Performances report

This page gives a report of the performances matching your search criteria.

There were 300 matching performances. The top 200 are listed below.

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Guildford, Surrey
St Mary
Sunday, 1 January 2017 in 47m (15cwt)
1290 Grandsire Doubles
Composed by (10 different extents [with Extremes] and 90)
1 Sue Saunders
2 Julian Morgan (C)
3 Michael Bryant
4 Jonathan Deane
5 Sally Schupke
6 Roger Bull
Rung as a 90th birthday compliment to David Carle, parishioner for many years at St Marys

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Aldershot, Hampshire
12, Highfield Avenue
Wednesday, 4 January 2017 (15 C)
1312 Double Norwich Court Bob Major
1–2 Martin Turner
3–4 John Couperthwaite
5–6 Mike Pidd (C)
7–8 Tom Page

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Aldershot, Hampshire
12, Highfield Avenue
Wednesday, 4 January 2017 (15 C)
1260 Grandsire Triples
1–2 John Couperthwaite
3–4 Mike Pidd (C)
5–6 Martin Turner
7–8 Tom Page

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Guildford, Surrey
Cathedral Church of the Holy Spirit
Sunday, 8 January 2017 in 55m (30–1–10 in D)
1290 Julie McDonnell Alliance Maximus
1 A Jane Beadman
2 David R Beadman
3 Maurice F Edwards
4 Elizabeth A Burton
5 Anthea S Edwards
6 Philip A B Saddleton
7 Richard H Burton (C)
8 Christopher H Rogers
9 Colin F Salter
10 Nicholas M W Haggett
11 David J Tubbs
12 Mark E R Gill
The first quarter peal in the method
Julie McDonnell Alliance Maximus: -3T-14-12-3T.14-14.3T.14-14.3T.14-14.3T.14-ET LH12
Rung for Bellringers Strike Back Against Blood Cancer

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Ranmore, Surrey
St Barnabas
Wednesday, 11 January 2017 in 51m (19–2–21 in E)
1280 Rutland Surprise Major
1 Mike Todd
2 Ann Steed
3 Abigail C Fairhurst
4 Alan E Brown
5 K Roger Tompsett
6 William A Hibbert
7 Peter W Emery
8 Richard M Trueman (C)

Guildford Diocesan Guild
St Nicolas Cranleigh, Surrey
Thursday, 12 January 2017
1260 Grandsire Doubles
1 Margie Nursey
2 Zoe Jacobs
3 Christine Bryant
4 Jan Fowler
5 Chris Robinson (C)
6 Andrea Young
Rung in memory of Barbara Chevis, the St. Nicolas Deputy Tower Captain, and member of the Church Choir, who died on 16th December 2016. The quarter was rung half-muffled on the middle six bells, immediately following her funeral service at St. Nicolas.

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Lewes, East Sussex
St John the Baptist, Southover
Saturday, 14 January 2017 in 3h 5 (17–1–20 in F)
5040 Cambridge Surprise Royal
Composed by Ian R Fielding
1 Maurice F Edwards
2 Beryl R Norris
3 Anthea S Edwards
4 Christopher N McCarthy
5 David Kirkcaldy
6 Ian J Carey
7 Benjamin J Carey (C)
8 Stephen R T Pocock
9 Philip A B Saddleton
10 Andrew B Mills
Ringing World page reference: 5527.0299

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Guildford, Surrey
Cathedral Church of the Holy Spirit
Saturday, 14 January 2017 in 3h 36 (30–1–10 in D)
5040 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
Composed by M B Davies
1 Anne M Anthony
2 Nigel C Smith
3 Mark E R Gill
4 Phillip P Ridley
5 Michael C Bryant
6 Jack L Edwards
7 Richard H Burton (C)
8 Christopher P G Rimmer
9 Peter J Joyce
10 Colin F Salter
11 Glenn J Poyntz
12 Nicholas D Brown
First peal on 12, 6.
Ringing World page reference: 5518.0080

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Egham, Surrey
St John the Baptist
Saturday, 14 January 2017 in 3h 1 (16–3–26 in F)
5080 Spliced Surprise Royal (5m)
1040 each Catherine, London No.3; 1000 each Anglia, Bristol, Cambridge; 120 com, atw
Composed by Richard A Pearce
1 Ruth Blackwell
2 Ian G Mills
3 Geraldine R Forster
4 Elizabeth A Hibbert
5 Martin J Turner
6 Jackie Roberts
7 David R Cox
8 W John Couperthwaite
9 Richard A Pearce (C)
10 Peter W Emery
100th together: 1,5.
Ringing World page reference: 5518.0080

Guildford Diocesan Guild
St Nicolas Cranleigh, Surrey
Sunday, 15 January 2017
1260 Grandsire Doubles
Grandsire Doubles with a 768 cover.
1 Christine Bryant
2 Zoe Jacobs
3 Sarah Lucas
4 Margie Nursey
5 Chris Robinson (C)
6 Graham Williams
7 Andrea Young
8 Richard Ansell
Rung in memory of Patricia Robinson, the Conductor's wife, who died on the 19th December 2016. Patricia was a member of the Church Choir for many years. Her funeral service took place at St. Nicolas Cranleigh on the 11th January, 2017.

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Leatherhead, Surrey
SS Mary and Nicholas
Sunday, 15 January 2017 in 45m (8–0–5)
1320 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Ann Steed
2 Julian Steed
3 Mike Todd
4 John Aronson
5 Roger Tompsett (C)
6 Stuart J T Butler
First Quarter inside for 2.

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Farnham, Surrey
St Andrew
Sunday, 15 January 2017 in 42m (6–2–26)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Jonty M R Woodbridge
2 Mark B Place (C)
3 Katherine Brookes
4 Clare Le Marie
5 Jonathan C Hetherington
6 Mike Le Marie
First Quarter Peal - 1
For evening prayer

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Aldershot, Hampshire
12, Highfield Avenue
Thursday, 19 January 2017 (12 F)
1312 Double Norwich Court Bob Major
1–2 Karen White
3–4 Ian Redway
5–6 Mike Pidd (C)
7–8 Tom Page
1st DNCBM on an inside pair 3-4.

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Aldershot, Hampshire
12, Highfield Avenue
Friday, 20 January 2017 (15 C)
1312 Kent Treble Bob Major
1–2 Mike Pidd
3–4 Janet Menhinick
5–6 John Couperthwaite (C)
7–8 Tom Page

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Farnham, Surrey
St Andrew
Saturday, 21 January 2017 in 3h 17 (19–0–7 in E)
5040 Cambridge Surprise Royal
Composed by Ian R Fielding
1 Christopher H Rogers
2 Anne M Anthony
3 Vernon B Bedford
4 Claire L Pearson
5 Anthea S Edwards
6 Jack L Edwards
7 Mark B Place
8 W John Couperthwaite
9 Richard H Burton (C)
10 Glenn J Poyntz
First peal on ten: 4,6
Ringing World page reference: 5519.0104

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Guildford, Surrey
Cathedral Church of the Holy Spirit
Sunday, 22 January 2017 in 66m (30–1–10 in D)
1584 Newgate Surprise Maximus
1 Anthea S Edwards
2 Gillian A Leale
3 Anne M Anthony
4 Maurice F Edwards
5 Caroline A Prescott
6 Christopher H Rogers
7 Robin G Leale
8 Matthew C Webb
9 Richard H Burton (C)
10 Philip A B Saddleton
11 David R Beadman
12 David J Tubbs
For Evensong
First of Newgate: 2,5,7,8

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Guildford, Surrey
St Nicolas
Monday, 23 January 2017 in 55m (21–1–11 in E♭)
1360 Triton Delight Royal
Composed by David G Hull
1 Claire L Pearson
2 Christopher H Rogers
3 Neil Buswell (C)
4 Matthew S Pearson
5 Matthew C Webb
6 Anne M Anthony
7 David R Beadman
8 Phillip P Ridley
9 Mark ER Gill
10 Richard H Burton

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Epsom, Surrey
St Martin
Monday, 23 January 2017 in 42m (16–0–2 in F)
1260 Stedman Triples
1 Jenny Heyworth
2 J Richard Anthony
3 Ron Diserens
4 Claire Stay
5 K Roger Tompsett
6 Anne M Anthony
7 Richard M Trueman (C)
8 Mike Todd
First in method 4.

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Aldershot, Hampshire
12, Highfield Avenue
Wednesday, 25 January 2017 (15 C)
2432 Double Norwich Court Bob Major
1–2 Martin Turner
3–4 John Couperthwaite
5–6 Mike Pidd (C)
7–8 Tom Page

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Shalford, Surrey
St Mary the Virgin
Friday, 27 January 2017 in 2h 45 (13–2–8 in F)
5040 Double Grandsire Triples
Composed by PAB Saddleton
1 Roger G Bull
2 Martin J Turner (C)
3 Vernon B Bedford
4 Sally A Schupke
5 James White
6 W John Couperthwaite
7 Julian Morgan
8 David Hester
Ringing World page reference: 5520.0130

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Wells, Somerset
Cathedral Church of St Andrew
Saturday, 28 January 2017 in 3h 55 (56–1–14 in C)
5040 Yorkshire Surprise Royal
Composed by B D Constant
1 Anthea S Edwards
2 Christopher H Rogers (C)
3 Anne M Anthony
4 Maurice F Edwards
5 Philip A B Saddleton
6 Glenn J Poyntz
7 David J Tubbs
8 Neil Buswell
9 Mark E R Gill
10 Richard H Burton
Ringing World page reference: 5520.0129

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Leatherhead, Surrey
SS Mary and Nicholas
Sunday, 29 January 2017 in 47m (19–0–12 in E♭)
1260 Stedman Triples
1 Ann Steed
2 Abigail C Fairhurst
3 Claire Stay
4 John Aronson
5 Ron Diserens
6 Mike Todd
7 Roger Tompsett (C)
8 Rex Woodland

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Frensham, Surrey
St Mary the Virgin
Sunday, 29 January 2017 in 44m (10cwt)
1260 April Day Doubles
1 Jill McKenzie
2 Michael J Novell
3 Stuart A Aitken
4 Christopher Chamberlain
5 Harry Glover (C)
6 Paul Little
1st in method for all. Rung prior to Evensong, and in memory of David Latter, a ringer for many years, who sadly died on 19th January, age 84.

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Ockham, Surrey
All Saints
Thursday, 2 February 2017 in 39m (7 Cwt)
1260 Plain Bob Minor
1 Tony Bishop
2 Deborah Bishop
3 Jennifer C Meade
4 Ivan J M Saunders
5 Jenny Gordon
6 John G Young (C)
Rung to Celebrate the lives of Peter J Ostley & David A Latter long time Local Guild Ringers at St Andrews' Cobham & Farnham Respectively.

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Hawley, Hampshire
Holy Trinity
Friday, 3 February 2017 (10–3–9 in F♯)
1260 Grandsire Triples
1 Richard Payne
2 Martin Turner (C)
3 Beryl Norris
4 David Leach
5 Ellis Thomas
6 Jackie Roberts
7 Vernon Bedford
8 John Couperthwaite
Remembering Private Thomas Edward Harris and Corporal John William Millar, both of the Hampshire Regiment, and former ringers at this church, killed in battle on 3rd February 1917 and buried at Amara War Cemetery, Iraq.

