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Performances reportThis page gives a report of the performances matching your search criteria. There were 168 matching performances. Leicester Diocesan Guild Shepshed, Leicestershire St Botolph Friday, 6 January 2017 in 44m (15–0–0 in F) 1260 Plain Bob Minor 1 Malcolm Barsby 2 Mary Barrass 3 Graham Knight 4 Philip Bowley 5 Neil Entwistle 6 Peter Soar (C) Open in thanks for the life of Rachael Foster. Leicester Diocesan Guild Knighton, Leicestershire St Mary Magdalene Saturday, 7 January 2017 (10–2–8 in F♯) 1260 Spliced Doubles plain bob, Grandsire, St Simon St Martin St Osmund, Eynesbury 1 Beverley A Jarrom 2 Jane Salt 3 Sam R Hartley 4 Paul M Atkins (C) 5 Stephen E Hamby 6 Simon Britton Rung in memory of Ian J Fraser, a long standing and valued member of the Knighton band. The methods rung are the ones Ian had been helping the band to splice over the past year Leicester Diocesan Guild Leicester, Leicestershire Cathedral Church of St Martin Monday, 9 January 2017 in 54m (25–0–20 in D) 1346 Cambridge Surprise Maximus 1 Mary Cheesewright 2 Derek Butterworth 3 Margaret J Bulleid 4 Lynda Lazzerini 5 Garry Mason 6 Peter England 7 Nicholas Parr 8 Christopher E Bulleid 9 Martyn Marriott 10 John K Smith 11 Philip Graves (C) 12 Michael Roberts Rung in memory of Rachel Foster of Hathern, whose funeral took place today in Allendale, and also in memory of Jill Staniforth of Leicester Cathedral. Ringing World page reference: 5518.0083Leicester Diocesan Guild Long Clawson, Leicestershire Harwill House Wednesday, 11 January 2017 in 39m (11) 1440 Surprise Minor 720 Newcastle; 480 Carlisle and 240 Norwich 1–2 Garry W Mason 3–4 John Adcock 5–6 Emma J Southerington (C) Rung in Thanksgiving for the life of Jill Staniforth of Leicester Cathedral. Leicester Diocesan Guild Higham on the Hill, Leicestershire St Peter Saturday, 14 January 2017 in 43m (10–3–8 in F♯) 1296 Beverley Surprise Minor 1 Ruth E Brothwell 2 Martin Mellor 3 William H Riley 4 Philip Staples 5 Terry M Astill 6 Luke G Groom (C) First blows in the method:2 First in method as conductor. Leicester Diocesan Guild Long Clawson, Leicestershire Harwill House Wednesday, 18 January 2017 in 1h 55 (11) 5040 Surprise Minor (17 Methods) 1. Newcastle; 2 Carlisle; 3 Norwich; 4 Lightfoot, Wearmouth 5 York, Durham
6. Beverley, Berwick, Hexham, Surfleet; 7 Bourne, Cambridge,Hull, Ipswich, Norfolk, Primrose 1–2 Garry W Mason 3–4 John Adcock 5–6 Emma J Southerington (C) In Thanksgiving for the life of Jill Staniforth of leicester Cathedral Ringing World page reference: 5522.0170Leicester Diocesan Guild Broughton Astley, Leicestershire St Mary Thursday, 19 January 2017 in 3h (18–0–7 in E) 5056 Broughton Astley Delight Major Composed by P G K Davies 1 Malcolm Quimby 2 John F Mulvey 3 Helen J Audley 4 Colin Aked 5 Christopher E Bulleid 6 Gary J Audley 7 R Philip Graves (C) 8 J Michael Roberts Garys 60th Birthday treat. Ringing World page reference: 5519.0105Leicester Diocesan Guild Shepshed, Leicestershire St Botolph Friday, 20 January 2017 (15–0–0 in F) 224 Sixtieth Surprise Major 1 Sally Brown 2 Ian Maynard-Smith 3 Brenda Parr 4 Richard Bimson 5 Peter Rayns 6 Nicholas Parr 7 Richard Brown 8 Andrew Ward (C) 60th birthday compliment to Shepshed ringers Peter Soar and Neil Entwistle. Rung during the celebration practice night. Leicester Diocesan Guild Leicester, Leicestershire St Mary de Castro Saturday, 21 January 2017 in 47m (15–3–3 in E) 1265 Stedman Caters Composed by Mark B Davies 1 Stephen Aldridge (C) 2 Graham Hayward 3 Sally Brown 4 Angela Preston 5 Celia Wood 6 Richard Brown 7 Terry Astill 8 Andrew Preston 9 John Stanworth 10 Mick Angrave First Caters as conductor. Birthday compliments to Andrea Pygott (17/1), Stephen Aldridge (26/1) and Sally Brown (30/1). Leicester Diocesan Guild Anstey, Leicester St Mary Wednesday, 25 January 2017 1440 Plain Bob Minor 1 Lewis Benfield 2 Lesley Winters 3 Paul Atkins 4 Chris Newman 5 Francis Fisher 6 G Barry Brown (C) 2nd - 1st inside, 5th - 900th Quarter Leicester Diocesan Guild Medbourne, Leicestershire St Giles Monday, 30 January 2017 in 41m (8–3–3 in A♭) 1260 Doubles (6m) 180 Grandsire, 240 St. Osmund, 240 Eynesbury, 240 St. Simons, 120 St. Martins, 240 Plain Bob 1 Andrew Young 2 Terry Iliffe 3 Diana Young 4 Dan Iliffe 5 Steve Millington (C) 6 Ian Hearn Welcome into the world Libby Rose Frew, born 13th Jan 2017. Congratulations to parents Ruth and Stuart, and to Fiona Millington becoming granny for the third time. Leicester Diocesan Guild Lockington, Leicestershire St Nicholas Tuesday, 31 January 2017 (14–1–1 in F) 1282 Yorkshire Surprise Royal 1 Mary Stephens 2 Ian Maynard-Smith 3 Izabelle Bimson 4 Colin Lord 5 Richard Bimson 6 Terry Lord 7 Peter Rayns 8 Peter Hawcock 9 Michael Davidson 10 Andrew Ward (C) First in method: 2 & 6. Leicester Diocesan Guild Burbage, Leicestershire St Catherine Saturday, 4 February 2017 in 43m (14–1–23 in F♯) 1260 Plain Bob Minor 1 Rowan Harrison 2 Julia Biggs 3 Michael Vernon 4 John Vernon 5 Anthony J Rowan 6 Martin Mellor (C) On the day of the Parish Wedding Fair as a compliment to the 30 couples planning to marry this year. Leicester Diocesan Guild Oaks in Charnwood, Leicestershire St James Greater Monday, 6 February 2017 in 48m (10–1–12 in A♭) 1344 Plain Bob Triples Composed by Donald F Morrison 1 Andrew A Ward 2 Viv Matravers 3 Judy Hunt 4 Valerie A Baxter 5 Izabelle A Bimson 6 Peter Hunt 7 Richard Bimson (C) 8 Charles A Bishop Rung in celebration of the life of Dr CP Bennett, father of the ringer of the 3rd, who died 27th January aged 99. 1st Triples: 2. Leicester Diocesan Guild Market Bosworth, Leicestershire St Peter Monday, 6 February 2017 in 46m (14–2–5 in E) 1250 London Surprise Major Composed by R Philip Graves 1 Mary Cheesewright 2 Derek Butterworth 3 Martyn Marriott 4 John Mulvey 5 Malcolm Quimby 6 Nicholas Parr 7 Philip Graves (C) 8 Michael Roberts Leicester Diocesan Guild Sheepy Magna, Leicestershire All Saints Saturday, 11 February 2017 in 45m (12 in G) 1296 Surfleet Surprise Minor 1 Simon Hargreaves 2 William H J Norton 3 Martin Mellor 4 Philip R Staples 5 William H Riley 6 Luke G Groom (C) First in the method- 3 First in method as conductor. Leicester Diocesan Guild Hathern, Leicestershire SS Peter and Paul Saturday, 11 February 2017 in 2h 47 (9–2–12 in G) 5056 Yorkshire Surprise Major Composed by R P Graves 1 Sally A Brown 2 Colin Lord 3 Brenda Parr 4 Martyn J Marriott 5 Colin Aked 6 Nicholas J Parr 7 R Philip Graves (C) 8 J Michael Roberts Rung in memory of and to celebrate the life of Rachel Foster (nee Harris), life long ringer at this church. Ringing World page reference: 5522.0178Leicester Diocesan Guild Earl Shilton, Leicestershire SS Simon and Jude Monday, 13 February 2017 in 41m (11–3–13 in A♭) 1260 Grandsire Doubles 1 Louise Overton 2 Neil W Harvey 3 Jill Belcher 4 Max A Chowanietz 5 Terry M Astill (C) 6 Christopher M Sturgess 1st Quarter 1 Leicester Diocesan Guild Anstey, Leicestershire St Mary Wednesday, 15 February 2017 1260 Minor 540 Single Oxford & 720 Oxford TB Minor 1 Lewis Benfield 2 G Barry Brown 3 Mark Pendery 4 Chris Newman 5 Paul Atkins 6 Francis Fisher (C) 63rd birthday compliment to the Conductor. 