Performances report

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This page gives a report of the performances matching your search criteria.

There were 142 matching performances.

St Martin's Guild
Birmingham, West Midlands
St Paul (School Room)
Tuesday, 4 January 2022 in 2h 46 (15 in C)
5002 Bristol Surprise Royal
Composed by R J Angrave
1–2 Alistair J Cherry
3–4 Michael P A Wilby (C)
5–6 Simon C Melen
7–8 Paul Jopp
9–10 Richard B Grimmett
Ringing World page reference: 5802.0649

St Martin's Guild
Moseley, West Midlands
St Mary
Sunday, 9 January 2022 in 42m (7)
1260 Plain Bob Minor
1 Simon J L Linford
2 Kunal Pal
3 Trish Everett
4 Charlotte D Linford
5 Eleanor J Linford (C)
6 Matthew King
For Evensong
Ringing World page reference: 5779.0083

St Martin's Guild
Birmingham, West Midlands
St Paul
Sunday, 9 January 2022 in 43m (12–2–13 in F♯)
1260 Plain Bob Minor
1 Elizabeth Wilby
2 Tony Daw
3 Clare McArdle
4 Vicky Wilby
5 Richard Grimmett
6 Michael Wilby (C)
First quarter peal: 1
Ringing World page reference: 5779.0081

St Martin's Guild
Birmingham, West Midlands
Cathedral Church of St Philip (Ringing Room)
Monday, 10 January 2022 in 2h 46 (15 in C)
5040 Cambridge Surprise Royal
Composed by Richard J Angrave (Op. 115)
1–2 Jimmy L Yeoman
3–4 Oliver C Bates (C)
5–6 Michael P A Wilby
7–8 Alistair J Cherry
9–10 James P Ramsbottom
9-10: First of royal and of surprise in hand - well done James!
Ringing World page reference: 5779.0080

St Martin's Guild
Honiley, Warwickshire
St John the Baptist
Wednesday, 12 January 2022 in 2h 58 (6–2–4 in A)
5760 Spliced Thirds Place Delight Minor (42m)
42m: Balmoral, Evening Star, Fotheringay, Belvoir, Cambridge, Francis Genius, Coventry, Oswald, Barham, Chelsea, Ludlow, Bucknall, Chepstow, Skipton, Wilmslow, Bogedone, Rostherne, Knutsford, Conisborough, Disley, Richborough, Pevensey, Dover, Dunedin, Ely, Warwick, Caernarvon, Edinburgh, Conway, Wath, Carisbrooke, Kentish, Stirling, Castleton, Peveril, Pembroke, Berkeley, Pontefract, Leasowe, Melandra, Beeston, Donottar; all the work.
Composed by John S Warboys (3D0801)
1 Paul M Mason
2 Stephanie J Warboys
3 Gwen Rogers
4 Luke G Groom
5 Philip Rogers
6 John S Warboys (C)
Ringing World page reference: 5780.0108

St Martin's Guild
Edgbaston, West Midlands
St Bartholomew
Friday, 14 January 2022 in 3h 12 (10–0–14 in G)
5760 Spliced Treble Dodging Minor (147m)
147m: Balmoral, Barham, Beeston, Belvoir, Berkeley, Bogedone, Bucknall, Caernarvon, Cambridge, Carisbrooke, Castleton, Chelsea, Chepstow, Conisborough, Conway, Coventry, Disley, Donottar, Dover, Dunedin, Edinburgh, Ely, Evening Star, Fotheringay, Francis Genius, Kentish, Knutsford, Leasowe, Ludlow, Melandra, Oswald, Pembroke, Pevensey, Peveril, Pontefract, Richborough, Rostherne, Skipton, Stirling, Warwick, Wath, Wilmslow Thirds Place Delight; Abbeyville, Bedford, Braintree, Burnaby, Burslem, Canterbury, Charlwood, Clarence, College Bob IV, Combermere, Crowland, Elston, Evesham, Fountains, Glastonbury, Humber, Kirkstall, London Victory, Marple, Melrose, Merton, Neasden, Newdigate, Old Oxford, Sherborne, Southwark, St Albans, St Werburgh, Taxal, Tewkesbury, Tintern, Vale Royal, Waltham, Willesden, Wragby Fourths Place Delight; Allendale, Alnwick, Annable's London, Bacup, Bamborough, Berwick, Beverley, Bourne, Cambridge, Canterbury, Carlisle, Chester, Coldstream, Cunecastre, Durham, Hexham, Hull, Ipswich, Kelso, Lightfoot, Lincoln, London, Morpeth, Munden, Netherseale, Newcastle, Norfolk, Northumberland, Norwich, Primrose, Rossendale, Sandiacre, Stamford, Surfleet, Warkworth, Wearmouth, Wells, Westminster, Whitley, Wooler, York Surprise; Berwyn, British Scholars’ Pleasure, Burton, Capel, Chadkirk, Cheviot, Chiltern, College Exercise, Cotswold, Duke of Norfolk, Kent, Killamarsh, Kingston, London Scholars’ Pleasure, Mendip, Morning Star, Nelson, Norbury, Norton-le-Moors, Ockley, Oxford, Pennine, Quantock, Rochester, Sandal, Snowdon, Trinity Sunday, Waterford, Woodcock’s Victory Treble Bob
Composed by John S Warboys (TD0801)
1 Alistair J Cherry
2 Stephanie J Warboys
3 Oliver C Bates
4 Mark R Eccleston
5 Luke G Groom
6 John S Warboys (C)
Ringing World page reference: 5780.0108

St Martin's Guild
Selly Oak, West Midlands
21 Fladbury Crescent
Sunday, 23 January 2022 in 2h 8 (12 in F♯)
5184 Spliced Surprise Major (8m)
8 methods: 768 Pudsey, Rutland, Superlative; 576 Bristol, Cambridge, Lincolnshire (N), London, Yorkshire; 126 com.
Composed by Donald F Morrison (Op. 108)
1–2 Ewan G A Hull
3–4 Henry J W Pipe
5–6 Jimmy L Yeoman
7–8 Oliver C Bates (C)
1-2: First spliced in hand
A “negative” end to the weekend, with a positive peal
Ringing World page reference: 5781.0131

St Martin's Guild
Birmingham, West Midlands
St. Paul (School room)
Tuesday, 25 January 2022 in 3h 7 (16 in B♭)
5040 Bristol Surprise Maximus
Composed by T W Griffiths
1–2 Henry J W Pipe
3–4 Daniel J Page
5–6 Jimmy L Yeoman
7–8 Oliver C Bates
9–10 Jack E Page (C)
11–12 Richard B Grimmett
An age-order peal.
Ringing World page reference: 5781.0131

St Martin's Guild
Birmingham, West Midlands
Cathedral Church of St Philip
Monday, 31 January 2022 in 3h 21 (31–0–21 in D)
5042 Bristol Surprise Maximus
Composed by J Clatworthy
1 Jimmy L Yeoman
2 Oliver C Bates
3 Rachel L Mahoney
4 Alexander P Frye
5 Alistair J Cherry
6 Jack P Gunning
7 Luke G Groom
8 James P Ramsbottom
9 Jonathan B Townsend
10 Jack E Page (C)
11 Ewan G A Hull
12 John M Thurman
First in method: 3 and 9.
Ringing World page reference: 5872.1101

St Martin's Guild
Moseley, West Mids
St Mary
Sunday, 6 February 2022 in 43m (7–0–5 in B♭)
1260 Grandsire Doubles
1 Sharon Wall
2 David Ingram
3 Tom Miles
4 Simon Linford
5 Steve Maddox (C)
6 Orson Gee
Rung to mark the 70th Anniversary of Her Majesty the Queen's Accession
First inside and as conductor: 5
Ringing World page reference: 5782.0158

St Martin's Guild
Birmingham, West Midlands
St Paul
Tuesday, 8 February 2022 in 2h 48 (12–2–13 in F♯)
5040 Stedman Triples
Composed by Thomas Thurstans, The Masterpiece
1 Christine Mills
2 Victoria J M Wilby
3 Catherine E Morley
4 Stephen G Askew
5 M Michael R Parker
6 Michael P A Wilby
7 Richard B Grimmett (C)
8 Alexander P Frye
First on 8 and of Stedman: 3 & 5. First on tenor behind: 8. First peal of Stedman Triples rung in Birmingham since Covid lockdowns.
Ringing World page reference: 5786.0248

St Martin's Guild
Birmingham, West Midlands
St Martin
Tuesday, 15 February 2022 in 54m (39–1–19 in C)
1260 Stedman Cinques
Composed by M R Eccleston
1 Victoria J M Wilby
2 Mark R Eccleston (C)
3 Stephanie J Warboys
4 Jimmy L Yeoman
5 Rachel L Mahoney
6 Richard L Jones
7 James P Ramsbottom
8 Arthur J Reeves
9 Jonathan B Townsend
10 Oliver C Bates
11 John S Warboys
12 Eleanor J Linford
To celebrate the birth of Thomas O’Connor-Harding, born 4 February 2022.
Ringing World page reference: 5784.0213

St Martin's Guild
Lichfield, Staffordshire
Cathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Chad
Saturday, 19 February 2022 in 3h 23 (31–2–9 in D)
5002 Stedman Caters
Composed by M R Eccleston (bobs only)
1 Jimmy L Yeoman
2 Jack E Page (C)
3 Rachel L Mahoney
4 Oliver C Bates
5 Paul E Bibilo
6 Andrew V Brown
7 Alan Regin
8 Jonathan B Townsend
9 Colin G Newman
10 Claire F Roulstone
Ringing World page reference: 5785.0230

St Martin's Guild
Birmingham, West Midlands
Cathedral Church of St Philip
Monday, 21 February 2022 in 3h 20 (31–0–21 in D)
5040 Bristol Surprise Maximus
Composed by D G Hull
1 Simon C Melen
2 Michael P A Wilby (C)
3 Rachel L Mahoney
4 Paul E Bibilo
5 Oliver C Bates
6 Alexander P Frye
7 Jack Gunning
8 Jimmy L Yeoman
9 Jonathan P Healy
10 Ewan G A Hull
11 Paul Jopp
12 Paul J Tiebout
Ringing World page reference: 5785.0229