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Cobham, Surrey
St Andrew
Friday, 3 February 2017 in 43m (9–3–9 in G)
1260 Grandsire Triples
1 Jenny M Heyworth
2 Kate N Flavell
3 Michael J Todd
4 Ann L Steed
5 Paul J Flavell
6 Rex A Woodland
7 P Quentin Armitage (C)
8 Tierran J Ostley
Rung immediately prior to the Service of Thanksgiving for the life of Peter Ostley, ringer and tower captain at this church for many years.
Peter's grandson's first covering.

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Nottingham, Nottinghamshire
St Peter
Saturday, 4 February 2017 in 3h 18 (22–2–5 in E♭)
5009 Stedman Cinques
Composed by M R Eccleston
1 Anthea S Edwards
2 Mark R Eccleston (C)
3 Beryl R Norris
4 Anne M Anthony
5 Maurice F Edwards
6 Philip A B Saddleton
7 Benjamin J Carey
8 Mike Pidd
9 Nicholas M W Haggett
10 Colin F Salter
11 Neil Buswell
12 Stephen R T Pocock
Ringing World page reference: 5521.0154

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Farnborough, Hampshire
St Peter
Saturday, 4 February 2017 in 2h 41 (6–1–0 in A)
5024 Rutland Surprise Major
Composed by P G K Davies
1 W John Couperthwaite (C)
2 Janet E Menhinick
3 Jackie Roberts
4 Toby Arkless
5 Bruce Forsyth
6 Kathryne R Arkless
7 Martin J Turner
8 Vernon B Bedford
In memory of Lance Corporal Sidney Terry, 2nd Battalion the Hampshire Regiment, a ringer at Farnborough who was killed in France on 31st January 1917 aged 20, and who is buried in Guillemont Road Cemetery, Guillemont, France.
Ringing World page reference: 5522.0179

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Leatherhead, Surrey
SS Mary and Nicholas
Sunday, 5 February 2017 in 43m (8–0–5)
1260 Plain Bob Minor
1 Jemima Bleackley
2 Peter Ford
3 Mike Todd
4 John Aronson
5 Ann Steed (C)
6 Roger Tompsett
First Quarter in Minor for 1

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Epsom, Surrey
Christ Church, Epsom Common
Sunday, 5 February 2017 in 38m (8–2–2 in A)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Adele Youngs
2 Jenny Gordon
3 Jeff Cousins
4 Claire Stay (C)
5 Mark Hodgson
6 Anthony Coton
For evensong

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Chiddingfold, Surrey
St Mary
Sunday, 5 February 2017 (12–2–26 in F♯)
1260 Grandsire Triples
1 Paul Kerry
2 Chris Rogers
3 Marilyn Payne
4 John Cowburn
5 Glenn Poyntz
6 Peter Payne
7 Stephen Darvill (C)
8 Alan Edwards
Rung following a service to mark the completion of the re-roofing of the church and tower.

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Aldershot, Hampshire
St Michael Archangel
Sunday, 5 February 2017 in 44m (8–3–16 in A)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Helen Le Page
2 Katherine Brookes (C)
3 David Howlett
4 Clare Le Marie
5 Mike Le Marie
6 Holly Rickard
1st inside 3
1st on Tenor 6

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Wednesday, 8 February 2017
1260 Grandsire Doubles
1 Clem Pickering
2 Jan Fowler
3 Kengo Kurimoto
4 Barbara Norman
5 Chris Robinson (C)
First quarter for treble and first inside for the third.

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Fleet, Hampshire
20, Burnside
Wednesday, 8 February 2017 in 2h 24 (11 G)
5040 Double Norwich Court Bob Major
Composed by M Pidd
1–2 Karen M White
3–4 Mike Pidd (C)
5–6 W John Couperthwaite
7–8 Martin J Turner
Ringing World page reference: 5522.0179

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Shalford, Surrey
Bridge End
Sunday, 12 February 2017 (13 Eb)
1275 Stedman Caters
Composed by John Hyden
1–2 Martin Turner
3–4 Sally Schupke
5–6 Julian Morgan
7–8 Mike Pidd (C)
9–10 John Couperthwaite

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Guildford, Surrey
Cathedral Church of the Holy Spirit
Sunday, 12 February 2017 in 56m (30–1–10 in D)
1344 Bristol Surprise Maximus
1 A Jane Beadman
2 Elizabeth A Burton
3 Claire L Pearson
4 Justina M Buswell
5 Anthea S Edwards
6 Neil Buswell
7 Matthew E Beadman
8 Matthew A Child
9 Richard H Burton (C)
10 David R Beadman
11 Colin F Salter
12 David J Tubbs
Rung for Evensong in memory of Tessa Thistlethwaite, wife of Nicholas who recently retired as Sub Dean of Guildford Cathedral.
First of Bristol S Maximus: 3

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Guildford, Surrey
St Nicolas
Wednesday, 15 February 2017 in 3h 10 (21–1–11 in E♭)
5028 Stedman Caters
Composed by Mark R Eccleston
1 Anthea S Edwards
2 Beryl R Norris
3 Jackie Roberts
4 Maurice F Edwards
5 Julian Morgan (C)
6 Sally A Schupke
7 Colin F Salter
8 Martin J Turner
9 Stephen R T Pocock
10 Philip A B Saddleton
Ringing World page reference: 5523.0201

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Fleet, Hampshire
20, Burnside
Wednesday, 15 February 2017 (15 C)
1280 Kent Treble Bob Royal
1–2 June Wells
3–4 Mike Pidd
5–6 John Wells (C)
7–8 John Couperthwaite
9–10 Martin Turner

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Alfold, Surrey
St Nicholas
Thursday, 16 February 2017 in 40m (6–2–19 in B♭)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Jane Beadman
2 Chris Rogers
3 Hayley Ringrose
4 Sally Schupke
5 Stephen Darvill (C)
6 Andy Ringrose
Rung for the funeral of Chris Chapman, a previous Church Warden and champion of the augmentation of Alfold bells from 3 to 6 in 2003.

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Guildford, Surrey
Cathedral Church of the Holy Spirit
Friday, 17 February 2017 in 55m (30–1–10 in D)
1284 Spliced Maximus (5 methods)
All-12-in. 288 each Ariel S, Bristol S; 576 Zanussi S; 96 Littleport Little S; 36 Tripartite Bridge Differential. 23 com.
Composed by (Arranged) Neil Buswell
1 Christopher H Rogers
2 David R Beadman
3 Mike Pidd
4 Richard A Pearce
5 Elizabeth A Burton
6 Nicholas M W Haggett
7 Richard H Burton (C)
8 Matthew C Webb
9 Phillip P Ridley
10 R Mark Esbester
11 Mark ER Gill
12 Neil Buswell
Tripartite Bridge Differential Maximus: 36.1T-56-1T, le 1T. 53412ET90786

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Old Woking, Surrey
St Peter
Sunday, 19 February 2017 in 47m (17–0–18 in E)
1280 Glasgow Surprise Major
1 Jackie Roberts
2 Ruth Blackwell
3 Doug W Stoneham
4 Simon J Kitchener
5 Rachel E Johnson
6 Ian Cole
7 Richard A Pearce (C)
8 Matthew C Webb
For Evening Service. First quarter of Glasgow: 3, 4.

Guildford Diocesan Guild
St Nicolas Cranleigh, Surrey
Friday, 24 February 2017
1260 Bob and Grandsire Doubles
1 Zoe Jacobs
2 Christine Bryant
3 Margie Nursey
4 Andrea Young
5 Chris Rogers (C)
6 Graham Williams
Rung to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of Cranleigh's branch of the Mothers' Union.

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Selworthy, Somerset
All Saints
Friday, 24 February 2017 in 2h 57 (12 in G)
5040 Minor
9m: (1) Selworthy TB (2) York S, Durham S (3) Bourne S (4) Beverley S, Surfleet S (5) Cambridge S (6) Westminster S (7) Norwich S
1 Mike Pidd (C)
2 Janet E Menhinick
3 Beryl R Norris
4 Jackie Roberts
5 Michael H D O'Callaghan
6 Martin J Turner
Ringing World page reference: 5525.0251

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Minehead, Somerset
St Michael
Saturday, 25 February 2017 in 3h 15 (22–0–23 in E♭)
5040 Cambridge Surprise Royal
Composed by D G Hull
1 Jackie Roberts
2 Beryl R Norris
3 Janet E Menhinick
4 Michael H D O'Callaghan
5 Martin J Turner
6 Kathryne R Arkless
7 Toby Arkless
8 W John Couperthwaite (C)
9 Andrew J Palk
10 Mike Pidd
A 102nd birthday compliment to Mrs Betty Blake, mother of Janet Menhinick and resident in Minehead.
250th peal together: 1, 10.
Ringing World page reference: 5525.0251

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Aldershot, Hampshire
St Michael, Archangel
Saturday, 25 February 2017 in 2h 59 (8–3–16 in A)
5056 Plain Bob Major
Composed by J R Pritchard
1 Vernon B Bedford
2 J Richard Anthony
3 Katherine V Brookes
4 Clare Le Marie
5 Anne M Anthony
6 Michael J Le Marie
7 Mark B Place
8 Jonathan C Hetherington (C)
First of Major: 3
Circled tower for the 2nd time: 1
With very best wishes for a spanking SUGCR dinner weekend from 3, 7 & 8
Ringing World page reference: 5524.0227

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Leatherhead, Surrey
SS Mary and Nicholas
Sunday, 26 February 2017 in 46m (19–0–12 in E♭)
1260 Grandsire Triples
1 Lizzie C M Watts
2 Ann L Steed (C)
3 Jenny Gordon
4 Peter Ford
5 John Verity
6 Rosemary Henderson
7 K Roger Tompsett
8 Stuart J T Butler
First quarter peal of triples for 1.

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Guildford, Surrey
Cathedral Church of the Holy Spirit
Sunday, 26 February 2017 in 55m (30–1–10 in D)
1346 Superlative Surprise Maximus
1 Justina M Buswell
2 Gillian A Leale
3 Christopher H Rogers
4 Neil Buswell (C)
5 Caroline A Prescott
6 Anne M Anthony
7 Robin G Leale
8 Christopher Ridley
9 Matthew C Webb
10 Phillip P Ridley
11 Nigel C Smith
12 David J Tubbs
For Evensong. First in method: 7. First blows in method: 2 and 5.