5th - 1st Oxford TB Minor. Leicester Diocesan Guild Edgbaston, West Midlands St Bartholomew Saturday, 18 February 2017 in 2h 53 (10–0–14 in G) 5184 Pudsey Surprise Major Composed by Robert W Lee 1 Alistair J Cherry 2 Stuart J N Rowan 3 Willian H J Norton 4 Terry M Astill 5 Luke G Groom 6 Stephen R Aldridge 7 Andrew D Higson 8 Michael Angrave (C) First blows in the method 5. First of Pudsey 2,3,6. Ringing World page reference: 5523.0202Leicester Diocesan Guild Burbage, Leicestershire St Catherine Saturday, 18 February 2017 in 45m (14–1–23 in F♯) 1260 Plain Bob Minor 1 Samuel W Napper 2 Julia Biggs 3 Christopher Jones 4 Peter W Olding 5 Edward Nicholson 6 Andrew D Coe (C) Rung to celebrate the forthcoming marriage of Christopher Jones and Tessa Weston. Leicester Diocesan Guild Ruddington, Nottinghamshire St Peter Saturday, 25 February 2017 in 40m (9–1–24 in A♭) 1264 Spliced Major 16 St Clements, 1248 Superlative Surprise 1 Jenny Ace 2 Mary Cheesewright 3 Brenda Parr 4 Terry M Astill (C) 5 David G Carling 6 Nicholas J Parr 7 R Philip Graves 8 J Michael Roberts Part of Quarter Peal Day Leicester Diocesan Guild Nottingham, Nottinghamshire St Peter Saturday, 25 February 2017 in 47m (22–2–5 in E♭) 1280 Yorkshire Surprise Major 1 Stephen R Aldridge 2 Emma Jones 3 Nicky Carling 4 Francis W Fisher 5 Brenda Parr 6 David G Carling 7 Nicholas J Parr 8 Terry M Astill (C) Part of Quarter Peal Day Leicester Diocesan Guild Nottingham, Nottinghamshire St Mary the Virgin Saturday, 25 February 2017 in 55m (35–2–23 in C) 1282 Yorkshire Surprise Royal 1 Jenny Ace 2 Mary Cheesewright 3 Nicky Carling 4 Brenda Parr 5 David G Carling (C) 6 Peter Hawcock 7 Nicholas J Parr 8 J Michael Roberts 9 R Philip Graves 10 Terry M Astill Part of Quarter Peal Day Leicester Diocesan Guild Leicester, Leicestershire St Mary de Castro Saturday, 25 February 2017 in 3h 4 (15–3–3 in E) 5040 Lincolnshire Surprise Royal Composed by Thomas W Griffiths 1 Sally A Brown 2 Stephanie J Warboys 3 Andrew J Preston 4 Richard Bimson 5 Susan E Marshall 6 Graham M Bradshaw 7 Mark J Pendery 8 Michael Angrave (C) 9 Stephen R Aldridge 10 Anthony P Cotton First Lincolnshire Royal, 4 & 9. Rung on the Guild Dinner Day and remembering Jill Staniforth (nee Poole) Ringing World page reference: 5524.0227Leicester Diocesan Guild Croft, Leicestershire St Michael and All Angels Saturday, 25 February 2017 in 42m (6–2–6 in B) 1296 Ipswich Surprise Minor 1 Julia Biggs 2 William H J Norton 3 Martin Mellor 4 Philip R Staples 5 William H Riley 6 Luke G Groom (C) First blows in the method: 4 First in method: 3 First in method as conductor Leicester Diocesan Guild Clifton, Nottinghamshire St Mary the Virgin Saturday, 25 February 2017 in 50m (8–0–8 in A♯) 1400 Little Bob Major 1 Terry M Astill (C) 2 Jenny Ace 3 Nicky Carling 4 R Philip Graves 5 Brenda Parr 6 Nicholas J Parr 7 David G Carling 8 Andrew D Higson 1st in method 2 Farewell Senior Ranieri Leicester Diocesan Guild Wymeswold, Leicestershire St Mary Sunday, 26 February 2017 in 45m (11–3–9) 1260 Grandsire Doubles 1 Catherine Baker 2 Sue Fossey 3 Alastair George 4 Michael J de C Henshaw (C) 5 Richard A M Thomas 6 Helen M Straw Rung in memory of Jenny McBean: a good friend to all her fellow ringers, she died last October and is greatly missed. Jenny, along with her husband Bill, joined the band at St. Mary’s who restarted ringing in Wymeswold over thirty years ago, and their daughter, Rozie, is a current member of the band. Jenny made a huge contribution to village life as a Girl Guide leader, Sunday School teacher, and Chairman of the School Governors. Leicester Diocesan Guild Saddington, Leicestershire St Helen Monday, 27 February 2017 (8–0–20 in A) 1260 St Simon's Bob Doubles 1 Lydia Redman 2 Graham Redman 3 Dianne Stewart 4 Greg Connolly 5 Terry Iliffe (C) 6 Richard White 1st in method: 4. 1st away from cover: 1. Leicester Diocesan Guild South Wigston, Leicestershire St Thomas the Apostle Saturday, 4 March 2017 in 2h 56 (14–1–19 in F) 5024 London Surprise Major Composed by H Dains 1 Philip R Staples 2 Stuart J N Rowan 3 Terry M Astill 4 Anthony J Rowan 5 Luke G Groom 6 Stephen R Aldridge 7 Michael Angrave (C) 8 Thomas W Griffiths Birthday Compliments to Martin Mellor. 1st London 2 and 5. 1st London Major and completes the standard 8 to peals, 6. Ringing World page reference: 5525.0251Leicester Diocesan Guild Ratby, Leicestershire SS Philip and James Saturday, 4 March 2017 in 2h 54 (9–3–18 in G) 5040 Plain Bob Triples Composed by Roger Bailey no.1 1 Andrew D Higson 2 William H J Norton 3 David G Carling 4 John R Cook 5 Andrew J Preston 6 Francis W Fisher 7 Howell J Williams (C) 8 Alan J Whitmee 1st Peal 8, who recently celebrates becoming a Granddad. Ringing World page reference: 5525.0251Leicester Diocesan Guild Leicester, Leicestershire Cathedral Church of St Martin Saturday, 11 March 2017 in 3h 25 (25–0–20 in D) 5070 Stedman Caters Composed by John Pladdys 1 William H J Norton 2 John Pladdys (C) 3 David G Carling 4 Rupert A Clarke 5 Roland H Cook 6 Howell J Williams 7 Nicholas A Churchman 8 Murray A Coleman 9 Terry M Astill 10 R Kingsley Mason Belated birthday compliment to Rupert. Ringing World page reference: 5527.0300Leicester Diocesan Guild Higham on the Hill, Leicestershire St Peter Saturday, 11 March 2017 in 41m (10–3–8 in F♯) 1260 Grandsire Doubles 1 John S Patullo 2 John O'Brien 3 Gillian B Groom 4 Luke G Groom (C) 5 Francis W Fisher 6 Richard J Orr First Grandsire inside: 2 Leicester Diocesan Guild Sapcote, Leicestershire All Saints Sunday, 12 March 2017 in 2h 42 (9–1–26 in A♭) 5025 Stedman Caters Composed by John Pladdys 1 Sally A Brown 2 Michael Angrave 3 John Pladdys (C) 4 Stephanie J Warboys 5 David G Carling 6 Graham R Hayward 7 Stephen R Aldridge 8 Graham M Bradshaw 9 Terry M Astill 10 Mark J Pendery Leicester Diocesan Guild Medbourne, Leicestershire St Giles Friday, 17 March 2017 in 43m (8–3–3 in A♭) 1320 Norwich Surprise Minor 1 Diana Young 2 David L C Murcott 3 Murray A Coleman 4 William H J Norton 5 Steve Millington 6 Andrew Young (C) First QP on the new rope for the 4th. To celebrate the 9th Wedding Anniversary of Steve and Fiona Millington. Leicester Diocesan Guild Hugglescote, Leicestershire St John the Baptist Friday, 17 March 2017 in 43m (16–1–4) 1260 Plain Bob Doubles 1 Hazel Gooch 2 Mary Lorimer 3 Belinda Chantler 4 Richard Chantler 5 Chris Gooch (C) 6 Trevor Brown First Quarter Peal - Tenor Rung in celebration of the Tenor ringer's Granddaughter's first birthday. Leicester Diocesan Guild Belton, Leicestershire St John the Baptist Sunday, 19 March 2017 in 42m (7–3–12 in G♯) 1260 Grandsire Doubles 1x720, 2x240, 60 1 Yoyo Chen 2 Valerie A Baxter 3 Cara E Tatterton 4 Izabelle A Bimson 5 Richard Bimson (C) 6 Charles A Bishop For Evensong and birthday compliments to Cara. 1st in m: 3. Leicester Diocesan Guild Ticknall, Derbyshire St George Ringing Chamber Monday, 20 March 2017 in 2h 42 ((15)) 5120 Bristol Surprise Royal Composed by J M Jelley No 114 1–2 Rupert A Clarke 3–4 Roland H Cook (C) 5–6 Simon C Melen 7–8 Simon Humphrey 9–10 David J Marshall Leicester Diocesan Guild Brewood, Staffordshire St Mary and St Chad Monday, 20 March 2017 in 3h 20 (21–2–12 in E♭) 5024 Spliced Surprise Major 8 Methods:- 640 each Bristol, Lincolnshire, Pudsey, Rutland, Superlative; 608 each Cambridge, London, Yorkshire. 156 com, atw. Composed by G A C John 1 John F Mulvey 2 Gary J Audley 3 Malcolm Quimby 4 Peter J England 5 David C Brown 6 Brian G Meads 7 R Philip Graves (C) 8 J Michael Roberts Congratulations to Leicester Tigers on winning the Anglo-Welsh Cup. Ringing World page reference: 5528.0322Leicester Diocesan Guild Market Harborough, Leicestershire St Dionysius Sunday, 26 March 2017 in 46m (18–3–5 in F) 1260 Grandsire Triples 1 Claire Johnson 2 Jo R Williamson 3 Jane Holyland 4 Richard Holyland (C) 5 Micke Meadows 6 Tom Youdan 7 Stephen Peverett 8 Will Borman To mark the 1st anniversary of the passing of Keith Williamson. First quarter on 8 - 1 Leicester Diocesan Guild Orton on the Hill, Leicestershire St Edith of Polesworth Friday, 31 March 2017 in 2h 38 (8–2–0 in A♭) 5040 Surprise Minor (1) Ipswich; (2) London; (3) Surfleet; (4) Bourne; (5) Beverley; (6) Norwich; (7) Cambridge. 1 J Michael Roberts 2 Malcolm Quimby 3 Gary J Audley 4 Peter J Sawyer 5 Brian G Meads 6 R Philip Graves (C) 300th Different tower for a peal - 3. Ringing World page reference: 5529.0343Leicester Diocesan Guild Alrewas, Staffordshire All Saints Saturday, 1 April 2017 in 2h 48 (12–0–5 in G) 5088 Spliced Surprise Major (10m) 10 Methods:- 672 each Cambridge, Glasgow, Lincolnshire; 576 Superlative; 480 each Pudsey, Yorkshire; 384 each Belfast, Bristol, London, Rutland; 140 com. Composed by D F Morrison (No.6088) 1 Colin Aked 2 Gary J Audley 3 Malcolm Quimby 4 Terry M Astill 5 Peter J Sawyer 6 Brian G Meads 7 R Philip Graves (C) 8 J Michael Roberts Birthday compliments to David Bennett of Alrewas (50) and Chris Sawyer (70). Ringing World page reference: 5529.0343Leicester Diocesan Guild Corfe Mullen, Dorset St Hubert Wednesday, 19 April 2017 in 2h 39 (11–3–26 in G) 5040 Surprise Minor (7m) (7m: 1 extent each Bourne, Primrose, Surfleet, Ipswich, Durham, Cambridge, Norwich; 7 callings) 1 Felicity S Warwick 2 Paul M Mason (C) 3 Ruth Curtis 4 Paul F Curtis 5 Stephen R Aldridge 6 David A Warwick Leicester Diocesan Guild Oaks in Charnwood, Leicestershire St James Greater Monday, 24 April 2017 in 44m (6–0–22in C) 1260 Plain Bob Doubles 1 Joanne Moore 2 Viv Matravers 3 Richard Bimson (C) 4 Valerie A Baxter 5 Richard C L Brown 6 Charles A Bishop Rung in memory of Alison Jacques. 