Issue 5857: 28 July 2023

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The Ringing World issue 5857
Title Author Page
On the Cover - Loughborough Carillon Roger Lawson photos) 741
North American travelling teacher David Smith 743
Ringing the changes Chris Ridley 745
Letters to the Editor 746
Pannell’s notebook – Part I: On the trail with Prof Dodge Richard A Smith 747
Peal Reports 749
ASCY Country Meeting 2023 - Macclesfield Swaz Apter 751
Quarter Peal Reports 752
Obituary – Jeanne Bottomley Amanda Costello et al 755
Notices 755
ODG Festival at Oxford Bobbie May 756
CCCBR Executive Notes Ernie de Legh Runciman 756
The Sharpe Trust (for book lovers) Richard Offen 757
Doubles of the month - Plain Bob training methods 758
One to Remember Adam Greenley 758
Excited school leavers Colin Reeves 758
Trio of the month 759
Thought for the week - Kindred spirits Simon White 759
Welcome Sophie Rose! 759
The image of the week - Loch Fyne, Inveraray Paul Jopp (photo) 760
LUSCR Oldies visit Vernet-les-Bains Kath Cocks 760

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