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Performances reportThis page gives a report of the performances matching your search criteria. There were 329 matching performances. The top 200 are listed below. The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK & USA Saturday, 1 January 2022 in 47m 1440 Bourne Surprise Minor View composition 1–2 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) 3–4 Susan K Fautsch (Longville, MN) 5–6 David B Wilson (Vancouver, WA) (C) First in method in hand: 1-2 Rung by the Bellerophons to celebrate the new year. Ringing World page reference: 5783.0186The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Sunday, 2 January 2022 in 34m 1250 Upton By Birkenhead Treble Bob Minimus 1 Sue Portsmouth 2 Barbara D Murray 3 Joseph A Sharp (C) 4 Rosemary J Humphrey 5 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) Rung by the Bellerophons for National Cream Puff Day Wishing a very happy new year to Jenny, who Alison met at St Mary's Church, Upton by Birkenhead. 125th together: 2 & 3 120th together: 2 & 5 75th together: 1 & 3 First minimus with a single cover for the Bellerophons First in method for all the band Ringing World page reference: 5778.0064The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK & USA Monday, 3 January 2022 in 52m 1344 Amsterdam Surprise Major View composition 1 Christine B J de Cordova 2 Rosemary J Humphrey 3 Sue Portsmouth 4 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) 5 Catherine A Colman 6 Joseph A Sharp 7 David B Wilson (Vancouver, WA) (C) 8 Barbara D Murray First in method: 3, 5 Completing the surprise major alphabet: 5 150th in Ringing Room: 7 100th together: 2 & 4 70th together: 4 & 7 50th together: 4 & 5 and 2 & 5 40th together: 1 & 5 and 5 & 6 Rung by the Bellerophons for National Thank God it's Monday Day. Ringing World page reference: 5783.0186The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Monday, 3 January 2022 in 41m 1320 Annable's London Surprise Minor View composition 1 Sue Portsmouth 2 Rosemary J Humphrey 3 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) 4 Christine B J de Cordova 5 Barbara D Murray 6 Joseph A Sharp (C) Rung by the Bellerophons with sincere wishes to Debbie Murray (Ely), for a swift recovery following her recent mishap. Also rung for the Festival of Sleep First in method for all except 5 160th in Ringing Room: 1 150th on virtual tower bells: 3 90th together: 1 & 3 Ringing World page reference: 5778.0064The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Thursday, 6 January 2022 in 31m 1250 Tulkinghorn Treble Bob Minimus 1 Joseph A Sharp (C) 2 Rosemary J Humphrey 3 Sue Portsmouth 4 Barbara D Murray Rung by The Bellerophons for Epiphany and Bean Day. First in method for all. Ringing World page reference: 5778.0064The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Thursday, 6 January 2022 in 51m 1280 Spliced Major (2m) 640 Percy's Tea Strainer Treble Place and 640 Yorkshire Surprise, 25 com View composition 1 Richard A Wolfgang (C) 2 Barbara D Murray 3 Jennifer M Thomas (Brasted, Kent) 4 Christine B J de Cordova 5 Rosemary J Humphrey 6 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) 7 Sue Portsmouth 8 Catherine A Colman Rung by The Bellerophons as a 50th Birthday Compliment to Richard Barnett and for Epiphany (in many ways...) First spliced Treble Place and Surprise for all except C. 50th quarter on Ringing Room. 75th together - 4 & 6. 90th together - 4 & 5. 100th together - 5 & 7. 100th virtual quarter together - 5 & 6. 160th together - 2 & 5. Ringing World page reference: 5779.0082The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK & USA & Switzerland Friday, 7 January 2022 in 51m 1280 Billy Bob Treble Place Major View composition 1 Susan K Fautsch (Coon Rapids, MN) 2 Sara Oakeley (Basel Switzerland) 3 Nathan B Colman (Bury St Edmunds) 4 Sue Portsmouth (Sonning) 5 Caroline J Champion (Bridgnorth) 6 Kevin J Musty (Aberavon) 7 David B Wilson (Vancouver, WA) (C) 8 Lavinia Sullivan (Wargrave) First in method: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8 15th together: 3 & 6 10th together: 7 & 8 Rung by the Bellerophons on the anniversary of the discovery of the Galilean moons of Jupiter. Ringing World page reference: 5783.0186The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Friday, 7 January 2022 in 28m 1250 Princess Of Cambridge Treble Bob Minimus 1 Sue Portsmouth 2 Joseph A Sharp (C) 3 Rosemary J Humphrey 4 Barbara D Murray Rung by the Bellerophons to mark Orthodox Christmas Day First in method for all Ringing World page reference: 5778.0064The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Friday, 7 January 2022 in 53m 1344 Gladiator Surprise Major View composition 1 Joseph A Sharp 2 Robin A Daw 3 Jennifer M Thomas (Brasted, Kent) 4 Christine B J de Cordova 5 Catherine A Colman 6 Rosemary J Humphrey 7 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) 8 Barbara D Murray (C) Rung by The Bellerophons for National Tempura Day. Also in memoriam for Sidney Poitier, died today aged 94, gladiator of his time. First in method for all the band and by The Bellerophons. This completes the Surprise Major alphabet in Ringing Room - 5 25th Surprise Major in Ringing Room - 2. 30th together 1 & 2, 1 & 7, 3 & 4 100th together 4 & 8 130th together 1 & 8 Ringing World page reference: 5779.0082The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK and USA Monday, 10 January 2022 in 49m 1280 Yorkshire Surprise Major View composition 1 Jennifer M Thomas (Brasted, Kent) 2 Barbara D Murray 3 Nathan B Colman (Bury St Edmunds) 4 David B Wilson (Vancouver, WA) 5 Rosemary J Humphrey 6 Sue Portsmouth 7 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) 8 Joseph A Sharp (C) Rung by The Bellerophons as a birthday compliment to the conductor and for Save The Eagles day. Also marking one year since this group met up for a pre-arranged Ringing Room tower bell quarter peal. 125th together: 2 & 7 120th together: 5 & 8 90th together: 7 & 8 80th together: 6 & 8 70th together: 3 & 6 Ringing World page reference: 5779.0082The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK & USA Tuesday, 11 January 2022 in 50m 1280 Harleston Surprise Major Composed by David B Wilson 1 David B Wilson (Vancouver, WA) (C) 2 Barbara D Murray 3 Robin A Daw 4 Joseph A Sharp 5 Sue Portsmouth 6 Catherine A Colman 7 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) 8 Susan K Fautsch (Coon Rapids, MN) First in method for all. First performance of composition. 120th together: 2 & 5 10th together: 3 & 5 Rung by the Bellerophons for National Hot Toddy Day and Learn Your Name in Morse Code Day. Ringing World page reference: 5783.0186The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK & USA Tuesday, 11 January 2022 in 61m 1280 Kent Treble Bob Royal View composition 1–2 Nathan B Colman (Bury St Edmunds) 3–4 Susan K Fautsch (Coon Rapids, MN) 5–6 David B Wilson (Vancouver, WA) 7–8 Caroline J Champion (Bridgnorth) 9–10 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) (C) Rung by the Bellerophons to celebrate National Step in a Puddle and Splash Your Friends Day. 60th QP together: 1-2 & 5-6. 30th QP together: 1-2 & 3-4. 1st QP on 10 as C. Ringing World page reference: 5779.0082The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Wednesday, 12 January 2022 in 49m 1370 London Surprise Minor 1 Rosemary J Humphrey 2 Barbara D Murray 3 Jennifer M Thomas (Brasted, Kent) 4 Richard A Wolfgang 5 Sue Portsmouth 6 Robin A Daw (C) First London - 3. 20th together - 3 & 5. 30th together - 1 & 4. 40th together - 1 & 3. 50th together - 2 & 3. Birthday Compliment to Jen. Rung by The Bellerophons for Jen's Virtual Trip to London. Alison Merryweather-Clarke would like to be associated with this quarter. Ringing World page reference: 5779.0082The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Wednesday, 12 January 2022 1296 Oxford Treble Bob Minimus 1 Pauline M Kennard 2 Rosemary J Humphrey 3 Christine B J de Cordova 4 Barbara D Murray First quarter of Minimus - 3. First Oxford T B inside - 2. Jointly conducted. Rung by The Bellerophons for National Marzipan Day and dedicated to the birthday of the Marzipan lover - Jen Thomas. Ringing World page reference: 5779.0082The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Wednesday, 12 January 2022 64 Original Major View composition 1 Barbara D Murray (C) 2 Christine B J de Cordova 3 Jennifer M Thomas (Brasted, Kent) 4 Joseph A Sharp 5 Sue Portsmouth 6 Rosemary J Humphrey 7–8 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) Rung by The Bellerophons in celebration of... First Original as C. The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Thursday, 13 January 2022 in 38m 1250 Primrose Surprise Minor 1 Rosemary J Humphrey 2 Barbara D Murray 3 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) 4 Richard A Wolfgang 5 Sue Portsmouth 6 Joseph A Sharp (C) Rung by The Bellerophons as a birthday compliment to Robin Daw and National Rubber Ducky Day. 90th together in Ringing Room: 3 & 5 Ringing World page reference: 5779.0082The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK & USA Friday, 14 January 2022 in 47m 1440 Ipswich Surprise Minor View composition 1 Nathan B Colman (Bury St Edmunds) 2 Sue Portsmouth (Sonning) 3 Caroline J Champion (Bridgnorth) 4 Lavinia Sullivan (Wargrave) 5 David B Wilson (Vancouver, WA) (C) 6 Kevin J Musty (Aberavon) Rung by the Bellerophons as a birthday compliment to the 3. Ringing World page reference: 5783.0186The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK & USA Friday, 14 January 2022 in 50m 1440 St Clement's College Bob Minor View composition 1–2 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) 3–4 Christine B J de Cordova (Whitehaven) 5–6 David B Wilson (Vancouver, WA) (C) First on two working bells and in method in hand: 3-4 Ringing World page reference: 5783.0186The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Friday, 14 January 2022 in 49m 1251 Robin Delight Major View composition 1 Jennifer M Thomas (Brasted, Kent) 2 Barbara D Murray 3 Rosemary J Humphrey 4 Christine B J de Cordova 5 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) 6 Catherine A Colman 7 Joseph A Sharp 8 Robin A Daw (C) First in the method on Ringing Room and first quarter in the method for all. Rung by The Bellerophons as a 51st birthday compliment to the conductor, yesterday. Also wishing a happy retirement for Chris Caryer and get well soon to Hugh Thomas. 30th together, 1 & 6. 25th together, 6 & 8. 20th together, 1 & 8. Ringing World page reference: 5779.0082The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Sunday, 16 January 2022 in 41m 1260 Plain Bob Minor View composition 1–2 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) 3–4 Caroline J Champion (Bridgnorth) 5–6 Nathan B Colman (Bury St Edmunds) (C) Rung by The Bellerophons as a birthday compliment to Caroline. Also to mark the death of Arturo Toscanini, the Italian cellist, in 1957. First on eBells - 1-2, 3-4. 60th QP together - 1-2 & 5-6. Ringing World page reference: 5784.0213The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Sunday, 16 January 2022 in 26m 1250 Reverse Monkton Treble Bob Minimus 1 Barbara D Murray 2 Rosemary J Humphrey 3 Sue Portsmouth 4 Joseph A Sharp (C) Rung by The Bellerophons for National Dragon Day and National Nothing Day. 20th Minimus together as a band First in method for all. Completes the Treble Bob Minimus section of The Little Purple Ringing Book to quarter peals for The Bellerophons. Ringing World page reference: 5780.0110The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK and USA Monday, 17 January 2022 in 52m 1292 Aston Martin Alliance Major View composition 1 Sue Portsmouth 2 Barbara D Murray 3 Nathan B Colman (Bury St Edmunds) 4 David B Wilson (Vancouver, WA) 5 Jennifer M Thomas (Brasted, Kent) 6 Joseph A Sharp (C) 7 Rosemary J Humphrey 8 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) Rung by The Bellerophons as a late birthday compliment to the conductor and for Betty White Day. Also a birthday compliment to Richard Lewis-Skeath First in method for all the band. 75th together: 4 & 8 60th together: 4 & 7 50th together: 1 & 4 50th with the Bellerophons: 5 Ringing World page reference: 5780.0110The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK & USA Wednesday, 19 January 2022 in 43m 1440 Bourne Surprise Minor View composition 1–2 Caroline J Champion (Bridgnorth) 3–4 Susan K Fautsch (Coon Rapids, MN) 5–6 David B Wilson (Vancouver, WA) (C) First in method in hand: 1-2 Ringing World page reference: 5783.0186The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Wednesday, 19 January 2022 in 43m 1250 Cambridge Surprise Minor 1–2 Barbara D Murray 3 Rosemary J Humphrey 4 Christine B J de Cordova 5 Pauline M Kennard 6 Robin A Daw (C) Rung by The Bellerophons for National Tin Can Day, National Popcorn Day and Brew a Potion Day. Also to celebrate the recognition of David B Wilson having 1250 compositions submitted on First of surprise on two bells: 1-2 170th quarter together: 1-2 & 3 20th together: 4 & 6 Ringing World page reference: 5780.0110The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK & USA Friday, 21 January 2022 in 54m 1280 Primrose Surprise Major Composed by David B Wilson 1 Sara Oakeley (Lymm) 2 Nathan B Colman (Bury St Edmunds) 3 Caroline J Champion (Bridgnorth) 4 Susan K Fautsch (Coon Rapids, MN) 5 Kevin J Musty (Aberavon) 6 Lavinia Sullivan (Wargrave) 7 Sue Portsmouth (Sonning) 8 David B Wilson (Vancouver, WA) (C) Rung by the Bellerophons in celebration of the life of Bruce Butler (October 11, 1949 - January 18, 2022), president of the North American Guild, and the life of Janet Dines (20 June 1937 - 18 January 2022), mother of the treble ringer. First Primrose Major for all. Ringing World page reference: 5792.0393The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Friday, 21 January 2022 in 50m 1250 Omega Surprise Major View composition 1 Christine B J de Cordova 2 Rosemary J Humphrey 3 Jennifer M Thomas (Brasted, Kent) 4 Robin A Daw (C) 5 Joseph A Sharp 6 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) 7 Barbara D Murray 8 Catherine A Colman Rung by The Bellerophons for National Granola Bar Day, National Hugging Day and One-Liners Day. First in method for all, and for The Bellerophons. 