1st QP at 1st attempt:1. Leicester Diocesan Guild Ratby, Leicestershire St Philip and St James Wednesday, 26 April 2017 in 45m (9–3–18) 1260 Grandsire Doubles 1 Sue J Scott 2 Martin Green 3 Francis W Fisher 4 Richard J Scott 5 Anthony J Haywood (C) 6 Malcolm J L Rae Rung half-muffled in memory of Jean Blackman, 2/9/1931 - 21/4/2017, ringer at Ratby during the incumbency of her husband Rev Peter Blackman 1960 - 1993 1st Q - 6 Leicester Diocesan Guild Ratby, Leicestershire St Philip and St James Wednesday, 26 April 2017 in 5m (9–3–18) 120 Grandsire Doubles 1 Helen L Mockler (nee Blackman) 2 Sue J Scott 3 Francis W Fisher 4 Richard J Scott 5 Anthony J Haywood (C) 6 Malcolm J L Rae Rung half muffled in memory of Jean Blackman (2/9/1931 - 21/4/2017), ringer at Ratby during the incumbency of her husband Rev Peter Blackman 1960 - 1993 Leicester Diocesan Guild Bushby, Leicestershire 18 Dalby Avenue Wednesday, 26 April 2017 in 2h 41 ((15)) 5040 Spliced Surprise Royal (5m: 1200 Lincolnshire, 960 each Bristol, Cambridge, London No.3 and Yorkshire. 102 com) Composed by D. F.Morrison no 6914 1–2 Rupert A Clarke 3–4 Roland H Cook (C) 5–6 Simon C Melen 7–8 Simon Humphrey 9–10 David J Marshall Leicester Diocesan Guild Nuneaton, Warwickshire St Nicolas Saturday, 29 April 2017 in 50m (14–1–5 in E) 1344 Yorkshire Surprise Major 1 John S Patullo 2 Philip R Staples 3 Stuart J N Rowan 4 Francis W Fisher 5 Garry W Mason 6 J Michael Roberts 7 Terry M Astill 8 Luke G Groom (C) First Surprise Major as conductor. Rung as a get well soon compliment to David Manship. Leicester Diocesan Guild Wolvey, Warwickshire St John the Baptist Monday, 1 May 2017 in 42m (12–0–24 in G) 1260 Minor Cambridge Surprise & Plain Bob 1 Richard Carter 2 Zak D`Mello 3 Jenny Ace 4 Stephen Franklin 5 Steve Millington 6 Mark Boylan (C) Rung on Leicester Cathedral Quarter Peal Day Leicester Diocesan Guild Shilton, Warwickshire St Andrew Monday, 1 May 2017 in 43m (6–3–20 in B♭) 1296 Cambridge Surprise Minor 1 Dianne Stewart 2 Nicky Carling 3 Heather Morris 4 Christine Hurst 5 David Carling 6 Roland Cook (C) Rung on Leicester Cathedral Quarter Peal Day Leicester Diocesan Guild Shawell, Leicestershire All Saints Monday, 1 May 2017 in 43m (8–2–22 in A♭) 1260 Plain Bob Doubles 1 Keira Boylan 2 Mark Boylan (C) 3 Nicky Carling 4 Garry Mason 5 David Carling 6 Jenny Ace 1st Q at first attempt, aged 11 - Treble Rung on Leicester Cathedral Quarter Peal Day Leicester Diocesan Guild Ryton on Dunsmore, Warwickshire St Leonard Monday, 1 May 2017 in 46m (9–3–6 in F♯) 1250 Lincolnshire Surprise Major 1 Nicky Carling 2 Jill Belcher 3 Christine Hurst 4 Roland Cook 5 Will Norton 6 John Cook 7 David Carling (C) 8 Mark Boylan 1st in method - 3 Rung on Leicester Cathedral Quarter Peal Day Leicester Diocesan Guild Church Lawford, Warwickshire St Peter Monday, 1 May 2017 in 40m (7–3–5 in B♭) 1260 Doubles Stedman; Grandsire; Plain Bob 1 Daphne Hinton 2 Rebecca Lee 3 John Squibb 4 Dianne Stewart 5 Garry Mason (C) 6 Stephen Franklin Rung on Leicester Cathedral Quarter Peal Day. Leicester Diocesan Guild Brinklow, Warwickshire St John the Baptist Monday, 1 May 2017 in 44m (8–1–20 in A♭) 1280 Spliced Surprise Major Standard 8 1 Jill Belcher 2 Mary Cheesewright 3 Will Norton 4 Luke Groom 5 Garry Mason 6 Andrew Higson (C) 7 Christopher Rudge 8 Michael Roberts 1st 8 Spliced S Major 3 & 4 Rung on Leicester Cathedral Quarter Peal Day Leicester Diocesan Guild Copt Oak, Leicestershire St Peter Sunday, 7 May 2017 in 44m (9–3–4 in A) 1320 Plain Bob Doubles 3x360, 1x240 Composed by John M Goldthorpe 1 Phillippa Taylor 2 Izabelle Bimson 3 Charles Bishop 4 Dave Clarke 5 Richard Bimson (C) For Evensong and in memory of Tower Captain Liz Twitchell's father. 1st away from cover: 1. Leicester Diocesan Guild Long Clawson, Leicestershire Harwill House Wednesday, 10 May 2017 in 1h 51 (11) 5040 Surprise Minor 7M ( Lightfoot;Annables London; Norwich; Beverley;Cambridge;Ipswich & Bourne 1–2 Garry W Mason 3–4 John Adcock 5–6 Emma J Southerington (C) To welcome Alfred Alwyn Adcock Ringing World page reference: 5535.0530Leicester Diocesan Guild Peckleton, Leicestershire St Mary Magdalene Saturday, 13 May 2017 in 45m (9–1–6 in A) 1272 Norwich Surprise Minor 1 John O'Brien 2 William H J Norton 3 Martin Mellor 4 William H Riley 5 Philip R Staples 6 Luke G Groom (C) First in method and as conductor: 6 Leicester Diocesan Guild Aylestone, Leicestershire St Andrew Monday, 15 May 2017 in 47m (15–3–21 in F) 1280 Spliced Surprise Major 8m: 160 each B, C, N, L, P, R, S, Y, 39com. Composed by Chris Adams 1 Derek Butterworth 2 Mary Cheesewright 3 John Mulvey 4 Garry Mason 5 Martyn Marriott 6 Nicholas Parr 7 Malcolm Quimby (C) 8 Michael Roberts Leicester Diocesan Guild Coleorton, Leicestershire St Mary the Virgin Thursday, 18 May 2017 (12–3–25 in G) 1260 Grandsire Triples 1 Martin Welch 2 Michael Davidson 3 Sue Barnett 4 Catherine Baker 5 John Cooper 6 Robert Watson 7 Colin Lord (C) 8 Phil Bowley Rung in memory of Robert C Graves, former president of the Leics Diocesan Guild who passed away on May 15th. Leicester Diocesan Guild Oaks in Charnwood, Leicestershire St James Greater Friday, 19 May 2017 (10–1–12 in A♭) 1250 Yorkshire Surprise Major 1 Sally A Brown 2 Valerie A Baxter 3 Brenda Parr 4 Richard C L Brown 5 Peter J Rayns 6 Colin Lord 7 Nicholas J Parr 8 Michael F Davidson (C) In memory of Robert C Graves former Captain at this tower. Ringing World page reference: 5541.0684Leicester Diocesan Guild Stoke Golding, Leicestershire St Margaret Saturday, 20 May 2017 in 45m (9–0–27 in A♭) 1440 Surprise Minor 240 Beverley, 480 Surfleet and 720 Cambridge 1 William H J Norton 2 Philip R Staples 3 Martin Mellor 4 Stephen R Aldridge 5 William H Riley 6 Luke G Groom (C) Rung as a birthday compliment to the conductor. Leicester Diocesan Guild Belton, Leicestershire St John the Baptist Sunday, 21 May 2017 in 41m (7–3–12 in G♯) 1260 Reverse Canterbury Pleasure Place Doubles 8x120, 1x300 1 Helen Cullinan 2 Richard C L Brown 3 Val Baxter 4 Izabelle Bimson 5 Richard Bimson (C) 6 Sally A Brown For Evensong. First QP at first attempt: 1. Leicester Diocesan Guild Drayton Bassett, Staffordshire St Peter Monday, 22 May 2017 in 2h 30 (6–0–11 in B) 5040 Surprise Minor (7m:Ipswich, London, Surfleet, Bourne, Beverley, Norwich, Cambridge) 1 R Philip Graves 2 John F Mulvey 3 Nicholas J Parr 4 Christopher J Pickford 5 Malcolm Quimby (C) 6 J Michael Roberts In memory of Robert Graves Ringing World page reference: 5541.0684Leicester Diocesan Guild Loughborough, Leicestershire Bell Foundry Tower Tuesday, 23 May 2017 in 2h 27 (6–2–13 in B) 5056 Oaks-in-Charnwood Surprise Major Composed by MAC arr. of Middleton's 1 Sally A Brown 2 Graham R Hayward 3 Brenda Parr 4 Nicholas J Parr 5 Andrew A Ward 6 Michael Angrave 7 R Philip Graves 8 Andrew D Higson (C) Rung in affectionate memory of Robert C Graves, father of 7th, who for many years arranged and rang in the Tuesday night peals at the Foundry. With thanks to Richard Brown for getting the band together. 1,700th peal - 7 Ringing World page reference: 5541.0684Leicester Diocesan Guild Leicester, Leicestershire Cathedral Church of St Martin Saturday, 27 May 2017 in 3h 21 (25–0–20 in D) 5042 Bristol Surprise Maximus Composed by R J Angrave (No.186) 1 Steven J Harvey 2 Margaret Whiteley 3 Howell J Williams 4 David G Carling 5 Simon Humphrey 6 Terry M Astill 7 Stephen R Aldridge 8 Michael Angrave 9 Andrew D Higson 10 Richard J Angrave (C) 11 Mark J Pendery 12 Mark A Boylan Wishing Grace Higson a happy 10th birthday. 