Performances report

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This page gives a report of the performances matching your search criteria.

There were 87 matching performances.

Leicester Diocesan Guild
Long Clawson
Harwill House
Wednesday, 3 January 2007 in 1h 32 (size 11)
5040 Treble Dodging Minor (4m)
(4m: 1 ext Oxford TB; 2 exts Kent TB; 3 exts Norwich S; 1 ext Cambridge S)
1–2 Garry W Mason
3–4 John Adcock
5–6 Trevor H Kirkman (C)
An engagement compliment to Jackie Adcock & Jamie Parlby.
Ringing World page reference: 4997.0115

Leicester Diocesan Guild
Claybrooke, Leicestershire
St Peter
Saturday, 13 January 2007 in 3h 5 (13–3–7)
5184 Spliced Surprise Major
(4m: 1664 Bristol; 1216 Belfast; 1152 each Glasgow, London; 92com, atw)
Composed by Glenn A A Taylor
1 Jill Belcher
2 John R Fisher
3 Richard J Angrave (C)
4 Anthony J Rowan
5 Michael Angrave
6 Thomas W Griffiths
7 Terry M Astill
8 Mark A Boylan
First peal in these 4 methods: 4, 5.
Ringing World page reference: 4997.0117

Leicester Diocesan Guild
Loughborough, Leicestershire
Bell Foundry Campanile
Monday, 15 January 2007 in 2h 25 (6)
5040 Swindon Surprise Royal
Composed by B D Constant
1 Raymond H Daw
2 Patricia A M Halls (C)
3 Canon David H Sansum
4 Rev Reginald J Stretton
5 Carol I V Brown
6 Francis W Fisher
7 Harry Poyner
8 Kenneth Brown
9 Philip J H Hudson
10 John Adcock
Ringing World page reference: 4997.0117

Leicester Diocesan Guild
Rugby, Warwickshire
76 Ashlawn Road
Wednesday, 17 January 2007 in 2h 30 (14)
5040 Stedman Caters
Composed by W R Haynes
1–2 Thomas W Griffiths
3–4 Roland H Cook
5–6 William R Haynes (C)
7–8 Richard J Angrave
9–10 John R Fisher
Birthday compliment to Andrea Haynes.
First Stedman in hand: 7-8.
First Stedman on an inside pair: 1-2.
First Stedman on the 'outside' pair: 9-10.
Ringing World page reference: 4999.0165

Leicester Diocesan Guild
Long Clawson
Harwill House
Wednesday, 17 January 2007 in 1h 36 (size 11)
5040 Surprise Minor (3m)
(3m: 1 ext Annable's London; 3 exts each Norwich, Cambridge)
1–2 Garry W Mason
3–4 John Adcock
5–6 Trevor H Kirkman (C)
Ringing World page reference: 4999.0165

Leicester Diocesan Guild
Long Clawson
The Old Vicarage
Wednesday, 24 January 2007 in 1h 39 (size 11)
5040 Surprise Minor (3m)
(3m: 1 ext Bedford; 3 exts each Norwich, Cambridge)
1–2 Garry W Mason
3–4 John Adcock
5–6 Trevor H Kirkman (C)
Ringing World page reference: 5000.0190

Leicester Diocesan Guild
South Wigston, Leicestershire
St Thomas
Saturday, 27 January 2007 in 2h 45 (14–1–19)
5088 Yorkshire Surprise Major
Composed by Richard J Angrave
1 Winifred M Warwick
2 Carol I V Brown
3 Jill Belcher
4 Alison M Harvey
5 Christopher T Sansome
6 Ian N Robinson
7 Neil W Harvey
8 Michael Angrave (C)
Rung during Gift Day for the 114th anniversary of the dedication of this church - February 2nd 1893
Ringing World page reference: 4999.0167

Leicester Diocesan Guild
Loughborough, Leicestershire
Bell Foundry Campanile
Monday, 5 February 2007 in 2h 32 (6)
5152 Osgathorpe Surprise Major
Composed by Harry Poyner
1 Carol I V Brown
2 Winifred M Warwick
3 Canon David H Sansum
4 Colin Aked
5 Francis W Fisher
6 Kenneth Brown
7 Philip J H Hudson
8 Raymond H Daw (C)
1st in m for all except 2
Ringing World page reference: 5000.0192

Leicester Diocesan Guild
Countesthorpe, Leicestershire
St Andrew
Saturday, 10 February 2007 in 2h 36 (10–0–17)
5184 Superlative Surprise Major
Composed by Richard J Angrave
1 Michael Angrave (C)
2 John R Cook
3 Jill Belcher
4 Anthony J Rowan
5 Alison M Harvey
6 Steven J Harvey
7 Neil W Harvey
8 Andrew W Harvey
Ringing World page reference: 5001.0218

Leicester Diocesan Guild
Castle Donington, Leicestershire
St Edward
Saturday, 10 February 2007 in 2h 57 (17cwt)
5040 Surprise Minor (7m)
(7m: (1) Westminster (2) Annable's London (3) Beverley (4) Ipswich (5) Bourne (6) Cambridge (7) Norwich)
1 Colin Lord
2 Robert C Graves
3 Reginald J Stretton
4 Duncan K Wallace
5 Howell J Williams
6 R Philip Graves (C)
Ringing World page reference: 5001.0218

Leicester Diocesan Guild
Loughborough, Leicestershire
Bell Foundry Campanile
Monday, 19 February 2007 in 2h 24 (6)
5184 Ash Delight Major
Composed by BYROC
1 Winifred M Warwick
2 Patricia A M Halls (C)
3 Carol I V Brown
4 Harry Poyner
5 Francis W Fisher
6 Rev Reginald J Stretton
7 Philip J H Hudson
8 Raymond H Daw
1st in method for all.
Ringing World page reference: 5002.0243

Leicester Diocesan Guild
South Wigston, Leicestershire
St Thomas
Saturday, 24 February 2007 in 2h 42 (14–1–19)
5040 Stedman Triples
Composed by F H Dexter (No 2)
1 Winifred M Warwick
2 Carol I V Brown
3 Felicity S Warwick
4 Richard J Angrave
5 Andrew F Alldrick
6 Michael Angrave
7 David A Warwick (C)
8 Anthony R Mann
Rung in memory of Brian G Warwick following Requiem Mass at St Hughs, Eyres Monsel by members of the family and friends.
Ringing World page reference: 5003.0267

Leicester Diocesan Guild
Coleorton, Leicestershire
St Mary the Virgin
Sunday, 25 February 2007
1344 Huntingdonshire Surprise Major
1 Mike Tunnicliff
2 Anita Allsopp
3 Colin Lord (C)
4 Mary Hale
5 Stuart Hale
6 Terence Lord
7 Mick Allsopp
8 Michael Davidson
Blood, sweat and tears.

