Performances report

This page gives a report of the performances matching your search criteria.

There were 272 matching performances. The top 200 are listed below.

North American Guild
Washington, District of Columbia
Cathedral Church of SS Peter & Paul
Sunday, 1 January 2012 in 3h 29 (32cwt)
5040 Plain Bob Royal
Composed by H J Tucker
1 Quilla Roth
2 Carolyn V Ormes
3 Beth Sinclair
4 William J Kollar
5 Frederick DuPuy
6 Robert Bannister
7 Eric R Trumpler
8 B Haley Barnett
9 Cecily W Rock
10 Alexander T Taft III (C)
For New Year's Day.
With appreciation for the work of the stonemasons and all whose efforts helped the Cathedral reopen following last August's earthquake.
First Royal inside: 5,6.
Ringing World page reference: 5257.0090

North American Guild
Charleston, South Carolina
Grace Church
Sunday, 1 January 2012 (16)
1260 Plain Bob Triples
1 Doug McCoy
2 Rosalie Crouch
3 Eve Gentieu
4 Roy Smith
5 Bill Buckner
6 David Porter
7 Noah Smith (C)
8 Wray Lemke
First of Triples for the treble.
Rung in celebration of the New Year, and complements to the 6's father on his 84th birthday and to the 5's mother for her 83rd birthday.

North American Guild
Marietta, Georgia
St James
Monday, 2 January 2012 (5)
1260 Plain Bob Minor
1 Alice Gough Heilker
2 Charley Heilker
3 Jay Williams
4 Mary Platt
5 Emily Heilker
6 Catherine P Brown (C)
For the New Year

North American Guild
Washington, District of Columbia
Old Post Office Tower
Thursday, 5 January 2012 in 43m (8)
1260 Plain Bob Minor
1 Mary Clark
2 David J Murphy
3 Robin L Jones
4 Thomas H Schutt
5 Frederick DuPuy (C)
6 Quilla Roth
For the opening of the second session of the 112th Congress.
First minor — 2.

North American Guild
Cambridge, MA, USA
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Thursday, 5 January 2012 in 2h 25 (13)
5056 Rutland Surprise Major
Composed by D F Morrison
1–2 Cally D Perry
3–4 Kristine K Fowler
5–6 Elaine M Hansen
7–8 Edward J Futcher (C)
Ringing World page reference: 5290.0974

North American Guild
Washington, DC
Cathedral Church of St. Peter and St. Paul
Sunday, 8 January 2012 in 46m (9)
1274 Mixed Minor
720 London Minor, 554 Cambridge Major
Composed by Robert Roan and R W Pipe
1 David Baverstock (C)
2 Meredith A Morris
3 Beth Sinclair
4 Mary Clark
5 Bill Kollar
6 B Haley Barnett
For Sunday service.

North American Guild
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
St Martin
Sunday, 8 January 2012 in 38m (in)
1260 Doubles
4 methods - 240 each of St Simon's and St Martin's, 360 Plain, 420 Grandsire
1 Alan Morrison
2 Eileen Joy Butler
3 Brian Zook
4 Russell Torrey
5 Bruce N Butler (C)
6 Winston Moody
For the New Year
For Bill McDowell, parishioner at St Martin's
2&5 - 300th together on the bells

North American Guild
New York, New York
Trinity, Wall Street
Sunday, 8 January 2012 in 64m (24)
1584 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
1 Jeremy C Bates
2 John S Danaher
3 Lynn E Kodrich
4 John Hitchings
5 Donald Trumpler
6 Eric Trumpler
7 Timothy J Barnes (C)
8 Tina Hitchings
9 Gregory F Russell
10 Cecily W Rock
11 Ross J Finbow
12 Alexander T Taft III

North American Guild
New York, New York
Trinity, Wall Street
Sunday, 8 January 2012 in 48m (23)
1280 Bristol Surprise Major
1 Amy Lam
2 Tina Hitchings
3 John Hitchings
4 Mark R Gosden
5 Jeremy C Bates
6 Michael R Harrison
7 Timothy J Barnes (C)
8 Duncan J Large
First Bristol: 4

North American Guild
Marblehead, MA, USA
25 Kenneth Road
Sunday, 8 January 2012 in 2h 35 (13)
5120 Spliced Surprise Major (4m)
1440 Yorkshire, 1280 Cambridge, Lincolnshire, 1120 Rutland. 69 com, all the work.
Composed by Philip G K Davies
1–2 Cally D Perry
3–4 Kristine K Fowler
5–6 Elaine M Hansen
7–8 Edward J Futcher (C)
Ringing World page reference: 5290.0974

North American Guild
73B Lucky Heights
Wednesday, 11 January 2012 in 40m (11G)
1264 Plain Bob Major
1–2 Dale A Winter
3–4 Alan Winter (C)
5–6 Marjorie B Winter
7–8 Emily R Russell

North American Guild
Charleston, South Carolina
Cathedral of St Luke and St Paul
Wednesday, 11 January 2012 (14)
1300 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Wray Lemke
2 Charlotte A Causey
3 Roy Smith
4 Wood Struthers
5 Noah Smith (C)
6 Stephen M Collins
First as Treble: 1
First Inside: 4
Rung in celebration of the 5's Eagle Scout Award. The band would like to associate CJ Cantwell with the quarter peal.

North American Guild
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
St Mark
Friday, 13 January 2012 in 47m (17)
1250 Spliced Surprise Major
640 Yorkshire, 610 Cambridge
1 Donald Trumpler (C)
2 Eileen Joy Butler
3 Elisabeth Trumpler
4 T David Westmoreland
5 Bruce N Butler
6 Noah Smith
7 Christian Haller
8 Andrew A Ward
For the 20th Anniversary of Quarter Peal Weekend in Philadelphia

North American Guild
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
St Martin
Saturday, 14 January 2012 in 46m (4)
1260 Plain Bob Triples
1 Susan V Clopper
2 Beverly Faber
3 Deborah Cooper
4 Robin L Jones
5 Don Morrison (C)
6 Brian Zook
7 Noah Smith
8 Alan Morrison
First in method, 3
First on 8, 4

North American Guild
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
St Martin
Saturday, 14 January 2012 in 45m (4)
1264 Plain Bob Major
1 Ross J Finbow
2 Donald Trumpler (C)
3 Beth Sinclair
4 Brian Dearnley
5 Lian von Wantoch
6 Matthew Bogen
7 Mark Gosden
8 Paul Windells III
50th Quarter Peal, 5 and 8

North American Guild
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
St Martin
Saturday, 14 January 2012 (4)
1344 Cornwall Surpirse Major
1 Christian Haller
2 Meredith A Morris
3 Don Morrison (C)
4 Carolyn V Ormes
5 Eric T Jacobson
6 Noah Smith
7 Alexander T Taft III
8 Ross J Finbow
First in method, 4, 7

North American Guild
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
St Martin
Saturday, 14 January 2012 in 39m (4)
1260 Doubles
600 Plain Bob, 660 Grandsire
1 Andrew Wanowski
2 Beth Sinclair
3 Matthew Bogen
4 Eileen Joy Butler
5 Bruce N Butler (C)
6 Eileen Latham

North American Guild
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
St Martin
Saturday, 14 January 2012 in 42m (4)
1300 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Winston Moody
2 Elaine C Gosden
3 Noah Smith (C)
4 T David Westmoreland
5 L Russell Torrey
6 James L Snyder

North American Guild
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
St Martin
Saturday, 14 January 2012 (in)
1264 Plain Bob Major
1–2 Christian Haller
3–4 Sue De Vuyst
5–6 T David Westmoreland
7–8 Don Morrison (C)

North American Guild
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
St Mark
Saturday, 14 January 2012 (17)
1296 Cambridge Minor
1 Robin L Jones
2 Donald Trumpler (C)
3 Elisabeth Trumpler
4 Carolyn V Ormes
5 Christian Haller
6 Bill Kollar

North American Guild
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
St Mark
Saturday, 14 January 2012 (17)
1260 Plain Bob Triples
1 Sue DeVuyst
2 Brian Dearnley
3 Elisabeth Trumpler
4 Christian Haller
5 Donald Trumpler
6 Bill Kollar
7 Alexander Taft III (C)
8 Carleton MacDonald
Dedicated to the wedding of Brian and Meghan Dearnley, September 10, 2011

North American Guild
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
St Mark
Saturday, 14 January 2012 in 52m (17)
1344 Grandsire Triples
1 Sue DeVuyst
2 Tina Hitchings (C)
3 A Thomas Miller
4 Eric T Jacobson
5 Brian Zook
6 Thomas Wood Holcombe
7 John Hitchings
8 Carleton MacDonald

North American Guild
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
St Martin
Sunday, 15 January 2012 in 42m (4)
1260 Grandsire Triples
1 Eileen Joy Butler
2 Beverly Faber
3 Lian von Wantoch
4 Eve Gentieu
5 Roy N Latham
6 Bruce N Butler (C)
7 Meredith A Morris
8 Bruce Dormuth
First Grandsire Triples - 4
Birthday compliment - 2

North American Guild
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
St Martin
Sunday, 15 January 2012 (4)
1320 Plain Bob Minor
1 Elisabeth Trumpler
2 Sue De Vuyst
3 Christian Haller
4 Donald Trumpler
5 Lian von Wantoch
6 Noah Smith (C)
First Minor inside in tower - 2

North American Guild
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
St Martin
Sunday, 15 January 2012 (4)
1344 Plain Bob Major
1 T David Westmoreland
2 Beverly Faber
3 Donald Trumpler
4 Elisabeth Trumpler
5 Christian Haller
6 Lian von Wantoch
7 Ross J Finbow
8 Noah Smith (C)
First quarter of major as conductor

North American Guild
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
St Martin
Sunday, 15 January 2012 in 42m (4)
1260 Plain Bob Triples
1 Sue DeVuyst
2 Beverly Faber
3 Eileen Joy Butler
4 Lian von Wantoch
5 Robin L Jones
6 Christian Haller
7 Bruce N Butler (C)
8 Bruce Dormuth

North American Guild
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
St Mark
Sunday, 15 January 2012 (17)
1250 Spliced Surprise Major
Cambridge, Yorkshire and Lincolnshire
1 Don Morrison (C)
2 Eileen Joy Butler
3 T David Westmoreland
4 Bruce N Butler
5 Meredith A Morris
6 Roy N Latham
7 Alexander T Taft III
8 Noah Smith
For Sunday Service

North American Guild
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
St Mark
Sunday, 15 January 2012 in 48m (17)
1260 Grandsire Triples
1 Bill Kollar
2 Eric T Jacobson
3 A Thomas Miller
4 Carolyn V Ormes
5 Brian Zook
6 Brian Dearnley
7 Alexander Taft III (C)
8 C Tyson Nettles
150th Quarter 3

North American Guild
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
St Mark
Sunday, 15 January 2012 (17)
1264 Plain Bob Major
1 A Thomas Miller
2 Brian Dearnley
3 Robin L Jones
4 Carolyn V Ormes
5 Beth Sinclair
6 Brian Zook
7 Don Morrison (C)
8 Bill Kollar
Following Sunday Service
First Major 3
First Major Inside 6

North American Guild
Bensalem, Pennsylvania
944 Station Ave, Apt A4
Sunday, 15 January 2012
1320 Spliced Treble Bob Minor
2m: Kent, Oxford
1–2 Elisabeth Trumpler
3–4 Donald Trumpler (C)
5–6 Ross J Finbow

North American Guild
Washington, DC
Old Post Office Tower
Monday, 16 January 2012 in 43m (8)
1260 Stedman Doubles
1 Quilla Roth (C)
2 Susan M O'Neill
3 Greg Watson
4 Tom Schutt
5 Mary Clark
6 Katie Emmons
For Martin Luther King, Jr., Day. First Stedman: 4.

