Issue 5863: 8 September 2023

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The Ringing World issue 5863
Title Author Page
Cover photo of Inveraray Bell Tower Martin D Mellor (Photo) 873
Inveraray Rnging Festival turns 50 Martin D Mellor 874
The Beckwith Woodcarvers, Part 2 Andrew Beckwith 876
Letters to the Editor 878
Book review Wisdom for Worship Bands: Advice from Unexpected Places Max Drinkwater 879
Bells on bells in Chicago Tom Farthing 880
News from Ipswich: CC and RW AGMs The Editor 880
Peal Reports 881
Quarter Peal Reports 883
Pannell’s notebook – Part V: Obscure extents Richard A Smith 888
Obituary – Kevin Hohl David Stanford 891
Notices 892
The HRGB archive at Heritage Quays Roger Booth 892
Knots not to knot Tony Crabtree 893
Ringing in the memories Keith Butter 893
Ladies Guild district outing - NW District No train tour Allison Devine 894
Ladies Guild South Midlands district to Warwickshire Bridget Taylor 894
Trio of the month 895
Doubles of the month 895
Thought for the week - Look to! Bill Croft 895
The image of the week - Smudge the Horringer cat Theo Johnson 896
Happy birthday to Dame Janet Baker Stuart Brant 896

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