Performances report

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This page gives a report of the performances matching your search criteria.

There were 142 matching performances.

North American Guild
Washington, District of Columbia
Cathedral of SS Peter and Paul
Tuesday, 1 January 2008 in 3h 10 (15)
5058 Yorkshire Surprise Major
Composed by C. Adams
1 Quilla Roth
2 Meredith A Morris
3 Paul Timmel
4 Cecily W Rock
5 Roy N Latham
6 Theresa M Rice
7 Richard S Dirksen
8 Alexander T Taft III (C)
For New Year's Day
1st in Method- 3
Ringing World page reference: 5048.0087

North American Guild
Calgary (Christ Church), Alberta, Canada
Tuesday, 1 January 2008 in 45m (8–2–0)
1320 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Shona Rochefork
2 Dan MaCowan
3 Ruth Lund
4 Robyn Williams
5 Eric Bumstead (C)
6 Michael Poland
1 - First on treble
2 - First inside
5 - First conductor
6 - First quarter
Rung in celebration of the engagement of Eric & Katie.

North American Guild
Philadelphia, PA, USA
St Martin in the Fields
Sunday, 6 January 2008 in 41m
1260 Plain Bob Triples
1 Chantal Meloscia
2 Susan V Clopper
3 Donald Trumpler
4 Eileen Joy Butler
5 Elisabeth Trumpler
6 Russell Torrey
7 Bruce N Butler (C)
8 Brian Zook
*500th quarter peal on the bells.
*Rung in honor of Bob Coughlin, whose efforts brought these bells to life in 1980. Also to remember the many ringers who have regularly rung the bells since then.

North American Guild
Calgary (Christ Church), Alberta, Canada
Sunday, 6 January 2008 in 44m (8–2–0)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Karli Martin
2 Ruth Lund
3 Dan MaCowan
4 Paul Brown
5 Eric Bumstead (C)
6 Guy Copeland
1 - First Quarter
4 - First inside
6 - First in Canada
Rung as a farewell for Shona Rochefork.

North American Guild
Washington (Old Post Office Tower), DC
Thursday, 10 January 2008 in 47m (8)
1260 Mixed Doubles (6m)
60 Stedman; 240 each Reverse Canterbury, Grandsire, St. Martin, St. Simon, Plain Bob
1 Ed Donnen
2 Mary Clark
3 Paula Fleming
4 Cecily W Rock
5 Alexander T Taft III (C)
6 Frederick DuPuy
In celebration of the engagement of Smita Dutta and Gregory J Watson, Tower Captain, OPOT; 1st quarter, 1st attempt (6)

North American Guild
Washington (Cathedral of Ss Peter & Paul), DC
Sunday, 13 January 2008 in 52m (15)
1250 Spliced Cambridge and Yorkshire Major
1 Katharine S Emmons
2 Theresa M Rice
3 Quilla Roth
4 Meredith A Morris
5 Mary Clark
6 B Haley Barnett
7 Cecily W Rock
8 Richard S Dirksen (C)
Rung for Sunday service and in thanksgiving for the lives of Martha Slason Toulmin & Rita M Joyce

North American Guild
Minnetonka, Minnesota
208 Sunnyvale Lane
Sunday, 13 January 2008 in 46m
1288 Spliced Plain and Gainsborough Little Bob Royal
Composed by Donald F. Morrison
1–2 James D Pirie
3–4 Janet A McKernan
5–6 Kristine K Fowler
7–8 Susan K Fautsch
9–10 Stuart McKernan (C)
Rung to celebrate the wedding of Rita Miskimen and Vernon Braun, reunited after 60 years apart. 1st quarter peal on the bells.

North American Guild
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Sunday, 13 January 2008 in 2h 22 (10)
5056 Cambridge Surprise Major
Composed by Middleton (Johnson's Variation)
1–2 Cally D Perry
3–4 Elaine M Hansen
5–6 David J Pipe (C)
7–8 Edward J Futcher
Rung to celebrate the life of Rita Joyce, who died January 7, 2008.
Ringing World page reference: 5060.0417

North American Guild
Chatham, New Jersey
420 River Road, Apt D5
Tuesday, 15 January 2008 in 2h 31 (13 in E♭)
5072 Plain Bob Major
Composed by Comp A M Tyler
1–2 Elisabeth Trumpler
3–4 Lynn E Kodrich
5–6 Donald Trumpler
7–8 R Roger Savory (C)
Ringing World page reference: 5050.0164

North American Guild
Charleston (Grace), South Carolina
Friday, 18 January 2008
1320 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Charlotte Rhoden
2 Rosalie K Crouch
3 Bill Crouch
4 David Porter
5 Charles Rhoden (C)
6 John Willson
Fist as conductor 5
Rung in memory of Myla Lee Alligood, mother of Lyn Barnett

North American Guild
Philadelphia, PA USA
St Martin in The Fields
Saturday, 19 January 2008
1320 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Sue De Vuyst
2 Matthew Bogen
3 Elaine Hansen
4 Megan Clark
5 Alex Taft III (C)
6 Theresa Glab
7 Jessie Ravage
8 Julien Cassels
7,6,8 cover
!st Quarter #8

North American Guild
Seattle, Washington
Sunday, 20 January 2008 in 45m
1272 Plain Bob Minor
1–2 Paul J Hezel
3–4 Alexander E Holroyd
5–6 Mark R Verrey (C)
1st quarter, 1-2

North American Guild
Washington (Old Post Office Tower), DC
Monday, 21 January 2008 in 47m (8)
1260 Plain Bob Minor
1 Donna Anderson
2 Ed Donnen
3 Mary Clark
4 Paula Fleming
5 Alexander T Taft III
6 Gregory J Watson (C)
In honor of Martin Luther King, Jr.

North American Guild
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Southminster Presbyterian
Saturday, 26 January 2008 in 2h 38 (8)
5040 St Simon's Bob Triples
(Plain Bob No. 1 rearranged)
Composed by Donald F Morrison
1 Donald F Morrison (C)
2 Lynn E Kodrich
3 Theresa M Rice
4 Christian J Haller
5 B Haley Barnett
6 Alexander T Taft III
7 Nicholas R Rossi
First in method for all and for the Guild.
In memory of Jessie Campbell.
Ringing World page reference: 5052.0216

North American Guild
Washington (Cathedral of Ss Peter & Paul), DC
Sunday, 27 January 2008 in 55m (15–1–25)
1260 Plain Bob Triples
1 Katharine S Emmons
2 Quilla Roth
3 A David Hole III
4 Paula Fleming
5 Mary Clark
6 John Wells King
7 Meredith A Morris (C)
8 Ed Donnen
For Sunday service, engagement compliments to Gregory Watson and Smita Dutta, and best wishes to Steve Lott on his retirement.

North American Guild
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Southminster Presbyterian
Sunday, 27 January 2008 in 2h 46 (8)
5088 Double Norwich Court Bob Major
Composed by Donald F Morrison
1 Elizabeth S Boyd
2 Lynn E Kodrich
3 Theresa M Rice
4 Christian J Haller
5 Donald F Morrison (C)
6 Alexander T Taft III
7 Nicholas R Rossi
8 B Haley Barnett
First in method: 8.
Fiftieth peal: 4.
In memory of Rita M Joyce.
Ringing World page reference: 5052.0216

North American Guild
Seattle, Washington, USA
2201 4th Ave
Sunday, 3 February 2008 in 40m (15 in C♯)
1312 Oxford Treble Bob Major
1–2 Rebecca A Woodgate
3–4 Rachel H Pusey
5–6 Mark R Verrey
7–8 Alexander E Holroyd (C)
In fond memory of Professor Peter D. Killworth,
mentor, colleague and friend of 1-2.
First quarter in method for 1-2 and 5-6.

North American Guild
Kalamazoo, Michigan
Stetson Chapel, Kalamazoo College
Sunday, 3 February 2008
1260 Plain Bob Royal
1–2 Rob Kakuk
3–4 Jeff Smith
5–6 Margaret Miller
7–8 Kit Almy
9–10 Kris Fowler (C)
Congratulations to John Graham and Paul Ochman on their civil union, after 27 years together.