North American Guild
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
St Martin
Monday, 16 January 2012 in 42m (4)
1250 Yorkshire Surprise Major
1 Robin L Jones
2 Eileen Joy Butler
3 Elisabeth Trumpler
4 Donald Trumpler
5 Carolyn V Ormes
6 Alexander T Taft III
7 Bill Kollar
8 Bruce N Butler (C)
First treble bob major - 1

North American Guild
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
St Martin
Monday, 16 January 2012 in 39m (4)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Theresa A Glab
2 Alexander T Taft III (C)
3 Beverly Faber
4 Roy N Latham
5 Brian Dearnley
6 Helen Downs Haller
Thanksgiving for the birth of Olivia Ryan Smith, born on this date

North American Guild
Washington, District of Columbia
Cathedral Church of St Peter and St Paul
Sunday, 22 January 2012 in 54m (32)
1296 Erin Caters
Composed by Trad.
1 Paula Fleming
2 Quilla Roth
3 Beth Sinclair
4 Susan M O'Neill
5 Meredith A Morris
6 Mary Clark
7 Bill Kollar
8 Cecily W Rock
9 Alexander T Taft III (C)
10 Phillip Merrill
For Sunday Service

North American Guild
Charleston, South Carolina
Grace Church
Tuesday, 24 January 2012 (16)
1300 Mixed Doubles
240 each of St. Simons and St. Martins, 360 Grandsire, and 460 Plain Bob
1 Daniel Hurlburt
2 Rosalie Crouch
3 Eve Gentieu
4 David Porter
5 Noah Smith (C)
6 Josh Tucker
Rung in celebration of the birth of Wyatt Vander Ploeg born today – related to the 2
50th quarter conducted by the 5

North American Guild
Charleston, South Carolina
Cathedral of St Luke and St Paul
Wednesday, 25 January 2012
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 CJ Cantwell
2 Roy Smith
3 Stephen M Collins
4 Daniel Hurlburt
5 Noah Smith (C)
6 Wray Lemke
First Inside: 4

North American Guild
Calgary, Canada
Christ Church
Wednesday, 25 January 2012 in 43m (8–2–0)
1320 Spliced Doubles
Grandsire & Plain Bob
1 Ann Williams
2 Eric W R Bumstead (C)
3 Ruth Lund
4 Karli R Martin
5 William Dawson

North American Guild
Seattle, Washington
University of Washington
Sunday, 29 January 2012 in 44m (6)
1260 Spliced Minor (2m)
900 Plain Bob, 360 Little Bob
1 Rachel H Pusey
2 Tristan J Parker
3 Lizzie Wratten
4 Dilip J Sequeira
5 Alexander E Holroyd (C)
6 Rebecca A Woodgate
In memory of Jean Meyerson, grandmother of 2.
1st spliced: 2,3.

North American Guild
New York, New York
Trinity, Wall Street
Sunday, 29 January 2012 in 47m (23)
1296 Grandsire Caters
1 Duncan J Large
2 Tina Hitchings
3 Elaine C Gosden
4 Donald Trumpler
5 Elisabeth Trumpler
6 John Hitchings (C)
7 Lian von Wantoch
8 Meredith Morris
9 Jeremy C Bates
10 Mark R Gosden
In memory of parishioner Bruce Jackman

North American Guild
Charleston, South Carolina
Grace Church
Sunday, 29 January 2012 (16)
1320 Plain Bob Minor
1 Rosalie Crouch
2 Sara Ray
3 Eve Gentieu
4 David Porter
5 Roy Smith
6 Noah Smith (C)
Rung half-muffled in remembrance of Dr. Shirley Anne Sumerel Smith, mother of the 5, grandmother of the 6, "cousin-in-law" of the 2, and friend to Grace Episcopal Church, Charleston, SC

North American Guild
Boston, Massachusetts
The Advent
Sunday, 29 January 2012 in 3h 8 (19cwt)
5120 Cambridge Surprise Major
Composed by Andrew N Tyler
1 Andrew N Tyler (C)
2 Cally D Perry
3 Emily R Russell
4 Kirby E Russell
5 Geoffrey Davies
6 Elaine M Hansen
7 Maurice W Southworth
8 Edward J Futcher
Dedicated to the memory of The Honorable Kevin Hagan White (1929-2012), Mayor of the City of Boston 1968-1984. Mayor White lived opposite the Church of the Advent on Mount Vernon Street and was familiar with these well-known bells.
First S: 4.
Ringing World page reference: 5261.0186

North American Guild
Minneapolis, Minnesota
338 Walter Library, University of Minnesota
Tuesday, 31 January 2012
1320 Norwich Surprise Minor
1–2 Julie M Curtsinger
3–4 Kristine K Fowler
5–6 Susan K Fautsch (C)
1st in method 1-2

North American Guild
Charleston, South Carolina
Cathedral of St Luke and St Paul
Wednesday, 1 February 2012 (14)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Kester Heaton
2 Roy Smith
3 Stephen M Collins
4 Noah Smith (C)
5 Wray Lemke
6 Harriet Williams
Rung to honor John Fernau, recently deployed.
The band would like to associate CJ Cantwell and Wood Struthers with the quarter peal.
First quarter peal: 1
First quarter peal on the tenor: 6
First quarter peal inside: 5

North American Guild
Seattle, Washington
University of Washington
Sunday, 5 February 2012 in 44m (6–0–6)
1272 Spliced Surprise Minor (3m)
Beverley, Cambridge, Surfleet
1 Tristan J Parker
2 Rebecca A Woodgate
3 Lizzie Wratten
4 Dilip J Sequeira
5 Alexander E Holroyd (C)
6 Rachel H Pusey
1st treble bob: 1
1st spliced surprise: 3

North American Guild
New York, New York
Trinity, Wall Street
Sunday, 5 February 2012 in 48m (23)
1250 Cambridge Surprise Major
1 Amy Lam
2 Elaine C Gosden
3 Tina Hitchings
4 Mark R Gosden
5 John Hitchings
6 Jeremy C Bates
7 Timothy J Barnes (C)
8 Duncan J Large
To mark the 60th anniversary of the accession of HM Queen Elizabeth II

North American Guild
Québec, Québec
Trinity Cathedral
Monday, 6 February 2012 in 43m (16)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Eileen Joy Butler
2 Andrea Falk
3 Benjamin Waterhouse
4 Donna McEwen
5 Bruce N Butler (C)
6 René Moisan
Rung to mark the 60th anniversary of the Accession of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II to the throne.
Birthday compliments to number 4.
First quarter peal #3. First quarter peal inside #2.

North American Guild
420 River Road
Tuesday, 7 February 2012 in 2h (size 9)
5040 Minor (3m)
(3m: 2 exts each St Clement's CB, Buxton B; 3 exts Plain B)
1–2 Elisabeth Trumpler
3–4 Donald Trumpler (C)
5–6 R Roger Savory
Birthday compliment for Roger, and a get-well wish for Lynn Kodrich.
Ringing World page reference: 5262.0213

North American Guild
Charleston, South Carolina
Grace Church
Saturday, 11 February 2012 (16)
1344 Plain Bob Major
1 Stephen Collins
2 Lyn Barnett
3 Paul A Cammiade
4 Eve Gentieu
5 Ted Clark
6 Bill Buckner
7 Roy Smith
8 Noah Smith (C)
In celebration of David Porter's 50th birthday.
First of Major - 7

North American Guild
Charleston, South Carolina
Grace Church
Saturday, 11 February 2012
1320 Cambridge Surprise Minor
1 Roy Smith
2 Lyn Barnett
3 Kathryn E Tucker
4 Paul A Cammiade
5 Ted Clark
6 Noah Smith (C)
First conducting Surprise - 6
First Treble Bobbing - 1

North American Guild
Washington, District of Columbia
Cathedral Church of St Peter and St Paul
Sunday, 12 February 2012 in 55m (32)
1291 Erin Caters
Composed by John Hyden
1 Quilla Roth
2 Carolyn V Ormes
3 Katharine S Emmons
4 Mary Clark
5 Frederick DuPuy
6 Meredith A Morris
7 Alexander T Taft III (C)
8 B Haley Barnett
9 Bill Kollar
10 Philip Merrill
In thanksgiving for the life of Adelaide Clark.
First Erin – 5.

North American Guild
Seattle, Washington
University of Washington
Sunday, 12 February 2012 in 42m (6–0–6)
1260 Doubles (4m)
Grandsire, St Simon's Bob, St Martin's Bob, Plain Bob
1 Sylvia Allen
2 Tristan J Parker
3 Alexander E Holroyd (C)
4 Rebecca A Woodgate
5 Rachel H Pusey
6 Dilip J Sequeira
Get well wishes to Susan Barnes.

North American Guild
Toronto, Ontario
St James' Cathedral
Wednesday, 15 February 2012 (8)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Natashya Moran
2 David Wilcox (C)
3 David Hawkins (C)
4 Madeleine Cheesman (C)
5 Michael Hinton (C)
6 Will Bahr
First quarter at first attempt: 1.
First quarter on 6 bells: 6.
Rung to wish Madeleine Cheesman a long and happy retirement.
The band would like to thank Nick Cheesman for his help in the preparation for this quarter peal

North American Guild
Charleston, South Carolina
Cathedral of St Luke and St Paul
Wednesday, 15 February 2012
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Stephen Collins
2 Charlotte A Causey
3 Roy Smith
4 Noah Smith (C)
5 Wray Lemke
6 Margaret Ratcliffe
Rung in honor of Nick Winter, our friend in China.
Quarter peal associated with CJ Cantwell.