Leicester Diocesan Guild
Loughborough, Leicestershire
Bell Foundry Campanile
Monday, 26 February 2007 in 2h 26 (6)
5184 Vectis Surprise Major
Composed by BYROC
1 Philip J H Hudson
2 Winifred M Warwick
3 Mary C Poyner
4 Carol I V Brown
5 Harry Poyner
6 Rev Reginald J Stretton
7 Francis W Fisher
8 Raymond H Daw (C)
1st in method for all.
Birthday compliment to Harry Poyner
Ringing World page reference: 5003.0267

Leicester Diocesan Guild
Loughborough, Leicestershire
Bell Foundry Campanile
Monday, 5 March 2007 in 2h 23 (6)
5040 Magdalen Surprise Royal
Composed by B D Constant
1 Francis W Fisher
2 Patricia A M Halls (C)
3 Frank R Morton
4 Rev Reginald J Stretton
5 Carol I V Brown
6 John Adcock
7 David W Jack
8 Harry Poyner
9 Philip J H Hudson
10 Anthony R Mann
1st in m for all
Ringing World page reference: 5004.0292

Leicester Diocesan Guild
Barrow on Soar,
106 Beaumont Road
Monday, 5 March 2007 in 3h 8 (size 15)
5184 Falmouth Surprise Maximus
Composed by J M Jelley (No 123)
1–2 Rupert A Clarke
3–4 Robert B Smith
5–6 John M Jelley (C)
7–8 Roland H Cook
9–10 Simon C Melen
11–12 David J Marshall (Derby)
First peal of Maximus in the method.
Falmouth S Maximus:
f -56-4-56-3-4-5-4-5-4-5-4-5
Ringing World page reference: 5004.0293

Leicester Diocesan Guild
Loughborough, Leicestershire
Bell Foundry Campanile
Monday, 12 March 2007 in 2h 28 (6)
5040 Naylestone Surprise Royal
Composed by B D Constant
1 Winifred M Warwick
2 Patricia A M Halls (C)
3 Canon David H Sansum
4 Rev Reginald J Stretton
5 Carol I V Brown
6 Francis W Fisher
7 Harry Poyner
8 Raymond H Daw
9 Philip J H Hudson
10 Anthony R Mann
1st in method for all except 1 & 9
400th peal: 5
Ringing World page reference: 5005.0313

Leicester Diocesan Guild
Barrow on Soar,
106 Beaumont Road
Monday, 12 March 2007 in 2h 35 (size 15)
5040 Trinity Sunday Delight Royal
Composed by J M Jelley (no.91)
1–2 Rupert A Clarke
3–4 Robert B Smith
5–6 John M Jelley (C)
7–8 Roland H Cook
9–10 Stacey A Lowe
Ringing World page reference: 5005.0314

Leicester Diocesan Guild
Loughborough, Leicestershire
Bell Foundry Campanile
Monday, 19 March 2007 in 2h 25 (6)
5040 Xantha Surprise Royal
Composed by C J Sedgley (AX)
1 Raymond H Daw
2 Patricia A M Halls (C)
3 Winifred M Warwick
4 Rev Reginald J Stretton
5 Carol I V Brown
6 Francis W Fisher
7 Harry Poyner
8 Frank R Morton
9 Philip J H Hudson
10 Anthony R Mann
1st in m for all except 2 & 9.
Ringing World page reference: 5006.0339

Leicester Diocesan Guild
Countesthorpe, Leicestershire
St Andrew
Tuesday, 20 March 2007 in 42m (10cwt)
1250 Yorkshire Suprise Major
1 Kathleen M Brown
2 Michael M Brown (C)
3 Stuart Rowan
4 Mick Vernon
5 Kathryn J Harter
6 Greg Jones
7 Tony Rowan
8 Terry Astill

Leicester Diocesan Guild
Leicester, Leicestershire
St Margaret & All Saints
Sunday, 1 April 2007 in 3h 1 (15–3–27)
5040 Yorkshire Surprise Royal
Composed by James Clatworthy
1 James R Packer
2 Gail L Wade
3 Nicola D Mason
4 Anthony J Rowan
5 John R Cook
6 D Paul Mason
7 Michael Angrave (C)
8 Terry M Astill
9 Christopher M Rudge
10 Mark A Boylan
Rung in affectionate memory of Nick D'a Laffoley on the tenth anniversary of his death. Nick donated the treble to this light ten in memory of his father.
Also in memory of Lindsay Ann Hawker who tragically died in Japan, related to Tony Rowan.
Ringing World page reference: 5008.0395

Leicester Diocesan Guild
Wanlip, Leicestershire
Our Lady and St Nicholas
Tuesday, 10 April 2007 in 2h 25 (8cwt)
5040 Minor (4m)
(2 exts each St Clements CB, Cambridge S, Plain B; 1 ext Kent TB)
1 Michaela Perry
2 Kathryn E Mobbs
3 Pamela J Fisher
4 Francis W Fisher
5 Ian N Robinson
6 Clive J Mobbs (C)
Rung on the eve of Kathryn and Clive's 30th wedding anniversary.
Ringing World page reference: 5009.0421