North American Guild
Washington (Cathedral of Ss Peter & Paul), DC
Sunday, 10 February 2008 in 57m (32)
1278 Grandsire Caters
1 Theresa M Rice
2 Paula Fleming
3 Meredith A Morris
4 Quilla Roth
5 Mary Clark
6 B Haley Barnett
7 Cecily W Rock
8 Richard S Dirksen
9 Alexander T Taft III (C)
10 Ed Donnen
In thanksgiving for the lives of Richard W Hynson and Doris Elizabeth Jarvis

North American Guild
Washington (Old Post Office Tower), DC
Thursday, 14 February 2008 in 45m (8)
1320 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Grant Feichtinger
2 F Neville Withington
3 Ed Donnen
4 Paula Fleming
5 Gregory J Watson (C)
6 Frederick DuPuy
For the 25th anniversary of P.L. 98-1 establishing the Nancy Hanks Center, including the Old Post Office Tower; 1st treble

North American Guild
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Southminster Presbyterian
Saturday, 16 February 2008 in 2h 38 (6)
5040 Minor
(One extent each London Surprise, Oxford Treble Bob, Bourne Surprise, Cambridge Surprise, Kent Treble Bob, St Clement's College Bob and Plain Bob.)
1 Theresa M Rice
2 Lynn E Kodrich
3 Gregory J Watson
4 Donald F Morrison (C)
5 B Haley Barnett
6 Nicholas R Rossi
One hundredth peal: 1.
Circled the tower: 1, 4 and as conductor.
Most methods: 3, 6.
In memory of Doris Elizabeth Jarvis, SND, 1914-2008.
Ringing World page reference: 5055.0290

North American Guild
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Southminster Presbyterian
Sunday, 17 February 2008 in 2h 42 (7)
5040 Doubles and Minor
(15 methods: 2 extents Stedman Doubles; 1 extent each spliced London and Wells Surprise Minor, Grandsire Doubles, spliced Kent and Oxford Treble Bob Minor, spliced Beverley and Surfleet Surprise Minor, Bourne Surprise Minor, Cambridge Surprise Minor, St Simon's Bob Doubles, St Martin's Bob Doubles, spliced St Clement's College Bob and Plain Bob Minor, and Plain Bob Doubles.)
1 Donald F Morrison (C)
2 Lynn E Kodrich
3 Gregory J Watson
4 B Haley Barnett
5 Theresa M Rice
6 Nicholas R Rossi
Most methods: 2, 3, 5, 6.
Ringing World page reference: 5055.0290

North American Guild
Washington (Old Post Office Tower) DC
Monday, 18 February 2008 in 50m (13)
1260 Grandsire Triples
1 A David Hole III
2 Paula Fleming
3 Mary Clark
4 Meredith A Morris
5 Catherine Stanworth
6 Michael Tinsley
7 Richard S Dirksen (C)
8 Ed Donnen
For President's Day and to welcome our visitors, 5 & 6

North American Guild
New York City, New York
Trinity Church
Saturday, 23 February 2008 in 3h 19 (23)
5060 Plain Bob Cinques
Composed by TJ Barnes
1 R Roger Savory
2 Quilla Roth
3 Lynn E Kodrich
4 B Haley Barnett
5 Elisabeth Trumpler
6 Timothy J Barnes (C)
7 Donald Trumpler
8 John S Danaher
9 Duncan J Large
10 Cecily W Rock
11 Alexander T Taft III
12 Gregory F Russell
First on twelve: 5, 9, 12
Ringing World page reference: 5056.0315

North American Guild
Washington (Cathedral of Ss Peter & Paul), DC
Sunday, 24 February 2008 in 46m (9 cwt)
1296 Cambridge Minor
1 Ed Donnen
2 Susan M O'Neill
3 John Wells King
4 Meredith A Morris
5 Mary Clark
6 Theresa M Rice (C)
For Sunday service

North American Guild
Charleston (St Michael)
Sunday, 24 February 2008
1260 Doubles
1 CJ Cantwell
2 Eileen Butler
3 Kristine Fowler
4 Jeni Fracois
5 Bruce N Butler (C)
6 Charles Stephens
60 Stedman, 240 each of St Simons and St Martins, 360 each of Plain Bob Doubles and Grandsire Doubles

North American Guild
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Southminster Presbyterian Church
Saturday, 1 March 2008 in 2h 56 (8)
5024 Terrible Towel Treble Bob Major
Composed by Donald F Morrison (no. 1)
1 Donald F Morrison (C)
2 Lynn E Kodrich
3 Theresa M Rice
4 Kristine Fowler
5 Christian J Haller
6 B Haley Barnett
7 Nicholas R Rossi
8 Alexander T Taft
In memory of Myron Cope, January 23, 1929 - February 27, 2008. Yoi!
First peal in the method: 34x34.1.56x56.1.34x34.1.34x34.1 le 2nds [a] fch Da.
Ringing World page reference: 5057.0338

North American Guild
Washington (Cathedral of Ss Peter & Paul), DC
Sunday, 9 March 2008 in 56m (32 cwt)
1278 Grandsire Caters
1 Theresa M Rice
2 Rebecca A Joyce
3 Katharine S Emmons
4 John Owen
5 Mary Clark
6 John Wells King
7 Alexander T Taft III (C)
8 Quilla Roth
9 Cecily W Rock
10 Bill Kollar
In memorium Rita M Joyce

North American Guild
Roseville, Minnesota
1408 Ryan Avenue
Sunday, 9 March 2008
1296 Double Norwich Court Bob Major
1–2 Julie M Curtsinger
3–4 James D Pirie
5–6 Kristine K Fowler
7–8 Susan K Fautsch (C)
Rung to celebrate the life of Mary Julie Kelly. 1st quarter in method: 3-4, as conductor 7-8, by an all local band.

North American Guild
Arlington, Massachusetts
68 Marathon Street
Friday, 21 March 2008 in 2h 29 (10)
5040 Plain Bob Major
Composed by E M Atkins
1–2 Cally D Perry
3–4 Elaine M Hansen
5–6 Emily R Russell
7–8 Edward J Futcher (C)
Birthday compliment to Alex Lucas.
Ringing World page reference: 5059.0392

North American Guild
Groton, Massachusetts
St John's Chapel, Groton School
Saturday, 22 March 2008 in 3h 11 (18)
5007 Stedman Caters
Composed by A S Hudson
1 Danielle M Morse
2 Andrew N Tyler
3 Edward J Futcher (C)
4 T David Westmoreland
5 Emily R Russell
6 Gregory F Russell
7 John S Danaher
8 Maurice W Southworth
9 Geoffrey Davies
10 Elaine M Hansen
First on 10: 5.
First Stedman: 4,5,6.
A birthday compliment to Emily Russell.
Ringing World page reference: 5059.0390

North American Guild
Boston, Massachusetts
Christ Church (Old North Church)
Sunday, 23 March 2008 in 2h 55 (14)
5056 Plain Bob Major
Composed by J R Pritchard
1 Andrew N Tyler
2 Emily R Russell
3 Kirby E Russell
4 Danielle M Morse (C)
5 Elaine M Hansen
6 Edward J Futcher
7 Gregory F Russell
8 Maurice W Southworth
First peal: 3
First peal as conductor: 4
For Easter Sunday
Ringing World page reference: 5059.0390

North American Guild
Toronto, Ontario
St James Cathedral
Monday, 24 March 2008 in 54m (21 cwt)
1296 Plain Bob Caters
1 David Hawkins
2 Madeleine Cheesman
3 Carole Chabot
4 Robin Clarke
5 Michael Hinton
6 Derek Dodd *
7 Chris Ruch
8 Dan Tregunno *
9 Mark Androlia (C)
10 Omer Angel **
* - first Plain Bob Caters inside
** - first on 10 and first in Toronto
Birthday compliments to Derek Dodd and Mark Androlia