North American Guild
Washington, D.C., USA
Old Post Office Tower
Saturday, 18 February 2012 in 57m (26)
1440 Bristol Surprise Royal
1 Susan M O'Neill
2 Quilla Roth
3 B Haley Barnett
4 Cecily W Rock
5 Jennifer S Mackley
6 John S Danaher
7 Timothy J Barnes (C)
8 J Chapman Knott
9 Duncan J Large
10 Alexander T Taft III

North American Guild
Washington, District of Columbia
Cathedral Church of SS Peter & Paul
Sunday, 19 February 2012 in 3h 18 (32cwt)
5040 Bristol Surprise Royal
Composed by Anon
1 Susan M O'Neill
2 Quilla Roth
3 B Haley Barnett
4 Cecily W Rock
5 Jennifer S Mackley
6 John S Danaher
7 Timothy J Barnes (C)
8 J Chapman Knott
9 Alexander T Taft III
10 Duncan J Large
Rung in thanksgiving for the life of Peter J Staniforth, who rang in the first peal on these bells in May 1964.
Ringing World page reference: 5266.0324

North American Guild
Boston, Massachusetts
Church of the Advent
Sunday, 19 February 2012 in 51m (19)
1344 Plain Bob Major
1 Marj Winter
2 Laura Dickerson
3 Oliver Kosut
4 Daniel J O'Donovan
5 Ricky Morse
6 Emily R Russell
7 Geoffrey Davies (C)
8 Dale Winter
In memory of Bonnie Barton Armstrong (1934-2012), a former ringer at this Church in the 1970's and 1980's. Edward J. Futcher wishes to be associated with this half-muffled tribute.

North American Guild
Washington, District of Columbia
Old Post Office Tower
Monday, 20 February 2012 in 52m (13)
1260 Plain Bob Triples
Composed by Unknown
1 Katie Emmons
2 Beth Sinclair
3 Robin L Jones
4 Quilla Roth
5 Lian von Wantoch
6 Frederick DuPuy (C)
7 Meredith A Morris
8 Carleton MacDonald
For Presidents' Day.

North American Guild
Marietta, Georgia
St James
Monday, 20 February 2012 (5)
1280 Plain Bob Major
1 1 Charley Heilker
2 2 Mary Platt
3 3 Kathryn E Tucker
4 4 Lyn Barnett
5 5 Roy Smith
6 6 Noah Smith
7 7 Catherine P Brown
8 8 Derek J Wilsden (C)

North American Guild
Charleston, South Carolina
Grace Church
Friday, 24 February 2012 (16)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 John Mabe (C)
2 Daniel Hurlburt
3 Jene Francois
4 Steve Collins
5 Wray Lemke
6 Margaret Ratcliffe

North American Guild
Charleston, South Carolina
Grace Church
Friday, 24 February 2012 (16)
1280 Cambridge Surprise Major
1 Steve Collins
2 Charlotte Causey
3 Eileen Butler
4 John Mabe
5 Alan Regin
6 Bruce Butler
7 John Mulvey
8 Paul Jopp (C)
first in surprise major, 2

North American Guild
Charleston, South Carolina
Grace Church
Friday, 24 February 2012 (16)
1280 Yorkshire Surprise Major
1 Kathryn Tucker
2 Roger Baldwin (C)
3 Martin J Turner
4 Ted Clark
5 John Mabe
6 David Porter
7 John Mulvey
8 Alan Regin
1st in method, 4

North American Guild
Charleston, South Carolina
Grace Church
Friday, 24 February 2012 (16)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Lyn Barnett
2 Alan Regin (C)
3 Ted Clark
4 Robert Aldinger
5 Doug McCoy
6 Donna McEwen

North American Guild
Charleston, South Carolina
Cathedral of St Luke and St Paul
Friday, 24 February 2012 (14)
1280 London Surprise Major
1 John King
2 Lyn Barnett
3 Genebeth C Webb
4 Roger Baldwin (C)
5 John Mulvey
6 Paul Jopp
7 Martin Turner
8 Alan Regin
first in method, 2 and 3

North American Guild
Charleston, South Carolina
Cathedral of St Luke and St Paul
Friday, 24 February 2012 (14)
1260 Plain Bob Minor
1 John King
2 Genebeth Webb
3 Jay Williams
4 Margo Acomb
5 Robert Aldinger
6 Martin Turner (C)

North American Guild
Charleston, South Carolina
Grace Church
Saturday, 25 February 2012 (16)
1296 Grandsire Caters
1 Bruce Butler
2 Eileen Butler
3 Tina Hitching
4 Jeni Francois
5 Kathryn Tucker
6 John Hitching (C)
7 Lian von Wantoch
8 John King
9 John Mabe
10 Ted Clark

North American Guild
Charleston, South Carolina
Grace Church
Saturday, 25 February 2012 (16)
1282 Cambridge Surprise Royal
1 John Hitching
2 Eileen Butler
3 Joh Mulvey
4 Tina Hitching
5 Derek J Wilsden
6 Bruce Butler
7 Ross J Finbow (C)
8 Alan Regin
9 Noah Smith
10 Paul Jopp
First of royal surprise 2 and 6; to welcome Harry Lucas Dixon, born 2/19/2012, first grand nephew of conductor.

North American Guild
Charleston, South Carolina
Cathedral of St Luke and St Paul
Saturday, 25 February 2012 (14)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Christian Haller
2 Lyn Barnett
3 Robert Aldinger
4 Donna McEwen
5 David L Porter (C)
6 Ted Clark

North American Guild
Washington, District of Columbia
Cathedral Church of St Peter and St Paul
Sunday, 26 February 2012 in 53m (32)
1282 Yorkshire Surprise Royal
Composed by Traditional
1 Frederick DuPuy
2 Quilla Roth
3 Susan M O'Neill
4 Mary Clark
5 Meredith A Morris
6 Katharine S Emmons
7 B Haley Barnett
8 Bill Kollar
9 Cecily W Rock
10 Alexander T Taft III (C)
For Sunday service. Birthday compliments to Gary M Imhoff, husband of the 3.

North American Guild
New York, New York
Trinity, Wall Street
Sunday, 26 February 2012 in 46m (7)
1260 St Clement's College Bob Minor
1 Martha Partridge
2 Duncan J Large
3 Elaine C Gosden
4 Timothy J Barnes
5 Mark R Gosden
6 Michael R Harrison (C)

North American Guild
New York, New York
Trinity, Wall Street
Sunday, 26 February 2012 in 52m (23)
1260 Plain Bob Triples
1 Christopher Liu
2 Timothy J Barnes
3 Duncan J Large
4 Martha Partridge
5 Michael R Harrison
6 Jennifer S Mackley
7 John S Danaher (C)
8 Mark R Gosden

North American Guild
Charleston, South Carolina
St Michael
Sunday, 26 February 2012 (17)
1260 Stedman Triples
1 CJ Cantwell
2 Roger Baldwin
3 Genebeth C Webb
4 Ted Clark
5 Alan Regin
6 Martin Turner
7 Noah Smith (C)
8 Daniel Hurlburt
First conducting method

North American Guild
Charleston, South Carolina
Grace Church
Sunday, 26 February 2012 (16)
1320 Cambridge Surprise Minor
1 Martin Turner
2 Genebeth Webb
3 Kathryn Tucker
4 Paul Jopp
5 Roy Smith
6 Noah Smith (C)
First of surprise, 5.

North American Guild
Charleston, South Carolina
Grace Church
Sunday, 26 February 2012 (16)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Josh Tucker
2 Rosalie K Crouch
3 Paul Jopp (C)
4 David Porter
5 Kathryn Tucker
6 Doug McCoy
First on treble.

North American Guild
Charleston, South Carolina
Grace Church
Sunday, 26 February 2012 (16)
1296 Plain Bob Caters
1 Kathryn Tucker
2 John King
3 Tina Hitching
4 John Hitching
5 Paul Jopp (C)
6 David Porter
7 Ross J Finbow
8 Noah Smith
9 Alan Regin
10 Vic Schwartz
Rung for service

North American Guild
Charleston, South Carolina
Cathedral of St Luke and St Paul
Sunday, 26 February 2012 (14)
1260 Grandsire Triples
1 Lyn Barnett
2 Eileen Butler
3 Genebeth C Webb
4 Derek J Wilsden
5 Roger Baldwin (C)
6 Bruce Butler
7 Martin Turner
8 Wray Lemke
Rung for service

North American Guild
Washington, District of Columbia
Old Post Office Tower
Thursday, 1 March 2012 in 49m (13)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Meredith A Morris
2 B Haley Barnett (C)
3 Mary Clark
4 Frederick DuPuy
5 Lian von Wantoch
6 Teresa Gomez
7 Quilla Roth
8 Thomas H Schutt
With Bon Voyage compliments to the conductor from the rest of the band.
Rung with 7, 6, 8 covering. First Quarter Peal — 6.

North American Guild
Seattle, Washington
University of Washington
Sunday, 4 March 2012 in 48m (6–0–6)
1440 Cambridge Surprise Minor
1 Tristan J Parker
2 Rachel H Pusey
3 Dilip J Sequeira
4 Sarah C Paliulis
5 Rebecca A Woodgate (C)
6 Alexander E Holroyd

North American Guild
Marblehead, MA, USA
25 Kenneth Road
Sunday, 4 March 2012 in 37m (10)
1280 Cambridge Surprise Major
1–2 Edward J Futcher (C)
3–4 Cally D Perry
5–6 Elaine M Hansen
7–8 Alice Behnegar
Farewell to Dan O'Donovan

North American Guild
Marblehead, MA, USA
25 Kenneth Road
Sunday, 4 March 2012 in 37m (12)
1250 Yorkshire Surprise Major
1–2 Edward J Futcher (C)
3–4 Cally D Perry
5–6 Elaine M Hansen
7–8 Alice Behnegar
In loving memory of Bonnie Armstrong.

North American Guild
New York, New York
Trinity Wall Street
Tuesday, 6 March 2012 in 43m (8)
1320 London Surprise Minor
1 Amy Lam
2 Gregory F Russell
3 Jeremy C Bates
4 Jennifer S Mackley
5 Duncan J Large
6 Timothy J Barnes (C)
First London S Minor: 4.
In memory of John Karidis, friend and colleague of 2.

