Issue 5882: 19 January 2024

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The Ringing World issue 5882
Title Author Page
On the Cover - St Denis, Silk Willoughby Michael Maughan (photo) 49
On the Cover - St Denis, Silk Willoughby Alan and Sylvia Bird (text) 50
Keltek Trust Activities during 2023 David Kelly 51
My Year 6 bellringing presentation Josh Crutch 52
CCCBR Rolls of Honour Vicki Chapman 54
2023 Index now available 54
Letters to the Editor 55
Rare Island bells open for Brading Marghanita Allen 56
Peal Reports 57
Eighth & Quarter Peal Reports 60
Frizz weekend Matthew Higby 65
Obituary – Neville Pailing Kathryn Smith 66
Notices 67
In Memoriam - June Mitchell 67
In Memoriam - Peter Glazebrook 67
Hats off to Kirby Bellars ringers in 1913 Penelope Davies 68
Might, Mites and Mitres Bob Lakin 68
Canterbury Colleges outing Benjamin Legg 69
Canterbury Colleges outing Benjamin Legg 69
Silver ink-bell stays in the family Janet Carless 70
A hat-trick of first peals Susannah Peppiatt 70
Doubles and Trio of the month 71
Thought for the week - Summoned by bells Bill Croft 71
The Image of the week - Much Marcle, Herefordshire Sandra Alford 72
Happy 80th to Ivor Shilvock Mike Brown and Matt Edwards 72

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