25th peal together: 7 and 8. Ringing World page reference: 5538.0602Leicester Diocesan Guild Brinklow, Warwickshire St John the Baptist Saturday, 27 May 2017 in 2h 52 (8–1–20 in A♭) 5056 Yorkshire Surprise Major Composed by R P Graves 1 Michael D Fiander 2 Malcolm Quimby 3 Thomas W Griffiths 4 Luke Groom 5 Colin Aked 6 Timothy J Wykes 7 R Philip Graves (C) 8 J Michael Roberts Rung in memory of Robert C Graves, past Treasurer and President of the Leicester Guild. 300th Peal together - 2 and 8. First in the method - 4. Ringing World page reference: 5541.0684Leicester Diocesan Guild Belton, Leicestershire St John the Baptist Sunday, 28 May 2017 in 41m (7–3–12 in G♯) 1260 Plain Bob Minor 1 Charles Bishop 2 Val Baxter 3 Yoyo Chen 4 Izabelle Bimson 5 Dave Clarke 6 Richard Bimson (C) For Evensong and as a compliment to Margaret Godfrey for her birthday and to Val and David Baxter for their wedding anniversary. 1st inside and 1st minor: 3. Leicester Diocesan Guild Enderby St John the Baptist Monday, 29 May 2017 in 53m (11) 1260 Doubles 720 Grandsire and 540 Plain Bob with 7,6, 8 cover 1 Helen Staples 2 Elizabeth Wright 3 Jane Boyd 4 Michael Pickering 5 Philip Staples (C) 6 John Dalby 7 William Steward 8 Paul Standley Rung as an 80th birthday complement to William Steward. Leicester Diocesan Guild Anstey, Leicestershire St Mary Wednesday, 31 May 2017 1260 Plain Bob Minor 1 Jack Parker 2 Lewis Benfield 3 Jo White 4 Chris Newman 5 Francis Fisher 6 G Barry Brown C Remembering all those affected by the Manchester Arena Bombing (22/5/17) Leicester Diocesan Guild Swithland, Leicestershire St Leonard Saturday, 3 June 2017 in 46m (12½ in G) 1260 Plain Bob Doubles 1 John Roberts 2 Chris Newman 3 Val Rees 4 Guy Jibson 5 Richard Bimson (C) 6 Nick Cunningham Rung in thanksgiving for the life and ministry of the Rev. Canon Ray Walters, Priest in Charge at Swithland 1977-91. Leicester Diocesan Guild Ratby, Leicestershire SS Philip and James Sunday, 4 June 2017 in 2h 50 (9–3–18 in G) 5056 Cambridge Surprise Major Composed by Johnson's variation of Middleton's 1 Lewis D Benfield 2 Mark J Pendery 3 William H J Norton 4 Clive J Mobbs 5 Ian N Robinson 6 Terry M Astill 7 Howell J Williams 8 Francis W Fisher (C) Rung as part of the celebrations to mark HRH Queen Elizabeth II's Sapphire Jubilee Anniversary. 1st Peal 1st Attempt 1, Aged 12. The conductor rang his first peal for Her Majesty's Silver Jubilee Anniversary. Ringing World page reference: 5539.0628Leicester Diocesan Guild Copt Oak, Leicestershire St Peter Sunday, 4 June 2017 in 43m (9–3–4 in A) 1269 Plain Bob Doubles 1x720, 1x360, 1x189 Composed by Mark Lynch, Don F Morrison (2290) 1 Joanne Moore 2 Izabelle Bimson 3 Jethro Woolley 4 Charles Bishop 5 Richard Bimson (C) 6 Phillippa Taylor Rung in memory of Robert Graves. Leicester Diocesan Guild Enderby, Leicestershire St John the Baptist Monday, 5 June 2017 in 40m (11) 1260 Plain Bob Doubles 1 Samantha Baker 2 Elizabeth Wright 3 Jane Boyd 4 Michael Pickering 5 Philip Staples (C) 6 Paul Standley First Quarter Peal for 1 Leicester Diocesan Guild Oaks in Charnwood, Leicestershire St James Greater Friday, 9 June 2017 in 2h 44 (10–1–12 in A♭) 5056 Spliced Surprise Major 5 Methods:- 1056 each Cambridge, Yorkshire; 1024 Rutland; 960 each Lincolnshire, Pudsey. 128 com. Composed by R P Graves 1 Sally A Brown 2 Richard Bimson 3 Brenda Parr 4 Luke Groom 5 Andrew A Ward 6 Michael Angrave 7 Terry M Astill 8 R Philip Graves (C) Rung to welcome the Rev'd Lydia Humphreys who was inducted on June 8th as the Vicar of the Joint Benefice of Shepshed and Oaks in Charnwood. Ringing World page reference: 5539.0626Leicester Diocesan Guild Ashby de la Zouch, Leicestershire St Helen Sunday, 11 June 2017 in 49m (21–2–24 in E♭) 1282 Yorkshire Surprise Royal 1 Sally A Brown 2 Richard C L Brown 3 Alison Godfrey 4 Colin Lord 5 Izabelle A Bimson 6 Richard Bimson (C) 7 Stuart Hale 8 Robert Watson 9 R Philip Graves 10 Michael F Davidson For Evensong on Trinity Sunday and rung in memory of Robert Graves. Leicester Diocesan Guild Roos, East Riding of Yorkshire All Saints Friday, 16 June 2017 in 2h 50 (12–3–11 in F) 5024 Spliced Surprise Major (8 methods: 640 Bristol, Pudsey, Rutland, Superlative, Yorkshire, 608 Cambridge, Lincolnshire, London; 120 com, atw) Composed by Noel J Diserens 1 Helen J Audley 2 Brian G Meads 3 Gary J Audley 4 David C Brown (C) 5 Malcolm Quimby 6 R Philip Graves 7 Peter J Sawyer 8 J Michael Roberts Leicester Diocesan Guild Hinckley, Leicestershire Assumption of SMV Saturday, 17 June 2017 in 47m (22–0–6 in D) 1280 Plain Bob Major 1 Jennifer Hawkins 2 Simon Hargreaves 3 Julia A Biggs 4 Robert Hawkins 5 Martin Mellor 6 William H Riley 7 Stephen R Aldridge 8 Luke G Groom (C) Leicester Diocesan Guild Loughborough, Leicestershire All Saints Sunday, 18 June 2017 in 45m (9–3–3 in A♭) 1260 Plain Bob Minor 1 Sally A Brown (C) 2 Yoyo Chen 3 Jethro G Woolley 4 Liz A Watson 5 Richard C L Brown 6 David W Clarke For Evensong. 1st Minor inside: 3. Leicester Diocesan Guild Leicester, Leicestershire Cathedral Church of St Martin Sunday, 18 June 2017 (25–0–20 in D) 1260 Julie McDonnell New Bob Triples Composed by Daniel W Brady 1 Jenny Ace 2 Nicky Carling 3 David G Carling 4 Anne E Westman 5 Francis W Fisher 6 Howell J Williams 7 Neil A Westman (C) 8 Garry W Mason Rung as part of the SBABC Cathedrals, Abbeys and Minsters challenge. Leicester Diocesan Guild Whitby, North Yorkshire St Mary Monday, 19 June 2017 in 3h 13 (19–0–11 in E) 5040 Cambridge Surprise Royal Composed by R P Graves 1 J Michael Roberts 2 Gillian H Knox 3 David C Brown 4 Lesley A Tucker 5 Gary J Audley 6 Malcolm Quimby 7 Graham P Tucker 8 Brian G Meads 9 Peter J Sawyer 10 R Philip Graves (C) Rung in memory of Sapper Richard Duck of the Royal Engineers 76th Field Coy, who died 25/6/1917 aged 33. His only tower bell peal was at Whitby on 19/3/1911. Ringing World page reference: 5541.0676Leicester Diocesan Guild Belton, Leicestershire St John the Baptist Sunday, 25 June 2017 in 42m (7–3–12 in G♯) 1260 Plain Bob Doubles 1 Val Baxter 2 Phillippa Taylor 3 Izabelle Bimson 4 Richard Bimson (C) 5 Richard C L Brown 6 Yoyo Chen Rung for Evensong. 1st inside: 2. Leicester Diocesan Guild Sibson, Leicestershire St Botolph Thursday, 29 June 2017 in 45m (12–2–4 in F♯) 1260 St Simon's Bob Doubles 1 Gillian B Groom 2 John O'Brien 3 John S Patullo 4 Simon W Hargreaves (C) 5 Luke G Groom 6 Martin Mellor Rung as a retirement compliment to Mr Hargreaves. First as conductor. First in method:2 Leicester Diocesan Guild Church Langton, Leicestershire St Peter Saturday, 1 July 2017 (17–0–6 in E) 1250 Vancouver Surprise Major 1 Richard Holyland 2 Diana Young 3 Brenda Parr 4 William H J Norton 5 Steve Millington 6 Nicholas Parr 7 Murray A Coleman 8 Andrew Young (C) HAPPY CANADA DAY Rung to celebrate the 150th Birthday of Canada by one citizen, six people who have been there, and one who is married to someone who has been there! 4 - 50th Quarter 2,3,4,5,6,8 - First blows in method Ringing World page reference: 5544.0752Leicester Diocesan Guild Billesdon, Leicestershire St John the Baptist Saturday, 1 July 2017 in 50m (11–2–22) 1260 Plain Bob Doubles 1 William Steward 2 Paul Standley 3 Helen Staples 4 Philip Staples (C) 5 Charlie Worger 6 Christopher Swain Rung to the celebrate the marriage of Miss Jennie Monk to Mr. Jan Sewenig. First Quarter Peal for 6 Leicester Diocesan Guild Sapcote, Leicestershire All Saints Thursday, 6 July 2017 in 2h 46 (9–1–26 in A♭) 5083 Yorkshire Surprise Royal Composed by Richard J Angrave 1 Graham R Hayward 2 Michael J Dew 3 Richard J Angrave (C) 4 H Geoffrey Wells 5 Michael Angrave 6 Raymon A Sheasby 7 Anthony P Cotton 8 Terry M Astill 9 R Kingsley Mason 10 Andrew B Mills Rung half muffled in memory of Kathleen M Brown, 14-1-34 to 19-6-17, on the evening of her funeral and ringing her favourite ten bell method. May she rest in peace. Ringing World page reference: 5543.0723Leicester Diocesan Guild Thurnby, Leicestershire St Luke Monday, 10 July 2017 in 44m (12–3–12 in E) 1260 Plain Bob Doubles 1 Rachel Pawley 2 Richard Pawley (C) 3 Anne Sawford (nee Pawley) 4 Hilary Pawley 5 Sarah Pawley 6 Jane Pawley In memory of Peter Pawley, a ringer at Thurnby for over 70 years, father of 3, uncle of 2, 5 and 6 and great uncle of 