Leicester Diocesan Guild
Loughborough, Leicestershire
Bell Foundry Campanile
Monday, 16 April 2007 in 2h 26 (6)
5088 Rutland Surprise Major
Composed by J W Washbrook
1 Winifred M Warwick
2 Robert C Graves
3 Carol I V Brown
4 Colin Aked
5 Francis W Fisher
6 John Adcock
7 Anthony R Mann
8 Raymond H Daw (C)
Ringing World page reference: 5010.0470

Leicester Diocesan Guild
Loughborough, Leicestershire
Bell Foundry Campanile
Monday, 23 April 2007 in 2h 35 (6)
5040 Oklahoma Surprise Royal
Composed by B D Constant
1 Raymond H Daw
2 Patricia A M Halls (C)
3 Winifred M Warwick
4 Robert C Graves
5 Carol I V Brown
6 Canon David H Sansum
7 Francis W Fisher
8 Rev Reginald J Stretton
9 Kenneth Brown
10 John Adcock
Rung on St George's Day.
1st in method for all.
Pat completes the S Royal alphabet as conductor.
Ringing World page reference: 5011.0494

Leicester Diocesan Guild
Claybrooke, Leicestershire
St Peter
Saturday, 28 April 2007 in 2h 58 (13–3–7)
5122 Bristol Surprise Major
Composed by Richard J Angrave
1 Michael Angrave (C)
2 Jill Belcher
3 Elizabeth M Griffiths
4 John R Cook
5 Steven J Harvey
6 Neil W Harvey
7 Terry M Astill
8 Mark A Boylan
Get well wishes to Margaret Butterfield, home now from a short spell in hospital.
Birthday compliments to Terry Astill (30/04/07)
Ringing World page reference: 5012.0520

Leicester Diocesan Guild
Orton on the Hill, Leicestershire
St Edith
Saturday, 5 May 2007 in 2h 30 (8.)
5040 Doubles
14 extents each of Plain Bob, St Simon's and St Martin's.
1 Graham P Titley
2 Christopher T Sansome
3 Neil W Harvey
4 Terry M Astill
5 Michael Angrave (C)
Rung for the Festival Weekend
First peal on the five
First peal at first attempt 1
First peal of doubles as conductor
First peal of doubles 2
Ringing World page reference: 5013.0542

Leicester Diocesan Guild
Sutton Cheney, Leicestershire
St James the Greater
Saturday, 12 May 2007 in 2h 27 (6–0–27)
5040 Surprise Minor
One extent each, London, Wells, Durham, York, Beverley, Surfleet and Cambridge
1 Christopher T Sansome
2 Jill Belcher
3 Alison M Harvey
4 Terry M Astill
5 Anthony J Rowan
6 Michael Angrave (C)
First peal on the augmented bells.
Believed to be the first peal rung by all the members of the Hinckley District Committee.
Ringing World page reference: 5014.0566

Leicester Diocesan Guild
Barrow on Soar,
106 Beaumont Road
Monday, 14 May 2007 in 2h 45 (size 15)
5160 Hitcham Delight Royal
Composed by J M Jelley (No 21)
1–2 Paul Jopp
3–4 Robert B Smith
5–6 John M Jelley (C)
7–8 Simon C Melen
9–10 David J Marshall (Derby)
1st peal of Royal in the method.
Hitcham D Royal:
l 34-34.1-2-23-2-23-2-23-2-3
Ringing World page reference: 5015.0592

Leicester Diocesan Guild
Coleorton, Leicestershire
St Mary the Virgin
Sunday, 27 May 2007 in 44m (12–3–25)
1344 Yorkshire Surprise Major
1 Michael Davidson (C)
2 Anita Allsopp
3 Colin Lord
4 Mary Hale
5 Mike Tunnicliff
6 Mick Allsopp
7 Terence Lord
8 Stuart Hale
Rung to mark a significant birthday for Terence.

Leicester Diocesan Guild
Stanton-By-Bridge, Derbyshire
Corinda Cottage
Monday, 4 June 2007 in 2h 20 (size 15)
5088 Pudsey Surprise Major
Composed by A Craven
1–2 Rupert A Clarke
3–4 Robert B Smith (C)
5–6 Roland H Cook
7–8 Stacey A Lowe
Rung to celebrate the marriage of Duncan J Clarke and Sophie C H Davies at Thurnby Church on 12th May, 2007.
First peal of Pudsey: 7-8.
Ringing World page reference: 5018.0667

Leicester Diocesan Guild
Ashby de la Zouch, Leicestershire
St Helen
Sunday, 24 June 2007 in 47m (21–2–24)
1260 Stedman Triples
1 Mary Hale
2 Terence Lord
3 Colin Lord
4 Mike Tunnicliff
5 Stuart Hale
6 Peter Marriott
7 Michael Davidson (C)
8 Steve Rowley
The first quarter peal since the restoration of the bells.

Leicester Diocesan Guild
Loughborough, Leicestershire
Bell Foundry Campanile
Monday, 25 June 2007 in 2h 36 (6)
5184 Clipston Surprise Major
Composed by BYROC
1 Carol I V Brown
2 Winifred M Warwick
3 Canon David H Sansum
4 Harry Poyner
5 Francis W Fisher
6 Rev Reginald J Stretton
7 Philip J H Hudson
8 Raymond H Daw (C)
1st in m for all.
Ringing World page reference: 5020.0714

Leicester Diocesan Guild
Ashby-de-la-Zouch, Leicestershire
St Helen
Sunday, 1 July 2007 in 43m (21–2–24)
1259 Grandsire Caters
1 Michael Davidson
2 Terence Lord
3 Mary Hale
4 Peter Hayward (C)
5 Colin Lord
6 Stuart Hale
7 Mike Tunnicliff
8 Peter Marriott
9 Andrew Mills
10 Paul Mason
Rung to congratulate Phil Hughes,the most recent member of the team ministry at Ashby, on his ordination this day at Leicester Cathedral.
First quarter peal on the Ten Bells.