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Sandhurst, Berkshire
2, Hone Hill
Wednesday, 1 March 2017 (11 G)
1312 Double Norwich Court Bob Major
1–2 Janet Menhinick
3–4 John Couperthwaite
5–6 Mike Pidd (C)
7–8 Martin Turner
1st in method 1-2

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Aldershot, Hampshire
12, Highfield Avenue
Thursday, 2 March 2017 in 2h 25 (12 F)
5088 Oxford Treble Bob Major
Composed by D F Morrison (No 7502) arr W J Couperthwaite
1–2 Ian M Redway
3–4 Janet E Menhinick
5–6 W John Couperthwaite (C)
7–8 Mike Pidd
A birthday compliment to Helen Hayes.
Ringing World page reference: 5525.0253

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Shalford, Surrey
Bridge End
Sunday, 5 March 2017 (13 Eb)
1295 Grandsire Caters
Composed by R I Allton
1–2 Martin Turner
3–4 Mike Pidd (C)
5–6 John Couperthwaite
7–8 Julian Morgan
9–10 Sally Schupke

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Leatherhead, Surrey
SS Mary and Nicholas
Sunday, 5 March 2017 in 42m (8–0–5)
1260 Plain Bob Minor
1 Natalie Bleackley
2 Roger Tompsett
3 Jenny Gordon
4 Peter Ford
5 Ann Steed (C)
6 Mike Todd
First quarter in Minor for 1

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Aldershot, Hampshire
12, Highfield Avenue
Friday, 10 March 2017 (15 C)
1312 Double Norwich Court Bob Major
1–2 Martin Turner
3–4 John Couperthwaite
5–6 Mike Pidd (C)
7–8 Tom Page

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Guildford, Surrey
Cathedral Church of the Holy Spirit
Saturday, 11 March 2017 in 3h 35 (30–1–10 in D)
5088 Zanussi Surprise Maximus
Composed by D G Hull
1 Anthea S Edwards
2 Nigel C Smith
3 Mike Pidd
4 Christopher H Rogers
5 Christopher P G Rimmer
6 Phillip P Ridley
7 David P Hilling
8 Michael C Bryant
9 Maurice F Edwards
10 Mark E R Gill
11 Colin F Salter
12 Richard H Burton (C)
Rung in memory of Brian Buswell
First peal of Zanussi: 3,5,6,7,8,10,11
Ringing World page reference: 5526.0277

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Guildford, Surrey
Cathedral Church of the Holy Spirit
Sunday, 12 March 2017 in 54m (30–1–10 in D)
1282 Cambridge Surprise Royal
1 A Jane Beadman
2 Gillian A Leale
3 Caroline A Prescott
4 Claire L Pearson
5 Jack L Edwards
6 Robin G Leale
7 Christopher H Rogers
8 Matthew S Pearson (C)
9 David J Tubbs
10 David R Beadman
Rung for Evensong.
With thanks to Chris Rimmer for standing down after meeting short for Stedman Cinques.

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Shalford, Surrey
Bridge End
Tuesday, 14 March 2017
1282 Cambridge Surprise Royal
1–2 Karen M White
3–4 Ruth Blackwell
5–6 Richard A Pearce (C)
7–8 Julian Morgan
9–10 Sally A Schupke
In memory of Ray Finch, former Egham ringer and Chertsey District Master 1985-88.

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Stoke D'Abernon, Surrey
St Mary
Thursday, 16 March 2017 in 38m (3–3–11 in E♭)
1260 Plain Bob Minor
1 Jenny Gordon
2 Claire Stay
3 Jenny Heyworth
4 Sue Dixon
5 Ann L Steed (C)
6 Anne Anthony
Rung in memory of Peter J Ostley (1933-2017), Tower Captain at Cobham, and a regular visitor at Stoke D'Abernon.
First inside to minor for 4. Zoe Watkins wishes to be associated with this quarter.

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Epsom, Surrey
St Martin of Tours
Sunday, 19 March 2017
1260 Grandsire Triples
1 Helen Williams
2 Jenny Heyworth
3 Margaret Bale
4 Ann Steed
5 John Aronson
6 K Roger Tompsett
7 Mike Bale (C)
8 Richard Wheeler
78th Birthday compliment to treble, first quarter for 28 years.

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Farnborough, Hampshire
St Peter
Monday, 20 March 2017 (6–1–0 in A)
1408 Spliced Surprise Major
(8m: 256 Rutland; 192 Cambridge, Pudsey, Superlative, Yorkshire; 128 Bristol, Lincolnshire, London; 42 com)
1 Judy Couperthwaite
2 Claire Pearson
3 Jackie Roberts
4 Martin Turner
5 Mike Pidd
6 John Couperthwaite (C)
7 David Leach
8 Vernon Bedford
Rung after meeting 8 on practice night.
A birthday compliment to Vernon Bedford.

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Ockham, Surrey
All Saints
Thursday, 23 March 2017 in 40m (7 in B)
1260 Plain Bob Minor
1 Deborah Bishop
2 Jennifer C Meade
3 Jane Marsters
4 Ivan J M Saunders
5 Jenny Gordon
6 John G Young (C)
Rung to celebrate the life of James Chislett 14th December 1940 - 1st March 2017. A Choir member and a previous Churchwarden.

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Shalford, Surrey
St Mary the Virgin
Friday, 24 March 2017 in 2h 54 (13–2–8 in F)
5040 Middlesex Bob Triples
Composed by J. White
1 Sally A Schupke
2 Vernon B Bedford
3 Janet E Menhinick
4 Jackie Roberts
5 Roger G Bull
6 Julian Morgan
7 James White (C)
8 David Hester
First inside in the method: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
Ringing World page reference: 5529.0343

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Aldershot, Hampshire
12, Highfield Avenue
Friday, 24 March 2017 (11 G)
1312 Double Norwich Court Bob Major
1–2 Martin Turner
3–4 John Couperthwaite
5–6 Mike Pidd (C)
7–8 Tom Page

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Guildford, Surrey
Cathedral Church of the Holy Spirit
Sunday, 26 March 2017 in 54m (30–1–10 in D)
1281 Spliced Cinques and Maximus (2m)
672 Bristol Surprise Maximus; 609 Stedman Cinques; 3 com
Composed by R H Burton
1 Anne M Anthony
2 Gillian A Leale
3 Elizabeth A Burton
4 Justina M Buswell
5 Anthea S Edwards
6 Christopher H Rogers
7 Robin G Leale
8 Maurice F Edwards
9 Richard H Burton (C)
10 Neil Buswell
11 Nicholas M W Haggett
12 Mark E R Gill
Rung as a birthday compliment to Robin Leale

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Shalford, Surrey
Bridge End
Tuesday, 28 March 2017 in 1h 18 (13)
2520 Cambridge Surprise Royal
1–2 Karen M White
3–4 Ruth Blackwell
5–6 Julian Morgan
7–8 Richard A Pearce (C)
9–10 Sally A Schupke

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Aldershot, Hampshire
12, Highfield Avenue
Wednesday, 29 March 2017 in 2h 35 (15 C)
5008 Double Norwich Court Bob Major
Composed by A S Hudson arr A E Holroyd
1–2 Karen M White
3–4 W John Couperthwaite
5–6 Mike Pidd (C)
7–8 Tom Page
Ringing World page reference: 5530.0374

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Frensham, Surrey
St Mary the Virgin
Saturday, 1 April 2017 in 47m (10 cwt)
1360 April Day Doubles
1 Yvonne Little
2 Michael J Novell
3 Elizabeth J Hetherington
4 Stuart A Aitken
5 Harry Glover (C)
6 Paul Little
Rung to celebrate the marriage of Lucy Walker and Christopher Collins at Frensham church today.

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Leatherhead, Surrey
SS Mary and Nicholas
Sunday, 2 April 2017 in 43m (8–0–5)
1260 Grandsire Doubles
1 Helen Baggs
2 Rosemary Henderson
3 Ann Steed (C)
4 Mike Todd
5 Roger Tompsett
6 Alexander D Lewis
First Quarter at the first attempt for 1, first covering for 6.

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Aldershot, Hampshire
St Michael Archangel
Sunday, 2 April 2017 in 45m (8–3–16 in A)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Steph Clive
2 Claire Allen
3 Katherine Brookes (C)
4 Clare Le Marie
5 Mike Le Marie
6 Holly Rickard
First Inside 2

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Fleet, Hampshire
20, Burnside
Thursday, 6 April 2017 (8 C)
1320 Cambridge Surprise Minor
1–2 Martin Turner
3–4 Ian Redway
5–6 John Couperthwaite (C)
Wishing Tom Page a speedy recovery.

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Guildford, Surrey
Cathedral Church of the Holy Spirit
Saturday, 8 April 2017 in 3h 27 (30–1–10 in D)
5002 Stedman Cinques
Composed by P A B Saddleton
1 Anthea S Edwards
2 Beryl R Norris
3 Anne M Anthony
4 Philip A B Saddleton (C)
5 Jack L Edwards
6 Christopher H Rogers
7 Maurice F Edwards
8 Michael J Trimm
9 Matthew C Webb
10 David J Tubbs
11 R Mark Esbester
12 Christopher N McCarthy
First Stedman: 5
Ringing World page reference: 5532.0460

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Walton-on-Thames, Surrey
Sunday, 9 April 2017 in 48m (21½)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Hilary Brooks
2 Jennifer Meade
3 David Miseldine
4 John G Young
5 Trevor Scott (C)
6 John Burnett
For Palm Sunday and as a Golden Wedding compliment to David (3) and Penny Miseldine.

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Guildford, Surrey
Cathedral Church of the Holy Spirit
Sunday, 9 April 2017 in 55m (30–1–10 in D)
1346 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
1 Anthea S Edwards
2 Gillian A Leale
3 Claire L Pearson
4 Lucy S Warwick
5 Robin G Leale
6 Jack L Edwards
7 Maurice F Edwards
8 Michael C Bryant
9 Nigel C Smith
10 Mark ER Gill (C)
11 David J Tubbs
12 Nicholas M W Haggett
For Evensong. One of two "Surprise" events organised to celebrate Tessa Simpson's birthday. Happy birthday Tessa !

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Godalming, Surrey
SS Peter and Paul
Friday, 14 April 2017 (22–0–21 in E)
1264 Plain Bob Major
Composed by Trad.
1 Paul Bagshaw
2 Margery Coleman
3 Karen White
4 Seymour Baker
5 David Hytch
6 Stuart Aitken
7 Jonathan Deane (C)
8 Nick Haggett
Rung half-muffled for Good Friday.

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Peel, Isle of Man
Cathedral Church of St German
Sunday, 16 April 2017 in 42m (9–2–10 in G♯)
1260 Julie McDonnell Alliance Major
1 Phillip P Ridley
2 Elizabeth A Burton
3 Christopher H Rogers
4 Peter J Joyce
5 Anne M Anthony
6 Richard H Burton
7 Glenn J Poyntz
8 Mark ER Gill (C)
For Easter. "Be not afeard; the isle is full of noises, Sounds, and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not."

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Guildford, Surrey
St Nicolas
Sunday, 16 April 2017
1296 Spliced Surprise Minor
Cambridge, Ipswich, Bourne
1 David Hester
2 Roger Bull
3 Julian Morgan
4 Michael Bryant
5 Sally Schupke
6 Jonathan Deane (C)
For Easter Evensong.