St Martin's Guild
Honiley, Warwickshire
St John the Baptist
Tuesday, 22 February 2022 in 2h 37 (6–2–4 in A)
5040 Spliced Treble Dodging Minor (46m)
46m: Berwyn, British Scholars’ Pleasure, Burton, Capel, Chadkirk, Cheviot, Chiltern, College Exercise, Cotswold, Duke of Norfolk, Kent, Killamarsh, Kingston, London Scholars’ Pleasure, Mendip, Morning Star, Nelson, Norbury, Norton-le-Moors, Ockley, Oxford, Pennine, Quantock, Rochester, Sandal, Snowdon, Trinity Sunday, Waterford, Woodcock’s Victory Treble Bob; Abbeyville, Bedford, Burnaby, Canterbury, College Bob IV, Combermere, Crowland, Evesham, Fountains, Glastonbury, Melrose, Newdigate, Old Oxford, St Werburgh, Tewkesbury, Vale Royal, Willesden Fourths Place Delight.
Composed by John S Warboys (TD0728)
1 Stephanie J Warboys
2 Jimmy L Yeoman
3 Anthony J Rowan
4 Paul McNutt
5 Peter G C Ellis
6 John S Warboys (C)
Ringing World page reference: 5785.0229

St Martin's Guild
Moseley, West Midlands
St Mary
Sunday, 27 February 2022 (7–0–5 in B♭)
1260 Stedman Doubles
1 Simon J L Linford (C)
2 Charlotte D Linford
3 Matthew King
4 Malcolm J Paulson
5 Eleanor J Linford
6 David R Ingram
First Stedman Doubles: 2,3,4
Completes Doubles to Cinques: 3
For Evensong
Ringing World page reference: 5786.0252

St Martin's Guild
Birmingham, West Midlands
Cathedral Church of St Philip
Monday, 28 February 2022 in 3h 21 (31–0–21 in D)
5040 Orion Surprise Maximus
Composed by P Border
1 Richard B Grimmett
2 Mark R Eccleston
3 Stephanie J Warboys
4 Jimmy L Yeoman
5 Jack E Page (C)
6 Oliver C Bates
7 Daniel J Page
8 James P Ramsbottom
9 Graham M Bradshaw
10 Christian M Peckham
11 John M Thurman
12 Thomas W Griffiths
Marking the 40th anniversary of the first peal of Orion, rung on 25th February 1982, in this tower, to this composition and containing the ringer of the treble.
Ringing World page reference: 5786.0248

St Martin's Guild
Birmingham, West Midlands
Cathedral Church of St Philip
Tuesday, 1 March 2022 in 3h 10 (15 in C)
5016 Spliced Maximus (6m)
6 methods: 1056 each Ariel S, Phobos S, Zanussi S; 880 Maypole A; 792 Deimos A; 176 Slinky Differential Little TP; 109 com, atw.
Composed by D J Pipe
1–2 Daniel J Page
3–4 Oliver C Bates
5–6 Simon C Melen
7–8 Jimmy L Yeoman
9–10 Jack E Page (C)
11–12 Michael P A Wilby
First peal of Cyclic 6 on handbells for all of the band, rung at the first meeting.
First Spliced Maximus on handbells: 3-4 and 7-8.
Ringing World page reference: 5786.0249

St Martin's Guild
Northfield, West Midlands
St Laurence
Saturday, 5 March 2022 in 43m (5–0–2 in C♯)
1260 Grandsire Doubles
1 Graeme Lanfear
2 Emma Clewlow
3 James Ramsbottom (C)
4 Casey McLellan
5 Andrew V Brown
6 Jane D Morris
First in method: 2
First away from treble: 6
Marking 10 years of the Association of Ringing Teachers
Ringing World page reference: 5787.0278

St Martin's Guild
Birmingham, West Midlands
St Paul
Friday, 11 March 2022 in 2h 40 (3–3–23 in C♯)
5040 Spliced Treble Dodging Minor (42m)
42m: Bourne, York, Ipswich, Norfolk, Hexham, Durham, Cambridge, Carlisle, Chester, Munden, Sandiacre, Wooler, Northumberland, Norwich, Lightfoot, Rossendale, Netherseale, Westminster, Allendale, Lincoln, Coldstream, Kelso, London, Cunecastre Surprise; Conisborough, Evening Star, Coventry, Belvoir, Wilmslow, Bogedone, Rostherne, Dunedin, Pevensey, Barham, Oswald, Ludlow, Castleton, Peveril, Leasowe, Melandra, Beeston, Chelsea Thirds Place Delight; all the work.
Composed by John S Warboys (TD0723b)
1 Jimmy L Yeoman
2 Peter G C Ellis
3 Mark R Eccleston
4 Oliver C Bates
5 Luke G Groom
6 John S Warboys (C)
Ringing World page reference: 5788.0294

St Martin's Guild
Moseley, West Midlands
St Mary
Sunday, 13 March 2022 in 42m (7–0–5 in B♭)
1284 Plain Bob Minor
1 Charlotte D Linford
2 David R Ingram
3 Trish Everett
4 Tom Miles
5 Kunal Pal
6 Simon J L Linford (C)
For Evensong
Ringing World page reference: 5788.0298

St Martin's Guild
Birmingham, West Midlands
Cathedral Church of St Philip
Monday, 14 March 2022 in 3h 22 (31–0–21 in D)
5040 Rigel Surprise Maximus
Composed by J S Warboys
1 Daniel R Jarvis
2 Jimmy L Yeoman
3 Oliver C Bates
4 Paul N Mounsey
5 Henry J W Pipe
6 David J Dearnley
7 Jack E Page (C)
8 Graham M Bradshaw
9 Julia R Cater
10 Ewan G A Hull
11 Paul J Tiebout
12 Michael P A Wilby
First in method: 2, 3, 5, 10.
Ringing World page reference: 5788.0294

St Martin's Guild
Kelmarsh, Northamptonshire
St Denys
Wednesday, 16 March 2022 in 2h 48 (9 in G♯)
5040 Spliced Fourths Place Delight Minor (14m)
(1-4) Burnaby, Burslem, Waltham, Elston, Clarence, Kirkstall, London Victory, Tintern, Sherborne, Glastonbury, Tewkesbury, Evesham, Fountains, Melrose; all the work (4D0409); (5-7) Burnaby, Burslem, Waltham, Elston, Clarence, Kirkstall, London Victory, Tintern, Sherborne, Glastonbury, Tewkesbury, Evesham, Fountains, Melrose (4D0310)
Composed by John S Warboys (4D0409, 4D0310)
1 Stephanie J Warboys
2 Adrian P Sweeting
3 Paul McNutt
4 Nicholas R Wilson
5 Ewan G A Hull
6 John S Warboys (C)
Ringing World page reference: 5789.0318

St Martin's Guild
Birmingham, West Midlands
Cathedral Church of St Philip (Ringing Room)
Wednesday, 16 March 2022 in 2h 47 (15 in C)
5040 Cambridge Surprise Royal
Composed by Benjamin D Constant
1–2 Oliver C Bates (C)
3–4 Luke G Groom
5–6 Michael P A Wilby
7–8 Richard B Grimmett
9–10 Alexander P Frye
First of royal on a working pair: 9-10
Ringing World page reference: 5788.0295

St Martin's Guild
Northfield, West Midlands
St Laurence
Saturday, 19 March 2022 in 43m
1260 Plain Bob Minor
1 Simon J L Linford (C)
2 Emma Clewlow
3 Andrew V Brown
4 Mike Rigby
5 Michael G Dodson
6 Graham Kelly
First Minor inside and completes LtR Level 5: 2

St Martin's Guild
Birmingham, West Midlands
St Paul
Sunday, 20 March 2022 (12–2–13 in F♯)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Tony Daw
2 Elizabeth Wilby
3 Stef Warboys
4 Michael Wilby
5 Eleanor Linford (C)
6 Vicky Wilby
First inside: 2
Ringing World page reference: 5789.0319

St Martin's Guild
Birmingham, West Midlands
St Paul (School Room)
Tuesday, 22 March 2022 in 2h 45 (15 in C)
5040 Bristol Surprise Royal
Composed by A G Reading (5040 No 5)
1–2 Alexander P Frye
3–4 Oliver C Bates
5–6 Jimmy L Yeoman
7–8 Paul Jopp
9–10 Michael P A Wilby (C)
A birthday compliment to Maddie Grimmett, whose arrival 17 years ago led to us meeting short for maximus tonight
Ringing World page reference: 5825.1215

St Martin's Guild
Birmingham, West Midlands
Cathedral Church of St Philip
Monday, 28 March 2022 in 3h 21 (31–0–21 in D)
5040 Spliced Maximus (6m)
1152 each Ariel, Phobos and Zanussi Surprise; 864 Deimos Alliance; 576 Glazgow Little Surprise; 144 Lynx Differential; 119 changes of method, all the work for all 12 bells.
Composed by D J Pipe
1 Simon C Melen
2 Jack E Page (C)
3 Oliver C Bates
4 Daniel J Page
5 Jimmy L Yeoman
6 Jack P Gunning
7 Paul E Bibilo
8 Graham M Bradshaw
9 John M Thurman
10 Colin M Lee
11 Thomas W Griffiths
12 Michael P A Wilby
Ringing World page reference: 5790.0338

St Martin's Guild
Honiley, Warwickshire
St John the Baptist
Tuesday, 29 March 2022 in 2h 56 (6–2–4 in A)
5760 Spliced Treble Dodging Minor (147m)
147m: Balmoral, Barham, Beeston, Belvoir, Berkeley, Bogedone, Bucknall, Caernarvon, Cambridge, Carisbrooke, Castleton, Chelsea, Chepstow, Conisborough, Conway, Coventry, Disley, Donottar, Dover, Dunedin, Edinburgh, Ely, Evening Star, Fotheringay, Francis Genius, Kentish, Knutsford, Leasowe, Ludlow, Melandra, Oswald, Pembroke, Pevensey, Peveril, Pontefract, Richborough, Rostherne, Skipton, Stirling, Warwick, Wath, Wilmslow Thirds Place Delight; Abbeyville, Bedford, Braintree, Burnaby, Burslem, Canterbury, Charlwood, Clarence, College Bob IV, Combermere, Crowland, Elston, Evesham, Fountains, Glastonbury, Humber, Kirkstall, London Victory, Marple, Melrose, Merton, Neasden, Newdigate, Old Oxford, Sherborne, Southwark, St Albans, St Werburgh, Taxal, Tewkesbury, Tintern, Vale Royal, Waltham, Willesden, Wragby Fourths Place Delight; Allendale, Alnwick, Annable's London, Bacup, Bamborough, Berwick, Beverley, Bourne, Cambridge, Canterbury, Carlisle, Chester, Coldstream, Cunecastre, Durham, Hexham, Hull, Ipswich, Kelso, Lightfoot, Lincoln, London, Morpeth, Munden, Netherseale, Newcastle, Norfolk, Northumberland, Norwich, Primrose, Rossendale, Sandiacre, Stamford, Surfleet, Warkworth, Wearmouth, Wells, Westminster, Whitley, Wooler, York Surprise; Berwyn, British Scholars’ Pleasure, Burton, Capel, Chadkirk, Cheviot, Chiltern, College Exercise, Cotswold, Duke of Norfolk, Kent, Killamarsh, Kingston, London Scholars’ Pleasure, Mendip, Morning Star, Nelson, Norbury, Norton-le-Moors, Ockley, Oxford, Pennine, Quantock, Rochester, Sandal, Snowdon, Trinity Sunday, Waterford, Woodcock’s Victory Treble Bob
Composed by John S Warboys (TD0801)
1 Simon P Rogers
2 Stephanie J Warboys
3 Anthony J Rowan
4 Paul McNutt
5 Peter G C Ellis
6 John S Warboys (C)
800th peal together: 2,6.
Ringing World page reference: 5790.0338