Leicester Diocesan Guild
Countesthorpe, Leicestershire
St Andrews
Monday, 2 July 2007 in 42m
1260 Plain Bob Minor
1 M Wright
2 T A M Cook
3 K J Harter
4 J Dudley
5 M E Brown
6 J R Cook (C)

Leicester Diocesan Guild
Barrow on Soar,
106 Beaumont Road
Monday, 2 July 2007 in 2h 46 (size 15)
5040 Vulkan Delight Royal
Composed by C J Sedgley
1–2 Rupert A Clarke
3–4 Robert B Smith
5–6 John M Jelley (C)
7–8 Roland H Cook
9–10 Stacey A Lowe
First peal in the method
Vulkan D Royal:
m -3-4-2-23-2-1-2-1-2-1
Ringing World page reference: 5021.0741

Leicester Diocesan Guild
Loughborough, Leicestershire
Bell Foundry Campanile
Monday, 9 July 2007 in 2h 26 (6)
5088 Yorkshire Surprise Major
Composed by N J Pitstow
1 Francis W Fisher
2 Winifred M Warwick
3 Carol I V Brown
4 Harry Poyner
5 Canon David H Sansum
6 Colin Aked
7 Philip J H Hudson
8 Raymond H Daw (C)
550th peal together: 7 & 8
200th peal together: 4 & 8
Rung as a compliment to Philip & Eileen Hudson on their 52nd Wedding Anniversary. The method should have been Cheesden (chosen at random by the conductor) but it would not go, so we rang Yorkshire instead. Pity, because Philip said afterwards that Eileen & her parents used to live near Cheesden Brook & that the 1st peal of Cheesden was rung at S Luke's, Heywood where coincidently, they got married in 1955!!
Ringing World page reference: 5022.0762

Leicester Diocesan Guild
Long Clawson,
Harwill House
Monday, 9 July 2007 in 2h 2 (size 12)
5056 Plain Bob Major
Composed by J R Pritchard
1–2 Emma J Southerington
3–4 Trevor H Kirkman (C)
5–6 John Adcock
7–8 Garry W Mason
Ringing World page reference: 5022.0763

Leicester Diocesan Guild
Barrow on Soar,
106 Beaumont Road
Monday, 9 July 2007 in 2h 44 (size 16)
5040 Edenham Delight Royal
Composed by J M Jelley (no.91)
1–2 Rupert A Clarke
3–4 Robert B Smith
5–6 John M Jelley (C)
7–8 Simon C Melen
9–10 David J Marshall (Derby)
A birthday compliment to the conductor (they insisted).
Ringing World page reference: 5022.0763

Leicester Diocesan Guild
Long Clawson
Harwill House
Monday, 16 July 2007 in 1h 41 (size 11)
5040 Surprise Minor (2m)
(2m: 2 x Primrose; 5 x Cambridge)
1–2 Garry W Mason
3–4 John Adcock
5–6 Trevor H Kirkman (C)
Ringing World page reference: 5023.0787

Leicester Diocesan Guild
Leicester, Leicestershire
Cathedral Church of St Martin
Saturday, 21 July 2007 in 3h 25 (25–0–20)
5040 Stedman Triples
Composed by John Pladdys (No 14)
1 John Pladdys (C)
2 John W T Hibbert
3 Richard Hopper
4 John H Napper
5 David P Westerman
6 Michael D Fiander
7 David G Carling
8 Rupert A Clarke
Ringing World page reference: 5024.0809

Leicester Diocesan Guild
Loughborough, Leicestershire
Bell Foundry Campanile
Monday, 23 July 2007 in 2h 23 (6)
5152 Cassiobury Surprise Major
Composed by C Middleton
1 Raymond H Daw
2 Patricia A M Halls (C)
3 Mary C Poyner
4 Carol I V Brown
5 Francis W Fisher
6 Harry Poyner
7 Anthony R Mann
8 John Adcock
1st in m for 3,4,5,7,8
Ringing World page reference: 5024.0809

Leicester Diocesan Guild
Narborough, Leicestershire
All Saints
Tuesday, 24 July 2007 in 47m (20–0–16)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Marjorie Cadwallader
2 Sarah Freer
3 William Steward
4 Heather Mann
5 Terry Roper
6 Anthony R Mann (C)
Congratulations to Michael Cadwallader - son of No. 1 - on being ordained Deacon at York Minster on July 1st 2007.

Leicester Diocesan Guild
Loughborough, Leicestershire
Bell Foundry Campanile
Monday, 30 July 2007 in 2h 25 (6)
5024 Ecuador Delight Major
Composed by C J Sedgley
1 Winifred M Warwick
2 Raymond H Daw
3 Carol I V Brown
4 Rev Reginald J Stretton
5 Francis W Fisher
6 Philip J H Hudson
7 David W Jack
8 John Adcock (C)
1st in m for all
Ringing World page reference: 5025.0833

Leicester Diocesan Guild
Allesley, West Midlands
All Saints
Wednesday, 1 August 2007 in 2h 48 (12–0–0)
5100 Bristol Surprise Major
Composed by Richard J Angrave
1 Michael Angrave (GSL & District Advisor) (C)
2 John R Cook (former Scout holding Bellringers badge)
3 Winifred M Warwick (retired leader holding Medal of Merit)
4 Andrew J Preston (former Scout holding Bellringers badge)
5 Neil W Harvey (former Scout)
6 Steven J Harvey (former Beaver)
7 Andrew W Harvey (former Cub Scout)
8 John R Fisher (former Cub Scout)
Specially arranged, composed and rung to commemorate the Centenary of Scouting, by ringers associated with the Scout Movement. The composer was also a former Scout holding the Bellringers badge.
Ringing World page reference: 5031.0979