130th together: 6 & 7 110th Q in Ringing Room: 3 Ringing World page reference: 5780.0110The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Saturday, 22 January 2022 in 30m 1250 Yarwell Treble Place Minimus 1 Joseph A Sharp (C) 2 Rosemary J Humphrey 3 Sue Portsmouth 4 Barbara D Murray Rung by The Bellerophons for Hot Sauce Day. First blows in method for all. 125th together: 3 & 4 Ringing World page reference: 5781.0132The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK & USA Monday, 24 January 2022 in 50m 1280 Uxbridge Surprise Major Composed by David B Wilson 1 Rosemary J Humphrey 2 Barbara D Murray 3 Sue Portsmouth 4 Christine B J de Cordova 5 Joseph A Sharp 6 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) 7 Nathan B Colman (Bury St Edmunds) 8 David B Wilson (Vancouver, WA) (C) 140th together: 2 & 5 100th as C, 100% of which were rung in Ringing Room 80th together: 4 & 6 30th this year: 2 First in method: 3-8 Rung by the Bellerophons for National Just Do It Day. Ringing World page reference: 5783.0186The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Monday, 24 January 2022 in 30m 1300 Queens' College Treble Bob Minimus 1 Rosemary J Humphrey 2 Barbara D Murray 3 Sue Portsmouth 4 Joseph A Sharp (C) Rung by The Bellerophons to mark Global Belly Laugh Day and National Compliment Day. First in method for all. Ringing World page reference: 5781.0132The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK & USA Tuesday, 25 January 2022 in 69m 1440 Kent Treble Bob Royal View composition 1–2 Susan K Fautsch (Longville, MN) (C) 3–4 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) 5–6 Nathan B Colman (Bury St Edmunds) 7–8 Caroline J Champion (Bridgnorth) 9–10 David B Wilson (Vancouver, WA) Rung by The Bellerophons to celebrate the release of Disney's One Hundred And One Dalmatians, this day in 1961. First Royal on an affected pair - 3-4. Ringing World page reference: 5784.0213The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Wednesday, 26 January 2022 in 32m 1296 Monkton Treble Bob Minimus 1 Barbara D Murray 2 Rosemary J Humphrey 3 Pauline M Kennard 4 Christine B J de Cordova First in method - 2, 3, 4. 175th together - 1 & 2. 175th in Ringing Room - 2. Jointly conducted by all. Rung by The Bellophons for Library Shelfie Day and National Green Juice Day Ringing World page reference: 5781.0132The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Thursday, 27 January 2022 in 50m 1280 Rutland Surprise Major View composition 1 Catherine A Colman 2 Rosemary J Humphrey 3 Barbara D Murray 4 Sue Portsmouth 5 Nathan B Colman (Bury St Edmunds) 6 Christine B J de Cordova 7 Lavinia Sullivan (Wargrave) 8 Richard A Wolfgang (Eastwood) (C) Rung by The Bellerophons for Holocaust Memorial Day. 1st in method - 2. 175th with The Bellerophons - 2. 110th together - 2 & 4. 75th together - 4 & 5. 70th together - 1 & 3. 40th together - 3 & 8. Ringing World page reference: 5781.0135The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK & USA Friday, 28 January 2022 in 43m 1320 Norfolk Surprise Minor View composition 1 Caroline J Champion (Bridgnorth) 2 Nathan B Colman (Bury St Edmunds) 3 Sue Portsmouth (Sonning) 4 Lavinia Sullivan (Wargrave) 5 Susan K Fautsch (Coon Rapids, MN) 6 David B Wilson (Vancouver, WA) (C) First in method: 2, 4, 5, 6 10th together: 1 & 6 Longest internet stoppage followed by recovery for all. Rung by the Bellerophons for National Gift of the Ladybug Day. Ringing World page reference: 5783.0186The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Friday, 28 January 2022 in 50m 1280 Vale of the White Horse Surprise Major View composition 1 Christine B J de Cordova 2 Barbara D Murray 3 Jennifer M Thomas (Brasted, Kent) 4 Robin A Daw 5 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) 6 Rosemary J Humphrey 7 Catherine A Colman 8 Joseph A Sharp (C) Rung by The Bellerophons for International Lego Day and Have Fun At Work Day. Also marking the 209th anniversary of the publication of Pride and Prejudice. Birthday compliment to Luke, son of the ringer of the 3. 75th in Ringing Room: 7 70th together: 1 & 8 40th together: 2 & 4 First in method for all. Ringing World page reference: 5781.0132The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Saturday, 29 January 2022 in 28m 1250 Havisham Treble Bob Minimus 1 Sue Portsmouth 2 Barbara D Murray 3 Joseph A Sharp (C) 4 Rosemary J Humphrey Rung by The Bellerophons for National Puzzle Day. 130th together: 3 & 4 First in method for all Ringing World page reference: 5781.0132The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK & USA Sunday, 30 January 2022 in 44m 1296 Original Major Composed by David B Wilson 1–2 Susan K Fautsch (Coon Rapids, MN) 3–4 Nathan B Colman (Bury St Edmunds) 5–6 David B Wilson (Vancouver, WA) (C) 7–8 Caroline J Champion (Bridgnorth) First Original in hand: 7-8 Rung by the Bellerophons for National Croissant Day. Ringing World page reference: 5783.0186The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Monday, 31 January 2022 in 30m 1296 Crawford Treble Bob Minimus 1 Rosemary J Humphrey 2 Barbara D Murray 3 Joseph A Sharp (C) 4 Sue Portsmouth Rung by The Bellerophons for Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day. 130th together: 2 & 4 First in method for all. Ringing World page reference: 5783.0186The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Wednesday, 2 February 2022 in 45m 1272 Cambridge Surprise Minor 1 Rosemary J Humphrey 2 Barbara D Murray 3 Karen McCleave 4 Milica Reardon 5 David A Horne 6 Pauline M Kennard (C) First on Ringing Room - 3. 180th together - 1, 2. 180th on Ringing Room - 1. 200th for The Bellerophons - 2. Rung by The Bellerophons in thanksgiving for the life of Harry Doragh, 2nd June 1998 - 19th December 2021, nephew of Chris de Cordova, ahead of his funeral at Liverpool Anglican Cathedral tomorrow. Ringing World page reference: 5783.0185The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Thursday, 3 February 2022 in 50m 1280 Mornington Crescent Surprise Major A 1280 of Sulfur Surprise Major rung to the tune of Mornington Crescent! View composition 1 Rosemary J Humphrey 2 Barbara D Murray 3 Nathan B Colman (Bury St Edmunds) 4 Jennifer M Thomas (Brasted, Kent) 5 Sue Portsmouth 6 Joseph A Sharp 7 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) 8 Robin A Daw (C) Rung by The Bellerophons to celebrate the life and work of Barry Cryer OBE (23 March 1935 - 25 January 2022). Chris De Cordova would also like to be associated with this performance. First in method for all, for The Bellerophons, and in Ringing Room. 180th for The Bellerophons: 1. 110th together: 1 & 7. 100th together: 4 & 7. 90th together: 5 & 6. 75th together: 1 & 3. Ringing World page reference: 5783.0185The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Friday, 4 February 2022 in 44m 1260 Plain Bob Minor 540 - 3(WHW) SH 3W SH. 720 - 6(WHW) SH halfway and end. 1–2 Catherine A Colman (C) 3–4 Caroline J Champion (Bridgnorth) 5–6 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) Rung by The Bellerophons. Birthday compliments to Rosemary Humphrey, Nick Champion, Louise Bergon and Andrew Stone (who has a significant birthday to celebrate tomorrow). First as C in Ringing Room. 20th together 3-4 & 5-6. Rung using eBells. The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Friday, 4 February 2022 in 52m 1280 What Could Possibly Go Wrong?! Surprise Major View composition 1 Jennifer M Thomas (Brasted, Kent) 2 Barbara D Murray 3 Joseph A Sharp 4 Christine B J de Cordova 5 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) 6 Rosemary J Humphrey 7 Catherine A Colman 8 Robin A Daw (C) Rung by The Bellerophons as a birthday compliment to Rose (ringer of 6th). Believed to be the first performance in the method and we would like to call it What Could Possibly Go Wrong?! Surprise Major, a phrase often used by the birthday girl! -38-16-56-16-12-58-36-58,12 110th together in Ringing Room: 5 & 6 100th together in Ringing Room: 1 & 5 100th together: 4 & 6 50th of Surprise Major in Ringing Room: 7 Ringing World page reference: 5783.0186The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Sunday, 6 February 2022 in 49m 1270 Platinum Surprise Major View composition 1 Rosemary J Humphrey 2 Barbara D Murray 3 Joseph A Sharp 4 Sue Portsmouth 5 Nathan B Colman (Bury St Edmunds) 6 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) 7 David A Horne 8 Robin A Daw (C) Rung by The Bellerophons to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Accession to the Throne by HM Queen Elizabeth II. First in method by all and first performance of this composition. 100th together: 3 & 6 40th together: 1 & 8 Ringing World page reference: 5782.0160The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK & USA Monday, 7 February 2022 in 52m 1344 Wight Surprise Major Composed by David B Wilson 1 Joseph A Sharp 2 Barbara D Murray 3 Nathan B Colman (Bury St Edmunds) (C) 4 Christine B J de Cordova 5 David B Wilson (Vancouver, WA) 6 Rosemary J Humphrey 7 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) 8 Sue Portsmouth Rung by The Bellerophons for National Periodic Table Day, also for Rose Day. First in method for all. First performance of this composition. 250th quarter peal by The Bellerophons 150th in Ringing Room - 1. 110th together - 1 & 4. 100th together - 7 & 8. Ringing World page reference: 5784.0213The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK & USA Tuesday, 8 February 2022 in 47m 1260 Superlative Surprise Major Variable hunt Composed by David B Wilson 1 Susan K Fautsch (Coon Rapids, MN) 2 Barbara D Murray 3 Robin A Daw 4 Sue Portsmouth 5 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) 6 Joseph A Sharp 7 Catherine A Colman 8 David B Wilson (Vancouver, WA) (C) First variable hunt: 1-6 & 8. First performance of composition. Rung by the Bellerophons for National Kite Flying Day. 300th QP in Ringing Room: 5. 70th together: 2 & 8. Ringing World page reference: 5784.0213The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Wednesday, 9 February 2022 in 42m 1272 Oxford Treble Bob Minor 1 Sue Portsmouth 2 Rosemary J Humphrey 3 Karen McCleave 4 Christine B J de Cordova 5 Barbara D Murray 6 Pauline M Kennard (C) First Quarter in the method - 2. Rung by The Bellerophons for the Feast of Saint Apollonia, Tooth Fairy of Italy and the patron saint of Dentists, also for National Toothache Day. Ouch! Ringing World page reference: 5794.0435The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Thursday, 10 February 2022 in 40m 1320 Bacup Surprise Minor View composition 1 Rosemary J Humphrey 2 Barbara D Murray 3 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) 4 Sue Portsmouth 5 Robin A Daw 6 Joseph A Sharp (C) Rung by The Bellerophons in affectionate memory of Ian Judd of Goring, a generous, gentle teacher of surprise major and so much more. 100th as conductor. First in method for all except 2. Ringing World page reference: 5795.0460The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Thursday, 10 February 2022 in 52m 1280 Spliced Surprise Major (8m) 160 each Cambridge, Yorkshire, Lincolnshire, Superlative, Pudsey, Rutland, London, Bristol. 39 com. Composed by Donald F Morrison 1 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) 2 Nathan B Colman (Bury St Edmunds) 3 Sue Portsmouth 4 Christine B J de Cordova 5 Lavinia Sullivan 6 Catherine A Colman 7 Jennifer M Thomas (Brasted, Kent) 8 Richard A Wolfgang (C) Rung by The Bellerophons for St Scholastica's Day. First 8 spliced - 3, 7. First 8 spliced in Ringing Room for all. 150th with The Bellerophons - 1. 75th with The Bellerophons - 6. 80th together - 2 & 3. 60th together - 1 & 6. 30th together - 3 & 8. 25th together - 2 & 6. 20th together - 2 & 7, 6 & 8. The band would like to associate Barbara Murray and Rose Humphrey with this performance. Also thanks to Bryn Reinstadler and Leland Kusmer for giving us the opportunity to meet together and advance ourselves within the exercise! Ringing World page reference: 5784.0213The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK, USA & Switzerland Friday, 11 February 2022 in 52m 1250 Lincolnshire Surprise Major View composition 1 Susan K Fautsch (Coon Rapids, MN) 2 Sara Oakeley (Arlesheim, Switzerland) 3 Lavinia Sullivan 4 Sue Portsmouth 5 Nathan B Colman (Bury St Edmunds) 6 Caroline J Champion (Bridgnorth) 7 David B Wilson (Vancouver, WA) 8 Kevin J Musty (Aberavon) (C) Rung by The Bellerophons to celebrate the opening of the first public flushing lavatory for women in London, this day in 1852. First in method - 2, 4. 