North American Guild
New York, New York
Trinity Wall Street
Saturday, 10 March 2012 in 3h 17 (24cwt)
5042 Lincolnshire Surprise Maximus
Composed by Donald F Morrison (No 299)
1 Edward J Futcher
2 Quilla Roth
3 Duncan J Large
4 John S Danaher
5 Cally Perry
6 J Chapman Knott
7 Timothy J Barnes (C)
8 Cecily W Rock
9 Richard S Dirksen
10 Ross J Finbow
11 Alexander T Taft III
12 Stephen J Bailey
First Lincolnshire S Maximus: 2-6,8,9,11.
First S Maximus on tower bells: 5.
Ringing World page reference: 5267.0346

North American Guild
Washington, District of Columbia
Cathedral Church of St Peter and St Paul
Sunday, 11 March 2012 in 48m (9)
1296 Cambridge Surprise Minor
1 Mary Clark
2 John W King
3 Bill Kollar
4 Robert Bannister
5 Frederick DuPuy
6 Meredith A Morris (C)
For Sunday service; and to welcome John King back to DC.

North American Guild
New York, New York
Trinity, Wall Street
Sunday, 11 March 2012 in 47m (23)
1280 Bristol Surprise Major
1 Sam Gosden
2 Cally D Perry
3 Elaine C Gosden
4 Quilla Roth
5 Cecily W Rock
6 John S Danaher
7 Timothy J Barnes (C)
8 Duncan J Large
First treble bob hunting: 1
First Bristol inside: 3

North American Guild
New York, New York
Trinity Wall Street
Sunday, 11 March 2012 in 3h 19 (24cwt)
5019 Stedman Cinques
Composed by Thomas Hooley
1 Quilla Roth
2 Edward J Futcher (C)
3 Cecily W Rock
4 Gregory F Russell
5 Ross J Finbow
6 Beth Sinclair
7 Jennifer S Mackley
8 Elaine Hansen
9 Timothy J Barnes
10 Richard S Dirksen
11 Duncan J Large
12 J Chapman Knott
1st on 12: 6.
1st Stedman Cinques: 8.
Circled tower: 2.
Ringing World page reference: 5267.0347

North American Guild
Washington, District of Columbia
Old Post Office Tower
Thursday, 15 March 2012 (13)
1250 Cambridge Surprise Major
Composed by David W Beard
1 Katharine S Emmons
2 Beth Sinclair
3 Lian von Wantoch
4 Mary Clark
5 Frederick DuPuy
6 Thomas H Schutt
7 Quilla Roth
8 Meredith A Morris (C)
In celebration of the life of Pat Daniels, who spent more than a decade as the GSA's Project Executive for the Old Post Office redevelopment.
First Cambridge Major – 3. First Cambridge Major as conductor – 8.

North American Guild
Marblehead, MA, USA
25 Kenneth Road
Friday, 16 March 2012 in 43m (13)
1250 Yorkshire Surprise Major
1–2 Lian von Wantoch
3–4 Cally D Perry
5–6 Susan K Fautsch
7–8 Edward J Futcher (C)
1st Surprise on handbells 1-2

North American Guild
25 Kenneth Road
Friday, 16 March 2012 in 2h 55 (size 13)
5120 Kent Treble Bob Royal
Composed by Graham A C John
1–2 Kristine K Fowler
3–4 Alice Behnegar
5–6 Elaine M Hansen
7–8 Susan K Fautsch
9–10 Edward J Futcher (C)
Ringing World page reference: 5268.0373

North American Guild
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
St Martin
Saturday, 17 March 2012 (in)
1296 Plain Bob Major
1 Elaine Gosden
2 Donald Trumpler
3 Sam Gosden
4 Chris Haller
5 A Thomas Miller
6 Elisabeth Trumpler
7 Roy Latham
8 Alexander Taft III (C)
For March birthdays

North American Guild
Marblehead, MA, USA
25 Kenneth Road
Saturday, 17 March 2012 (14)
1260 Plain Bob Royal
1–2 Lian von Wantoch
3–4 Alice Behnegar
5–6 Kenneth R Ballou
7–8 Quilla Roth
9–10 Susan K Fautsch (C)
1st Royal 1-2

North American Guild
25 Kenneth Road
Saturday, 17 March 2012 in 3h 6 (size 13)
5040 Cambridge Surprise Royal
Composed by Alexander E Holroyd
1–2 Cally D Perry
3–4 Kristine K Fowler
5–6 Elaine M Hansen
7–8 Edward J Futcher
9–10 Alexander E Holroyd (C)
Ringing World page reference: 5268.0373

North American Guild
25 Kenneth Road
Saturday, 17 March 2012 in 2h 33 (size 14)
5056 Kent Treble Bob Major
Composed by D Morrison
1–2 Quilla Roth
3–4 Alice Behnegar
5–6 Kenneth R Ballou
7–8 Elaine M Hansen (C)
First as conductor in hand.
Ringing World page reference: 5268.0373

North American Guild
25 Kenneth Road
Saturday, 17 March 2012 in 2h 40 (size 14)
5152 Yorkshire Surprise Major
Composed by 27cbr
1–2 Lian von Wantoch
3–4 Kristine K Fowler
5–6 Susan K Fautsch
7–8 Edward J Futcher (C)
First of S: 1-2, 5-6.
Ringing World page reference: 5268.0373

North American Guild
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
St Mark
Sunday, 18 March 2012 in 46m (17)
1260 Grandsire Triples
1 Eileen Butler
2 A Thomas Miller
3 Sam Gosden
4 Mark Gosden
5 Roy Latham
6 Bruce Butler (C)
7 Alexander TaftIII
8 Brian Zook
For Spring Dinner Weekend
#3 First Grandsire Triples

North American Guild
25 Kenneth Road
Sunday, 18 March 2012 in 2h 39 (size 10)
5088 Yorkshire Surprise Major
Composed by D Morrison
1–2 Lian von Wantoch
3–4 Kristine K Fowler
5–6 Susan K Fautsch
7–8 Edward J Futcher (C)
Ringing World page reference: 5268.0373

North American Guild
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Massachussetts Institue of Technology
Sunday, 18 March 2012 (13)
1296 Stedman Caters
1–2 Quilla Roth
3–4 Alexander E Holroyd (C)
5–6 Kenneth R Ballou
7–8 Elaine M Hansen
9–10 Lian von Wantoch

North American Guild
New York, New York
Trinity Wall Street
Thursday, 22 March 2012 in 2h 38 (8cwt)
5040 Minor (4m)
(4m: 2 exts each Cambridge S, Kent TB, Plain B; 1 ext St Clement's CB)
1 Sam Gosden
2 Lynn E Kodrich
3 Mark R Gosden
4 Michael R Harrison
5 J Chapman Knott
6 Timothy J Barnes (C)
First peal: 1.
Second peal and first for 25 years: 3.
Ringing World page reference: 5268.0372

North American Guild
Washington, District of Columbia
Cathedral Church of St Peter and St Paul
Sunday, 25 March 2012 in 57m (32)
1260 Grandsire Caters
1 Quilla Roth (C)
2 Beth Sinclair
3 Meredith A Morris
4 Katharine S Emmons
5 Robert Bannister
6 Mary Clark
7 Susan M O'Neill
8 Bill Kollar
9 Cecily W Rock
10 Philip Merrill
For Sunday service, and with get well wishes to Carolyn Ormes, recovering from cardiac surgery.

North American Guild
New York, New York
Trinity, Wall Street
Sunday, 25 March 2012 in 49m (24)
1280 Bristol Surprise Major
1 Amy Lam
2 Michael R Harrison
3 Lynn E Kodrich
4 Tina Hitchings
5 Mark R Gosden
6 John Hitchings
7 Timothy J Barnes (C)
8 Jeremy C Bates

North American Guild
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA
77 Massachusetts Avenue
Monday, 26 March 2012
1260 Plain Bob Minor
1–2 Edward Z Yang
3–4 Cally D Perry
5–6 Edward J Futcher (C)
First quarter peal in hand, 1-2.

North American Guild
Seattle, Washington
Gerberding Hall, University of Washington
Sunday, 1 April 2012 in 45m (6)
1260 Doubles (2m)
Grandsire/Plain Bob
1 Sylvia H Allen
2 Alexander E Holroyd
3 Tristan J Parker
4 Dilip J Sequeira (C)
5 Rebecca A Woodgate
6 Lizzie Wratten
In memory of Norbert Untersteiner, world-renowned Arctic researcher, UW Professor Emeritus, colleague of 5.
1st as conductor.

North American Guild
New York, New York
Trinity, Wall Street
Sunday, 1 April 2012 in 52m (23 cwt)
1260 Plain Bob Triples
1 Tina Hitchings
2 Arthur E Crumlish, Jr
3 Elaine C Gosden
4 Mark R Gosden
5 Tony Furnivall
6 John Hitchings
7 Michael R Harrison (C)
8 Jeremy C Bates

North American Guild
Fairfax, USA
5415 Ashleigh Road
Saturday, 7 April 2012 in 39m (15 in C)
1296 Little Bob Royal
1–2 Sue O'Neill
3–4 Nancy Perry
5–6 Ann Martin
7–8 Ed Futcher
9–10 Eddie Martin (C)
In loving memory of Spice

North American Guild
New York, New York
Trinity, Wall Street
Sunday, 8 April 2012 in 43m (8)
1320 Cambridge Surprise Minor
1 Mark R Gosden
2 Amy Lam
3 John Hitchings
4 Tina Hitchings
5 J Chapman Knott
6 Timothy J Barnes (C)
First Surprise inside: 2

North American Guild
New York, New York
Trinity, Wall Street
Sunday, 8 April 2012 in 49m (24)
1254 Erin Cinques
1 Tony Furnivall
2 John S Danaher
3 John Hitchings
4 David J Dearnley
5 Tina Hitchings
6 Diana M Anderson
7 Mark R Gosden
8 Michael R Harrison
9 Timothy J Barnes (C)
10 Duncan J Large
11 Paul N Mounsey
12 Jeremy C Bates
For Easter

North American Guild
Washington, District of Columbia
Old Post Office Tower
Thursday, 12 April 2012 in 50m (13)
1260 Stedman Triples
Composed by Thomas Thurstans
1 Lian von Wantoch
2 David L Porter
3 Susan M O'Neill
4 Ann G Martin
5 Frederick DuPuy
6 Michael R Harrison
7 Edward W Martin (C)
8 Carleton MacDonald
In observance of DC Emancipation Day; and to welcome Aasha Grace Sahay, granddaughter of Mary and Joe Clark, born yesterday.