St Martin's Guild
Birmingham, West Midlands
Cathedral Church of St Philip (Ringing Room)
Tuesday, 29 March 2022 in 3h 7 (15 in C)
5040 Bristol Surprise Maximus
Composed by John S Warboys
1–2 Jack E Page
3–4 Oliver C Bates (C)
5–6 Daniel J Page
7–8 Jimmy L Yeoman
9–10 Michael P A Wilby
11–12 Richard B Grimmett
Rung to mark the 50th anniversary today of the first peal of Bristol Surprise Maximus on handbells.
First Bristol Maximus as conductor.
Ringing World page reference: 5790.0339

St Martin's Guild
Kelmarsh, Northamptonshire
St Denys
Wednesday, 30 March 2022 in 2h 42 (9 in G♯)
5040 Spliced Fourths Place Delight Minor (35m)
(1-4) Merton, Braintree, Humber, Neasden, St Albans, Charlwood, Wragby, Bedford, Marple, Taxal, Old Oxford, College Bob IV, Newdigate, Willesden, Southwark, Abbeyville, Canterbury, Combermere, Vale Royal, Crowland, St Werburgh (4D0410); (5-7) Burnaby, Burslem, Waltham, Elston, Clarence, Kirkstall, London Victory, Tintern, Sherborne, Glastonbury, Tewkesbury, Evesham, Fountains, Melrose (4D0310)
Composed by John S Warboys (4D0410, 4D0310)
1 Stephanie J Warboys
2 Adrian P Sweeting
3 Paul McNutt
4 Nicholas R Wilson
5 Ewan G A Hull
6 John S Warboys (C)
Ringing World page reference: 5790.0338

St Martin's Guild
Birmingham, West Midlands
Cathedral Church of St Philip
Monday, 4 April 2022 in 3h 23 (31–0–21 in D)
5003 Stedman Cinques
Composed by J N Hughes-D'Aeth
1 Jack E Page
2 Susan J Healy
3 John N Hughes-D'Aeth (C)
4 Luke G Groom
5 Oliver C Bates
6 Jimmy L Yeoman
7 Alexander P Frye
8 James P Ramsbottom
9 Graham M Bradshaw
10 Jonathan B Townsend
11 Michael P A Wilby
12 Alistair J Cherry
Ringing World page reference: 5792.0385

St Martin's Guild
Birmingham, West Midlands
St Paul
Friday, 8 April 2022 in 2h 56 (3–3–23 in C♯)
5760 Spliced Thirds Place Delight Minor (42m)
42m: Balmoral, Evening Star, Fotheringay, Belvoir, Cambridge, Francis Genius, Coventry, Oswald, Barham, Chelsea, Ludlow, Bucknall, Chepstow, Skipton, Wilmslow, Bogedone, Rostherne, Knutsford, Conisborough, Disley, Richborough, Pevensey, Dover, Dunedin, Ely, Warwick, Caernarvon, Edinburgh, Conway, Wath, Carisbrooke, Kentish, Stirling, Castleton, Peveril, Pembroke, Berkeley, Pontefract, Leasowe, Melandra, Beeston, Donottar; all the work.
Composed by John S Warboys (3D0801)
1 Stephanie J Warboys
2 Alistair J Cherry
3 Jimmy L Yeoman
4 Mark R Eccleston
5 Paul McNutt
6 John S Warboys (C)
Ringing World page reference: 5792.0385

St Martin's Guild
St Mary
Sunday, 24 April 2022 in 42m (7)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Orson Gee
2 Sara C Paulson
3 Trish Everett
4 Charlotte D Linford (C)
5 Simon J L Linford
6 Caoimhe Brophy
First quarter: 6
Ringing World page reference: 5795.0456

St Martin's Guild
Nether Whitacre, Warwickshire
St Giles
Thursday, 28 April 2022 in 45m (10–1–0 in G)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Xavier D Howell (aged 12)
2 Helen G Howell
3 Hazel J Herschell
4 David Jackson
5 Quentin D Howell (C)
6 Michael Miller
Rung to celebrate the Platinum Jubilee of Her Majesty the Queen Elizabeth 11. First quarter for treble and Tenor
Ringing World page reference: 5799.0534

St Martin's Guild
Knowle, West Midlands
St John the Baptist, St Lawrence, and St Anne
Sunday, 1 May 2022 in 41m (9–3–7 in G)
1250 Spliced Surprise Major (3m)
418 Yorkshire; 416 each Cambridge and Superlative; 16 changes of method all the work
Composed by Donald F Morrison
1 Rowena Shipley
2 Charlotte D Linford
3 Simon J L Linford (C)
4 Lucy Gwynne
5 A J Barnfield
6 John Gwynne
7 Clare McArdle
8 Stephen Shipley
First Spliced and first blows of Yorkshire and Superlative: 2
For the evening service, and to knock off some rust
Ringing World page reference: 5795.0458

St Martin's Guild
Birmingham, West Midlands
St Paul
Wednesday, 4 May 2022 in 2h 24 (11 in G)
5040 Stedman Triples
Composed by Thurstans' Sleeping Beauty
1–2 Alexander P Frye
3–4 Charles A S Webb
5–6 Richard B Grimmett (C)
7–8 Paul E Bibilo
First in Birmingham of Stedman Triples in hand since before Covid.
Ringing World page reference: 5795.0455

St Martin's Guild
Birmingham, West Midlands
Cathedral Church of St Philip (Ringing Room)
Wednesday, 4 May 2022 in 2h 44 (15 in C)
5040 Bristol Surprise Royal
Composed by T J Hinks
1–2 Alexander P Frye
3–4 Michael P A Wilby (C)
5–6 Oliver C Bates
7–8 Paul Jopp
9–10 Luke G Groom
Ringing World page reference: 5795.0455

St Martin's Guild
Moseley, West Midlands
St Mary
Sunday, 8 May 2022 in 43m (7–0–5 in B♭)
1260 Grandsire Doubles
1 Susan Webb
2 Simon Linford
3 Charlie Linford
4 Eleanor Linford
5 Malcolm Paulson (C)
6 Trish Everett
Rung in memory of Christopher John Everett, on the weekend of his memorial service and interment 0f ashes at this church.
Before the postponed Taize Evening Worship in Commemmoration of VE Day
Ringing World page reference: 5800.0606

St Martin's Guild
Edgbaston, West Midlands
St Bartholomew
Sunday, 8 May 2022 in 2h 48 (10–0–14 in G)
5058 Spliced Surprise Major (3m)
1794 Yorkshire; 1632 Cambridge, Superlative; 135 com; atw.
Composed by Brian D Price
1 Stephanie J Warboys
2 Rebecca Kirby
3 Laura E Byrne
4 M Michael R Parker
5 Catherine E Morley
6 Stephen W Horton
7 James P Ramsbottom
8 Terry M Astill (C)
Ringing World page reference: 5798.0505

St Martin's Guild
Birmingham, West Midlands
Cathedral Church of St Philip
Monday, 9 May 2022 in 3h 19 (31–0–21 in D)
5016 Spliced Maximus (10m)
1056 Gluon Little Alliance; 576 each Plain Bob, Strange, Top; 480 each Down, Up; 432 Lepton Little Bob; 336 Charm; 264 Baryon; 240 Meson; 215 changes of method; all the work for all 12 bells.
Composed by D J Pipe
1 Mark R Eccleston
2 Lucy A Warren
3 Henry J W Pipe
4 David J Pipe
5 Jimmy L Yeoman
6 Oliver C Bates
7 Graham M Bradshaw
8 Jack E Page (C)
9 Stephen M Jones
10 Alistair J Cherry
11 Thomas W Griffiths
12 Michael P A Wilby
First peal of Particles: 2, 3, 5, 6
1500th peal: 4
Ringing World page reference: 5796.0477

St Martin's Guild
Harborne, West Midlands
St Peter
Sunday, 15 May 2022 (12–3–24 in F♯)
1260 Grandsire Doubles
1 Christine Barnell
2 Sarah C Jones
3 Michael Keeble (C)
4 Sarah Vernon
5 Thomas MW Horton
6 Tamsin Lane

St Martin's Guild
Birmingham, West Midlands
Cathedral Church of St Philip
Monday, 16 May 2022 in 3h 23 (31–0–21 in D)
5090 Zanussi Surprise Maximus
Composed by M P A Wilby
1 Luke G Groom
2 Jimmy L Yeoman
3 Oliver C Bates
4 Paul McNutt
5 Michael P A Wilby (C)
6 Alexander P Frye
7 Daniel R Jarvis
8 James P Ramsbottom
9 Colin G Newman
10 Paul Jopp
11 Julia R Cater
12 Paul J Tiebout
Ringing World page reference: 5798.0505

St Martin's Guild
Birmingham, West Midlands
St Paul
Friday, 20 May 2022 in 3h 1 (3–3–23 in C♯)
5760 Spliced Treble Dodging Minor (147m)
147m: Balmoral, Barham, Beeston, Belvoir, Berkeley, Bogedone, Bucknall, Caernarvon, Cambridge, Carisbrooke, Castleton, Chelsea, Chepstow, Conisborough, Conway, Coventry, Disley, Donottar, Dover, Dunedin, Edinburgh, Ely, Evening Star, Fotheringay, Francis Genius, Kentish, Knutsford, Leasowe, Ludlow, Melandra, Oswald, Pembroke, Pevensey, Peveril, Pontefract, Richborough, Rostherne, Skipton, Stirling, Warwick, Wath, Wilmslow Thirds Place Delight; Abbeyville, Bedford, Braintree, Burnaby, Burslem, Canterbury, Charlwood, Clarence, College Bob IV, Combermere, Crowland, Elston, Evesham, Fountains, Glastonbury, Humber, Kirkstall, London Victory, Marple, Melrose, Merton, Neasden, Newdigate, Old Oxford, Sherborne, Southwark, St Albans, St Werburgh, Taxal, Tewkesbury, Tintern, Vale Royal, Waltham, Willesden, Wragby Fourths Place Delight; Allendale, Alnwick, Annable's London, Bacup, Bamborough, Berwick, Beverley, Bourne, Cambridge, Canterbury, Carlisle, Chester, Coldstream, Cunecastre, Durham, Hexham, Hull, Ipswich, Kelso, Lightfoot, Lincoln, London, Morpeth, Munden, Netherseale, Newcastle, Norfolk, Northumberland, Norwich, Primrose, Rossendale, Sandiacre, Stamford, Surfleet, Warkworth, Wearmouth, Wells, Westminster, Whitley, Wooler, York Surprise; Berwyn, British Scholars’ Pleasure, Burton, Capel, Chadkirk, Cheviot, Chiltern, College Exercise, Cotswold, Duke of Norfolk, Kent, Killamarsh, Kingston, London Scholars’ Pleasure, Mendip, Morning Star, Nelson, Norbury, Norton-le-Moors, Ockley, Oxford, Pennine, Quantock, Rochester, Sandal, Snowdon, Trinity Sunday, Waterford, Woodcock’s Victory Treble Bob
Composed by John S Warboys (TD0801)
1 Stephanie J Warboys
2 Alistair J Cherry
3 Mark R Eccleston
4 Oliver C Bates
5 Jimmy L Yeoman
6 John S Warboys (C)
Ringing World page reference: 5798.0505