Leicester Diocesan Guild
Loughborough, Leicestershire
Bell Foundry Campanile
Monday, 13 August 2007 in 2h 27 (6)
5088 Hackington Surprise Major
Composed by BYROC
1 Rev Reginald J Stretton
2 Winifred M Warwick
3 Carol I V Brown
4 Colin Aked
5 Philip J H Hudson
6 Anthony R Mann
7 John Adcock
8 Raymond H Daw (C)
1st in m for all
Ringing World page reference: 5027.0882

Leicester Diocesan Guild
Long Clawson
Harwill House
Monday, 13 August 2007 in 1h 42 (size 11)
5040 Surprise Minor (4m)
(4m: 3 exts Cambridge; 2 exts Primrose; 1 ext each Beverley, Norwich)
1–2 Garry W Mason
3–4 John Adcock
5–6 Trevor H Kirkman (C)
Ringing World page reference: 5027.0883

Leicester Diocesan Guild
Wymeswold, Leicestershire
St Mary
Wednesday, 15 August 2007 in 45m (11–3–9 in F♯)
1260 St Martin's Bob Doubles
1 Jenny McBean
2 Jane Polehampton
3 Michael J de C Henshaw
4 Helen Watts
5 Richard A M Thomas (C)
6 Patricia Rozyka
Rung to celebrate the life of Laura Fossey who died August 2005. Today would have been her 10th birthday.

Leicester Diocesan Guild
Saddington, Leicestershire
St Helen
Saturday, 18 August 2007 in 41m (8½)
1296 Cambridge Surprise Minor
1 Ryan E Mills
2 Nicky Mason
3 Richard J Carter
4 Garry W Mason
5 David G Carling (C)
6 Christopher M Rudge
Rung to welcome Isobel Rudge, the first daughter for Kathy and Chris, into the world.
First of minor and treble bob - 1.

Leicester Diocesan Guild
Leicester, Leicestershire
Collegiate Church of St Mary de Castro
Saturday, 1 September 2007 in 2h 57 (16)
5040 Stedman Triples
Composed by Frederick H. Dexter (No. 1)
1 Judith M Rogers
2 Robin H Rogers
3 Nicky Mason
4 Graham M Bradshaw
5 Christopher D O'Mahony
6 Martyn J Marriott
7 Roland H Cook (C)
8 R Kingsley Mason
50th peal - 3.
Rung on the first day of St Mary de Castro Flower Festival weekend to mark the 900th Anniversary of this Church.
Ringing World page reference: 5030.0954

Leicester Diocesan Guild
Kibworth Beauchamp, Leicestershire
St Wilfrid
Saturday, 1 September 2007 (10–3–3 in F)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Daniel Iliffe
2 Alison Iliffe
3 Robert Parker
4 Tony Parker
5 Terry Iliffe (C)
6 Christian French
1sr Quarter: 1 & 6.
To welcome the new Rector, the Rev Ludger Fremmer, Ruth, Jacob and Reuben to their new home in Kibworth. Rung whilst they were moving into the Rectory.

Leicester Diocesan Guild
Leicester Cathedral, Leicestershire
St Martin
Sunday, 2 September 2007 (25¼)
1282 Yorkshire Surprise Royal
1 Nicky Mason
2 David G Carling
3 Andrew J Preston
4 Francis W Fisher
5 John R Cook
6 Anthony W Haywood
7 Garry W Mason
8 Christopher M Rudge (C)
9 Christopher O'Mahony
10 Mark Pendery
Rung for the Civic Service to mark the 10th Anniversary of Diana, Princess of Wales.

Leicester Diocesan Guild
Ashby-de-la-Zouch, Leicestershire
St Helen
Sunday, 2 September 2007 in 3h 10 (21½)
5039 Grandsire Caters
Composed by Edgar C Shepherd
1 Terence Lord
2 Michael F Davidson
3 Robert C Graves
4 Peter L R Hayward (C)
5 Colin Lord
6 Stuart W Hale
7 Michael J Tunnicliff
8 Peter Marriott
9 Ian Butters
10 Andrew B Mills
First Peal on the augmented bells, rehung in a new frame by Hayward Mills Associates.
4th Birthday compliment to Lottie Louisa Cooksey and also a Birthday compliment to Sharon Mills.
Ringing World page reference: 5030.0954

Leicester Diocesan Guild
Loughborough, Leicestershire
Bell Foundry Campanile
Monday, 3 September 2007 in 2h 27 (6)
5088 Packington Surprise Major
Composed by BYROC
1 Canon David H Sansum
2 Raymond H Daw
3 Carol I V Brown
4 Rev Reginald J Stretton
5 Francis W Fisher
6 John Adcock
7 Philip J H Hudson
8 Frank R Morton (C)
1st in method for all except 4.
Ringing World page reference: 5036.1098

Leicester Diocesan Guild
Claybrooke, Leicestershire
St Peter
Saturday, 8 September 2007 in 2h 51 (13–3–7)
5184 Rutland Surprise Major
Composed by Roland Beniston
1 Jill Belcher
2 Winifred M Warwick
3 Carol I V Brown
4 Christopher T Sansome
5 Terry M Astill
6 Ian N Robinson
7 David G Carling
8 Michael Angrave (C)
To welcome Noah Matthew Poulton, great grandson of Winnie Warwick, grandson of Andrew and Audrey Alldrick, first child of Clare Alldrick and Brendan Poulton, born Tuesday September 4th.
Ringing World page reference: 5031.0984

Leicester Diocesan Guild
Long Clawson
Harwill House
Monday, 10 September 2007 in 1h 43 (size 11)
5040 Surprise Minor (5m)
(5m: 3 exts Cambridge; 1 ext each Berwick, Primrose, Beverley, Norwich)
1–2 Garry W Mason
3–4 John Adcock
5–6 Trevor H Kirkman (C)
Ruby wedding compliment to Sue and Garry Mason (11/9/67).
Ringing World page reference: 5031.0985