North American Guild
Marblehead, Massachusetts
25 Kenneth Road
Friday, 28 March 2008 in 2h 25 (14)
5088 Yorkshire Surprise Major
Composed by N J Pitstow
1–2 Elaine M Hansen
3–4 Kristine K Fowler
5–6 William S Croft (C)
7–8 Paul S Seaman
First peal of Yorkshire: 3-4.
Ringing World page reference: 5065.0572

North American Guild
Marblehead, Massachusetts
25 Kenneth Road
Friday, 28 March 2008 in 2h 22 (14)
5056 Cambridge Surprise Major
Composed by C Middleton
1–2 Edward J Futcher
3–4 Kristine K Fowler
5–6 William S Croft (C)
7–8 James S Croft
First of Cambridge S Major in hand: 3-4.
Ringing World page reference: 5065.0572

North American Guild
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Saturday, 29 March 2008 in 2h 13 (14)
5056 Cambridge Surprise Major
Composed by Johnson's variation of Middleton's
1–2 Kenneth R Ballou
3–4 Kristine K Fowler
5–6 Paul S Seaman
7–8 Edward J Futcher (C)
Ringing World page reference: 5065.0572

North American Guild
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Saturday, 29 March 2008 in 2h 19 (14)
5058 Yorkshire Surprise Major
Composed by C Adams
1–2 Kenneth R Ballou
3–4 Elaine M Hansen
5–6 Thomas J Hinks (C)
7–8 James S Croft
Ringing World page reference: 5065.0572

North American Guild
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Saturday, 29 March 2008 in 2h 42 (13)
5040 Cambridge Surprise Royal
Composed by C U G Collective
1–2 Cally D Perry
3–4 Kristine K Fowler
5–6 William S Croft (C)
7–8 Edward J Futcher
9–10 Paul S Seaman
First peal of Surprise Royal in hand: 3-4, 9-10.
Ringing World page reference: 5065.0572

North American Guild
Minnetonka, Minnesota
208 Sunnyvale Lane
Sunday, 30 March 2008 in 45m
1300 Spliced Plain Royal (3 Methods)
Contains 600 Gainsborough Little Bob, 200 Little Bob and 500 Plain Bob with 74 changes of method
Composed by Stuart McKernan
1–2 Julie M Curtsinger
3–4 Janet A McKernan
5–6 Susan K Fautsch
7–8 James D Pirie
9–10 Stuart McKernan (C)
Most methods by all in hand. 1st composition 9-10

North American Guild
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Sunday, 30 March 2008 in 2h 23 (14)
5184 Kent Treble Bob Major
Composed by M C W Sherwood
1–2 Kristine K Fowler
3–4 James S Croft
5–6 Paul S Seaman (C)
7–8 Elaine M Hansen
Ringing World page reference: 5065.0572

North American Guild
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Sunday, 30 March 2008 in 2h 38 (13)
5088 Bristol Surprise Major
Composed by S J Ivin
1–2 Cally D Perry
3–4 Thomas J Hinks
5–6 William S Croft (C)
7–8 Edward J Futcher
First of Bristol S Major: 3-4.
Ringing World page reference: 5065.0572

North American Guild
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Sunday, 30 March 2008 in 1h 45 (9)
5040 Minor
4m: 2 extents Cambridge S, Oxford TB, Kent TB; 1 extent Plain B.
1–2 Cally D Perry
3–4 Elaine M Hansen
5–6 Edward J Futcher (C)
Ringing World page reference: 5065.0572

North American Guild
Boston, Massachusetts
The Church of the Advent
Monday, 31 March 2008 in 3h 7 (20)
5056 Spliced Surprise Major
8m: 768 London, Rutland; 640 Bristol; 576 Cambridge, Lincolnshire, Pudsey, Superlative, Yorkshire; 142 com.
Composed by N Smith
1 Edward J Futcher
2 Cally D Perry
3 William S Croft (C)
4 James S Croft
5 Elaine M Hansen
6 Thomas J Hinks
7 Maurice W Southworth
8 Paul S Seaman
100th towerbell peal: 4.
Ringing World page reference: 5065.0572

North American Guild
Washington (Old Post Office Tower), DC
Thursday, 3 April 2008 in 50m (13 cwt)
1260 Grandsire Triples
1 Ed Donnen
2 Ann G Martin
3 Mary Clark
4 Paula Fleming
5 Alexander T Taft III
6 Cecily W Rock
7 Edward W Martin (C)
8 Frederick DuPuy
For Ann & Eddie Martin as a welcome back to OPOT

North American Guild
Minneapolis, Minnesota
University of Minnesota, Walter Library 335
Wednesday, 9 April 2008
1260 Plain Bob Minor
1–2 Janet A McKernan
3–4 Susan K Fautsch
5–6 Kristine K Fowler (C)
25th wedding anniversary compliment to Julie and Jim Curtsinger.

North American Guild
Bensalem, Pennsylvania
944 Station Ave Apt A7
Wednesday, 9 April 2008
1260 Minor
(3m: St Clement's, Buxton, Childwall)
1–2 Elisabeth Trumpler
3–4 Donald Trumpler (C)
5–6 R Roger Savory

North American Guild
Washington (Old Post Office Tower) DC
Thursday, 10 April 2008 in 51m (13 cwt)
1344 Superlative Major
1 Paula Fleming
2 F Neville Withington
3 Ann G Martin
4 Mary Clark
5 Theresa M Rice
6 Cecily W Rock
7 Edward W Martin
8 Alexander T Taft III (C)
For the speedy recovery of Don Gowan, Richard Joyce and Barbara Gulick

North American Guild
New York City, New York
Trinity Church
Saturday, 12 April 2008 in 3h 24 (23)
5060 Plain Bob Cinques
Composed by E Futcher
1 Andrew N Tyler
2 Edward J Futcher (C)
3 Danielle M Morse
4 T David Westmoreland
5 Cally D Perry
6 Elaine M Hansen
7 Gregory F Russell
8 John S Danaher
9 Geoffrey Davies
10 Timothy J Barnes
11 Maurice W Southworth
12 J Chapman Knott
First on 12 towerbells 5,6
First on 12 4
First on 12 inside 7
Ringing World page reference: 5062.0498

North American Guild
Minnetonka, Minnesota
208 Sunnyvale Lane
Sunday, 13 April 2008 in 56m
1320 Plain Bob Maximus
1–2 James D Pirie
3–4 Julie M Curtsinger
5–6 Janet A McKernan
7–8 Kristine K Fowler
9–10 Susan K Fautsch
11–12 Stuart McKernan (C)

North American Guild
Seattle, USA
Henderson Hall, University of Washington
Monday, 14 April 2008 in 44m (15 in C♯)
1280 Plain Bob Major
1–2 Rebecca A Woodgate
3–4 Mark R Verrey
5–6 Alexander E Holroyd (C)
7–8 Sarah Paliulis
First quarter peal: 7-8

North American Guild
Washington (Old Post Office Tower), DC
Thursday, 17 April 2008 in 44m (8)
1260 Plain Bob Minor
1 Paula Fleming
2 Donna Anderson
3 Ed Donnen
4 F Neville Withington
5 Theresa M Rice
6 Gregory J Watson (C)
For DC Emancipation Day

North American Guild
Washington (Old Post Office), District of Columbia
Congress Bells
Sunday, 20 April 2008 in 3h 17 (26½)
5040 Cambridge Surprise Royal
Composed by J Clatworthy
1 Duncan J Large
2 Rebecca A Joyce
3 Susan M O'Neill
4 Quilla Roth
5 John Owen
6 B Haley Barnett
7 Cecily W Rock
8 Richard S Dirksen
9 Alexander T Taft, III
10 Edward J Futcher (C)
In celebration of the life of Donald Kingsley Gowan, II, history teacher, a longtime Dean of Students and a beloved football, basketball and lacrosse coach at Kent School for 38 years.
Ringing World page reference: 5063.0522