St Martin's Guild
Kidderminster, Worcestershire
St Mary and All Saints
Saturday, 28 May 2022 in 3h 30 (25–2–0 in D)
5019 Stedman Cinques
Composed by Robert C Kippin
1 Stephanie J Warboys
2 Simon J L Linford
3 Charlotte D Linford
4 Mark R Eccleston
5 Clare McArdle
6 Arthur J Reeves
7 David J Baverstock
8 Jimmy L Yeoman
9 Oliver C Bates
10 Eleanor J Linford
11 Robert C Kippin (C)
12 David I Bassford
First peal: 3
15th birthday compliment to Charlie Linford
Ringing World page reference: 5800.0603

St Martin's Guild
Birmingham, West Midlands
Cathedral Church of St Philip
Monday, 30 May 2022 in 3h 25 (31–0–21 in D)
5070 Stedman Cinques
Composed by P N Mounsey
1 Paul N Mounsey (C)
2 Simon C Melen
3 Daniel J Page
4 Paul E Bibilo
5 Jimmy L Yeoman
6 David J Dearnley
7 Graham M Bradshaw
8 James P Ramsbottom
9 Jack E Page
10 Oliver C Bates
11 Paul Jopp
12 Jonathan B Townsend
“Long to reign over us”
Ringing World page reference: 5799.0528

St Martin's Guild
Birmingham, West Midlands
St Martin
Tuesday, 31 May 2022 in 56m (39–1–19 in C)
1270 Stedman Cinques
1 Stephanie J Warboys
2 Jimmy L Yeoman
3 Charlotte D Linford
4 Oliver C Bates
5 Rebecca Kirby
6 Rachel J Mitchell
7 Eleanor J Linford
8 Jonathan B Townsend
9 James P Ramsbottom
10 Anthony M Daw
11 John S Warboys (C)
12 Philip A Ramsbottom
First Stedman Cinques: 5.
Marking the Platinum Jubilee of HM Queen Elizabeth II.
Ringing World page reference: 5799.0535

St Martin's Guild
Selly Oak, West Midlands
21 Fladbury Crescent
Wednesday, 1 June 2022 in 35m (11 in G)
1250 Cambridge Surprise Major
1–2 Casey McLellan
3–4 Jimmy L Yeoman
5–6 Oliver C Bates (C)
7–8 James P Ramsbottom
First quarter peal on all 8 of James & Casey’s handbells
Ringing World page reference: 5862.0863

St Martin's Guild
Shirley, West Midlands
St James the Great
Thursday, 2 June 2022 (6–1–1 in B♭)
Rounds and Touches Of Cambridge Minor
Helen Crosby
Gill Postill
Gwen Albrow
Adam Knight-Markiegi
Colin Baugh
Richard Andrew (C)
Rung to mark the Platinum Jubilee of HM Queen Elizabeth II
Ringing World page reference: 5799.0557

St Martin's Guild
Selly Oak, West Midlands
21 Fladbury Crescent
Thursday, 2 June 2022 in 2h 17 (11 in G)
5056 Cambridge Surprise Major
Composed by Charles Middleton
Arranged by Henry Johnson
1–2 Casey McLellan
3–4 Oliver C Bates (C)
5–6 Jimmy L Yeoman
7–8 James P Ramsbottom
1-2: First peal
First peal on James & Casey’s handbells.
Rung to celebrate the Platinum Jubilee of HM Queen Elizabeth II.
Ringing World page reference: 5799.0530

St Martin's Guild
Knowle, West Midlands
St John the Baptist, St Lawrence, and St Anne
Friday, 3 June 2022 in 43m (9–3–7 in G)
1280 Superlative Surprise Major
Composed by Richard I Alton
1 Stephen W Horton
2 Lucy J T Gwynne
3 Simon J L Linford (C)
4 Charlotte D Linford
5 Stephen R Shipley
6 John W G Gwynne
7 Clare McArdle
8 Michael Chester
Rung to celebrate the Platinum Jubilee of HM Queen Elizabeth II
Ringing World page reference: 5799.0542

St Martin's Guild
Hampton in Arden, West Midlands
St Mary and St Bartholomew
Friday, 3 June 2022 (12–0–22 in G)
Rounds and Call Changes
Bridget Osmond
Dave Baker
Greg Gardiner
Mick Fuller
Joan Fuller
Clive Day
Tim Iles
Rung to celebrate the Platinum Jubilee
Ringing World page reference: 5799.0564

St Martin's Guild
Coleshill, Warwickshire
St Peter and St Paul
Friday, 3 June 2022 (14–0–24 in F♯)
Jubilee Call Changes
Coronation, rounds, call changes
1 John Rogers
2 Karen Bowley
3 Sue Rogers
4 Steve Collins
5 Kevin Maher
6 Michael Walpole
Ringing World page reference: 5799.0561

St Martin's Guild
Birmingham, West Midlands
St Mary, Selly Oak
Friday, 3 June 2022 in 45m (12–1–17 in G)
Call Changes and Plain Bob Doubles
Open ringing - Call Changes and Plain Bob Doubles
Kay Fuller
Joanne Goodall
Carl Jenkins
Bob Mayne
Catherine Pinnock
Ann Pyke
Holly Pyke
Catherine Taylor
Sarah Vernon
Rung to celebrate the Platinum Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II
Ringing World page reference: 5799.0559

St Martin's Guild
Moseley, West Midlands
St Mary
Saturday, 4 June 2022 in 44m (7)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Sharon Wall
2 Orson Gee
3 Simon Linford (C)
4 David Ingram
5 Charlie Linford
6 Trish Everett
First inside: 2
Rung to celebrate the Platinum Jubilee of HM Queen Elizabeth II.
Ringing World page reference: 5799.0546

St Martin's Guild
Moseley, West Midlands
St Anne
Saturday, 4 June 2022 in 43m (7–0–5 in B♭)
1260 Grandsire Doubles
1 Pauline Forster
2 Frances Dodds (C)
3 Trish Everett
4 Simon Linford
5 Eleanor Linford
6 Susan Webb
Rung to celebrate the Platinum Jubilee of HM Queen Elizabeth II.
Ringing World page reference: 5799.0546

St Martin's Guild
Handsworth, West Midlands
St Mary
Saturday, 4 June 2022 (15–2–22 in F)
Rounds and Call Changes
Rounds and call changes for Jubilee
1 Rosemarie Seadon
2 David Holmes
3 Mary Jones
4 Ethel Lubin
Ringing before a special Service for the Queen's Platinum Jubilee
Ringing World page reference: 5799.0574

St Martin's Guild
Handsworth, West Midlands
St Mary
Sunday, 5 June 2022 (15–2–22 in F)
Rounds and Call Changes
Rosemarie Seadon
David Holmes
Mary Jones
Ethel Lubin
Adam Lubin
Rung for the Queen's Platinum Jubilee
Ringing World page reference: 5799.0581

St Martin's Guild
Birmingham, West Midlands
St Martin
Sunday, 5 June 2022 in 55m (39–1–19 in C)
1270 Stedman Cinques
Composed by John S Warboys
1 Stephanie J Warboys
2 Stacey A Howard
3 Charlotte D Linford
4 Simon J L Linford
5 Catherine E Morley
6 Paul E Bibilo
7 John H Fielden
8 Eleanor J Linford
9 John S Warboys (C)
10 Anthony M Daw
11 Alistair J Cherry
12 Arthur J Reeves
First on 12: 5.
Marking the Platinum Jubilee of HM Queen Elizabeth II.
Ringing World page reference: 5799.0547

St Martin's Guild
Harborne, West Midlands
St Peter
Friday, 10 June 2022 in 41m (12–3–24 in F♯)
1325 Stedman Triples
Composed by Daniel W Brady
1 Henry J W Pipe
2 Jimmy L Yeoman
3 Sarah L Vernon
4 Stephen W Horton
5 Oliver C Bates (C)
6 D Rose W Horton
7 Simon J L Linford
8 Clare McArdle
Celebrating the life of John Pogmore: 12/06/1942 - 10/03/2022
Ringing World page reference: 5800.0606

St Martin's Guild
Birmingham, West Midlands
St Paul
Sunday, 12 June 2022 in 44m (12–2–13 in F♯)
1272 Cambridge Surprise Minor
1 Elizabeth F M Wilby
2 Christine Mills
3 Angela D Wakefield
4 Victoria J M Wilby
5 Graham R Kelly
6 Anthony M Daw (C)
Ringing World page reference: 5801.0629

St Martin's Guild
Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands
The Gazebo, 19 College Hill
Monday, 13 June 2022 in 2h 45 (15 in C)
5040 London No. 3 Surprise Royal
Composed by D G Hull (5040 no.2A)
1–2 Jimmy Yeoman
3–4 Daniel J Page
5–6 Oliver C Bates
7–8 Michael P A Wilby (C)
9–10 Richard B Grimmett
First peal in the New Gazebo
Ringing World page reference: 5801.0626

St Martin's Guild
Birmingham, West Midlands
Cathedral Church of St Philip (Ringing Room)
Tuesday, 14 June 2022 in 2h 44 (15 in C)
5120 Spliced Surprise Royal (4m)
1520 London No.3; 1200 Bristol, Cambridge, Yorkshire; 113 com; atw
Composed by J S Warboys
1–2 Alexander P Frye
3–4 Jimmy L Yeoman
5–6 Oliver C Bates
7–8 Michael P A Wilby
9–10 Daniel J Page (C)
First Spliced S Royal: 1-2
Ringing World page reference: 5801.0626

St Martin's Guild
Birmingham, West Midlands
St Paul
Friday, 17 June 2022 in 2h 32 (3–3–23 in C♯)
5040 Surprise Minor (7m)
720 each: Carlisle S, Canterbury S, Norwich S, Westminster S, London S, Berwick S, Durham S
1 Stephanie J Warboys
2 Rebecca Kirby
3 Jack E Page
4 John S Warboys
5 Jimmy L Yeoman (C)
6 Oliver C Bates
Ringing World page reference: 5823.1136

