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Performances reportThis page gives a report of the performances matching your search criteria. There were 41 matching performances. Chester Diocesan Guild Norbury, Cheshire St Thomas Saturday, 6 January 1934 in 3h 2 (14–1–22 in F♯) 5120 Spliced Surprise Major (2m) Cambridge and Rutland Composed by Albert J Pitman 1 Walter W Wolstencroft 2 James Fernley jun 3 James Fernley sen 4 Lionel Clough 5 James A Milner 6 Wilfred Stevenson 7 William Fernley 8 John Worth (C) Rung to welcome the new curate, the Rev. Lawrence Wood, to the parish. First peal of Spliced Surprise Major in the county, for the Guild and by all the band. Rung at the first attempt. This composition has 80 leads of Cambridge and 80 leads of Rutland, and is now rung for the first time Chester Diocesan Guild Stockport, Cheshire 20 Aberdeen Crescent, Edgeley Thursday, 18 January 1934 in 2h 14 (12 in F) 5040 Plain Bob Major Composed by N J Pitstow 1–2 Alfred Barnes 3–4 Allen F Bailey (C) 5–6 Frederick Page 7–8 A Ernest Jones First peal on handbells: 7-8 Rung as a birthday compliment to Mrs A F Bailey Ringing World January 26th 1934 No. 1192 Vol. XXIX page 54 Ringing World page reference: 1192.0054Chester Diocesan Guild Chester, Cheshire St Mary without the Walls, Handbridge Saturday, 20 January 1934 in 3h 4 (19–3–12 in E♭) 5056 Plain Bob Major Composed by J R Pritchard 1 Arthur E Pegler, Junr 2 Robert Sperring 3 John Hayes 4 George R Jones 5 Samuel Jones, Junr 6 Roland Park 7 Percy Swindley (C) 8 Arthur E Pegler, Senr First peal of Major: 1. A birthday compliment to 5. Ringing World page reference: 1192.0053Chester Diocesan Guild Stockport, Greater Manchester St George Saturday, 17 February 1934 in 3h 34 (29¼) 5040 Cambridge Surprise Royal Composed by Rev H Law James 1 Alfred Barnes 2 Harold Jackson 3 Wilfred Stevenson 4 Allen F Bailey 5 Peter Laflin 6 Laurence J Williams 7 Walter W Wolstencroft 8 John Worth 9 Fred Page 10 Edward Jenkins (C) First peal of Royal: 3, 7, 8. Ringing world: 1196.0115 Ringing World page reference: 1196.0115Chester Diocesan Guild Pulford, Cheshire St Mary the Virgin Saturday, 17 February 1934 in 3h 8 (9–3–6 in A♭) 5184 Kent Treble Bob Major Composed by A Knights 1 George Lee 2 Harry Lewis 3 Robert Sperring 4 William Hopwood 5 Sidney Edwards 6 Roland Park 7 Thomas Guest 8 Percy Swindlley (C) First peal in the method: 5, 7. Ringing World page reference: 1197.0131Chester Diocesan Guild Stockport, Cheshire 20 Aberdeen Crescent, Edgeley Thursday, 22 February 1934 in 2h 15 (17 in B♭) 5152 Plain Bob Major Composed by Gabriel Lindoff 1–2 Alfred Barnes 3–4 Frederick Page 5–6 Allen F Bailey (C) 7–8 A Ernest Jones Witnesses: Hiram Meakin and Mrs A F Bailey Ringing World March 2nd 1934 No. 1197 Vol. XXIX page 134 Ringing World page reference: 1197.0134Chester Diocesan Guild Disley, Cheshire St Mary the Virgin Saturday, 3 March 1934 in 2h 41 (7–1–8 in A) 5040 Treble Bob Minor (25m) Seven 72O's in 25 methods, vjz: (1) Crowland, Abbeyville, Combermere, Vale Royal and St. Werburg. (2) Poynton, Marple, Old Oxford, Bocking and Willesden. (3) Grove Delight, Braintree, Neasden, College Bob IV. and Wragby. (4) Trowell, Morning Star and College Exercise. (5) Duke of Norfolk and Norbury. (6) London Scholars' Pleasure and Kingston. (7) Capel, Oxford and Sandal. 