10th together - 2 & 7, 2 & 8. Ringing World page reference: 5784.0213The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Friday, 11 February 2022 in 49m 1280 Wye Surprise Major View composition 1 Christine B J de Cordova 2 Robin A Daw 3 Barbara D Murray 4 Jennifer M Thomas (Brasted, Kent) 5 Rosemary J Humphrey 6 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) 7 Joseph A Sharp (C) 8 Catherine A Colman Rung by The Bellerophons for National Don't Cry Over Spilled Milk Day, International Day of Women and Girls in Science and the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes 150th together: 3 & 7 40th together: 2 & 7, 2 & 6, 4 & 7 30th together: 2 & 8 25th together: 2 & 4 First in method for all Ringing World page reference: 5784.0213The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Sunday, 13 February 2022 in 30m 1296 East Hardon Treble Bob Minimus 1 Rosemary J Humphrey 2 Sue Portsmouth 3 Joseph A Sharp (C) 4 Barbara D Murray Rung by The Bellerophons for National Apology Day, with thanks to Bryn and Leland for the 'sorry' button in Ringing Room. 25th of Minimus together as a band First in method for all Ringing World page reference: 5784.0213The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Sunday, 13 February 2022 in 33m 1250 Fawsley Treble Place Minimus 1 Joseph A Sharp (C) 2 Sue Portsmouth 3 Barbara D Murray 4 Rosemary J Humphrey Rung by The Bellerophons for Get a Different Name Day. First in method for all 50th quarter peal for the Bellerophons this year Ringing World page reference: 5784.0213The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK and USA Monday, 14 February 2022 in 52m 1344 Valentine's Day Surprise Major View composition 1 Rosemary J Humphrey 2 Joseph A Sharp (C) 3 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) 4 Christine B J de Cordova 5 Nathan B Colman (Bury St Edmunds) 6 Sue Portsmouth 7 David B Wilson (Vancouver, WA) 8 Barbara D Murray Rung by the Bellerophons for Saint Valentine's Day. Remembering Pete Burden 10 years after his death, and thinking of all who struggle with mental health. 375th in Ringing Room: 8 190th together: 1 & 8 140th together: 3 & 8, 1 & 2 90th together: 5 & 8 80th together: 3 & 7 70th together: 5 & 7 60th together: 2 & 7, 4 & 6 First in method for all Ringing World page reference: 5784.0212The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Wednesday, 16 February 2022 in 48m 1296 Cambridge Surprise Minor 1 Lynda Hine 2 Barbara D Murray 3 Rosemary J Humphrey 4 Milica Reardon 5 Pauline M Kennard (C) 6 Christine B J de Cordova First on Ringing Room - 1. Rung by the Bellerophons for 'Do A Grouch A Favour' Day during Storm Dudley. Ringing World page reference: 5784.0213The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK & USA Friday, 18 February 2022 in 48m 1440 Primrose Surprise Minor View composition 1–2 Susan K Fautsch (Longville, MN) 3 Lavinia Sullivan (Wargrave) 4 Sue Portsmouth (Sonning) 5–6 David B Wilson (Vancouver, WA) (C) Rung by the Bellerophons as a happy birthday compliment to Janet Wilson, sister of 5-6. First Primrose minor: 1-2 First Primrose on two bells: 1-2 and 5-6 Ringing World page reference: 5785.0231The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Friday, 18 February 2022 in 48m 1250 Percy's Tea Strainer Treble Place Major View composition 1 Christine B J de Cordova 2 Barbara D Murray 3 Rosemary J Humphrey 4 Nathan B Colman (Bury St Edmunds) 5 Joseph A Sharp (C) 6 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) 7 Robin A Daw 8 Catherine A Colman Rung by The Bellerophons as a birthday compliment to Louise Daw, wife of #7, tomorrow, and to celebrate the passing out parade at Harrogate ATC of Ethan Husband, Son of Louise & Robin. The band would also like to associate Jen Thomas with this performance, who was unable to ring with us due to the effects of Storm Eunice. Rung also to mark Drink Wine Day and National Battery Day. 75th together: 2 & 8, 1 & 5 50th together: 1 & 8 Ringing World page reference: 5784.0213The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Sunday, 20 February 2022 in 39m 1271 Ipswich Surprise Minor View composition 1 Rosemary J Humphrey 2 Barbara D Murray 3 Sue Portsmouth 4 Robin A Daw 5 Richard A Wolfgang 6 Joseph A Sharp (C) Rung by The Bellerophons for Sexagesima Sunday and National Comfy Day. 140th together: 2 & 3 First in method: 4, 6 Ringing World page reference: 5785.0231The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK & USA Monday, 21 February 2022 in 59m 1344 London Surprise Major View composition 1 Rosemary J Humphrey 2 Barbara D Murray 3 Nathan B Colman (Bury St Edmunds) 4 Christine B J de Cordova 5 David B Wilson (Vancouver, WA) (C) 6 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) 7 Sue Portsmouth 8 Joseph A Sharp First London Major: 3, 5, 7, 8. 100th together in Ringing Room: 6 & 7. 80th together: 1 & 3. 70th together: 3 & 6. 50th together: 3 & 4. Rung by the Bellerophons in memory of Charlie Gibson, brother of ringer of 2nd, died 21st February 2018. Also rung for National Sticky Bun Day. With get-well wishes for Jennifer Thomas and HM Queen Elizabeth II. Ringing World page reference: 5785.0231The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Thursday, 24 February 2022 in 52m 1280 Cornwall Surprise Major Composed by Richard A Wolfgang 1 Karen McCleave 2 Barbara D Murray 3 Lavinia Sullivan 4 Nathan B Colman (Bury St Edmunds) 5 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) 6 Sue Portsmouth 7 Jennifer M Thomas (Brasted, Kent) 8 Richard A Wolfgang (C) Rung by The Bellerophons for National Banana Bread Day. First in method - 6, 7. 40th as conductor in Ringing Room - 8. 20th together - 3 & 4. Ringing World page reference: 5807.0768The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK & USA & Switzerland Friday, 25 February 2022 1440 Surfleet Surprise Minor View composition 1–2 Nathan B Colman (Bury St Edmunds) 3 Lavinia Sullivan (Wargrave) 4 Sara Oakeley (Basel Switzerland) 5 David B Wilson (Vancouver, WA) (C) 6 Susan K Fautsch (Longville, MN) First in method: 1-2, 4, 5, 6. 60th together: 5 & 6. Rung by the Bellerophons as a birthday compliment to Esther Colman, sister of 1-2. Ringing World page reference: 5786.0253The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Friday, 25 February 2022 in 52m 1250 Frensham Surprise Major View composition 1 Debbie Murray 2 Rosemary J Humphrey 3 Jennifer M Thomas (Brasted, Kent) 4 Barbara D Murray 5 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) 6 Christine B J de Cordova 7 Sue Portsmouth 8 Joseph A Sharp (C) Rung by The Bellerophons for Quiet Day. Remembering Stan Laurel and his contribution to silent movies. 25th quarter peal: 1 100th together: 7 & 8 20th together: 1 & 4 Welcoming Debbie back following injury time. First in method for all. Ringing World page reference: 5794.0435The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Sunday, 27 February 2022 in 30m 1284 Ipswich Treble Place Minimus 1 Barbara D Murray 2 Rosemary J Humphrey 3 Sue Portsmouth 4 Joseph A Sharp (C) Rung by The Bellerophons for Quinquagesima Sunday and Pokémon Day. 125th together: 2 & 3 First Ipswich Minimus for all. Robin Daw and Richard Wolfgang would like to be associated with this performance, after meeting long at the first attempt Ringing World page reference: 5786.0253The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK & USA Monday, 28 February 2022 in 50m 1280 Cooktown Orchid Delight Major Composed by David B Wilson 1 Rosemary J Humphrey 2 Barbara D Murray 3 Nathan B Colman (Bury St Edmunds) 4 Christine B J de Cordova 5 Sue Portsmouth 6 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) 7 David B Wilson (Vancouver, WA) (C) 8 Joseph A Sharp First in method for all. First performance of composition. 120th together: 1 & 6. 90th together: 4 & 6. 60th together: 3 & 8 and 5 & 7. Rung by the Bellerophons for National Floral Arrangement Day. Ringing World page reference: 5786.0253The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK & USA Tuesday, 1 March 2022 in 50m 1280 Kiev Delight Major Composed by David B Wilson 1 Caroline J Champion (Bridgnorth) 2 Barbara D Murray 3 Sue Portsmouth 4 Nathan B Colman (Bury St Edmunds) 5 Lavinia Sullivan (Wargrave) 6 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) 7 Robin A Daw 8 David B Wilson (Vancouver, WA) (C) First in method for all. First performance of composition. We would like to associate Susan Fautsch with this performance. Rung by the Bellerophons as an expression of support for Ukraine in its struggle against the Russian invasion. Ringing World page reference: 5786.0253The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK & USA Tuesday, 1 March 2022 in 49m 1260 Single Oxford Bob Triples Composed by David B Wilson 1 Rosemary J Humphrey 2 Joseph A Sharp 3 Jennifer M Thomas (Brasted) 4 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) 5 Sue Portsmouth 6 Robin A Daw 7 David B Wilson (Vancouver, WA) (C) 8 Barbara D Murray Rung by the Bellerophons for St David's Day and Shrove Tuesday. Birthday compliments to Susan Douglas, Jen's sister, and to Mick Howes. First in method: 2, 3, 7. First performance of composition. 200th QP in Ringing Room: 5. 160th together: 2 & 8. 120th online QP together: 1 & 4. 110th together: 2 & 4 and 4 & 5. 75th together: 7 & 8. 60th together: 3 & 8. 50th together: 6 & 8. 50th in Ringing Room: 6. Ringing World page reference: 5786.0253The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Wednesday, 2 March 2022 1272 Cambridge Surprise Minor 1 Milica Reardon 2 Lynda Hine 3 Rosemary J Humphrey 4 Karen McCleave 5 Barbara D Murray 6 Pauline M Kennard (C) First online on a working bell - 2. Rung by The Bellerophons for Ash Wednesday. The band would like to associate Chris de Cordova with this quarter. Ringing World page reference: 5786.0253The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK & USA Friday, 4 March 2022 in 54m 1440 Hexham Surprise Minor View composition 1–2 Susan K Fautsch (Coon Rapids, MN) 3 Kevin J Musty (Aberavon) 4 Lavinia Sullivan (Wargrave) 5 David B Wilson (Vancouver, WA) (C) 6 Caroline J Champion (Bridgnorth) First in method for all. Rung by the Bellerophons for the new Bellerophon, Karen McCleave of Hexham. Ringing World page reference: 5787.0275The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Friday, 4 March 2022 in 29m 1296 Jesus College Treble Bob Minimus 1 Barbara D Murray 2 Rosemary J Humphrey 3 Joseph A Sharp (C) 4 Sue Portsmouth Rung by The Bellerophons for National Grammer Day 200th together: 1 & 2 390th on Ringing Room: 1 200th in Ringing Room: 2 Birthday compliment to Claire Burroughs, mother of the conductor. First in method for all Ringing World page reference: 5786.0253The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Friday, 4 March 2022 in 50m 1250 Nailstone Surprise Major View composition 1 Debbie Murray 2 Robin A Daw 3 Joseph A Sharp (C) 4 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) 5 Jennifer M Thomas (Brasted, Kent) 6 Christine B J de Cordova 7 Rosemary J Humphrey 8 Barbara D Murray Rung by The Bellerophons for World Day of Prayer. 110th together: 4 & 5, 6 & 7 50th together: 5 & 7 25th together: 2 & 6 200th for The Bellerophons: 7 120th for The Bellerophons: 6 20th for The Bellerophons: 1 Ringing World page reference: 5786.0253The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK & USA Saturday, 5 March 2022 in 54m 1344 Eden Project Surprise Major View composition 1 Christine B J de Cordova 2 Barbara D Murray 3 Robin A Daw 4 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) 5 Catherine A Colman 6 Caroline J Champion (Bridgnorth) 7 David B Wilson (Vancouver, WA) (C) 8 Susan K Fautsch (Coon Rapids, MN) Believed to be the first QP of the method (-56-4-56-6-4-5-4-3,2), which we propose to be called Eden Project Surprise Major, since it is a type-e method resembling Cornwall. Rung by the Bellerophons on the Feast of Saint Piran, the national day of Cornwall, to celebrate the 21st anniversary later this month of the opening of the Eden Project in Cornwall. With birthday compliments to Oli Thompson. 150th together: 2 & 4. 120th together: 1 & 2. Ringing World page reference: 5787.0272The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Saturday, 5 March 2022 in 44m 1260 Grandsire Doubles 1 Sue Portsmouth 2 Barbara D Murray 3 Rosemary J Humphrey 4 Joseph A Sharp (C) 5–6 Robin A Daw Rung by The Bellerophons for National Absinthe Day. 150th together: 3 & 4 First Grandsire Doubles in Ringing Room for all and for The Bellerophons. Ringing World page reference: 5787.0275The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK & USA Tuesday, 8 March 2022 in 38m 1440 Plain Bob Minor View composition 1–2 Caroline J Champion (Bridgnorth) 3–4 Susan K Fautsch (Coon Rapids, MN) 5–6 David B Wilson (Vancouver, WA) (C) First with cowbells for all. Rung by the Bellerophons with get well wishes for Nathan Colman. Ringing World page reference: 5787.0275The Bellerophons Ringing Room, England Tuesday, 8 March 2022 in 39m 1260 St Clement's College Bob Minor 1 Barbara D Murray 2 Rosemary J Humphrey 3 Christine B J de Cordova 4 Jennifer M Thomas (Brasted, Kent) 5 Sue Portsmouth 6 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) (C) Rung by the Bellerophons to mark International Women's Day, with best wishes to Jen's mother-in-law Margaret Thomas, a very special lady. 150th QP together: 1 & 5. Ringing World page reference: 5790.0342The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Wednesday, 9 March 2022 in 24m 1296 King's College Treble Bob Minimus 1 Barbara D Murray 2 Rosemary J Humphrey 3 Joseph A Sharp (C) 4 Sue Portsmouth Rung by The Bellerophons for no particular reason. 150th together: 1 & 4 130th together: 2 & 4 Ringing World page reference: 5787.0275The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Thursday, 10 March 2022 in 51m 1280 Bristol Surprise Major View composition (Richard Weeks) 1 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) 2 Barbara D Murray 3 Jennifer M Thomas (Brasted, Kent) 4 Christine B J de Cordova 5 Nathan B Colman (Bury St Edmunds) 6 Lavinia Sullivan 7 Sue Portsmouth 8 Richard A Wolfgang (C) Rung by The Bellerophons to celebrate the discovery of the rings of Uranus, this day in 1977. 