St Martin's Guild
Moseley, West Midlands
St Mary
Sunday, 19 June 2022 in 45m (18–0–9 in F)
1250 Cambridge Surprise Major
1 Arthur J Reeves
2 Lucy J T Gwynne
3 Trish Everett
4 Charlotte D Linford
5 D Rose W Horton (C)
6 John W G Gwynne
7 Graham Nabb
8 Simon J L Linford
First touch of Surprise Major: 3
Graham Nabb has now rung quarter peals with four generations of the Kippin family
For Evensong
Ringing World page reference: 5807.0766

St Martin's Guild
Birmingham, West Midlands
The Woodman
Sunday, 19 June 2022 in 2h 25 (15 in C)
5152 Cooktown Orchid Delight Major
Composed by David G Maynard (Op. 2)
1–2 Alistair J Cherry
3–4 Simon J L Linford
5–6 Jimmy L Yeoman
7–8 Oliver C Bates (C)
Believed to be the first peal at the venue.
Ringing World page reference: 5802.0649

St Martin's Guild
Birmingham, West Midlands
Cathedral Church of St Philip
Monday, 27 June 2022 in 3h 25 (31–0–21 in D)
5088 Bristol Surprise Maximus
Composed by D J Pipe
1 Paul J Tiebout
2 Simon C Melen
3 Oliver C Bates
4 Jimmy L Yeoman
5 Daniel R Jarvis
6 Paul E Bibilo
7 Alexander P Frye
8 James P Ramsbottom
9 Luke G Groom
10 A John Stanworth
11 Michael P A Wilby (C)
12 Colin M Lee
Wishing Gill Postill a very happy 80th birthday
Ringing World page reference: 5803.0671

St Martin's Guild
Harborne, West Midlands
St Peter
Wednesday, 29 June 2022 in 42m (12–3–24 in F♯)
1260 Grandsire Triples
View composition
1 Elizabeth F M Wilby
2 Michael P A Wilby
3 Charlotte D Linford
4 Oliver C Bates (C)
5 Mark R Eccleston
6 Victoria J M Wilby
7 Jimmy L Yeoman
8 Eleanor J Linford
First on eight: 1
Ringing World page reference: 5803.0680

St Martin's Guild
Birmingham, West Midlands
St Paul
Wednesday, 13 July 2022 in 47m (12–2–13 in F♯)
1280 Plain Bob Major
1 Phil Ramsbottom
2 Margaret Burling
3 Casey McLellan
4 James P Ramsbottom
5 Angela D Wakefield
6 M Michael R Parker
7 Graham R Kelly (C)
8 Stephen W Horton
Ringing World page reference: 5805.0723

St Martin's Guild
Moseley, West Midlands
St Mary
Sunday, 24 July 2022 in 41m (7)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 James Ellis
2 Trish Everett (C)
3 Kirsty Gifford
4 David Ingram
5 Andrew Ellis
6 Simon Linford
First on a working bell: 1
For Evensong
Ringing World page reference: 5807.0766

St Martin's Guild
Birmingham, West Midlands
St John the Evangelist, Perry Barr
Wednesday, 27 July 2022 (13–3–22 in F)
Call Changes
Rounds, Whittingtons, Kings, Queens, Rounds
1 Frances Dodds
2 Clare McArdle
3 Elliot J Daniel (C)
4 Arthur J Reeves
5 Janet A Horton
6 Victoria J M Wilby
7 Luke Daniel
8 Stephen W Horton
On the eve of the Commonwelth Games – Birmingham 2022
Ringing World page reference: 5811.0859

St Martin's Guild
Birmingham, West Midlands
St John the Evangelist, Perry Barr
Wednesday, 27 July 2022 (13–3–22 in F)
1344 Cambridge Surprise Major
1 Arthur J Reeves
2 Simon J L Linford
3 Janet A Horton
4 Frances Dodds
5 Luke Daniel
6 Victoria J M Wilby
7 Clare McArdle (C)
8 Stephen W Horton
On the eve of the Commonwealth Games – Birmingham 2022
Ringing World page reference: 5811.0859

St Martin's Guild
Birmingham, West Midlands
St Martin
Thursday, 28 July 2022 in 3h 24 (39–1–19 in C)
5022 Stedman Cinques
Composed by John S Warboys
1 Victoria J M Wilby
2 Simon J L Linford
3 Stephanie J Warboys
4 Paul E Bibilo
5 Frances Dodds
6 Alistair J Cherry
7 Luke G Groom
8 Eleanor J Linford
9 John S Warboys (C)
10 John M Thurman
11 Michael P A Wilby
12 Jonathan B Townsend
Rung to celebrate the opening of the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games.
Ringing World page reference: 5808.0786

St Martin's Guild
Moseley, West Midlands
St Mary
Saturday, 30 July 2022 in 42m (7)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Stella Tew
2 Simon Linford
3 Holly Pyke
4 Charlie Linford
5 Eleanor Linford (C)
6 Trish Everett
First inside: 3, and concludes LtR Level 4
Ringing World page reference: 5811.0859

St Martin's Guild
Knowle, West Midlands
St John the Baptist, St Lawrence, and St Anne
Sunday, 7 August 2022 in 41m (9–3–7)
1260 Stedman Triples
1 Richard Andrew
2 Jill Erskine
3 Rowena Shipley
4 Chris Fitter
5 A J Barnfield
6 Simon Adams
7 Stephen Shipley (C)
8 Judith Taylor
For the evening service. Also, to mark the 125th anniversary of the recasting by James Barwell of the three Matthew Bagley bells and augmentation to six, hung in a new oak eight bell frame and dedicated on 7 August 1897.
Ringing World page reference: 5809.0813

St Martin's Guild
Birmingham, West Midlands
St Paul
Sunday, 7 August 2022 in 1h 41 (10 in A)
5040 Spliced Treble Dodging Minor (120m)
Duke of Norfolk, Rochester, College Exercise, Ockley, Norbury, Drayton, Campanulla, British Scholars' Pleasure, Gladstone, Crofton, Hasley, Hemsworth, Barnsley, Stockbridge, South Kirkby, Havercroft, Berwyn, Felkirk, Westray, Mendip, Vatersay, Zugspitze, Taylor, Ullscarf TB; Old Oxford, Paddock, College Bob IV, Newdigate, Tuxford, Willesden, London, Darton Exercise, Disley, Hadfield, Conisborough, Europium, Staverton, Worcester, Nostell, York, Berrybrow, Queen Bess, Eyam, Burslem, Hoylandswaine, Wilmslow, Tulip, Bogedone, Rostherne, Poynton, Knutsford, Belvoir, Dunedin, Erbium, Boston, Barham, March, Selby, Rawmarsh, Staveley, Berkeley, Woodgrove, Pembroke, Oystermouth, Deepcar, Oxygen, Fluorine, Glastonbury, Neon, Peveril, Croome d'Abitot, Leasowe, Melandra, Natrium, Beeston, Kingsley, Chelsea, Beauchief, Combermere, Langsett, Vale Royal, Crowland, Canterbury, St Werburgh D; Luton, Royal Bob, Rhyl, Ripley, Bamborough, Thorne, Harwood, Linden, Unacceptable, Beighton, Cambridge, Appleby, Redcar, Coverleigh, Hatfield, Surfleet, Eastwood, Beverley, Bangor, Carlisle, Grantham, Sleaford, Osea, Chester-le-Street, Munden, Netherwood, Chester, Bakewell, Cunecastre, Minehead, Retford, Kelso, Spalding, Victoria Street, Brampton, Norwood Tunnel S
Composed by Arr. D J Pipe
1–2 Alistair J Cherry
3–4 David J Pipe (C)
5–6 Henry J W Pipe
First spliced minor in hand: 1-2
Ringing World page reference: 5887.0169

St Martin's Guild
Birmingham, West Midlands
St Paul
Monday, 8 August 2022 in 2h 30 (3–3–23 in C♯)
5040 Spliced Fourths Place Delight Minor (35m)
35m: (1-3) Tintern, Glastonbury, Fountains, Tewkesbury, Evesham, Sherborne, Melrose, Combermere, Canterbury, Abbeyville, Southwark, Vale Royal, Crowland, St Werburgh; (4-7) Bedford, Old Oxford, Braintree, Humber, College Bob IV, Taxal, Merton, Newdigate, Marple, Neasden, St Albans, Charlwood, Wragby, Willesden, Clarence, Kirkstall, Elston, Burnaby, Waltham, Burslem, London Victory.
Composed by John S Warboys (4D0309, 4D0408)
1 Victoria J M Wilby
2 Stephanie J Warboys
3 James P Ramsbottom
4 Alistair J Cherry
5 Luke G Groom
6 John S Warboys (C)
Marking the closing of the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games.
Ringing World page reference: 5809.0810

St Martin's Guild
Perry Barr, West Midlands
St John the Evangelist
Tuesday, 9 August 2022 (13–3–22 in F)
1260 Grandsire Triples
1 Frances Dodds
2 Arthur J Reeves
3 Janet A Horton
4 D Rose W Horton (C)
5 Clare McArdle
6 Victoria J M Wilby
7 Stephen W Horton
8 Oliver Bouckley
Rung after the Commonwealth Games - Birmingham 2022
Ringing World page reference: 5811.0859

St Martin's Guild
Knowle, West Midlands
St John the Baptist, St Lawrence, and St Anne
Sunday, 14 August 2022 in 42m (9–3–7)
1260 Plain Bob Triples
1 Sand J Cooper
2 Judith Taylor
3 Rowena Shipley
4 Keith D Whitehead
5 Lucy Gwynne
6 Chris Fitter
7 Stephen Shipley (C)
8 Bob Lynock
For the evening service.
Also, to welcome the Rt. Rev. Walter Toro Martinez, Bishop of Bolivia, and his wife - visiting the parish following the Lambeth Conference.
Ringing World page reference: 5810.0835

St Martin's Guild
Birmingham, West Midlands
Cathedral Church of St Philip
Monday, 15 August 2022 in 3h 21 (31–0–21 in D)
5016 Spliced Maximus (6m)
1056 each Ariel S, Phobos S, Zanussi S; 880 Maypole A; 792 Deimos A; 176 Slinky Differential Little TP; 109 changes of method, all the work
Composed by D J Pipe
1 Colin M Lee
2 John N Hughes-D'Aeth (C)
3 Victoria J M Wilby
4 Julia R Cater
5 Graham M Bradshaw
6 Alistair J Cherry
7 Paul Jopp
8 James P Ramsbottom
9 Luke G Groom
10 Jack E Page
11 Thomas W Griffiths
12 Michael P A Wilby
Circled the tower to peals: 2.
Ringing World page reference: 5810.0832