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Epsom, Surrey
St Martin of Tours
Sunday, 16 April 2017
1296 Cambridge Surprise Minor
1 Margaret Bale
2 Christopher J Brown
3 Ann Steed
4 Mike Todd
5 Mike Bale
6 K Roger Tompsett (C)
Rung for Easter Sunday

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Douglas, Isle of Man
St George
Monday, 17 April 2017 in 3h 21 (18–2–14 in E)
5007 Stedman Cinques
Composed by R H Burton
1 Anne M Anthony
2 Anthea S Edwards
3 Maurice F Edwards
4 Nigel C Smith
5 Mark E R Gill
6 Christopher H Rogers
7 Jackie Roberts
8 Phillip P Ridley
9 Richard H Burton (C)
10 Peter J Joyce
11 Glenn J Poyntz
12 Philip A B Saddleton
Ringing World page reference: 5532.0460

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Sandhurst, Berkshire
2, Hone Hill
Wednesday, 19 April 2017 (11 G)
1792 Spliced Treble Bob Major
(2m: 1408 Kent, 384 Oxford; Hampole, Ilkeston and Liversedge variations; 24 com at the half lead)
1–2 Karen White
3–4 Janet Menhinick
5–6 John Couperthwaite (C)
7–8 Martin Turner

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Ranmore, Surrey
St Barnabas
Wednesday, 19 April 2017 in 53m (19–2–21 in E)
1344 Easingwold Surprise Major
Composed by P.Q. Armitage
1 Michael J Todd
2 Ann L Steed
3 Abigail C Fairhurst
4 Alan E Brown
5 David N Wallis
6 Michael J Bale
7 Richard M Trueman
8 P Quentin Armitage (C)

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Sandhurst, Berkshire
2, Hone Hill
Friday, 21 April 2017 in 2h 16 (12 F)
5120 Spliced Treble Bob Major
(2m: 3968 Kent, 1152 Oxford; Hampole, Ilkeston and Liversedge variations; 72 com at the half lead)
Composed by D F Morrison (No 2180)
1–2 Karen M White
3–4 Janet E Menhinick
5–6 W John Couperthwaite (C)
7–8 Ian M Redway
An 80th birthday compliment to Sylvia Page.
Ringing World page reference: 5532.0462

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Egham, Surrey
St John the Baptist
Saturday, 22 April 2017 in 2h 58 (16–3–26 in F)
5040 Triton Delight Royal
Composed by D G Hull arr D F Morrison
1 Anne M Anthony
2 Heather M Forster
3 Ruth Blackwell
4 Elizabeth A Hibbert
5 Beryl R Norris
6 Peter J Blight
7 David R Cox
8 W John Couperthwaite (C)
9 Peter W Emery
10 Matthew C Webb
To mark the dedication and opening of the Easter Centre on 23rd April.
Ringing World page reference: 5533.0483

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Old Woking, Surrey
St Peter
Sunday, 23 April 2017 in 45m (17–0–18 in E)
1260 Grandsire Triples
1 Ian Cole
2 Genebeth C Webb
3 Jacob O Webb
4 Eliot P Johnson
5 Simon J Kitchener
6 Ruth Blackwell
7 Matthew C Webb (C)
8 Jenny Heyworth
Rung prior to Evening Service on St George's Day

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Leatherhead, Surrey
SS Mary and Nicholas
Sunday, 23 April 2017 in 44m (8–0–5)
1320 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Ann Steed
2 Peter Moyle
3 Mike Todd
4 John Aronson
5 Roger Tompsett (C)
6 Peter Ford
First Quarter inside for 2 and for St George's day.

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Guildford, Surrey
St Nicolas
Sunday, 23 April 2017
1259 Grandsire Caters
Composed by Traditional
1 Jonathan Deane (C)
2 J Richard Anthony
3 Sarah Mackenzie
4 Sue Saunders
5 Roger Bull
6 David Hester
7 Michael Bryant
8 David Hytch
9 Stephen Darvill
10 Ian Mackenzie
For St George's day Evensong.

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Guildford, Surrey
Cathedral Church of the Holy Spirit
Sunday, 23 April 2017 in 57m (30–1–10 in D)
1344 Spliced Surprise Maximus (4 Methods)
(4 methods: 384 Bristol, Cambridge; 288 Lincolnshire, Yorkshire. 27 com)
Composed by RH Burton
1 Justina M Buswell
2 Gillian A Leale
3 A Jane Beadman
4 Anne M Anthony
5 Neil Buswell
6 Christopher H Rogers
7 Robin G Leale
8 Christopher Ridley
9 Richard H Burton (C)
10 David R Beadman
11 Mark E R Gill
12 Nicholas M W Haggett
For Evensong
First Spliced S Maximus: 2

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Cranleigh, St Nicolas, Surrey
Sunday, 23 April 2017
1260 Bob and Grandsire Doubles
Bob and Grandsire Doubles with a 7:6:8 cover.
1 Colin Tilbury
2 Christine Bryant
3 Margie Nursey
4 Graham Lucas
5 Chris Robinson (C)
6 Graham Williams
7 Andrea Young
8 Richard Ansell
Rung to celebrate the 60th birthday of our Rector, Revd. Roy Woodhams.

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Aldershot, Hampshire
St Michael Archangel
Sunday, 23 April 2017 in 2h 56 (8–3–16 in A)
5080 Spliced Major
(2m: 150 Yorkshire Alliance, 4930 Yorkshire Surprise; 1 com)
Composed by W J Couperthwaite
1 Toby Arkless
2 Ronald F Diserens
3 Beryl R Norris
4 Kathryne R Arkless
5 Mike Pidd
6 Peter Bridle
7 Glenn J Poyntz
8 W John Couperthwaite (C)
Arranged as an 80th birthday compliment to Sylvia Page.
Ringing World page reference: 5533.0483

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Shalford, Surrey
Bridge End
Tuesday, 25 April 2017 in 1h 14
2528 Bristol Surprise Major
1–2 Sally A Schupke
3–4 Ruth Blackwell
5–6 Julian Morgan
7–8 Richard A Pearce (C)

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Fleet, Hampshire
20, Burnside
Wednesday, 26 April 2017 in 2h 13 (11 G)
5008 Double Norwich Court Bob Major
Composed by A S Hudson arr A E Holroyd
1–2 Karen M White
3–4 Ian M Redway
5–6 Mike Pidd (C)
7–8 W John Couperthwaite
First peal in the method on an inside pair: 3-4.
Ringing World page reference: 5534.0506

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Sandhurst, Berkshire
2, Hone Hill
Thursday, 27 April 2017 (12 F)
1760 Oxford Treble Bob Major
1–2 Mike Pidd
3–4 Ian Redway
5–6 John Couperthwaite (C)
7–8 Janet Menhinick

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Sandhurst, Berkshire
2, Hone Hill
Thursday, 27 April 2017 (12 F)
1280 Double Norwich Court Bob Major
1–2 Janet Menhinick
3–4 Ian Redway
5–6 John Couperthwaite
7–8 Mike Pidd (C)

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Ockham, Surrey
All Saints
Thursday, 27 April 2017 in 40m (7 in B)
1260 Doubles
60 Stedman, 1200 Grandsire Doubles
1 Tony Bishop
2 Deborah Bishop
3 Jennifer C Meade
4 Ivan J M Saunders
5 John G Young (C)
6 Carol Riddington
Organised by the band to celebrate the retirement from working life of the Conductor (5)

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Crondall, Hampshire
All Saints
Friday, 28 April 2017 in 44m (14)
1260 Plain Bob Minor
1 Deb Baker
2 Dudley Elsmore
3 Paul Meadows
4 Ros Fox
5 Joseph Sharp
6 Kevin Fox (C)
Rung to celebrate the 60th birthday and retirement of the conductor. Also a birthday compliment to Andy Day.

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Fleet, Hampshire
20, Burnside
Thursday, 4 May 2017 (11 G)
1280 Yorkshire Surprise Major
1–2 Martin Turner
3–4 Ian Redway
5–6 John Couperthwaite
7–8 Mike Pidd (C)
First quarter of Surprise Major on handbells: 3-4.

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Chobham, Surrey
St Lawrence
Saturday, 6 May 2017 in 43m (9–0–1 in G♯)
1296 Cambridge Surprise Minor
1 Roger Forster
2 Malcolm S Loveday
3 Chris K Hill
4 Lawrence C Davies
5 Bill Day
6 Matthew C Webb (C)
Rung following the wedding of Matthew Perriam and Helen Flockton.

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Epsom Common, Surrey
Christ Church
Sunday, 7 May 2017 in 36m (8½)
1272 Plain Bob Minimus
1 Adele Youngs
2 Tim Mitchell
3 Claire Stay (C)
4 Mark Hodgson
5 Adam Green
First minimus for all. With best wishes to our curate Julian McAllen on his move to the Parish of Finchampstead and California.

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Epsom, Surrey
St Martin of Tours
Sunday, 7 May 2017
1260 Grandsire Triples
1 Richard Browne
2 Rosemary Henderson
3 Jenny Gordon
4 Matthew Cousins
5 Alan E Brown
6 Jenny Heyworth
7 Mike Bale (C)
8 Christopher J Brown
1st quarter in 24 years, Treble. 1st Grandsire Triples, 4.

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Crondall, Hampshire
All Saints
Sunday, 7 May 2017 in 47m (14–0–10 in E)
1260 Julie McDonnell New Bob Triples
Composed by Daniel W Brady
1 Deb Baker
2 Dudley Elsmore
3 Ros Fox
4 Andrew Day
5 Joseph Sharp
6 Adrian Nash
7 Kevin Fox (C)
8 Paul Meadows
First in method for all. The quarter peal holds special significance for the conductor as he had a Stem Cell Transplant last year.

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Shalford, Surrey
Bridge End
Thursday, 11 May 2017
2528 Bristol Surprise Major
1–2 Sally A Schupke
3–4 Ruth Blackwell
5–6 Julian Morgan
7–8 Richard A Pearce (C)

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Fleet, Hampshire
20, Burnside
Thursday, 11 May 2017 in 2h 27 (11 G)
5088 Oxford Treble Bob Major
Composed by D F Morrison arr W J Couperthwaite (No 7502a)
1–2 Ian M Redway
3–4 Mike Pidd
5–6 W John Couperthwaite (C)
7–8 Martin J Turner
Ringing World page reference: 5535.0530

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Egham, Surrey
St John the Baptist
Saturday, 13 May 2017 in 3h 3 (16–3–26 in F)
5122 Spliced Treble Dodging Royal (5m)
1122 London No.3 S; 1120 each Bristol S, Triton D; 880 each Sgurr A'Chaorachain S, Yorkshire S; 37 com, atw
Composed by David G Hull
1 Heather M Forster
2 Geraldine R Forster
3 Ruth Blackwell
4 Richard A Pearce (C)
5 Beryl R Norris
6 Martin J Turner
7 W John Couperthwaite
8 Peter J Blight
9 David R Cox
10 Peter W Emery
In memoriam Ray Finch and Peter Beresford.
Ringing World page reference: 5561.1171

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Guildford, Surrey
Cathedral Church of the Holy Spirit
Sunday, 14 May 2017 in 60m (30–1–10 in D)
1440 Zanussi Surprise Maximus
1 Caroline A Prescott
2 Elizabeth A Burton
3 Anne M Anthony
4 Justina M Buswell
5 Anthea S Edwards
6 Christopher H Rogers
7 Richard H Burton (C)
8 Maurice F Edwards
9 David J Tubbs
10 Philip A B Saddleton
11 Nicholas M W Haggett
12 Neil Buswell
For Evensong
First of Zanussi: 5.