125th QP online - 4 40th together - 3 & 4. 20th together - 5 & 8. Ringing World page reference: 5807.0768The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK & USA & Switzerland Friday, 11 March 2022 in 49m 1440 Beverley Surprise Minor View composition 1 Lavinia Sullivan (Wargrave) 2 Kevin J Musty (Aberavon) 3 Sue Portsmouth (Sonning) 4 Sara Oakeley (Basel Switzerland) 5 David B Wilson (Vancouver, WA) (C) 6 Susan K Fautsch (Longville, MN) First in method: 2, 4, 5, 6. 25th together: 3 & 6. Rung by the Bellerophons on the occasion of the Crufts Dog Show and for World Plumbing Day. Birthday compliments to Rebecca Holmes, daughter of the 2. Ringing World page reference: 5788.0296The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Friday, 11 March 2022 in 42m 1440 Yorkshire Block Delight Minor View composition 1 Rosemary J Humphrey 2 Barbara D Murray 3 Jennifer M Thomas (Brasted, Kent) 4 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) 5 Catherine A Colman 6 Joseph A Sharp (C) Rung by The Bellerophons for World Plumbing Day and National Worship of Tools Day, as a tribute to Jen's ongoing plumbing saga. 125th together: 1 & 4 60th together: 1 & 5 50th together: 5 & 6 75th on Ringing Room this year: 2 75th quarter peal this year for The Bellerophons First in method: 3, 4 & 5 Ringing World page reference: 5787.0275The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Saturday, 12 March 2022 in 31m 1277 Vindaloo Treble Bob Minimus 1 Joseph A Sharp (C) 2 Rosemary J Humphrey 3 Sue Portsmouth 4 Barbara D Murray Rung by The Bellerophons for Plant a Flower Day 30th Minimus together as a band Ringing World page reference: 5787.0275The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK & USA Monday, 14 March 2022 in 50m 1280 New Cambridge Surprise Major Composed by David B Wilson 1 Rosemary J Humphrey 2 Barbara D Murray 3 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) 4 Christine B J de Cordova 5 Sue Portsmouth 6 Joseph A Sharp 7 Nathan B Colman (Bury St Edmunds) 8 David B Wilson (Vancouver, WA) (C) First in method: 3-8. First performance of composition. 400th QP in Ringing Room: 2. 125th together in Ringing Room: 1 & 3. 80th together: 4 & 6. 75th together: 3 & 7 and 7 & 8. Rung by the Bellerophons to celebrate Pi Day. Ringing World page reference: 5788.0296The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK & USA Tuesday, 15 March 2022 in 49m 1296 Original Major Composed by David B Wilson 1 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) 2 Barbara D Murray 3 Sue Portsmouth 4 Robin A Daw 5 David B Wilson (Vancouver, WA) (C) 6 Jennifer M Thomas (Brasted) 7 Rosemary J Humphrey 8 Joseph A Sharp First in principle: 2,3,4,6,7,8. 20th together: 3 & 4. We would like to associate Catherine Colman with this performance. Rung by the Bellerophons to celebrate perfect squares, such as (6^2)^2=1296, on the day after Pi Day. Also rung for the Ides of March and Equal Pay Day. Ringing World page reference: 5789.0321The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Wednesday, 16 March 2022 in 45m 1296 Bacup Surprise Minor 1 Lynda Hine 2 Rosemary J Humphrey 3 Barbara D Murray 4 Christine B J de Cordova 5 Robin A Daw 6 Pauline M Kennard (C) First in method - 2 and 4. Rung by The Bellerophons for No Selfies Day. Ringing World page reference: 5789.0321The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Thursday, 17 March 2022 in 51m 1280 Double Coslany Court Bob Major Composed by Stephen J Bedford 1 Catherine A Colman 2 Barbara D Murray 3 Nathan B Colman (Bury St Edmunds) 4 Christine B J de Cordova 5 Joseph A Sharp 6 Lavinia Sullivan 7 Sue Portsmouth 8 Richard A Wolfgang (C) Rung by The Bellerophons for St Patrick's Day. 125th together - 2 & 4. 110th together - 5 & 7. 60th together in Ringing Room - 6 & 7. 40th together - 1 & 7. 30th together in Ringing Room - 1 & 3. 20th together - 2 & 6. 10th together - 1 & 6. 40th in Ringing Room as conductor. First in method for all. Ringing World page reference: 5807.0768The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Friday, 18 March 2022 in 36m 1296 Warkworth Alliance Minimus 1 Barbara D Murray 2 Rosemary J Humphrey 3 Sue Portsmouth 4 Joseph A Sharp (C) Rung by The Bellerophons for World Sleep Day. 170th together: 1 & 4 Ringing World page reference: 5788.0296The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Friday, 18 March 2022 in 48m 1250 Wychwood Surprise Major View composition 1 Debbie Murray 2 Barbara D Murray 3 Joseph A Sharp (C) 4 Jennifer M Thomas (Brasted, Kent) 5 Rosemary J Humphrey 6 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) 7 Christine B J de Cordova 8 Robin A Daw Rung by The Bellerophons for National Awkward Moments Day. 50th together: 5 & 8 30th this year: 7 First in method for all. Ringing World page reference: 5788.0296The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK & USA Sunday, 20 March 2022 in 53m 1344 Edenva Surprise Major View composition 1 Sue Portsmouth 2 Barbara D Murray 3 Robin A Daw 4 Caroline J Champion (Bridgnorth) 5 Catherine A Colman 6 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) 7 David B Wilson (Vancouver, WA) (C) 8 Joseph A Sharp Believed to be the first QP of the method, -56-14-56-16-14-58-14-38,18, which we propose to be called Edenva Surprise Major, since the method is a lead-end variant of Eden Project Surprise Major and Edenva is Cornish for Eden Project. Rung by the Bellerophons to celebrate the Vernal Equinox and the International Day of Happiness. 20th this year: 5. Ringing World page reference: 5789.0319The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Sunday, 20 March 2022 in 29m 1260 Xylene Alliance Minimus 1 Barbara D Murray 2 Joseph A Sharp (C) 3 Rosemary J Humphrey 4 Sue Portsmouth Rung by The Bellerophons to welcome Spring Completes the Minimus alphabet as a band. 50th this year & 250th quarter peal: 2 Ringing World page reference: 5789.0321The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK & USA Monday, 21 March 2022 in 48m 1265 Spliced Triples and Major (2m) 1088 Yorkshire Surprise Major, 177 Stedman Triples, 1 com. Composed by David B Wilson 1 Sue Portsmouth 2 Barbara D Murray 3 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) 4 Joseph A Sharp 5 Nathan B Colman (Bury St Edmunds) 6 Christine B J de Cordova 7 David B Wilson (Vancouver, WA) (C) 8 Rosemary J Humphrey First spliced triples and major for all but the birthday girl. 160th together: 1 & 2. 130th in Ringing Room: 6. 90th together: 1 & 5. 80th together: 2 & 7. Rung by the Bellerophons to celebrate Barbara's birthday and World Poetry Day. Last day of being sixty four, one more day adds another year, to mark this very special occasion, David created a composition. Ringing World page reference: 5791.0367The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Wednesday, 23 March 2022 in 42m 1260 Hempsted Bob Minor 1 Christine B J de Cordova 2 Barbara D Murray 3 Karen McCleave 4 Pauline M Kennard (C) 5 Rosemary J Humphrey 6 Robin A Daw Rung by The Bellerophons for National Near Miss Day and World Maths Day and marking the second anniversary of the beginning of the first lockdown. Get well soon compliment to those who are poorly. First in method for all. Ringing World page reference: 5789.0321The Bellerophons Ringing Room, England Friday, 25 March 2022 in 49m 1280 Amsterdam Surprise Major 1 Jennifer M Thomas (Brasted, Kent) 2 Barbara D Murray 3 Robin A Daw 4 Christine B J de Cordova 5 Rosemary J Humphrey 6 Sue Portsmouth 7 Joseph A Sharp 8 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) (C) Rung by the Bellerophons to celebrate the Feast of the Annunciation. Also marking Wear a Hat Day, raising awareness of Brain Tumour Research. 30th together: 1 & 3. 30th together: 3 & 4. 130th together: 5 & 8. 160th together: 5 & 7. 160th together: 2 & 8. 175th together: 2 & 7. Ringing World page reference: 5790.0342The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK/USA Saturday, 26 March 2022 in 46m 1344 Plain Bob Major View composition 1–2 Caroline J Champion (Bridgnorth) 3–4 Nathan B Colman (Bury St Edmunds) 5–6 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) 7–8 Susan K Fautsch (Coon Rapids, MN) (C) Remembering Alison's mum, Doreen Merryweather, two years after her funeral. Ringing World page reference: 5789.0319The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK/USA Sunday, 27 March 2022 in 31m 1260 Plain Bob Minor 1–2 Caroline J Champion (Bridgnorth) 3–4 Susan K Fautsch (Coon Rapids, MN) 5–6 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) (C) Rung by the Bellerophons to celebrate Mothering Sunday and International Scribble Day. Also, best wishes to Joseph Sharp and Joe Norton on National Joe Day. Ringing World page reference: 5790.0342The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Sunday, 27 March 2022 in 31m 1296 Derby Treble Bob Minimus 1 Joseph A Sharp (C) 2 Rosemary J Humphrey 3 Sue Portsmouth 4 Barbara D Murray Rung by The Bellerophons to mark the first day of British Summer Time. Ringing World page reference: 5790.0342The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK/USA Monday, 28 March 2022 in 46m 1250 Yorkshire Surprise Major View composition 1 Sue Portsmouth 2 Barbara D Murray 3 David B Wilson (Vancouver, WA) 4 Joseph A Sharp 5 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) (C) 6 Rosemary J Humphrey 7 Nathan B Colman (Bury St Edmunds) 8 Christine B J de Cordova Rung by the Bellerophons to celebrate National Black Forest Cake Day, National Triglycerides Day and National Respect Your Cat Day. 1250th QP and 400th as C: 5. 130th together in Ringing Room: 5 & 6. 130th together: 2 & 8. 100th together: 2 & 7. 90th together: 3 & 5. 70th together: 1 & 8, and 3 & 6. Circled the tower to surprise major in Ringing Room: 8. Ringing World page reference: 5790.0342The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Wednesday, 30 March 2022 in 42m 1320 Norwich Surprise Minor View composition 1 Rosemary J Humphrey 2 Sue Portsmouth 3 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) 4 Christine B J de Cordova 5 Joseph A Sharp 6 Barbara D Murray (C) 300th quarter by The Bellerophons rung on the anniversary of our naming day, with some quarters linked retrospectively. Rung by The Bellerophons for National Virtual Vacation Day and to mark the second anniversary of the first quarter on Ringing Room (29/3/20). Birthday compliment to Abigail Humphrey. First of Norwich as C. 220th together - 1 & 6. 175th for The Bellerophons - 3. 140th together - 1 & 2. 120th together - 3 & 5. 100th together - 3 & 4. Ringing World page reference: 5790.0342The Bellerophons Ringing Room, England Thursday, 31 March 2022 in 51m 1280 Double Dublin Surprise Major 1 Jennifer M Thomas (Brasted, Kent) 2 Barbara D Murray 3 Sue Portsmouth 4 Christine B J de Cordova 5 Lavinia Sullivan 6 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) 7 Catherine A Colman 8 Richard A Wolfgang (C) Rung by the Bellerophons to celebrate World Backup Day, National Bunsen Burner Day and National Crayon Day. 1st Double Dublin: 3,4,6,7,8. 120th together: 1 & 6, and 2 & 6. 80th together: 2 & 7. Ringing World page reference: 5792.0389The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK & USA & Switzerland Friday, 1 April 2022 in 45m 1440 Berwick Surprise Minor View composition 1–2 Susan K Fautsch (Longville, MN) 3 Nathan B Colman (Bury St Edmunds) 4 Sara Oakeley (Basel Switzerland) 5 David B Wilson (Vancouver, WA) (C) 6 Lavinia Sullivan (Wargrave) First in method for all. 200th in Ringing Room: 5. 70th together: 1-2 & 5. 25th together: 3 & 6. 20th together: 5 & 6. We would like to associate Caroline Champion with this performance. Rung by the Bellerophons to celebrate the wedding tomorrow of Leland Kusmer and Bryn Reinstadler. Ringing World page reference: 5793.0419The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Friday, 1 April 2022 in 30m 1250 Ashow Treble Bob Minimus 1 Barbara D Murray 2 Rosemary J Humphrey 3 Joseph A Sharp (C) 4 Sue Portsmouth Rung by the Bellerophons for April Fools' Day. 100th quarter peal this year: 1 Ringing World page reference: 5790.0342The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Friday, 1 April 2022 in 48m 1280 All Fools' Surprise Major View composition 1 Sue Portsmouth 2 Barbara D Murray 3 Robin A Daw 4 Christine B J de Cordova 5 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) 6 Rosemary J Humphrey 7 Joseph A Sharp (C) 8 Richard A Wolfgang Rung by The Bellerophons as a pre-wedding compliment to Leland Kusmer and Bryn Reinstadler. Also marking All Fools' Day and National Edible Book Day. 180th together: 2 & 7 120th together: 1 & 7, 4 & 6 60th together: 2 & 3 50th together: 3 & 5, 3 & 7 30th together: 4 & 8 First in method for all Ringing World page reference: 5793.0419The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK & USA Saturday, 2 April 2022 in 63m 1400 Oxford Treble Bob Royal View composition 1–2 David B Wilson (Vancouver, WA) (C) 3–4 Susan K Fautsch (Longville, MN) 5–6 Nathan B Colman (Bury St Edmunds) 7–8 Caroline J Champion (Bridgnorth) 9–10 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) First Oxford TB Royal: 5-6, 7-8, 9-10. First Oxford TB in hand: 7-8, 9-10. First Oxford TB on two working bells: 5-6. Rung by the Bellerophons as a wedding day compliment to Leland Kusmer and Bryn Reinstadler, without whom this quarter would not have been possible. Ringing World page reference: 5793.0419The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Sunday, 3 April 2022 in 31m 1296 Reverse Kermit Treble Bob Minimus 1 Barbara D Murray 2 Rosemary J Humphrey 3 Sue Portsmouth 4 Joseph A Sharp (C) Rung by The Bellerophons for National Chocolate Mousse Day and National Find a Rainbow Day. 425th in Ringing Room: 1 Ringing World page reference: 5791.0367The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK & USA Monday, 4 April 2022 in 49m 1251 Yorkshire Surprise Major Composed by David B Wilson 1 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) 2 Barbara D Murray 3 Nathan B Colman (Bury St Edmunds) 4 Christine B J de Cordova 5 Sue Portsmouth 6 Rosemary J Humphrey 7 Joseph A Sharp 8 David B Wilson (Vancouver, WA) (C) 80th together: 1 & 3 and 3 & 8. 