St Martin's Guild
Knowle, West Midlands
St John the Baptist, St Lawrence, and St Anne
Sunday, 21 August 2022 in 43m (9–3–7)
1260 Grandsire Triples
Composed by Alan S Burbidge
1 Rowena Shipley
2 Linda M Whitehead
3 Sand J Cooper
4 Keith D Whitehead
5 A J Barnfield
6 Chris Fitter
7 Stephen Shipley (C)
8 Michael G Dodson
For the evening service.
Ringing World page reference: 5811.0858

St Martin's Guild
Birmingham, West Midlands
St Paul (Schoolroom)
Wednesday, 24 August 2022 (11 in G)
1260 Stedman Triples
Composed by Thurstans
1–2 Frances Dodds
3–4 Charles A S Webb
5–6 Alexander P Frye
7–8 Richard B Grimmett
Ringing World page reference: 5813.0895

St Martin's Guild
Knowle, West Midlands
St John the Baptist, St Lawrence, and St Anne
Sunday, 4 September 2022 in 42m (9–3–7)
1272 York Surprise Minor
1 Rowena Shipley
2 Michael Dodson
3 A J Barnfield
4 Lucy Gwynne
5 John Gwynne
6 Stephen Shipley (C)
For the evening service.
Ringing World page reference: 5813.0896

St Martin's Guild
Birmingham, West Midlands
Cathedral Church of St Philip
Monday, 5 September 2022 in 3h (15 in C)
5042 Bristol Surprise Maximus
Composed by J Clatworthy
1–2 Alexander P Frye
3–4 Jack E Page (C)
5–6 Oliver C Bates
7–8 Michael P A Wilby
9–10 Luke G Groom
11–12 Alistair J Cherry
After meeting short for Bristol Surprise Maximus.
First in method on handbells: 1-2.
Ringing World page reference: 5813.0894

St Martin's Guild
Selly Oak, West Midlands
St Mary
Friday, 9 September 2022 in 60m (12–1–17 in G)
rung on the 6th bell 6-2-18 in B.
George R Harrison
Holly Pyke
Tolled in memory of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II at 12:00 Noon for 1hr in respect of her Commitment, Dedication and Life of Service. May She Rest in Peace.

St Martin's Guild
Handsworth, West Midlands
St Mary
Friday, 9 September 2022 (15–2–22 in F)
Rounds and Call Changes
Half muffled rounds and call changes at 12 noon
Rosemarie Seadon
David Holmes
Ethel Lubin
Mary Jones
In memory of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

St Martin's Guild
Harborne, West Midlands
St Peter
Saturday, 10 September 2022 (12–3–24 in F♯)
Call Changes
Rounds, Tittums, Queens, Kings, Back Rounds, Rounds
1 Eileen Keeble
2 Helen Surr
3 Christine Barnell
4 Lex Earthquake
5 Sarah C Jones
6 Tamsin Lane (C)
Rung to mark the proclamation of HM King Charles III.
Ringing World page reference: 5815.0952

St Martin's Guild
Knowle, West Midlands
St John the Baptist, St Lawrence, and St Anne
Sunday, 11 September 2022 in 43m (9–3–7)
1260 Grandsire Triples
1 Linda M Whitehead
2 Sand J Cooper
3 Jill Erskine
4 Keith D Whitehead
5 Rowena Shipley
6 Michael G Dodson
7 Stephen Shipley (C)
8 A J Barnfield
Fully-muffled, with the tenor open at back stroke, prior to the evening service. In memory of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
Ringing World page reference: 5814.0922

St Martin's Guild
Handsworth, West Midlands
St Mary
Sunday, 11 September 2022 (15–2–22 in F)
Rounds and Call Changes
Rosemarie Seadon
David Holmes
Ethel Lubin
Mary Jones
Adam Lubin
Half muffled rounds and call changes prior to Sunday service in memory of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

St Martin's Guild
Handsworth, West Midlands
St Mary
Sunday, 11 September 2022 (15–2–22 in F)
General Ringing
Rosemarie Seadon
One bell rung open at 4pm for the Proclamation of King Charles III
Ringing World page reference: 5815.0952

St Martin's Guild
Birmingham, West Midlands
St Paul
Monday, 12 September 2022 in 2h 59 (12–2–13 in F♯)
5004 Stedman Caters
Composed by M R Eccleston
1 Christine Mills
2 Paul E Bibilo
3 Oliver C Bates
4 Jack E Page (C)
5 Alexander P Frye
6 Alistair J Cherry
7 James P Ramsbottom
8 Michael P A Wilby
9 Mark R Eccleston
10 Jonathan B Townsend
Rung half-muffled in memoriam Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
Ringing World page reference: 5814.0917

St Martin's Guild
Moseley, West Midlands
St Mary
Sunday, 18 September 2022 in 45m (7)
1320 Norwich Surprise Minor
1 Tom Miles
2 Trish Everett
3 Kirsty Gifford
4 Simon Linford (C)
5 Malcolm Paulson
6 Charlie Linford
First in method: 2,3,5
Rung half muffled prior to the special Parish Commemoration Service marking the death of Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
Ringing World page reference: 5814.0930

St Martin's Guild
Knowle, West Midlands
St John the Baptist, St Lawrence, and St Anne
Sunday, 18 September 2022 in 41m (9–3–7)
1260 Stedman Triples
1 Philip J Sealey
2 Lucy Gwynne
3 Jill Erskine
4 Rowena Shipley
5 A J Barnfield
6 John Gwynne
7 Stephen Shipley (C)
8 Ann Smart
Rung fully muffled with the tenor open at backstroke in memory of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
50th anniversary of first QP: 5.
Ringing World page reference: 5814.0930

St Martin's Guild
Birmingham, West Midlands
St Martin
Sunday, 18 September 2022 in 3h 29 (39–1–19 in C)
5096 Stedman Cinques
Composed by John S Warboys
1 Victoria J M Wilby
2 Mark R Eccleston
3 Stephanie J Warboys
4 Susan J Healy
5 Frances Dodds
6 Arthur J Reeves
7 John H Fielden
8 Oliver C Bates
9 John S Warboys (C)
10 Alistair J Cherry
11 Michael P A Wilby
12 Jonathan B Townsend
Rung half-muffled in memoriam HM Queen Elizabeth II.
Ringing World page reference: 5814.0918

St Martin's Guild
Selly Oak, West Midlands
St Mary
Monday, 19 September 2022 in 60m (12–1–17 in G)
Rounds and Call Changes
Gill Sanders
Holly A Pyke
George R Harrison
Ann Pyke
Joanne Goodall
Kirsty Gifford
William JM Routledge
Russell Emms
Rung Half Muffled 1hr preceding Her Majesty The Queen Elizabeth II's State Funeral at Westminster Abbey. May she Rest in Peace.

St Martin's Guild
Knowle, West Midlands
St John the Baptist, St Lawrence, and St Anne
Monday, 19 September 2022 in 42m (9–3–7)
1260 Grandsire Triples
1 Neil Mackay
2 Jill Erskine
3 Rowena Shipley
4 Lucy Gwynne
5 Stephen Shipley (C)
6 Luke Daniel
7 John Gwynne
8 Ann Smart
Rung fully muffled with the tenor open at backstroke immediately before the funeral service of Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II at Westminster Abbey.
Also, in memory of Anthony Wood, cousin of 6, who died on 12 September.
Ringing World page reference: 5814.0913

St Martin's Guild
Handsworth, West Midlands
St Mary
Monday, 19 September 2022 (15–2–22 in F)
Rounds and Call Changes and Tolling
Rosemarie Seadon
Mary Jones
Ethel Lubin
Peter Sharpe
David Holmes
Adam Lubin
Rung half muffled prior to the funeral service of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

St Martin's Guild
Hampton in Arden, West Midlands
St Mary and St Bartholomew
Monday, 19 September 2022 (12–0–22 in G)
General Ringing Half Muffled
Rounds & Call Changes and Grandsire Doubles
1 Andrew R Pike
2 Sue Restall
3 Joan Fuller
4 Mick Fuller
5 Daniel Xavier
6 Tim Iles

St Martin's Guild
Birmingham, West Midlands
Cathedral Church of St Philip
Monday, 19 September 2022 in 53m (31–0–21 in D)
1296 Stedman Cinques
Composed by Arr. MPAW
1 Michael Wilby (C)
2 Jimmy Yeoman
3 Rose Horton
4 Oliver Bates
5 Rachel Mitchell
6 Angela Wakefield
7 Graham Kelly
8 James Ramsbottom
9 Jonathan Townsend
10 Alistair Cherry
11 Tony Daw
12 Alex Frye
Rung half-muffled following the State Funeral of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
Ringing World page reference: 5814.0911

St Martin's Guild
Birmingham, West Midlands
St Paul
Friday, 23 September 2022 in 2h 43 (3–3–23 in C♯)
5040 Surprise Minor (26m)
7 extents: 1&2) Alnwick, Canterbury, Carlisle, Chester, Morpeth, Munden, Newcastle, Northumberland, Sandiacre, Whitley, Wooler; 3&4) Berwick, Beverley, Bourne, Cambridge, Durham, Hexham, Hull, Ipswich, Norfolk, Primrose, Surfleet, York; 5) Cunecastre; 6) London; 7) Norwich.
Composed by J S Warboys (SU0210, SU0220)
1 Stephanie J Warboys
2 Alex S Riley
3 Jimmy L Yeoman
4 Rebecca Kirby
5 Oliver C Bates (C)
6 John S Warboys
Ringing World page reference: 5815.0961

St Martin's Guild
Moseley, West Midlands
St Mary
Sunday, 25 September 2022 in 38m (7)
1272 Ipswich Surprise Minor
1 Matthew King
2 Trish Everett
3 Kirsty Gifford
4 Casey McLellan
5 Malcolm Paulson
6 Simon Linford (C)
First in method by all except 6
In memory of Anne Everett. For Evensong
Ringing World page reference: 5816.0980

St Martin's Guild
Birmingham, West Midlands
Cathedral Church of St Philip
Monday, 26 September 2022 in 3h 22 (31–0–21 in D)
5040 Bristol Surprise Maximus
Composed by S J Poole
1 Christian M Peckham
2 Oliver C Bates
3 Rachel L Mahoney
4 Paul E Bibilo
5 Paul McNutt
6 Alexander P Frye
7 Alistair J Cherry
8 James P Ramsbottom
9 Jonathan B Townsend
10 Jimmy L Yeoman
11 Jack E Page (C)
12 Michael P A Wilby
Circled the tower as conductor.
Ringing World page reference: 5816.0979

St Martin's Guild
Moseley, West Midlands
St Mary
Sunday, 9 October 2022 in 43m (7)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Caoimhe Brophy
2 Simon Linford
3 Orson Gee
4 Trish Everett
5 Charlie Linford (C)
6 Susan Webb
First on the treble
For Evensong
Ringing World page reference: 5818.1021

