Issue 5902: 7 June 2024

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The Ringing World issue 5902

This week we visit the Isle of Wight, with some ideas on how to ring your way around the beautiful island in four days... or just one. We also reach the end of a marathon series of revisionist history articles by Richard Smith – you can skip to this concluding part even if you haven’t been keeping up!

Title Author Page
Cover photo - St George’s Benenden, Traction engine Karen Lebon 509
On the Cover - St George’s Benenden, Traction engine Chris Pickford 510
D-Day anniversary and Rolls of Honour Vicki Chapman 511
Book Review: Devon Bellringing 1874-2023 Simon Aves 512
Letters to the Editor 513
A Tale of Four Peals of Plain Bob Triples – Part X: Conclusions Richard A Smith 514
Peal Reports 516
Loyal service ringer scores a thousand David Richards 519
Isle of Wight throws open the tower doors Marghanita Allen 520
Not Norfolk group bags 14 IoW towers Julie Garratt 520
Eighth and Quarter Peal Reports 523
Obituaries – Selwyn Griffiths Graham Paul 526
Obituaries – Ruth Reeves Phil Tremain 526
Obituaries – David Stockton Paul Chadwick 527
Notices 528
West Herts Walk & Ring raises £1,000 Julie Garratt 528
Bell Sunday and farewell to the vicar Lucy Laird and Tony Crabtree 528
Peal Board dedicated on Bell Sunday Patrick Harris 528
Learning the ropes at Alton Nicky Green 528
Celebrating our wonderful volunteers Lucy Chandhial 530
National call change competition winners 530
Doubles of the month - Original 531
Thought for the week - A round of applause David Grimwood 531
Trio of the month - Rounds on alternate strokes 531
Salisbury Guild AGM at Trowbridge Andy Waring 532
SDGR New ringers and social event Debbie Phipps and Sue Bateman 532

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