1 Lionel Clough 2 James Fernley jun 3 James A Milner 4 Wilfred Stevenson 5 William Fernley 6 John Worth (C) Chester Diocesan Guild Chester, Cheshire St Mary within the Walls Saturday, 3 March 1934 in 3h 10 (13–3–8 in F) 5376 Plain Bob Major Composed by H Hubbard 1 Robert Sperring (C) 2 Roland Park 3 Sidney Edwards 4 William Hopwood 5 James Swindley 6 James Morgan 7 Thomas Guest 8 Percy Swindley Chester Diocesan Guild Norbury, Cheshire St Thomas Saturday, 17 March 1934 in 3h (14–1–22 in F♯) 5184 Bristol Surprise Major Composed by Arthur Knights (175) 1 Richard E Jones 2 James Fernley jun 3 James Fernley sen 4 Lionel Clough 5 James A Milner 6 William Fernley 7 Wilfred Stevenson 8 John Worth (C) First peal in method away from treble: 5. This composition is now rung for the first time. Chester Diocesan Guild Bunbury, Cheshire St Boniface Saturday, 17 March 1934 in 3h 11 (14¾ in F) 5184 Spliced Kent and Oxford Treble Bob Major Composed by James Morgan 1 Robert Sperring (C) 2 George R Jones 3 John Griffiths 4 James Swindley 5 James Morgan 6 Samuel Jones (Jun) 7 Roland Park 8 Percy Swindley 500th peal: 1. 50th peal: 8. Chester Diocesan Guild Over, Cheshire St Chad Saturday, 24 March 1934 in 2h 52 (13–2–15 in F♯) 5040 Plain Bob Minor 1 Frank Ollier 2 Reginald W Worrall 3 Kenneth E Birtles 4 Arthur Jervis 5 Albert Crawley 6 Harry Parker (C) Rung after meeting short for Bob Major. Rung as birthday compliment to the wife of the conductor. First peal: 1 Chester Diocesan Guild Stockport, Cheshire 20 Aberdeen Crescent, Edgeley Thursday, 29 March 1934 in 2h 15 (17 in B♭) 5040 Stedman Triples Composed by Washbrook’s variation of Thurstans’ Four-part 1–2 Alfred Barnes 3–4 Frederick Page 5–6 Allen F Bailey (C) 7–8 A Ernest Jones Witness: Mrs A F Bailey First peal of Stedman: 7-8 Ringing World April 6th 1934 No. 1202 Vol. XXIX page 212 Ringing World page reference: 1202.0212Chester Diocesan Guild Rock Ferry, Wirral St Peter Thursday, 12 April 1934 in 2h 38 (10–0–8 in G) 5040 Surprise Minor (7m) Being 720 each of Cambridge, Canterbury, Carlisle, Chester, London, York and Beverley. 1 John Cooke 2 Doris I Leatham 3 Marjorie Cooke 4 Joseph Leslie 5 Alfred K Leatham 6 William Dean (C) First peal away from treble: 2 First peal in seven methods: 3 & 7 First peal of Surprise: 2, 3 & 4 First peal as conductor First peal on the bells by the local band. Rung as a compliment to Rev. Cannon F. E. Hicks on his recent appointment to an honorary canonry. Also a birthday compliment to Miss Elsie M. Cooke on attaining her majority. Chester Diocesan Guild Frodsham, Cheshire St Lawrence Saturday, 14 April 1934 in 3h 5 (12–1–3 in F♯) 5056 Cambridge Surprise Major Composed by Middleton's 1 William Bibby 2 John E Bibby (C) 3 Norah M Bibby 4 George H Crawley 5 Joseph Littler 6 Albert Crawley 7 Richard T Holding 8 Cecil Raddon First peal in the method; 4. First attempt for a Surprise peal; 5. Rung after