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Fleet, Hampshire
20 Burnside
Thursday, 18 May 2017 in 2h 19 (8C)
5088 Oxford Treble Bob Major
Composed by I R Fielding (rotated)
1–2 Ian M Redway
3–4 Mike Pidd (C)
5–6 Martin J Turner
7–8 W John Couperthwaite
Ringing World page reference: 5536.0556

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Guildford, Surrey
Cathedral Church of the Holy Spirit
Friday, 19 May 2017 in 53m (30–1–10 in D)
1284 Spliced Maximus (5 Methods)
All-12-in. 288 each Ariel S, Bristol S; 576 Zanussi S; 96 Littleport Little S; 36 Tripartite Bridge Differential. 23 com.
Composed by (Arranged) Neil Buswell
1 Anne M Anthony
2 David R Beadman
3 Mike Pidd
4 Christopher H Rogers
5 Elizabeth A Burton
6 Philip AB Saddleton
7 Richard H Burton (C)
8 David A Agg
9 Nigel C Smith
10 Colin F Salter
11 Mark ER Gill
12 Neil Buswell
Rung by the Sunday Service band, all bar one.

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Fleet, Hampshire
20, Burnside
Friday, 19 May 2017 in 2h 45 (15 C)
5040 Oxford Treble Bob Royal
Composed by D F Morrison (No 366)
1–2 Karen M White
3–4 Ruth Blackwell
5–6 Mike Pidd
7–8 W John Couperthwaite (C)
9–10 Martin J Turner
Ringing World page reference: 5536.0556

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Ashtead, Surrey
St Giles
Saturday, 20 May 2017 in 2h 54 (12–3–26 in F)
5040 Stedman Triples
Composed by P A B Saddleton (6-part, treble obs)
1 Martin J Turner (C)
2 Jenny M Heyworth
3 J Richard Anthony
4 Jack L Edwards
5 Ronald F Diserens
6 Anne M Anthony
7 Richard M Trueman
8 Paul H Beeken
First of Stedman Triples: 2.
First of Triples: 4.
Ringing World page reference: 5536.0555

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Epsom, Surrey
St Martin
Sunday, 21 May 2017 in 44m (16–0–2 in F)
1288 Grandsire Triples
Composed by R William Willans
1 Lizzie C M Watts
2 Ann Steed
3 John R Aronson
4 Rosemary Henderson
5 Jenny M Heyworth
6 Mike Todd
7 K Roger Tompsett (C)
8 Richard Wheeler

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Shalford, Surrey
Bridge End
Tuesday, 23 May 2017
2592 Bristol Surprise Major
1–2 Sally A Schupke
3–4 Ruth Blackwell
5–6 Julian Morgan
7–8 Richard A Pearce (C)

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Godalming, Surrey
SS Peter and Paul
Friday, 26 May 2017 in 49m (22–0–21 in E)
1260 Grandsire Triples
Composed by 6-part (Diary)
1 Jonathan Deane (C)
2 Michael Bryant
3 Nicholas Haggett
4 Seymour Baker
5 Sarah Mackenzie
6 Ian Mackenzie
7 David Hytch
8 Jonathan Goodman
This was the last ringing on the bells prior to their removal and replacement with a newly-cast ring of eight. The old bells will be transported to Geraldton, Western Australia.

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Leatherhead, Surrey
SS Mary and Nicholas
Monday, 29 May 2017 in 43m (8–0–5)
1296 Cambridge Surprise Minor
1 Jemima Bleackley
2 Ann Steed
3 John Aronson
4 Mike Todd
5 Richard M Trueman
6 P Quentin Armitage (C)
First Treble bob quarter for 1

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Shalford, Surrey
Bridge End
Sunday, 4 June 2017 (13 Eb)
1440 Oxford Treble Bob Royal
1–2 Martin Turner
3–4 Mike Pidd (C)
5–6 Julian Morgan
7–8 John Couperthwaite
9–10 Sally Schupke

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Shalford, Surrey
Bridge End
Sunday, 4 June 2017 (13 Eb)
1296 Little Bob Royal
1–2 Julian Morgan
3–4 Sally Schupke
5–6 Mike Pidd (C)
7–8 John Couperthwaite
9–10 Martin Turner

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Guildford, Surrey
St Nicolas
Sunday, 4 June 2017 in 51m (21 cwt)
1260 Grandsire Triples
Composed by E Barnett (6-part)
1 Sarah Mackenzie
2 Roger Bull
3 Jenny Heyworth
4 John Cowburn
5 Ian Mackenzie
6 Michael Bryant
7 Jonathan Deane (C)
8 David Hester
For Evensong

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Guildford, Surrey
Cathedral Church of the Holy Spirit
Sunday, 4 June 2017 in 56m (30–1–10 in D)
1296 Bristol Surprise Maximus
1 David Tubbs
2 Liz Burton
3 Anthea Edwards
4 David Beadman
5 Justina Buswell
6 Anne Anthony
7 Chris Rogers
8 Phillip Ridley
9 Richard Burton (C)
10 Nick Haggett
11 Neil Buswell
12 Mark Gill
Rung on Pentecost Sunday (the Cathedral's patronal festival) for an ecumenical event at the Cathedral to mark the conclusion of 'Thy Kingdom Come', and immediately prior to an address by the Archbishop of Canterbury to a large gathering of people of all ages from the parishes of the diocese and beyond.

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Ashtead, Surrey
St Giles
Sunday, 4 June 2017 in 37m (12–3–27)
1260 Plain Bob Triples
1 Sarah L Jones
2 Linda A Armitage
3 Sarah J Huck
4 Ann L Steed
5 K Roger Tompsett
6 Richard M Trueman
7 P Quentin Armitage (C)
8 Peter A Huck
For evensong.

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Aldershot, Hampshire
12, Highfield Avenue
Wednesday, 7 June 2017 (15 C)
1344 Spliced Treble Bob Major
(2m: 1088 Kent, 256 Oxford; Ilkeston variation; 16 com at the half lead)
1–2 Karen White
3–4 Martin Turner
5–6 John Couperthwaite (C)
7–8 Tom Page
Welcome back, Tom.

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Aldershot, Hampshire
12, Highfield Avenue
Thursday, 8 June 2017 in 2h 20 (8 C)
5088 Double Norwich Court Bob Major
Composed by M Pidd
1–2 Martin J Turner
3–4 W John Couperthwaite
5–6 Mike Pidd (C)
7–8 Ian M Redway
Ringing World page reference: 5540.0650

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Cranleigh, Surrey
St Nicolas
Sunday, 11 June 2017
1260 Bob and Grandsire Doubles
1 Christine Bryant
2 Zoe Jacobs
3 Margie Nursey
4 Andrea Young
5 Chris Robinson (C)
6 Graham Williams
Rung to congratulate Christine and Graham Williams on their 50th Wedding Anniversary.

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Ockham, Surrey
All Saints
Thursday, 15 June 2017 in 41m (7 in B)
1260 Plain Bob Minor
1 Carol Riddington
2 Deborah Bishop
3 Jennifer C Meade
4 Jane Marsters
5 Ivan J M Saunders
6 John G Young (C)
Rung to Celebrate the 79th Birthdays of Ivan Saunders [7th] & Tony Bishop [21st]
And for the BBC Music Day today. 1 First hunting on 6

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Leatherhead, Surrey
SS Mary and Nicholas
Thursday, 15 June 2017 in 60m (19–0–12 in E♭)
Rounds and Method Ringing
60 mins continuous ringing.
1 Natalie Bleackley
2 Ann Steed
3 Rosemary Henderson
4 John Aronson
5 Rex Woodland
6 K Roger Tompsett
7 Mike Todd (C)
8 Stuart J T Butler
Rung for BBC Music Day starting at 7 p.m. and ending at 8 p.m. Also in celebration of the 80th birthdays this year of Margaret Beams, Peter Ford and Rex Woodland.

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Hawley, Hampshire
Thursday, 15 June 2017 in 20m
Call Changes (60 on Thirds)
1 Tony Miles
2 Chris Spooner
3 Jim Rapley
4 Richard Payne
5 David Leach (C)
6 Dorothy Brookman
Rung for the BBC Music Day and the Corpus Christi service.

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Aldershot, Hampshire
12, Highfield Avenue
Thursday, 15 June 2017 (8 C)
1312 Double Norwich Court Bob Major
1–2 Martin Turner
3–4 Ian Redway
5–6 Mike Pidd (C)
7–8 Tom Page

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Aldershot, Hampshire
12, Highfield Avenue
Friday, 16 June 2017 (11 G)
1344 Yorkshire Surprise Major
1–2 Martin Turner
3–4 John Couperthwaite
5–6 Mike Pidd (C)
7–8 Karen White

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Aldershot, Hampshire
12, Highfield Avenue
Friday, 16 June 2017 (11 G)
1280 Double Norwich Court Bob Major
1–2 Martin Turner
3–4 John Couperthwaite
5–6 Mike Pidd (C)
7–8 Tom Page

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Egham, Surrey
St John the Baptist
Saturday, 17 June 2017 in 2h 59 (16–3–26 in F)
5040 Cambridge Surprise Royal
Composed by D G Hull
1 Elizabeth A Hibbert
2 Beryl R Norris
3 Ruth Blackwell
4 Martin J Turner
5 Jackie Roberts
6 Geraldine R Forster
7 Ian G Mills
8 W John Couperthwaite (C)
9 David R Cox
10 Peter W Emery
Rung to mark Magna Carta Day.
Ringing World page reference: 5540.0649

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Bristol, Bristol
St Stephen the Martyr
Saturday, 17 June 2017 in 3h 14 (19–1–17 in E)
5002 Stedman Cinques
Composed by P A B Saddleton
1 Philip A B Saddleton (C)
2 Anthea S Edwards
3 Anne M Anthony
4 Maurice F Edwards
5 Benjamin D Constant
6 Timothy M Payne
7 Phillip P Ridley
8 Christopher H Rogers
9 Anthony P Cotton
10 Adam S Greenley
11 Timothy J Peverett
12 Matthew C Webb
500th peal: 3
Ringing World page reference: 5542.0697

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Guildford, Surrey
St Nicolas
Sunday, 18 June 2017 in 46m (21 cwt)
1260 Plain Bob Triples
1 Sue Saunders
2 Roger Bull
3 Emma Gallagher
4 Brian Shacklady
5 David Hester
6 Michael Bryant
7 Jonathan Deane (C)
8 David Hytch
For Evensong

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Aldershot, Hampshire
12, Highfield Avenue
Wednesday, 21 June 2017 (11 G)
1280 Double Norwich Court Bob Major
1–2 Karen White
3–4 John Couperthwaite
5–6 Mike Pidd (C)
7–8 Tom Page

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Shalford, Surrey
Bridge End
Thursday, 22 June 2017
2592 Bristol Surprise Major
1–2 Sally A Schupke
3–4 Ruth Blackwell
5–6 Julian Morgan
7–8 Richard A Pearce (C)

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Aldershot, Hampshire
12, Highfield Avenue
Thursday, 22 June 2017 (8 C)
1312 Oxford Treble Bob Major
1–2 Ian Redway
3–4 John Couperthwaite
5–6 Mike Pidd (C)
7–8 Tom Page

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Guildford, Surrey
Cathedral Church of the Holy Spirit
Friday, 23 June 2017 in 54m (30–1–10 in D)
1296 Euximoor Fen Surprise Maximus
View composition
1 A Jane Beadman
2 Anne M Anthony
3 David R Beadman
4 Nigel C Smith
5 Elizabeth A Burton
6 Christopher H Rogers
7 Neil Buswell
8 Philip A B Saddleton
9 Phillip P Ridley
10 Simon S Meyer
11 Mark E R Gill
12 Richard H Burton (C)