North American Guild
Little Rock, Arkansas
Trinity Cathedral
Friday, 13 April 2012 in 44m (9cwt 1lb in A)
1260 Plain Bob Triples
1 Robert Aldinger
2 Alan Regin
3 Kathryn E Tucker
4 Brian Dearnley
5 Philip Buck
6 Baucum Matthews
7 Meredith A Morris (C)
8 William Hronas
Rung in celebration of the life of William Nunley
1928-2012, Father of Allen Nunley

North American Guild
Toronto, Canada
St James Cathedral
Sunday, 15 April 2012 in 49m (21 cwt)
1260 Plain Bob Triples
1 Carole Chabot
2 Madeleine Cheesman
3 David A S Hawkins
4 Pauline Smith
5 Mark Androlia
6 Robin E C Clarke
7 David Wilcox (C)
8 Derek Dodd
Rung to celebrate the Cathedral Centre Opening following extensive renovations.

North American Guild
Washington, District of Columbia
Old Post Office Tower
Thursday, 19 April 2012 in 43m (8)
1320 Cambridge Surprise Minor
1 Quilla Roth
2 Lian von Wantoch
3 David L Porter
4 Stephen R Aldridge
5 Frederick DuPuy (C)
6 Susan M O'Neill
For the anniversary of the proclamation of peace after the War of American Independence (April 19, 1783), and of the dedication of the bells (April 19, 1983).
First quarter peal outside the UK – 4.

North American Guild
Miami, Florida
Cathedral Church of The Holy Trinity
Friday, 20 April 2012 in 2h 58 (17cwt)
5040 Stedman Triples
Composed by Frederick H Dexter
1 Robert Bannister
2 Derek J Wilsden
3 Ross J Finbow
4 William J Kollar
5 Michael R Harrison
6 Alexander T Taft III
7 Edward J Futcher (C)
8 Thomas A Alspaugh
First peal: 8.
Ringing World page reference: 5273.0526

North American Guild
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA
77 Massachusetts Avenue
Monday, 23 April 2012
1260 Plain Bob Minor
1–2 Naomi D Schurr
3–4 Nigel J Newton
5–6 Elaine M Hansen (C)
First quarter-peal, 1-2.

North American Guild
Washington, District of Columbia
Cathedral Church of St Peter and St Paul
Saturday, 28 April 2012 in 53m (15)
1260 Plain Bob Triples
Composed by Unknown
1 Beth Sinclair
2 Paula Fleming
3 Gregory J Watson
4 Lian von Wantoch
5 Frederick DuPuy (C)
6 Robert Bannister
7 Quilla Roth
8 Susan M O'Neill
In celebration of the life of Hilda Warner (1918-2011), cousin of Meredith A Morris and supporter of these bells since their installation.

North American Guild
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA
77 Massachusetts Avenue
Monday, 30 April 2012
1260 Plain Bob Minor
1–2 Risha R Mars
3–4 Cally D Perry
5–6 Elaine M Hansen (C)
First quarter-peal, 1-2.
Birthday compliment to Risha Mars.

North American Guild
Marietta, GA - Georgia
St James
Saturday, 5 May 2012 in 42m
1320 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Emma Toland
2 Charley Heilker
3 Kathryn Tucker
4 Derek Wilsden
5 Catherine P Brown (C)
6 Jay Williams
First quarter peal, 1. Rung in memory of Bill Estes (d. 4 May 2012), friend of -5- and friend and co-worker of Chris Brown.

North American Guild
Washington, District of Columbia
Cathedral Church of St Peter and St Paul
Sunday, 6 May 2012 in 47m (9)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Philip Merrill
2 Katharine S Emmons
3 Robert Bannister
4 Mary Clark
5 Frederick DuPuy (C)
6 Carleton MacDonald
For Sunday service. In remembrance of Dayne Stotlemyer, and with best wishes for Dick Froelich, fellow chorister of the 6.

North American Guild
New York, New York
Trinity Wall Street
Sunday, 6 May 2012 in 53m (23)
1344 Littleport Little Surprise Maximus
1 Jeremy C Bates
2 Alexander T Taft III
3 Lynn E Kodrich
4 John Hitchings
5 Quilla Roth
6 Tina Hitchings
7 Timothy J Barnes (C)
8 Michael R Harrison
9 Cecily W Rock
10 Maurice W Southworth
11 John S Danaher
12 Duncan J Large
125th QP: 1.
First Littleport Max: 3, 4.
To celebrate the life of Roger Blomfield (1925 - 2012), who for over 45 years coached rowing on the River Severn at Shrewsbury, within sight and sound of the tower of St. Chad's.

North American Guild
New York, New York
Trinity Wall Street
Sunday, 6 May 2012 in 54m (23)
1344 Littleport Little Surprise Maximus
1 John Hitchings
2 Jennifer S Mackley
3 Duncan J Large
4 Quilla Roth
5 Michael R Harrison
6 Cecily W Rock
7 Timothy J Barnes (C)
8 Tina Hitchings
9 John S Danaher
10 J Chapman Knott
11 Alexander T Taft III
12 Maurice W Southworth
First Littleport Max by all.

North American Guild
Washington, District of Columbia
Cathedral Church of St Peter and St Paul
Saturday, 12 May 2012 in 48m (9)
1260 Mixed Doubles
360 Grandsire, 900 Plain Bob
1 Carleton MacDonald
2 Quilla Roth
3 Paula Fleming
4 Alexander T Taft III
5 Frederick DuPuy (C)
6 Ed Donnen
For the wedding of Ann Hughes and David Hudson. First quarter peal away from cover: 1.

North American Guild
Washington, District of Columbia
Cathedral Church of St Peter and St Paul
Saturday, 12 May 2012 in 47m (9)
1260 Mixed Doubles
60 Stedman, 360 Grandsire, 240 St. Simon's, 240 St. Martin's, 360 Plain Bob
1 Ed Donnen
2 Quilla Roth
3 Paula Fleming
4 Frederick DuPuy
5 Alexander T Taft III (C)
6 Carleton MacDonald
For the wedding of Julia Bensfield and Nathaniel Luce.

North American Guild
New York, New York
Trinity, Wall Street
Saturday, 12 May 2012 in 42m (7)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Martha Partridge
2 Jennifer S Mackley
3 Tony Furnivall
4 Jeremy C Bates
5 Michael R Harrison (C)
For the wedding of Sara Kristin Basgaard and Charles Gian diPierro

North American Guild
Houston, Texas
Palmer Memorial Episcopal Church
Sunday, 13 May 2012 in 39m (6)
1296 Cambridge Surprise Minor
1 Audrey Ester
2 Dawn M Uebelhart
3 Brett Chiquet
4 Michael L Pirics
5 John Limbach (C)
6 Allen Nunley
First quarter - 1;First Surprise - 2; For Mother's Day

North American Guild
Charleston, South Carolina
Grace Church
Sunday, 13 May 2012
1320 Plain Bob Minor
1 Doug McCoy
2 Rosalie Crouch
3 Roy Smith
4 David Porter
5 Kit Matthew
6 Noah Smith (C)
In thanks to Ron Warford for all he has done to help the Charleston ringers.
First of Bob Minor in a long time: 5

North American Guild
Boston, Massachusetts
Old North Church
Sunday, 13 May 2012 (14)
1280 Superlative Surprise Major
1 Cally Perry
2 Danielle M Morse
3 Kirby E Russell
4 Oliver Kosut
5 Emily R Russell
6 Omer Angel
7 Elaine M Hansen
8 Dale Winter (C)
1st in method: 3, 6.
For mothers day.

North American Guild
Washington, District of Columbia
Cathedral Church of St Peter and St Paul
Wednesday, 16 May 2012 in 50m (9 cwt)
1296 Cambridge Surprise Minor
1 Ed Donnen
2 Paula Fleming
3 Mary Clark
4 Quilla Roth
5 Frederick DuPuy
6 Alexander T Taft III (C)
For the memorial service of Charles Wendell Colson (1931-2012).

North American Guild
Washington, District of Columbia
Old Post Office Tower
Thursday, 17 May 2012 in 55m (13 cwt)
1344 Plain Bob Major
Composed by Traditional
1 Ed Donnen
2 Paula Fleming
3 Katharine S Emmons
4 Lian von Wantoch
5 Mary Clark
6 Frederick DuPuy (C)
7 Quilla Roth
8 Thomas H Schutt
In honor of those who give their lives to protect us from harm and in celebration of the life of Park Ranger Margaret Anderson (1977–2012).
First major as conductor – 6.

North American Guild
New York, New York
Trinity Wall Street
Sunday, 20 May 2012 in 48m (23)
1260 Plain Bob Triples
1 Lynn E Kodrich
2 Tina Hitchings
3 Martha Partridge
4 Sue Bassett
5 Mark R Gosden
6 Jeremy C Bates
7 John Hitchings (C)
8 Jennifer S Mackley
In thanksgiving for the life of Mary Georgiana Barnwell Grimball.

North American Guild
New York, New York
Trinity Wall Street
Sunday, 27 May 2012 in 45m (7)
1260 Doubles (3m)
480 St. Simon, 480 St. Martin, 300 Plain B
1 Amy Lam
2 Arthur E Crumlish, Jr
3 Timothy J Barnes
4 Jeremy C Bates
5 Michael R Harrison (C)
6 Tony Furnivall
First mixed: 2.
Godspeed and fair winds to Fiona and John Danaher and to Nicole and Duncan Large as they embark on new courses.

North American Guild
Groton, Mass, USA
St John's Chapel, Groton School
Sunday, 27 May 2012 in 45m (18)
1320 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Lauren Dorsey '14
2 Gregory F Russell '77
3 Sam Gosden '13
4 Mark R Gosden P'13
5 Paul Windels III '75 (C)
6 Jonathan Terry '13
17th Birthday compliments to Sam Gosden. First quarter peal 1 (Age 16), 6 (Age 17). Rung by a band made up entirely of members of the Groton family, including three current Groton students. First quarter peal on these bells by current Groton students in 40 years.

North American Guild
Washington, District of Columbia
Old Post Office Tower
Monday, 28 May 2012 in 47m (8 cwt)
1260 Plain Bob Minor
1 Katharine S Emmons
2 Beth Sinclair
3 Lian von Wantoch
4 Thomas H Schutt
5 Frederick DuPuy (C)
6 Meredith A Morris
For Memorial Day.
With best wishes for improved health to WWII veteran Loyal Whiteside; and with warmest congratulations to Haley Barnett and David Baverstock on their marriage.