meeting at Daresbury, where illness near the church prevented ringing. A birthday peal for Miss Dorothy Holding. Chester Diocesan Guild Chester, Cheshire St Mary within the Walls Saturday, 14 April 1934 in 3h 3 (13–3–8 in F) 5056 Cambridge Surprise Major Composed by Middleton's 1 Sydney Edwards 2 Robert Sperring 3 John W Griffiths 4 George R Jones 5 James Morgan 6 Edward V Rodenhurst 7 Roland Park (C) 8 Percy Swindley First peal in method: 1 Ringing World page reference: 1204.0244Chester Diocesan Guild Norbury, Cheshire St Thomas Saturday, 28 April 1934 in 2h 59 (14–1–22 in F♯) 5152 London Surprise Major Composed by T B Worsley 1 Alfred Barnes 2 Wilfred Stevenson 3 James Fernley sen 4 Lionel Clough 5 James A Milner 6 William Fernley 7 Walter W Wolstencroft 8 John Worth (C) In this composition neither the 2nd nor 3rd strike over the tenor behind. Rung in honour of the wedding of Mr. J. Fernley jun. to Miss Eva Hulme, which took place prior to the peal. Chester Diocesan Guild Sutton, Cheshire St James Wednesday, 2 May 1934 in 2h 48 (11–3–15 in G) 5040 Plain Bob Minor Seven different 720s 1 Miss E Millicent P Fethers 2 Joseph W Whittaker 3 Stanley Noble 4 William Gayes 5 John W L Slack 6 John Worth (C) First attempt for a peal 2. Rung as a birthday compliment to the ringer of the 5th. Chester Diocesan Guild Knutsford, Cheshire St John the Baptist Saturday, 5 May 1934 in 2h 50 (11–2–16 in F♯) 5040 Minor (3m) Being 720 of Oxford and Kent Treble Bob Spliced, two 720's of Oxford Treble Bob, three of Kent Treble Bob and one of Plain Bob. 1 Ronald Hough 2 C Kenneth Lewis 3 Arthur E Whiting 4 Norman Hough 5 Alfred W Frost 6 Sidney Hough (C) First peal in three methods: 1. First peal: 2. First in three methods away from treble: 4. Rung on the occasion of the annual 'Royal' May Day festival. Chester Diocesan Guild Stockport, Cheshire 20 Aberdeen Crescent, Edgeley Thursday, 24 May 1934 in 2h 15 (17 in B♭) 5040 Plain Bob Major Composed by Ernest Morris 1–2 Frederick Page 3–4 Allen F Bailey (C) 5–6 Peter Laflin 7–8 A Ernest Jones Witness: Mrs A F Bailey Ringing World June 1st 1934 No. 1210 Vol. XXIX page 342 Ringing World page reference: 1210.0342Chester Diocesan Guild Norbury, Cheshire St Thomas Thursday, 7 June 1934 in 2h 56 (14–1–22 in F♯) 5056 Manchester Surprise Major Composed by G Lindoff 1 Edward Jones 2 Wilfred Stevenson 3 James Fernley jun 4 Lionel Clough 5 James A Milner 6 William Fernley 7 Walter W Wolstencroft 8 John Worth (C) This method, of which Mr. W. W. Wolstencroft is the author, is now rung for the first time. Chester Diocesan Guild Tarporley, Cheshire St Helen Saturday, 16 June 1934 in 2h 51 (11–0–7 in G) 5040 Albion Treble Bob Major Composed by J Morgan 1 Robert Sperring (C) 2 George R Jones 3 John W Griffiths 4 Sydney D Edwards 5 James Swindley 6 James Morgan 7 Samuel Jones, Jun 8 Percy Swindley First peal in the method by all except ringer of the 6th First peal on the bells since they were recast in 1931 and rehung in ball bearings by John Taylor and Co. Ringing World page reference: 1213.0388Chester Diocesan Guild Christleton, Cheshire St James Saturday, 14 