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Fleet, Hampshire
20, Burnside
Wednesday, 28 June 2017 in 2h 15 (11 G)
5088 Double Norwich Court Bob Major
Composed by E Bankes James arr D F Morrison and M Pidd
1–2 June D Wells
3–4 W John Couperthwaite
5–6 Mike Pidd (C)
7–8 E John Wells
Ringing World page reference: 5542.0699

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Aldershot, Hampshire
12, Highfield Avenue
Thursday, 29 June 2017 (12 F)
1260 Plain Bob Royal
1–2 Martin Turner
3–4 Ian Redway
5–6 John Couperthwaite (C)
7–8 Janet Menhinick
9–10 Tom Page

Guildford Diocesan Guild
New Alresford, Hampshire
St John the Baptist
Saturday, 1 July 2017 in 3h 1 (15–3–18 in E)
5088 Watercress Line Surprise Major
Composed by D G Hull
1 Anthea S Edwards
2 Maurice F Edwards
3 Philip A B Saddleton
4 Nicholas M W Haggett
5 Bernard F L Groves
6 R Mark Esbester
7 David P Hilling (C)
8 Richard H Burton
First peal in the method.
b -36-456-5-6-34-2345-6-5
Rung at the home of the Mid-Hants Railway at the start of the Summer Steam Gala to mark 50 years since the end of Southern steam and 40 years of running by the Watercress Line.
Ringing World page reference: 5543.0723

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Shalford, Surrey
Bridge End
Sunday, 2 July 2017 (13 Eb)
1440 Oxford Treble Bob Royal
1–2 Sally Schupke
3–4 Mike Pidd (C)
5–6 John Couperthwaite
7–8 Julian Morgan
9–10 Martin Turner

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Old Woking, Surrey
St Peter
Sunday, 2 July 2017 in 47m (17–0–18 in E)
1280 Glasgow Surprise Major
1 James M Steele
2 Genebeth C Webb
3 Jenny M Heyworth
4 Jack L Edwards
5 Simon J Kitchener
6 Ruth Blackwell
7 Richard A Pearce (C)
8 Matthew C Webb
For Evening Service. First quarter of Glasgow: 2, 3, 4.

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Leatherhead, Surrey
SS Mary and Nicholas
Sunday, 2 July 2017 in 51m (8–0–5)
1380 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Natalie Bleackley
2 Lizzie C M Watts
3 Jemima Bleackley
4 Ann Steed (C)
5 Mike Todd
6 Alexander D Lewis
First treble to PB Doubles for 1, first inside for 2 and 3, first cover to PB Doubles for 6.

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Ashtead, Surrey
St Giles
Sunday, 2 July 2017 in 38m (12–3–26 in F)
1260 Single Oxford Bob Triples
1 Sarah J Huck
2 Linda A Armitage
3 Rosemary A Henderson
4 Paul H Beeken
5 K Roger Tompsett
6 Richard M Trueman (C)
7 P Quentin Armitage
8 David J Harper
1st quarter peal - 8

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Cranleigh, Surrey
St Nicolas
Tuesday, 4 July 2017
1260 Bob and Grandsire Doubles
1 Colin Tilbury
2 Zoe Jacobs
3 Margie Nursey
4 Christine Bryant
5 Chris Robinson (C)
6 Graham Williams
Rung to celebrate the Priestly Ordination of our Curate the Revd. Ian Maslin which took place on Saturday, 1st July, 2017.

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Haslemere, Surrey
St Bartholomew
Saturday, 8 July 2017 in 2h 57 (13–0–6 in F♯)
5021 Grandsire Caters
Composed by A W T Cleaver (No 97)
1 Martin J Turner
2 Claire L Pearson
3 Jack L Edwards
4 Jenny M Heyworth
5 Jackie Roberts
6 Kathryne R Arkless
7 Toby Arkless (C)
8 Stuart A Aitken
9 Vernon B Bedford
10 K Roger Tompsett
First peal of Grandsire and of Caters: 2, 3.
First peal of Grandsire Caters: 4.
Celebrating the lives of Anita Seamons and John Williamson.
Ringing World page reference: 5549.0869

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Stoke D'Abernon, Surrey
St Mary
Sunday, 9 July 2017 in 38m (3–3–11 in E♭)
1260 Grandsire Doubles
1 Madeleine Bone
2 Jennifer Meade
3 Jenny Gordon (C)
4 Claire Stay
5 Jenny Heyworth
6 Phill Watkins
Rung to celebrate the Dedication, by the Rt. Revd. Jo Bailey Wells, Bishop of Dorking, of the new Church Hall at St.Mary's.

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Guildford, Surrey
Cathedral Church of the Holy Spirit
Sunday, 9 July 2017 in 56m (30–1–10 in D)
1344 Bristol Surprise Maximus
1 David J Tubbs
2 A Jane Beadman
3 Anthea Edwards
4 Maurice Edwards
5 Elizabeth A Burton
6 Caroline Prescott
7 Christopher Ridley
8 Christopher H Rogers
9 David R Beadman (C)
10 Nicholas Haggett
11 Phillip Ridley
12 Richard H Burton
For evensong

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Ranmore, Surrey
St Barnabas
Wednesday, 12 July 2017 in 49m (19–2–21 in E)
1260 Double Oxford Bob Triples
1 Rosemary Henderson
2 Abigail C Fairhurst
3 David Wallis
4 Alan E Brown
5 Noel Gibbin
6 P Quentin Armitage
7 Richard M Trueman (C)
8 Mike Todd
On the 80th birthday of Wally Wallis, father of David.

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Dunsfold, Surrey
St Mary and All Saints
Wednesday, 12 July 2017 in 44m (10–3–21 in A♭)
1260 Doubles
3 M/P: 300 Stedman; 480 Grandsire; 480 Plain Bob
1 Jane Beadman
2 Mark Gill (C)
3 Jack Edwards
4 Chris Rogers
5 Matthew Beadman
6 Josh Richardson

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Ockham, Surrey
All Saints
Thursday, 13 July 2017 in 41m (7 in B)
1260 Grandsire Doubles
1 Tony Bishop
2 Jennifer C Meade
3 Pamela Rider
4 Ivan J M Saunders
5 John G Young (C)
6 Jane Marsters
Rung to Celebrate the life of John Williamson [24th June 1931 - 29th June 2017] former Tower Captain and Member at East Molesey.

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Old Woking, Surrey
St Peter
Sunday, 16 July 2017 in 47m (17–0–18 in E)
1280 Glasgow Surprise Major
1 Ruth Blackwell
2 Genebeth C Webb
3 Eliot P Johnson
4 Simon J Kitchener
5 Rachel E Johnson
6 Jack L Edwards
7 Richard A Pearce (C)
8 Matthew C Webb
For Evening Service. First quarter of Glasgow: 3.

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Shalford, Surrey
St Mary the Virgin
Wednesday, 19 July 2017 in 2h 51 (13–2–8 in F)
5088 Xennapod Surprise Major
Composed by JM (Generated)
1 Maurice F Edwards
2 Anthea S Edwards
3 Beryl R Norris
4 Sally A Schupke
5 Martin J Turner
6 David Kirkcaldy
7 Claire F Roulstone
8 Julian Morgan (C)
Ringing World page reference: 5545.0770

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Aldershot, Hampshire
12, Highfield Avenue
Wednesday, 19 July 2017 in 2h 35 (11 G)
5008 Double Norwich Court Bob Major
Composed by A S Hudson arr A E Holroyd
1–2 Karen M White
3–4 W John Couperthwaite
5–6 Mike Pidd (C)
7–8 Tom Page
Welcome back to peal ringing, Tom.
Ringing World page reference: 5545.0771

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Guildford, Surrey
Cathedral Church of the Holy Spirit
Friday, 21 July 2017 in 60m (30–1–10 in D)
1440 Zanussi Surprise Maximus
1 Nigel C Smith
2 Elizabeth A Burton
3 Anne M Anthony
4 Justina M Buswell
5 Matthew S Pearson
6 David R Beadman
7 Jack L Edwards
8 Michael C Bryant
9 Richard H Burton (C)
10 Phillip P Ridley
11 Neil Buswell
12 Nicholas M W Haggett
First of Zanussi: 7

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Hersham, Surrey
St Peter
Saturday, 22 July 2017 in 2h 45 (8–2–0 in G♯)
5024 Spliced Surprise Major (10m)
640 Uxbridge; 576 Rutland; 512 each Cambridge, Lincolnshire, Yorkshire; 480 each Pudsey, Superlative; 448 each Ashtead, London; 416 Bristol; 127 com, atw
Composed by Graham A C John
1 Jenny M Heyworth
2 Shirley E McGill
3 Jackie Roberts
4 Ronald F Diserens
5 Richard A Pearce (C)
6 Jack L Edwards
7 Mike Pidd
8 Glenn J Poyntz
First peal of Spliced: 6.
Ringing World page reference: 5550.0889

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Esher, Surrey
Christ Church
Saturday, 22 July 2017 in 48m (7–1–14 in A♭)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Hilary Brooks
2 Lizzie Brett
3 Jennifer C Meade
4 Dawn Howells
5 Malcolm Loveday (C)
6 John Burnett
Rung to Celebrate the Life of
John Williamson
24th June 1931- 29th June 2017
former Tower Captain & Member at East Molesey.

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Crondall, Hampshire
All Saints
Saturday, 22 July 2017 in 45m (14–0–10)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Toby Mann
2 Joseph Sharp (C)
3 Paul Meadows
4 Kevin Fox
5 Ros Fox
6 Chris Manetta
First quarter peal: 1

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Guildford, Surrey
Cathedral Church of the Holy Spirit
Sunday, 23 July 2017 in 57m (30–1–10 in D)
1344 Spliced Surprise Maximus (4 Methods)
(4 methods: 384 Bristol, Cambridge; 288 Lincolnshire, Yorkshire. 27 com)
Composed by R H Burton
1 A Jane Beadman
2 Gillian A Leale
3 Justina M Buswell
4 Elizabeth A Burton
5 David R Beadman
6 Robin G Leale
7 Richard H Burton (C)
8 Matthew C Webb
9 Matthew E Beadman
10 Nicholas M W Haggett
11 David A Agg
12 David J Tubbs
For Evensong

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Send, Surrey
St Mary the Virgin
Tuesday, 25 July 2017 in 48m (10–3–5 in A♭)
1320 Cambridge Surprise Minor
1 Jenny M Heyworth
2 Genebeth Webb
3 Anne M Anthony
4 Jackie Roberts
5 K Roger Tompsett
6 Jack L Edwards (C)
First quarter of Cambridge Minor Completing quarters of the Cambridge family, also first of Surprise as conductor 6
Wishing John Couperthwaite a Happy Birthday today

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Ockham, Surrey
All Saints
Thursday, 27 July 2017 in 39m (7 in B)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Rachel S J Allen
2 Helen M Fox
3 Jennifer C Meade
4 Ivan J M Saunders
5 John G Young (C)
6 Toby J Fox
First Quarters 1 and 6

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Aldershot, Hampshire
12, Highfield Avenue
Friday, 28 July 2017 (15 C)
1440 Spliced Treble Bob Major
(2m: 992 Kent, 448 Oxford; Worcester variation; 28 com at the half lead)
Composed by W J Couperthwaite
1–2 Karen White
3–4 Janet Menhinick
5–6 John Couperthwaite (C)
7–8 Tom Page

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Godalming, Surrey
SS Peter and Paul
Saturday, 29 July 2017 in 51m (24–00–04)
1264 Plain Bob Major
1-part, Comp 500 p 12
View composition
1 Julian Morgan
2 Sally Schupke
3 Seymour Baker
4 David Hester
5 Sarah Mackenzie
6 Ian Mackenzie
7 Michael Bryant
8 Jonathan Deane (C)
First quarter peal on the new bells, whose installation was completed on 14 July 2017.