St Martin's Guild
Birmingham, West Midlands
Cathedral Church of St Philip
Monday, 10 October 2022 in 3h 23 (31–0–21 in D)
5042 Cambridge Surprise Maximus
Composed by R W Lee
1 Mark R Eccleston
2 Jack E Page
3 Rachel L Mahoney
4 Paul McNutt
5 Matthew J R King
6 Rebecca Kirby
7 Alexander P Frye
8 Oliver C Bates (C)
9 Jonathan B Townsend
10 Jimmy L Yeoman
11 Julia R Cater
12 Michael P A Wilby
First of Maximus: 5
Ringing World page reference: 5818.1018

St Martin's Guild
Birmingham, West Midlands
St Paul
Tuesday, 11 October 2022 in 2h 10 (11 in G)
5040 Stedman Triples
Composed by Thurstans' Sleeping Beauty
1–2 Frances Dodds
3–4 Charles A S Webb
5–6 Alexander P Frye
7–8 Richard B Grimmett (C)
Ringing World page reference: 5818.1019

St Martin's Guild
Selly Oak, West Midlands
21 Fladbury Crescent
Friday, 14 October 2022 in 2h 11 (12 in F)
5080 Spliced Triples and Major (5m/p)
2520 Stedman Triples; 1120 Superlative S; 640 Cambridge S; 480 London S; 320 Bristol S; 74 changes of method; 9 changes of stage.
Composed by P W J Deakin
1–2 Jimmy L Yeoman
3–4 Daniel J Page
5–6 Oliver C Bates
7–8 Jack E Page (C)
First triples and major and first Stedman on handbells: 1-2, 5-6. Top badger.
Ringing World page reference: 5825.1215

St Martin's Guild
Birmingham, West Midlands
St Paul (School Room)
Friday, 14 October 2022 in 2h 43 (12 in F)
5040 Bristol Surprise Royal
Composed by T J Hinks
1–2 Timothy J Peverett
3–4 Stuart C W Hutchieson
5–6 Daniel J Page (C)
7–8 Alistair J Cherry
9–10 Alexander P Frye
Ringing World page reference: 5825.1215

St Martin's Guild
Birmingham, West Midlands
St Philip
Saturday, 15 October 2022 in 3h 11 (15 in C)
5040 Zanussi Surprise Maximus
Arranged by J Virji - Generated by Monument
1–2 Daniel J Page
3–4 Henry J W Pipe
5–6 David J Pipe (C)
7–8 Jonathan A Agg
9–10 Michael P A Wilby
11–12 Alistair J Cherry
Ringing World page reference: 5825.1215

St Martin's Guild
Birmingham, West Midlands
Cathedral Church of St Philip
Saturday, 15 October 2022 in 2h 47 (15 in C)
5120 Eagle Nebula Surprise Royal
Composed by A G Reading
1–2 Henry J W Pipe
3–4 Jack E Page (C)
5–6 Daniel J Page
7–8 Oliver C Bates
9–10 Michael P A Wilby
First peal in the method on handbells
Ringing World page reference: 5825.1215

St Martin's Guild
Knowle, West Midlands
St John the Baptist, St Lawrence, and St Anne
Sunday, 16 October 2022 in 43m (9–3–7)
1260 Grandsire Triples
1 Jill Erskine
2 Bridget Osmond
3 Richard Andrew
4 Ruth E Shepherd
5 A J Barnfield
6 Rowena Shipley
7 Stephen Shipley (C)
8 Ann Smart
For the evening service.
Celebrating Ruth’s 1,000th QP at Knowle.
Ringing World page reference: 5819.1043

St Martin's Guild
Birmingham, West Midlands
St. Paul (Ringing Chamber)
Sunday, 16 October 2022 in 3h (12 in F)
5016 Spliced Maximus (6m)
6 methods: 1056 each Ariel, Phobos, Zanussi S; 880 Maypole A; 792 Deimos A; 176 Slinky Diff LTP; 109 com, atw
Composed by D J Pipe
1–2 Jonathan A Agg
3–4 Daniel J Page
5–6 Jimmy L Yeoman
7–8 Henry J W Pipe
9–10 Oliver C Bates
11–12 Jack E Page (C)
After meeting short for Bristol 16.
Ringing World page reference: 5825.1215

St Martin's Guild
Birmingham, West Midlands
Cathedral Church of St Philip
Monday, 17 October 2022 in 3h 19 (31–0–21 in D)
5016 Spliced Maximus (6m)
6 methods: 1056 each Ariel S, Phobos S, Zanussi S; 880 Maypole A; 792 Deimos A; 176 Slinky Differential Little T P; 109 com; atw.
Composed by D J Pipe
1 Catherine E Morley
2 Mark R Eccleston
3 Simon C Melen
4 Paul E Bibilo
5 Jack E Page (C)
6 Colin G Newman
7 Oliver C Bates
8 Daniel J Page
9 Jimmy L Yeoman
10 Colin M Lee
11 Paul Jopp
12 Michael P A Wilby
First on twelve(!): 1.
Ringing World page reference: 5819.1040

St Martin's Guild
Birmingham, West Midlands
St Paul
Wednesday, 19 October 2022 in 2h 33 (3–3–23 in C♯)
5040 Spliced Surprise Minor (41m)
41m: (1-3) Carlisle, Sandiacre, Wooler, Northumberland, Whitley, Newcastle, Morpeth, Chester, Alnwick, Canterbury, Munden, London, Kelso, Lincoln, Coldstream, Cunecastre, Wells; (4-7) Norwich, Bamborough, Westminster, Allendale, Wearmouth, Netherseale, Lightfoot, Warkworth, Stamford, Annable's London, Bacup, Rossendale, Cambridge, Ipswich, Bourne, Durham, York, Beverley, Primrose, Hull, Berwick, Norfolk, Hexham, Surfleet.
Composed by John S Warboys (SU0309, SU0408)
1 Stephanie J Warboys
2 Casey McLellan
3 Jimmy L Yeoman
4 Oliver C Bates
5 James P Ramsbottom
6 John S Warboys (C)
First tower-bell peal: 2.
Ringing World page reference: 5819.1040

St Martin's Guild
Moseley, West Midlands
St Mary
Sunday, 23 October 2022 in 44m (7)
1272 Bourne Surprise Minor
1 Tom Miles
2 Trish Everett
3 Kirsty Gifford
4 Casey McLellan
5 Malcolm Paulson
6 Simon Linford (C)
First in method by all except 6. First blows in method: 2
For Evensong
Ringing World page reference: 5834.0152

St Martin's Guild
Birmingham, West Midlands
Cathedral Church of St Philip
Tuesday, 25 October 2022 in 3h 7 (15 in C)
5016 Spliced Maximus (6m)
1056 each Ariel S, Phobos S, Zanussi S; 880 Maypole A; 792 Deimos A; 176 Slinky Diff LTP; 109 com, atw
Composed by David J Pipe
1–2 Simon Melen
3–4 Alex F Byrne (C)
5–6 Daniel J Page
7–8 Oliver C Bates
9–10 Jimmy L Yeoman
11–12 Michael P A Wilby
Ringing World page reference: 5820.1062

St Martin's Guild
Stourbridge, West Midlands
St Thomas
Saturday, 29 October 2022 in 3h 14 (18–2–8 in E)
5009 Stedman Cinques
Composed by A S Riley (No. 2)
1 Alex S Riley (C)
2 Daniel J Page
3 Oliver C Bates
4 Rebecca Kirby
5 Paul Jopp
6 Luke G Groom
7 Andrew V Brown
8 Rachel L Mahoney
9 Jonathan B Townsend
10 Jimmy L Yeoman
11 Ewan G A Hull
12 Paul E Bibilo
Ringing World page reference: 5825.1213

St Martin's Guild
Northfield, West Midlands
St Laurence
Saturday, 29 October 2022 in 47m (5)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Janet Horton
2 Casey McLellan
3 James Ramsbottom (C)
4 Mike Rigby
5 Eleanor Linford
6 Helen Surr
First quarter: 6
Ringing World page reference: 5831.0080

St Martin's Guild
Edgbaston, West Midlands
St Bartholomew
Saturday, 29 October 2022 in 2h 48 (10–0–14 in G)
5024 Bristol Surprise Major
Composed by JP Ramsbottom
1 Simon J L Linford
2 Catherine E Morley
3 Casey McLellan
4 Charlotte D Linford
5 Laura E Byrne
6 M Michael R Parker
7 James P Ramsbottom (C)
8 Eleanor J Linford
1st of Surprise: 4
1st in Method: 3
Ringing World page reference: 5820.1062

St Martin's Guild
Knowle, West Midlands
St John the Baptist, St Lawrence, and St Anne
Sunday, 6 November 2022 in 41m (9–3–7)
1260 Stedman Triples
1 Lucy Gwynne
2 Philip J Sealey
3 Simon J L Linford
4 Rowena Shipley
5 Richard Andrew
6 Charlotte D Linford
7 Stephen Shipley (C)
8 John Gwynne
For the evening service.
Ringing World page reference: 5822.1114

St Martin's Guild
Birmingham, West Midlands
Cathedral Church of St Philip
Monday, 7 November 2022 in 3h 21 (31–0–21 in D)
5080 Stedman Cinques
Composed by M R Eccleston
1 Jimmy L Yeoman
2 Jack E Page
3 Henry J W Pipe
4 Alfred G W Pipe
5 David J Pipe (C)
6 John H Fielden
7 Alexander P Frye
8 Luke G Groom
9 Oliver C Bates
10 Colin M Lee
11 Michael P A Wilby
12 Thomas W Griffiths
80th Birthday compliments to John Fielden
Ringing World page reference: 5887.0169

St Martin's Guild
Yardley, West Midlands
St Edburgha
Sunday, 13 November 2022 in 2h 59 (12–2–16 in F♯)
5088 Lessness Surprise Major
Composed by Donald F Morrison (2729)
1 Eleanor J Linford
2 Simon J L Linford (C)
3 Charlotte D Linford
4 M Michael R Parker
5 Catherine R Taylor
6 Alexander P Frye
7 Robert C Kippin
8 Oliver C Bates
First in method: 3
Ringing World page reference: 5834.0148

St Martin's Guild
Birmingham, West Midlands
Cathedral Church of St Philip
Monday, 14 November 2022 in 54m (31–0–21 in D)
1360 London No. 3 Surprise Royal
Composed by W.H.I.V.W x2
1 Jimmy Yeoman
2 Luke Groom
3 Michael Wilby (C)
4 Catherine Morley
5 Alex Frye
6 Alistair Cherry
7 Oliver Bates
8 David Threlfall
9 Jack Page
10 Colin Newman
After 5.5 leads of Bristol Maximus. With thanks to Graham Bradshaw, Paul Bibilo and Paul Tiebout for standing down.
Ringing World page reference: 5823.1137