80th this year: 6. 50th together: 4 & 8. Rung by the Bellerophons to celebrate 51. Ringing World page reference: 5793.0413The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Tuesday, 5 April 2022 in 53m 1250 Lincolnshire Surprise Major 1 Sue Portsmouth 2 Barbara D Murray 3 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) 4 Lynda Hine 5 Simon J O Head 6 Christine B J de Cordova 7 Rosemary J Humphrey 8 Richard A Wolfgang (C) Rung by The Bellerophons as a compliment to Lewis Benfield on passing his driving test and for National Go For Broke Day. First Surprise Major - 4. 75th together - 1 & 6. 120th together - 6 & 7. 170th together - 1 & 2. 225th together - 2 & 7. 100th Quarter this year by The Bellerophons. Ringing World page reference: 5791.0367The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Wednesday, 6 April 2022 in 37m 1344 Demi-Bristol Alliance Minimus 1 Lynda Hine 2 Barbara D Murray 3 Pauline M Kennard (C) 4 Christine B J de Cordova Rung by the Bellerophons for National Popcorn Day. First of Minimus - 1 First in method - 4 Ringing World page reference: 5794.0435The Bellerophons Ringing Room, England Thursday, 7 April 2022 in 51m 1280 Superlative Surprise Major Composed by Steve Coleman 1 Lavinia Sullivan 2 Barbara D Murray 3 Jennifer M Thomas (Brasted, Kent) 4 Christine B J de Cordova 5 Nicholas A M MacMahon 6 Sue Portsmouth 7 Joseph A Sharp 8 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) (C) Rung by the Bellerophons to celebrate National Beer Day, National Coffee Cake Day and National No Housework Day. Ringing World page reference: 5792.0389The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK & USA Friday, 8 April 2022 in 43m 1440 Spliced Surprise Minor (2m) 720 Cambridge, Ipswich; 12 com. View composition 1 Nathan B Colman (Bury St Edmunds) 2 Lavinia Sullivan (Wargrave) 3 Sue Portsmouth (Sonning) 4 Susan K Fautsch (Coon Rapids, MN) 5 David B Wilson (Vancouver, WA) (C) 6 Kevin J Musty (Aberavon) 70th together: 3 & 5. 40th together: 1 & 4. Rung by the Bellerophons to celebrate the embarking of the SS Great Western on its maiden voyage from Bristol to New York City this day in 1838. Ringing World page reference: 5793.0413The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Friday, 8 April 2022 in 56m 1344 Eggybread Surprise Major View composition 1 Rosemary J Humphrey 2 Barbara D Murray 3 Jennifer M Thomas (Brasted, Kent) 4 Robin A Daw 5 Joseph A Sharp (C) 6 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) 7 Catherine A Colman 8 Christine B J de Cordova Rung by The Bellerophons for Bat Appreciation Week and National All is Ours Day. Completes the Surprise Major alphabet: 3 225th for The Bellerophons: 1 170th together: 2 & 6 90th together: 5 & 8 70th together: 2 & 3 First in method for all Ringing World page reference: 5791.0367The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK & USA Sunday, 10 April 2022 in 43m 1440 York Surprise Minor View composition 1 Rosemary J Humphrey 2 Barbara D Murray 3 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) 4 Joseph A Sharp 5 Sue Portsmouth 6 David B Wilson (Vancouver, WA) (C) Rung by the Bellerophons to celebrate Palm Sunday. Also to commemorate the founding of MIT this day in 1861. First in m: 3-6. 125th together: 3 & 4 and 3 & 5. 70th together: 4 & 6. Ringing World page reference: 5793.0413The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK & USA Monday, 11 April 2022 in 49m 1252 Spliced Triples and Major (2m) 1088 Superlative Surprise Major, 164 Stedman Triples, 1 com. Composed by David B Wilson 1 Robin A Daw 2 Barbara D Murray 3 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) 4 Joseph A Sharp 5 Sue Portsmouth 6 Christine B J de Cordova 7 David B Wilson (Vancouver, WA) (C) 8 Rosemary J Humphrey Rung by the Bellerophons as a birthday compliment to the 7. First spliced triples and major: 1. 170th together: 4 & 8. 125th together: 4 & 5. 52nd together: 1 & 3, 1 & 4. 20th together: 1 & 7. Ringing World page reference: 5793.0413The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK & USA Tuesday, 12 April 2022 in 52m 1272 Erin Major Composed by David B Wilson 1 Barbara D Murray 2 Jennifer M Thomas (Brasted, Kent) 3 Sue Portsmouth 4 Robin A Daw 5 David B Wilson (Vancouver, WA) (C) 6 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) 7 Simon J O Head 8 Rosemary J Humphrey Believed to be the first QP of the method, x38., which we propose to call Erin Major, since it is an EP1-3 extension of Erin Minimus and a nonconforming extension of Erin Singles, Doubles, Triples, etc. 125th together: 2 & 6. 70th together: 1 & 2. 25th together: 3 & 4. Rung by the Bellerophons on principle. Ringing World page reference: 5793.0410The Bellerophons Ringing Room, England Thursday, 14 April 2022 in 51m 1280 London Surprise Major Composed by Thomas A Winter 1 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) 2 Barbara D Murray 3 Nicholas A M MacMahon 4 Christine B J de Cordova 5 Sue Portsmouth 6 Lavinia Sullivan 7 Catherine A Colman 8 Richard A Wolfgang (C) Rung by the Bellerophons to mark Maundy Thursday, and hoping that Nick MacMahon and Julian Colman have a good birthday on Good Friday. 1st London Major as C. 175th together: 2 & 5. 140th together: 2 & 4. Ringing World page reference: 5792.0389The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Friday, 15 April 2022 in 39m 1296 Cambridge Surprise Minor View composition 1 Christine B J de Cordova 2 Barbara D Murray 3 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) 4 Jennifer M Thomas (Brasted, Kent) 5 Robin A Daw 6 Joseph A Sharp (C) Rung by The Bellerophons to mark Good Friday. Also marking the 110th anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic and National Take a Wild Guess Day. 350th quarter peal in Ringing Room: 3 175th together: 2 & 3 125th together in Ringing Room: 3 & 4 110th together: 1 & 3 100th quarter peal this year: 3 50th together: 4 & 6 Ringing World page reference: 5792.0389The Bellerophons Ringing Room, England Saturday, 16 April 2022 in 41m 1320 Berwick Surprise Minor Composed by Traditional 1 Lavinia Sullivan 2 Barbara D Murray 3 Joseph A Sharp 4 Christine B J de Cordova 5 Sue Portsmouth 6 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) (C) Rung by the Bellerophons on Holy Saturday to wish Ben White-Horne and Cathy Rowland a very happy birthday. Also celebrating National Orchid Day and Save the Elephant Day. 1st in m: 3, 4, 5 and 6. Ringing World page reference: 5792.0389The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK and USA Monday, 18 April 2022 in 51m 1250 Percy's Tea Strainer Treble Place Major View composition 1 Joseph A Sharp (C) 2 Barbara D Murray 3 Robin A Daw 4 Christine B J de Cordova 5 David B Wilson (Vancouver, WA) 6 Rosemary J Humphrey 7 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) 8 Sue Portsmouth Rung by The Bellerophons to celebrate Easter and National Animal Crackers Day. 440th in Ringing Room: 2 230th together: 2 & 6 140th together: 6 & 7 130th together: 7 & 8 (125th online) 125th together: 4 & 6 80th together: 4 & 8 75th together: 5 & 6 35th together: 3 & 4 First treble place on treble as conductor. First in method: 5 Ringing World page reference: 5793.0413The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Wednesday, 20 April 2022 in 44m 1296 Beverley Surprise Minor 1 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) 2 Rosemary J Humphrey 3 Barbara D Murray 4 Milica Reardon 5 Christine B J de Cordova 6 Pauline M Kennard (C) Rung by ladies of The Bellerophons to mark the 96th Birthday of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. First Beverley - 4. 120th quarter on Ringing Room this year - 3. 140th together on Ringing Room - 1 & 2. Ringing World page reference: 5792.0390The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Thursday, 21 April 2022 in 38m 1272 Norwich Surprise Minor View composition 1 Catherine A Colman 2 Christine B J de Cordova 3 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) 4 Lavinia Sullivan 5 Sue Portsmouth 6 Barbara D Murray (C) Rung by a ladies band from the Bellerophons to celebrate the 96th birthday, today, for HM Queen Elizabeth II 150th in Ringing Room - 2 40th together - 3 and 4 25th together - 4 and 6 20th together - 2 and 4 Ringing World page reference: 5792.0390The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK & USA Friday, 22 April 2022 in 44m 1440 Annable's London Surprise Minor View composition 1–2 Nathan B Colman (Bury St Edmunds) 3 Sue Portsmouth (Sonning) 4 Lavinia Sullivan (Wargrave) 5 David B Wilson (Vancouver, WA) (C) 6 Kevin J Musty (Aberavon) First in method for all. Rung by the Bellerophons for Earth Day. 75th together: 3 & 5. 20th together: 1-2 & 6, 3 & 6. Ringing World page reference: 5798.0514The Bellerophons Ringing Room, England Friday, 22 April 2022 in 41m 1296 Belated Birthday Compliment Delight Minor 1 Joseph A Sharp 2 Rosemary J Humphrey 3 Jennifer M Thomas (Brasted, Kent) 4 Robin A Daw 5 Barbara D Murray 6 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) (C) Rung by The Bellerophons as a belated 96th birthday compliment to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. 190th together: 1 & 5 130th together: 1 & 6 Ringing World page reference: 5792.0390The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Sunday, 24 April 2022 in 29m 1250 Lockinge Treble Bob Minimus 1 Barbara D Murray 2 Joseph A Sharp (C) 3 Sue Portsmouth 4 Rosemary J Humphrey Rung by The Bellerophons for Orthodox Easter and National Pigs in a Blanket Day. 400th quarter peal: 4 150th together: 3 & 4 Ringing World page reference: 5794.0435The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK and USA Monday, 25 April 2022 in 54m 1344 Queen Elizabeth II Delight Major View composition 1 Rosemary J Humphrey 2 Barbara D Murray 3 Sue Portsmouth 4 Christine B J de Cordova 5 David B Wilson (Vancouver, WA) 6 Robin A Daw 7 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) 8 Joseph A Sharp (C) Rung by The Bellerophons to mark the 96th birthday of HM Queen Elizabeth II. Also marking National Hug a Plumber Day. 180th together: 2 & 3 First in method for all. Ringing World page reference: 5794.0435The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Wednesday, 27 April 2022 in 41m 1260 Stedman Bob Doubles 1 Rosemary J Humphrey 2 Sue Portsmouth 3 Christine B J de Cordova 4 Karen McCleave 5 Pauline M Kennard (C) 6 Milica Reardon Rung by The Bellerophons for Morse Code Day and World Stationery Day. First Stedman Bob Doubles for all, by The Bellerophons, and on Ringing Room Ringing World page reference: 5794.0435The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Thursday, 28 April 2022 in 41m 1320 Bedford Surprise Minor 1 Catherine A Colman 2 Barbara D Murray 3 Christine B J de Cordova 4 Lavinia Sullivan 5 Jennifer M Thomas (Brasted, Kent) 6 Richard A Wolfgang (C) Rung by the Bellerophons on National Superhero Day First in Method for all the band. Ringing World page reference: 5816.0982The Bellerophons Ringing Room, England Friday, 29 April 2022 in 49m 1250 Lincolnshire Surprise Major View composition 1 Debbie Murray 2 Barbara D Murray 3 Jennifer M Thomas (Brasted, Kent) 4 Rosemary J Humphrey 5 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) (C) 6 Catherine A Colman 7 Robin A Daw 8 Joseph A Sharp Rung by the Bellerophons to celebrate International Dance Day with all those 5-pull dodges and National Peace Rose Day. 450th virtual QP and 130th QP this year: 2. 75th virtual major QP, 25th virtual QP this year and 1st with purple hair: 6. 70th QP this year: 8. 30th QP & 25th tower bell QP: 1. 175th together: 4 & 8. 130th together: 3 & 5. 75th together: 2 & 3. 70th together: 5 & 6. 60th together: 4 & 7. 40th together: 3 & 6. 25th together: 1 & 2. 20th together: 1 & 4. Ringing World page reference: 5795.0459The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK & USA Monday, 2 May 2022 in 50m 1280 Pudsey Surprise Major Composed by David B Wilson 1 Rosemary J Humphrey 2 Barbara D Murray 3 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) 4 Nathan B Colman (Bury St Edmunds) 5 Joseph A Sharp 6 Sue Portsmouth 7 Christine B J de Cordova 8 David B Wilson (Vancouver, WA) (C) Rung by the Bellerophons for International Harry Potter Day and National Truffle Day, with a birthday compliment to Alan Titchmarsh. First in m as C. First performance of composition. 130th together: 5 & 6. Ringing World page reference: 5798.0514The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK & USA Wednesday, 4 May 2022 in 42m 1296 Annable's London Surprise Minor 1–2 David B Wilson (Vancouver, WA) 3 Barbara D Murray 4 Kevin J Musty (Aberavon) 5 Christine B J de Cordova 6 Pauline M Kennard (C) Rung by the Bellerophons to celebrate the life of Margaret Thomas 10/07/1929 - 03/05/2022... slipped away peacefully. 