1, Leicester Diocesan Guild Brewood, Staffordshire St Mary and St Chad Monday, 10 July 2017 in 56m (21–2–12 in E♭) 1344 Double Norwich Court Bob Major 1 Michael Roberts 2 Mary Cheesewright 3 Martyn Marriott 4 John Mulvey 5 Derek Butterworth 6 Malcolm Quimby 7 Nicholas Parr 8 Philip Graves (C) With congratulations to Ellie Roberts on gaining her MSc in Earth Sciences at the University of East Anglia. Ringing World page reference: 5546.0800Leicester Diocesan Guild Long Clawson, Leicestershire Harwill House Wednesday, 12 July 2017 in 1h 45 (11) 5040 Surprise Minor (7 Methods) Berwick; Surfleet; York; Norwich; Netherseale; Cambridge and Bourne 1–2 Garry W Mason 3–4 John Adcock 5–6 Emma J Southerington (C) In Thanksgiving for the life of Peter Frederick Pawley of Thurnby; 30.4.29 - 31.3.17 Ringing World page reference: 5544.0750Leicester Diocesan Guild Stoke Golding, Leicestershire St Margaret Saturday, 15 July 2017 in 2h 40 (9–0–27 in A♭) 5040 Surprise Minor (5 Methods) 2160 Cambridge, 720 each Ipswich, Bourne, Beverley and Surfleet 1 Julia A Biggs 2 William H J Norton 3 Martin Mellor 4 Philip R Staples 5 William H Riley 6 Luke G Groom (C) Rung in memory of David Manship of Burbage. First Peal as conductor. Most Methods- 2&3 Ringing World page reference: 5552.0952Leicester Diocesan Guild Kegworth, Leicestershire St Andrew Tuesday, 18 July 2017 in 45m (17–0–3 in F♯) 1312 Ipswich Surprise Major 1 Mary Stephens 2 H Mary Barrass 3 Brenda Parr 4 Peter Hawcock 5 Peter J Rayns 6 Nicholas J Parr 7 Andrew D Higson 8 Andrew A Ward (C) First in method as conductor. Ringing World page reference: 5547.0822Leicester Diocesan Guild Anstey, Leicestershire St Mary Wednesday, 19 July 2017 (10–2–4 in G) 1280 Cambridge Surprise Major 1 Jo White 2 Martin Green 3 G Barry Brown 4 Colin Lord 5 Roland Cook (C) 6 Chris Newman 7 Francis Fisher 8 Dave Carling Rung in memory of an Anstey ringer - Thomas Bottrill (26), died in Portsmouth hospital of wounds received at the Dardenelles on 17/7/1917. Buried in Anstey cemetery with full military honours. On Monday 17/7/2017 the ringers of 3/6/7 rang a couple of courses of PB Minor on handbells around the grave. Leicester Diocesan Guild Oaks in Charnwood, Leicestershire St James Greater Sunday, 23 July 2017 in 2h 44 (10–1–12 in A♭) 5024 Daffern Delight Major Composed by D F Morrison (no. 2210) 1 Robert J Marchbank 2 Sally A Brown 3 Anthony J Rowan 4 Brenda Parr 5 Michael Angrave 6 Richard C L Brown 7 Mark A Boylan 8 R Philip Graves (C) Rung to celebrate the wedding of Prue Seal and Kevin Burns held at this church yesterday. Prue's Grandmother, Beatrice Seal (nee Daffern), was a major benefactor in the augmentation of Claybrooke, Leicestershire, bells in 1925. Beatrice's legacy has supported the Claybrooke ringers over the years and the first peal of Daffern Delight was rung in her honour in 1995. Best wishes to Prue from the Claybrooke ringers and the Charley Parish ringers at the 'Oaks' who jointly took part in this peal. 75th Together 3 and 5. 1700th Tower Bell Peal - 8. Ringing World page reference: 5546.0795Leicester Diocesan Guild Bushby, Leicestershire 18 Dalby Avenue Thursday, 27 July 2017 in 2h 17 ((15)) 5088 Lincolnshire Surprise Major Composed by W Barton (rotated) 1–2 Rupert A Clarke 3–4 Roland H Cook (C) 5–6 Simon C Melen 7–8 David J Marshall Leicester Diocesan Guild Leicester, Leicestershire Cathedral Church of St Martin Monday, 31 July 2017 in 50m (25–0–20 in D) 1259 Grandsire Caters 1 Stephen J Franklin 2 Mary Cheesewright 3 Heather E Morris 4 William H J Norton 5 Jo L White 6 Garry W Mason 7 Rupert A Clarke 8 J Michael Roberts 9 Howell J Williams (C) 10 Francis W Fisher Respectfully rung half-muffled prior to the Service of Commemoration to the Fallen at the Battle of Passchendaele 100 years ago in World War I. Leicester Diocesan Guild Anstey, Leicestershire St Mary Wednesday, 2 August 2017 (10–2–4 in G) 1260 Grandsire Triples 1 Lesley Winter 2 Lewis Benfield 3 G Barry Brown 4 Martin Green 5 Chris Newman 6 Francs Fisher 7 Paul Atkins (C) 60th birthday compliments to Lesley Winter and Cathy Spurr Leicester Diocesan Guild Leicester, Leicestershire St Margaret Saturday, 5 August 2017 in 47m (16) 1280 Bristol Surprise Major 1 Nicky Carling 2 Carol Franklin 3 Will Norton 4 Angela Preston 5 Stephen Franklin 6 Francis Fisher 7 Dave Carling (C) 8 Mark Pendery First in method - 3. Leicester Diocesan Guild Oaks in Charnwood, Leicestershire St James Greater Monday, 7 August 2017 in 2h 43 (10–1–12 in A♭) 5024 Spliced Surprise Major 8 Methods:- 736 London; 640 each Cambridge, Pudsey, Superlative; 608 each Bristol, Rutland; 576 each Lincolnshire, Yorkshire. 132 com, atw. Composed by N R Aspland 1 Sally A Brown 2 Brenda Parr 3 Richard Bimson 4 Richard C L Brown 5 Andrew A Ward 6 Andrew D Higson 7 Nicholas J Parr 8 R Philip Graves (C) Rung in memoriam Robert C Graves, former Tower Captain of the Oaks for over 30 years, who also rang 140 peals on these bells. The band would like to associate this peal with Robert Marchbank who rang in the first attempt, where the 6th rope did not remain in one piece for the required amount of time. Ringing World page reference: 5548.0844Leicester Diocesan Guild Swithland, Leicestershire St Leonard Thursday, 17 August 2017 in 43m (12½ in G) 1272 Durham Surprise Minor 1 Liz A Watson 2 Sally A Brown 3 Izabelle A Bimson 4 Brenda Parr 5 Richard Bimson (C) 6 Richard C L Brown Rung in memory of Georgina Gatenby, friend to the conductor at the University of Durham, whose funeral is tomorrow. Ringing World page reference: 5549.0871Leicester Diocesan Guild Enderby, Leicestershire St John the Baptist Saturday, 19 August 2017 in 44m (11–2–15 in G) 1250 Cambridge Surprise Major 1 Elizabeth Wright 2 Julia A Biggs 3 Philip R Staples 4 Stuart J N Rowan 5 Charlie Worger 6 Martin Mellor 7 Francis W Fisher 8 Luke G Groom (C) First of Cambridge Major: 5 First of Cambridge Major as Conductor. Leicester Diocesan Guild Orton on the Hill, Leicestershire St Edith of Polesworth Tuesday, 22 August 2017 (8–2–0 in A♭) 1272 Surprise Minor 720 Cambridge 552 Norwich 1 Stuart Hale 2 Richard Chantler 3 Brenda Parr 4 Nicholas J Parr 5 Philip R Staples 6 Luke G Groom (C) Rung during the unveiling ceremony for a plaque commemorating William Worthington, born in Orton & founder of the brewery, whose descendant funded bells in numerous towers in the Burton area. Ringing World page reference: 5552.0947Leicester Diocesan Guild Long Clawson, Leicestershire Harwill House Wednesday, 23 August 2017 in 1h 51 (11) 5040 Surprise Minor Lightfoot; Annables London; Norwich; Hexham; Cambridge; Durham and Beverley 1–2 Garry W Mason 3–4 John Adcock 5–6 Emma J Southerington (C) Leicester Diocesan Guild Saltby, Leicestershire St Peter Thursday, 24 August 2017 in 47m (12–1–11 in E) 1282 Yorkshire Surprise Royal 1 Derek Butterworth 2 Mary Cheesewright 3 Lesley Tucker 4 Lynda Lazzerini 5 Brenda Parr 6 Graham Tucker 7 Nicholas Parr 8 Martyn Marriott 9 Philip Graves (C) 10 Michael Roberts Leicester Diocesan Guild Sheepy Magna, Leicestershire All Saints Thursday, 31 August 2017 in 45m (12 in G) 1260 Grandsire Doubles 1 Luke G Groom (C) 2 Simon W Hargreaves 3 Julia A Biggs 4 William H Riley 5 Martin Mellor 6 Stuart Hawksworth Rung as a 60th birthday compliment to Mr Stuart Hawksworth. Leicester Diocesan Guild Narborough, Leicestershire All Saints Thursday, 31 August 2017 in 45m (20–0–16 in E) 1260 Doubles (2 Methods) 780 Grandsire and 480 Plain Bob 1 Samantha Baker 2 Elizabeth Wright 3 Paul Standley 4 Charlie Worger 5 Philip Staples (C) 6 William Steward First of Grandsire 4. Leicester Diocesan Guild Leicester, Leicestershire St Margaret Saturday, 2 September 2017 in 47m (16 cwts) 1260 Plain Bob Triples 1 Kiera Boylan 2 Garry Mason 3 Andrew Higson 4 Angela Preston 5 Chris Newman 6 Stephen Hamby 7 Mark Boylan (C) 8 Barry Brown 1st Triples - Treble Leicester Diocesan Guild Burbage, Leicestershire St Catherine Saturday, 2 September 2017 in 50m (14–1–23 in F♯) 1260 Grandsire Triples 1 Shelia Lockett 2 Dianne Stewart 3 Anthony J Rowan 4 Mark Pendery 5 Michael Vernon 6 Simon W Hargreaves 7 Martin Mellor (C) 8 Rowan Harrison Following the