July 1934 in 2h 45 (12–1–26 in F♯) 5056 Cambridge Surprise Major Composed by C Middleton 1 Harry Lewis 2 Robert Sperring 3 John Hayes 4 George R Jones 5 William B Kynaston 6 James Morgan 7 Samuel Jones 8 Percy Swindley (C) This peal was rung for the anniversary of the 17,280 Kent Treble Bob at Over, on July 21st, 1923, in which the ringers of 2, 3, 4 and 7 took part. Ringing World page reference: 1217.0451Chester Diocesan Guild Burbage, Derbyshire Christ Church Saturday, 28 July 1934 in 2h 41 (9–0–2 in G) 5040 Treble Bob Minor (18m) In 18 methods, viz.: (1) Disloy, (2) Trowell, Duke o f Norfolk, College Exercise, Norbury, (3) Poynton, Old Oxford, Bocking, Willesden, (4) Grove Delight, Neasden, (5) College Bob IV ., Wragby, (6) Oxford, Capel, Sandal, (7) London Scholars' Pleasure, Kingston. 1 Robert Ashmore 2 C Kenneth Lewis 3 James A Milner 4 W W Woolstencroft 5 George W Biddulph 6 John Worth (C) First peal in 18 methods 1,2,5. Mr. G. Biddulph’s 50th peal. This was also the 100th tower in which he has handled a rope. Rung on the eve of the church’s anniversary Chester Diocesan Guild Stockport, Cheshire 20 Aberdeen Crescent, Edgeley Thursday, 16 August 1934 in 2h 12 (17 in B♭) 5040 Grandsire Triples Composed by Holt’s Original 1–2 Alfred Barnes 3–4 Allen F Bailey 5–6 Frederick Page (C) 7–8 Ernest Jones Witness: Mrs Ida Page First peal in the method: 7-8 This was the 100th peal together by the ringers of 3-4 and 5-6 Ringing World August 24th 1934 No. 1222 Vol. XXIX page 533 Ringing World page reference: 1222.0533Chester Diocesan Guild Disley, Cheshire St Mary the Virgin Saturday, 25 August 1934 in 2h 52 (7–1–8 in A) 5040 Treble Bob Minor (21m) In 21 methods, viz.: (1) Disley; (2) Morning Star; (3) Ockley, Duke of Norfolk, College Exercise, Norbury; (4) Marple; (5) Willesden, Newdigate, College Bob IV. and Old Oxford; (6) Wragby, Neasden, St. Albans, Braintree and Charlwood; (7) Capel, Oxford, Sandal, London Scholars' Pleasure and Kingston. 1 William Atkinson 2 Ernest Bennett 3 Stanley Ardern 4 Walter W Wolstencroft 5 John Worth (C) 6 James A Milner First peal and has been a ringer at Disley for 45 years: 1. Arranged as a 21st birthday peal to Mr. Arden. It was also his first peal in 21 methods away from the treble. Chester Diocesan Guild Davenham, Cheshire St Wilfrid Saturday, 25 August 1934 in 2h 52 (14 in F) 5040 Minor (3 Methods) 3 x 720 Plain Bob, 2 x 720 Kent Treble Bob, 2 x 720 Oxford Treble Bob 1 Harry Parker (C) 2 Albert H Booth 3 Richard T Holding 4 George H Crawley 5 Albert Crawley 6 David Smith Rung as a birthday compliment to the tenor ringer and to Mrs H Howard, the wife of Mr Harry Howard, a popular member of this tower Chester Diocesan Guild Goostrey, Cheshire St Luke Saturday, 1 September 1934 in 2h 41 (6 in B♭) 5040 Treble Dodging Minor (21m) In 21 methods, viz: (1) Willesden, Marple, Newdigate, College Bob VI and Old Oxford; (2) Braintree; (3) Wragby, Neasden, St Albans and Charlwood; (4) Kent; (5) Ockley, Morning Star and Duke of Norfolk; (6) Norbury and College Exercise; (7) Capel, Oxford, Sandal, London Scholars Pleasure and Kingston 1 Sidney Hough