1st in method in hand: 1-2 20th together: 1-2 & 4 Ringing World page reference: 5816.0980The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Thursday, 5 May 2022 in 51m 1288 Grandsire Triples Composed by Richard A Wolfgang 1 Joseph A Sharp 2 Barbara D Murray 3 Nathan B Colman (Bury St Edmunds) 4 Lavinia Sullivan 5 Sue Portsmouth 6 Catherine A Colman 7 Richard A Wolfgang (C) 8 Christine B J de Cordova Rung by The Bellerophons for National Totally Chipotle Day. 50th together - 2 & 7. 25th together - 6 & 7. 10th together - 1 & 4. Ringing World page reference: 5807.0768The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Thursday, 5 May 2022 in 31m 1296 I Can't Believe They Are Ringing Minimus Again Alliance Minimus View composition 1 Rosemary J Humphrey 2 Joseph A Sharp (C) 3 Sue Portsmouth 4 Barbara D Murray Rung by The Bellerophons for National Astronaut Day and dedicated to silent presences in Zoom. Believed to be the first performance in the method and we would like to call it I Can’t Believe They Are Ringing Minimus Again Alliance Minimus -34-14-12-34-34-34,12 (subsequently not approved). We would like to associate David B Wilson with this quarter for the method inspiration. Ringing World page reference: 5816.0980The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK & USA Friday, 6 May 2022 in 37m 1296 Netherseale Surprise Minor Composed by Daniel W Brady 1–2 David B Wilson (Vancouver, WA) 3 Sue Portsmouth 4 Lavinia Sullivan 5 Susan K Fautsch (Coon Rapids, MN) 6 Nathan B Colman (Bury St Edmunds) (C) Rung by The Bellerophons to celebrate the official opening of The Eiffel Tower to the public at the Universal Exposition in Paris, this day in 1889. Also to celebrate George V becoming King of England, this day in 1910. First in method for all. The band would like to associate Caroline J Champion and Kevin J Musty with this performance. Ringing World page reference: 5807.0768The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Friday, 6 May 2022 in 50m 1250 I'll Ring The Treble Surprise Major View composition 1 Christine B J de Cordova 2 Barbara D Murray 3 Jennifer M Thomas (Brasted, Kent) 4 Catherine A Colman 5 Rosemary J Humphrey 6 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) 7 Joseph A Sharp (C) 8 Robin A Daw Rung by The Bellerophons for Sauvignon Blanc Day, National Laughter Day and dedicated to treble ringers everywhere. Believed to be the first performance in the method and we would like to call it I'll Ring The Treble Surprise Major. x58x1678x1278x38x14x58x16.34.78,12. 200th in Ringing Room: 7 100th this year: 5 75th virtual tower bell quarter peal of Major: 4 70th together: 2 & 8 60th together: 3 & 5 Ringing World page reference: 5795.0457The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK and USA Sunday, 8 May 2022 in 38m 1296 Bedford Surprise Minor View composition 1 Barbara D Murray 2 Rosemary J Humphrey 3 Sue Portsmouth 4 David B Wilson (Vancouver, WA) 5 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) 6 Joseph A Sharp (C) Rung by The Bellerophons for Mother's Day (USA) and VE Day. Remembering Dennis Waterman who passed away today. First in method for all except 1. 90th together: 1 & 4 75th together: 4 & 6 Ringing World page reference: 5796.0484The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK & USA Monday, 9 May 2022 in 50m 1280 Northamptonshire Surprise Major Composed by Steve Coleman 1 Rosemary J Humphrey 2 Christine B J de Cordova 3 Barbara D Murray 4 Nathan B Colman (Bury St Edmunds) 5 Joseph A Sharp 6 David B Wilson (Vancouver, WA) 7 Sue Portsmouth 8 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) (C) Rung by the Bellerophons to celebrate National Lost Sock Day. Also celebrating the birthdays of Howard Carter (1874), Joan Sims (1930), Roger Hargreaves (1935) and Billy Joel (1949). 240th together: 1 & 3. 190th together: 3 & 8. 180th together: 1 & 5. 130th together: 1 & 2. 130th together in Ringing Room: 7 & 8. 100th together: 6 & 8. 80th together: 6 & 7. 60th together: 2 & 4. 1st in m for all. Ringing World page reference: 5801.0631The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK & USA Tuesday, 10 May 2022 in 52m 1260 Stedmonster Triples Composed by David B Wilson 1 Joseph A Sharp 2 Barbara D Murray 3 Sue Portsmouth 4 Robin A Daw 5 David B Wilson (Vancouver, WA) (C) 6 Susan K Fautsch (Coon Rapids, MN) 7 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) 8 Rosemary J Humphrey Believed to be the first quarter peal of the method, A peal of the cinques version of this method was attempted at Ketterington in 1984. The method was reinvented by the Boston (Massachusetts) Change Ringers, who have rung it by the name Stedmonster Triples since 2009. We propose that the method be named Stedmonster Triples. Rung by the Bellerophons for Mental Health Awareness Week. 200th together: 1 & 2. 125th in Ringing Room: 6. 80th together: 5 & 8. 75th together: 5 & 6. 70th for the Bellerophons: 4. 60th together: 4 & 7. Ringing World page reference: 5798.0510The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK & USA Friday, 13 May 2022 in 45m 1440 Westminster Surprise Minor View composition 1–2 Susan K Fautsch (Coon Rapids, MN) 3 Lavinia Sullivan (Wargrave) 4 Kevin J Musty (Aberavon) 5 David B Wilson (Vancouver, WA) (C) 6 Nathan B Colman (Bury St Edmunds) Rung by the Bellerophons for Friday the 13th, and to mark the birthdays of Arthur Sullivan (1842) and Ritchie Valens (1941). First in method for all. 30th together: 3 & 6. Ringing World page reference: 5798.0514The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK & USA Monday, 16 May 2022 in 53m 1344 Double Norwich Court Bob Major Composed by David B Wilson 1 Rosemary J Humphrey 2 David B Wilson (Vancouver, WA) (C) 3 Barbara D Murray 4 Nathan B Colman (Bury St Edmunds) 5 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) 6 Christine B J de Cordova 7 Sue Portsmouth 8 Joseph A Sharp 200th QP for the Bellerophons: 8. 150th together: 1 & 5. 100th together: 6 & 8. With happy birthday wishes for Kevin Musty and Ray Daw (Robin's dad). Ringing World page reference: 5801.0631The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK & USA Monday, 16 May 2022 in 39m 1440 Bedford Surprise Minor View composition 1–2 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) 3–4 Susan K Fautsch (Coon Rapids, MN) 5–6 David B Wilson (Vancouver, WA) (C) Believed to be the first QP of Bedford S Minor with everyone ringing two bells. First in method: 3-4. 200th QP for the Bellerophons: 1-2. Wishing Kevin Musty a happy birthday. Ringing World page reference: 5801.0631The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK & USA Tuesday, 17 May 2022 in 39m 1260 Spliced Minor (3m) 720 Cambridge Surprise, 324 Plain Bob, 216 Little Bob, 36 com, atw. Composed by Glenn A A Taylor 1 Rosemary J Humphrey 2 Joseph A Sharp 3 Sue Portsmouth 4 Robin A Daw 5 Barbara D Murray 6 David B Wilson (Vancouver, WA) (C) Rung by the Bellerophons to mark Dan Walker's final BBC Breakfast programme. 60th together: 2 & 4. 25th together: 4 & 6. Circled Ringing Room to minor: 2. Ringing World page reference: 5801.0631The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Thursday, 19 May 2022 in 40m 1272 Norwich Surprise Minor Composed by Robert D S Brown 1 Catherine A Colman 2 Barbara D Murray 3 Sue Portsmouth 4 Lavinia Sullivan 5 Nathan B Colman (Bury St Edmunds) 6 Thomas A Winter (Gillingham, Kent) (C) Rung by The Bellerophons to celebrate St Dunstan's Day, Devil's Food Cake Day, and the birth of Colin Chapman of Lotus cars, this day in 1928. Also rung to welcome Angel the pug to Tom's family! 100th together - 3 & 5. 70th together in Ringing Room - 3 & 4. First as conductor in Ringing Room. Ringing World page reference: 5807.0768The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Friday, 20 May 2022 in 40m 1320 Bedford Surprise Minor View composition 1 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) 2 Barbara D Murray 3 Rosemary J Humphrey 4 Christine B J de Cordova 5 Catherine A Colman 6 Robin A Daw (C) Rung by The Bellerophons to celebrate World Bee Day, National Pizza Party Day and National Pick Strawberries Day. Also to celebrate the awarding of City status to Milton Keynes, Dunfermline, Bangor, Wrexham, Stanley, Douglas, Colchester and Doncaster. First in the method: 6. 150th virtual QP together: 1 & 3. 120th QP together: 1 & 4. 160th online: 4 60th together 4 & 5 Ringing World page reference: 5798.0514The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK & USA Saturday, 21 May 2022 in 54m 1344 Yorkshire Surprise Major View composition 1–2 David B Wilson (Vancouver, WA) (C) 3–4 Caroline J Champion (Bridgnorth) 5–6 Susan K Fautsch (Coon Rapids, MN) 7–8 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) First surprise major on two bells: 3-4 & 7-8. 150th in hand online: 7-8. Ringing World page reference: 5801.0631The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Saturday, 21 May 2022 in 36m 1250 Cambridge Surprise Minor View composition 1 Rosemary J Humphrey 2 Barbara D Murray 3 Robin A Daw 4 Joseph A Sharp 5 Sue Portsmouth 6 Simon J O Head (C) Rung by The Bellerophons as a 50th birthday compliment to Richard Wolfgang. Also marking World Whisky Day. 190th together: 2 & 5 160th together: 1 & 5 30th together: 3 & 5 Ringing World page reference: 5801.0631The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK & USA Monday, 23 May 2022 in 52m 1280 Midhopestones Surprise Major Composed by Claire C Nicholson Generated by Elf 1 Rosemary J Humphrey 2 Barbara D Murray 3 Joseph A Sharp 4 Christine B J de Cordova 5 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) 6 Nathan B Colman (Bury St Edmunds) 7 Sue Portsmouth 8 David B Wilson (Vancouver, WA) (C) Rung by the Bellerophons for World Turtle Day. First in method for all. 80th together: 3 & 8. 70th together: 3 & 6. Ringing World page reference: 5801.0631The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Thursday, 26 May 2022 in 29m 1250 Pamber Treble Bob Minimus 1 Rosemary J Humphrey 2 Sue Portsmouth 3 Barbara D Murray 4 Joseph A Sharp (C) Rung by The Bellerophons for Ascension Day and Paper Aeroplane Day 250th on Ringing Room: 2 140th together: 2 & 4 Ringing World page reference: 5801.0631The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Thursday, 26 May 2022 in 52m 1280 Rottenegg Treble Place Major View composition 1 Sue Portsmouth 2 Barbara D Murray 3 Nathan B Colman (Bury St Edmunds) (C) 4 Christine B J de Cordova 5 Lavinia Sullivan 6 Catherine A Colman 7 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) 8 Simon J O Head Rung by The Bellerophons for National Paper Airplane Day, also to celebrate the publishing of Bram Stoker's Dracula (1897) and the inaugural 24 Hours of Le Mans (1923). Also birthday compliments to the conductor. First in method for all. Believed to be the first quarter peal of this method. 140th QP together - 1 & 7. 100th QP this year - 1. 100th QP in Ringing Room this year - 7. 90th QP together - 2 & 6. 75th of single method Major in Ringing Room - 6. 65th QP in Ringing Room this year - 4. 30th QP In Ringing Room this year - 6. 30th together in Ringing Room - 3 & 6. Ringing World page reference: 5807.0768The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Thursday, 26 May 2022 in 36m 1296 Keyneston Treble Bob Minimus 1 Rosemary J Humphrey 2 Joseph A Sharp (C) 3 Barbara D Murray 4 Sue Portsmouth Rung by The Bellerophons in memory of Andy Fletcher from Depeche Mode. First in Wales: 1 Ringing World page reference: 5800.0607The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK & USA Friday, 27 May 2022 in 48m 1440 Rossendale Surprise Minor View composition 1–2 Nathan B Colman (Bury St Edmunds) 3 Lavinia Sullivan (Wargrave) 4 Karen McCleave 5 David B Wilson (Vancouver, WA) (C) 6 Kevin J Musty (Aberavon) First in method: 1-2, 4, 5, 6. Rung by the Bellerophons to commemorate the founding of Amnesty International, with a birthday compliment to the 1-2. Ringing World page reference: 5802.0657The Bellerophons Ringing Room, England Friday, 27 May 2022 in 46m 1280 Pudsey Surprise Major View composition 1 Debbie Murray 2 Barbara D Murray 3 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) (C) 4 Christine B J de Cordova 5 Joseph A Sharp 6 Robin A Daw 7 Catherine A Colman 8 Sue Portsmouth Rung by the Bellerophons celebrating the centenary of the birth of Christopher Lee, National Fish and Chip Day and National Cellophane Tape Day. 140th together: 3 & 5. 90th together: 4 & 7. 75th together: 2 & 6. 