Leicester Diocesan Guild
Enderby, Leicestershire
St John the Baptist
Saturday, 15 September 2007 in 2h 48 (11cwt)
5056 Spliced Surprise Major (8m)
(8m: 928 Rutland; 738 Bristol; 576 each Cambridge, Pudsey, Superlative, Yorkshire; 544 each Lincolnshire, London; 152 com)
Composed by Arr from N R Aspland
1 Anthony J Fisher
2 Murray A Coleman (C)
3 Nicky Mason
4 Anthony J Rowan
5 David G Carling
6 Roland H Cook
7 A Maxwell Lindsey
8 R Kingsley Mason
Rung to celebrate Max Lindsey's 65th birthday.
Ringing World page reference: 5032.1001

Leicester Diocesan Guild
Loughborough, Leicestershire
Bell Foundry Campanile
Monday, 17 September 2007 in 2h 28 (6)
5088 Hinton Surprise Major
Composed by BYROC
1 Clive M Smith
2 Colin Aked
3 Kenneth Brown
4 Carol I V Brown
5 Francis W Fisher
6 David W Jack
7 Philip J H Hudson
8 John Adcock (C)
1st in m for all
Ringing World page reference: 5033.1026

Leicester Diocesan Guild
Southwell Minster, Nottinghamshire
Friday, 21 September 2007 (25–1–3)
1346 Cambridge Surprise Maximus
1 Anthony Fisher
2 Roland Cook
3 David Carling
4 Gail Wade
5 Angela Franklin
6 Stephen Franklin
7 John Cook
8 Anthony Haywood
9 Garry Mason
10 Alan Jacques
11 Andrew Preston
12 Mark Pendery (C)
Rung for the 100th Birthday of Mrs Stella Barrett, Southwell Notts. Congratulations!!

Leicester Diocesan Guild
Kirkby Mallory, Leicestershire
All Saints
Sunday, 23 September 2007 in 41m
1250 Cambridge Surprise Minor
1 Christopher M Sturgess
2 Stuart J N Rowan
3 Colin Lord
4 Samuel A Clements
5 Anthony J Rowan (C)
6 Christopher T Sansome
Rung for Harvest Festival evening service

Leicester Diocesan Guild
Loughborough, Leicestershire
Bell Foundry Campanile
Monday, 24 September 2007 in 2h 30 (6)
5040 Minor (7 Methods)
1 ext ea: Norwich S, Cambridge S, Oxford TB, Kent TB, St Clement's, Do Oxford, Plain Bob
1 Carol I V Brown
2 Rev Reginald J Stretton
3 Raymond H Daw
4 Francis W Fisher
5 Colin Aked
6 Philip J H Hudson (C)
Conductor's 1800th peal
Ringing World page reference: 5033.1026

Leicester Diocesan Guild
Long Clawson, Leicestershire
Harwill House
Monday, 24 September 2007 in 1h 46 (11)
5040 Surprise Minor (6m)
6m: (1) Bourne, Cambridge, Hull, Ipswich, Norfolk, Primrose (2, 6-7) Cambridge (3) Primrose (4) Bourne (5) Cambridge, Ipswich
1–2 Emma J Southerington (C)
3–4 John Adcock
5–6 Trevor H Kirkman
Ringing World page reference: 5034.1050

Leicester Diocesan Guild
Newcastle under Lyme, Staffordshire
St Giles
Saturday, 29 September 2007 in 3h 16 (16)
5040 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
Composed by R J Angrave
1 Alison M Harvey
2 Elizabeth M Griffiths
3 Thomas W Griffiths
4 Andrew W Harvey
5 Graham M Bradshaw
6 Richard J Angrave (C)
7 Steven J Harvey
8 Michael Angrave
9 Mark J Pendery
10 John M Thurman
11 Terry M Astill
12 Mark A Boylan
Ringing World page reference: 5034.1049

Leicester Diocesan Guild
Long Clawson, Leicestershire
Harwill House
Monday, 1 October 2007 in 1h 47 (11)
5040 Spliced Surprise Minor (10m)
(1) Bourne, Cambridge, Hull, Ipswich, Norfolk, Primrose (2, 4, 6) Cambridge, Ipswich (3) Beverley, Surfleet (5) Berwick, Hexham (7) Bourne, Cambridge, Ipswich
1–2 Emma J Southerington (C)
3–4 John Adcock
5–6 Trevor H Kirkman
Ringing World page reference: 5034.1050

Leicester Diocesan Guild
Barrow on Soar,
106 Beaumont Road
Monday, 1 October 2007 in 2h 38 (size 15)
5040 Kent Treble Bob Royal
Composed by C J Sedgley
1–2 Rupert A Clarke
3–4 Roland H Cook
5–6 John M Jelley (C)
7–8 Stacey A Howard
9–10 David J Marshall (Derby)
A belated wedding compliment to Stacey Lowe and Graham Howard.
Ringing World page reference: 5034.1050

Leicester Diocesan Guild
Leicester, Leicestershire
Cathedral Church of St Martin
Saturday, 13 October 2007 in 3h 12 (25–0–20)
5040 Yorkshire Surprise Royal
Composed by B D Constant
1 Sally A Mason
2 Michael Angrave
3 Andrew J Preston
4 Ian N Robinson
5 John R Cook
6 David G Carling
7 Mark J Pendery
8 Christopher D O'Mahony
9 Christopher M Rudge
10 Andrew D Higson (C)
Rung to mark the 80th anniversary of St Martin's church becoming a cathedral.
This peal was rung sponsored to raise money for BBC Radio Leicester's Ruby Rainbows Appeal.
Circled the tower, 10.
Ringing World page reference: 5052.0218

Leicester Diocesan Guild
Sibson, Leicestershire
St Botolph
Sunday, 14 October 2007 in 40m (12–2–4)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Heather Cooke
2 Graham Titley
3 Susan Allen
4 Justin Turner
5 David Blick (C)
6 Gary Allen
Rung for service to celebrate the renovation of the East wing and augmentation of the bells from four to six.
First QP: 1