sen 2 Kenneth Lewis 3 James A Milner 4 Wilfred Stevenson 5 Albert V Rees 6 John Worth (C) First peal in 21 methods: 2,5 The ringer of the fifth had not previously rung any of the methods outside the Oxford group Ringing World September 7th 1934 No. 1224 Vol. XXIX page 565 Chester Diocesan Guild Over, Cheshire St Chad Saturday, 22 September 1934 in 3h 10 (13–2–15 in F♯) 5600 Cambridge Surprise Major Composed by C Middleton 1 Robert Sperring (C) 2 J William Clarke 3 Richard D Langford 4 James H Riding 5 James Swindley 6 Samuel Jones jnr 7 James Morgan 8 Percy Swindley Rung as a wedding compliment to Mr G F Sperring son of the conductor. Chester Diocesan Guild Tilston, Cheshire St Mary Saturday, 29 September 1934 in 2h 39 (9–1–12 in B♭) 5040 Cambridge Surprise Minor Composed by Rev E Bankes James 1 Robert Sperring (C) 2 Albert E Richards 3 J William Clarke 4 Percy Swindley 5 James Swindley 6 James Morgan Rung on the festival of St Michael and All Angels Ringing World page reference: 1229.0644Chester Diocesan Guild Christleton, Cheshire St James Monday, 1 October 1934 in 3h 32 (12–1–26 in F♯) 6720 Kent Treble Bob Major Composed by J Reeves 1 Robert Sperring (C) 2 William Griffiths 3 George R Jones 4 John Griffiths 5 James Swindley 6 James Morgan 7 Samuel Jones, Junr 8 Percy Swindley First peal of Major: 2. Rung on the centenary of a peal rung in this tower on October 1st, 1834. Ringing World page reference: 1230.0659Chester Diocesan Guild Norbury, Cheshire St Thomas Saturday, 20 October 1934 in 2h 55 (14–1–22 in F♯) 5056 Cambridge Surprise Major Composed by C Middleton 1 Arthur E Whiting 2 John P Fidler 3 Wilfred Stevenson 4 Harry Langley 5 James A Milner 6 Lionel Clough 7 Walter W Wolstencroft 8 John Worth (C) First peal of Major: 1. First peal of Cambridge Major: 2. Rung with bells fully muffled as a mark of respect for the late Mr. James Fernley, who was laid to rest prior to the commencement of the peal. Chester Diocesan Guild Dodleston, Cheshire St Mary Saturday, 20 October 1934 in 2h 45 (8–0–0 in A) 5040 Minor (5m) Being 720 each of Double Oxford, Oxford Bob, Plain Bob and two 720s of Kent Treble Bob and Oxford Treble Bob 1 William Hopwood 2 Robert Sperring 3 Percy Swindley 4 Charles Dryland 5 James Morgan 6 Thomas Guest (C) Chester Diocesan Guild Stockport, Cheshire 20 Aberdeen Crescent, Edgeley Thursday, 25 October 1934 in 2h 37 (17 in B♭) 5079 Stedman Caters Composed by J Carter 1–2 James W Washbrook 3–4 Frederick Page 5–6 Allen F Bailey (C) 7–8 Harold Jackson 9–10 Peter Laflin Umpire: Alfred Barnes Witness: Mrs A F Bailey First peal on handbells: 1-2 Ringing World November 2nd 1934 No. 1232 Vol. XXIX page 693 Ringing World page reference: 1232.0693Chester Diocesan Guild Bosley, Cheshire St Mary the Virgin Saturday, 17 November 1934 in 2h 45 (5–2–22 in A) 5040 Treble Bob Minor (26m) Being 26 methods spliced into seven 720’s, viz.:
(1) Crowland, Abbeyville, Combermere, Vale Royal, and St. Werberg Delight,
(2) Newdigate, Marple, Old Oxford, College Bob IV., and Willesden Delight,
(3) Charlwood, Braintree, Neasden, St. Albans, and Wragby Delight,
(4) Kent Treble Bob,