10th together: 1 & 6. Ringing World page reference: 5801.0631The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK and USA Monday, 30 May 2022 in 48m 1280 Gloucester Surprise Major View composition 1 Christine B J de Cordova 2 Barbara D Murray 3 Sue Portsmouth 4 Nathan B Colman (Bury St Edmunds) 5 David B Wilson (Vancouver, WA) 6 Robin A Daw 7 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) 8 Joseph A Sharp (C) Rung by The Bellerophons to mark the Gloucestershire Cheese Rolling due to take place this week. Also marking National Hole in My Bucket Day and World MS Day. 475th on Ringing Room: 2 160th for The Bellerophons: 4 90th together: 4 & 5 75th for The Bellerophons: 6 40th together: 1 & 6 Ringing World page reference: 5801.0631The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Thursday, 2 June 2022 in 48m 1280 Percy's Tea Strainer Treble Place Major View composition 1 Debbie Murray 2 Barbara D Murray 3 Catherine A Colman 4 Christine B J de Cordova 5 Joseph A Sharp (C) 6 Lavinia Sullivan 7 Robin A Daw 8 Sue Portsmouth Rung by The Bellerophons as a birthday compliment to Georgine Von Enckevort. Also marking National Leave The Office Early Day and marking the Platinum Jubilee of HM Queen Elizabeth II. 30th together: 2 & 6 15th together: 1 & 4 10th together: 1 & 3 Ringing World page reference: 5799.0539The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Friday, 3 June 2022 in 45m 28s 1250 Elizabeth II Jubilee Surprise Major Composed by Michael E Ovenden 1 Debbie Murray 2 Barbara D Murray 3 Joseph A Sharp 4 Sue Portsmouth 5 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) 6 Robin A Daw (C) 7 Catherine A Colman 8 Simon J O Head Rung by The Bellerophons to celebrate the Platinum Jubilee of HM Queen Elizabeth II. 210th together: 2 & 3 75th together: 5 & 7 50th together: 4 & 7, 5 & 8 40th together: 6 & 7 20th together: 1 & 3, 1 & 5 Ringing World page reference: 5799.0543The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Sunday, 5 June 2022 in 47m 23s 1270 Platinum Surprise Major Composed by Robin A Daw 1 Rosemary J Humphrey 2 Barbara D Murray 3 Sue Portsmouth 4 Joseph A Sharp 5 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) 6 Simon J O Head 7 Catherine A Colman 8 Robin A Daw (C) Rung by The Bellerophons to celebrate the Platinum Jubilee of HM Queen Elizabeth II 200th together: 2 & 5 100th quarter in ringing room: 7 80th together: 2 & 8 60th together: 4 & 7 Ringing World page reference: 5799.0549The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK & USA Monday, 6 June 2022 in 52m 1344 Cornwall Surprise Major View composition 1 Rosemary J Humphrey 2 Barbara D Murray 3 Sue Portsmouth 4 Nathan B Colman (Bury St Edmunds) 5 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) 6 Joseph A Sharp 7 David B Wilson (Vancouver, WA) (C) 8 Christine B J de Cordova Rung by the Bellerophons for the Platinum Jubilee of HM Queen Elizabeth II. First in method: 6 & 8 250th virtual tower bell QP together: 1 & 2 200th together: 2 & 3 160th together: 2 & 8 125th together: 5 & 8 110th together: 2 & 4 90th together: 1 & 4 60th together: 7 & 8 Ringing World page reference: 5800.0601The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Monday, 6 June 2022 1272 Plain Bob Minimus 1–2 Barbara D Murray (C) 3–4 Rosemary J Humphrey Rung by The Bellerophons for the Platinum Jubilee. 250th together : 1-2 & 3-4 First in hand : 3-4. First Bob Minimus : 1-2 and for The Bellerophons. First in hand as a C. Ringing World page reference: 5800.0601The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Wednesday, 8 June 2022 in 44m 1272 Norwich Surprise Minor 1 Milica Reardon 2 Barbara D Murray 3 Robin A Daw 4 Christine B J de Cordova 5 Rosemary J Humphrey 6 Pauline M Kennard (C) Rung by The Bellerophons for National Best Friends and as a Happy significant Birthday Compliment to our Matriarch, Chris. Ringing World page reference: 5801.0631The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Thursday, 9 June 2022 in 32m 1250 Demi-Bristol Alliance Minimus 1 Joseph A Sharp (C) 2 Rosemary J Humphrey 3 Sue Portsmouth 4 Barbara D Murray Rung by The Bellerophons to mark the first anniversary of our first Minimus together: 40th Minimus together as a band. 190th together: 1 & 2 Ringing World page reference: 5801.0631The Bellerophons Ringing Room, England Thursday, 9 June 2022 in 50m 1280 Rutland Surprise Major View composition 1 Richard A Wolfgang 2 Barbara D Murray 3 Jennifer M Thomas (Brasted, Kent) 4 Sue Portsmouth 5 Nathan B Colman (Bury St Edmunds) 6 Christine B J de Cordova 7 Catherine A Colman 8 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) (C) Rung by the Bellerophons on the 20th anniversary of the conductor's 1st QP as a belated wedding compliment to Sebastian Munday and Rachel Greig, and to Jonathan Cresshull and Joanna Knight. Also to celebrate National Donald Duck Day. 40th together: 1 & 4. 140th together online: 4 & 8. Ringing World page reference: 5802.0657The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK & USA & Switzerland Friday, 10 June 2022 in 54m 1280 Norwich Surprise Major Composed by David B Wilson 1 Sara Oakeley (Basel Switzerland) 2 Nathan B Colman (Bury St Edmunds) 3 Lavinia Sullivan (Wargrave) 4 Susan K Fautsch (Coon Rapids, MN) 5 Caroline J Champion (Bridgnorth) 6 Kevin J Musty (Aberavon) 7 Sue Portsmouth 8 David B Wilson (Vancouver, WA) (C) First Norwich S Major: 2,3,6,7,8. Rung by the Bellerophons to commemorate Benjamin Franklin's demonstration of the connection between lightning and electricity 270 years ago today. Ringing World page reference: 5802.0657The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Friday, 10 June 2022 in 49m 58s 1280 Quedgeley Surprise Major Composed by Graham Drabble 1 Debbie Murray 2 Barbara D Murray 3 Joseph A Sharp 4 Jennifer M Thomas (Brasted, Kent) 5 Catherine A Colman 6 Rosemary J Humphrey 7 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) 8 Robin A Daw (C) Rung by The Bellerophons for National Ballpoint Pen Day. First of Quedgeley: 3 First of Quedgeley S Major: 8. 80th quarter for The Bellerophons: 8. 20th together: 1 & 6. Ringing World page reference: 5801.0631The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Saturday, 11 June 2022 in 31m 1309 Kent Treble Bob Minimus 1 Sue Portsmouth 2 Rosemary J Humphrey 3 Barbara D Murray 4 Joseph A Sharp (C) Rung by The Bellerophons to mark the Queen's Official Birthday. First Kent Treble Bob Minimus for all. Ringing World page reference: 5800.0601The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK and USA Monday, 13 June 2022 in 49m 1260 Great Western Alliance Major Composed by David B Wilson 1 Rosemary J Humphrey 2 Joseph A Sharp (C) 3 Barbara D Murray 4 Christine B J de Cordova 5 Sue Portsmouth 6 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) 7 David B Wilson (Vancouver, WA) 8 Nathan B Colman (Bury St Edmunds) Rung by The Bellerophons for National Weed Your Garden Day and National Sewing Day. 150th together: 2 & 5 Ringing World page reference: 5802.0657The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK & USA Monday, 13 June 2022 in 41m 1440 Cambridge Surprise Minor View composition 1–2 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) 3–4 Susan K Fautsch (Coon Rapids, MN) 5–6 David B Wilson (Vancouver, WA) (C) First in method in hand: 1-2 Ringing World page reference: 5802.0657The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Thursday, 16 June 2022 in 28m 1261 Oxford Treble Bob Minimus 1 Sue Portsmouth 2 Rosemary J Humphrey 3 Joseph A Sharp (C) 4 Barbara D Murray Rung by The Bellerophons for Corpus Christi and National Fudge Day. First Oxford Treble Bob Minimus inside: 2 Ringing World page reference: 5802.0657The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK & USA Friday, 17 June 2022 in 40m 1296 Lincoln Surprise Minor Composed by Bjorn E Bradstock 1–2 David B Wilson (Vancouver, WA) 3 Sue Portsmouth 4 Lavinia Sullivan 5 Kevin J Musty (Aberavon) 6 Nathan B Colman (Bury St Edmunds) (C) Rung by The Bellerophons to celebrate the birth of Igor Stravinsky (1882), and the arrival of The Statue of Liberty in New York Harbour (1885). First in method for all. Marking one year of Kevin being part of the 'Early Friday Crew'! Ringing World page reference: 5807.0768The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Friday, 17 June 2022 in 50m 8s 1250 Tintern Abbey Surprise Major View composition 1 Debbie Murray 2 Rosemary J Humphrey 3 Barbara D Murray 4 Jennifer M Thomas (Brasted, Kent) 5 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) 6 Christine B J de Cordova 7 Simon J O Head 8 Robin A Daw (C) Rung by The Bellerophons to celebrate World Tessellation Day, National Mascot Day and National Flip Flop Day. First in method for all. 170th in Ringing Room: 6. 60th together: 3 & 7. 30th together: 1 & 3. 30th tower bell quarter in Ringing Room: 1. Ringing World page reference: 5802.0657The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK & USA Tuesday, 21 June 2022 in 53m 1344 Spliced Surprise Major (3m) 448 Cambridge, Lincolnshire, Yorkshire; 41 com; atw. Composed by David B Wilson 1 Debbie Murray 2 Barbara D Murray 3 David B Wilson (Vancouver, WA) (C) 4 Robin A Daw 5 Rosemary J Humphrey 6 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) 7 Sue Portsmouth 8 Simon J O Head Rung by the Bellerophons to celebrate the summer solstice and World Day of Music. Most changes of method: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. 260th together: 2 & 5. 170th together: 5 & 7. 110th together: 3 & 6. 90th together: 3 & 5. 70th together: 4 & 5. 50th together: 5 & 8. Ringing World page reference: 5806.0745The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Wednesday, 22 June 2022 in 44m 24s 1272 Norwich Surprise Minor View composition 1 Rosemary J Humphrey 2 Barbara D Murray 3 Pauline M Kennard 4 Milica Reardon 5 Christine B J de Cordova 6 Robin A Daw (C) Rung by The Bellerophons for National Chocolate Eclair Day and as a 90th birthday complement to Prunella Scales. Ringing World page reference: 5804.0704The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK & USA & Switzerland Friday, 24 June 2022 in 45m 1368 Wells Surprise Minor View composition 1 Kevin J Musty (Aberavon) 2 Sara Oakeley (Basel Switzerland) 3 Lavinia Sullivan (Wargrave) 4 Nathan B Colman (Bury St Edmunds) 5 Sue Portsmouth 6 David B Wilson (Vancouver, WA) (C) To celebrate the life of Louise Musty, mother of Kevin, who passed away on Wednesday 22nd June 2022. First in method: 2, 4, 5, 6. 25th together: 1 & 4, 1 & 6. Ringing World page reference: 5806.0744The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Friday, 24 June 2022 1272 Plain Bob Minimus 1–2 Rosemary J Humphrey 3–4 Barbara D Murray (C) Rung by The Bellerophons as a Covid incarceration consolation for 1-2. First on Trebles : 1-2 First away from Trebles : 3-4. Ringing World page reference: 5804.0704The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Friday, 24 June 2022 in 51m 17s 1280 Pusillanimous Treble Place Major Composed by Chris Adams 1 Debbie Murray 2 Barbara D Murray 3 Jennifer M Thomas (Brasted, Kent) 4 Richard A Wolfgang 5 Rosemary J Humphrey 6 Christine B J de Cordova 7 Simon J O Head 8 Robin A Daw (C) Rung by The Bellerophons for Cream Tea Day, International Fairy Day and National Take Your Dog to Work Day. 140th together: 5 & 6. 80th together: 2 & 3. 45th together: 6 & 8. Ringing World page reference: 5804.0704The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK & USA Monday, 27 June 2022 in 42m 1440 Rhyl Surprise Minor View composition 1–2 Nathan B Colman (Bury St Edmunds) 3–4 Susan K Fautsch (Coon Rapids, MN) 5–6 David B Wilson (Vancouver, WA) (C) Believed to be the first double-handed QP of the method. First in method for all. With get-well wishes to Joseph Sharp and Rose and Barry Humphrey. Ringing World page reference: 5807.0768The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Wednesday, 29 June 2022 in 44m 1320 Annable's London Surprise Minor View composition 1 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) 2 Barbara D Murray 3 Pauline M Kennard 4 Rosemary J Humphrey 5 Christine B J de Cordova 6 Joseph A Sharp (C) Rung by The Bellerophons for the Feast of Saints Peter and Paul and in celebration of the life and legacy of Dame Deborah James (Check Your Poo!) Ringing World page reference: 5803.0679The Bellerophons Ringing Room, England Thursday, 30 June 2022 in 51m 1280 Spliced Surprise Major (4m) Cambridge, Yorkshire, Lincolnshire, Superlative. Composed by Steve Coleman 1 Rosemary J Humphrey 2 Barbara D Murray 3 Jennifer M Thomas (Brasted, Kent) 4 Christine B J de Cordova 5 Lavinia Sullivan 6 Catherine A Colman 7 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) 8 Richard A Wolfgang (C) Rung by the Bellerophons to celebrate Social Media Day. 160th together: 1 & 7. 130th together: 4 & 7. 100th for the Bellerophons: 6. 25th together: 4 & 5. Ringing World page reference: 5804.0704The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK & USA Friday, 1 July 2022 in 46m 1440 Norwich Surprise Minor View composition 1–2 Nathan B Colman (Bury St Edmunds) 3 Lavinia Sullivan (Wargrave) 4 Sue Portsmouth 5–6 David B Wilson (Vancouver, WA) (C) Rung by the Bellerophons to mark the standardization of the yard and pound this day in 1959. 110th together: 1-2 & 4. Ringing World page reference: 5806.0745The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Friday, 1 July 2022 in 47m 1250 Vancouver Surprise Major Composed by Jonathan F Young 1 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) 2 Barbara D Murray 3 Joseph A Sharp 4 Christine B J de Cordova 5 Robin A Daw (C) 6 Rosemary J Humphrey 7 Simon J O Head 8 Catherine A Colman Rung by The Bellerophons for Canada Day. Dedicated to all the young ringers taking part in the Ringing World National Youth Contest in Exeter this weekend. First in method for all. 500th quarter in Ringing Room, 2. 160th quarter in Ringing Room together: 1 & 6. 80th quarter together: 1 & 8. Ringing World page reference: 5804.0704The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK and USA Monday, 4 July 2022 in 50m 1280 Abbotsham Major View composition 1 Sue Portsmouth 2 Barbara D Murray 3 David B Wilson (Vancouver, WA) 4 Christine B J de Cordova 5 Rosemary J Humphrey 6 Nathan B Colman (Bury St Edmunds) 7 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) 8 Joseph A Sharp (C) Rung by The Bellerophons for US Independence Day. 220th together: 2 & 8 210th together: 2 & 7 170th together: 2 & 4 100th together: 2 & 3 90th together: 6 & 7 First in method for all Ringing World page reference: 5804.0704The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK & USA Tuesday, 5 July 2022 in 43m 1320 London Surprise Minor Composed by Traditional 1–2 David B Wilson (Vancouver, WA) 3 Barbara D Murray 4 Sue Portsmouth 5 Rosemary J Humphrey 6 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) (C) Rung by the Bellerophons to celebrate Great British Pea Week, National Ice Cream Month and National Horseradish Month. 