Service of Remembrance and Memorial unveiling of Sharrad Holland Gilbert 1867-1961 Leicester Diocesan Guild Leicester, Leicestershire St Mary de Castro Monday, 4 September 2017 in 49m (15–3–3 in E) 1259 Grandsire Caters 1 Derek Butterworth 2 Mary Cheesewright 3 Lynda Lazzerini 4 Malcolm Quimby 5 John Mulvey 6 David Lazzerini 7 Martyn Marriott 8 Michael Roberts 9 Philip Graves (C) 10 Nicholas Parr Birthday compliments to Mary & Mike. Ringing World page reference: 5553.0973Leicester Diocesan Guild Hoar Cross, Staffordshire Holy Angels Thursday, 7 September 2017 in 55m (28–1–17 in D♭) 1272 Spliced Surprise Minor (720 Cambridge, Primrose, Ipswich, Norfolk, Bourne, Hull; 552 London) 1 Derek Butterworth 2 Martyn Marriott 3 Peter England 4 Malcolm Quimby 5 Philip Graves (C) 6 Michael Roberts Leicester Diocesan Guild Lockington, Leicestershire St Nicholas Tuesday, 12 September 2017 (14–1–1 in F) 1280 Bristol Surprise Royal 1 Peter Rayns 2 Andrew Higson 3 Robert Watson 4 Richard Bimson 5 Richard C L Brown 6 Izabelle Bimson 7 Michael Davidson 8 Peter Hawcock 9 Andrew A Ward 10 Philip Graves (C) Congratulations to Emily Higson, leaving for university this week. 1st Bristol Royal: 3,4 and 6. Leicester Diocesan Guild Long Eaton, Derbyshire 12 Brentnall Close Thursday, 14 September 2017 in 2h 21 (16) 5056 Cambridge Surprise Major Composed by C.Middleton 1–2 Rupert A Clarke 3–4 Roland H Cook (C) 5–6 Simon C Melen 7–8 David J Marshall Compliment to John and Kathryn Cook on the birth of a daughter, Martha Eleanor. 2nd Grandchild for Amy and Roland. Ringing World page reference: 5553.0968Leicester Diocesan Guild Orton on the Hill, Leicestershire St Edith of Polesworth Sunday, 17 September 2017 in 2h 41 (8–2–0 in A♭) 5040 Spliced Surprise Minor 12m: (1) York, Durham; (2) Primrose, Norfolk; (3) Ipswich, Cambridge; (4) Beverley, Berwick; (5) Surfleet, Hexham; (6-7) 1440 Hull, Bourne 1 Sally A Brown 2 Stephen R Aldridge 3 Richard Bimson 4 Terry M Astill 5 Michael Angrave 6 Graham R Hayward (C) 50th peal: 3 100th peal: 2 Ringing World page reference: 5553.0966Leicester Diocesan Guild Oaks in Charnwood, Leicestershire St James Greater Monday, 18 September 2017 in 44m (10–1–12 in A♭) 1344 Julie McDonnell New Bob Triples 1 Valerie Baxter 2 Richard Bimson 3 Brenda Parr 4 Izabelle Bimson 5 Richard Brown 6 John Cooper 7 Andrew Ward (C) 8 Nicholas Parr First in method: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, and at the tower. Ringing World page reference: 5555.1021Leicester Diocesan Guild Bushby, Leicestershire 18 Dalby Avenue Monday, 18 September 2017 in 2h 15 ((15)) 5152 Yorkshire Surprise Major Composed by E. J Southerington 1–2 Rupert A Clarke 3–4 Roland H Cook 5–6 Emma J Southerington (C) 7–8 John Adcock Leicester Diocesan Guild Copt Oak, Leicestershire St Peter Tuesday, 19 September 2017 in 42m (9–3–4 in A) 1260 Grandsire Doubles 1 Charles A Bishop 2 Sally A Brown 3 Richard Bimson (C) 4 Yoyo Chen 5 Izabelle A Bimson 6 Sidney Wareing 1st QP at 1st attempt: 6. 1st Grandsire inside: 4. Leicester Diocesan Guild Leicester, Leicestershire Cathedral Church of St Martin Friday, 22 September 2017 in 53m (25–0–20 in D) 1344 Bristol Surprise Maximus 1 Luke G Groom 2 Mark J Pendery (C) 3 Sally A Brown 4 Howell J Williams 5 David G Carling 6 Anthony J Haywood 7 Jo L White 8 Michael F Davidson 9 Andrew D Higson 10 Christopher M Rudge 11 Terry M Astill 12 Mark A Boylan First on 12 bells 1 and 8 £6 Leicester Diocesan Guild Sapcote, Leicestershire All Saints Saturday, 23 September 2017 in 2h 22 (4–3–5) 5040 Spliced Surprise Minor 12m: (1) York, Durham; (2-3) 1440 Hull, Primrose, Norfolk; (4-5) 1440 Ipswich, Cambridge, Bourne; (6) Beverley, Berwick; (7) Surfleet, Hexham 1 Sally A Brown 2 Michael Angrave 3 Richard Bimson 4 Luke G Groom 5 Andrew J Preston 6 Graham R Hayward (C) Most methods: 4,5 Rung to celebrate the birth on 8th September of William Thomas Twaites, a son for Jen Williams and Claire Twaites (cousin of 1); and today of Arthur John Hayward, a son for Alison and Paul Hayward (brother of the conductor). Ringing World page reference: 5554.0989Leicester Diocesan Guild Lockington, Leicestershire St Nicholas Thursday, 28 September 2017 (14–1–1 in F) 1308 Stedman Cinques Arranged by GR Hayward 1 Graham R Hayward (C) 2 Sally A Brown 3 Richard C L Brown 4 Timothy J Peverett 5 Richard Bimson 6 Andrew D Higson 7 Izabelle A Bimson 8 Terry M Astill 9 Michael F Davidson 10 Andrew A Ward 11 R Philip Graves 12 Robert Watson First in method: 5, 7, 9 and as conductor. Leicester Diocesan Guild Sharnford, Leicestershire St Helen Saturday, 30 September 2017 in 47m (10–2–6 in G) 1260 Doubles 360 each Grandsire and Plain Bob, 240 each St Simon's and St Martins, 60 of Stedman. 1 Anthony J Rowan 2 Stuart J N Rowan 3 Michael Angrave 4 Michael Vernon 5 Luke G Groom (C) 6 Luke Grouse Ring as a birthday Compliment to Stuart Rowan. Leicester Diocesan Guild Hathern, Leicestershire SS Peter and Paul Saturday, 30 September 2017 in 46m (9–2–12 in G) 1260 Plain Bob Triples 1 Sue E Barnett 2 H Mary Barrass 3 Cathy E Potter 4 Valerie A Baxter 5 Cara E Tatterton 6 Malcolm Barsby 7 Peter J Rayns (C) 8 F Alan Wright First on 8 for the ringer of the 5th. Leicester Diocesan Guild Sharnford, Leicestershire St Helen Wednesday, 4 October 2017 in 1h 30 (10–2–6 in G) 2880 Surprise Minor 720 Alnwick, Newcastle, Northumberland and Sandiacre. 1 Richard C L Brown 2 Anthony J Rowan 3 Michael Angrave 4 Stuart J N Rowan 5 Graham R Hayward (C) 6 Alan Regin Four extents of a peal being rung in memory of Private George Atkins Mason, former ringer at Sharnford, killed in action October 4th 1917, soldier in the Northumberland Fusilliers. The peal was stopped in the 5th extent after a group of handbell ringers entered the church and began practicing for concert later in the week. Leicester Diocesan Guild Leicester, Leicestershire St Margaret Saturday, 7 October 2017 in 48m (16 cwt) 1260 Plain Bob Triples 1 Daphne Hinton 2 Garry Mason 3 David Carling 4 Anthony Haywood 5 Stephen Hamby 6 Chris Newman 7 Francis Fisher (C) 8 Will Norton 1st Triples - 1. Big birthday compliment to the treble ringer. Leicester Diocesan Guild Leicester, Leicestershire St Margaret Saturday, 7 October 2017 in 48m (16 cwt) 1280 Bristol Surprise Major 1 Will Norton 2 Nicky Carling 3 Garry Mason 4 Stephen Hamby 5 Francis Fisher 6 Anthony Haywood 7 David Carling (C) 8 Terry Astill 1st in method - 4. Leicester Diocesan Guild Aylestone, Leicestershire St Andrew Monday, 9 October 2017 in 2h 59 (15–3–21 in F) 5024 Spliced Surprise Major 8 Methods:- 736 London; 640 each Cambridge, Pudsey, Superlative; 608 each Bristol, Rutland; 576 each Lincolnshire, Yorkshire. 132 com, atw. Composed by N R Aspland 1 Gary J Audley 2 David C Brown 3 David G Carling 4 Colin Aked 5 Malcolm Quimby 6 Brian G Meads 7 R Philip Graves (C) 8 J Michael Roberts Leicester Diocesan Guild Leicester, Leicestershire St Mary de Castro Tuesday, 10 October 2017 in 3h 4 (15–3–3 in E) 5000 London No. 3 Surprise Royal Composed by John S Warboys 1 J Michael Roberts 2 David C Brown (C) 3 Gary J Audley 4 Colin Aked 5 Michael Angrave 6 Malcolm Quimby 7 Andrew A Ward 8 R Philip Graves 9 Brian G Meads 10 Christopher J Pickford 6th birthday compliment to Charlotte Angrave. Ringing World page reference: 5557.1065Leicester Diocesan Guild Long Clawson, Leicestershire Harwill House Wednesday, 11 October 2017 in 25m (11) 1272 Surprise Minor (8m) Cambridge 6, Beverley and Surfleet 1–2 Garry W Mason 3–4 John Adcock 5–6 Emma J Southerington (C) Leicester Diocesan Guild Thurlaston, Leicestershire All Saints Friday, 20 October 2017 in 3h 2 (15–1–3 in F♯) 5040 Surprise Minor 7 Methods:- London, Ipswich, Durham, Beverley, Bourne, Cambridge, Norwich. 