North American Guild
Washington (Cathedral of Ss Peter & Paul), DC
Saturday, 26 April 2008 in 52m (32 cwt)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Paula Fleming
2 Quilla Roth
3 Theresa M Rice
4 Alexander T Taft III (C)
5 Cecily W Rock
6 Philip L Merrill
Rung half-muffled for the life of The Right Rev. Ronald H. Haines, 7th Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Washington

North American Guild
Washington (Cathedral of Ss Peter & Paul), DC
Sunday, 27 April 2008 in 45m (15)
1260 Plain Bob Minor
1 Ed Donnen
2 Theresa M Rice
3 Quilla Roth
4 Katharine S Emmons
5 Alexander T Taft III
6 Cecily W Rock (C)
For Sunday Service

North American Guild
Washington (Cathedral of Ss Peter & Paul), DC
Sunday, 27 April 2008 in 45m (9 cwt)
1260 Plain Bob Minor
1 Ed Donnen
2 Theresa M Rice
3 Quilla Roth
4 Katharine S Emmons
5 Alexander T Taft III
6 Cecily W Rock (C)
For Sunday service

North American Guild
Roseville, Minnesota
1408 Ryan Ave
Sunday, 27 April 2008 in 49m
1400 Kent Treble Bob Royal
Composed by Roger Bailey
1–2 Julie M Curtsinger
3–4 James D Pirie
5–6 Janet A McKernan
7–8 Susan K Fautsch
9–10 Stuart McKernan (C)

North American Guild
Chatham, New Jersey
420 River Road, Apt D5
Wednesday, 30 April 2008 in 1h 50 (13 in E♭)
5040 Minor
(4m: 2 extents each Buxton, St Clement's; 1 extent each spliced St Clement's & Childwall, spliced St Clement's & Buxton, Plain)
1–2 Elisabeth Trumpler
3–4 Donald Trumpler (C)
5–6 R Roger Savory
In memoriam Jessie M Kippin.
Ringing World page reference: 5068.0652

North American Guild
Princess Anne, Maryland
St Andrew
Saturday, 3 May 2008 in 2h 25 (3)
5040 Maryland Delight Minor
x34x14.12x12.16x12x16 lh 2nds [b]
1 Philip L Merrill
2 Theresa M Rice (C)
3 Cecily W Rock
4 Meredith A Morris
5 Gregory S Hinson
6 Richard S Dirksen
In celebration of the life of Freedom Ainsworth, long time Vestryman and Donor of the treble bell.
First peal in the method.
The band consisted entirely of current or former residents of the Old Line State.
Ringing World page reference: 5065.0570

North American Guild
Washington (Cathedral of Ss Peter & Paul), DC
Sunday, 11 May 2008 in 53m (15)
1260 Mixed Doubles
1 Alexander T Taft III (C)
2 Quilla Roth
3 Theresa M Rice
4 Mary Osterhaus Clark
5 Cecily W Rock
6 Katharine S Emmons
For Pentecost. Rung on 1-2-3-6-8-10

North American Guild
Washington, District of Columbia
Cathedral of SS Peter and Paul
Sunday, 11 May 2008 in 53m (32)
1260 Mixed Doubles
600 St. Martins, 660 Plain Bob
1 Alexander T Taft III (C)
2 Quilla Roth
3 Theresa M Rice
4 Mary O Clark
5 Cecily W Rock
6 Katie Emmons
Rung on the "Pretty Six" (1,2,3,6,8,10) for Pentecost

North American Guild
Minnetonka, Minnesota
208 Sunnyvale Lane
Sunday, 11 May 2008 in 39m
1264 Plain Bob Major
Composed by Michael F. Schulte
1–2 Robert J Stokes
3–4 Janet A McKernan
5–6 James D Pirie
7–8 Stuart McKernan (C)
Rung to celebrate the sesquicentennial of the state of Minnesota, which became the 32nd state of the Union on May 11, 1858.

North American Guild
Quebec City, Quebec
Cathedral Church of The Holy Trinity
Sunday, 18 May 2008 in 2h 53 (15cwt)
5056 Cambridge Surprise Major
Composed by S Jenner
1 Lynn E Kodrich
2 Cally D Perry
3 E Jane Sibson
4 Kristine K Fowler
5 Elaine M Hansen
6 Derek E Sibson (C)
7 Alan Regin
8 Ian G Campbell
Rung as part of the celebrations for the 400th anniversary of the City of Quebec and to mark the rededication of the bells after rehanging in 2007, immediately following the unveiling of a plaque recording the major donors.
Ringing World page reference: 5072.0747

North American Guild
Washington (Old Post Office Tower), DC
Monday, 26 May 2008 in 50m (13 cwt)
1260 Plain Bob Triples
1 Paula Fleming
2 Mary Clark
3 A David Hole III
4 Nick Jones
5 Theresa M Rice
6 Roy N Latham
7 Meredith A Morris (C)
8 Frederick DuPuy
For Memorial Day and the marriage of Gregory J Watson and Smita Dutta

North American Guild
Bothell, WA, USA
9228 NE 192nd St
Monday, 26 May 2008 in 42m (15 in C♯)
1280 Plain Bob Major
1–2 Susan K Burris
3–4 Rachel H Pusey
5–6 Alexander E Holroyd (C)
7–8 Dilip J Sequeira
Dedicated to Terry Burris, husband of 1-2, for their 40th Wedding Anniversary. First quarter peal: 1-2

North American Guild
Washington, District of Columbia
Cathedral Church of St Peter and St Paul
Saturday, 31 May 2008 in 3h 19 (32)
5040 Plain Bob Caters
Composed by Donald F Morrison (no. 2840b)
1 Quilla Roth
2 Paula Fleming
3 Lynn E Kodrich
4 Carolyn V Ormes
5 William J Kollar
6 Cecily W Rock
7 Nicholas R Rossi
8 Ross J Finbow
9 Donald F Morrison (C)
10 Alexander T Taft III
Ringing World page reference: 5069.0674

North American Guild
Washington, District of Columbia
Cathedral Church of St Peter and St Paul
Sunday, 1 June 2008 in 2h 35 (13)
5008 Plain Bob Major
Composed by Donald F Morrison (no. 362)
1–2 Cecily W Rock
3–4 Ross J Finbow
5–6 Donald F Morrison (C)
7–8 Nicholas R Rossi
Ringing World page reference: 5069.0675

North American Guild
Washington (Cathedral of Ss Peter & Paul), DC
Sunday, 8 June 2008 in 53m (15)
1344 Plain Bob Triples
1 Paul W Windels III
2 Quilla Roth
3 B Haley Barnett
4 A David Hole III
5 Katharine S Emmons
6 Alexander T Taft III
7 Cecily W Rock (C)
8 Rob Bannister
For Sunday Service. With best wishes to Elizabeth Dial and Jim Pinkerton on the occasion of their marriage.

North American Guild
Toronto, Canada
St James Cathedral
Sunday, 8 June 2008 in 75m (21 cwt)
1932 Grandsire Triples
1 Jillian Ruch *
2 Chris Ruch *
3 Olivia Gamache *
4 Madeleine Cheesman
5 Robin Clarke (C)
6 Michael Hinton
7 Mark Androlia
8 Dan Tregunno
Rung to celebrate the visit to the Cathedral by the Earl of Wessex. Also, birthday compliments to Bea Schikschneit, Michael Hinton and Madeleine Cheesman.
* - 1st Grandsire Triples

North American Guild
Philadelphia, PA USA
St Martin in The Fields
Saturday, 14 June 2008
1260 Plain Bob Minor
1 Frederick DuPuy
2 Eileen Latham
3 Chris Haller
4 Roy Latham
5 Duncan Large
6 Don Trumpler (C)
1 - first quarter away from cover
To celebrate Ann Tillman being ordained a deacon in the Episcopal Church

North American Guild
Philadelphia, PA USA
St Martin in The Fields
Saturday, 14 June 2008
1260 Doubles
240 each St Simon's, St Martin's, 420 Plain Bob, 360 Grandsire
1 Deborah Cooper
2 Lynn Kodrich
3 Beverly Faber
4 Eileen Joy Butler
5 Bruce N Butler (C)
6 Chris Colon
For Flag Day and the Bells' Birthday BBQ Bash