Leicester Diocesan Guild
Long Clawson, Leicestershire
Harwill House
Monday, 15 October 2007 in 1h 44 (11)
5040 Spliced Surprise Minor (10m)
(10m: (1) Bourne, Cambridge, Hull, Ipswich, Norfolk, Primrose (2, 5, 7) Cambridge, Ipswich (3) Beverley, Surfleet (4) Berwick, Hexham (6) Berwick, Beverley, Hexham, Surfleet)
1–2 Emma J Southerington (C)
3–4 John Adcock
5–6 Trevor H Kirkman
Ringing World page reference: 5036.1099

Leicester Diocesan Guild
Loughborough, Leicestershire
Bell Foundry Campanile
Monday, 22 October 2007 in 2h 23 (6)
5056 Rutland Surprise Major
Composed by D F Morrison
1 Raymond H Daw
2 Rev Reginald J Stretton
3 Carol I V Brown
4 Harry Poyner
5 Francis W Fisher
6 John Adcock
7 Philip J H Hudson
8 Frank R Morton (C)
Ringing World page reference: 5037.1122

Leicester Diocesan Guild
Long Clawson, Leicestershire
Harwill House
Monday, 22 October 2007 in 2h 11 (15)
5040 Little Bob Major
Composed by E J Southerington
1–2 Garry W Mason
3–4 Trevor H Kirkman
5–6 John Adcock
7–8 Emma J Southerington (C)
Ringing World page reference: 5037.1124

Leicester Diocesan Guild
Loughborough, Leicestershire
Bell Foundry Campanile
Monday, 29 October 2007 in 2h 29 (6)
5088 Apsley Delight Major
Composed by A Craven
1 Canon David H Sansum
2 Raymond H Daw
3 Carol I V Brown
4 Colin Aked
5 Francis W Fisher
6 Rev Reginald Stretton
7 Philip J H Hudson
8 Frank R Morton (C)
Ringing World page reference: 5038.1145

Leicester Diocesan Guild
Long Clawson, Leicestershire
Harwill House
Monday, 29 October 2007 in 1h 46 (11)
5040 Spliced Surprise Minor (12m)
(12m: (1) Durham, York (2, 4, 6-7) Cambridge, Ipswich (3) Bourne, Cambridge, Hull, Ipswich, Norfolk, Primrose (5) Berwick, Beverley, Hexham, Surfleet)
1–2 Emma J Southerington (C)
3–4 John Adcock
5–6 Trevor H Kirkman
Ringing World page reference: 5038.1146

Leicester Diocesan Guild
Loughborough, Leicestershire
Bell Foundry Campanile
Monday, 5 November 2007 in 2h 28 (6)
5040 BriGWar Surprise Royal
Composed by Anon (RW Diary p.100)
1 Raymond H Daw
2 Patricia A M Halls (C)
3 Winifred M Warwick
4 Canon David H Sansum
5 Carol I V Brown
6 Francis W Fisher
7 Harry Poyner
8 Rev Reginald J Stretton
9 Ken Brown
10 John Adcock
Method is rung for the second time, in memory of Brian G Warwick who died on 5 Nov 2006. After the peal, the ringers stood in silence for a while, then David & Reg each said a short prayer.
Ringing World page reference: 5039.1170

Leicester Diocesan Guild
Sibson, Leicestershire
St Botolph
Saturday, 10 November 2007 in 2h 44 (12–2–6)
5040 Surprise Minor
Norwich, London, Wells, Durham, York, Beverley and Cambridge
1 Christopher T Sansome
2 Neil W Harvey
3 Alison M Harvey
4 Ian N Robinson
5 Terry M Astill
6 Michael Angrave (C)
25th peal 1. 25th together 1 & 6.
First peal on the augmented bells.
Rung in thanksgiving for the augmentation and restoration work in the church.
Ringing World page reference: 5040.1194

Leicester Diocesan Guild
Knighton, Leicester
St Mary Magdelene
Saturday, 10 November 2007 in 43m (10)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Heather Morris
2 Beverley Jarrom
3 Emily Tamhne
4 Nicky Mason
5 Chris Rudge (C)
6 Ian Fraser
Rung for Emily's 23rd Birthday. Rung Half Muffled for Remembrance Sunday.
Also as a thanksgiving for the life of Dennis Moulds, father of Wendy Ellis, ringer at this tower
10th Quarter: 3

Leicester Diocesan Guild
Husbands Bosworth, Leicestershire
All Saints
Saturday, 10 November 2007 in 2h 49 (12–2–20)
5040 Plain Bob Minor
1 Michael J Price
2 Janet M Armitage
3 Fr L Martin Daniels
4 Timothy F W Samson
5 Roderic K Bickerton
6 Geoffrey D Armitage (C)
Rung half-muffled at Remembrance-tide,
also to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the founding of the local Branch of the British Legion.
First peal on the bells since augmentation to 6
First peal on 6: 1
25th peal: 2
First peal together for 32 years: 2 & 6
Ringing World page reference: 5041.1219

Leicester Diocesan Guild
Loughborough, Leicestershire
Bell Foundry Campanile
Monday, 12 November 2007 in 2h 26 (6)
5056 Superlative Surprise Major
Composed by Charles Hattersley
1 Winifred M Warwick
2 Patricia A M Halls (C)
3 Carol I V Brown
4 Canon David H Sansum
5 Francis W Fisher
6 Rev Reginald J Stretton
7 Raymond H Daw
8 Kenneth Brown
100th peal: 8
100th peal together: 4 & 5
Ringing World page reference: 5040.1194

Leicester Diocesan Guild
Loughborough, Leicestershire
Bell Foundry Campanile
Monday, 19 November 2007 in 2h 33 (6)
5088 Desborough Surprise Major
Composed by BYROC
1 Patricia A M Halls
2 Raymond H Daw
3 Carol I V Brown
4 Harry Poyner
5 Francis W Fisher
6 Rev Reginald J Stretton
7 Philip J H Hudson
8 Frank R Morton (C)
1st peal in method for all.
Rung in celebration of the Diamond Wedding Anniversary of HM Queen Elizabeth II & HRH Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, tomorrow Tuesday 20 November.
Ringing World page reference: 5042.1244

