Michael Hinton
Rung to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the armistice ending World War I - the war to end all wars, and to honour armed forces personnel past and present for their service in the name of freedom.

North American Guild
Seattle, WA, USA
University of Washington
Sunday, 11 November 2018 in 48m (6–0–6)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Tj Marchello
2 Alexander E Holroyd (C)
3 Melissa Cheng
4 Lizzie Wratten
5 Rebecca A Woodgate
6 Dylan Majewski
Half-muffled on the 100th anniversary of the Armistice of World War I. First half-muffled quarter on the bells. Followed by rounds on the back 5, 4, 3, and 2 bells, then 100 strokes of the tenor.

North American Guild
Little Rock, Arkansas
Trinity Episcopal Cathedral
Sunday, 11 November 2018 (9–0–1 in A)
Rounds and Call Changes
21 Tolls of the Tenor Bell at 11:00am, followed by Rounds & Call Changes
1 Margaret Dearnley
2 Philip Buck
3 Mary Wilson
4 Sandy Miller Hayes
5 Kay Shurgar
6 Porter Brownlee
7 Richard Dearnley (C)
8 William Hronas
Rung for the Centenary of the Armistice of 1918, signed 11 November 1918.
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.
The Trinity Cathedral Ringing Society would also like to associate fellow ringer Julie Keller with this event.

North American Guild
Boston, Massachusetts
Christ Church, Old North
Sunday, 11 November 2018 in 3h 1 (13–3–5 in F)
5056 Plain Bob Major
Composed by Arthur Knights
1 Joshua Burson
2 Margaret Pan
3 Phoebe House
4 Michael Tartell
5 Elaine M Hansen
6 John E Schreiner
7 Maurice W Southworth (C)
8 Austin J Paul
Rung for the 100th anniversary of the armistice that ended World War I.
First peal: 1,2
First inside: 4
Ringing World page reference: 5614.1155

North American Guild
Marblehead, Massachusetts
25 Kenneth Road
Sunday, 2 December 2018 in 1h 20 (8)
2528 Plain Bob Major
Composed by Wilfrid F Moreton
1–2 David B Wilson
3–4 Adin Kreiger-Benson
5–6 Bryn Marie Reinstadler
7–8 Elaine M Hansen (C)

North American Guild
Marblehead, MA, USA
25 Kenneth Road
Sunday, 2 December 2018 in 2h 24 (13)
5088 Yorkshire Surprise Major
Composed by N Pitstow
1–2 Leland Paul Kusmer
3–4 Cally D Perry
5–6 Austin J Paul
7–8 Edward J Futcher (C)
First surprise in hand 1-2.
First surprise in hand on an inside pair 5-6
Ringing World page reference: 5620.0034

North American Guild
Sewanee, Tennessee
Breslin Tower
Saturday, 8 December 2018 in 43m (11–0–23)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Carlos Zayas-Pons
2 Bill Perrins (C)
3 Rachel Rodgers
4 Tom Roast
5 Raymond Gotko
6 Keith Henley
First quarter 1, first inside 5. Rung prior to the Festival of 9 Lessons and Carols in All Saints Chapel , University of the South. The first time that four Sewanee ringers have rung together in a quarter peal.

North American Guild
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
St Martin in the Fields
Saturday, 8 December 2018 in 39m (4–2–8 in D)
1260 Doubles
240 St Martin's, 480 Plain Bob and 540 Grandsire
1 Helen Downs Haller
2 Eileen Joy Butler
3 Sue DeVuyst
4 Christian J Haller
5 Bruce N Butler (C)
6 Robert Crystal
1st Quarter #6
1st on treble
Rung to commemorate the death on December 7, 2018 of Donald A Taylor, for many years a valued and beloved member of Church of The Ascension, Rochester, NY, the home church of the 1, 4 and 6, as well as the home tower of the 3.
30th anniversary of learning to ring for #2 and 50 years of membership in the SRCY and 375th quarter on these bells for #5.

North American Guild
Sewanee, Tennessee
The Breslin Tower
Thursday, 13 December 2018 in 45m (11–0–25)
1260 Doubles
420 Grandsire, 840 Plain Bob
1 Carlos Zayas-Pons
2 Bill Perrins (C)
3 Rachel Rodgers
4 Tom Roast
5 Raymond Gotko
6 John Solomon
First quarter 6.

North American Guild
Northampton, Massachusetts
Friday, 14 December 2018 in 40m (12Bb)
1440 Plain Bob Minor
1–2 Alison N Stevens
3–4 Leah Sutter Chapman
5–6 Leland Paul Kusmer (C)
First inside: 3-4.