North American Guild
Seattle, WA, USA
2201 4th Ave
Sunday, 15 June 2008 in 43m (15)
1280 Kent Treble Bob Royal
1–2 Rachel H Pusey
3–4 Mark R Verrey
5–6 Kristine K Fowler
7–8 Alexander E Holroyd (C)
9–10 John G Pusey

North American Guild
Philadelphia, PA USA
St Mark's
Sunday, 15 June 2008
1260 Plain Bob Triples
1 Brian Zook
2 Don Trumpler (C)
3 Eileen Joy Butler
4 Bruce N Butler
5 Roy Latham
6 Theresa Rice
7 Chris Haller
8 Chris Colon
To wish Curate Paul Franke well as he leaves St Mark's
For the "43ers" and especially Chris Haller whose birthday is today

North American Guild
Minnetonka, Minnesota
3000 St. Albans Mill Road
Saturday, 21 June 2008 in 55m
1320 Plain Bob Maximus
1–2 Janet A McKernan
3–4 Julie M Curtsinger
5–6 Donald Trumpler
7–8 Susan K Fautsch
9–10 James D Pirie
11–12 Stuart McKernan (C)
Rung to welcome Don Trumpler to Minnesota

North American Guild
Minnetonka, Minnesota
3000 St. Albans Mill Road
Saturday, 21 June 2008 in 45m
1260 Plain Bob Royal
1–2 James D Pirie
3–4 Susan K Fautsch
5–6 Donald Trumpler (C)
7–8 Janet A McKernan
9–10 Stuart McKernan

North American Guild
Minnetonka, Minnesota
3000 St. Albans Mill Road
Sunday, 22 June 2008 in 43m
1264 Plain Bob Major
1–2 Robert J Stokes
3–4 Julie M Curtsinger
5–6 Susan K Fautsch
7–8 Donald Trumpler (C)

North American Guild
Minnetonka, Minnesota
3000 St. Albans Mill Road
Sunday, 22 June 2008 in 37m
1320 Plain Bob Minor
1–2 Robert J Stokes
3–4 Julie M Curtsinger
5–6 Susan K Fautsch (C)

North American Guild
Minnetonka, Minnesota
3000 St. Albans Mill Road
Sunday, 22 June 2008 in 40m
1344 Spliced Kent/oxford Treble Bob Major
1–2 Kit Almy
3–4 Janet A McKernan
5–6 Donald Trumpler (C)
7–8 Stuart McKernan

North American Guild
Minnetonka, Minnesota
3000 St. Albans Mill Road
Sunday, 22 June 2008 in 43m
1312 Oxford Treble Bob Major
1–2 Julie M Curtsinger
3–4 Donald Trumpler (C)
5–6 Susan K Fautsch
7–8 Kit Almy

North American Guild
Frederick, Maryland
Calvary UMC
Sunday, 22 June 2008 in 35m (574 lb)
1260 Plain Bob Minor
1 John Cosby
2 Carolyn Ormes
3 Alice Zalatoris
4 Geoff Johnson
5 Theresa Rice
6 Bill Kollar (C)

North American Guild
Princess Anne, Maryland
St Andrew
Thursday, 3 July 2008 in 2h 29 (3)
5040 Cambridge Surprise Minor
Composed by Roger Bailey
1 William J Kollar
2 Carolyn V Ormes
3 Paula Fleming
4 Cecily W Rock
5 Alexander T Taft III
6 Edward J Futcher (C)
Rung for 4th July.
Ringing World page reference: 5074.0794

North American Guild
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
St Martin-in-the-Fields
Thursday, 3 July 2008 in 2h 19 (4½)
5040 Treble Dodging Minor
(4m: 1 extent London S; 2 extents each Cambridge S, Oxford TB, Kent TB)
1 Eileen J Butler
2 Donald Trumpler (C)
3 Lynn E Kodrich
4 Bruce N Butler
5 Elisabeth Trumpler
6 Eric R Trumpler
Ringing World page reference: 5074.0794

North American Guild
Washington, District of Columbia
Old Post Office Tower
Friday, 4 July 2008 in 3h 6 (13)
5040 Plain Bob Triples
Composed by Donald F Morrison (no. 1068)
1 Ed Donnen
2 Gregory S Hinson
3 Eric R Trumpler
4 Gregory J Watson
5 Elisabeth Trumpler
6 Nicholas R Rossi
7 Theresa M Rice (C)
8 Cecily W Rock
Rung for 4 July.
First triples as conductor.
Ringing World page reference: 5074.0794

North American Guild
Washington, District of Columbia
Cathedral Church of St Peter and St Paul
Friday, 4 July 2008 in 3h 20 (32)
5040 London No. 3 Surprise Royal
Composed by C K Lewis
1 Rebecca A Joyce
2 Quilla Roth
3 Edward J Futcher (C)
4 Mary Osterhaus Clark
5 Donald Trumpler
6 B Haley Barnett
7 Alexander T Taft III
8 Donald F Morrison
9 David S Baverstock
10 Ross J Finbow
Rung for 4th July.
Ringing World page reference: 5074.0794

North American Guild
Frederick, Maryland
Calvary United Methodist Church
Saturday, 5 July 2008 in 2h 41 (9)
5008 Plain Bob Major
Composed by Donald F Morrison (no. 362, rearranged)
1 Donald F Morrison (C)
2 Cecily W Rock
3 Elisabeth Trumpler
4 Donald Trumpler
5 Eric R Trumpler
6 Alexander T Taft III
7 Nicholas R Rossi
8 Ross J Finbow
Birthday compliment to Sarah Beukema.
Ringing World page reference: 5074.0794

North American Guild
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Southminster Presbyterian
Saturday, 12 July 2008 in 2h 33 (13)
5008 Plain Bob Major
Composed by Donald F Morrison (no. 362)
1–2 Kristine K Fowler
3–4 Ross J Finbow
5–6 Donald F Morrison (C)
7–8 Nicholas R Rossi
Birthday compliment to Richard Boyd.
Ringing World page reference: 5075.0819

North American Guild
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Southminster Presbyterian
Saturday, 12 July 2008 in 2h 55 (8)
5056 Spliced Surprise Major
(3 methods: 1,952 Lessness, 1,568 Cambridge and 1,536 Yorkshire, with 90 c.o.m. and a.t.w.)
Composed by Donald F Morrison (no. 117)
1 Donald F Morrison (C)
2 Lynn E Kodrich
3 Kristine K Fowler
4 Theresa M Rice
5 Cecily W Rock
6 Nicholas R Rossi
7 Ross J Finbow
8 B Haley Barnett
First spliced surprise: 3.
Rung in memory of Chester Wellington Ham, Jr, 23 January 1937 - 3 July 2008.
Ringing World page reference: 5075.0817

North American Guild
Washington (Cathedral of Ss Peter & Paul), DC
Sunday, 13 July 2008 in 46m (9)
1296 Plain Bob Minor
1 Frederick DuPuy
2 Quilla Roth
3 A David Hole III
4 Katharine S Emmons
5 John Wells King
6 Alexander T Taft III (C)
For Sunday Services. In celebration of the life of Arthur William King, 1914-2008, father of the 5

North American Guild
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Southminster Presbyterian
Sunday, 13 July 2008 in 2h 58 (8)
5056 Jaundiced Treble Bob Major
Jaundiced Treble Bob Major: 56x56.1x56x1x4x1x56x7 le 2nds [a]
Composed by Donald F Morrison (no. 3655)
1 Donald F Morrison (C)
2 Lynn E Kodrich
3 B Haley Barnett
4 Kristine K Fowler
5 Ross J Finbow
6 Theresa M Rice
7 Nicholas R Rossi
8 Cecily W Rock
First peal in the method.
Ringing World page reference: 5075.0817