St Martin's Guild
Birmingham, West Midlands
Cathedral Church of St Philip
Monday, 21 November 2022 in 3h 20 (31–0–21 in D)
5016 Spliced Maximus (10m)
10 methods: 1056 Gluon Little Alliance; 576 each Plain Bob, Strange, Top; 480 each Down, Up; 432 Lepton Little Bob; 336 Charm; 264 Baryon; 240 Meson; 215 changes of method; all the work for all 12 bells.
Composed by D J Pipe
1 Jack E Page
2 Henry J W Pipe
3 Jimmy L Yeoman
4 Paul E Bibilo
5 Simon C Melen
6 David J Pipe (C)
7 Graham M Bradshaw
8 Daniel J Page
9 Alistair J Cherry
10 Oliver C Bates
11 Colin M Lee
12 Michael P A Wilby
On the eve of the 10th anniversary of the first peal of particles.
20th Birthday compliments to Daniel Page.
Ringing World page reference: 5845.0403

St Martin's Guild
Allesley, West Midlands
All Saints
Wednesday, 23 November 2022 in 42m (12–0–0 in A♭)
1296 Cambridge Surprise Minor
1 James Ellis
2 Michael Chester (C)
3 Casey McLellan
4 Clare McArdle
5 Andrew Ellis
6 James Ramsbottom
First of Treble Bob - 1

St Martin's Guild
Knowle, West Midlands
St John the Baptist, St Lawrence, and St Anne
Sunday, 27 November 2022 in 40m (9–3–7)
1260 Plain Bob Minor
1 Judith Taylor
2 Jane Aykroyd
3 A J Barnfield
4 Rowena Shipley
5 Guy Darvill
6 Stephen Shipley (C)
For the evening service on Advent Sunday.
First plain bob minor: 2.
Ringing World page reference: 5825.1218

St Martin's Guild
Birmingham, West Midlands
Cathedral Church of St Philip
Monday, 28 November 2022 in 3h 24 (31–0–21 in D)
5088 Spliced Treble Dodging Maximus (4m)
4 methods: 1296 each Bristol Surprise, Strathclyde Surprise; 1248 each Avon Delight, Rigel Surprise; 82 changes of method, all the work.
Composed by R W Pipe
1 Simon C Melen
2 Christian M Peckham
3 Michael P A Wilby
4 Paul E Bibilo
5 David J Dearnley
6 Jack E Page (C)
7 Graham M Bradshaw
8 Oliver C Bates
9 Mark R Eccleston
10 Jimmy L Yeoman
11 Paul N Mounsey
12 Thomas W Griffiths
Ringing World page reference: 5825.1213

St Martin's Guild
Birmingham, West Midlands
The Bartons Arms - Laurel and Hardy room
Tuesday, 29 November 2022 in 2h 8 (11 in G)
5040 Stedman Triples
Composed by Alan S Burbidge (10 part 238 calls)
1–2 Frances Dodds
3–4 Charles A S Webb
5–6 Alexander P Frye
7–8 Paul E Bibilo (C)
Ringing World page reference: 5825.1215

St Martin's Guild
Birmingham, West Midlands
St. Paul (School room)
Tuesday, 29 November 2022 in 3h 6 (15 in C)
5040 Bristol Surprise Maximus
Composed by A G Reading
1–2 Alexander P Frye
3–4 Simon C Melen
5–6 Jack E Page (C)
7–8 Paul Jopp
9–10 Michael P A Wilby
11–12 Richard B Grimmett
Ringing World page reference: 5825.1215

St Martin's Guild
Solihull, West Midlands
St Alphege
Saturday, 3 December 2022 in 55m (21–1–11 in E♭)
1344 Bristol Surprise Maximus
1 Alison Edmonds
2 Simon J L Linford (C)
3 Charlotte D Linford
4 Stephanie J Warboys
5 David G Hull
6 Susan J Healy
7 Jonathan B Townsend
8 Paul McNutt
9 Frances Dodds
10 John S Warboys
11 Eleanor J Linford
12 Ewan G A Hull
First Maximus: 3
Ringing World page reference: 5828.0015

St Martin's Guild
Knowle, West Midlands
St John the Baptist, St Lawrence, and St Anne
Sunday, 4 December 2022 in 42m (9–3–7)
1260 Single Oxford Bob Triples
Composed by Richard C Offen
1 Rowena Shipley
2 Michael Dodson
3 Richard Andrew
4 Lucy Gwynne
5 A J Barnfield
6 John Gwynne
7 Stephen Shipley (C)
8 Bob Lynock
For the evening service.
Ringing World page reference: 5825.1223

St Martin's Guild
Edgbaston, West Midlands
St Bartholomew
Sunday, 4 December 2022 in 2h 58 (10–0–14 in G)
5184 Spliced Surprise Major (5m)
1152 each Cambridge, Yorkshire; 960 each Bristol, Lessness, Superlative; 120 changes of method
Composed by Donald F Morrison (no. 8670)
1 Gordon R Birks
2 Catherine E Morley
3 Simon J L Linford (C)
4 Charlotte D Linford
5 Paul E Bibilo
6 D Rose W Horton
7 Robert C Kippin
8 Alistair J Cherry
First Spliced: 4
Circled the tower: 5
Ringing World page reference: 5828.0010

St Martin's Guild
Little Eaton, Derbyshire
St Oulton Campanile
Monday, 5 December 2022 in 3h 2 (1–1–11 in B♭)
5016 Spliced Maximus (6m)
6 methods: 1056 each Ariel S, Phobos S, Zanussi S; 880 Maypole A; 792 Deimos A; 176 Slinky Differential Little T P; 109 com; atw.
Composed by D J Pipe
1 Richard J Angrave
2 Paul Jopp
3 Simon C Melen
4 Christian M Peckham
5 Paul E Bibilo
6 Alistair J Cherry
7 Jimmy L Yeoman
8 Oliver C Bates
9 Graham M Bradshaw
10 Daniel J Page (C)
11 Andrew B Mills
12 Michael P A Wilby
A St Philip’s away fixture.
Ringing World page reference: 5829.0033

St Martin's Guild
Birmingham, West Midlands
St. Paul (School room)
Tuesday, 6 December 2022 in 2h 56 (12 in F)
5120 Spliced Surprise Royal (4m)
4 methods: 1520 London No. 3; 1200 Bristol, Cambridge, Yorkshire; 113 com; atw.
Composed by J S Warboys
1–2 Simon C Melen
3–4 Oliver C Bates
5–6 Jack E Page (C)
7–8 Stephen M Jones
9–10 Richard B Grimmett
Ringing World page reference: 5825.1215

St Martin's Guild
Harborne, West Midlands
St Peter
Wednesday, 7 December 2022 in 43m (12–3–24)
1260 St Clement's College Bob Minor
1 James T Ellis
2 Richard B Grimmett (C)
3 Clare McArdle
4 D Rose W Horton
5 Stephen W Horton
6 Andrew J Ellis

St Martin's Guild
Moseley, West Midlands
St Mary
Sunday, 11 December 2022 in 42m (7)
1260 Plain Bob Minor
1 Stephen Sharp
2 Trish Everett
3 Orson Gee
4 Simon Linford
5 David Ingram
6 Charlie Linford (C)
First Minor inside: 3
First Minor as conductor
Ringing World page reference: 5830.0060

St Martin's Guild
Knowle, West Midlands
St John the Baptist, St Lawrence, and St Anne
Sunday, 11 December 2022 in 40m (9–3–7)
1260 St Nicholas Bob Doubles
1 Judith Taylor
2 Rowena Shipley
3 Richard Andrew
4 Chris Fitter
5 Stephen Shipley (C)
6 Ann Smart
For the annual Carol Services and with best wishes from the Knowle ringers to Ann Smart on her move to Bassingham, Lincolnshire.
First in method: 2, 3, 4.
Ringing World page reference: 5828.0015

St Martin's Guild
Harborne, West Midlands
St Peter
Sunday, 11 December 2022 in 40m (6–2–18)
1320 Cambridge Surprise Minor
1 George D Ellis
2 Clare McArdle
3 Andrew J Ellis
4 Stephen W Horton
5 Catherine R Taylor (C)
6 D Rose W Horton
First Treble Bob - 1

St Martin's Guild
Knowle, West Midlands
St John the Baptist, St Lawrence, and St Anne
Sunday, 18 December 2022 in 40m (9–3–7 in G)
1260 Stedman Triples
Composed by Julian Morgan
1 Lucy Gwynne
2 Doug Kempton
3 Richard Andrew
4 Rowena Shipley
5 A J Barnfield
6 John Gwynne
7 Stephen Shipley (C)
8 Judith Taylor
For the evening service.
Ringing World page reference: 5828.0017

St Martin's Guild
Coseley, West Midlands
Christ Church
Sunday, 18 December 2022 in 2h 55 (11–2–5 in G)
5120 Spliced Surprise Major (4m)
1440 Lincolnshire, 1280 Cambridge, Yorkshire, 1120 Rutland. 74 com, atw
Composed by J S Warboys
1 Jill D Walburn
2 Stephen W Horton
3 Richard J Hurst
4 D Rose W Horton
5 Andrew J Ellis
6 Gordon R Birks
7 Michael Chester (C)
8 Stephen G Askew
Ringing World page reference: 5828.0010

St Martin's Guild
Harborne, West Midlands
St Peter
Monday, 26 December 2022 (6–2–18 in A♯)
1320 Plain Bob Minor
1 Simon J L Linford (C)
2 George D Ellis
3 James T Ellis
4 Andrew J Ellis
5 Stephen W Horton
6 D Rose W Horton
First inside, completing LtR Level 5 - 2 and 3.
Birmingham School of Bell Ringing's youngest graduates, both aged 9 years and 270 days; also the quickest to complete LtR, after 198 days and 233 days respectively.

St Martin's Guild
Moseley, West Midlands
St Mary
Thursday, 29 December 2022 in 42m (7)
1260 Stedman Doubles
1 Stella Tew
2 Simon Linford
3 Charlie Linford (C)
4 Eleanor Linford
5 Frances Dodds
6 Malcolm Paulson
First Stedman:1 Woo hoo!
First Stedman as Conductor
Ringing World page reference: 5830.0060

St Martin's Guild
Coseley, West Midlands
Christ Church
Saturday, 31 December 2022 in 2h 52 (11–2–5 in G)
5088 Lessness Surprise Major
Composed by Stanley Jenner
1 Jill D Walburn
2 Michael Chester
3 Timothy M Davis
4 Catherine R Taylor
5 Stephen W Horton
6 Roderic K Bickerton
7 Andrew J Ellis
8 Gordon R Birks (C)
Rung half-muffled to mark the passing of the old year
Ringing World page reference: 5830.0057