Issue 5872: 10 November 2023

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The Ringing World issue 5872

It is the season of remembrance, and this week’s cover features an unusual view of the WW2 ruins of Coventry Cathedral. Church poppy displays make our images of the week on the back cover, and we have reflected on the Ringing Remembers campaign for the 2018 centenary of the Great War. We welcome your feedback about retention and progress of the hundreds of new ringers who started at that time.

Title Author Page
On the Cover - Coventry Cathedral Phil Hope (photo) and Mike Chester 1090
A new training centre Mike Palmer 1091
Stepping up to a big Yes Interview with Tina Stoecklin and Vicki Chapman 1093
Cumberlands triumph in London Sue Meyer 1096
York Minster win the White Rose Shield Bethany Rose Edwards 1096
When did we start ringing rounds? Richard A Smith 1097
Letters to the Editor 1098
Peal Reports 1099
Eighth & Quarter Peal Reports 1102
Obituary – James Linnell Nigel Williams 1105
Tower captains – The Good, the Bad and the Ugly Rod Aungier 1107
CC President’s Blog Tina Stoecklin 1108
Notices 1108
Nominate someone for an ART Award Stephanie Warboys 1109
Trio of the month 1110
Ladies Guild SE District outing Barbara Randall 1110
Doubles of the month 1111
Brand words do matter Sonia Field 1111
Thought for the Week - Magnus the Martyr George Cringles 1111
The images of the week - Poppies Claire Alexander and Phil Hope 1112
Five years on - Ringing Remembers 1112

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