North American Guild
Québec, Québec
Trinity Cathedral
Monday, 28 May 2012 in 48m (16)
1260 Grandsire Triples
1 Donna McEwen
2 Eileen Joy Butler
3 Lynn E Kodrick
4 Bruce N Butler
5 Elaine M Hansen
6 Alan F Ellis (C)
7 Christian Haller
8 A Marhubi
Rung half-muffled in memory of Ned Meredith (May 17, 1963-May 8, 2012) whose ashes were interred this day.

North American Guild
Washington, District of Columbia
Old Post Office Tower
Thursday, 31 May 2012 in 47m (8)
1320 St Clement's College Bob Minor
1 Robert Bannister
2 Meredith A Morris
3 Lian von Wantoch
4 Allen Nunley
5 Frederick DuPuy (C)
6 Quilla Roth
First in method as conductor – 5.

North American Guild
Birmingham, Alabama
Cathedral of St Paul
Saturday, 2 June 2012 (13)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Joe Roberts
2 Amy Bischoff
3 Phil Teague
4 Jenne Johnson (C)
5 Ted Clark
6 Jeanne Averhart
For the Rite of Ordination to the Priesthood: Rev. Br. Leonard Mary Revilla of the Holy Spirit, MFVA; Rev. Br. Patrick Mary Russell of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, MFVA; Rev. Mr. Douglas Michael Wu; and for the Rite of Ordination to the Diaconate: Br. John Paul Mary Zeller of Divine Mercy, MFVA; Br Paschal Mary Yohe of the Nativity, MFVA

North American Guild
Roseville, Minnesota
3054 Woodbridge St.
Sunday, 3 June 2012 in 40m
1250 Kent Treble Bob Major
Composed by Donald F Morrison
1–2 James D Pirie
3–4 Janet A McKernan
5–6 Susan K Fautsch
7–8 Stuart McKernan (C)
Rung to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
First quarter peal in the tower

North American Guild
New York, New York
Trinity Wall Street
Sunday, 3 June 2012 in 50m (23)
1344 Plain Bob Triples
1 Arthur E Crumlish Jr
2 Lynn E Kodrich
3 Amy Lam
4 Martha Partridge
5 Tina Hitchings
6 John Hitchings
7 Michael R Harrison (C)
8 Jeremy C Bates
For Trinity Sunday, to celebrate the birthday of Gabrielle Crumlish, and to mark the Diamond Jubilee of HM Queen Elizabeth II.

North American Guild
Boston, USA
Old North Church
Sunday, 3 June 2012 in 43m (14)
1344 Jubilee Surprise Major
1 Kirby Russell
2 Cally Perry
3 T David Westmoreland
4 Emily R Russell
5 Elaine M Hansen
6 Geoffrey Davies
7 Andrew N Tyler (C)
8 Edward J Futcher
Rung to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee of HM Queen Elizabeth II

North American Guild
Melrose School, Brewster, New York, USA
St Cuthbert's Chapel
Tuesday, 5 June 2012 in 40m (8)
1260 Grandsire Doubles
1 Pippa Gosden
2 Elaine C Gosden
3 Mark R Gosden
4 Matthew Bogen
5 Paul Windels III (C)
6 Jenny Hinsman
First Quarter Peal -- 1 (Age 12)
For the Diamond Jubilee of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

North American Guild
Charleston, South Carolina
St Michael
Tuesday, 5 June 2012 in 46m (17)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 CJ Cantwell
2 David Porter
3 Wray Lemke
4 Wood Struthers
5 Steve Collins (C)
6 Karen Huntz
7 Daniel Hurlburt
8 Heyward Horton
1st quarter: 6
Best wishes to her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II on her Diamond Jubilee from her American cousins
Associates: Charlotte Causey, Martin R. E. Gibbs, Tyson Nettles

North American Guild
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
St Martin
Saturday, 9 June 2012 in 40m (in)
1250 Spliced Surprise Major
354 Yorkshire, 896 Cambridge
1 Jennifer S Mackley
2 Elaine C Gosden
3 Meredith A Morris
4 Alexander Taft III
5 Mark R Gosden
6 Thomas Wood Holcombe
7 Timothy J Barnes (C)
8 Ross J Finbow
First spliced, 2,5,6

North American Guild
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
St Mark
Sunday, 10 June 2012 in 48m (17)
1344 Plain Bob Major
1 Donald Trumpler
2 Eileen Joy Butler
3 A Thomas Miller
4 Brian Zook
5 Roy Latham
6 Bruce Butler
7 Christian Haller
8 Ross J Finbow (C)
Rung in thanksgiving for the life of Michael Becker, former rector of this parish

North American Guild
Charleston, South Carolina
Grace Church
Sunday, 10 June 2012 (16)
1300 Plain Bob Doubles
with three covers
1 Charlotte Rhoden
2 Rosalie Crouch
3 Doug McCoy
4 Sara Ray
5 Noah Smith (C)
6 Karen Huntz
7 Roy Smith
8 Vic Schwartz
Rung for the Queen's Diamond Jubilee

North American Guild
Washington, District of Columbia
Cathedral Church of St Peter and St Paul
Saturday, 16 June 2012 in 56m (15 cwt)
1260 Grandsire Triples
1 Ed Donnen
2 Paula Fleming
3 Lian von Wantoch
4 Katharine S Emmons
5 Paul Timmel
6 Quilla Roth (C)
7 Frederick DuPuy
8 Philip Merrill
For the Ketels–Sullivan wedding, and in remembrance of James Jack Newton DuPuy (1939–2012), uncle of the 7.

North American Guild
New York, New York
Trinity Wall Street
Sunday, 17 June 2012 in 43m (7)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Tony Furnivall
2 Lynn E Kodrich (C)
3 Amy Lam
4 Arthur E Crumlish Jr
5 Martha Partridge
6 Jeremy C Bates
1st doubles inside: 5.
In memory of Joyce Cornwall, ringer at Hughenden.

North American Guild
Kent, Connecticut
St Joseph (Kent School)
Sunday, 17 June 2012 in 3h 20 (24)
5040 Plain Bob Royal
Composed by Henry J Tucker
1 Sam Gosden
2 Edward J Futcher
3 Susan M O'Neill
4 Kristine K Fowler
5 T David Westmoreland
6 Jennifer S Mackley
7 Mark R Gosden
8 Michael R Harrison
9 Timothy J Barnes
10 Alexander T Taft III '99 (C)
For Kent School's 106th Reunion Weekend.
First on 10: 1, 7
First Royal: 5
Ringing World page reference: 5284.0826

North American Guild
Frederick, Maryland
Calvary United Methodist Church
Saturday, 23 June 2012 in 2h 53 (9 cwt)
5058 Yorkshire Surprise Major
Composed by W J Couperthwaite
1 Quilla Roth
2 Beth Sinclair
3 Frederick DuPuy
4 Kristine K Fowler
5 Robert Bannister
6 Susan M O'Neill
7 Thomas H Schutt
8 Ross J Finbow (C)
On the occasion of the marriage blessing of Haley Barnett and David Baverstock.
Ringing World page reference: 5286.0878

North American Guild
Washington, District of Columbia
Cathedral Church of St Peter and St Paul
Sunday, 24 June 2012 in 55m (15 cwt)
1260 Stedman Triples
Composed by Traditional
1 Mary Clark
2 Kristine K Fowler
3 Quilla Roth
4 Michael R Harrison (C)
5 Frederick DuPuy
6 Lian von Wantoch
7 Meredith A Morris
8 Robert Bannister
For Sunday service and as a farewell compliment to the ringer of the 6.

North American Guild
New York, New York
Trinity, Wall Street
Sunday, 24 June 2012 in 49m (23)
1250 Cambridge Surprise Major
1 Amy Lam
2 Tina Hitchings
3 Lynn E Kodrich
4 Tony Furnivall
5 Paul Windels III
6 John Hitchings
7 Timothy J Barnes (C)
8 Jeremy C Bates

North American Guild
Boston, Massachusetts
Old North Church
Sunday, 24 June 2012 (14)
1260 Plain Bob Minor
1 Laura Dickerson
2 Edward Z Yang
3 Kirby E Russell
4 John S Danaher
5 Elaine M Hansen (C)
6 Ricky Morse
1st inside on tower bells: 2
Graduation compliment to Edward Yang and Risha Mars.
For Sunday service.

North American Guild
Cambridge (MIT), Massachusetts
Monday, 25 June 2012
1260 Plain Bob Minor
1–2 Pi Fisher
3–4 Edward Z Yang
5–6 Elaine M Hansen (C)
Birthday compliment to Susan F Assman
First quarter: 1-2

North American Guild
New York, New York
Trinity, Wall Street
Saturday, 30 June 2012 (23)
1344 Littleport Little Surprise Maximus
1 Susan M O'Neill
2 Tim Barnes
3 Duncan Large
4 Quilla Roth
5 Elizabeth Sinclair
6 Jenny Mackley
7 Mike Harrison
8 Cecily Rock
9 John Danaher
10 Ross Finbow
11 Edward J Futcher (C)
12 Maurice Southworth

North American Guild
New York, New York
74 Trinity Place
Saturday, 30 June 2012
1344 Plain Bob Major
1–2 Martha Partridge
3–4 Quilla Roth
5–6 John S Danaher
7–8 Edward J Futcher (C)
Rung on the Brooklyn bells.

North American Guild
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
St Martin
Sunday, 1 July 2012 in 38m (in)
1260 Doubles
60 Stedman, 240 St Martin's, 240 St Simon's, 360 Plain Bob, 360 Grandsire
1 Deborah Cooper
2 Eileen Joy Butler
3 Donald Trumpler
4 Russell Torrey
5 Bruce N Butler (C)
6 Bruce Dormuth
In thanksgiving for the lives of:
Toni Welch
John McCloskey

North American Guild
Coon Rapids, Minnesota
1165 97th Lane NW
Sunday, 1 July 2012 in 40m
1250 Kent Treble Bob Major
Composed by D F Morrison
1–2 Janet A McKernan
3–4 James D Pirie
5–6 Susan K Fautsch
7–8 Stuart McKernan (C)
Rung to celebrate the wedding of David and Shaina Fautsch.

North American Guild
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Monday, 2 July 2012
1344 Plain Bob Major
1–2 Pi Fisher
3–4 Jeff Del Papa
5–6 Edward Z Yang
7–8 Edward J Futcher (C)
First on eight 1-2, 5-6.

