Issue 5871: 3 November 2023

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The Ringing World issue 5871
Title Author Page
Is change still happening? - Women in ringing since 1998 C Sharp, E Smith, J Page and T Stoecklin 1067
On the Cover - St Mary’s Streatley Mark Littledale, photographer 1067
A rare find at Stanway David Bagley 1068
Ringing 2030: Understanding ringing from the external perspective Tina Stoecklin and Vicki Chapman 1070
Letters to the Editor 1071
Leckhampton to the Lakes Chris Hickey 1072
Jack Pitman remembered Peter Bennett 1073
Peal Reports 1074
Quarter Peal Reports 1076
Four firsts for Wisbech Paul Barker 1080
Obituary – Tony Hiscock Kathryn Tyson 1081
SRCY AGM Day Christian Peckham 1081
Obituary – Rona Mitchell Rachael Barber 1082
In memoriam – Jennifer Vear 1082
Mine’s a round Edward Hopkins 1083
Notices 1084
Membership certificates Chris Ridley 1085
Remembering Geoffrey Ryan Battersby 1086
NUSCR in Nottingham Adrian Sweeting 1086
Becky & Nick wedding Clive Stephenson 1086
Doubles & Trio of the month 1087
Thought for the week - Stand! Jonathan Rose 1087
The image of the week - Durham Cathedral John Coatsworth 1088
CC Secretary celebrated on Isle of Man 1088
Poppies for the fallen 1088

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