North American Guild
Washington (Old Post Office), DC
Thursday, 17 July 2008 in 43m (13)
1259 Plain Bob Minor
1 Frederick DuPuy
2 Jennifer A Holden
3 Paula Fleming
4 Mary Osterhaus Clark
5 B Haley Barnett
6 Alexander T Taft III (C)
7 Ed Donnen
8 Roy N Latham
Rung with 2 covers. To welcome the 2 to Washington. In celebration of the 35th wedding anniversary of Mary and Joe Clark, 14 July 1973

North American Guild
Chatham, New Jersey
420 River Road, Apt D5
Tuesday, 22 July 2008 in 2h 22 (13 in E♭)
5040 Plain Bob Major
Composed by E M Atkins
1–2 Elisabeth Trumpler
3–4 Lynn E Kodrich
5–6 Donald Trumpler (C)
7–8 R Roger Savory
A welcome to James Lee Vermes, born July 18, 2008, a grandson for Roger Savory.
Ringing World page reference: 5076.0843

North American Guild
Bensalem, Pennsylvania
944 Station Ave Apt A7
Tuesday, 29 July 2008 in 1h 58 (13 in E♭)
5040 Treble Bob Minor
(2m: 2160 each Oxford TB, Kent TB; 1 extent spliced Kent & Oxford)
1–2 Elisabeth Trumpler
3–4 Eric R Trumpler
5–6 Donald Trumpler (C)
Ringing World page reference: 5078.0891

North American Guild
Chatham, New Jersey
420 River Road, Apt D5
Wednesday, 30 July 2008 in 2h 41 (13 in E♭)
5040 Plain Bob Royal
Composed by D F Morrison (#1032)
1–2 Lynn E Kodrich
3–4 Elisabeth Trumpler
5–6 Donald Trumpler (C)
7–8 Eric R Trumpler
9–10 R Roger Savory
700th peal: 5-6.
350th peal together: 3-4, 5-6.
Ringing World page reference: 5078.0891

North American Guild
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Southminster Presbyterian
Saturday, 9 August 2008 in 2h 57 (8)
5184 London Surprise Major
Composed by Stephen J Ivin
1 Christian J Haller
2 Nicholas R Rossi
3 Theresa M Rice
4 Cecily W Rock
5 Donald F Morrison
6 Alexander T Taft III
7 Edward J Futcher (C)
8 Ross J Finbow
First in method: 2, 3, 6.
Completes the standard eight: 3.
Ringing World page reference: 5079.0914

North American Guild
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Southminster Presbyterian
Saturday, 9 August 2008 in 3h 5 (13)
5040 Plain Bob Royal
Composed by Henry J Tucker
1–2 Cecily W Rock
3–4 Ross J Finbow
5–6 Donald F Morrison
7–8 Edward J Futcher (C)
9–10 Nicholas R Rossi
First on ten hand bells: 1-2, 9-10.
Ringing World page reference: 5079.0915

North American Guild
Washington (Cathedral of Ss Peter & Paul), DC
Sunday, 10 August 2008 in 47m (9)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Pamela Pohling-Brown
2 Susan M O'Neill
3 Noah Smith
4 A David Hole III
5 Quilla Roth (C)
6 Roy Smith
For Sunday Service. To celebrate the marriage of Aliya Razvi and Eric Chapman

North American Guild
Coon Rapids, Minnesota
1165 97th Lane NW
Saturday, 23 August 2008
1344 Kent Treble Bob Maximus
1–2 Julie M Curtsinger
3–4 Janet A McKernan
5–6 Kristine K Fowler
7–8 Alexander E Holroyd (C)
9–10 Susan K Fautsch
11–12 Stuart McKernan
Get-well wishes to Bob Stokes, and welcome to Ander Holroyd on his Minnesota visit. First Kent max for all but 7-8.

North American Guild
Coon Rapids, Minnesota
1165 97th Lane NW
Saturday, 23 August 2008
1280 Cambridge Surprise Major
1–2 Julie M Curtsinger
3–4 Kristine K Fowler
5–6 Susan K Fautsch
7–8 Alexander E Holroyd (C)
First Surprise Major: 1-2. First Cambridge Major: 5-6.

North American Guild
Washington (Cathedral of Ss Peter & Paul), DC
Sunday, 24 August 2008 in 49m (9)
1260 St Clement's College Bob Minor
1 Ed Donnen
2 Paula Fleming
3 A David Hole III
4 John Wells King
5 Susan M O'Neill
6 Theresa M Rice (C)
For Sunday Service. In celebration of the 6th birthday of Andrew Rice, nephew of the 6

North American Guild
Minneapolis, Minnesota
338 Walter Library, University of Minnesota
Sunday, 24 August 2008 in 2h 30
5040 Plain Bob Major
1–2 Susan K Fautsch
3–4 Alexander E Holroyd
5–6 Kristine K Fowler (C)
7–8 James D Pirie
First peal 7-8, and first as conductor.
Ringing World page reference: 5081.0967

North American Guild
Philadelphia, PA USA
St Mark's
Wednesday, 27 August 2008
1260 Plain Bob Triples
1 Deborah Cooper
2 Don Trumpler
3 Eileen Joy Butler
4 Elisabeth Trumpler
5 Russell Torrey
6 Roy N Latham
7 Bruce N Butler (C)
8 Alan Morrison
In loving memory of Alan Jr and Tommy
Get well wishes to Faith Magwood
#1 First on the bells

North American Guild
Boston, Massachusetts
Church of the Advent
Friday, 29 August 2008 in 2h 57 (13)
5040 Cambridge Surprise Royal
Composed by MCW Sher
1–2 Cally D Perry
3–4 Edward J Futcher (C)
5–6 Alan Winter
7–8 Marjorie B Winter
9–10 Elaine M Hansen
Ringing World page reference: 5082.0992

North American Guild
Boston, Massachusetts
Christ Church (Old North Church)
Sunday, 31 August 2008 in 2h 44 (14)
5056 Plain Bob Major
Composed by Donald F Morrison (no. 3705)
1 Donald F Morrison (C)
2 Laura Dickerson
3 Lyn Barnett
4 Elaine M Hansen
5 Duncan J Large
6 Geoffrey Davies
7 Ross J Finbow
8 Edward J Futcher
For the twenty-fifth anniversary of the re-hanging of these bells.
Ringing World page reference: 5082.0991

North American Guild
Washington (Old Post Office), DC
Monday, 1 September 2008 in 45m (8)
1260 Plain Bob Minor
1 Alexander T Taft III
2 Ed Donnen
3 Gregory J Watson
4 Paula Fleming
5 Rob Bannister
6 Theresa M Rice (C)
For Labor Day. First Plain Bob Minor inside: 5

North American Guild
Boston, Massachusetts
Church of the Advent
Monday, 1 September 2008 in 3h 6 (19)
5152 Lincolnshire Surprise Major
Composed by Simon Humphrey
1 Alan Winter (C)
2 Donald Trumpler
3 Danielle M Morse
4 Kristine K Fowler
5 Christian J Haller
6 Ross J Finbow
7 Geoffrey Davies
8 Andrew N Tyler
1st in method: 4
Ringing World page reference: 5082.0991

North American Guild
Northampton, Mass
The Mendenhall Center, Smith College
Sunday, 7 September 2008 in 36m
1260 Plain Bob Minor
1–2 Alan Winter
3–4 Marjorie B Winter (C)
5–6 Kirby Russell
First quarter peal in hand - 56.