North American Guild
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Monday, 2 July 2012
1260 Plain Bob Minor
1–2 Anders Kaseorg
3–4 Elaine M Hansen (C)
5–6 Edward J Futcher
First quarter peal 1-2.

North American Guild
Washington, District of Columbia
Old Post Office Tower
Wednesday, 4 July 2012 in 45m (8 cwt)
1260 Stedman Doubles
1 David Baverstock (C)
2 David J Murphy
3 Susan M O'Neill
4 Gregory J Watson
5 B Haley Barnett
6 Carleton MacDonald
For Independence Day. First of Stedman – 2.

North American Guild
Washington, District of Columbia
Cathedral Church of St Peter and St Paul
Wednesday, 4 July 2012 in 3h 39 (32 cwt)
5040 Plain Bob Caters
Composed by Donald F Morrison (Nº 2840)
1 Rebecca A Joyce
2 Beth Sinclair
3 Thomas H Schutt
4 Mary Osterhaus Clark
5 Ross J Finbow (C)
6 Frederick DuPuy
7 Quilla Roth
8 Robert Bannister
9 Cecily W Rock
10 Bill Kollar
For Independence Day. First on ten – 3.
Ringing World page reference: 5286.0878

North American Guild
Boston, Massachusetts
Church of the Advent
Wednesday, 4 July 2012 (19)
1260 Minor (2 Methods)
720 Dixon's Bob, 540 Plain Bob
1 Danielle M Morse
2 Cally D Perry
3 Laura Dickerson
4 Oliver Kosut (C)
5 Emily R Russell
6 Elaine M Hansen
First as conductor: 4
First Dixon's Bob for all.

North American Guild
Charleston, South Carolina
Cathedral of St Luke and St Paul
Monday, 9 July 2012 in 51m (14)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 CJ Cantwell
2 Kit Matthew
3 Steve Collins
4 Noah Smith
5 Charlotte Causey (C)
6 Wood Struthers
7 Wray Lemke
8 Heyward Horton, Mjr
In celebration of the birth of Lydia Victoria Vazquez, niece of the 5
The band would like to associate this quarter peal with John Fernau

North American Guild
Toronto, Ontario
St James' Cathedral
Wednesday, 11 July 2012 (21)
1296 Cambridge Surprise Minor
1 Judith Hunt
2 Chris Ruch
3 Rebecca Melen
4 Michael Hinton
5 David A S Hawkins (C)
6 Robin E C Clarke
First Treble Bob, Treble
In Memoriam Rodney White

North American Guild
Cromwell, Connecticut
30 Geer St
Wednesday, 18 July 2012 in 38m
1260 Plain Bob Minor
1–2 Elizabeth Swift
3–4 Doris Mitchell
5–6 T David Westmoreland (C)
First quarter peal: 1-2, 3-4
First quarter peal on the bells
In appreciation to Lois F. Donohue for her generosity and continuing support of ringing.

North American Guild
Shreveport, Louisiana
St Mark's Episcopal Cathedral
Saturday, 21 July 2012 in 49m (9)
1260 Plain Bob Triples
1 Lindsey Hutt-Fletcher
2 Remica C Gray
3 Linda D Rankin
4 Baucum Matthews
5 Lyn Barnett
6 Kathryn E Tucker
7 Allen Nunley (C)
8 Porter Brownlee
First Triples - 1; Rung in honor of the Ordination and Consecration of The Very Reverend Doctor Jacob Wayne Owensby as a Bishop in the Episcopal Church and for the Installation of the Fourth Bishop in the Diocese of Western Lousiana. We additionally note that Doctor Owensby was serving as Dean of the Cathedral at St. Marks at the time of his elevation to Bishop.

North American Guild
Washington, District of Columbia
Cathedral Church of St Peter and St Paul
Sunday, 22 July 2012 in 53m (15 cwt)
1260 Stedman Triples
Composed by Traditional
1 Beth Sinclair
2 Frederick DuPuy
3 Robert Bannister
4 Meredith A Morris
5 Paul Timmel
6 Quilla Roth (C)
7 Cecily W Rock
8 Katharine S Emmons
For Sunday service, and remembering the people of Aurora, Colorado.

North American Guild
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
St Mark
Sunday, 22 July 2012 in 42m (17)
1320 Doubles
60 Stedman, 240 of St Simon's, 240 of St Martin's, 360 of Plain Bob, 420 of Grandsire
1 Susan V Clopper
2 Eileen Joy Butler
3 A Thomas Miller
4 Elisabeth Trumpler
5 Bruce N Butler (C)
6 Alan Morrison
For Sunday Service
In memory of the victims of the Aurora, Colorado shooting massacre

North American Guild
Montreal, Quebec
4143 Avenue Laval
Sunday, 22 July 2012
1260 Plain Bob Minor
1–2 Kamal A Marhubi
3–4 Cally D Perry
5–6 Elaine M Hansen (C)
First quarter peal in hand, 1-2.
For the marriage of Emily Ruth Russell and Dale Alan Winter.

North American Guild
Charleston, South Carolina
Grace Church
Sunday, 22 July 2012 in 44m (16)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Margaret Ratcliffe
2 Kit Matthew
3 Roy Smith
4 Noah Smith (C)
5 Doug McCoy
6 Bill Crouch
Birthday wishes to the 3, and in honor of Mr. and Mrs. William Matthew

North American Guild
Orleans, Massachusetts
Church of the Transfiguration
Friday, 27 July 2012 (14)
1260 Plain Bob Triples
1 Sr Alicia Mitman
2 Quilla Roth
3 Mary Jordan
4 Elaine M Hansen
5 Geoffrey Davies
6 Br Anthony Kanaga
7 Edward J Futcher (C)
8 Andrew Mitchell

North American Guild
Marietta, Georgia
St James
Saturday, 28 July 2012 (5)
1260 Plain Bob Triples
1 Alice Gough Heilker
2 Kathryn E Tucker
3 Mary Platt
4 Charley Heilker
5 Derek J Wilsden
6 Jay Williams
7 Catherine P Brown (C)
8 Christopher G Brown
In honor of St. James Day

North American Guild
Raleigh, USA
Christ Church
Sunday, 29 July 2012
1260 Plain Bob Minor
1 John Gray
2 Margo Acomb
3 Jeni Francois
4 Philip Simmonds
5 John Owen
6 John Mabe (C)
In Memoriam John Ward Purrington, Jr (1982-1983)

North American Guild
New York, New York
Trinity Wall Street
Sunday, 29 July 2012 in 50m (23 cwt)
1282 Yorkshire Surprise Royal
1 T David Westmoreland
2 Tina Hitchings
3 John Hitchings
4 Michael R Harrison
5 Elaine C Gosden
6 Mark R Gosden
7 Timothy J Barnes (C)
8 Jeremy C Bates
9 Jennifer S Mackley
10 Gregory F Russell
First royal inside, 8
First surprise royal, 5, 6
First in method, 4, 9

North American Guild
Houston, Texas
St Paul
Sunday, 29 July 2012 in 45m (11)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 John Limbach (C)
2 Brett Chiquet
3 Christopher White
4 Allen Nunley
5 Michael L Pirics
6 Ivo van der Werff
1st quarter 3. 1st in USA 6.

North American Guild
Charleston, South Carolina
Cathedral of St Luke and St Paul
Monday, 30 July 2012 in 49m (14)
1260 Plain Bob Triples
1 CJ Cantwell
2 Kit Matthew
3 Roy Smith
4 Charlotte Causey
5 Steve Collins
6 Wray Lemke
7 Noah Smith (C)
8 Wood Struthers
First in method - 6
First as tenor - 8
Arrivederci and best of luck to Daniel Hurlburt on his mission to Italy

North American Guild
Groton, Massachusetts
St John's Chapel, Groton School
Saturday, 4 August 2012 in 50m (18)
1295 Grandsire Caters
1 Sam Gosden
2 Mark R Gosden
3 Tina Hitchings
4 Elaine C Gosden
5 John S Danaher
6 Alan T Winter
7 Eric R Trumpler
8 Timothy J Barnes (C)
9 John Hitchings
10 Jennifer S Mackley
With the band's best wishes to Emily Russell and Dale Winter who were married on July 20th at Christ Church, Cambridge, UK.

North American Guild
Groton, Massachusetts
St John's Chapel, Groton School
Saturday, 4 August 2012 (18)
1287 Stedman Caters
1 Danielle M Morse
2 Marjorie B Winter
3 Eric R Trumpler
4 Mark R Gosden
5 Tina Hitchings
6 Cecily W Rock
7 Edward J Futcher (C)
8 John S Danaher
9 Alan T Winter
10 John Hitchings
With the band's best wishes to Dale Winter and Emily Russell who were married on July 20th at Christ Church, Cambridge, UK.

North American Guild
Orleans, Massachusetts
Church of the Transfiguration
Sunday, 5 August 2012 (21)
1260 Plain Bob Triples
1 Sr Alicia Mitman
2 Alan T Winter
3 John S Danaher
4 Eric R Trumpler
5 Christian Haller
6 Br Anthony Kanaga
7 Edward J Futcher (C)
8 Br Matthew Gillis
9 Lexa Hale
10 Andrew Mitchell
Rung on Transfiguration Sunday.

North American Guild
Charleston, South Carolina
Grace Church
Sunday, 5 August 2012 (16)
1260 Plain Bob Triples
1 Eve Gentieu
2 Rosalie Crouch
3 Kit Matthew
4 Bill Crouch
5 David Porter
6 Roy Smith
7 Noah Smith (C)
8 Doug McCoy
80th birthday compliments to S Kathleen M Baldwin

North American Guild
Marblehead, Massachusetts
25 Kenneth Road
Monday, 6 August 2012 in 2h 23 (10)
5088 Yorkshire Surprise Major
Composed by Simon Humphrey
1–2 Eric R Trumpler
3–4 Marjorie B Winter
5–6 Alan T Winter
7–8 Edward J Futcher (C)
Ringing World page reference: 5289.0950

North American Guild
Charleston, South Carolina
Cathedral of St Luke and St Paul
Tuesday, 7 August 2012 in 46m (14)
1260 Plain Bob Triples
1 CJ Cantwell
2 Steve Collins
3 Charlotte Causey
4 Kit Matthew
5 Roy Smith
6 Wray Lemke
7 Noah Smith (C)
8 Wood Struthers
In memory of Alva W Alsbrooks III
1963 - 2012

North American Guild
Seattle, Washington
Gerberding Hall, University of Washington
Sunday, 12 August 2012 in 42m (6)
1296 Cambridge Surprise Minor
1 Rachel H Pusey
2 Lizzie Wratten
3 Tristan J Parker
4 Dilip J Sequeira
5 Alexander E Holroyd (C)
6 Rebecca A Woodgate
In memory of Maurice Geoffrey Eastoe, uncle of 1.
Get well wishes to Bill Edwards
First Surprise: 3

North American Guild
New York, New York
Trinity Wall Street
Sunday, 12 August 2012 (8)
1250 Cambridge Surprise Major
1 Amy Lam
2 Sam Gosden
3 Lynn E Kodrich
4 R Roger Savory
5 Elaine C Gosden
6 Mark R Gosden
7 Timothy J Barnes (C)
8 Jeremy C Bates
First Surprise inside: 2.
Best wishes to Lee Dorosz for a successful treatment.

