Performances report

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This page gives a report of the performances matching your search criteria.

There were 5 matching performances.

Manchester Universities' Guild of Change Ringers
Salford, Greater Manchester
Sacred Trinity
Sunday, 4 February 1968 (11–2–17 in G)
1260 Plain Bob Minor
1 D J Ley
2 Elizabeth A Johnson
3 C M Movley
4 D J Dukes
5 C L Digby Munday
6 S Taylor (C)
6 First as conductor
Rung by MUGS for Evensong

Manchester Universities' Guild of Change Ringers
Marsden, West Yorkshire
St Bartholomew
Saturday, 9 March 1968 in 3h 15 (26–2–7)
5056 Yorkshire Surprise Major
Composed by Roderick W Pipe
1 Mark Jones
2 David J Ley
3 Paul C Coddington
4 David J Jukes
5 E Andrew Harrison
6 A Stephen Taylor
7 D Paul Smith
8 Christopher L D Munday (C)
Rung on the day of the annual dinner of the Guild.
Ringing world: 2971.0249

Manchester Universities' Guild of Change Ringers
Salford, Greater Manchester
Sacred Trinity
Sunday, 27 October 1968 (11–2–17 in G)
1280 Cambridge Surprise Major
1 W Taylor
2 W Pugh
3 Lynda Deebank
4 Maris C Stephenson
5 Margaret L Ellwood
6 S Taylor
7 M C W Sherwood
8 C L D Munday (C)

Manchester Universities' Guild of Change Ringers
Salford, Lancashire
Sacred Trinity
Thursday, 31 October 1968 in 2h 38 (11–2–17)
5088 Rutland Surprise Major
Composed by Norman Smith
1 Lynda M Deebank
2 Margaret L Ellwood
3 Maris C Stephenson
4 Wyn Pugh
5 Peter G Bellamy-Knights
6 Marcus C W Sherwood
7 Christopher M Movley
8 Christopher L D Munday (C)
First peal, First attempt: 1
First in method: 2,6.
First of Surprise Major: 4
75th peal: 6.
50th peal: 8.
Ringing world: 3004.0893

Manchester Universities' Guild of Change Ringers
Salford, Lancashire
Sacred Trinity
Thursday, 5 December 1968 in 2h 47 (11–2–17)
5056 Cambridge Surprise Major
Composed by Johnson variation of Middleton's
1 William M Taylor
2 Christopher J Baker
3 Lynda M Deebank
4 Maris C Stephenson
5 Wyn Pugh
6 Christopher L D Munday (C)
7 Peter G Bellamy-Knights
8 Marcus C W Sherwood
First peal in the method: 2,3,5.
First of Major in the method: 8
Ringing world: 3011.0011