North American Guild
Washington (Old Post Office), DC
Thursday, 11 September 2008 (48)
1260 Plain Bob Triples
1 Ed Donnen
2 Paula Fleming
3 Roy N Latham
4 Mary Osterhaus Clark
5 B Haley Barnett
6 Theresa M Rice
7 Gregory J Watson (C)
8 Alexander T Taft III
In honor of the victims of the 9-11 attack in 2001

North American Guild
Chatham, New Jersey
420 River Road, Apt D5
Thursday, 11 September 2008 in 1h 57 (13 in E♭)
5040 Minor
(5m in 7 extents:(1) Single Oxford; (2) Plain; (3) St Clement's;(4) Buxton; (5) Plain; (6) Double; (7) Plain)
1–2 Elisabeth Trumpler
3–4 Donald Trumpler (C)
5–6 R Roger Savory
Rung in memory of the victims of 9/11/2001.
Ringing World page reference: 5084.1039

North American Guild
Washington (Cathedral of Ss Peter & Paul), DC
Saturday, 13 September 2008 in 54m (32)
1296 Stedman Caters
1 Alan Winter (C)
2 Paula Fleming
3 Alexander T Taft III
4 B Haley Barnett
5 Don Morrison
6 Cecily W Rock
7 Nicholas R Rossi
8 Ross J Finbow
9 David Baverstock
10 David M Morse
For the wedding of Katherine Bierlein and Andrew Brown

North American Guild
Washington, District of Columbia
Cathedral Church of St Peter and St Paul
Sunday, 14 September 2008 in 3h 19 (32)
5076 Stedman Caters
Composed by Alan T Winter
1 Alan T Winter (C)
2 Susan M O'Neill
3 Theresa M Rice
4 B Haley Barnett
5 Donald F Morrison
6 Cecily W Rock
7 Nicholas R Rossi
8 Ross J Finbow
9 David J Baverstock
10 Alexander T Taft III
For the capital's interfaith Unity Walk, which passed the cathedral during the peal.
Ringing World page reference: 5085.1062

North American Guild
Washington (Old Post Office), DC
Thursday, 18 September 2008 in 47m (8)
1320 Kent Treble Bob Minor
1 Ed Donnen
2 Alexander T Taft III
3 Paula Fleming
4 Theresa M Rice
5 Roy N Latham
6 Gregory J Watson (C)
For Constitution Day

North American Guild
Washington (Cathedral of Ss Peter & Paul), DC
Sunday, 28 September 2008 in 51m (32)
1263 Stedman Caters
1 David E Rothera (C)
2 Susan J Rothera
3 Carolyn V Ormes
4 Patricia A Moore
5 Mary Osterhaus Clark
6 B Haley Barnett
7 Theresa M Rice
8 William Kollar
9 Alexander T Taft III
10 Philip L Merrill
For Sunday Service. Birthday compliment to Joe Clark, husband of the #5

North American Guild
Marietta, Georgia
St James
Sunday, 28 September 2008 in 2h 27 (5)
5088 Kent Treble Bob Major
Composed by W Hudson
1 Mary Platt
2 Catherine P Brown
3 Kathryn E Tucker
4 Derek J Wilsden
5 Christian J Haller
6 Elisabeth Trumpler
7 Donald Trumpler (C)
8 John Mabe
To welcome Ivan Anthony Wilbur Ulysses Epworth, first grandchild of Chris and Helen Haller, born yesterday.
Ringing World page reference: 5086.1086

North American Guild
Washington (Old Post Office), DC
Thursday, 9 October 2008 in 49m (8)
1320 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Ed Donnen
2 F Neville Withington (C)
3 Paula Fleming
4 B Haley Barnett
5 Frederick DuPuy
6 Carleton MacDonald
First Quarter-Peal: 6. First Quarter-Peal inside: 5. In honor of 5's first anniversary of learning to ring. 9th anniversary of conductor's kidney transplant.

North American Guild
Seattle, USA
Gerberding Hall, University of Washington
Saturday, 11 October 2008 in 45m (15)
1280 Plain Bob Major
1–2 Dilip J Sequeira
3–4 Mark R Verrey
5–6 Alexander E Holroyd (C)
7–8 Susan K Burris

North American Guild
Washington (Cathedral of Ss Peter & Paul), DC
Sunday, 12 October 2008 in 46m (9)
1260 Mixed Doubles
60 Stedman's, 240 Grandsire, 240 St. Simon's. 240 St. Martin's,. 480 Plain Bob
1 B Haley Barnett
2 Quilla Roth
3 Meredith A Morris
4 Cecily W Rock
5 Alexander T Taft III (C)
6 Carleton MacDonald
Rung in celebration of the life of Ann Daugherty Smiley, fellow choir member and long-time friend of the 6, who died August 16, 2008

North American Guild
Washington (Old Post Office), DC
Monday, 13 October 2008 in 47m (8)
1296 Cambridge Surprise Minor
1 Ed Donnen
2 Paula Fleming
3 Mary Osterhaus Clark
4 Meredith A Morris
5 B Haley Barnett
6 Alexander T Taft III (C)
For Columbus Day, and to wish Rick Dirksen both a speedy recovery and Happy Birthday

North American Guild
Minneapolis, Minnesota
University of Minnesota, 338 Walter Library
Wednesday, 15 October 2008
1260 Plain Bob Royal
1–2 Julie M Curtsinger
3–4 Kristine K Fowler
5–6 James D Pirie
7–8 Janet A McKernan
9–10 Susan K Fautsch (C)
Happy 80th Birthday to Bob Stokes!

North American Guild
Boston, Massachusetts
Church of the Advent
Sunday, 19 October 2008 in 3h 1 (19)
5056 Spliced Surprise Major
(2752 Cambridge, 2304 Yorkshire. 46 Changes of method)
Composed by Robert W Lee
1 Danielle M Morse
2 Emily R Russell
3 T David Westmoreland
4 Geoffrey Davies
5 Elaine M Hansen
6 Gregory F Russell
7 Edward J Futcher (C)
8 Maurice W Southworth
In memory of Donald Gardiner (1911 - 2008) father-in-law of 4.
Ringing World page reference: 5089.1158

North American Guild
Atlanta, Georgia
St Luke
Sunday, 19 October 2008 (13 cwt)
1260 Plain Bob Triples
1 Tommy Lazenby
2 Kathryn E Tucker
3 Lyn A Barnett
4 Charley Heilker
5 Sawyer Gosnell
6 Bill Buckner
7 Derek J Wilsden (C)
8 Judith Smith
In celebration of St. Luke's Day and to mark the 8th anniversary of the dedication of the tower and bells.

North American Guild
Minneapolis, Minnesota
University of Minnesota, 210 Amundson Hall
Wednesday, 22 October 2008
1320 Kent Treble Bob Minor
1–2 James D Pirie
3–4 Janet A McKernan
5–6 Susan K Fautsch (C)
To celebrate the life of Eugene C. Curtsinger, Jr.

North American Guild
Washington, District of Columbia
Cathedral of Sts Peter and Paul
Saturday, 25 October 2008 in 3h 35 (32)
5184 Plain Bob Caters
Composed by Timothy J Barnes
1 Rebecca A Joyce
2 John Wells King
3 Quilla Roth
4 Susan M O'Neil
5 Theresa M Rice
6 Timothy J Barnes (C)
7 Cecily W Rock
8 William J Kollar
9 Alexander T Taft, III
10 Phillip Merrill
Rung in thanksgiving of the life and work of Francis B Sayre, Jr, Dean of this cathedral 1951- 1978, whose vision and energy brought these glorious bells to Washington in 1963.
Ringing World page reference: 5091.1206

North American Guild
Washington (Cathedral of Ss Peter & Paul), DC
Sunday, 9 November 2008 in 45m (9)
1250 Cambridge Surprise Minor
1 Katharine S Emmons
2 Quilla Roth
3 Mary Osterhaus Clark
4 Theresa M Rice
5 B Haley Barnett
6 Alexander T Taft III (C)
In thanksgiving for the life of Norman F Jarvis, 1916-2008, uncle of the 4

North American Guild
Boston, Massachusetts
Church of the Advent
Sunday, 9 November 2008 in 3h 2 (19)
5040 Grandsire Triples
Composed by J J Parker
1 Neil Glazebrook
2 Danielle M Morse
3 Dianne Cermak
4 Maurice W Southworth
5 Andrew N Tyler
6 Geoffrey Davies
7 Edward J Futcher (C)
8 Elaine M Hansen
First peal 1,3.
Ringing World page reference: 5092.1230

North American Guild
Washington (Old Post Office), DC
Tuesday, 11 November 2008 in 45m (8)
1298 Cambridge Surprise Minor
1 B Haley Barnett
2 Quilla Roth
3 A David Hole III
4 Meredith A Morris
5 Gregory J Watson
6 Alexander T Taft III (C)
For Veteran's Day