North American Guild
New York, New York
Trinity, Wall Street
Monday, 13 August 2012 in 47m (23)
1260 Plain Bob Minor
1 Elaine C Gosden
2 Arthur E Crumlish Jr
3 Krystl Hall
4 Mark R Gosden
5 Eric R Trumpler (C)
6 Jeremy C Bates
First Plain Bob Minor QP for both Arthur E Crumlish Jr and Krystl Hall

North American Guild
Northampton, Massachusetts
Mendenhall Center, Smith College
Friday, 17 August 2012 in 50m (8)
1260 Plain Bob Triples
1 Tony Furnivall
2 Beverly Faber
3 Br Matthew Gillis
4 Madeleine Cheesman
5 Meredith Morris
6 Roy Latham
7 Elaine Hansen (C)
8 Br John Henderson*
To celebrate the 40th anniversary of the North American Guild AGM at its founding location - Smith College.
* first quarter peal
Birthday compliments to Lexa Hale

North American Guild
Northampton, Massachusetts
Saturday, 18 August 2012 in 3h 5 (13)
5040 Little Bob Royal
Composed by Trad.
1–2 Susan M O'Neill
3–4 Cally D Perry
5–6 Elaine M Hansen
7–8 Quilla Roth
9–10 Edward J Futcher (C)
Rung to celebrate the birth of Zoe Jean Montes earlier this day.
Ringing World page reference: 5291.0999

North American Guild
Minneapolis, Minnesota
338 Walter Library, University of Minnesota
Tuesday, 21 August 2012
1320 Norwich Surprise Minor
1–2 Jim Pirie
3–4 Kris Fowler
5–6 Susan Fautsch (C)
1st surprise 1-2

North American Guild
New York, New York
Trinity Wall Street
Friday, 31 August 2012 (8)
1250 Cambridge Surprise Major
1 Amy Lam
2 Sam Gosden
3 Lynn E Kodrich
4 Tina Hitchings
5 Mark R Gosden
6 Jennifer S Mackley
7 Timothy J Barnes
8 John Hitchings (C)

North American Guild
New York, New York
Trinity Wall Street
Friday, 31 August 2012 (8)
1280 Bristol Surprise Major
1 Sam Gosden
2 R Roger Savory
3 Lynn E Kodrich
4 Tina Hitchings
5 Mark R Gosden
6 Jennifer S Mackley
7 Timothy J Barnes (C)
8 John Hitchings

North American Guild
Boston, Massachusetts
Old North Church
Sunday, 2 September 2012 in 45m (14)
1250 Bristol Surprise Major
1 T David Westmoreland
2 Tina Hitchings
3 Ricky Morse
4 John Hitchings
5 Emily R Russell
6 Kirby E Russell
7 Geoffrey Davies
8 Edward J Futcher (C)

North American Guild
Boston, Massachusetts
Church of the Advent
Sunday, 2 September 2012 in 2h 59 (19)
5090 Cambridge Surprise Major
Composed by Robert D S Brown
1 Neil Glazebrook
2 Tina Hitchings
3 Emily R Russell
4 Christian J Haller
5 John Hitchings
6 T David Westmoreland
7 Geoffrey Davies
8 Edward J Futcher (C)
Ringing World page reference: 5291.0998

North American Guild
Washington, District of Columbia
Old Post Office Tower
Monday, 3 September 2012 in 49m (13 cwt)
1344 Plain Bob Triples
Arranged by after C Ravenscroft
1 Quilla Roth
2 Beth Sinclair
3 Kathryn E Tucker
4 Meredith A Morris
5 Frederick DuPuy (C)
6 Paul Timmel
7 Cecily W Rock
8 Carleton MacDonald
For Labor Day.

North American Guild
New York, New York
Trinity Wall Street
Friday, 7 September 2012 (8)
1280 Bristol Surprise Major
1 John Hitchings
2 Elaine C Gosden
3 Lynn E Kodrich
4 Tina Hitchings
5 Paul Windels III
6 Mark R Gosden
7 Timothy J Barnes (C)
8 Jeremy C Bates
1st Bristol: 5
In thanksgiving for the life of Ronald C. Menedez, Whippany handbell change ringer of yesteryear.

North American Guild
Washington, District of Columbia
Cathedral Church of St Peter and St Paul
Saturday, 8 September 2012 in 44m (9 cwt)
1260 Mixed Doubles
360 Grandsire, 480 Plain Bob, 420 Grandsire
1 Carleton MacDonald
2 Quilla Roth
3 Kathryn E Tucker
4 Beth Sinclair
5 Frederick DuPuy (C)
6 Katharine S Emmons
For the Robertson-Cunningham wedding.

North American Guild
Washington, District of Columbia
Cathedral Church of St Peter and St Paul
Sunday, 9 September 2012 in 54m (32 cwt)
1278 Grandsire Caters
Composed by Diary
1 Susan M O'Neill
2 Meredith A Morris
3 Carolyn V Ormes
4 Mary Clark
5 Frederick DuPuy
6 Beth Sinclair
7 John Mabe
8 Alexander T Taft III (C)
9 Cecily W Rock
10 Bill Kollar
In Memoriam—
Pat Beal (member of the National Cathedral);
Will Ragland (WRS ringer and friend);
Etta W Zuckerman (grandmother of WRS ringer Greg Watson).

North American Guild
Cambridge (MIT), Massachusetts
Monday, 10 September 2012
1440 Kent Treble Bob Minor
1–2 Elaine M Hansen (C)
3–4 Andrew R Latto
5–6 Jeff Del Papa
In celebration of the life of Daniel L Weinreb 1959-2012

North American Guild
New York, New York
Trinity Wall Street
Tuesday, 11 September 2012 (8)
1344 Plain Bob Major
1 Tony Furnivall
2 Martha Partridge
3 Lynn E Kodrich
4 Tina Hitchings
5 Arthur E Crumlish, Jr
6 Jeremy C Bates
7 Timothy J Barnes (C)
8 Gregory F Russell
First Plain Bob Major: 2, 5.
In remembrance of those who died on September 11, 2001.

North American Guild
Washington, District of Columbia
Cathedral Church of St Peter and St Paul
Thursday, 13 September 2012 in 55m (32 cwt)
1260 Grandsire Triples
Composed by Traditional
1 Bill Kollar
2 Beth Sinclair
3 Katharine S Emmons
4 Frederick DuPuy (C)
5 Mary Clark
6 Quilla Roth
7 Alexander T Taft III
8 Carleton MacDonald
Rung for the memorial service in celebration of the life of Neil Armstrong (1930–2012), first man to walk on the moon.
First Grandsire Triples as conductor – 4.

North American Guild
Washington, District of Columbia
Cathedral Church of St Peter and St Paul
Saturday, 15 September 2012 in 50m (9 cwt)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Susan Jensen
2 Ed Donnen
3 Roy N Latham
4 Paula Fleming
5 Frederick DuPuy (C)
6 Carleton MacDonald
For the Weindruch–Stewart wedding.

North American Guild
Birmingham, Alabama
Cathedral of St Paul
Sunday, 16 September 2012 (13)
1400 Grandsire Doubles
1 Joe Roberts
2 Ted Clark
3 Amy Bischoff
4 Jenne Johnson
5 Jeremy Johnson (C)
6 Phil Teague
for the 140th anniversary of the first mass on the property

North American Guild
Vancouver, British Columbia
Holy Rosary Cathedral
Tuesday, 18 September 2012 in 42m (16)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Georgia Perona-Wright
2 E G (Jeff) White
3 Eve Munns
4 Brian Baldwin
5 Alan F Ellis (C)
6 Michael Connidis
To welcome BRENDAN LIAM DOUGLAS born July 27, 2012. Grandson for the Conductor.
Also to celebrate the 50th wedding anniversary of Brian and Norma Baldwin & to celebrate the 45th wedding anniversary of Peter and Eve Munns.
First Quarter 1, 6. First in Canada 4.

North American Guild
Toronto, Ontario
St James' Cathedral
Wednesday, 19 September 2012 in 47m (8)
1260 Plain Bob Minor
1 Rebecca Melen
2 Judith Hunt
3 Michael Hinton
4 Neil Glazebrook
5 Christopher Ruch
6 David Wilcox * (C)
Rung to mark the Golden wedding anniversary of Robin and Nikki Clarke
* 75th Quarter Peal

North American Guild
Québec, Québec
La Bibliothèque de Québec
Saturday, 22 September 2012 (15)
1260 Plain on Doubles
1 Donna McEwen
2 Anne V Wood
3 Benjamin Waterhouse
4 Andrea Mary Falk
5 Robert M Wood (cond?
6 René Lessard
7 Bruno Drolet
First quarter in St Matthew's tower 3&4
First visit to the tower 2&5
Rung in memory of See Mon Lee, whose ashes were interred today

North American Guild
New York, New York
Trinity, Wall Street
Sunday, 23 September 2012 in 49m (23)
1296 Plain Bob Caters
1 Martha Partridge
2 Krystl Hall
3 Lynn E Kodrich
4 Amy Lam
5 Tony Furnivall
6 Tina Hitchings (C)
7 John Hitchings
8 Paul Windels III
9 J Chapman Knott
10 Arthur E Crumlish Jr
First conducting of Plain Bob Caters: 6
First Plain Bob Caters: 1 and 2

North American Guild
Washington, District of Columbia
Cathedral Church of St Peter and St Paul
Monday, 24 September 2012 in 52m (9 cwt)
1440 Kent Treble Bob Minor
1 Ed Donnen
2 Paula Fleming
3 Kathryn E Tucker
4 Frederick DuPuy
5 Quilla Roth
6 Alexander T Taft III (C)
For the memorial service of William Hendren.
First Kent – 4.