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Shalford, Surrey
Bridge End
Sunday, 30 July 2017 (13 Eb)
1400 Oxford Treble Bob Royal
Composed by Roger Bailey
1–2 Martin Turner
3–4 Mike Pidd (C)
5–6 John Couperthwaite
7–8 Julian Morgan
9–10 Sally Schupke

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Old Woking, Surrey
St Peter
Sunday, 30 July 2017 in 48m (17–0–18 in E)
1273 Grandsire Triples
1 Rob W Ellis
2 Genebeth C Webb
3 Alison H Cole
4 James M Steele
5 Ian Cole
6 Simon J Kitchener
7 Richard A Pearce (C)
8 Matthew C Webb
Rung prior to Evening Service in memory of Derek McCrum, former Mayor of Woking.

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Thames Ditton, Surrey
St Nicholas
Monday, 31 July 2017 in 43m (8)
1260 St Nicholas Bob Doubles
1 Tony Bishop
2 Pamela Rider
3 Alistair Donaldson
4 Giles Andre
5 Nick Pattenden (C)
6 Jane Marsters
Rung in memory of John Williamson following his funeral 31/7/17 - a stalwart supporter of the Monday night practices at Thames Ditton

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Aldershot, Hampshire
12, Highfield Avenue
Wednesday, 2 August 2017 (15 C)
1280 Spliced Treble Bob Major
(2m: 832 Kent, 448 Oxford; Hampole, Ilkeston and Worcester variations; 28 com at the half lead)
Composed by W J Couperthwaite
1–2 Karen White
3–4 Janet Menhinick
5–6 John Couperthwaite (C)
7–8 Tom Page

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Aldershot, Hampshire
12, Highfield Avenue
Thursday, 3 August 2017 (8 C)
1296 Oxford Treble Bob Minor
1–2 Tom Page
3–4 Ian Redway
5–6 John Couperthwaite (C)

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Sandhurst, Berkshire
2, Hone Hill
Friday, 4 August 2017 (11 G)
1280 Spliced Treble Bob Major
(2m: 768 Kent, 512 Oxford; Hampole and Worcester variations; 32 com at the half lead)
Composed by W J Couperthwaite
1–2 Karen White
3–4 Janet Menhinick
5–6 John Couperthwaite (C)
7–8 Martin Turner

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Dunsfold, Surrey
St Mary and All Saints
Saturday, 5 August 2017 in 2h 48 (10–3–21 in A♭)
5040 Doubles (5 M/p)
960 Stedman; 1200 Grandsire (10 different extents); 960 St Simon's Bob; 960 St Martin's Bob; 960 Plain Bob
1 Richard H Burton
2 Jack L Edwards
3 Mark ER Gill (C)
4 Christopher H Rogers
5 Alan Regin
6 Joshua J Richardson
Rung to commemorate Private Ernest Smithers, of the Buffs (East Kent Regiment), a ringer at this church, who died on this day in 1917 in the Battle of Passchendaele and is buried in Tyne Cot Cemetary, Belgium. Remembering also Private Percy Weller, of the Army Service Corps, a former ringer at Newdigate but later living in Dunsfold, who died on 22nd July 1917 and is buried at Baghdad (North Gate) War Cemetary, Iraq, and the other men of Dunsfold who fell in the First World War. The names of Privates Smithers and Weller appear with others on the Dunsfold War Memorial and on a plaque in the church.
First peal at first attempt - 6.
Ringing World page reference: 5547.0820

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Ashtead, Surrey
St Giles
Sunday, 6 August 2017 in 40m (12–3–26 in F)
1260 Grandsire Triples
1 Sarah J Huck
2 Sarah L Jones
3 Oliver Thompson
4 Rosemary Henderson
5 Paul H Beeken
6 P Quentin Armitage
7 Richard M Trueman (C)
8 Peter A Huck
For Evensong.

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Ranmore, Surrey
St Barnabas
Wednesday, 9 August 2017 in 51m (19–2–21 in E)
1280 Painswick Surprise Major
Composed by Richard I Allton (arr)
1 Michael J Todd
2 Ann L Steed
3 Alan E Brown
4 Abigail C Fairhurst
5 David N Wallis
6 Peter W Emery
7 Richard M Trueman
8 P Quentin Armitage (C)

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Guildford, Surrey
Cathedral Church of the Holy Spirit
Sunday, 13 August 2017 in 53m (30–1–10 in D)
1308 Stedman Caters
Composed by C H Rogers
1 Gillian Leale
2 Claire Pearson
3 Matthew S Pearson
4 Caroline Prescott
5 Robin Leale
6 Chris Rogers (C)
7 David Hytch
8 Nick Haggett
9 David Tubbs
10 Chris Ridley
For Evensong and to mark the completion of a major project of asbestos removal, redecoration and improvement of sound and lighting systems in the Cathedral.
A date touch (13/08).

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Sandhurst, Berkshire
2, Hone Hill
Friday, 18 August 2017 in 1h 58 (11 G)
5040 Treble Dodging Minor
(3m: 2 extents of Cambridge S, 3 of Kent TB, 2 of Oxford TB)
1–2 Karen M White
3–4 Janet E Menhinick
5–6 W John Couperthwaite (C)
First peal on the bells.
Wishing Tom Page a speedy recovery.
Ringing World page reference: 5549.0870

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Guildford, Surrey
Cathedral Church of the Holy Spirit
Friday, 18 August 2017 (30–1–10 in D)
1255 Spliced Cinques and Maximus (10 Methods)
96 changes each Bristol, Cambridge, Lincolnshire, Newgate, Superlative, Yorkshire Surprise Maximus; 96 Avon Delight Maximus; 253 Stedman Cinques; 198 Erin Cinques; 132 Grandsire Cinques
Composed by R H Burton
1 David R Beadman
2 Justina M Buswell
3 Elizabeth A Burton
4 Neil Buswell
5 Robin G Leale
6 Glenn J Poyntz
7 Matthew C Webb
8 Michael C Bryant
9 Richard H Burton (C)
10 Phillip P Ridley
11 Nicholas M W Haggett
12 Mark E R Gill
Rung as a Diamond Wedding compliment to Anne and Rex Agg. Also an 18th birthday compliment to Laura Gill, with congratulations on gaining a place at Oxford University.
Most methods Spliced: 8.

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Epsom, Surrey
St Martin of Tours
Sunday, 20 August 2017
1259 Grandsire Caters
1 Margaret Bale
2 Richard Anthony
3 Jenny Heyworth
4 Abigail C Fairhurst
5 Alan E Brown
6 Mike Todd
7 Mike Bale (C)
8 K Roger Tompsett
9 Noel Gibbin
10 Christopher J Brown
Rung to celebrate the birth of Edward Michael James Brown on 29.6.17, son of 10, grandson of 1 and 7.

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Witley, Surrey
All Saints
Thursday, 24 August 2017 (11cwt)
72 Spliced Major (2m)
64 Aardvark Surprise, 8 Little Bob
1 Marilyn Payne
2 Phil Gorton
3 Laura Gill
4 Peter Payne
5 Ruth Gill
6 Frank Rice
7 Glenn Poyntz
8 Mark Gill (C)
First Aardvark for all, and believed first Aardvark in the tower.
Birthday treat for Laura rung by special arrangement with the long suffering local practice night band!

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Frensham, Surrey
St Mary the Virgin
Saturday, 26 August 2017 in 42m (10)
1260 Doubles (2m)
60 Stedman Doubles, 1200 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Brenda A Mayle
2 Stuart A Aitken
3 Michael J Novell
4 Christopher Chamberlain
5 Harry Glover (C)
6 Jill Burry
Rung to celebrate the marriage of Harriet McKenzie and James Norman at Frensham church today.

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Leatherhead, Surrey
SS Mary and Nicholas
Sunday, 27 August 2017 in 47m (19–0–12 in E♭)
1259 Grandsire Caters
1 Jenny Heyworth
2 John Aronson
3 Ann Steed
4 Mike Todd
5 Ron Diserens
6 K Roger Tompsett (C)
7 Peter Ford
8 Anne M Anthony
9 Mike Bale
10 Rex Woodland
Rung to celebrate the recent 80th Birthdays of Peter Ford, Rex Woodland and Margaret Beams.

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Guildford, Surrey
Cathedral Church of the Holy Spirit
Sunday, 27 August 2017 in 53m (30–1–10 in D)
1260 Single Oxford Bob Triples
1 Robin Leale
2 Gillian Leale
3 Caroline Prescott
4 Jack Edwards
5 Chris Ridley
6 Mark Gill
7 Chris Rogers (C)
8 Matt Child
For Evensong. First in method for 1,2,3 and 4.

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Sandhurst, Berkshire
2, Hone Hill
Friday, 1 September 2017 (11 G)
1440 Surprise Minor
(2m: One extent each of Primrose and Cambridge)
1–2 Karen White
3–4 Janet Menhinick
5–6 John Couperthwaite (C)

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Witley, Surrey
All Saints
Saturday, 2 September 2017 in 45m (11–1–20 in F♯)
1296 Cambridge Surprise Minor
1 Marilyn L Payne
2 Frank J Rice
3 Peter Payne
4 Glenn J Poyntz
5 Stephen P Darvill
6 Mark ER Gill (C)
Specially arranged and rung to express the best wishes of the Witley ringers to our vicar Rev. Jane Vlach as she moves to take up ministry in Godalming.