1st London: 5. 1st London on two bells: 1-2. 1st London as C. 150th QP together: 4 & 6. Ringing World page reference: 5804.0704The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Friday, 8 July 2022 in 28m 1250 Bucket Treble Bob Minimus 1 Sue Portsmouth 2 Rosemary J Humphrey 3 Joseph A Sharp (C) 4 Barbara D Murray Rung by The Bellerophons to mark the anniversary of the first edition of the Wall Street Journal being published this day in 1889. First in method: 2 Ringing World page reference: 5804.0704The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Friday, 8 July 2022 in 41m 1296 Wells Surprise Minor View composition 1 Barbara D Murray 2 Robin A Daw 3 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) 4 Simon J O Head 5 Rosemary J Humphrey 6 Joseph A Sharp (C) Rung by The Bellerophons as a birthday compliment to Susan Fautsch. First in method: 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 300th quarter peal & 100th this year: 6 270th together: 1 & 5 150th together: 3 & 6 70th together: 2 & 3 10th together: 2 & 4 Ringing World page reference: 5804.0704The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK and USA Monday, 11 July 2022 in 49m 1280 Wicken Major View composition 1 Sue Portsmouth 2 Barbara D Murray 3 Nathan B Colman (Bury St Edmunds) 4 David B Wilson (Vancouver, WA) 5 Rosemary J Humphrey 6 Robin A Daw 7 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) 8 Joseph A Sharp (C) Rung by The Bellerophons for International Town Criers Day. 210th together: 1 & 2 200th together: 5 & 8 75th together: 3 & 8, 5 & 6 70th together: 6 & 8 First in method for all. Ringing World page reference: 5805.0725The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Thursday, 14 July 2022 in 28m 1250 Reverse Reveller Treble Bob Minimus 1 Sue Portsmouth 2 Rosemary J Humphrey 3 Joseph A Sharp (C) 4 Barbara D Murray Rung by The Bellerophons for National Tape Measure Day. 225th together: 3 & 4 First in method inside: 2 Ringing World page reference: 5805.0725The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Thursday, 14 July 2022 in 28m 1250 Biggetywitch Treble Bob Minimus 1 Barbara D Murray 2 Rosemary J Humphrey 3 Sue Portsmouth 4 Joseph A Sharp (C) Rung by The Bellerophons to mark Bastille Day. 175th together: 2 & 3 First in method inside: 2 100th in Ringing Room this year: 4 Ringing World page reference: 5805.0725The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK & USA Friday, 15 July 2022 in 43m 1368 London Surprise Minor Composed by Daniel W Brady 1 Lavinia Sullivan 2 Sue Portsmouth 3 David B Wilson (Vancouver, WA) 4 Kevin J Musty (Aberavon) 5 Susan K Fautsch (Coon Rapids, MN) 6 Nathan B Colman (Bury St Edmunds) (C) Rung by The Bellerophons for National Photography Day. 100th together - 3 & 6. 30th together - 2 & 5, 1 & 3. 20th together - 1 & 5, 4 & 5. Ringing World page reference: 5807.0768The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Friday, 15 July 2022 in 47m 1250 Z Battery Battersea Park Surprise Major 1 Debbie Murray 2 Barbara D Murray 3 Jennifer M Thomas (Brasted, Kent) 4 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) 5 Robin A Daw 6 Simon J O Head 7 Catherine A Colman 8 Joseph A Sharp (C) Rung by The Bellerophons for St Swithin's Day and Gummi Worm Day. 90th together: 2 & 5 40th together: 3 & 5 20th together: 6 & 7 200th tower-bell style quarter peal for The Bellerophons: 4 30th for The Bellerophons: 1 Ringing World page reference: 5805.0725The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK & USA Sunday, 17 July 2022 in 50m 1280 Deva Surprise Major Composed by David B Wilson 1 Sue Portsmouth 2 Joseph A Sharp 3 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) 4 Nathan B Colman (Bury St Edmunds) 5 Simon J O Head 6 Robin A Daw 7 Susan K Fautsch (Coon Rapids, MN) 8 David B Wilson (Vancouver, WA) (C) Rung by the Bellerophons for National Ice Cream Day. First in method: 5, 6, 7, 8. 50th together: 1 & 5. Ringing World page reference: 5806.0745The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Sunday, 17 July 2022 1272 Plain Bob Minimus 1–2 Barbara D Murray (C) 3–4 Rosemary J Humphrey Rung by the Dynamic Duo from The Bellerophons because we could... Ringing World page reference: 5807.0768The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK & USA Monday, 18 July 2022 in 48m 38s 1280 Yakky Doodle Surprise Major Composed by Glenn A A Taylor 1 Joseph A Sharp 2 Barbara D Murray 3 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) 4 Rosemary J Humphrey 5 David B Wilson (Vancouver, WA) 6 Nathan B Colman (Bury St Edmunds) 7 Sue Portsmouth 8 Robin A Daw (C) Rung by The Bellerophons for Nelson Mandela International Day and World Listening Day. First in method for all. 275th together: 2 & 4. 90th together: 4 & 5. 90th for The Bellerophons: 8. 30th together: 5 & 8. Ringing World page reference: 5807.0768The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK & USA Tuesday, 19 July 2022 in 43m 1440 Spliced Tiny Little Treble Place and Original Minor 1352 Tiny Little Treble Place, 88 Original, 56 com Composed by David B Wilson 1 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) 2 Susan K Fautsch (Coon Rapids, MN) 3 Robin A Daw 4 Joseph A Sharp 5 Rosemary J Humphrey 6 David B Wilson (Vancouver, WA) (C) Rung by the Bellerophons to commemorate the sinking of the Mary Rose this day in 1545. First QP in Tiny Little Treble Place and Original Minor: 1-5 90th together: 2 & 6 75th together: 1 & 3 30th together: 1 & 2 10th together: 2 & 3, 2 & 4, 2 & 5 Ringing World page reference: 5806.0745The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Wednesday, 20 July 2022 1272 Surprise Minor (2m) 552 Ipswich Surprise Minor, 720 Cambridge Surprise Minor 1 Rosemary J Humphrey 2 Barbara D Murray 3 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) 4 Sue Portsmouth 5 Christine B J de Cordova 6 Pauline M Kennard (C) Rung by The Bellerophons to celebrate the life of Roger Barnes of Ducklington, formerly of Lancashire. Ringing World page reference: 5806.0744The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Thursday, 21 July 2022 in 30m 1296 Questo Primo Treble Place Minimus 1 Barbara D Murray 2 Rosemary J Humphrey 3 Joseph A Sharp (C) 4 Sue Portsmouth Rung by The Bellerophons to mark the 53rd anniversary of the first Moon landing. First in method for all. 50th Minimus: 4 Ringing World page reference: 5807.0767The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK & USA Friday, 22 July 2022 in 46m 1440 Coldstream Surprise Minor View composition 1–2 Nathan B Colman (Bury St Edmunds) 3 Kevin J Musty (Aberavon) 4 Sue Portsmouth 5 Lavinia Sullivan (Wargrave) 6 David B Wilson (Vancouver, WA) (C) Rung by the Bellerophons for Moon Day, two days ago, the anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing in 1969. First in method for all. 25th together: 3 & 4. Ringing World page reference: 5807.0768The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Friday, 22 July 2022 in 49m 1250 Xenonosocomiophobia Surprise Major View composition 1 Robin A Daw 2 Barbara D Murray 3 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) 4 Simon J O Head 5 Joseph A Sharp (C) 6 Catherine A Colman 7 Rosemary J Humphrey 8 Christine B J de Cordova Rung by The Bellerophons to mark Pi Approximation Day (22/7). 400th in Ringing Room: 3 110th together: 5 & 8 100th together: 2 & 6 75th together: 1 & 5 First in method: 4 & 8 Ringing World page reference: 5807.0767The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Saturday, 23 July 2022 in 30m 1292 Swirling Vortex Of Doom Treble Place Minimus 1 Barbara D Murray 2 Sue Portsmouth 3 Rosemary J Humphrey 4 Joseph A Sharp (C) Rung by The Bellerophons for International Yada Yada Yada Day. 230th together: 1 & 4 180th together: 2 & 3 160th together: 2 & 4 50th Minimus: 4 First on a working bell in method: 3 Ringing World page reference: 5807.0768The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK and USA Monday, 25 July 2022 in 49m 1280 I Can't Believe It's Not Pudsey Surprise Major View composition 1 Rosemary J Humphrey 2 Barbara D Murray 3 Nathan B Colman (Bury St Edmunds) 4 David B Wilson (Vancouver, WA) 5 Sue Portsmouth 6 Christine B J de Cordova 7 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) 8 Joseph A Sharp (C) Rung by The Bellerophons for Christmas in July Day. Believed to be the first performance in the method and we would like to call it I Can't Believe It's Not Pudsey Surprise Major. x58x1678x1278x38x14x58x16x78,12. 280th together: 1 & 2 170th together: 1 & 7 100th together: 4 & 5 200th on Ringing Room this year: 2 Ringing World page reference: 5807.0764The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Tuesday, 26 July 2022 in 30m 1296 Benzene Treble Bob Minimus 1 Barbara D Murray 2 Sue Portsmouth 3 Joseph A Sharp (C) 4 Rosemary J Humphrey Rung by The Bellerophons for National Coffee Milkshake Day. A short cure for Pentaphobia. First in method for all. Ringing World page reference: 5807.0768The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Wednesday, 27 July 2022 in 30m 1250 Let's Call It A Day Treble Place Minimus 1 Barbara D Murray (C) 2 Rosemary J Humphrey 3 Pauline M Kennard 4 Sue Portsmouth First in method - 3. First in method inside - 2. First in the method as a Conductor. Rung by The Bellerophons for National Sleepy Head Day a Finnish Festival and pre-birthday compliment to Simon Head... Ringing World page reference: 5807.0768The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Thursday, 28 July 2022 in 38m 1296 Bourne Surprise Minor Composed by Claire C Nicholson 1 Lavinia Sullivan 2 Barbara D Murray 3 Sue Portsmouth 4 Christine B J de Cordova 5 Catherine A Colman 6 Nathan B Colman (Bury St Edmunds) (C) Rung by The Bellerophons for World Conservation Day, National Milk Chocolate Day, also birthday compliments to Simon J O Head. 220th together - 2 & 3. 70th together - 4 & 6. 40th together - 1 & 6. 20th together - 1 & 5. believed to be the 400th Bellerophons quarter peal Ringing World page reference: 5807.0768The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Friday, 29 July 2022 in 40m 58s 1440 Durham Surprise Minor View composition 1 Rosemary J Humphrey 2 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) 3 Joseph A Sharp 4 Barbara D Murray 5 Catherine A Colman 6 Robin A Daw (C) Rung by The Bellerophons to celebrate International Tiger Day and also to celebrate Alison's increased availability for ringing. First in method: 3 & 6. 220th together: 2 & 4. 210th together: 1 & 3. 170th together in Ringing Room: 1 & 2. 70th together: 1 & 5. Ringing World page reference: 5807.0768The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK & USA Saturday, 30 July 2022 in 65m 1400 Kent Treble Bob Royal Composed by David B Wilson 1–2 Susan K Fautsch (Coon Rapids, MN) 3–4 Caroline J Champion (Bridgnorth) 5–6 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) 7–8 Nathan B Colman (Bury St Edmunds) 9–10 David B Wilson (Vancouver, WA) (C) First performance of composition. First Royal on given pair: 3-4, 5-6, 7-8. Ringing World page reference: 5809.0815The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Saturday, 30 July 2022 in 36m 40s 1320 York Surprise Minor View composition 1 Barbara D Murray 2 Robin A Daw 3 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) 4 Simon J O Head 5 Catherine A Colman 6 Joseph A Sharp (C) Rung by The Bellerophons for the International Day of Friendship and as a birthday compliment to Carol A Girling. First in method: 2 First in method as conductor. 200th this year: 3 40th together: 4 & 6 Ringing World page reference: 5807.0768The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK & USA Sunday, 31 July 2022 in 36m 1260 St Clement's College Bob Minor View composition 1–2 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) 3–4 David B Wilson (Vancouver, WA) (C) 5–6 Simon J O Head First in method in hand affected: 5-6. 60th together: 1-2 & 5-6. 30th together: 3-4 & 5-6. Ringing World page reference: 5809.0815The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK & USA Sunday, 31 July 2022 in 48m 1280 Cooktown Orchid Delight Major Composed by David B Wilson 1 Catherine A Colman 2 Nathan B Colman (Bury St Edmunds) 3 Sue Portsmouth 4 Robin A Daw 5 Simon J O Head 6 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) 7 Susan K Fautsch (Coon Rapids, MN) 8 David B Wilson (Vancouver, WA) (C) Rung by the Bellerophons to celebrate Harry Potter's birthday. First in method: 4, 7. 150th together in Ringing Room: 3 & 6. 120th together: 6 & 8. 40th together: 3 & 4. 20th together: 1 & 8. Ringing World page reference: 5809.0815The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK Sunday, 31 July 2022 in 35m 1272 Plain Bob Minimus 1–2 Barbara D Murray (C) 3–4 Rosemary J Humphrey Rung by The Bellerophons for practice and to celebrate the Victory of the Lionesses in Euro 22 . Ringing World page reference: 5816.0982The Bellerophons Ringing Room, UK and USA Monday, 1 August 2022 in 46m 24s 1250 The Wombles Delight Major View composition 1 Christine B J de Cordova 2 Barbara D Murray 3 Sue Portsmouth 4 Nathan B Colman (Bury St Edmunds) 5 David B Wilson (Vancouver, WA) 6 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (North Leigh) 7 Robin A Daw 8 Joseph A Sharp (C) Rung by The Bellerophons on Yorkshire Day and to celebrate the life of Bernard Joseph Cribbins OBE (29 December 1928 – 27 July 2022), voice of the Wombles, 1973-1975. 160th together: 6 & 8 120th together: 3 & 4 100th together: 1 & 3 90th together: 5 & 8 80th together: 6 & 7 Ringing World page reference: 5808.0790 | |
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