North American Guild
Washington (Cathedral of Ss Peter & Paul), DC
Saturday, 15 November 2008 in 47m (9)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Quilla Roth
2 Mary Osterhaus Clark
3 Robert Bannister
4 Frederick DuPuy
5 Meredith A Morris (C)
6 Carleton MacDonald
For a wedding

North American Guild
St Luke's
Saturday, 15 November 2008
1250 Yorkshire Surprise Major
1 Lyn Barnett
2 Matthew C Brown
3 Kathryn E Tucker
4 Catherine P Brown
5 Eileen Joy Butler
6 Derek J Wilsden
7 Christian Haller
8 Bruce N Butler (C)
First Quarter Peal in Method #2

North American Guild
Washington (Cathedral of Ss Peter & Paul), DC
Sunday, 23 November 2008 in 50m (15)
1250 Cambridge Surprise Major
1 Meredith A Morris
2 Paula Fleming
3 Quilla Roth
4 Theresa M Rice
5 Mary Osterhaus Clark
6 Susan M O'Neill
7 Michael G Purday
8 Cecily W Rock (C)
1st Cambridge Major - 2

North American Guild
Boston, Massachusetts
Christ Church (Old North Church)
Sunday, 23 November 2008 in 2h 51 (14)
5024 Spliced Surprise Major
(1,408 Rutland, 1,312 Yorkshire, 1,184 Lincolnshire and 1,120 Cambridge, with 66 changes of method and all the work of every method for every bell.)
Composed by Emma J Southerington
1 Dianne Cermak
2 T David Westmoreland
3 Maurice W Southworth
4 Emily R Russell
5 Elaine M Hansen
6 Geoffrey Davies
7 Andrew N Tyler
8 Edward J Futcher (C)
Rung for Christ the King Sunday.
Ringing World page reference: 5094.1278

North American Guild
Washington, District of Columbia
Old Post Office Tower
Wednesday, 26 November 2008 in 45m (8–2–10 in A)
1260 Doubles (3m)
St. Simons, St. Martins, Plain Bob
1 Ed Donnen
2 Paula Fleming
3 Quilla Roth
4 Meredith A Morris
5 Theresa M Rice (C)
6 Callan Ordoyne
For Thanksgiving. First quarter-peal: 6

North American Guild
Minnetonka, Minnesota
208 sunnyvale Lane
Sunday, 30 November 2008 in 45m
1264 Plain Bob Major
1–2 Robert J Stokes
3–4 Janet A McKernan
5–6 Joan P Hutchinson
7–8 Stuart McKernan (C)
Rung to celebrate the 78th birthday of Audrey Stokes, wife of 1-2

North American Guild
Marietta, Georgia
St James
Saturday, 13 December 2008 (5)
1260 Grandsire Doubles
1 Derek J Wilsden
2 Charley Heilker
3 Jenne Johnson
4 Jeremy Johnson
5 Catherine P Brown (C)
6 Alice Gough Heilker
First inside to method 3,4. First as conductor of doubles. Rung as birthday compliment to 4.

North American Guild
Washington (Cathedral of Ss Peter & Paul), DC
Sunday, 14 December 2008 in 55m (32)
1260 Plain Bob Royal
1 Quilla Roth
2 Paula Fleming
3 Theresa M Rice
4 Susan M O'Neill
5 Carolyn V Ormes
6 Katherine S Emmons
7 Michael R Harrison
8 Cecily W Rock (C)
9 William Kollar
10 Alexander T Taft III
Rung in memory of William Kollar, father of the 9th ringer, who passed away November 24 aged 81 years. May he rest in peace.

North American Guild
Atlanta, Georgia
St Luke
Sunday, 14 December 2008 in 42m (13c)
1260 Grandsire Doubles
1 Tommy Lazenby
2 Kathryn E Tucker
3 Lyn A Barnett
4 Bill Buckner
5 Sawyer Gosnell (C)
6 Judith A Smith
Rung for St. Luke's 34th Annual Messiah Sing-Along Performance, and in celebration of the 4th wedding anniversary of 5 and Laura Gosnell.

North American Guild
New York City, New York
Trinity Church
Saturday, 20 December 2008 in 3h 18
5016 Erin Cinques
Composed by TJ Barnes
1 Anthony C Furnivall
2 John S Danaher
3 John Hitchings
4 Lynn E Kodrich
5 Tina Hitchings
6 Anthony P Micocci
7 R Roger Savory
8 Jeremy C Bates
9 Timothy J Barnes (C)
10 Duncan J Large
11 J Chapman Knott
12 Gregory F Russell
1st peal: 1, 6 and 8
1st on 12: 3 and 5
1st Erin for all except 7 and 9
1st peal by an all-local Trinity band.
Ringing World page reference: 5105.0193

North American Guild
Atlanta, Georgia
St Luke
Saturday, 20 December 2008
1440 Grandsire Doubles
1 Lyn A Barnett
2 Charley Heilker
3 Derek J Wilsden
4 Bill Buckner
5 Sawyer Gosnell (C)
6 Phil Teague
1st Quarter Peal at first attempt, 6.

North American Guild
Washington (Old Post Office), DC
Wednesday, 24 December 2008 in 45m (8)
1320 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Ed Donnen
2 Paula Fleming
3 Mary Clark
4 Frederick DuPuy
5 Gregory J Watson (C)
6 Carleton MacDonald
For Christmas Eve. 300th on tower bells: 5

North American Guild
Washington (Cathedral of Ss Peter & Paul), DC
Thursday, 25 December 2008 in 48m (9)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Ed Donnen
2 Paula Fleming
3 A David Hole III
4 Roy N Latham
5 Quilla Roth (C)
6 Frederick DuPuy
For Christmas Service

North American Guild
Charleston, South Carolina, USA
Grace Episcopal Church
Friday, 26 December 2008
1320 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Michael Pirics
2 Brett Chiquet
3 David L Porter
4 J Chapman Knott
5 Noah I Smith (C)
6 Roy Smith
First as conductor (5). For Boxing Day and in memory of South Carolinian, Eartha Kitt

North American Guild
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
St Martin-in-the-Fields
Saturday, 27 December 2008 in 2h 42 (4½ cwt)
5152 Superlative Surprise Major
Composed by M Maughan
1 Eileen J Butler
2 Lynn E Kodrich
3 Bruce N Butler
4 Elisabeth Trumpler
5 Margaret I Miller
6 R Roger Savory
7 Eric R Trumpler
8 Donald Trumpler (C)
Rung for the 50th Wedding Anniversary of Donald and Elisabeth Trumpler
Ringing World page reference: 5099.0058

North American Guild
Charleston, South Carolina, USA
Grace Episcopal Church
Sunday, 28 December 2008
1320 St Martin, Plain Bob, St Simon
1 Roy Smith
2 Rosalie Crouch
3 Noah I Smith
4 David L Porter
5 J Chapman Knott (C)
6 Brett Chiquet
First quarter peal as treble (1). First quarter peal of mixed doubles (3). For the first Sunday after Christmas.

North American Guild
Boston, Massachusetts
Church of the Advent
Sunday, 28 December 2008 in 2h 54 (19)
5040 Plain Bob Triples
Composed by Charles Ravenscroft
1 Cally D Perry
2 Emily R Russell
3 Dianne Cermak
4 Kirby E Russell
5 Neil Glazebrook
6 Geoffrey Davies
7 Edward J Futcher (C)
8 Gregory F Russell
First Peal on the refurbished bells.
Birthday compliment to Cathy Russell.
Ringing World page reference: 5100.0083

North American Guild
Frederick, MD Calvary Methodist Church
Monday, 29 December 2008 in 45m (8)
1260 Plain Bob Minor
1 John Cosby
2 Quilla Roth
3 A David Hole III
4 Theresa M Rice
5 Paul Timmel
6 Michael R Harrison (C)
For Candlelight Tour 2008