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Hersham, Surrey
St Peter
Saturday, 2 September 2017 in 2h 46 (8–2–0 in G♯)
5056 Plain Bob Major
Composed by F Bennett
1 Dawn Howells
2 Jacob O Webb
3 Caroline Flockton
4 Andy P Charnleybeal
5 Jenny M Heyworth
6 Stuart J Flockton
7 Martin J Turner
8 Matthew C Webb (C)
1st on 8: 4; 1st major inside: 2; 1st Plain Bob Major: 5.
Rung in memory of two Hersham ringers - Rifleman George B Edser (died 9 August 1917) and Private Ernest J Hamblin (died 4 October 1917) - killed in action during the First World War.
In 1908 George Edser rang in a Hersham local handbell peal of Grandsire Caters which was the first peal of Caters in hand for the then Winchester Diocesan Guild.
Ringing World page reference: 5552.0944

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Ockham, Surrey
All Saints
Thursday, 7 September 2017 in 41m (7 in B)
1260 Grandsire Doubles
1 Tony Bishop
2 Pamela Rider
3 Deborah Bishop
4 Ivan J M Saunders
5 John G Young (C)
6 Jane Marsters
Rung to celebrate the Marriage of Victor and Beauty Coles on Saturday 2nd September 2017

Guildford Diocesan Guild
West Clandon, Surrey
SS Peter and Paul
Sunday, 10 September 2017 in 50m (17–0–0 in E)
1260 Plain Bob Triples
1 Robin G Leale
2 Stephanie F Orde
3 Lucy S Warwick
4 Gillian A Leale
5 Jack L Edwards
6 Michael C Bryant
7 Richard H Burton (C)
8 David J Tubbs
First quarter peal on an inside bell, and of Plain Bob Triples: 2

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Ranmore, Surrey
St Barnabas
Wednesday, 13 September 2017 in 50m (19–2–21 in E)
1280 Shipway Major
1 Ann Steed
2 P Quentin Armitage
3 Linda A Armitage
4 Alan E Brown
5 Abigail C Fairhurst
6 David Wallis
7 Richard M Trueman (C)
8 Peter W Emery

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Aldershot, Hampshire
12, Highfield Avenue
Thursday, 14 September 2017 (12F)
1344 Spliced Treble Bob Major
(2m: Kent & Oxford TB; Ilkeston Variation)
1–2 Ian Redway
3–4 Janet Menhinick
5–6 Mike Pidd (C)
7–8 Tom Page

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Aldershot, Hampshire
12, Highfield Avenue
Thursday, 14 September 2017 (12F)
1312 Double Norwich Court Bob Major
1–2 Janet Menhinick
3–4 Ian Redway
5–6 Mike Pidd (C)
7–8 Tom Page

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Ockham, Surrey
All Saints
Wednesday, 20 September 2017 in 40m (7 in B)
1260 Grandsire Doubles
1 Carol Riddington
2 Jenny Gordon
3 Jennifer C Meade
4 Ivan J M Saunders
5 John G Young (C)
6 Jane Marsters
To Celebrate the Golden Wedding Anniversary today of
Francis and Sally Pound. Thanks for champagne, soft drinks and nibbles afterwards!

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Pirbright, Surrey
St Michael
Thursday, 21 September 2017 in 45m (11–2–19 in G)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Yvonne Craven
2 Julia Douetil
3 Susan Thornton
4 Richard Hyde
5 Christopher Hill (C)
6 James Bamford
In memory of Private Percy Thompson, ringer at Pirbright and Great War casualty who died on 16.8.1917.
First quarter for treble

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Farnborough, Hampshire
Mizpah, Trunk Road
Thursday, 21 September 2017 (12 F)
1312 Oxford Treble Bob Major
1–2 Martin Turner
3–4 Janet Menhinick
5–6 Mike Pidd (C)
7–8 Ian Redway

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Fleet, Hampshire
20 Burnside
Friday, 22 September 2017 in 2h 43 (12 F)
5040 Oxford Treble Bob Royal
Composed by D F Morrison (No 366)
1–2 Karen M White
3–4 W John Couperthwaite
5–6 Mike Pidd (C)
7–8 Ian M Redway
9–10 Martin J Turner
With best wishes to Tom Page.
1st Oxford TB Royal: 7-8
Ringing World page reference: 5555.1015

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Egham, Surrey
St John the Baptist
Saturday, 23 September 2017 in 2h 59 (16–3–26 in F)
5080 Spliced Surprise Royal (10m)
560 each Anglia, Cambridge; 520 each Kegworth, Lincolnshire, Pudsey; 480 each Bristol, London No.3, Rutland, Superlative No.2, Yorkshire; 126 com, atw
Composed by Richard A Pearce
1 Peter J Blight
2 Geraldine R Forster
3 Elizabeth A Hibbert
4 Richard A Pearce (C)
5 Beryl R Norris
6 Patricia M Newton
7 David R Cox
8 W John Couperthwaite
9 Robert H Newton
10 Ian G Mills
Remembering Joan Summerhayes, who died 10 years ago this month.
Ringing World page reference: 5559.1111

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Abergavenny, Monmouthshire
St Mary
Saturday, 23 September 2017 in 3h 23 (25–0–18 in D)
5040 London No. 3 Surprise Royal
Composed by W E Critchley
1 Jackie Roberts
2 David F Moore
3 M Louise Booth
4 Jack L Edwards (Aged 13)
5 Mark A Wilson
6 Ian P Hastilow
7 Glenn J Poyntz (C)
8 Peter J Munday
9 Mike Pidd
10 Peter J Joyce
1st London Royal: 3 and 4. A birthday compliment to Peter Joyce.
Ringing World page reference: 5555.1013

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Guildford, Surrey
Cathedral Church of the Holy Spirit
Sunday, 24 September 2017 in 86m (30–1–10 in D)
2017 Stedman Cinques
Composed by C H Rogers
1 Anthea S Edwards
2 Gillian A Leale
3 Nigel C Smith
4 Elizabeth A Burton
5 Anne M Anthony
6 Caroline A Prescott
7 Christopher H Rogers (C)
8 Matthew S Pearson
9 Richard H Burton
10 Nicholas M W Haggett
11 Mark E R Gill
12 David J Tubbs
Rung with congratulations to Phillip Ridley and Hannah Smith married yesterday at Emmanuel Church, Wimbledon.

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Ebbw Vale, Blaenau Gwent
Christ Church
Sunday, 24 September 2017 in 3h 34 (24–3–25 in D)
5088 Cornwall Surprise Major
Composed by D F Morrison
1 Jackie Roberts
2 Jack L Edwards
3 M Louise Booth
4 Glenn J Poyntz
5 Mike Pidd (C)
6 Ian P Hastilow
7 Peter J Joyce
8 Peter J Munday
Remembering Maggie Joyce whose birthday it would have been and Gaynor Joyce, favourite aunt and work colleague who came from Ebbw Vale. First in method: 2,3.
Ringing World page reference: 5555.1013

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Aldershot, Hampshire
St Michael Archangel
Sunday, 24 September 2017 in 2h 52 (8–3–16 in A)
5056 Spliced Surprise Major
(8m: 832 Rutland; 768 Pudsey; 640 Superlative; 576 Bristol, Cambridge, Lincolnshire, London; 512 Yorkshire; 122 com)
Composed by D F Morrison (No 3)
1 Martin J Turner
2 Vernon B Bedford
3 Beryl R Norris
4 Kathryne R Arkless
5 Janet E Menhinick
6 Toby Arkless
7 Peter Bridle
8 W John Couperthwaite (C)
100th peal together: 1, 4.
For the Patronal Festival.
Ringing World page reference: 5555.1013

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Fleet, Hampshire
20, Burnside
Monday, 25 September 2017 (11 G)
1344 Yorkshire Surprise Major
1–2 June Wells
3–4 John Couperthwaite
5–6 Mike Pidd (C)
7–8 John Wells

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Guildford, Surrey
St Nicolas
Thursday, 28 September 2017 in 50m (21–1–11 in E♭)
1250 Spliced Royal (3 Methods, All-10-In)
All-10-in cyclic. 800 Bristol S; 400 Sgurr A'Chaorachain S; 50 Pentagon Bridge Differential. 19 com.
Composed by Neil Buswell
1 Christopher H Rogers
2 David R Beadman
3 Elizabeth A Burton
4 Mike Pidd
5 Anne M Anthony
6 Matthew S Pearson
7 Neil Buswell (C)
8 Colin F Salter
9 Mark ER Gill
10 Richard H Burton
Pentagon Bridge Differential: 56.10-56-10-56-10

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Guildford, Surrey
Cathedral Church of the Holy Spirit
Friday, 29 September 2017 in 56m (30–1–10 in D)
1346 Spliced Surprise Maximus (3 Methods)
528 Bristol, 432 Zanussi, 384 Phobos; 23 com
Composed by A G Reading (arr. R H Burton)
1 Elizabeth A Burton
2 Neil Buswell
3 David R Beadman
4 Alban D Forster
5 Christopher H Rogers
6 Richard A Pearce
7 David A Agg
8 Matthew C Webb
9 R Mark Esbester
10 Colin F Salter
11 Mark E R Gill
12 Richard H Burton (C)
Birthday compliment to Mark Gill.

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Westminster, Greater London
St Margaret
Saturday, 30 September 2017 in 3h 30 (26–0–26 in D)
5000 Cambridge Surprise Royal
Composed by Richard A Pearce (No.1)
1 Anthea S Edwards
2 James White
3 Beryl R Norris
4 Richard A Pearce (C)
5 Anne M Anthony
6 David R Cox
7 Matthew C Webb
8 Mike Pidd
9 Stephen A Wheeler
10 Mark E R Gill
For Michaelmas.
Ringing World page reference: 5559.1111

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Merrow, Surrey
St John the Evangelist
Sunday, 1 October 2017 in 43m (13–1–23 in F)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Jean Robson
2 Linda Elliott
3 Margaret Bale
4 Jenny Gordon
5 Mike Bale (C)
6 Jane Farquharson
Rung to celebrate the Golden Wedding Anniversary of Jean and Patrick Robson. First quarter for 1.

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Leatherhead, Surrey
SS Mary and Nicholas
Sunday, 1 October 2017 in 43m (8–0–5)
1260 Plain Bob Minor
1 Lizzie C M Watts
2 Jenny Heyworth
3 Jemima Bleackley
4 Mike Todd
5 Ann Steed (C)
6 K Roger Tompsett
First quarter in Minor for 1, first quarter inside in Minor for 3.

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Frensham, Surrey
St Mary the Virgin
Sunday, 1 October 2017 in 43m (9–3–25 in G)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Jill Burry
2 Andrew Glover
3 Rebecca Webb
4 Chris Chamberlain
5 Harry Glover (C)
6 Yvonne Little
Rung prior to Choral Evensong, during the Guildford Guild's Quarter peal month, and specially arranged by Jill McKenzie as a belated Golden Wedding compliment to Harry and Elizabeth Glover, married 11th August 1967.

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Leatherhead, Surrey
SS Mary and Nicholas
Thursday, 5 October 2017 in 47m (19–0–12 in E♭)
1260 Stedman Triples
1 Jenny Heyworth
2 Mike Todd
3 Ann Steed
4 Jackie Roberts
5 Martin J Turner
6 Rex Woodland
7 Jeremy Cheesman (C)
8 K Roger Tompsett
First quarter of Stedman triples inside for Rex Woodland and to celebrate his earlier 80th birthday.
Also for Guildford guild quarter peal month.

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Ashtead, Surrey
St Giles
Thursday, 5 October 2017 in 2h 43 (12–3–26 in F)
5024 Yorkshire Surprise Major
Composed by RDS Brown
1 David P Hilling (C)
2 Mary E Gow
3 Catherine M Lewis
4 Stephen JF Mitchell
5 Christopher H Rogers
6 Peter J Joyce
7 P Quentin Armitage
8 Simon M Alford
Ringing World page reference: 5556.1039

Guildford Diocesan Guild
Aldershot, Hampshire
12, Highfield Avenue
Thursday, 5 October 2017 (8 C)
1440 Treble Dodging Minor
(2m: 720 each of Cambridge S and Oxford TB)
1–2 Tom Page
3–4 Ian Redway
5–6 John Couperthwaite (C)
For Guild Quarter peal month.