Leicester Diocesan Guild
Loughborough, Leicestershire
Bell Foundry Campanile
Monday, 26 November 2007 in 2h 28 (6)
5040 Yorkshire Surprise Royal
Composed by Traditional
1 Colin Aked
2 Winifred M Warwick
3 Robert C Graves
4 Ken Brown
5 Carol I V Brown
6 Philip J H Hudson
7 Harry Poyner
8 Rev Reginald J Stretton
9 Raymond H Daw
10 Francis W Fisher (C)
500th Peal & 1st of Royal as Conductor: 10
1250th Peal: 7
An engagement compliment to Ivan Gibbs & Ruth A Stretton (daughter of Reg & Dorothy)
Ringing World page reference: 5042.1241

Leicester Diocesan Guild
Barwell, Leicestershire
St Mary
Saturday, 1 December 2007 in 2h 52 (15)
5056 Cambridge Surprise Major
Composed by Charles Middleton
1 Emily Wykes
2 Judith M Rogers
3 Graham M Bradshaw
4 Andrew E Else
5 Robin H Rogers
6 Christopher D O'Mahony
7 Trevor H Kirkman
8 R Kingsley Mason (C)
550th peal as conductor.
With the good wishes of the band to Andrew Ogden for a speedy recovery.
Ringing World page reference: 5043.1270

Leicester Diocesan Guild
Loughborough, Leicestershire
Bell Foundry Campanile
Monday, 3 December 2007 in 2h 29 (6)
5088 Elmore Surprise Major
Composed by H Poyner
1 Rev Reginald J Stretton
2 Winifred M Warwick
3 Carol I V Brown
4 Harry Poyner
5 Francis W Fisher
6 Ken Brown
7 Philip J H Hudson
8 Raymond H Daw (C)
1st in method for all
Ringing World page reference: 5043.1270

Leicester Diocesan Guild
Barrow on Soar,
106 Beaumont Road
Monday, 3 December 2007 in 2h 42 (size 15)
5040 Cambridge Surprise Royal
Composed by W Pye
1–2 Roland H Cook
3–4 Robert B Smith (C)
5–6 John M Jelley
7–8 Simon C Melen
9–10 Stacey A Howard
First peal of Cambridge S Royal: 9-10.
Ringing World page reference: 5046.0038

Leicester Diocesan Guild
Claybrooke, Leicestershire
St Peter
Saturday, 8 December 2007 in 2h 54 (13–3–7)
5058 Lincolnshire Surprise Major
Composed by Graham A C John
1 Michael Angrave (C)
2 Alison M Harvey
3 Winifred M Warwick
4 Christopher T Sansome
5 Francis W Fisher
6 Anthony J Rowan
7 Neil W Harvey
8 Terry M Astill
Rung on the Hinckley District AGM day.
Birthday Compliments to Tony Rowan (6 Dec)
Ringing World page reference: 5046.0033

Leicester Diocesan Guild
South Wigston, Leicestershire
St Thomas
Saturday, 15 December 2007 in 2h 48 (14–1–19)
5184 New Cambridge Surprise Major
Composed by Richard J Angrave
1 Michael Angrave (C)
2 Carol I V Brown
3 Francis W Fisher
4 Winifred M Warwick
5 Steven J Harvey
6 Ian N Robinson
7 Terry M Astill
8 John R Fisher
Rung for the Christmas Capers
Ringing World page reference: 5046.0037

Leicester Diocesan Guild
Long Clawson, Leicestershire
The Old Vicarage
Monday, 17 December 2007
1344 Cambridge Surprise Major
1–2 Garry W Mason
3–4 Trevor H Kirkman
5–6 Emma J Southerington (C)
7–8 Jonathan J F Stokoe
An 80th birthday compliment to Peter J Staniforth.

Leicester Diocesan Guild
Sapcote, Leicestershire
All Saints
Saturday, 22 December 2007 in 41m
1280 Superlative Surprise Major
Composed by A W Harvey
1 M E Brown
2 Elizabeth M Griffiths
3 Joyce K Sandham
4 Jennifer A Harvey
5 Alison M Harvey
6 S J Harvey
7 N W Harvey
8 A W Harvey (C)
Rung to celebrate the 80th birthday of Alma Harvey.

Leicester Diocesan Guild
Copt Oak, Leicestershire
St Peter
Thursday, 27 December 2007 in 2h 38 (10cwt)
5040 Surprise Minor (7m)
(7m: (1) Westminster (2) Carlisle (3) Lincoln (4) Annable's London (5) Bourne (6) Norwich (7) Cambridge)
1 Sally A Mason
2 Robert C Graves
3 Richard C L Brown
4 John D Cooper
5 Colin Lord
6 R Philip Graves (C)
Specially arranged & rung in thanksgiving for the life of Margaret Farmer, tower captain of Copt Oak, who passed away earlier in the month.
Ringing World page reference: 5053.0242

Leicester Diocesan Guild
Oaks in Charnwood, Leicestershire
St James the Greater
Monday, 31 December 2007 in 2h 41 (10cwt)
5024 Spliced Surprise Major (8m)
(8m: 736 London; 640 each Cambridge, Pudsey, Superlative, 608 each Bristol, Rutland; 576 each Lincolnshire, Yorkshire; 132 com, atw)
Composed by N R Aspland
1 Sally A Mason
2 Richard C L Brown
3 J Stuart Brown
4 Robert C Graves
5 Colin Lord
6 John P Ottaway
7 Martyn J Marriott
8 R Philip Graves (C)
Specially arranged and rung in thanksgiving for the life of Margaret Farmer, tower captain of Copt Oak, who passed away earlier in the month.
Ringing World page reference: 5053.0242