1 Malcolm Quimby 2 Gary J Audley 3 Brian G Meads 4 Christopher J Pickford 5 R Philip Graves (C) 6 J Michael Roberts Leicester Diocesan Guild Countesthorpe, Leicestershire St Andrew Saturday, 21 October 2017 in 2h 39 (10–0–17 in G) 5088 Roos Delight Major Composed by J M Goldthorpe 1 J Michael Roberts 2 Rosalind J Keech 3 Colin Aked 4 Peter J England 5 Gary J Audley 6 Malcolm Quimby 7 R Philip Graves (C) 8 Brian G Meads Rung to the memory of Private Harry Pickard, Great Uncle of the conductor, who was killed in action on 26th October 1917, on his 21st birthday. Ringing World page reference: 5558.1090Leicester Diocesan Guild Leicester, Leicestershire Cathedral Church of St Martin Sunday, 29 October 2017 in 48m (25–0–20 in D) 1296 Little Bob Royal View composition 1 Garry Mason 2 Rebecca Lee 3 Christine Hurst 4 Nicky Carling 5 Will Norton 6 Stephen Franklin 7 Mark Pendery 8 Dave Carling (C) 9 Mark Boylan 10 Christopher Rudge 40th Birthday compliment to Rebecca. 1st Royal 2; 1st in method 3,5. Leicester Diocesan Guild Bushby, Leicestershire 18 Dalby Avenue Monday, 30 October 2017 in 2h 15 (15) 5088 Lincolnshire Surprise Major Composed by W Barton 1–2 Rupert A Clarke 3–4 Emma J Southerington (C) 5–6 Roland H Cook 7–8 David J Marshall Leicester Diocesan Guild Sutton Cheney, Leicestershire St James Saturday, 4 November 2017 in 40m (6–0–27 in A) 1260 Stedman Doubles 1 Julia A Biggs 2 Luke G Groom (C) 3 Martin Mellor 4 John S Patullo 5 William H Riley 6 Stuart Hawksworth Rung as a 60th Birthday compliment to Stuart Hawksworth. First Stedman: 4 First Stedman as conductor. Leicester Diocesan Guild Sibson, Leicestershire St Botolph Saturday, 4 November 2017 in 47m (12–2–4 in F♯) 1260 Grandsire Doubles 1 Luke G Groom 2 Gillian B Groom 3 Julia A Biggs 4 Simon W Hargreaves 5 Martin Mellor (C) 6 Stuart Hawksworth Rung as a 60th Birthday compliment to Stuart Hawksworth. Leicester Diocesan Guild Sheepy Magna, Leicestershire All Saints Saturday, 4 November 2017 in 44m (12 in G) 1260 Doubles Grandsire, Reverse Canterbury Pleasure Place, Clifford's Pleasure and Plain Bob. 1 Simon W Hargreaves 2 Luke G Groom (C) 3 Julia A Biggs 4 Philip R Staples 5 Martin Mellor 6 Stuart Hawksworth For All Saints Tide. Rung as a 60th Birthday compliment to Stuart Hawksworth. Leicester Diocesan Guild Scraptoft, Leicestershire All Saints Saturday, 4 November 2017 in 2h 29 (5–1–16 in B♭) 5040 Cambridge Surprise Minor By R. Bailey Comp.500 pg6 Composed by R. Bailey 1 Sally A Brown 2 Steven A Millington 3 Stephen Hamby 4 William H J Norton 5 Andrew J Preston 6 Howell J Williams (C) Ring to the glory of God during All Saints tide and giving thanks for the life of Alan Cattell who died Oct 26th 1997. 1st in method, 2,3 500th peal for guild, 1 Ringing World page reference: 5581.0352Leicester Diocesan Guild Quorn, Leicestershire St Bartholomew Saturday, 4 November 2017 in 45m (11–1–17 in G) 1280 Cambridge Surprise Major 1 Hilary Pawley (Nee Mizen) 2 Susan Smith (Nee Mizen) 3 Nicky Carling 4 Sarah Pawley 5 Richard Pawley 6 John Adcock 7 Dave Carling (C) 8 Ian Robinson Rung in memory of David Mizen of Quorn, father of 1 and 2, who passed away on 21st September. Leicester Diocesan Guild Long Clawson, Leicestershire Harwill House Wednesday, 8 November 2017 in 1h 44 (11) 5040 Surprise Minor 7 Exts: Carlisle;Norwich; Netherseale; Cambridge; Beverley; Ipswich & Bourne 1–2 Garry W Mason 3–4 John Adcock 5–6 Emma J Southerington (C) Golden Wedding compliment to Sue and Garry Mason Ringing World page reference: 5561.1163Leicester Diocesan Guild Leicester, Leicestershire Cathedral Church of St Martin Wednesday, 8 November 2017 (25–0–20 in D) 10 Minutes Of Rounds 1 Angela Preston 2 Alison Harvey 3 Jill Belcher 4 Lynette Angrave 5 Lianne Brookes 6 Mary Cheesewright 7 Martin Green 8 Richard Carter 9 Will Norton 10 Frances Fisher 11 Alexander Skerritt 12 Michael Roberts Organised by Mick Angrave and rung at precisely 12-45, broadcast live on air to celebrate the exact time BBC Radio Leicester began broadcasting 50 years ago. The first Local Radio Station to broadcast. Leicester Diocesan Guild Sharnford, Leicestershire St Helen Friday, 10 November 2017 in 2h 44 (10–2–6 in G) 5040 Surprise Minor One extent each: Cambridge, London, Wells, York, Durham, Beverley and Surfleet. 1 Richard C L Brown 2 Stephanie J Warboys 3 Luke G Groom 4 Stuart J N Rowan 5 Anthony J Rowan 6 Michael Angrave (C) Rung to commemorate the 100th Anniversary of the end of the Battle of Passchendaele and in memory of Private George Atkins Mason, killed in action October 4th 1917; a former ringer at St Helen’s, Sharnford. 300th peal for the Guild, 6. Ringing World page reference: 5562.1197Leicester Diocesan Guild Leicester, Leicestershire Cathedral Church of St Martin Saturday, 11 November 2017 in 3h 26 (25–0–20 in D) 5040 Radio Leicester Golden Anniversary Surprise Maximus Composed by R J Angrave (No.443) 1 Sally A Brown 2 Stephanie J Warboys 3 Graham R Hayward 4 Andrew D Higson 5 Richard J Angrave (C) 6 Andrew J Preston 7 Luke G Groom 8 Michael Angrave 9 Mark J Pendery 10 Terry M Astill 11 John S Warboys 12 Thomas W Griffiths Composed and rung to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of BBC Radio Leicester, first broadcast November 8th 1967. First 12 bell peal: 7th. 100th tower bell peal as conductor. First peal in the method (TWG): b: -3-4-5-6-2-3-4-7-8-5-6-E Ringing World page reference: 5561.1172Leicester Diocesan Guild Whitwick, Leicestershire St John the Baptist Sunday, 12 November 2017 in 47m (11–3–12 in F) 1260 Doubles 480 St Simon's; 480 Grandsire; 300 Plain Bob 1 Hilary Blakemore 2 Terry Lord 3 Philip Bowley 4 Chris Gooch 5 Colin Lord (C) 6 Jim Lackenby Rung half muffled prior to the Royal British Legion Service of Remembrance and in memory of all those who lost their lives while serving their country, especially those from Whitwick who were killed in 1917, including Firman Frederick Myatt who died at Passchendeale 10th November 1917. Leicester Diocesan Guild Burbage, Leicestershire St Catherine Sunday, 12 November 2017 (14–1–23 in F♯) 1260 Plain Bob Doubles 1 Rowan Harrison 2 Christopher Jones 3 Oliver Biggs 4 Julia Biggs (C) 5 Martin Mellor 6 Geoff Hughes Rung Half Muffled for Remembrance First Quarter inside 3 First Quarter as Conductor First Quarter 6 Leicester Diocesan Guild Anstey, Leicestershire St Mary Wednesday, 15 November 2017 in 42m (10cwt) 1280 Cambridge Surprise Major 1 G Barry Brown 2 Lewis Benfield 3 Howell Williams 4 David Carling 5 Jo White 6 Garry Mason 7 Chris Newman 8 Francis Fisher (C) 2 - First inside on 8, belated 13th birthday compliments. Leicester Diocesan Guild Ratby, Leicestershire SS Philip and James Saturday, 18 November 2017 in 2h 59 (9–3–18 in G) 5056 Cambridge Surprise Major Composed by Johnson's variation of Middleton's 1 Sally A Brown 2 Lewis D Benfield 3 Howell J Williams 4 Jo L White 5 Luke G Groom 6 Terry M Astill 7 Michael Angrave 8 Francis W Fisher (C) Rung as part of the celebrations to mark HRH Queen Elizabeth II's and HRH Prince Philip's, Duke of Edinburgh, Platinum Wedding Anniversary on 20th November. 1st "inside" 2. Ringing World page reference: 5567.0016Leicester Diocesan Guild Kibworth Beauchamp, Leicestershire St Wilfrid Sunday, 19 November 2017 in 45m (10–3–3 in F) 1260 Plain Bob Doubles 1 Dianne Stewart 2 Alison Iliffe 3 Lydia Redman 4 Graham Redman 5 Terry Iliffe (C) 6 Daniel Iliffe 1st inside: 3. 