(5) Ockley, Morning Star, Duke of Norfolk, College Exercise, and Norbury Treble Bob,
(6) Capel, Oxford and Samlal Treble Bob,
(7) London Scholars’ Pleasure and Kingston Treble Bob 1 William Gayes 2 James Fernley 3 James A Milner 4 Wilfred Stevenson 5 Albert V Rees 6 John Worth (C) First Peal in 26 methods - 5, First peal on the bells, which were opened on November 5th. Chester Diocesan Guild Bollington, Cheshire St John the Baptist Saturday, 24 November 1934 in 2h 59 (16–3–6) 5040 Plain Bob Major Composed by B Annable 1 Millicent Feathers 2 Stanley Nobles 3 Thomas Potts 4 William Gayes 5 John Worth (C) 6 Harold Dean 7 George W Biddulph 8 Wilfred Stevenson First peal on 8 bells: 1. First peal on 8 bells away from treble: 2. Rung in connection with the centenary year of the church. Chester Diocesan Guild Stockport, Cheshire 20 Aberdeen Crescent, Edgeley Thursday, 29 November 1934 in 3h 4 (17 in B♭) 5007 Stedman Cinques Composed by C H Hattersley 1–2 James W Washbrook 3–4 Frederick Page 5–6 Allen F Bailey (C) 7–8 Harold Jackson 9–10 Alfred Barnes 11–12 Peter Laflin Witness: Mrs A F Bailey First peal of Cinques ‘in hand’: 1-2 Ringing World December 21st 1934 No. 1239 Vol. XXIX page 807 Ringing World page reference: 1239.0807Chester Diocesan Guild Eccleston, Cheshire St Mary the Virgin Thursday, 29 November 1934 in 3h 14 (26) 5088 Kent Treble Bob Major Composed by Arthur Knights 1 Walter Thomas 2 George Jones 3 John W Griffiths 4 William Hopwood 5 James Swindley 6 James Morgan 7 Thomas Guest 8 Percy Swindley (C) Rung to commemorate the royal wedding. Ringing World page reference: 1238.0787Chester Diocesan Guild Norbury, Cheshire St Thomas Saturday, 1 December 1934 in 2h 50 (14–1–22 in F♯) 5088 Bristol Surprise Major Composed by Arthur Knights 1 R Edward Jones 2 Wilfred Stevenson 3 James Fernley 4 Lionel Clough 5 James A Milner 6 William Fernley 7 Walter W Wolstencroft 8 John Worth (C) Rung in connection with the centenary celebrations of the above church. Chester Diocesan Guild Stockport, Cheshire 20 Aberdeen Crescent, Edgeley Thursday, 13 December 1934 in 2h 35 (17 in B♭) 5021 Grandsire Caters Composed by J W Washbrook 1–2 Alfred Barnes 3–4 James W Washbrook 5–6 Harold Jackson 7–8 Frederick Page (C) 9–10 Peter Laflin Umpire: A J Bailey Witness: Mrs A F Bailey First peal of Grandsire Caters: 3-4 Ringing World December 21st 1934 No. 1239 Vol. XXIX page 807 Ringing World page reference: 1239.0807Chester Diocesan Guild Norbury, Cheshire St Thomas Saturday, 15 December 1934 in 2h 53 (14–1–22 in F♯) 5024 London Surprise Major Composed by H Law James 1 Alfred Barnes 2 James Fernley 3 Wilfred Stevenson 4 Lionel Clough 5 James A Milner 6 William Fernley 7 Walter W Wolstencroft 8 John Worth (C) Rung as a birthday compliment to the ringer of the 7th on his 60th birthday. Chester Diocesan Guild Chester, Cheshire All Saints, Hoole Saturday, 29 December 1934 in 2h 56 (7½ in B) 5040 Plain Bob Minor 7 different 720's 1 George F Sperring 2 William Hopwood 3 Percy Swindley 4 Fredrick Hartman 5 William Weetman (C) 6 John Benyon jun | |
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