North American Guild
Cambridge, MA, USA
Friday, 14 December 2018 in 35m (8)
1280 Spliced Surprise Major (8 Methods)
1–2 Austin J Paul
3–4 Cally D Perry
5–6 Elaine M Hansen
7–8 Edward J Futcher (C)

North American Guild
Cambridge, MA, USA
Saturday, 15 December 2018 in 2h 15 (8)
5056 Cambridge Surprise Major
Composed by C Middleton
1–2 Bryn Marie Reinstadler
3–4 Austin J Paul
5–6 Elaine M Hansen
7–8 Edward J Futcher (C)
Ringing World page reference: 5620.0036

North American Guild
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
St Martin in the Fields
Sunday, 16 December 2018 (4–2–8 in D)
1260 Doubles
60 Stedman, 240 each of St Simon's and St Martin's, 360 each of Plain Bob and Grandsire
1 Winston Moody
2 Eileen Joy Butler
3 Alex Meloscia
4 Brian Zook
5 Bruce N Butler (C)
6 Alan Morrison
Rung for Sunday service and to celebrate the holiday season

North American Guild
Northampton, Massachusetts
Mendenhall Center, Smith College
Sunday, 16 December 2018 in 2h 55 (8–2–11 in A)
5056 Superlative Surprise Major
Composed by Anthony J Cox
1 Leland Paul Kusmer (C)
2 Myles Louis Dakan
3 John Bihn
4 John E Schreiner
5 Phoebe House
6 Alison N Stevens
7 Elaine M Hansen
8 Austin J Paul
Birthday wishes to Maia McCormick.
First in method: 2, 3, 5, 6.
Ringing World page reference: 5620.0035

North American Guild
Kent, Connecticut
Kent School Chapel
Sunday, 16 December 2018 in 2h 55 (11–2–16 in F♯)
5040 Plain Bob Triples
Composed by D F Morrison (No. 2153)
1 John Hitchings
2 Beth Sinclair
3 Tina Hitchings
4 Quilla Roth
5 Matthew C Austin
6 Alexander T Taft III
7 Timothy J Barnes (C)
8 Stuart J Barton
First peal: 5;
200th peal: 6.
Ringing World page reference: 5620.0035

North American Guild
Boston, Massachusetts
The Advent
Monday, 17 December 2018 (19–1–7 in E)
540 Plain Bob Minor
1 Rosalie Nesbit
2 Ricky Morse
3 Laura Dickerson
4 Phoebe House
5 Elaine M Hansen
6 Austin J Paul (C)
Rung in memory of Michael Dawson, a member of the congregation and ringer at The Advent.
Rung immediately following a Requiem Mass for Michael.

North American Guild
Raleigh, USA
Christ Church
Sunday, 23 December 2018 in 42m (4¼)
1260 Plain Bob Minor
1 Elizabeth Hartzell
2 John Mabe
3 Lindsey Hutt-Fletcher
4 Margo Acomb
5 John Gray
6 Edward J Futcher (C)
For Advent IV service.
First minor inside: 3.

North American Guild
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
St Martin in the Fields
Sunday, 23 December 2018 in 37m (4–2–8 in D)
1260 Doubles
60 Stedman, 240 each of Winchendon Place, St Nicholas,Reverse Canterbury, Plain Bob and Grandsire
1 Winston Moody
2 Eileen Joy Butler
3 Alex Meloscia
4 Brian Zook
5 Bruce N Butler (C)
6 Alan Morrison
For Christmas
350th Quarter Peal together on the bells #2 and #5

North American Guild
Orleans, Massachusetts, USA
Church of the Transfiguration
Sunday, 23 December 2018 in 45m (10–3–6 in G)
1260 Plain Bob Triples
1 Sr Alicia Mitman
2 Sr Seana Shannon
3 Br John Henderson
4 Olivia Tingley
5 Alan McDonald
6 Lydia Andre
7 Br Anthony Kanaga (C)
8 Br Joel Sweet
In celebration of Christmas!

North American Guild
Raleigh, USA
Christ Church
Monday, 24 December 2018 in 42m (4¼)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Elizabeth Hartzell
2 Edward J Futcher (C)
3 Miriam Dixon
4 Brodie Burwell
5 John Mabe
6 Tom Erwin
For Christmas Eve Service

North American Guild
Raleigh, USA
Christ Church
Tuesday, 25 December 2018 in 44m (4¼)
1320 Doubles
(720 Grandsire; 600 Plain Bob)
1 Elizabeth Hartzell
2 Miriam Dixon
3 Lindsey Hutt-Fletcher
4 John Mabe (C)
5 Edward J Futcher
6 James Fletcher
For Christmas Service

North American Guild
Marietta, Georgia
St James
Monday, 31 December 2018 in 42m (5–1–5 in C)
1260 Mixed Doubles
St Martin's, St Simon's, Plain
1 Catherine P Brown (C)
2 Mary Platt
3 Derek J Wilsden
4 Jay Williams
5 Charley Heilker
6 Will Eubanks