1st as cover: 6. Leicester Diocesan Guild Shepshed, Leicestershire St Botolph Monday, 20 November 2017 in 30m (15–0–0) General Ringing Incl Rounds 30 minutes ringing - Rounds on 8, Grandsire Triples, Plain Bob Triples 1 Bob Bailey 2 Malcolm Barsby 3 Charles Bishop 4 Richard Brown 5 Sally Brown 6 Neil Entwistle 7 Judy Hunt 8 Peter Hunt 9 Joshua Sharkey 10 Peter Soar For the 70th Wedding Anniversary of HM Queen Elizabeth and HRH the Duke of Edinburgh. After ringing at Shepshed, some of those involved also rang at St James, Oaks in Charnwood. Leicester Diocesan Guild Oaks in Charnwood, Leicestershire St James Greater Monday, 20 November 2017 (10–1–12 in A♭) 159 Little Union Triples 1 Valerie Baxter 2 Richard Bimson 3 Richard C L Brown 4 Izabelle Bimson 5 Peter Hunt 6 Peter Soar (C) 7 Andrew Ward 8 Malcolm Barsby Rung in honour of the Platinum Wedding Anniversary of HM The Queen and HRH Prince Philip. First touch in the method by all. Little Union Triples: (1263475). Calls as in Grandsire. Leicester Diocesan Guild Bushby, Leicestershire 18 Dalby Avenue Monday, 20 November 2017 in 2h 14 ((15)) 5056 Cambridge Surprise Major Composed by C Middleton 1–2 Rupert A Clarke 3–4 Emma J Southerington (C) 5–6 Roland H Cook 7–8 David J Marshall Leicester Diocesan Guild Belton, Leicestershire St John the Baptist Monday, 20 November 2017 in 43m (7–3–12 in G♯) 1296 Cambridge Surprise Minor 1 Martin Welch 2 Sue E Barnett 3 Liz A Watson 4 Valerie A Baxter 5 Colin Lord 6 John D Cooper (C) Rung to celebrate the 70th wedding anniversary of HM Queen Elizabeth ll and HRH Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. Also to celebrate the 70th birthday of the conductor. Leicester Diocesan Guild Anstey, Leicestershire St Mary Monday, 20 November 2017 (10–2–4 in G) 1260 Plain Bob Doubles 1 Lesley Winter 2 G Barry Brown (C) 3 Eric Roberts 4 Francis Fisher 5 Chris Newman 6 Terry Layton Rung as part of the celebrations to mark HRH Queen Elizabeth II's and HRH Prince Philip's, Duke of Edinburgh, Platinum Wedding Anniversary on 20th November. Leicester Diocesan Guild Thurcaston, Leicestershire All Saints' Tuesday, 21 November 2017 1270 Plain Bob Doubles 1 Morgan Williams 2 Dave Carling 3 Nicky Carling 4 Francis Fisher 5 Howell Williams (C) 6 Peter Hunt To celebrate the Platinum Wedding Anniversary of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. First Quarter;1 Leicester Diocesan Guild Monks Kirby, Warwickshire St Editha Saturday, 25 November 2017 in 53m (24–2–7 in D) 1280 Plain Bob Major 1 John S Patullo 2 Lewis Benfield 3 William H J Norton 4 Steve Millington 5 Philip R Staples 6 Stuart J N Rowan 7 David L Thomas 8 Luke G Groom (C) Leicester Diocesan Guild Leicester, Leicestershire St Margaret Saturday, 25 November 2017 in 57m (32–3–14 in C♯) 1346 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus 1 Stephen Franklin 2 Jo White 3 David L Thomas 4 Richard Bimson 5 Garry W Mason 6 William H J Norton 7 Izabelle Bimson 8 Francis W Fisher 9 Howell Williams (C) 10 Luke G Groom 11 J Michael Roberts 12 Mark J Pendery The band sends best wishes to Jennifer Harvey (Sapcote) and Ben Harris who are being married today. First Yorkshire Max- 6&10 Leicester Diocesan Guild Claybrooke, Leicestershire St Peter Saturday, 25 November 2017 in 44m (13–3–10 in E♭) 1250 Cambridge Surprise Major 1 John S Patullo 2 Lewis Benfield 3 William H J Norton 4 Philip R Staples 5 Stuart J N Rowan 6 Steve Millington 7 David L Thomas (C) 8 Luke G Groom 100th Quarter- 6 Leicester Diocesan Guild Aylestone, Leicestershire St Andrew Saturday, 25 November 2017 in 45m (15–3–21 in F) 1273 Grandsire Triples 1 William H J Norton 2 Richard Bimson 3 Jo White 4 Steve Millington 5 Izabelle Bimson 6 David L Thomas (C) 7 Luke G Groom 8 T I Roper 50th Quarter this year- 7 75th quarter this year and 175th quarter- 6 Leicester Diocesan Guild Leicester, Leicestershire St Margaret Saturday, 2 December 2017 in 48m (16 cwt) 1280 Rutland Surprise Major View composition 1 Stephen Franklin 2 Garry Mason 3 Francis Fisher 4 Stephen Hamby 5 Anthony Haywood 6 John Reeds 7 Dave Carling (C) 8 Andrew Preston 1st in method: 4, 6 Leicester Diocesan Guild Hugglescote, Leicestershire St John the Baptist Saturday, 2 December 2017 in 48m (16–1–4 in F) 1282 Spliced Surprise Major 8m: 192R, 162P, 160 B,C,L,S,Y, 128 N, 36com Composed by R Philip Graves 1 Derek Butterworth 2 Brenda Parr 3 Martyn Marriott 4 Malcolm Quimby 5 Nicholas Parr 6 Mark Boylan 7 Philip Graves (C) 8 Michael Roberts Rung in memory of Mary Richardson, Brenda's mother, who passed away on 29th November, aged 88 years. Ringing World page reference: 5565.1275Leicester Diocesan Guild Woodhouse Eaves, Leicestershire St Paul Sunday, 3 December 2017 in 42m (10–0–19 in G) 1272 Norwich Surprise Minor 1 Charles A Bishop 2 Richard C L Brown 3 Viv Matravers 4 Michael F Davidson 5 Richard Bimson (C) 6 Izabelle A Bimson For Advent. Leicester Diocesan Guild Gilmorton, Leicestershire All Saints Sunday, 3 December 2017 in 47m 1320 Christmas Angel Doubles 1 Dilys England 2 Alison Iliffe 3 Daniel Iliffe 4 John Davies 5 Terry Iliffe (C) 6 Ben Davies 1st in variation for all. Rung for the church Angel Festival prior to evening service. Leicester Diocesan Guild Stanford on Soar, Nottinghamshire St John the Baptist Monday, 4 December 2017 in 47m (15–3–18 in F) 1344 London Surprise Major 1 Liz A Watson 2 Robert P Watson 3 Terence Lord 4 Catherine Baker 5 Richard Bimson 6 Izabelle Bimson 7 R Philip Graves 8 John D Cooper (C) First in method - 3 Leicester Diocesan Guild Bushby, Leicestershire 18 Dalby Avenue Monday, 4 December 2017 in 2h 35 (15) 5040 Lincolnshire Surprise Royal Composed by E.J.Southerington 1–2 Rupert A Clarke 3–4 Emma J Southerington (C) 5–6 Simon C Melen 7–8 Roland H Cook 9–10 David J Marshall 300th peal together: 5-6 and 9-10 250th peal together: 7-8 and 9-10 Ringing World page reference: 5565.1274Leicester Diocesan Guild Hathern, Leicestershire SS Peter and Paul Saturday, 9 December 2017 in 2h 42 (9–2–12 in G) 5024 Spliced Surprise Major 8 Methods:- 640 each Bristol, Lincolnshire, Pudsey, Rutland, Superlative; 608 each Cambridge, London, Yorkshire. 156 com, atw. Composed by G A C John 1 J Michael Roberts 2 Peter J England 3 Luke Groom 4 Colin Aked 5 David G Carling 6 Malcolm Quimby 7 Thomas W Griffiths 8 R Philip Graves (C) First of 8-Spliced - 3. Rung for the Hathern Christmas Tree Festival. Also in memoriam Rachel M Foster (nee Harris) lifetime ringer at Hathern who died 23/12/16. Ringing World page reference: 5565.1273Leicester Diocesan Guild Claybrooke, Leicestershire St Peter Saturday, 9 December 2017 in 3h (13–3–10 in E♭) 5088 Yorkshire Surprise Major Composed by Arthur Craven 1 Stephanie J Warboys 2 Val Deacon 3 Francis W Fisher 4 Anthony J Rowan 5 Andrew J Preston 6 Stuart J N Rowan 7 Michael Angrave (C) 8 Terry M Astill First peal 2. 100th Peal 4. 450th peal 7. Rung on the morning of the Hinckley District AGM. Ringing World page reference: 5565.1273Leicester Diocesan Guild Sibson, Leicestershire St Botolph Tuesday, 12 December 2017 in 3h 1 (12–2–4 in F♯) 5040 Surprise Minor (12 methods: 1 extent Berwick, Beverley, Durham, Hexham, Surfleet, York; 1 extent each Netherseale, London, Ipswich, Bourne, Norwich, Cambridge) 1 R Philip Graves 2 David C Brown (C) 3 Gary J Audley 4 Malcolm Quimby 5 Brian G Meads 6 J Michael Roberts 1300th peal and 700th for the Leicester Diocesan Guild - 6. Ringing World page reference: 5567.0009Leicester Diocesan Guild Ilkeston, Derbyshire St Mary the Virgin Wednesday, 13 December 2017 in 3h 21 (17–0–9 in E) 5088 London Surprise Major Composed by R Baldwin 1 J Michael Roberts 2 David C Brown 3 Peter J England 4 Gary J Audley 5 Colin Aked 6 Malcolm Quimby 7 Brian G Meads 8 R Philip Graves (C) Leicester Diocesan Guild Wanlip, Leicestershire Our Lady and St Nicholas Saturday, 16 December 2017 in 2h 36 (7–3–3 in B♭) 5040 Surprise Minor 1 Extent each Chester, London, Surfleet, Ipswich, Beverley, Bourne, Cambridge. 1 Clive J Mobbs 2 Colin Aked 3 Luke Groom 4 Malcolm Quimby 5 R Philip Graves (C) 6 J Michael Roberts Leicester Diocesan Guild Kegworth, Leicestershire St Andrew Tuesday, 19 December 2017 in 50m (17) 1280 Spliced Surprise Major (8m) 1 Mary Stephens 2 Mary Barrass 3 Sally Brown 4 Andrew Higson (C) 5 Richard Brown 6 Peter Hawcock 7 Andrew Ward 8 Peter Rayns 1st 8-spliced - 2 In memory of Mary Richardson, mother of Brenda, formerly a ringer at Cheddington. Rung on the eve of her funeral. Leicester Diocesan Guild Leire, Leicestershire St Peter Friday, 22 December 2017 in 39m (6–3–14 in A) 1296 Cambridge Surprise Minor 1 Helen Staples 2 Anthony J Rowan 3 Michael Vernon 4 Martin Mellor 5 Philip R Staples 6 Luke G Groom (C) Leicester Diocesan Guild Burbage, Leicestershire St Catherine Sunday, 24 December 2017 in 49m (14–1–23 in F♯) 1260 Plain Bob Doubles 1 Shelia Lockett 2 Julia A Biggs 3 Oliver Biggs 4 Neil Cureton 5 Martin Mellor (C) 6 Rowan W Harrison For Christmas The first for Neil this Millenium Leicester Diocesan Guild Brampton Ash, Northamptonshire St Mary Wednesday, 27 December 2017 (11–1–2 in G) 1296 Cambridge Surprise Minor Composed by Daniel W Brady 1 Ben Davies 2 Alison Iliffe 3 Steve Millington (C) 4 John Davies 5 Dan Iliffe 6 Terry Iliffe 1st Treble Bob - 1 1st Cambridge Minor - 5 1st Minor as Conductor | |
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